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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1911)
TIIK SL'ADAr OKEIJOXLVX, JEUKTJL.AD, FEBRTTART 5. 1911. 3 tree El wood. Mr. Tbomu Talbot. Mr. ' t. N. TmL Miss Henrietta Eliot. M' Hasel Crocker. Mlsa Barbara Crocker. Mim Bertha Tonrot. airs. Frederick Morer. Mrs. Kllzateth Freemao. Mra Xld C Lew. Mrs. George K. Went orth. Jr.. Mrs. E. V. Sherlln. Mrs. Oay Talbot. Mrs. Otis Wls-bt. Mrs. TIiobm Ores-ory and Mlas Frances 'erren. Tb arame of cards which fol )wH prored fortunate for Mrs. Morey. Mrs. Irarfr Mnith sad Miss tlssel Crocker, who wrrt awarded the prizes. J. VnUy I-adl. KodtTr Oltsan. W'al ter Honey man. ir. H-rbrt NVhols. Jonlan Zn. Horace Mtrklem. Iartd Jlooerman. sn.l Fred Greenwood, of fa Francisco, who left I'ortUnd s week so for the clubhouse of the f'ortlsnd Knows hoe Club. nr Cloud Cap Inn oa the north side of ML Hood, returned to the city at o'clock Wednesday ere Blnc Mh!y delirht'd with their escur slon. Iue to s lt-f.ot mow bank be attended hjr her cousin. Miss Mar imret Johnsor., and another cousin of the bride. Whitney Nor dm. wl!l be bent man. Ml Northrup. s dainty blond type of maid. Is well liked In this citr. where she has passed her life. Lsst Winter, however, she attended opera and (ilaybousrt In New York, a well as tra elln etenlely throughout the East. Mr. Miller, who has only recently come to Portland. Is the son of R'T. and Mrs. J. S. Miller, of Alexander. N. P. see In Ssn Francisco prepsrstlocs are beloa- made for s Mardt CJraa ball, to be siren February IS at the Pavilion. Stelner and Putter streets. Thl sf falr is expected to surpass In brilliancy ail slmllsr enterprles of the past and the proceeds will sccrne to the Chil dren's Hospital. Boxes to hold six persons are selling at fJe apiece and sdmlsslon tickets. Inclu.llns- s coupon for (upper, sre IS. Handsome prlxes will be swarded for the mot besutl- busuttss partners. NOW LITE PARTNERS, HONXTMOOX. RETURN FROM ; .. ;l . -. ..- '.' ' ' " 1 j 4- : i'.- ' I , - " ' ; " . I - - ' iee t II sej 1 , , JT IX1 ' IT-sTsMlllsTI f rrrw 290 Morrison St. Spring 1911 Waists, $5.98 $6.50 to $13.00 Values ETewlnsi Order. ;- i4 v'rS. I J . a . I If BIG SPECIAL PURCHASE AND SALE Silk .waists in plaids, stripes, Persian designs, etc, light or dark colorings. An advance lineforSpring secured at a very favora ble price from a New York maker. Real $6.50, $7.5U $8.50, $10 and $13 vals., spec'l Portland Aaeate LA TOSCA CORSETS A Model for Every Flsrure. A Price for Every Pmrse. $5.98 J hJ1 SZV. sWD JT?&. JC. PyT 2Je72V w ' w Mr and Mrs U W. Marten (Miss Blsnche E. Munsell). of the Munsell Msrtln Optical Company, who were married In this city January 10. !) since traveled extensively through the Western part of British Columbia and the Sound region of Wahlns;ton and returned to Portland last week and will be at home to their friends at i East Main street. Sale of Thomsons 1 Glove-Fitting Corsets Newest Styles Best Prices AFTER-INVENTORY SPECIALS WHICH PREVAIL IN EVERY, DEPARTMENT THROUGHOUT THE HOUSE We Pay the Highest Price for Raw Furs Send for Price List Tomorrow will begin with a rash of many bargains. Every depart ment is represented and stocks are placed on tables for quick selling. ' Inventory is over and many lines of odds and ends are to be disposed of at a very low price. Exclusive House for Women's Apparel and Novelties MILLINERY $5.95. VALUES UP TO $25.00 This line includes a beautiful line of French models, trimmed in imported ribbons,-flowers and wings. This is one of the best values offered tins season. Every pattern exclusive, in pretty coloring and combination of colors. For Monday and Tuesday $5.95 VALUES to $25.00 Women's Dresses $9.85 You will find in this big assortment many pleasing styles in Dresses, for im mediate wear. The styles are all up-to-the-minute. The price is unusual. All new shades and cut JJ59.S5 J Silk Pe'ticoats $4.85 A complete assortment-of Petticoats. Just the style for the Spring season. Come in all' the new colors in plain and fancy, including the messalines and jerseys. V alues to $7.00 about th bntldlnc they experienced ome difficulty In enirrtns. but fter a few hnnn' serious application of pick and shovel they were able to itain an entrance, and then by al'l of fires tnwd things out a bit. The house la all and more than could be ex pected, and forms a cost refuse after tr.nuou. nowshoe fllshts down the mountain side. ... Mrs. 11. D. Oreen. who left Tortland early 1 ths Winter to pass the season wltb her dsuithter. Sirs, flurr. wife of Colonel F.dvard Hurr. I. S. A- In enlilncton. P. C. altcd her dauch tr recently at dinner In honor of Mlsa Helen Taft. e e . Colonel J. W. Duncan, of the a-eneral taTf. t. P. A- ho has been chosen to fill the place of nrladlcr-General Walter llowe. who retiree on account ef the ae II nit. was stationed at the Varourr Harracks when t. K. S. Wood eerre.1 as a IJatenant there, il.ny of IMrtiand s f iSMInnable folk who were then member of t.'ie younger et IM remember hUn wclL Practi cally h.rn a oldler. he Is the third aucresalve generation to hold a com mission In the I'nlted Ptatea Army, lie has participated In three Indian wars. fl-htln under th late Cieneral Cieora-e Crook. lie was also active In the le of Sa n U K o. Cuba. Including; trie flcht of fan Juan Hill, and has .served twice In the Philippines. e e Mr. and Mrs. W. l Sanderson ha arrive J from their country pla. near Iundee for a weed's llt. They are at the I'ortlund IIoteL e e e Mrs. Itobert Wilson I-wls. whose birthday occured lnt Monday, was the house Buest at dinner that evening, when llliain I. WheelwrlBht was Y.ot. Follosjins the dinner the guests. Including- Mr. and Mra Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott llrnoke. Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Webster Talbot and Mlsa Martha A. llort. were entertained at the orpnxura Theater by Mr. Wheelwright. ful and costumes. moat consistently sustained An afternoon of bridge aiding In making last Tuesday a busy day for the social world was the party at the kome of Mrs. U. M. Magruder. whose guests were Mrs. James D. Hart. Mr! A. C Panton. Mlsa O lteilly. Mrs. polo not lllrsch. Mrs. James Laid I aw. Mn Koger K Plnnott. M-s. John Eben Toung. Miss Toun. Mlxs 5usan Toung. Mrs. Oeorge K. Roseell. Miss lllrsch. Mrs. J. C. Robinson. Mlrs Murch, Miss Srlggs. Mrs Wllltam Jones. Mrs. Charles K- Wolverton. Mrs. Oeorge T. Wlllett. Mrs. Kobert T. Hall. Mrs. W. II llnckley. Mrs. T. W. B. Indon. Mrs. Louis II. Tarpley. Mis Wycsnt. Mrs. Ldward Hatch and Miss O Nell. The "prlxes were awarded to Mrs. James Ildlaw. Mrs. Roger R. Slnnott. Mrs. Kolomon lllrsch and Mrs. James 1). Hart- e e Mra William 1L Cake and Mrs. W. C McBrlde were awarded the prize Tuesday, when Mrs. Charles E. Runron waa hostess at the first of a series of afternoons at bridge. She entertained seven tables, both on Tuesday and "Wednesday afternoons. The latter afternoon Mrs. Runyon awarded the prlxes to Mrs. Alexander MacPherson and Mrs. C. f. Bunker. e . . "Mrs. Mary Roberts, of Hartford. Conn, who haa recently been the guest or Mrs. rr.arles Samuel Jackson and Mrs. It. T. Johnson, of this city, re turned Wednesdsv to Pendleton, where aha Is passing some time with her later. Mrs. Frederick Judd. ... Mra. Frank Ft rutin, of this city, whose miniature of Ml.n Kannle May appears on today's page, la taking hlsh rank among Portland's portrait ;-ilnl.:ra. Mrs. Pruhu's work is not pr-fcatonal. though exceedingly clever. She L-ae also re ceived high praise for her landscape work, which shows a deep understanding ef the true relation of colors. - te Miss Iorothy Morrison who Is tl-.e gnast of Rev. and Mr. Frederick W. t'lamiltt at their Pacific-avenue home In San Francisco, was the honor guest Thursday. January 23. at a luncheon given by Mrs. Kleanor Martin. Mlrs Morrison also was a gueet at the last Ureenway arsembly. attending under the caaperonage of Mra. Henry Fergu son. ... Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Oakley, formerly well-known Portland folk, but for the pa few years residents cf Spokane. left last dry In July for a tour of the world and are at present In Asia. Their Christ mas was passed in Colombo, Ceylon, e e Mies Mabel R. Northrup. whose photo grapn appears to-iay. wtii be married to Haniwl Ellla Miller next Wednesday evening at T o'clock at the home of her varent. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Northrup. X North Twenty-fourth street. Follow. Ing the weddlug. a teceptloo will be held trorn I to 10 o'clock. Miss Northrup will Red carnations and smllax were the effective house decorations which Mlas Lucille Smith used Thursday after noon at a farewell afternoon at cards for Miss Dorothy Newhall and Miss Janet Noble, who will leave Portland today for New York, whence they are booked to aall on the 14th for Europe. Drldge and "SOU" were the games of the afternoon. Miss Smith's guests were Miss New hail. Mlsa Noble. Miss Dorothy Effln ger. Miss Helen Smith. Miss Carmel Bolton. Mlas Kate Braael. Miss Caro line Wilson. Miss Evelyn Wilson. Mrs. Clifford Nichols. Miss Jessie McClean, Miss Grace MacKenzle. Miss Leesls laradbetter. Miss Coral McCollom. Miss Edna Rusell. Miss Simpson. Mlsa (iretchen Klosterman. Miss Shanna dimming. Miss Laura Cummlng. Miss Florence Clary, Miss Janet Thomas, Miss Jean Kerr. Miss Oeorglna Sturgis. Miss Helen Moon. Mis Muriel Wil liams. Miss Haxcltlne Williams. Mils Marguerite Hume. Miss Adele Uo.'f. Miss Elisabeth Stewart. Mlsa Mildred Grind staff. Miss Frances Fuller, Miss Kemna Klosterman, Mlsa Delia Hahn. .Mlas Ruth Small. Miss Ruth Slchel. Mlsa Kla Till. Mlsa Flue Smith. Miss Mildred Nichols. Miss Veda Nichols. Miss May Heusner. Miss Ethel la Stearns and Miss Margaret Xiook. e e e Miss Martha Pollvka and Victor Jor ge n sen were the guests of honor Fri day evening, when Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Hendershott and Miss Lora Hender shott entertained at dinner. Others present were: It. and Mra. Robert E. L. Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E Hen dershott. Miss Sadie Noyes. Miss Clara Flelschman. Mlsa Gertrude Pollvka, Miss Eva Jenkins. Edmund Jorgensen. Itobert Mac UUU Ralph Robinson and Dr. Marlon Jones. Yellow Jonquils with asparagus fern formed the cen terpiece of the? table. After dinner the guests enjoyed an evening of bridge, e e e Mrs. George IJvlngston Baker, of New Tork City, la the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Bradey O. Ruttencutter. at the I'nlted States Army pest at Vancouver, e e e Scarlet carnations were the flowers used to adorn the table when Miss Jean Kerr entertained Tuesday noon for Mlsa Dorothy Newhall and Mlaa Janet Noble, at the Portland Hotel. Miss Kerr's guests were: Miss Noble, Mies Newhall. Miss Lucille Smith. Miss Marguerite Dosch. Miss Dorothy F.fllnger. Miss Mil dred Grlndxtaff. Miss Ruth Small. Miss Kemna Klosterman and Mrs. Amanda Kerr, who chaperoned the young women. ... The Gamma chapter of the Beta Kappa Tau Sorority waa at home Friday at the residence of Miss Sadie Bandeid on Portland Heights. Mrs. M. C Ban fleld. Miss Katherlne Tyler. Miss Sybil Gibson and Mlsa Adeline Bowie wers in the receiving Hoe. A color scheme of green and yellow was carried out with daffodils and Ore gon grape. e e e Invitations to the wedding of Mlsa Margnret Ella Du Bolsi of Vancouver. to Roy F. Waring, First Lieutenant. Sec ond Field Artillery, V. 8, A have been Issued by Mr. and Mrs. Louis West Du Pols. The date of the marriage will be February IS and the ceremony will tako place at S o'clock In St. Luke's Church. Vancouver. . Jnst received a consignment of these world-renowned Corsets. which include the very latest Spring models at prices ranirinir from 08c to $15.00 each. Lack of space prevents us pvinp; a detailed descrip- tion of these beau tiful models, but Thomson's Glove- fitting Corsets are known as the most perfect manufac tured. $4.85 Raincoat Values For Monday special we will place on sale our entire line of Raincoats in the English effects, and a few cravenettes. Vals. d 1 A f P to $30, Monday and Tuesday P 1 fr e!0 Children's Nazareth Waists For quick selling we will place on sale a limited number of Children's Waists. Regular values 25c. Monday and q Tuesday, special LjC Becker.Mc cugh!in&cweeney Marshall ISIS. 441 Washington fct- rtioae l U L. McCllntock, Mr. Donald. Mr. and Mra. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mrs. Mac- N. U. Carpen- liobert Krohn. G. TomaslnL E. Runyon. Mr. and Mr. C. A. Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Littlefleld. Mrs. H. R. Little- Meld, Mr. and Mrs. Bert M. Dennlson Mrs. Minerva Dennlson, Mr. and Mrs Robert S. Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bailey. Mr. and Mra. J. Annand. Mr. and Mra. W. J. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. It. D. Cannon. Miss Eleanor Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. A. IL Maegly. Mlas Monta Maegly. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Flke. Mr. and Mrs Kobert W. Schmeer, Mr. and Mra Frank E. Watklns. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. McCord. Mr. and Mra. Walter J. Hot man, Mr. r.nd Mrs. C Cbrlatensen. Mr. and Mra. W. J. Hawkins, Mrs. Thomas W. JUwks. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Read. Miss Clara Fleishman. Ralph D. Robin son. Miss Frances Jeffery, Dr. Fred Gul- lette. James Harrow, Miss Delta Wat son, Mrs. J. M. Berry, Mra. L. A. Bailey. Julius L. Bailey. Mlsa A. Buckennmeyer, Emtl Eyssell. Miss M. Lents of Boston. Dr. Herbert Hegele, William P. Rich, ardson. Miss Edith King. Miss Char lotte Ballln. Miss Ruth Ballln. Fred A. Ballln. O. H. Cramer. Misses Cramer, Mlsa Gertrude Lesser, L L. Krause, Miss Zerena Hamilton, Dr. Frank Me Caulcy, & D. Vincent, Miss Myrtle Duff, Floyd Brower. Mrs. B. B. Buchanan, Mrs. M. Comstock. Miss Rose Schacht, W. J. Lyons, Clinton S, Fletcher, Mra. C. M. Whltcomb. Mrs. Irene M. Pfun- der. Arthur C. Moffatt. Miss Hazel Small. D. H. Qulmby. Hazel J. Fields, Willow May Fields, Miss Sybil Brown Miss Gseta Woods, Mrs. Mary Bishop, B. IL Moore, V. A. Avery, Otto J. Kraemer. Allen M. Brown. Pr. Kmll Enna. MrKlnley Mitchell. C V. Hast Ings, O. L. Plgg. Dr. C. C. Newcastle. Charles Newcastle. W. W. Work, R. E. Williams and P. P. Kilbourne. ... The Associated Collegiate Alumnae of thla city met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur. ... Miss Hazel Tlchner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tlchner, Is guest of Miss Gertrude Jones at her home "Lablsh Meadows," Brooks. Or. She left Port land Monday morning and will remain Indefinitely. Earlier In the season Miss Jones was a visitor In this city with Miss Tlchnor. LARGEST AND LEADING FURRIERS IN THE WEST Extra specials prevail throughout our fur department which would be of Interest to any fur-buyer. Come in and see for yourself the wonderful bar gains we have to offer you. As an extra special inducement for Monday and Tuesday we offer an immense assortment of BELGIAN LYNX AND BLACK MARTEN OPOSSUM SHAWLS or MUFFS, t r Q p beautifuUy lined and regular Silverfleld workmanship; vals. $15, sp'l., each CpOeswO DAINTY NECKWEAR AT AFTER - INVENTORY PRICE One lot of Turnover Collars in pretty embroidery patterns, val ues up to 65c ea.; your choice at O C ONE LOT OF JABOTS in lace and embroidery patterns; values up to 35c ; your choice j Q Monday .... X J C A pretty line of dainty jabots in a large range of patterns, both in lace and embroidery. Values 50c, C5c and 75c; A O your choice Monday. . tsj C Belt Specials lOc Values to 50c. A large assortment of Belts in every known color, including crusher and narrow widths, in leather and silk. HANDBAGS V4 OFF Every Handbag in the house is marked for quick selling. We have every style and shape. JEWELRY At after-inventory price. Belt Pins, Buckles, Collar Sets, Bar rettes and in fact everything, in all the new novelties for Spring. WOMEN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR 48c Odds and ends in Forest Mills and Essex Mills Underwear slightly soiled; values to $1.75, Monday. . . . 48 c CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR 38c Many broken lines of children's Underwear in 2-piece and union suits, slightly soiled; O Q 50c-65c vals. Monday 3 OC DON'T OVERLOOK OUR IM MENSE LINE OF INFANTS' WEAR. SECOND FLOOR. 25c Hosiery 17c 17c Guaranteed hose for women, in black lisle; all sizes Children's Hose 21c Come to our store Monday or Tuesday and lay In your supply of Children's Hose. The Kay Ideal kind, always sold for 35c, oi special price 1C she will be Introduced at a bridge tea riven by Miss Orlndstaff and on Thurs day Miss Jean Kerr will give a bridge luncheon. e e Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Burke, of SOS Xorth- rnp street, entertained the Misses Monn irhan, of Spokane, with a theater party at the Orpheum followed by supper at the Oregon Grill, Tuesday evening. An attractive party was Riven yester day at the home of Mrs. Milton F. Hen derson on Willamette Heights announc ing the engagement of Miss May Hen derson to Dewey L. Carpenter. A pro fusion of dainty pink hearts decorated the rooms struns; from wall to wall on tissue paper chains.. Pink chrysanthe mum shades covered the lights. Hearts also was the same played, the prize awarded being a cutglass bonbon dish in appropriate shape. The guests were: Miss Emma Fordyce, Miss Helen Went worth. Mies Mary Townsend, Miss Ella May Manning, Miss Mabel Hicgs, Miss Edna Russell. Miss Emma Sorensen, Miss Edith Daugherty. Miss KatheHno Kern. Miss Dorothy Walton. Miss Crys tal Smith, Mlsa Esther BlrreU. Miss Win ifred Blrrell and Mrs. X. E. Douglas. e The announcement of Miss Daisy Dean's engagement to Chester Holt Struble has recently been made by Miss Dean's narents. Mr. and Mra N. M. Dean. The wedding will take place 1 March la, at the First Presbyterian Church, and' the attendants will be Mrs. William Baker and Theodore Brown. Mr. Struble, who Is a Lehigh University graduate of '03, Is at present in iioiyoKe. Mass., at the head of a publishing firm. He will reach Port land the week of the wedding, after which he will take his bride to his home In Holyoke. Several affairs are being planned for Miss Dean, among which are two set Continued on Page 4.) The largest and most successful of the series of "at homes" given by the Scottish Rite Masons was held Friday night at the Cathedral, Seventeenth and Lownsdsle streeta Dancing began at JO and from 10 o'clock until 11 sup per was served. 1 ne car a rooms awo were well filled and the prizes were won by Miss U. Lesser and R. P. Graham. The committee la charge of the even ing was composed or the following members of the order: C C Newcastle, II. P. Palmer. Robert Krohn. D. G. T. Tomaslnt. U. H. Cellars. IL U Chapln. Fred Gullette. R. A. Miller. J. K. Lncke, V. A. Avery. 11. U Plttock. W. T. Mas ters. J. E. Werleln. J. J. Kadderly. C. H. losmer. John Annand. It. W. Schmeer, Richard Martin. J. IL Mackenzie and Robert Ft? r re II. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Blasmlng. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mas ters. Mr. snd Mra Elwood Wl'.ee. Miss Orange. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cel lars. Mr. and Mra John M. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skeen. Mr. and Mrs. Toll Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. O'PonnelL Miss Ellen O'ltnnnell, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Palmer. Mr. and Mra Albert M. Frown. Mr. anVMra Charles E. Fields, Mr. snd Mrs. G. F. Peek. Mr. end Mrs. W C. eachrest. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fraley. Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Beckwith. Mr and Mrs. E. A. Beals. Mr. and Mrs. If. L. Carlson. Mr. and Mra Alex G. RlddelL Mr. and Mrs. C C. Van Meter. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mrhola Mr. and Mra L. . Frcelaad. Mr. and Mra Mr. and Mra J. P. O'Brien. Miss Lil lian O Brlen. and Mr. and Mra Fred erick Stanley left Portland Wednesday evening lor tne south taking the Stan leys' machine. Though they do not know exactly how long they will be away they expect to return within a month. President snd Mra W. T. Foster of the Reed Institute are now occupying the former residence of Mr. and Mra W. A. Gordon on Portland Helghta e Mra A. L. Maxwell of King's Court will entertain this week with two bridge teas to take place Thursday and rTiday alternoon. Di and Mra W. W. Cotton were din ner hosts Tuesday evening at the Nor tonla when they entertained Judge and Mra Thomas O'Day, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Morey and Miss Irene Elwood. e e Mra W. H. Boot, who has recently passed several days In Portland, re turned to her country home near Salem last Monday evening. Miss Marlon Eugle, a popular de butsnte of Seattle aociety, arrived In Tortland Thursday evening to visit her classmate. Miss Mildred Grlndstaff. Miss Engle graduated last June with Miss Grlndstaff from Westover Semi nary in Waterbury, Conn. During Miss Engle's two weeks' stay here she will be extensively entertained by members of the younger set and already plans are being arranged for her. At lunch eon yesterday she and four other girls were entertained by Miss Grlndstaff at the Portland Hotel following which they enjoyed the Orpheum. Tomorrow I y a rffl & f. i 1 (TorrcctEitgraving TorUl Occasions 0U can entrust your orders for Engraving to us with perfect confidence. Whatever you require, be it Wedding Invi t a t i o n s. Announcements, At Home, Reception, Dinner and Menu Cards, etc., or Com mercial Engraving in any form, you may. be sure our style is absolutely correct and the workmanship perfect in exe cution. Our forms follow the dictates of the most fashion able Eastern social events the height of elegance and good taste. Specimens and quotations will be cheerfully fur nished, either by mail or a representative, as requested. We( invite YOUR inspection. Portland's Popular Book aad Stationery Store IT'S RELIABILITY!" Systematiaera Office Furniture and Specialties Corner Third aad Alder ob 3.3fe(Bill Co. Mala S50O A 60S J Our First Preliminary Showing of Exclusive New Spring Stylesin Women's and Misses' Apparel Portland's Emporium mt-A We are ready with an advance showing of dainty spring Suits, Dresses and Misses' Coats. We invite yon to come and see these new garments. They will delight and surprise every feminine heart. The styles are correct, the lines are graceful. The Suits and Coats are strictly all man-tailored. of mannish cloths as well as serges, cheviots and novelty mixtures. The Dresses are of fancy and plain messalines and natural pongee silks. You can see them in our window rfixth street, near Washington and we will be more than pleased to show them to you n the Garment Section on the second floor. Take elevator. my 00; AND VISITINGCARDS MONOGRAM STATIONERY W. G. SMITH & CO. Waehlnstos Bide-, Fourth and Wsehlortoa ONLY EXCLUSIVE Card Engravers IN NORTHWEST ESTABLISHED 1889 New Tailored Waists In Summer Silks, with pin - tucked fronts, in black, navy and brown stripes, well worth $6.00. Special at $3.75 NEW ARRIVALS IN MILLINERY z