TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, TORTLAXD, FEBRUARY 5, 1911 SOCIAL EVENTS OF PAST WEEK CONTINUED FEOM PAGE 3. St for February IS and 21. when Mm I--r.brt Itnbtr led Mrs. W. C. Mc- fcrida will b htw9 In her honor. others who will entertain for her are Mrs. Oiarlca tttolte and Miss ttayrae Vest. Mr. and Mra. Mas Hlrsch. who left Portland soma time (i. are bow at tha M. Francis Hotel. tn Kranclsco, on tijelr t'uur of the Soulnern state. e Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sellar and faml'y left the rlty laj.t frtnlht for Callfor Ma, where they will visit tha beaches. e e Mrs. AiNert Arkerman. formerly MI'S Kl'.a li:rs-h. la the ruest of her moth er. Mrs. J. B. Ilirarh. at the ilobart C!urtl. Mrs. Arkerman. who ha rr.BOT r!ativa an. I friends In this city, has rssi.l-d since her marriage, soma jrears (. In Oakland. Cai. e e e Mr. anl Mr". 0rll II. T-auer passed Die Id I weekend an a-uesta at th Hotel Moore. Seaside. e Mis Lucy Weatherred and her brother. Jmr Itotvert Weatherred. of Hil oro. raased seeral day last week la Portland. Mlsa WeatMerred Is a beautiful yoona: woman of the South ern Us. and has a la-te circle of frlcnla here. F.!far M LaxsrtiSi. the prominent yojnj arl.ltert and rlut man. returned last ( to Portland after an aeence dattn from last April whtrh he has p-tf-l In Kurop stidtns; the various bulMlrsT ef Intt-rrst. rince Ms return to tr.e I'nlted ftstes a month or to Mr I--ru.s has rl.'ited Lis frmer homo la the South. Mrs. Ixula !. Trplry enlrrtatae-l In form :ly at t' Monday In honor Mrs. Arthur O. Dunne, a woman of promi nence In social cirri's of ctt!e. ho 1 In the city visiting- h.-r sister. Mr. Kicorf Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. rl I Thompson and Trl!y left the city Wednesday for Pan Vrancls.-o whence they satird yesterday V r Honolulu. Lieutenant Popert Sears, who left tha Army pt at Vancouver January 11. and now at tna school of musketry at tha Tre-t.it-v 1 exp-cted to return about April li. Captain and Mr. E lear H. Tulo have returnd from the Ka.t after a leave of a'n.-e of two montha and are ae-iln mt tha Vancouver iiarracka. M: Marr.iwite Walke. of Fort Wor drn. Wash., who haa been the g-jest of Mrs. John Marshall for several weeks at Vancouver Barracks, left the post to re turn to her nome last Wednesday. Ou-ts at the farewell luncheone rH-n by M'. Flward K. O-rMnger Wednesday and Thnreday were Mr. Kdmund T. Mauiz, Mr. Fre.!erl.k Cumpert. lira I.lnwood Oelette. Mr t!enr W. Aker. Mra. Charles F. Hartitolomew. Mrs. Ilar- ly C. tsteven. Jr. Mra. Frederic v. W eber. Mr Louis Oerllner. Mrs. W. l Je!llson. Mlsa Jdllson. Mrs. Vera Wol cott. Mr rrark A. Tal. Mm. Vera IJ-r.enaeber and Mr f. M Clark. TT rtay f. table decoration were of Orefoo irrspe and d.tff'wllls. with rlo leta to mrk the place of the ueata. and on Wednesday pink carnations) and lo rt were ued wlih fern. Mr Oerltnirer evpeeta to leave within a week or two for hr former home In ll!rmr;iam. Ala- lHie nrst In Cali fornia. Tenneeaee and New Orleana. Be fore fcer return h will alao go to New Tork and CMcaao. riu Wek LoicJla Gucr'.n, Imogens Jewel. Anaoelt McAllister, Helena Haw thorne. Katheryn Uunnell. Ciraco Stiller. Itreir.a Bitts. Irraa Lunilrum, Dana Jewel. Otto Fruit. Henry Calfe. Jamea Hlurn. Leer Lrfinston. Harold Kord. Or land Hoilowell, Harold Duty and Eaxl Traub. e e A reception vu f;lven by Rev. and Mr J. Allen l-ea In honor of rrofesor and Mra. P. TV. II. Frederick and Miss Summers on Wednesday eveolnr. from ( to 11 o'clock at their res'.deooe. :7 West 1'ark s:re(, Mr. and Mrs H. I. Blae alns; assisted In rccelvlns;. Othera aa alstlna wera Mesdamee Gram. Pafler and Anderron and Ihe M:ea Albln, Gram. Scbarpf. Iacler, Nesvold and lVaa. Ju lian lirelinK. a talented violinist, rent Wd a deUghtfol musical programme ture of the afternoon waa a talk given by Mrs. Eva Emery Dya on the Ha waiian Islands, from which she has re cently returned. Following Mrs. Dye'a talk Mrs. Luclle Byerly-Miller -read some of the poems from her book "Moods and Memories" which ah haa recently bad published. e Members of tho Theta Delta Chi col lege fraternity have organised an asso ciation In this city. They will meet every Monday at noon at the Imperial Grill for luncheon. Tho second d'vlslon of the Portland Shakespeare Club will meet at tha horn of Mrs. 11. L. Crispin. 2l Wasco street, tomorrow at S o'clock. Tha "So Gero 500" Club waa organised SIv laWea of bridge wera played at afternoon rtr.ii by Mr Vera J. Wol eott and Miaa Harriett Jelllson last Fri day wheo their Hat of guest Included: Mis Miibl Beck. Mr. Fred I-elnen-wetMor. Mlsa F.Mteth Sswfri. Mr. Kd ward K. Gerlinsrr. Mrs. Frank A- Tell. Miss Mab! Holloway. Mr Hen Gadshv. Ml-a Kuth Small. Mi Agne Reach. Mr M Schwarta. Mr C. 11. Roaa. Mr, tnnk Vanduvn. Ml Uul Fear. Mia Oarlott lUnfWld. Mra Irene M. Pfun dr Mr W. Slater. Mis Eva Wrlgley. Mrs l.'ll'r S?oke. Mr F. I. OoU-hur. Mr ank I'felow. Mr. B. Trenkman. Mr M. II. Hutiser. Mr 0cr Over be.k. Mr Harper Skuse. Mis Oraca Paul, of Leavenworth, Kan. e M:sa Kenna Klosterman waa hotea at luncheon last Wednesday for Ml iwrothy -U and Mia Janet Noble, fellow tulip and Oregon grape formed th table decoration Jllsa Kloetrrman' guests were M!s Dorothy N.whall. Miss Janet Nobte. Mis Ruth Small. Mis Lucille Smith. Ml Mil dred Orlnd'taff. Mi Dorothy Fffln ger. Mis Kate Fra.iel. Miss Jean Mar tin. Mis Gret-hn Klosterman, Mlsa Ulllan O'Brien and Ml Jean Kerr. Mr. John '-xnninf entertained tha Fortlt fl'ib at her home on Marshall st re-t Friday Atalla and potted planta ma. her home attractive and after carde Mr J.Jhn F. Igan. Mr Oeorge B CeVar and Mr B I- H ir;!r.g con trtb;:l l na grneral pleasure with musical number e e Mr. L. S. Dob'e and Ml Helen Dob! left et Friday for California, where they will remain several week e e e For Mlsa Genevieve KeltV. Mis Hen rietta Rothschild waa host's at Dutch whtt last Wednesday. Prtiea wera won bv Ml Kelly. Mlsa Ruth Posner. Mis Lisa Goldsmith, and Ml Helen Dobl. Thoee who aited servln were Mr. George W'eotworth. Mr S B. Rich. Mr Louis A. Col ton, Mr Iteojam'n 8 Earkman and Mr I. Leaser Cohen. e e e Mis Mabla Shea entertained for M'.i Genevlev Kelly last week. Iler affair consisted of three tablea of bridge on Thursday. Pink, tha bridal color, chosen bv Ml Kel'y. who wrdjlnc will take place Wedneday. waa carrtrj out In the decorations of ribbon and ra'rnatlnr Mlsa Louisa Gieason won the prti for tha high score and before tho close of tha after coon Miss Kelly waa aurprised with a ahower of plates. see Mlsa Maud Mastlck and Miss Norma Grave two recent graduates from tho Portland Academy leave Portland thia week for college at Kogene. e Abotit 79 young persons responded to tha Invitations of Barge Leonard. Albert Beekwlth and Robert Hlrk to an In formal dancing rarty lest Friday even ing at tha Irvlrgton Club. see Mr. Ils-rry Merer will be "at home" at hr Portland Height residence on Summit Drive today In honor of hr nlec from San Francisco. Miaa Claudia Pchraff. who will na the month of Feb ruary with Mr Meyer., I7VEVTS OF TIIK WIXK. Mr Odin Harold Benedict gavw luncheon at her apartments In tha South iramtlon, Tueaday. January It. Red and green formed tha color plan of tha room, with tha glow of candle light adding to tha effect. Cover wera laid for ala gueat e e M?sa DorotT Roode waa horea Fri day even eg at her home, srf Eas Davie street, when tha 1914 and l's" graduating classes from ta Failing School met for unique "child a" party. The boy and gTrle dressed appropriately and carried doi:s and toy. Tho" present were: iswotby Rooda, Ajloe Letubka, Margue- CLATSKANTE COUPLE CELEBRATE THEIE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. kie3"'-:.v.'.i ; "ir--a. . i - , .v' ' ' " ' ' ; ha. , ' If S X X .0..:.:-!, t i : .sT MR. A WD MRS. Ml'ROX L. DEAN. CLATPKANTE. Or Feb. i. (Special.) Mr. and Mr Myron I- Dean celebrated their golden wedding anniversary yesterday. Mr. Dean I (S and bis wife waa 70 years old a few days ago. Both are In good health. Myron L. Dean was married February S, 1S61. to Matilda, second child of Philip Mllll at Hubbardaton. Mich, They began-thelr married life on a farm: later tbey moved to Gratiot County and then to Clinton County. Mr. Dean Joined the Third Michigan Infantry Volunteers and went to the front, leaving the young- wife with a small baby to look after the farm. After the war Mr. Dean bought a farm In Montcalm County. Mich., which he still own Thirty-two years later they came to Oregon, spending; a few montha at Houlton: then settling In Clatskanle. where they have a confectionery store. Mr. Dean has been agent for The Ore gon Ian here for two year Of the sis children four girls and two boys born to Mr. and Mr Dean, only one. Mr 1L C Johnson, of Yorktown, Is living. during the evening snd Ml Bohnaen ac co m j -a r. led him. A reception and dance waa given Fri day night by Chrlstrnsen's dancing school, when a delightful fancy dance programme sua the feature of the en tertainment. The programme waa as follows: 1. Sailors' hornpipe Vsjorle Oardner, Xur aiallh. Victor Chrtslsnse Jams a..ng. t, Spaelsh group danre Irma Hart. Doro thy UoidsmlUi. tUls Keldnuao, Carolyn SI noa. . Tbs I'lalnt of the Little Bisque Doll" Joee Mil.un Qiilnn. 4. Higbiana fling Mart Watson, Mary mlth. 4 violla ecl.. "Mouvnlr d Bade" (Lea eru) Victor I'hrlateneen . Sylvia ballet Locils tvy. Edith Ot teoblmer. Marion Hlchel. Mane V. si son. ?. Iutch sung and aancs) Joe atadelon Qulaa. ftalih Haflwr. (. Orannma'e minoet. 1tee1ttlea and Dance' Miriam KhemanskL 5 Krkovk. polisn court dance Adfi eno ativr-nanagl. Dorothy Kara. Florsnce HriK-b. VIV'ss Wailrr. Jotnn ltoaenlass. Mailn FrtedenthaL William MBrl'ls. Jame King. Ilfrtreia Levy. Kusssll Kauff maA, Victor Cartetsn-e, see Mr William Bohlander waa hostess at a luncheon on Wednesday, enter taining aa her guests tha members of her KsnslngU.n Club. Tha Invitational list Included Mr Kugene Ferguson, Mrs A. Tiffany. Mr Maude Bring Mr M, I'.ebde. Mr K. i'- Kellogg. Mr J. Ilerschler. Mr Loutrlch. Mr C D. Elder. Mrs. Fuller. Mr Edward Bergh and Mr E. William at tho home of Mrs. Gcorjre Feathers Wednesday afternoon, and (lie (mowing officers were elected: President, Mr S. 8. McFad'ln, and SforetHr'. Mrs. Fea ther Til member are Mesdamea Crew, Fuller, Grenfell. Feathers. Jack son, McFadden. Shclton, Burkhardt, Tur pin. Lauscher and Troy. Tha next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Fuller, 411 East Alder street, February lu s The beautiful home of Captain and Mr A. E Cann In Irvlncton was the scene of a delightful gathering last Tues day evening In honor of the 21st birth day of their son A. E. Cann, Jr. Blue and gold waa the color scheme and carda and music furnished the entertainment. e Mlsa Marie A. 8. Soule entertained a number of friend Wednesday evening at her atudlo on Thirteenth atreeL A programme of musical number filled the fore part of the evening after which cards were enjoyed. Among the guests were: Professor and Mrs. E. D. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clarke. Dr. and Mr. Byron Miller, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Swan ton, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Weber. Mr. and Mr. Howard Soule. Mlsa Winifred Hays and Miss Sada Brown. Ml Marjort Caufleld was hostess Saturday evening. January It. at her Oregon City home In honor of th A pleasant surprise was given at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Toung, 110 Willamette boulevard. Saturday night In honor of Mrs. Young's birth day. The evening was passed at games and dancing, after which supper waa served. Those who were present were Mr. and Mr J. Crleger, Mr. and Mrs. r v i. K vt- - jk vt.- i . 1 1 1 1 .. u .... w T1 .J AIT. SUM WIS. 1 1 1111111 K uu a 1 son, Mr. and Mrs. Jame Mr. and Mrs. Thursday Evening Bridge Club and the "Gypale. The house decoration i consisted of Oregon grape and red car- nation The guesta were Mr C. D. Latourette. Mr F. W. Clark, Mr. L. E. Jone Mr E. M Rand Mrs. T. : Mooney. Mr M. D. Latourette. Mlsa Fannl Porter. Miss Kate Porter, Mlsa C. barclay Pratt. Mlsa Helen Dal'on. j Miss Bess Dalton. Mlsa Heacock. Mrs. I Viola Godfrey. Ml Jewels Matley, Mr I J. N. Wlsner. Mr U A. Norrl Miss 1 Hoss Kelly. Miss Amy Pollack. Miss Nell Caufleld. Mlsa Veda William. Mr Beatte. Mn. David Caufleld and Mis Kthel Cau.leld. e The Women of the Maccabees of tha World held a Joint Installation of offl- 1 cers at their hall In the Selllng-Hlrsch building January Xi. Officer for the year of 111 were Installed for the fol lowing hives: Portland Hive. No. 7; Golden Rule. No. 17: Queen Elizabeth, i No. S4; Pearl Hive. No. 4S: Laurelwooo. No. H. After th Installation Professor Gieason played aeveral selections on the piano. The retiring commanders of hives Ns. 17, Si and 5 were presented with gold past commander p'ns la recognition of their faithful service Mr Porgla Informed them that the order had made a net gain of fTOQl during the year 1)10. Mr Mary K- Byerly-Miller enter tained Informally at her home. M East Taylor street. Friday afternoon, Janu ary ST, for her sister. Mr Luclie Byerly Miller of Omaha- The Interesting fea- Advertlsement. You Can Feel Your Eczema Heal Black. Mr. and Mra. Evans, Mr. and Mr Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Ford. Mr. and Mr Charlea Wlnfleld. Mis Hall. Mis McCullough, Clair English, Ml Vivian Qulgley. Morrla Crleger, William Shultx, Clifford Xelaon. Mlsa Florence Qulgley, Mlsa Helen Crleger. Miss Dora Crleger. Mlsa Julia Crleger. Mlsa Vernette Arnold. Ernest Hudson. Mr Joseph McDevItt was hostess on Wednesday afternoon of a linen shower given at ber home for Mlsa Margaret Madigan. whose wedding to John Lien enwebcr will be a February event. Guests present were: Miss Madigan, Miss Catherine Foley, Miss Anna Ford, Miss Katharine Ford. Miss Clara Gal llgar, Mlsa Margaret Oalllirar, Miss Mame Ford. Miss Clara Wernicke. Miss Soohlm A. Wilson. Mis Lollle Madigan. FRECKLES GONE "Simple Remedy from 3 Removed Them," Saya Society Lady. "The best skin specialists told ma that nothing would remove my freckles and that I -would carry them to my grave." said a well-known aoclety woman, "but I fooled them all with a new drug, othlne double strength, that I bought at Woodiird, Clarke & Co.. which clenred my skin and gave me a fine complexion." The action of othlne Is really re markable, for when anplled at nlghL many of the freckles disappear entire ly by morning, and the rest have be gun to fad. An ounce Vh usually all that Is needed, even for the worst case. Be sure to ask Woodard, Clarke & Co. for the double strength othlne, as this Is sold under a guarantee of I money back If it falls to remove the ' freckle From the American Drug Reporter.) "Ecxema on the head and scalp Is common occurrence of a moat common disease, and It la to be regretted that mot remedies for ecsema which pro duce cure when other parts of the body are affected fail to give good re ulta when nsed for ecsema on tha head. "The new drug qulntone Is different from other eczema curea offered to the public, for It provea an excellent rem edy for all forms of salt rheum, tetter, ringworm, psortasla and almllar akin disease and purchaser report that they can feel It heaL' "As ecsema on the acalp causes an noying Itching, dandruff and falling hair, the sales of qulntone are rapidly Increasing and It la probably the moat popular 'home treatment' known. All that la necessary Is to dissolve two ounces of qulntone In a half pint of bot water and let It cool. For ecsema on the head rub qulntone lotion well Into the scalp with tbe finger tips. For eczema elsewhere a cloth saturated with qulotooe lotion la applied for a half hour twice a day to the affected sur face. Qulntone stops th Itching at once Hi Hotel Moore SEASIDE. OR, Open All Tear. Hot Salt Bath In Hotel. Special Rate by Month, DA J. HOORis PROPRIETOR. The Greater Olds, Wortman &, King OO ore s&J. In the Grocery Department. Fourth Floor, we offer many attrac tive bargains in fine food stuffs to visitors of the Fair. Many special attractions will be introduced at the various booths all durinfilhe week. And the lessons in Cookery by Miss Tracy will be especially interesting Come every day All Welcome! FreeCooKigi8cQQ Tomorrow at 3 P. M. Lecture by Miss Tracy Attendance increases at the cooking school. This weeR's lessons will be especially interesting. Classes Monday and Thursday at 3 P. M. Tuesday and Friday at lO A. M. Tomorrow's Menu Fig E-claire and filling Caramel Cus tards Tea. Every woman invited. Free Passes to the Union Meat Cos New PacRing Plant The Union Meat Co. will issue free passes to all who wish to visit their new PacRing Plant AsK for one at booth, Fourth Floor, Food Fair. TaKe advantage of this opportunity. A great plant of this Kind is well worth going to see. PASSES FREE at their Booth Special Sale of Hunt's and Monopole Canned Goods PEACHES Hunt tomorrow Hunt's Supreme, special Oft $3.30 a dozen; single can -' APRICOTS Hunt 's Supreme, special O tomorrow. 3.30 dozen, or single can PEAS Monopole Dimple, special to- 1 morrow, $1.03 a dozen, or single tins - TOMATOES Hunt's solid pack, spe- OCt cial at $1-40 a dozen, or 2 cans for OLIVE OIL Crosse & Blackwell's, 7ic specially priced at, the bottle, only FLOUR 0. "W. K. Brand, special g 1 AQ price tomorrow, the sack, only vars BREAD LESSONS at Electric Booth Tuesday, at 2 o'clock P. M. Take advantage of this. PEACHES Hunt's Staple, special OQc tomorrow $2.20 a dozen, or single can APRICOTS Hunt's Staple, special tomorrow at $2.20 dozen, or singte can 20c PINEAPPLES Hunt's Staple, spc'l 9f)c tomorrow $2.20 dozen, or single can stsVJV CATSUP Faust's Tomato, regular Oflc 25c bottle, special price for tomorrow v 50c 75c LARD 10-pound pail, specially dl AL priced for tomorrow's sale, only Pi,"w' LARD Best open kettle, 3-pound pail, special for tomorrow at only LARD Best open kettle, 5-pound pail, specially priced tomorrow only PEACHES Monopole Brand, special tomorrow $2.75 dozen, or single tin i PINEAPPLES Monopole Brand, to morrow at $2.75 dozen, or single can CORN Fancy Maine, special tomor row at $1.35 a dozen, or 2 tins for OLIVES Stuffed, specially priced during the Food Fair at 3 bottles for CORNSTARCH Very special tomor row at the low price of 5 pkgs. for RICE Best Head, specially priced for tomorrow at 3Va pounds for only 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c i r Miss E. GalliBar. Miss Marparet Ford, Miss Marsraret La Spronce. Mlsa Cath erine Madlsan. Miss Elisabeth Drlscoll. Mrs. Uoorge Ford. Mra. Jamei Foley and Mra. Louis Hodler. s The retnilar meeting of tha Tortland Froebel Association was held Friday at tha Elliabeth K. Mathews school at Lucretla Court. Reporta were made by tha Loan Fund Committee, and a read Ins; waa a-Wen by Miaa Frank Towslea. ... A charralna; birthday party waa Riven by Master Gordon Soule, at the home of Marie Soule. !BS 13th street. Thurs day afternoon. The color scheme, brlrht red and white. waa carried throughout and the favora were red hearts filled with bon-bons. Mualc and pamee were played. Tha winner of the prise waa Charles Dundore. The young boat ia a musician and he delighted his Kuesta with piano numbers. The affair concluded with a succession of flash-llrht photos. The quests were: Ixulse Pickens. Louise Ingman. Inl fred Chambean. Luclie Uullon. Miriam Hlllon. Pearl Llebo. Douglaa Hinson. Charles Dundore. William and Harold fcoule. COMING EVENTS. The Dnusrhtera of the Confederacy will meet at the home of Mrs. Silvia W McGulre. at Fourteenth and Taylor atreeia, Thursday. February 9. s . The Willamette Chapter of the Paughters of the American Revolution will meet Wednesday. February 8, at 1:45 o'clock at the home of Miss Wini fred Hayea. at 81 East Fourteenth street. ' The resrular sewlna; meetlnfr of the George Wright Relief Corps will take placev at the home of Mrs. Mary Mun ger. Twenty-ninth and Belmont streets from 10 o'clock until 3 o'clock Wednes day, February 8. a The Portland Alumni of the (South ern) Kappa Alpha fraternity will ban quet at the Imperial Hotel. Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Judge Samuel White will preside and all members are urged to be present. ... The Forestry Association will meet tomorrow afternoon at the Willamette Helghta home of Mra. Cleveland Rock well. . . The Corinthian Social Club, composed of members of the Corinthian Chapter of the Order of Ea.tern Star, will give an (Oniiclurted on Pape 5). Health and Beauty Answers BY MRS. MAE MARTTN. FURS 201 to 501 LESS Final for Monday and Tuesday Only NECKPIECES MUFFS SETS All Black Lynx Hare - -50 Off All White Foxeline 50 Off All Silver Hare JJ Off All Blue and Sable Opossum 30 Oil All Sable Fox . 33 Off All Black Wolf-Blue Wolf : 33 Off All Japanese Mink Sable Squirrel 33 Off All Black Lvnx Black Fox 20 Off All Natural Mink Chinchilla Ermine 20 Off No Fictitious Pricing to Show Big Reductions A TCi All Fur Coats, Fur-Lined Coats, Automo 1 O biie Fur Robes, Men's j -JCD Fur Cape, Gloves, etc 'J VJT JT H. L1EBES & COMPANY Corbett Bldg . J. P. Plagemann, Mgr. 2S8 Morrison St. RAW FURS WANTED Highest market price paid send for price list and shipping tags. Anxious Ann: You are right. J. much powder Is apt to clog the skin s pores and cause blackheads and pimply eruptions. If you try my spurmai recipe I am sure you will find It Just the thing. Dissolve four ounces of spurmax In half-pint hot water, then add two teasnoonfula glycerine, shake ! well and let cool. Apply this Inexpen sive lotion to face, neck and arms with palm of the hand, rubbing gently until drv. and you will be delighted at the freshness and clearness of the skin, n is also very fine for removing that shiny look. Mrs. G.: Even at your age the face should beoftand velvety. Wory often e.tuses wrinkles, but a good massage cream used regularly will correct this condition in a short time. Get an ounce . of aimexoin from the drug store ana I dissolve in half-pint cold water; add tr.'o teaspoontuls glycerine; stir wen and let stand over night. Massaging with this cream Jelly soon corrects faulty complexions, and blackheads, large pores and wrinkles soon disap pear. This recipe Is inexpensive and unfailing. Mrs. J. C: Liver spots and sallow complexion are due to Internal condi tions, and what you require is a good tonic and system regulator. I find kar dene makes the best old-fashioned rem edy you can use. It is easy to pre pare and costs little. Get an ounce of k-nrripn at the druar store and dissolve In one-half pint alcohol, adding one-half cup sugar, then enough hot water to . make a quart. A tablespoonful before each meal soon rids the system of Im purities, clearing the skin and restoring the whole body to its normal, healthy condition. Optic: The structure of the eyes Is I very delicate, and because of their sen sitiveness should receive careful atten tion when they become dull and lletless or sore and Inflamed. A tonic Is as es sential for erood evesleht as It Is for a : strong, healthy body and clear mind, and . I if you will spend a few cents you can : make your own and soon overcome your ' troubles. Get an ounce of crystos from : the druggist and dissolve In a pint : warm water, then with a medicine : dropper put one or two drops In each eye. This Is harmless and quickly relieves soreness ana smarting ana gives a sparkle to the eye. Myra: It Is right you should be I sensitive about the fuzzv growth on your face, but It is nothing to worry over, as It can be quickly removed If you will follow these simple directions: Buy an. ounce of delatone from the druggist and mix a little with water to make a stiff paste. Spread thickly on the hairy surface and let remain two or three minutes, then scrape off pasta and wash the skin carefully. This re moves the hairs without injuring the skin, and while delatone Is a trifle ex pensive, It does the work and Is not as costly nor as troublesome as the elec tric needle. Patience: Gray switches are quite expensive, and before buying one I would advise a treatment for the hair and scalp which, I am sure, will soon restore your hair to Its natural color and healthy condition. A splendid recipe to use 1 the following: Buy an ounce of qulnzoin from the druggist and dissolve In half-pint alcohol, then add one-half pint water, and shake well. Massaging the scalp gently with this Inexpensive tonic promotes a healthy growth, overcomes that dry, harsh condition of the scalp, and re stores the hair to Its natural color and softness. It would also be well to use the canthrox shampoo mentioned else where in these columns. Fay: It was rude of your sweetheart to comment on your increasing fleshi ness, but I do not think he meant to hurt your feelings by his ungallant re mark. However, If you will do ae I suggest you can reduce your weight and have a fine, plump figure, which he will admire.- Get four ounces of parnotls from your druggist and dis solve in 14 pints hot water, then take a tablespoonful before each meal. You will find this the best flesh reducer' you can use, and It Is inexpensive, harmless, and requires no dieting. Tresses: (1) Evidently your trouble lies in the soap with which you wash your head, and I would advise not using it, for shampooing should invigorate the scalp, add lustre to the hair and correct the scaly condition. (2) Dis solve a teapisnful of canthrox in a teacup of hot water and pour a little at a time on the scalp, rubbing weU as you do. Then rinse carefully an dry. You wil find a few such treat ments make the hair glossy and easy to handle, while the scalp assumes Its natural healthy condition. Read Mrs. Martyn's Book, "Beauty," $5. Art. ll We Sharpen Safety Razor Blatf'es All kinds except Star at 25c doz.. Star, 6Jc doz. Work Guaranteed Mail Orders Solicited Columbia Hardware Co. iQ4-io6 4thSt t