a w " -t n sr -v -. i i- g - - -r i - - i hi-. -" . T-' I tuxtuuL. . I FnnlfaM Ha-- f ATi-):i'l r-J pante-a TO ramr.... la..- bT jori UHr of g xd fern i.y: w'.-i-Irg la be .ry i P'ul " to-. hoc.: a p..eseat ka nwr faa tn ucl 1 m,.ret .n. or .-.i.a eara fir or o ri. a. iMckisi i.o buuio. At T"i. oroi. POtTI a -.-.-I by r-Mahl. worn aa In ranee, cuntry haw. I or u. woull d.Tiovi----p.n IA tar -i.nl. ai.man Bint e. B-art cook, go 1 rr.au. agar, caa give b-. rj r-far ,.. Celt or addr-aa BU i.irl.e Mot. a. poo a SO. WAXTIP Pnltlori aus Cham .T maid or tan.-..- or w.l lo s-nrel hoa-or. Met exrtvd f-em W la. orate. Bat'-I y.a-e. aula aad wilting Iw work. Addraaa C jirrfonnn. .- FIR.aT.ALA-.aa ott. cloak Bale, adv comp-t-r.' l-a .ban. it.pt.. trio..uhly u..-.--aren't :itini r.(ciioi am-aii t-.-n. AHfa All Til. . l03iaB. r . i j r v .wu H.ae ! ne. woman ri i - ral l.oa cap-.- of o..ain after i-"""-h .u,e or m'l d.lieaiavae-n. r.lere-irea a" IKffniit ft ITU 4TI N' aa7..r.. v tunit'!it woman tik. bo.-', .-i-x-t or.l.r. .-o.' oa p.tr. br.Lt off. re .nt.rtali..-1 only from .trlct !r repulihl hot... .VIT-'I.J.-' 'Oln: Urr-Al pnnt and -Toea:!.!. want, po.l-n-n. thro. rr eip-ri-nre id m.iln- picture Or.gonti it.r. wiu i.e. sttj- - ARTUT - p-wetl-ita In pl..n.-p .tu tu to wor up en.artr. eat". I uvf-il g-rsl!r. ntjr or county. T .. r .tn'aa. CAI'AI".'- Wii-o woma cui. t.. iirjC- of ro-'trln h"'i- or hot. I. ' "' on r.a. a. 1 i:ta at.. or E. tnstoa. I1IAK-: a .o"ia!' of ',.un..-rin n r ;rtu . )- Joaa at hotn. rcfc-rn . Mui.Mll IV' 1. WOMAN wan'. .. bv f- ! r UnnlUM I'HT af!T tiundr. "-all '.itTI"N mirT In f!r.t rU h t-l or rurr.ln-h" is- ar--br-. by nri la!. W "-V ' an. ..f ..niinj out 'imuiiri. -.i. -'r'- rf.a. iTx PE f:. vO .0!aun. r. mailt. nrl( flr.t f wk. b-.t rofroai-ra O -. ro- A LMklT of ri:wtnnl j.-..il- n oitri a m:l fTiilT a. lormu eoii'ranl"" Ti. Oraonlan. TATE Hr 1J lai ig b'i..na Mu'-1- !;.-. to wrk for r.m an hoarl ar.d F.:rivrn y..un min .h. t's.i tf-; Ir .iiutl.a. .mail po . uao oi i . ii - T j 7. .rofj inl.n (owi.r. by hour or contract. Vr-m. Mam VY v EXrrT!r'.D luiina... nil h"'i- r;.in ,r na d wora; funUay. to 2 I" l T lt"t I' I- V .mt-int om.n i'ii h".,...r y lb- ly. an hour. A ;!'i. a-'r a P M W.I. NTI I'o.itloo In luscli'a carr f r t"w. drot-cuto. wornaa 'U E T.U w rm :it ao r ;t j"- T " t'T lnnllon (or fJ i1! I. nr.. U.t-"-! Vmp..rur fit. .or r-mm-n lor.I. r-j'. Oil !.. la I"". !' l.r,..nt mta licau 1. :'.: A. lioru. I"in. S(141...' IUI"I "'I'" I 0-wn V."i-. -s-tDJl'ly 1 :: "I-"".' Krrl .r Mo. m..! -l o-- M!ur.i. l.o in .,r...-;l on. f r ncn law. p. no p-rl- n-o K..04i t : ou ran maa Ihl. ray r-ofio. Not 1 la tor wnio qui. for lorrltirr: rlo if now f.rf.r. f 'r.t. f !n rnirrnile) Co. J alr. hiM blJ; T-i-l". nil w tT:n r ANV.ri:a To .oil fro-n tal 'r !. uar ilir-rl. Iha oniT iAarant.1 m! i 'i I-fr i--r. ronn-l-oua 'i:tion a- i:u;n rlrr on Ift. mar at. .-t. oory farl'.-l. of dl't; rar. aar. a.l!nl .. many .. flo oaili l'i" a o...r. b: P--BI. Wrio f.r l.rrltory. . rVll.l.-J ME-- ?.4 r. nn m. iiii'ri f 'r a itcu'i-n r'..ri'r Ilia: o.k'i. n. fl fwnH. !. t- -l worh. if Inr m-r. isl. nia. '-. n.-Uwae tri-'.iil'n or 't'i"'1 1 1 .a ant. nmr ma'na f I " it.lr.. li.n r.i-.r.. oij i an t-t. h n- to or. of any otrr ,.. W r to at on. a P. A IV Vicrim t'loan.r o.. tJ V. I I'.tl .1 Now Vt.. XJl r.. t- inin'J lo .am I.:. mr.y al;.i t.io "Kl".'!!" Una of r.a'! -m .-to rat'r.l-J pottlr it. fiat fil any woman a H aaonM lr.. mo f-r l.rr,irr ir;vt...ra. jAVU A. UKAKi. 3i Warron at.. N.w Tori. - li.RTRAlT .;EN T. ll rt n t.. b .al aotiA iwr or. lor. lo artl.t. orlr; .y.ry fortratt urani.-l. tprr(- liao--. arll.tf f'nl.l. rll. Nrlaon Art v. CTfiicaao, 11- A".FNT to han. 1 b i'H m o-. -ma '. . n r.r. .tlr.jfjlhr. ap at iri is .tT.T. ,-u.H. l-rr't..r: T. tp I O r-r w la. tllEVV'INC. lil'M il our B.w branila to .l.:.ra In your town- w. alao fnali. apo dal prtat. branrl.: alao pronuum and rna chlao ilia, li.liu.l liu:l factory. Clu rtcnatl. LK ART A VI NU K ant mo mrit-: . r- ni klna h imi. ruo tbc:u. f-r'r r'pr.n'ii'a I n. I.iu ran u 'i.n"r- ' 1 1 an fraarla-o. aL 'u atan.p .fflrr an-l r.v:..po aralrr. a!-a a ito ..aori: .-lul. t-rrltory. A-l-it-r.a K. t- t: "-all bill-. Fran- A Ti 'JJ' H IUE por..ity. can m. J a c-.' r.pjl" P'jntur. In o-ia m:nutr. rrBi f.r'bo";t Automosii. lira llrpair Co.. n Uniaitff. I' a. Al.TIC ra-awa.ora can ma.o o wooaiF .llinf trooa for th. Noraory I'oa- paa. Ult.ral pr.ipja.Uoa. Il tarrltory. A 1 Oron io. f r. pav a w. an .Tprnara lo m.a a.ta ritt lo Intr.Kiur. poultry compnnni l"r a iontra t. l:nporutl il!s. Cn, LKlt. T r'araona. K xn. iJifV ..oll"'.t-an.1 ball-, lola an.i nm-I- nai"l fri I lanil. '.'Mil inira!ll-r.; f.no proctoollMili. v.. It. riammai. llot.-l h-o ard. ANT W liio-. .. - i k trrror:al aaiita irtni I'ackaca ral-r. i. l-u.-n- fc. t. hana-o "fil rllar-o of tho qal.-koac ..l.tnft- n.iv.I- f. ,.o tno rrutriiot. cn cloar n t-ok:y, 4JI Ma;. lir.lt bul t. WANT EP -ai.MMl U. af.nta: App.r room aiJ'i run' bMar. wa rri Ti rknt. H WANItr- To Uaao for 10 or 14 n. a houao anil lot. 1 .ot in bo at loaat 'i I f-f. ani wtil want tha prlvlUco of uatnf to. hn.ia aa a alinli. Tliia niuat lo rr. innab'i cloao In m jl I lio nn.nihir rrn ii1. wi I furn..a aotlafartory arrurity. B T . It'.fnnitn W a S Y lo r-al ur. f urn ! i mo-laro H-r'o.n noa.o wltn a:n. arrounfl. n.ir rarltnr; d ,; oniy: boat ra(-r-n. -t; prrf-r .-.i:n-t:v ho-no cur city. B'i a:t;a:l fruit.. wr.ti.o. aa.1 rhKkrnt can bo rt.--I : buyra If locality v.nKa. V T J i'l-ronian. A I J to ll -roo.n niu.' ho In 1 I v.iii, etntly mou.m. aith a.i .ir-l. b ro.oti'1'..l. P'r'y. will lr "P l'r,n f y- if acc.Ary; B.ar car.lno. C aj rraon an, TlVi.TEr-Aa tN. Ww SI.I".. a-riorn tu. laio U.in. r"n. furna.. r.lal- prim an! t--rma. haia I. 'hJi fur -tai paoiuL II T;. CT.oaian. T AN'TECt PT vit-t r-'upl. buncalow or cotta.o a..rhaal a:.t.. tab. I kh! ran of b.iuo.: .tat. prl. a anrl !. .. in; phono nl a naw.ro. I. TI".. OrriMiUn. X a..vl'.r To r.nl aouf ..no a-ro .m co.t or .-roorn h.uo.. mua? r.ava a-'-M war.r bo n.ar irllr. an w tlhln A fAra liimr A 1 '.ra. : aawh .1. a T' I XO-r-v.ra h'.a.. i.a.-.l froiu ..p,i i lath a. unr.i.n lo J-l'tr -a. n, by IS "31 Hoaloay Fait W ST a. O To r.m a or T-ro-.-n ni.Kl.fn rottaco. B"l loo fir roil; .oJ I'Ullia. wul pay ao."l r.nt. rbono H 11'.. ANTi i' Pr larS 1. or 1 .1-room h.' i". V -t Mja or ...t. noar iirann a., .i-i-abta for ranting moma. fhona H i'a. WiiNTjCD rj m a 1 hou... cl ao in. aooal l-"--.:..n: at. prtoa. W Or-conlan. TTnT Kl Ntco or J-roora wala-fcrnUihod hcuaa. a'a.l Tabr 1 1 j-V ' A awrl aaow aa I I KM: I V. S a?a rt a-.n t a war.to.l. i or I nri . m1.rn. tnuat bo W.. h'.Io; coupla, no cr tMr-a. A Mr.oa ron 2i Al.iaa nrt a'oort. l t.n .t " A.VTEDtiy PVbrurr li. furni.licl 2 or 2 room a pa rtm.nl. mo.l.rn anl r.aaon .b .. anu.l bo an H-lht. l!r loca tion anj prlra. K T.'l. (tin!n. A'ANTErv Tn ronl onf urataliaM -r0on fial, wa.klu att.tanca. ... location an4 t.ia pnono aunir.r. W T..l. or.conian. IrNANTS walllna; for all kind. "". Wbat fcava jora? Rwrnlnf fi.arrat. - WaaMn.'.oa t- Varana.l 21S-. A S.ao. kfiT w..iaw.a houa.lra..plr.a; tjpom wh.ro .ha c.n bava not aatn a;., n an. T-l. ur.so- iV A N i I l'.o..in for man aui wi(. an J ra.-a f ir Uni t hor in dajlim. cicaa--& fjj uraf.in.an 71 1 -a,s-x-, FO. REXT. TOR RET. r"".'- " na.NTi.il nf roum anaa. roaaonabla pri.t room, prtvat. faml.y. homo pnvi .a. lu or li m.nutaj' walk from Foat-a-rir.; lat or w .t tiJa: .ic.ii.ni raior on'oa. Aa1raa N T.'t. urrtonian. ONki furnun.O. ona ur.'ral.hn ,u" auit f-r .tortr.al arooaa. on 17 " " to city prupar, b " an-l coid water. oUaxa w:ia prir.a. V T. Or-aonian. II V .mp.oy.U Udy. moo.ra waul oouao- kawp.u4 room, o .t.o"i-". kaanu With Moarct. lU'.it a-'hool t.i. h.r a ..liiw r.".in and l rd in atrit.y m-lorn bomo. lra-mion. V. e.t iiiHa or IMaU? Il.uai. K law .aa ra:.ra"oa. Main 4Ioiv. TOt Jeinaa. .rn.od. wan:, room and board In pnaco family; mod.ra c.n v.rl.nr.a. caalral. Eal Ulda. AL. i.X. r c g ' n a ii- vT't vi mn want, room and board on !'..-!. an.i llal.ht. In vi.lnlty of iJth and Clifton at. I-..OHO Vlaun KErlNFIi'ladlTaania rom and board. Iwn.a .omfirt. prltaio family. Flnnian .r. f.rraHl. Weal Bid.; ll tW. cironlan. A WITHlWER and i-yrar-old dauhtr want boaid In p.a.n pr;vat. bom. at vsca L 7-, nr.conian. llnalnraa I'la.-oa, WAN r E t T i l.a.a ahop-room. mu.t ba at a.alt oltilvL waul nalit.a ano inr r li yaara. Man term, of loaaa and loca tion. Maturity Will bw furniali.d. T liiA iiriitonian. (TA N r::i l o. all-Mi f r ma. hlua and auto r.pair ariop. I'liona alaln roi RXVt. Riaoma. POltTl-AND KOOIalNlI hl'H.Ai;. Ilooma Bara. ayartuian.a. furtuH"Hl. furnlan-1. bard. all pan. of ma city; aava you Di-mvy. tlm.. troubla. Lrat aa lo rat. you. -Isla!- VVaanlallua SU. B. Mini-i 'I SI - J.A i-IJ- lw -N'T OVEKlinjli Ttliit TOUAT. "Ull.NKH HI. I)'-. .' - 1""I'.MIS. .N" ST. Vol. KltN. iKVTrtKl. IlKAHiNAhLE. If u.M.'iil.l'. alo uiifuriila.'.o.l. lOoma. ary auitano for ir.nlloui.u. Kanan blna-. I"t aturtjiaticd Haromav . tiOlEI. fAIM.KS. Ka:.l,ntl.l. oo l.yl-r. TranaUnl. il.l. 7th and i'ark Hta Orpoi; now Iloiiiar Vn.at.r. ona bloc from I'orcland Hot.l. bnrk huliillnj. Ju.t coir, plail ; tiati.laonirljr furni.hod; av.ry tnixiorii onr.v.nla-n.0. .lovator aonrlc.. at. am brat, t.liti.ma and hot and cold wa'.rr In ovory ro.n; alncl. rooma and ault-a with or wli.iout prlxato bat ha. ale ; i-.titraliy lotat.-l. n.ax I'o.tofnco. ju.t off all carl nra, .ry H"i.t; low ra'.ra If day. w.rk or n..'nlh. I h..r.o Miirahall J'J'Vi. Iinrt.L Ku'.VEANLl Ituilaj Fourth .tract Ju.l otoi;.v. n.-T orl.-k buiiillnB. at. am h.at, hot aui I cold wat.r ail rooma. prt vat. bath. I.oal famiah.d bnuar la iba c.i- rat. a wry ui'-urrata by tha day. W..K or montu. If you want a liii... warm room wr.h all lu mod.rn con v.ai.nc. at about tha um. rata you wa.uM hava l pay In aomo h.ap lodsliiC li.ua-. call at tna Human , You will hka at. . . IWTtL AU ER. Ifamian.nl and Tranalent. Wa ara davotitiar aaaaral of our rhoteaal rooaia lo p.rman.nt guc.ta for tba win t.r; will niaa. p ll low rata, by tna o.ok or month; trawiaai. nt auawta alv.n lha ba.t of ..rvi.-o an J laoaa .v.ry courtoay, lo.at.ai la cantor of aliopp.nar. tii.lxlcla ooa y.ai.nt for oui-of-iua paopi. rataa by 1.1. aaaa. 4TII ASP ALPETC A.NUbLA HUTLU Tfarmaa.nt and tranal.iit, Juat opo-ird: brlrk buildirs. boautifuily furniali.d; Y.rthln n.w. at. am h.al. bol and co.d running walcr and tl.ihon.a In a.l r.-.ma. tin. lobby and laulaa- parlor, auit.. atd aina. room, with and wuaout prtiata b.m.. iary ra..nabi. rat.a by day, waok north. I n.m. lralia.l lK.u. a j IVAalllMi l u.S o f. BAIl'IOT ItoTKU. corn.r t.nand aia and llawtnorna, r.-ahtly r.noaatcd and bow und.r th. rtiaiiagcm.nl of Maitln as Xt. holaon. forni.n of th. I'wrt'and ilol.l. li.autifully furn.arirai r-wml. alng.. or on u.lo. with prlaato hatha. h"-t and eolj wat.r. al.-ana l.aai and privalo lHuna 111 .aary roa-m; Pipt-ciaaa grtl) anil bar In c-.nn.riion f.k,.lai i at. a by waok or m.-nth. Tranai.-nia a..li.i;.d. 0K a N l i M N llo.i.U .1; i faat lliirnal'iau 'om. lo tho fr.at r-id. and aar. mon.y on your room r.nt. wo haia l mod.rn. 'i'a:n-li.a:.t ro-'nva with hoi and cold running walar; amal- and .n ault.. room, aim p.'liato Latii. nilnitca' walk ti 1.. .n.- un.'t '.' city, ra'ra M to IT p.r ..k. Ian .."". II IJT. THE WEAVI.K. Tli ivaahinloii at., nauar King, a pari.ct moalrrn bom.; prlvala l ath, at.atn, naal. hot and cold wat.r. an i 1.1. pbono m aicry ro-iu; fmct part of tna city, tna niaairnuni of cunv.nlaacn. tn. mtuimuin of .ip.tiaa; wa tnaaa you I..I at born., dinina-rix.rn la cuunactlua; in t!i. city t'T tlio mon.y. ' lltiTEta SAVO.V. 1-al l.l.Xl-tltlt Ctt. N.w. Trod, rn l.ru-k building. Btaam h.atfxl. srivat. hath, hot and cold wal.r In r'nirna, bcau'i'ulljr fumlahaMl, cosy and comfortaMa. ll-tila vary rcaaonaM.. ( all and ua. Hrgular and Iranaiirnt trada oIlcltL VKV fireproof bui.'ling. at.aia h.al. .l.c trie .l.talor. hot anu cold wat.r and t.la-p.-iona In .v.ry ruom; c.ntral lo..-a:lon; only thrca Mocka from poalotflc; i.iu p.r w..k ar.du:. ' Yamhlil .1, lTUiiTilIilv IIOTKU flth and Waahlng;..n Nowly f.irnlb.d rooma, single or aa ault.; prlata balba. at. am heat, hot and cold wal.r. phou. in all rooma; raiea rca rotiab:.. tranal.nta a'-ilu lied. 1UE AunabLV, 2tii 4th at., furnlauad rooma. running water, bath, phone, h.at. 1 pariur room with Qrcplaca. 1 to ti wek Una yard, i block, to Hoatofflce. ll'tttt.V IliiriI- cor. fltli and liurn.Mo. brand new. .tcKi:' ' V furnished, frr. phono In ea.h room. ai.ciAtur irriltc; reaauuabla ritaa lv y.-k: 11 a day. b.ALTilll-LT lurnlahed adjoining rooma. I.l.al ba-ii.lor quail. ra, ..ery comfort a.- ui.d. I.r.akfaal and dinner If desired. T.L al ain . riNEI.Y furnished large front room with ail.-ut. suitable for three gentl.ni.o. r.-nt x.ry reaaouacic. Also ona aanalleA rapoiu. :i..a V'lr.tatom.iy ' street. II'ITKI. ANri'i.MA. 1?t llth st.. cor. Washington. KurUaJlud and unf urnlsn.d rooms; pri ato batna. fre phon.a In all rooma j.j fAANT. w.ll-lurn'shorl roonia. J.oO and H:.". bath and phone. iiHT loin, near Jef ferson. , - . -f f ( (iT. Ulgt'tl lumlari.-d roonia. Kan, litli. phone, cviilially lin-aled. near Post ortice. NF.W. nlciy furnished rooma. at.ain h.al, liot" ami cold wut'T" rai.a rcaaonable, liak.r llpt-il. 2'5.". Flfth au UAKiJIi. woll-furnlsned front room, aruilal.la f.,P -j roung men or miiiiai l.u o , vawoo :;i. ii liina atn4"1i. 3 litlTAUKi-: HOTEL. i'TW La rrab.a at-. aleam h.al. electric lights, hot or fold waler. bath and p.'ione reasonable rates. Tll HOt.t.T 'K'TEU 1-th Near and auoorn in every way; elegantly furnished. rat.a reaaonao!.; transients aull'-lt-d. nolBLE liliOM. o-50. 4.iu. i. titan h.al. rood ra-h and t.leiaUana aarvlcav 1'. luio t. Colonial. THE rtEAVEIl. 1 -ill and Xtar.la'.l .la., w.ll furn'.sne.l sleji!ti ro'tiia. i4u p.r week; i trie lisnta. hot ba.lia frea. iH-U'r-llN oui.-i.'.. ro-.ais. I- to ., per we.k. larluulrg hat us. alio tousek.elljg rooms. (L r. U W aatungton St. NICK llgnt. warm roonia. runuuig not ana col. I aalrr. r,:;t Yamr.lll st. El KSlrllK!' rooma. hoalo.!. liol and coii wat.r. 1 1. AO an I up. 1J -Cider. HOTEL NORHIS. Rooms ti i. aa.ek up lalTH TTlh at. fTTTELT "fu.-alaned riu. furnaca boat, c.oaa In. H and up. 2'. Km at. TlIF OZ It K. llth at. riulla rooma; 1... an 1 1 rurnltt water, fine placw. V(. i V f.irniaf..d houBa-k.ei'tQg rooms. ci-e. In Tf.a Wrndhurst. tt Wah. .1. S7iit fit, NT Furnished room for houao k r'njt. 471 A'd-r. InraUhaMl K-asa In I Tisota I a. oily. jT-"ER JaliTNTIt FurBlal.ad room. Itll. cl " In l.'o) IUJtoB. fTP at i UIOHT. cheerful room., laxga Im-ta; h.-lt phone. h. Jy Vr.RV p aaant bay window room auilabla for 2. 31 l"lh. FOR RENT ctrain-h.ate.l room la a-arl-inenia. cioaa In. West l-l.le. t all A Itll M'MeKV ('irnlil.nl rooma, r.aaonabla. 42S MIIL Mu n 4- TWO (urnlah.d rooma 1 ."th. corner Ash t-. VI-:itT attraeriv. ro-ma, 21 or 3d floor, best . loeaihm. healeal. .'.'a Eiand.ra. A'l KMrHr:f roonis f-r r.nt, waiking; dia tan e. Tlrn. ho'Jth r 1.1 llth St. SI'ELT furnufc.l alcam-heatad room, ls'ob MjU dJatnci.Vlar T-72- 113 rttaam.h.ated. pewlr-f urniah.d rooma; central. MS Cillsa:!. W t Side. W'AHNf. conrrortol.:er.-ni. $i month; balh. phono, walking rllatanra A 714. VPtATI.V firntaied front r.im. modern i on. I, eril.r.i ; roaa.naljle. Tt'.ii llth St. A 7"oo. Nil'F.I.Y firtl.ahed anlc room. Itl per tr.onth. l-trt st. AITIC -cua :V a waaa. Aod 4U .THE SUNDAY OREGOOTAX, PORTLAXD, GENTLEMEN who can aprraelata tha corn -forta of plaaaant and nlcaly furnlahaHl. w.ll-kept. mouarn rooms, with gaa, eiec trlclty, turnaca beat and bath, -call North l&io at.. 2 blocka from aah lr. Rton. aAB IRVINO. v - aaaiw fumlahaad room With ateam h.at, hot arad eold waiae. an pri vate famllv. raaaonabla. Call or phona Vtarshall 2f9. N,WLr furnTshed room In nrlyata family; furnara heau hot and cold water, bath, phone; can hava uaa of piano; r.nt re aonahla. l .i loth at. North, or phooe MarshaJl lool. . 2.1CE. clean, light .furnished rooms, good n.u hborhood : bath, heat. ,aj. nhona. easy walking dlalanca; ona large front room, amiable for two. SJ 7th at, I'hona A '-. M E larg. front room, aultabla 2 gentle en: eloctrlo lliht. bath, phone; walking distance; Hose city I'ark and Ank. ny c.irlinea each aide, IS E, 10th at, cor. liuroald.. FOR RKXT Lante light and elegantly fur nished room In prlvala home; modern o..n vemencea. heat, hot water all the time, penned neighborhood; walkln distance, A 4ll. EL.Ei.ANT room, flna flat, cl"aa In. bath and phone, uaa of piano; aaoellant view of lha river, easy walalng distance. fhona I. J9M. UtUli Margin at. UKAl'Tlf't'L pea ly furnished rooma front i,:u. suitable for two ladles; aieo room with private bath. 3.a lftlh block from Washington. at., North. TWO furnished rooma with use of kitchen If deaired, modern Improvements. 614 halmoa au, abova Chapman. Jofferaon-at. car. ' NIELT furnished rooms, uppar flat, 745V4 Moyt, BKALTIFLLLV fnrnlahed adjoining rooms. In I.l.al bai.helor g guart-ra. every corn fort assured, breakfast and dlnnor U do atred. I hon.i Main tll4. lb A MONTH, large, nuely furnished front ro..ra. with phone, ualli. elertrtc light, suitahle for 1 or 2, walking die anca. near car line. 4:1! Harrison. Main WSl. Two rooms, for iaa young men. 110 each; Tor 4 people. S ea.-h; new houiu. and fiir nlture; board 12 Pr month. SOOVs Market St. lioOM-MATE -.anted, steam-heated rn. electrto llghta. gaa. hot and cold ."' lelephone. alavaior. Janitor acnlca, s ioe. frrfTniAll, , . . , . T- . ...via rmm oarlor with alcove. kitchenette and bedroom, cno.i ' lovely view Willamette u.-e of iiano. lie:gtita. Main :juj. liMjj vaugnn PI, V r.ire win In new, modern fli; aim- heat; nice location, near Haw thorne ave.; walking distance: avory con T. nlenre; nlro home. l'limeEat tVW. NECTI.Y furnished room 1 week; suitable for two gentlemen. Call from it to I. M. : batn, phona, heaTt. !. lith St.. near Salmon, sLTtk of aplendid furni.ned rooms; aleo nice roo with connecting batn. Klngg ll.ighta. U min. walk to Foatoffica; rea sonable. Tel. Marshnll foiO. CLEAN, p easant ba.emenl room, aleitrlcliy. heau hot watet, housekeeping 'leges, only neat, quiet men need apply. Norm 1510 st. Jl-ONK larg. rai with kitchenette, neat and nicely furnii.ied: one room furnished for houacke.pllig. !. .I4 fork. TOI-NO man wlihea room mate, loom very pleaaont. gas. electric light, furnaco heat and bath. North IMh at. .SI HAIJal"o"N Ijarge front room, aultial.lo I. 2. J. hot and cold water, furnaca heal. fine hath. DESIKAIII.E loom trl'.itv and balli. furnace heat. gaa. el.c reaaonablo rcnu Phone A tvliO. i.lo J 1 trv JvT' El. T furnished rooms. furnaca heal; one suitable tor two large front alcove ro1 or mora gentlemen, E6U Everolt- LARGE front room, facing east, jrnodern dwelling; wa:king diatanca; modara con--anlenc aa. N 1 1 A I'llONT room suttabla for two g.ntlarn .n. walking dlatan... hj block from Saal Ankeny car. PboneEasl 20.3. W EI. I. furnished. steam-healed roo:"i o . -r iin.a. rcaauDlD f r.nw .li.'ir.i-'n at. , 41 DA V Id. newly furnished room In mod em Bat. furnaca. also gaa healer; BO other roomers; l.iawek. FtnT llFNT Nicely furnished bedroom with uaa of c. mpleta kitchen, for houaekeep- Ing. In flat. clean. lallilrtii .u CLEAN. wel!-f urnlahed room. alklng dia tanca, aullahie tor genua-..,-... . .. - 4oiii. 4-.I Mark.t St. ELIIANT furnl.hed room for ona ox two g.ntiemen; private bath. phone. Heal, Phone Jv. f..lj blS n.av pui.i...- FURNISHF-i room. 62V Kalelgh cor. : also houaekeepUig. reaaonabla. Houaa criarged handa. Nil ELY furnished room for gentleman; all modern convenitnrea; nice location; lu mluutea from P. O. 427 S flay at. UlnlH east front r.K.m, gaa. balh, atove, largo cloaa t. rraaonahle. j Jv. Wth at-, baU Stark and Oak. E. 2Sl2j 11 .KMMIIKII room, walking dlalanace; pri vate family; tor young genileman. ti.U i liritfli.r.l at. NEWLY furnished rooma; electric IlKhts. furnaca strictly modern. .iT S both phones. heat, bat-h Mill. gaa, and NKELT furnlsliad front room; reasonable; gas bath, phone; no children. Mrs. liark, 4.i' Klandera st..betwecn 13th aud llh. FOK 1 or 3-g."ntlemen 1 large, airy front room; electric lights, furnace heau Call today or avcnlngs. l-Tm llth. n" T5 nlcelv-furnished-room, steam heat. huh. pnone. ngiit- 176 Slat s;.. W ashing lon. Phona Marshall 13t. roil" RENT Nawly furnished large room In Sleam-nealea. tnorougniy wuub.ii i. Auartment . Ht. clalr Apia., lie iv aw cTn'E furnlahed room aultable for two: heat, electricity. bulb. R4U Waahlnglon su Phone Marshall 1.1-1. MCELY furntslied front room, aecond floor, aultabla for ona or lao; balh. telephone, reasonable. (11 Morrison l- t'ltir.K front room, furnlahed. lower floor. privilege of kitchen. ID Eaat 3tlh su. Ad d.H,r from Ankeny st, NEWLY furnished front room aultabla for 2. private family. 2 llth St.. near Jet- ferson. COMFOHTABI.Y furnished room In widow's family, modern conaenicnres. ciosa In. $10 per monih. Phona East - NE W L Vu rtiislT ed" f roll I room, home privi leges, near two rarllnes. with or without hoard. i'3 Ivy St. FL'llNLSHED room for sentleman only; must be steady man. 31J liarrlsoa al.. near Tlh. Call after a P. M. LARUE, newly furnlnhed rooma In prlvala lioma 1 and J.0 par waok, I'hona la bor 191D. NI'"EI.Y-furi.l.hed room, 2 clothea cloeeta, moileru hou.e, uaa of phone; g2 par week; walking dl.tance. n'-' Chapman. NIEf.Y fiirni-hcl room, batli. phuna. East Oak st. Phone East 4111. 4.2 g.J NO. 1 sultahl. 4TII i for ST. -Two larae two. reaeonHl.le. front rooms. Fl'H.MSllELl 2IM. rooms, oou bavier at,, corner TWO large conne:llr.g pariora. firepiac.a. furnaca Beat, Nob Hill diet. U33 Flanders. Fl'RNlriHKO rooms, modern, convenlencea. 2iu 14tn at.: walking distance. LAROIi ell furnished front room; Terr nice for two. 4-'i,i 2d BL IT ROOM f r tng distance. gentleman, gaa, bath, walk (41 Clay. NEATLY furnished room with board, home eooktaas. t.s Northrup st FltoNT room, modern oonveniencea. break fast If desired, bis Johnaon st.. near leth. TWO furnished rooma lor rent, ferson St. 4j;V, Jef- .-CHNlSiiED roonia In private family with r without board. ti24H Northrup, t:.0 rER-wkTlaige front room, heat and bath, all Clay t. FniNISHED rooma. beat, phona and bath, SH4 Uavis st, NICELY furnished front room. 4 side st, bet. llth and llth ats. FlRNHHiD room suitable for gentleman, tit Ilea at, near Main Phona A 41. TWO larre front rooms, connected, g er. tle m.n preferred, tst E. YamhlU gt. Til REE desirable roorr.s on-third floor.-a -celient board near. 7.1 Hoyt. cor, fid. NICELY fjmUvhed sleeping rooms, parlor. lliv, Thurman st. uaa of DE.-IUABI.E rooms, light, large, to li.5.0 week. 303 lllth ut. clean. 1 FL'RNL'-HED rooms; front room, oioao lo, on carlme. 1 E- B:h st. North. NICELY furnished rooms, steam heated, hot and cold water.' A 2341. 841 Harrison, VERY neat and nawly furnianed roon.i for a or g.-ntlcra en. Call at 44 Taylor. Ff it N lr.il E D rceirns. ii North lid. near Washington. Main HI!. NeXtLY furnished rooms, gentlemen on-ja. .14 Salmon at., cor, llth. NICELY furnished room. Nob Hill; refer ences. Kearney st Main S3..il. CLEAN room, t- week: one l.To. IPS llfi. Ni''!1 room, modern, reasonable. 244 7th. CiC iiii. D iMiu, MSoy..r t ox, J1J L af uraiaaied tvoouia. LAROE oorn er front room, ona flight, new. never occupied before, nice porch, private family: reasonable. 64! S Ji. Davla at-. bet. 13th and llth. "rESlRABLE L'NFL'rlNlSHD ROOM UlLN'ER BLDO.. SSOi MORRISON ST. MOUEKK. CENTRAL. RTASON AELE. LAReiB room. unfurnished 112 Union a' housekeeping e. North. front Kooraa with Board. PORTLAND Women'B Union. -i3d year; rooma with board, us of sewing-room .li brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, aupt, VERY choice large corner room with lire place, aultable for 2 or a. also single room: nrst-claaa table. 33 N. 17th. TH K CALVARO. 42 Morrison at.. ,corr.er 13th. Modern convenlencea. wa.king distance. rtrnir.B front rooms, on til a Parking, and first-class board. 374 Park ELEiiANT room for 1 or 2 and flrst-claas table board. 374 Pajjt. I loo ma Ulth Board in Private Family. LAROE. llghL flrat-floor bedroom with bath adjoining, large cloeet. electric light, fur nace heat au.d best of table board, suit able for man and wife Taka W-R f W-W car to E. 2oth and Clinton. 57 i 20th 8. WOULD like to hava two nice ron jrneti to take room and board; have a room' with Bleeping porch, canvaa curtalna to porch, new house; 1 k.P JJ,ey..co and plenty of cream, and good thlusa to ear. Call me up. H -HT4. ... it ax-I.I-J CT Plinna A 7H' rooms with board In amall prlvata family, best of home cooking; up-to-date convenlencea, easy walklnc'lstance; West bide. LARC.E-room new corner realflenco, choice iocatlou, walking dl.tance. West Side, family table; men only; reasonable Main 221U. PLEASANT. warm. well-furnished front room, second floor, excellent labia, mod aim, home conveniences, strictiy private, central, reasonable. 621 Cotton. LAX.Y would like 1 or 2 children lo ooaru and care for: nlca home, good care, price reasonable. Call 1-62 Belmont st- Taka Mt. Tabor ear to 4-d! . NICELY furnished room with runnlmr wri ter, all convonlencea. beat of home conn ing, aultable for 2 gonllomen : very cen tral: references. 2'.U West l'nrk. and room, in well-healed home. t o in Drlvnte innii.y. no..... piano. Phona J RESPECTABLE family wants to keep gooa cara of a few children. AM .. Ore- gonlan. UOOU home for 3 child n. near Ariel school; rates reasonable. :30 Lincoln Bt. Phono A ino2. FAIRLY modern room with or without t.onrd. by rolln.d couple: both employed, must be reaaonahle. I. 73'.'. Oregonlan. NIt'K warm room with board for 2 tlomen: all modern conveniences. N. 16t Ii. gen 104 ROOM and board with refined young couple for two ateady younn moo. cl"o in. Call C 2963 or at 174 E. 2d North. ELEGANT-room for two. with first-class table board; rates reasonable. Kvcnan. 4o North 20th tt. Main Mtv. , NEWLY furnished alcove room, suitable for two. buaineas people prelerred; breakfast and dinner. Phone Main 20.1. unnu m-lih or without board lor one tao. Call Sunday or evenings. 26S Glenn ave. TWO young men can find pleasant, sunny room with hoard, refined family, fine loca tion, clo.e In. M. 6b2. , A LAROE front room, modern, suitable for 3 gentlemen, reasonable rent. 2 meals. o3o L. Belmont, cor. 12th. ROOM, aultable "for either one or two young meu. with board, pleasant surroundinKS. I'hona Fast 6416. 116 E. 27th St. LAKi'.B front room each: bath 2U1 with board for 2. fd llth, near Jefferson M.rshsU 2603. BOOM.-J with board, modern conveniences, reneonable rat-s. 673 East Salmon st. corner 14th. Phone Eaat 2IH.iL A CLEAN, well-furnished room, with board: Herman family, all conveniences. 20 blocka aouth of Morrison at. phono Mar.hall l.,i. PRIVATE famliv, excellent board, nlca large room, l.ath. gaa. heat, phone, two gentle men. ."rt EiiK.ne t. F.a.t 2 :21. F1KRT-CXASS board. private home-made hr.ad and neighborhood. iS'J Johu son au ROOMS, with board, modern conveniences, running water, home cooking, near Steel bridge. 1 Croaiiy. Phone C ir03. FOR RENT Room and board In modern V n - furnace neai: "uua .a...... m nrrled couple, rhone Woodla' M4. CORY room, congenial home, choice board. 7bl Marsnaia si. a. .-...io. NICE Ing warm rooms with good home cook three mraia per day. 3'.'2 Salmon. ROOM and board In atrlctly private family for a gentleman. phone Eaat r.;i72. rtOOM and Jtroadaay. board In private family. Eaat 4IS. titi:) POARD and room, home cooking and plenty to eaU 320 Crosby st. Phone East 432. ROOM with board for References required. ; gentlemen. 2U0 lOtli. NICE furnished room with board. gentle men. 84'J mh U BOARD and room for genilemen. W0D Mor rison st. Kl RNIsll ED room with board. St. A 1836. , 3S5 llth LAROE furnished rooms, with board. 616 Morrison at- A 3-8. VERY pleaaant room, with board, furnace heau Hawthorne and 22d at. East 2MHL WANTED Children to board, beat of care. Woodlawn 14: ilUST-CLASS room and family for one or more. ROOM and board. 0i3 ail per week. board in private 045 Yamhill su "Washington st. LARGE front room furnished with board; fo week; for two gentlemen. 04 YamhllL FRONT-room, suitable for two gentlemen, with board. Call 11)5 Ula st. NEWLY "furnished rooms, with board; price reasonable. 095 E. Oak su B tl. ROOM and board to a week. i.'3 nli. Apartmenta. MODERN apartment of five rooms, at the Kerrigan, a::.'.; carpeta and curtains fur nished If desired; also cottage of five fur-nlr-lie.1 rooma. Inquire 4!i East Davla Nr'W and elegantly furnished two-room. s'leain-heatKl apartment!., all modern con veniences, reasonable. l'Ja 21st su, corner Taylor. - TincEE rooma. furnished, outside, steam heat hot and cold water, both phones, private bath and toilet. 12 minutes' walk to Postofrtce. 443 Clay. "HE Stanley Apartments. 701 Washington. corner King: 8-room apartment, adl mod ern conveniences; rent reasonable; Jani tor aervlc. RB-VKAV. MarshalL b.U 19lh and 20th; front apartment; furniture modern. rooms and private bath; phone, ateam heat. yard, humelike. Main 60.12. A 3191. 1 "THE NORDIOA." Furnished apartmenta and rooms; mod ern; reasonable. Corv Grand ave,, and Hnlmon t. ;A?4 MARCO APARTMENTS. olh and coucn aia. ; steam neat, not and cold water. Drlvate bath and tele- phone price 6-o to 21). Phone E. 2731). THE ALTAMONT, corner Sth and College Keautifuily furnished apartmenta: at siea'm heau hot water, private phone and bath. Janitor arnmi. Kl KC.ANT 4. room apartment. phone, heat. hot ana com --'V.-.. 7- v.,.. - . .. . i.i u ni.-r i j, q, APPly aJ..w i..a.iiBiiia, oov Clay su BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnlsl strictiy nuidero, reasonable rent: vacan . i mil. North 23d. Marahall 244. ishd. cles NICELY furnished 4-room apartment. Roue Friend, apartment 37, 7ih and Jefferson. Phone Marshall 183a. 136 a-BOOM flat, elegantly furnished, prl- vale family, elderly couple preferred, Enst 14 V I. , DTlrt APARTMENTS Third and Mill sla 6-room. unfurnished, apartment, 4i; mod ern lmprovementa; adtilta oniy. FUIUNISHED and at Th aBlan-yr. 2027. urn Jrnished apurlmenta 12s 20 th su Marshall vrtCLT furnished rooms and apartmenta Kervthlng modern. Ths Healy. corner 'inrriion. Grand are. Phone East bfcp. : " ONEONTA. 1ST 17th. near VamhilL rrr3lndairtionu-:'u-beata vTTeLBR APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay . i, eorncr apart enu Juat va.r. moiilre at once. C c-to YORK. Apartmenta 2 and X rooms fur nished and unfurnished, steam haat. Xlee nisneva h nd BelmonU Ilhone. 1-" . , i a aoartmeaie. 22d aud Ollsaa; a- Vnarimanl with all auoaea con e- oianc.a. rent iwaaonabla. s ROOM apartment to adults. Owner would keen 1 room If desired. Call Marlborough. apartment 33. 21 at md Flanders. FINE 3-room furnished apartment, to mar tied couple. Phone A 64. THE DAYTON Fine 6-room apu; heal, hot a(V. V3, loajlUra tUa Zltadex. BOARD for ona or privilege and usu of 1 '.H3. 5, 1911. THE BARKER Corner 2Lst and Irving a This new 4-story brick opened Jan- J' 1911; furnished and unfurnished in two. three and four-room suites with recep tion halL Pacific phone in each apartment, electric elevator, Tulroes disappearing beds, built-in buffet and writing dealt, gas ranges. Ice box, plenty of cioset room. II aim. a,-anr aomethinar extra niOO, COmB tO tne naraer. rimna a..o .'61. THE MEREDITH. 712 Wash, St. New brick apart ems, Just finished and furnished complete for immediate House keeping ; beautifully furnished, all In i and 3-room suites with private baths and recentlon balL Paclno pnone in each anartment free: nothing in the city to eaual it tor the Brace. Call and aee for yourself. . PENINSULA Apartments, new building. East Bide. USSH Alblna ave.; take Mississippi L or Bt- Johns car. 13 mlnutea ride from Washington su; 2, 3. 4 and 5 rooma. com pleleiy furniaued. 1B to 10 per month; all modern convenienoea; unfurniahed apartmenta. also nlc.iy furnlahed bed rootna. Phone Woodlawn 2259. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocka south from Morrison SU; new brick building, completely first-class; fur nished In 2. a and 4-room family apart menta: prlvaia bath, reception hall, aieam heat hot water, elevator, free phone. Jo ltor service ; rent very reasonable. UNFURNISHED A very handaoma 3-room apartment with bath, constant hjt wator. furnace heat, electric llgnu large closets, unusually large living-room and bedroom; front and back porch; aeparata enciunoJa from atreet. Telephone Main 21 2. Price 35. PARK-HARRIS APARTMENTS, corner Park and Harrison streets, now ready for oc cupancy; three and four-room aultes. all modern convenlencea, including polished oik floora. fireplaces, etc Apartmenta both furnished and unfurnished. Phono Marshall 8U7Q. A 442S. . IONIAN COURT. 570 Couch. 1 block from Washington au, on ISth -; teL Main 11D2, 3 and 4-room modern apartmenta, steam heat, electric elevator, hot and cold water, telephone and Janitor services. Apply of manager; reference required. 'THE CEPAR- HILL" (nicest apartments in citv. 1ST Green ave., beu Park ave. and Wabhlnt-ipn St.. near City Park, overlook ing city; new house, new furniture, three rooms and bath, steam heat, hot water, private phone. If looking for a quiet and !,,.. .en thaao apartments. A iDo-a. THE H ADDON HALL APTS., newly iur nished. 3 and 4-room apartments, with prlvata baths and phone, hot and cold water, steam heat. Janitor service and all other modern conveniences. Apply at manager' a apu, No. 203. Phone Marshall 1170. THE CODY. Eaat 7th and Taylor sis., new. beauti ful and very elaborately furnished apart menta of 2 and 3 rooms; something en tirely different from usual run ot ;Part iiiouts. This is worthy of Investigation i II you are looking for something exception ally good. LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucretla street, near Washington. i.. at., tueie outside. 2-room apartmenta left in this new elegant and eoooMtn nnartment-nouse. av.puij .v 811- perlntendenu apu 1, or phone l.'.Ol ; references required. Marshall LADY, living alone, wants middle-aged wo man lo lake 2 rooms of her huma for company evenings; If employed can hav for small rental; would take man ana wife; no children. Call 1042 Williams ave. Taky U car. . , THE BANNER APARTMENTS.. West Side. 4M Clay ts., near Hth-Two-room apartments, modern, completely furnished for housekeeping, $21 and J. 4. including electric light, ateam and cold water, phone. heat. hot HANTHOR.V Apartments. -ol i-lh, ,Bt-; near Main. 8-room apartmenta furnished or unfurnished, disappearing beds, not and cold water, steam heat. Janitor serv ice. This is the best-equipped apartment house in city. Marehall 2b40. " CARMALETA APARTMENTS Will be completed March 1. 11)11. r or apartments Inquire of Miss Allen at the building. S. E. corner of 13th and Jefferson ats.. or phono Main r.7f4. The Keed Instl ture, 4'Jri Ablngton bklg. THE LILLIAN. 6th and Montgomery. Three-room apartment, new and ele gantly furnished: private phones and all modern conveniences: liith-st. car to door. See manager on premises. ORDERLEJGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark at. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnlahed. Two and three-room apart menta; private bath, hot and col water, ateam heau Phone. East 300. THE ALBEMARLE. S3 Williams; cosy. comfortable, newly furnished suite with ateam heat, privaie nam a..',, n appearing heds, etc The Albemarle. afNOELA APARTMENTS, 37 Trinity Place, between Ultra and 20th. off Washluglon - 8 and 4-room apartments, beautitully furnished; electric elevator and private phone. NEWLY furnished two and three-room apartments, also unfurnished and sleeping rooms, steam heat, running water. lfi E. 7th su LILLIAN APARTMENTS. 6th and Mont gomery. 1 three-room corner apartment, new and elegantly furnished. private phone and all modern convenlencea. M' K INLET APTS.. new and beautifully fur nished apartments, 3 rooms aud bath. 4J E. Morrison. TWO ladies to share cosy apartment, convenience. West Side. Main 2Ui every today fter 11 o clock. THREE rooms, new, very desirable, close in. 424 W 6th. A 372fi. - 3-ROOM nlshed. apartment, furnished or unfur The Cecelia. 2 2d and Gllsan. via la. FLAT for renU furnished or unfurnished. In excellent residence section, with best car service in town. 15 mlnutea' walk to postoftice. Very light, airy apartinenU Low rent to desirable, permanent occu pant. Bath, gas. range, electric llehts. Jf - w blocks of hlKh and grammar schooL Ah. 731. Oregonian. 6-ROOM modern flat, corner Williams ave. and Fremont, 15. Five-room modern bun galow, St. Johns carllno. $13.00. OTTO t HAJ-KON REALTY CO.. 1331. First St. WILL share nice, well located home with two or rent furnished to responsible peo ple. Call Sunday or evenings. 268 Glenn ave. MODERN, 5 rooms, gas range, combination fixtures, three carllnes. :i monih; va cant Feb. 15. 4SV E. 12th st. bouth, Sellwood 1S2'.. NEW modern 6-room lower corner flat, gas stove and water heater, heating stove, furnished; rent J25, with water, phone East ts;l7. FINE modern 6-room lower flat; choice location. 174 hi 23d, cor. Johnson su; rent tsx. C. H. liorreli, Lumbormens bldg., 5th and Stark. HOLUDAY ADDITION, modern, new. un furnished. 7 rooms, adults. Phone East U3T. NICELY furnished i-room flat with bath, modern, largo airy rooms: walking dis t a nee; rent reason able. 48 31 -E.Co uc h. 6-ItOOM flat, walking distance, good resi dence distrlcU Phone E. 6220 or cail 14 v E. 18th. COMFORTABLE furnished flat. 4 rooms; 2Kth, Sandy Road; rent $20. Phone B 28S0. FOR RENT Flno 7-room liat. modern in every respect; Nob Hill. 77tt Johnson, bet. 23d and 2401 A FLAT of four newly furnished houaekcep lnt rooms, easy walking distance, rent $23. Eu E- Sth North. A PARTLY furnished 4-room flat, close In: no children. Inquire rear cottage. 230 H11 su FOR RENT Reasonable, a modern fur nished flat, on the ground floor. Phona Woodlawn 2!) 1 5. i DcT'r.a s.-: a-room flat with bath. rea- ...... . . . . . . . ... X I.- I- I sonah'.e. -ii r.. oiam a- MODERN 5-room flat, close In. on carllne. Annlv 43 E. 12th and Division. A 3:i).l. ilODEKN 4-room liat. Phone Main 4101 310 Larrabee st. XICELY furnished 4-room flat; reasonable: adults only. 271 E. 6th St.. N. E. 5477. ONE new fUL price $23. 11S7. Main 1606 or East $16 alodern 4-room flats, adults. 7f9 WUllaai s ave. rlth basement; Woodlawn 42. 4-ROOM flat, large porch, light rooms, walk- Ing distance. 233 Hall, afterr loone. MODERN 4-room furnished flat for rent, $27. Phone East 471)3. NEW, modern 3-room flat. East lslh and Ash. phone B 2Q0H. FLAT for rent. 431 Larrabee su TeL East 6354: Main TK5. tjos-ROOM modern flat. 629. Phone Tabor OB HILL, modern ifurnlshed 6-room upper fiat; adults only. Main boon. LOVELY mode i 4-room flat. iiSth and East Irving. East 5. B 14"4. $25 FURNISHED flat, plan thorne ave.. cor. 84th st. piano. I02214 Haw- 7 v-BvV- 6-room flat; walking distance; ci.ean to the right party. East 6302. NEW 3-room flat. 810 Belmont st. 2Sth;- $27; adults only. Tel. Tenor St., near 414. r ...AM e.t. miirl condition, fireplace. 633 rtn..n au Main 8225. 1 r.W - r, fla 3jioh, eJW 4e jjm rrrlfclf 11 " ' a - , r- 3 1 for re-t. ! ron RENT. 1 LOWER 6-room flat; bookcases gum an. stationary washtub. cement basement, furnace or stoves. 800 Market su All modern. Place open for inspection Bun da yajidIonjday. cic exiling Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping, gaa range, elec tric llghta, hot water, bath, laundry all free: $15 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for money; short distance from Union Depou Take 'S' ear. or lata it. cars north, get off at Marshall su No dogs. , . COTTAGE. 4 rooms, furnished. $16 a't': Well-furnished 4-room lower flat. '' month- suites of two wll-furnished hTuTek-eopTng rooms. $10 and $12 ""m Apply 304 North 26th. -'W car from depot, 6ih or Morrison 40 26th, bloc- north. . HOUSEKEEPING rooms; newly turn is u ivr very comfortable rooms and In one block of car line, in 1. 2. 3 and 4-room suites; pricCes very' reasonable. 795 First st . cor. 1st and Olbba. Phone Marshall 340. TERUE partly Turnished housekeeping rooms, newly papered, gaa water and tele tihone. front room. 4SS 21su beu Clifton and Myrtle sts. TWO unfurnished rooms, walking distance, heat, bath, gas. Janitor service, telephone new building. Inquire at flat 7. No. ot.4 1st., beu Lincoln and Grant; $14 month. 13.60 TO $2.ov) VVE; clean. I-roiailai housekeeping rMma, free laundry, batn. Shoe7 "leaS linen, heau 406 Vancoafs ave.. and 203 isanton: take V car. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. MILNER BLDG.. 350 MORRISON ST. o PERN. CENTRAL. REASON AB LIS. CAMBRIDGE bldg.. furnished housekeeping rooms, very central. Apply room 3b, 3d and Morrison. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; also single rooma 632 Williams ave. Phone C 1333. : . -T.ir.. v- ... ,h i.Via ataam-haalad hoUSekeep- ie rooms: c. ntral and en auite. The New-" castle. 3d and Harrison sts. UNc. nice, iar;e, iron- iiw-Dcat,e...- privileges 01 Datn i ra '"""Ai'iie.Vi distanco; etn ano. 1,1 j-qo HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete blda. Phone Woodlawn 2D07 or 2379. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th, com pletely furnished housekeeping suites. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, sleeping rooms, reasonable, 231 is Market at. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. ONE , two or three-room housekeeping suite, nowly furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water; phono, bath, electric lighu 175 21st St., near Washington. Phone Marshall 13tH. SINGLE rooms in nice part of city, $ and Sti each: two with pantry, sink and gas range, $15. Take "U" car to Killlngs worth ave. 1212 Moore st.. near Jarretu Piedmont Addition. Woodlawn 1035. TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished com-nleto- easv walking distance, bath, gas, phone, $16. Including lighu joy. near 16th. 62 7 Love- NICE largo rooms, heat, electric light, phone and bath, with or without use of i..ii..i,,n foe alnelA Deraon or man and wife: walking distance. Phone A 7143. NEWLY and nicely furnished bay-window room. housekeeping, with or without sleeping porch, running wator, furnace ireau E.13U0. TWO lovely connecting rooms, gas range, ainL- freo nhone. walking distance, sow- Ins- machine, bath any time, hot-water heater; adults. 3S4 Park St. THREE private housekeeping rooms, gas en. Ire home range, sina. ccijiiin.a ... - - - pleasanu 1 block of car. Call Sunday bi. range, sink, everytning ,. rieimuui si. 10 ,.o..,..... TWO elegantly furnished housekeeping rooms: rent rearonable; bath, sink, elec tric lights. 428 Hall su HOUSEKEEPING rooms: phones; no dogs or cats, ave. adults: bath, 407 Holladay o NICELY furnished housekeeping: pantry. basement. , hot water, sink, electricity yard; close In, oheap. A 72Q. Oregonian. nvn reont rooms also one large room, all furnished for house keeping. In prlv family. 3Stt Park st. FOUR furnlBhed housekeeping surroundings, ground floor. rooms, nice :02 E. 45th, B 2S32. 649 TAYLOR, near 17lh. nicely furnished front room In modern flat; gas, bath and electricity. LAROE, clean housekeeping rooms: free gas, phone and bath; $12 a month. 194 ti. l&tru , FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, -.-round floor, with range and gas plate; close In, modern. Phone B 2b. 3. tvM? rr.-VT pleuMiaiit i'aont room, f urnifched for Mailt housekeeping, house modern. 275 N. 22d gt. Main '.1)7. TWO nicely furnished connecting front rooms foe housekeeDlng: also back suite; reason able: adults. ITS E. 14th st. 4 ROOMS, private residence, newly fur nished, very reasonable. Call U!)3 Union Ave. NICELY furnished rooma with privilege of light housekeeping, heat. bath, phone, I SO and $2 a week. Call B 1019. v---uv aleaieultle connecting furnished house' keeDlna rooms; no children. 347 Market Street. FOUR newly furnished modern connecting rooms for housekeeping. Walking dis tance, rent 2o. S'.l ti. Bin ionr.. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with all . Lrn .nnucniencea. 321 llth St.. cor. Clay. aig 00 Four bright, conveniently furnlsliud housekeeping rooms; bathroom, paniry , first floor. 169 Purler su S cat TWO Dartly furnished basement housekeep- . i.Ao,e T.I Xtiarshall ing-room a in 2.-.70. FURNISHED or unrurnisnea moueru nou-o-ueenin. room. Suite of three, private Dorch. 600 MarkeU M TWO connecting rooms, light housekeeping if desired. 721 illsaissippl ave.. corner Fremont. jj-L'RXISHED basement room. light ana warm, suitable for batching. $10 a month. 251 7th St. ii-.-, i.. front housfikeeDin-- rooms, sec , floor- atae. bath, phone. Marshall 2137. 324 14th St. a tn-nvlSHED housekeeping-rooms, light. water. Titione re uiiauiv. . -..-, tance. Main 7773. hue--- ..nfoenlaheH rooms 1 3-hole hotplate, heat, licht. bath, water and laundry free. 241 61st St. THREE desirable connecting housekeeping rooms; convenient, mn 14th st. 03 N. 2A)TH Newly furnished largo front room, complete ior iniuK.cvi.il.., ..... class. THREE furnished rent, reasonable. Phone Main 43H4 hotigekeeping-rooms for particulars, 270 12)lh st. ONE furnished housekeeping-rooin. street. 340 2d UNFURNISHED housekeeping-rooms; sink, gas. batli. Inquire tkil K. aiorrisoii TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; Phono, close in. 3!i2 4th st. TWO comfortable furnished houaeKeepiug rooms. $15. 354 Tth st: no small children. targe front room and kitchen; heat. light and bathT first-class. 173 North 17th. ,vr a,utlfiil large rooma, with alcove, Trvafhome. best location. 62 Flanders. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, electricity. 147 North 21sU flo-,0 TWO furnisnea noiiac.ci.i.a-..... for 2 adults. 3121 YamhllL NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. u Clay, corner Sth. n.EAX. lichu well-furnished housekeeping- rooms. 23 6th. FRONT room and small kitchen for iignt housekeeping: no children. 408 Main. 2 MODERN housekeeping-rooms. 194 17th. i'hc ne laln 1 35- . o virm housekeeping rooms, reasonaoie. 6021. E Morrison. Phone East 5901. a , nvr. Inrare furnished housekeeping room'. 124 '.i North 14th sU GOOD attic room 12.50 week. 202 for light housekeeping 14th st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in private family. Main 2762. forenoon only. LIGHT well-furnished sleeping and house keeping rooms 6 blocks from P. O. 251 7th THREE furnished housekeeping rooms to adults, fronU convenlenu 555 YamhllL HEATED furnished and housekeeping roomstore.nu l4North ISth su CENTRALLY located, completely furnished; $12.50 UP. 420 Main St. NEWLY furnished 8-room bousekeepinf suite. Main 3071. front suite for housekeeping, bath, gas end nhone; no children. 340 College eu A fcUITE of housekeeping rooms, nicely fur- cished, furnace heat. 19$ West Park. 8 ROOMS. 23112th su, between Salmon and Main, no cntiurcu. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, 406 4th ,t. No children over 2 years. 3 ROOMS furnished to quiet couple; walk ing distance. 24S Grand ave. North. 354 SALMON, one light housekeeping room, also large furnlshed room. TW'6' nlcelv furnished housekeeping rooms. 475 E. Burnsldu. Phone B 1160. 1 FOUR connecting housekeeping rooms, first OOC IBU -a-a.v-a, a-aaas, .-a FOB RENT. Housekeeping Boom. In Private Family. ONE three-room furnished apartment, neat ly furnished. Just been completely reno vated. Dutch kilehen. bath, hot and cold water, furnace heat; rooms ate well lighted and very cheerful. A 2-rOCim SUire on 100 ""'""",.." V'T same as the above less the Ditch kitchen. East Side: close In. 41 . bth Bt. N.. corner Couch. TWO suites of 3 and 2 rooms furnished nl1 and completely for housekeeping. " floor; furnaca neat. num. !..'. will rent single housekeeping room II wanted. 347 Hall St. TWO nice housekeeping rooms, handsome ly furnished, ciean. neat aim ito'""-; walking distance, nice neighborhood, reni reasonable. Marshall 247S. .8 North 34tn su. Just oft Washington st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished complete. 149 13th st., near .Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Houses. 436 Rodney ave. TfTHEV yon move you'll need NE FUR NITURE. Buy It Judiciously and the ear. lngs will exceed your moving expeneea. Our business for 1910, our third year, placed us among the "top notchers In the furniture businesa in Portland, WHY and HOW have we bullded so rsn IdiyT VERY SIMPLE! If we did the same business on the West Side our expense would be $25,000 more each year. Natural ly we have been able to sell much cheaper and tho people were not slow In ttndin MORGAN-ATCHLEY FTJRNITTJRB CO- 6D-75 Grand ave.. cor. East Stark SU ut Ankeny. Montavilla and Russell. Shaver carlinea pasa our store. HOUSES, t rooms, ,w lTlh street... 9 rooms. 442 E. 19th North 8 rooms. 1539 E. Taylor... ...$30.00 . .. .15.00 ... 85.00 . .. b5.0O a. a 20-00 6 rooms, 6 rooms. 30 E. 22d Norm. 1024 Alhlna ave... FLATS. 6 rooms. Johnston st. .....a. $,? , 42.50 S5.00 23.5" rooms. Johnston st a. 6 rooms, Kearney st 6 rooms, E. loth st & rooms, Johnson furnished) 55.00 . , - , . x- i o I J C I . t-1 I 1 1 ' S S- fl rooms. Weidler and liih o! 6 rooms, E. Yamhill st ..a. ..a 40.00 MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. WE COLLECT RENTALS. TIOT-Cl-J 1'OR l)t.''T 7 rooms. East 6th and Halaey; $37.50. 1) rooms. U'.i'J naiae ; .-a... 441 East 13th, North: $30. 1033 East Sherman; $1T. 7 rooms, rooms, 6 rooms, 74S Savler, $14. 8 rooms. 307 North 22d; $3... 0 rooms. East 10th, near Knott; 3o. 8 rooms, tmi) East 10th; J:i0. FLATS FOR RENT. 6 rooms. 552 Mi Yamhill ; $32.oO. 5 rooms. 475 East 20th; 5 rooms, li;0 Huwtliorne; $25. 5 rooms, in) Beech at.; $20. B rooms. 404 Hall. Flat A; $3'). PAKRISH. W ATKINS at CO.. 250 Alder st. THE GREATER MEIER & JR AN K STORE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home-huntors. visit our up-to-date ren tal and Information department. 4th floor, main building, and aeo the vacancies wa have listed of desirable houses and flats. You'll save time In getting properly and comfortably located. We keep in touch with all vacant boar-, flats and apart ments in the city. We also keep a list of new buildings in course of construction. The oomblned lists of all real estate dealers. This Information Is absolutely -WHE.V YOU WANT TO RENT A HOUSE THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY. TO RENT -We make a specialty of fur nished and unfurnished houses, flats and apartments: collect your rente and remit you promptly. If you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, and will let us have a descrip tion of It, our best services are at your com .an d. F. TC TAYLOR CO.. 402-403-404-405 Lewis Bldg. Phones A 4414. Marsnali HO NE ARLY t acres, house, chicken-house. lots trees fruits and berries: near Sc carllne: Montavilla district. $10 m..;i. Fine lor garden, cow, chickens. Also West Side river. 5-room furnished cottage, $20. and 4-room lower flat, $17. oO month. , , rluites 5 well-furnished housekeeping rooms. $8 and $12 month: 3 f"r $15 month. Apply 364 Norm 2r,tlt. W car from depot, 6th or Morrison, to 26lh; block ' north. $39 6 ROOMS, modern Mat, 12 E. ISth, jt2l 7-room house. 616 E. Oak St. $13 4-room cottage. 743 E. Asb. J. J. Oeder. real estate, rentals, notary public, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. 4-ROOMED house, wooilsiied. barn, cliicken house, large runs and scratching sheds, garden 135x140 feet, all Kinds of fruit and berries. Apply "W. H. Payne. Sol Maryland ave. Phone Woodlawn 9i4 WE CAN FURNISH YuUK HO-ln. at a great saving. Get our prices. Look era shown every courtesy. , OSTKOW & CO., 04-68 North 3d SU Reasonable prices. Easy terms. FOR RENT i-room house on sightly lot; $10 per month. 100x100 on E. 2d at., for lease for a term of years; low ground rent. Call 414 Spald ing bldg; MODERN house, unfurnished, 4 rooms downstairs, 2 upstairs. Miu colonial ave.. Overlook Add'n. Take Russell-Shaver car west. AKE yuiir reservations now for tent space, beautiful grove, overlooking river, city water. 20 minutes ride on oc canine, ret- erences required. K 732. Oregonian. GOOD, modern five-room house, on car line. West Side; $17.50 per month. Room 233, Worcester bldg. MODERN 5-roorn house. Cleveland ave. and Falling si. ; "U" car. Phone Wood lawn 2 720. Ji7 MODERN, 7 rooms. Hawthorne dia- trlcu llalu 2946. Lathrop, 38a Jack son sU MODERN 7-room house. 8S3 E. Main, with new carpets, or will sell carpets very reasonable. Phone E. 3SP4 GOOD 6-roomhouse, lot 80x100, barn, chicken-house, fruit and gardou. Phone East 1785. MODERN 6-room house. Ni. 411 Broadway St.; rent $25. James st SiggHn. 141 Fust 81. Main 7b42. HOUSE, seven rooms, modern, two lots, chicken-house, near car. Mrs. Jlnxley, t71i) 5Dth ave.. Fremont., Mount Scott car. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, block from W-W carllne; $15. Inquire Sil 3lBt St., or phone Sellwood 12.V-'. No. SI JESSUP ST.,, near Missouri ave.. lot ei.'ixloo: call 101)5 Maryland ave. or w ood lawn QQ- MODERN 4-room house, $14.00. 903 East 7th St.. North. f:,7V) .Yioilern 8-rooin. 25th and Raleigh. . Marlon poipn. o-.. ..lo.ie-" r. MODERN It-room Cottage, easy walking dis tance. 371 Marshall St. NICE 6-room house, bath, gas. newly pa pered. 148 E. 13lh. near E- Morrison. $23. MODERN-C-room house, fireplace, closo ill, adults only- 734 E. Main. FOR RENT Modern j-roora house, 755 Mis souri ave. MODERN 8-room house, close in. Rafael. $35. East 16S5. 31)6 San .ROOM cottage, 63 Kearney st., near 21at, $20 a month. Inquire 205 N. 2Isu T-ROOM-house, close in, on Howell Height, beautifully situated. A 3H91. 6-ROOM modern house. $22. Inquire 611 Cleveland ave. i car. 4S2 HALL ST.. 6-room house, $27.30. Phone AS1U2. $25. EAST SALMON, near 2oth. 7-room house. Appty in .ni" FOR RENT House of 6 rooms. 450 East l"h NorthfjJPhone East 16S7. HOUSE for rent. 7 rooms. West Side, close In. rent $15. East 20S'J. A LARGE. 6-room modern house, with yard. 82 Vermont st. Fulton car. ti7 NICE, clean 4-room cottage, 22d and Fnat Ash. Phone E. 2409. NEW, $26. modern. 6-room house, corner lot. AC. .0 1, ures'iniiiii. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT 4-om nicely furnished fiat on Fast 20th: $2f per mo.; no children. Phone E. 171 or call 70?. Belmont st. FURNISHED 5-room cottaeo: walking dis tance West Side; reasonable. A 42f0. 224 loth su FOR RENT Furnished house, modern. 3 rooma 667 Vancouver ave. Phone Wood lawn 1077. 8 A. M. or . M. givOOM modern house, well furnished, beautiful corner lot. East Side: first come first served: $35. Owner. Tabor 365. FOUR-ROOM cottage, partially furnished; gas. electric lights. 4S5 East Clay. MODERN 7-room furnished house. Phona Woodlawn 1810r , 6 ROOMS, lth and Tillamook, or will sell. Particulars V. C. Reed. 343 Morrison su NICELY furnished 6-room house: bath, gaa. fine location. $22. 330 Fremont. 7-ROOM furnished house, nice lawn, fjow. sum. u- feirw .-. ttoitf0t j