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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1911)
THE SUNDAY OKLGO.MAX. I'OKTLAXD. FEBRUARY .j, 1911. MIT ToT. xrwr tod. NI!W TOIItV. NEW TOO AT. NEW TODAY. JfEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. TROPICAL HIGHLANDS OF lexical Where the poIdn opportuni tics of the as are just be- pinninu to be thrown wpon. miles nearer the At I.mtiA seaboard than we are nd ten days elrser to the Pacific Coast of th I'nitdl States and Canada than any point in Central or South America. rilr.Rabb Wired Yesterday: "Have Bought 900 Acres" Anl since we only intend ed to buy 40 acres, even if the land proved as pood as represented, this is a more substantial O. K. for it than anv other words he could have said. We will sell, until further notice, the best land in the world, with find-class cheap transportation facilities, an ideal climate, and the best people of the 1'nited Slates and Canada for neighbors, for $7.50 Per Acre ON EASY TERMS Have you seen our litera ture T RABB & PATTON 222 Lumbermen BIdg. Fifth and Stark.- LANDS In the odge of the grow ing town of NEWBERG 2t miles from Portland. . and 10-acre tracts. Rich "Red .Shot" soil. Fully improved and ready to plant in Fruit . Orchards. EASY PAYMENT PLAN. FIRLANDS TRUST COMPANY Spalding Jildg. Portland, Oregon. i ro. r W ffrg. mUri from Vmiravirfr. Wash.: 14 mi!'i tmm nrttanl: Wart loftst rn In I N-vihwe-i ; trtnca runtime tr. lVar rrbairJ. wli. w.1mill. ter lm nmpi. latrtfs h tat ifu mluion baa '-m . t- rnotiia. porrh, tth. -ir., H fur nihd: t rt And 'rr butUllnca. tvJl lm prornk( Bt modern . t (on. Inoia, r . mir . IM m ffrMl mm h iWtjl ; Mal tr nsi i frulia. sand Athtr . A acrr ! ' T rlNs rM. anfiw vsluai tI n m b-r r min trig , om "Ktr KerM . ihrivm mm rn'inUT, 'wfi r-hrt hm't mi dtrf ant : fc'irr h. Mt it AppfM-ui; hotn np"i Ptti--t4ai lo pmr icrv; ha, If caab; urma OWNER, n. r P 5. Box 10 r.idf!l 1. -Waart. $2500 rRACTIOXAL LOT THITRMAK ST, NEAB 23D. STORES ALL AROUXD IT WHY NOT BUILD? J. Ov EOUTfTREH. Evi.j Lxctxcgt Hid 1. CHOICE FRUIT VACANT LOTS rOXTICIT STBEFT. Klftr fM north of California St.: lot 10x109 feet; liOO. noon sntr.KT. Lot 10x114 ft. tlwwn Lowell and Tliom t, wtto 1J4 feet frontage on liuod at. 100. TIBBETT" jionmox. Mx lot In hlorlc bounded hr K. Ith. II ro..k I vn. K. lth an.l Tlbbeits rim. Jnid Iota 1710 each, corner lota 1900. EAST MtTtKTH STRKKT. Two nnnt lots. 10"xl"0 ft., between Kat ftark and Uelmont ata. West front. OVERT")! STRFET, Near X. 2Jd at., lot 89x109 ft., north f ront- OVF.KTOX STRKKT, Nar N. 23d aU lot 49x100 ft., south front. OV KHTOX UTTIFKT, Nar Jf. 23d St.. lot EOxlOO ft.. aoutn front. X1HTHHI P flTRKKT. Ideal apartment slVe. between N. 21st and X. 2- sts. BARKER STRKF.T. Cliolca residence Jot. trlct. restricted dti- VISTA ATKXIE. Good bulldlnr alt, with view that can never be obstructed. MARSHALL. STR:HT, Corner N. 26Ui iL. magnificent build- Ins; alto. Cottages and Houses 1003 4 0RBETT HTBKKT. f.ood 6. room cottage, corner lot 35x 1VV It 4Z4HV. 101 ET MAI STRKCT. !ood "-room hotwe. lot 33 1-SxlOO ft. and hard-surfaca street. A bargain. :ioo. KH.Ita.H3 rF.WOVFR ST11FKT. Three small cottages. lot 60x77 ft. EAST F.LKVEAT1I STREET. Two slx-room rottaa;e. near E. Pine St.. two lots, each 13 1-3x100 ft. l.iuO. EAST St A IX STREET. Near E. !ld st, modern five-room cottage. 1'iiO. E4ST TWKXTT-FOI RTH STREET, Near Kant Main st, modern six-room house. 3000. EIST 5HTH STREET V. Near Halter St.. modern six-room bouse, lot 60x100 ft. AI.AMFDA PARK. lun-ey ave.. beautiful modern even- room house, lot 60x100 ft. liS'X). ALAMEDA PARK. KaM 2Slh St. modern, very well built, nine-room hoti; beautiful lawn, cor ner lot innxlOO ft- I'rlce has been rut to 19000. .NORTH TWT.NTr.rOt BTII STREET. r. r corner Havler t.. two irood rooin houses. loOxlOO-foot lot. Stores could be built on south -portion of lot, facing; carbarns. 110.000. ORTHRI P STREET. N. V. comer N. Hth tU two small ttulldlna-s. lot 60x60 ft. :i.l.A STREET. t'UMi ft., extending from Ella at. through the hlo. Ic in il.t st. and about 100 ft. north of Waxhlnglon st. WEIULER STREET, Artr r.. tn st. modern seven- house, beautiful lawn, aouth front, at a bargain price for a few days. Apartment House Near Washington st and :oi per month. :1 st. rent Fries & Co. J 3 I OI RTH ST. In Buying" a Home You must consider the loca tion. See lots .in Buehner's Addition, along East 53th street near Hawthorne ave nue. Inquire Henry P. Buehner 516 Luniberrnens liidtr. ' 196 Acres PLATTED On Oregon Ele. trie Railway, half war between Portland an.l Salem, one mU from Uervals. on Southern Pacific. We hold Jhls land In trust and offer It for sale as a whole. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY fine GOxlOO lot on Overton S1S250 street, between 21st and 22d. Good for flats or apartments Tonus. Barrett Bros. S03 Board of Trade Building STORES FOR RENT TENTH AND STAKE STREETS. Corner and inside Rtorcs; building jiLst bcinjr completed; steam heat; low rent to first-class tenants. WILLIAMS AND EUSSELL STS Mores in new building facing on Ruosell street, all modern; steam heat; well lighted; rent per mouth, $o0 to $oo. NORTH FIFTH STREET. Between Flanders and Glisan st. two-story basement and brick build ing, 2.3x100 feet; good lease and low rent to permanent tenant. CLAY STREET, NEAR FRONT. Three-story brick building, 2oio0; good lease, reasonable rent. GLISAN STREET. Between Sixth and Seventh, five- story and basement fireproof build ing, 50100; , elevator and heating plant; long lease if desired; low in surance rate. EVERETT STREET. Between Sixth and Seventh, two tipper Iloors in tnree-siory brick building. 2.3x100 feet; eleva-tor. EAST MORRISON STREET. Corner of East Sixth; reasonable rent. ALDER, NEAR ELEVENTH. Two modern steamheated stores; excellent ventilation and light. Will make rent right to right party. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. ' 8.1 Fourth street. I CAN SELL YOUR TRACT Acreage for platting or lots to roll for owner. Have my own sales- Men, automobiles and will famish cap ital for' advertisinjr and expenses. Have made a specialty of handling high-grade tracts for over four years. Can give bank references in Cali fornia and Oregon showing a suc cessful past record. Grant me an interview. AM 732, Oregon ian. Apartment Sifes $32,500 Best site on Washington st., $30,000 lOOxloO on 22d street. $18,000 xl00 corner on 23rd i $10,000 jOxlOO on 21st st. $8000 50x100 on Hoyt st. KEASEY tlUMASOHSJEFFERY 232 Chamber of Commerce. Cj Lumber Wanted I have two beautiful lots in re stricted district Montavilla worth $1300. I will traile either one or both lot for lumber and building materials. C..W. Davis & Company 606 Commercial Block. A 56.5.). Main 6120. 8 Per Cent Investments 8 Per Cent Downtown income-bearing property. Has paid as high as 12 per cent; ab solutely gilt elge. This will pay in vestigation. A. G. TINDOLPH 313 "Hoard of Trade Bldg. M 6304 Hawthorne Avenue See us for business properties on bis street. ' MALL & VON BOESTEL, 104 Second Street. Lumber Exchange Building. CHOICE INSIDE PROPERTIES $200,000 Finest hotel site in the city. Triangle bounded by Sixth, Pine and Ankeny, over two lots m are. .$60,000 40x100 on south side of Pine street, can be used in connection with any build ing in the block. $125,000 50x100 improved on Fifth street near Stark street. $60,000 Fractional lot on corner Seventh and Ankeny, with party wall, liave a proposi tion to lease for 50 years giv ing a net return of 6 per cent. $31,000 50x50, corner Fifth and Couch, $25,000 50x50 adjoining above on Couch street. $32,500 25x80, Park St., bet. Stark and Oak. $30,000 100x100, corner 16th and Javier; bringing fair income. RUSSELL & BLYTH Commonwealth Bldg. HOUSES WANTED Hundreds of laborers, mechanics and tradesmen go every morning on the cars to the Peninsula mills, shops and factories ourroundins; I'nlverslty Park to work, and re turn to their homes by car after their dny's work Is done. These men would live at Uni versity park near their work if hnuxes rould he bought on the In stalment plan or rented. There are no house for rent and prac tically none for sale on easy terms. Our Trouble We have a large number of choice loi clear of debt, but have no money to build houses. In order to, at least partly, meet this demand we will make any kind of reasonable terms on our lots with any person who has backing for inonty to build houses for sale or rent. If you have money for bulijlnsr you can make your own terms on the lots. CoeA.McKenna&Co. Room at7 Commercial Block. . A SH3, Main FOR LEASE Two-story basement brick building:, over 40.000 square feet. Central Kaet Side; phenomenally low rental, three years. Call at office for particulars, JACKSON &DEERING 248 STARK ST. WHEN YOU CAN BUY LOTS IN ARDENWALD, only 20 minutes from First and Alder streets. for $400 to .? 600, with traded streets. sidewalks built and water piped to each lot, why look for something bet ter when it is not to be found T Terms easy. KNAPP & MACKEY 212-213 Board of Trade Bldg. TAKE A LOOK at the finest little flat in the city. It's built to last ; has furnace, fine tire f ire- places, plate-glass -windows, plenty of liffht. A choice place for owner to oc cupy one apartment himself and have good income from balance. East Tay lor St., near E. 12th. Trice $10,000. A. H. BIRRELL CO. . 202 McKay Elds., 3d and Stark Sta, Sandy Road Place INSIDE PROPERTY SANDY ROAD AND EAST TWENTY-FOURTH. Today Is the time to bur a lot In Sandy Road Place, in order to reap benefits of increased values which are bound to follow. Within 12 months you will wit ness a great industrial transfor mation on Sandy Road. Sandy Road Is destined to be a business thorough fare. The city map will convince you that for distance, location and prices Sandv Road Place is where you should build your home. You can walk from Sandy Road Place to the business center of the city within IS minutes. - Car Service Take Rose City Park car from Second and Washington, and get off at Kant 24th. rignt in front of Sandy Road Place. Prices and Terms C1300 and upward. Twenty per cent cash and 10 per cent each three months with 6 per cent in terest. Ten per cent off for cash. The above prlree include sewer and cement walks. The streets are to be hard surfaced as soon as possible. Just think. 50x100 -foot lot on Eaft Flanders between 24th and 2fith. for S13SO cash. This in cludes sewer, cement walk and Bull Run water. Call and get a plat of Sandy Road Place. W. H. GRINDSTAFF GEO. D. SCHALK 510 Commercial Block, SUH Stark St. Tel. Main 00. Tel. Mala 392, A 232. SNAPS! We spend two-thirds of our time looking for good buys, and when we find one it is two-thirds sold because it's good. So we only need one-third of our time to Rell our snaps in. w e have farms from 5 and 10-acre racts to 10 and 20.000-acre tracts in he best apple and fruit districts, both n Oregon and Southern Washington. Houses, bungalows, cottages and lots nd blocks in Portland is one of our Iveliest brancbes. Another one is fac tory sites, business blocks. speculative buys are our long suit nd in fact it is trump in such a fast- growing country. We have some of the finest lands in the world for $30 an acre. See, write or call on Griffin & Peake Bros. 1112 Clinton St., Portland, Or. Eastern inquiry will be cheerfully answered and Information correctly given on all things pertaining to the developing of Oregon. Practical farmers are what Oregon needs today, uraw a line around tin ad and write us tomorrow. NOTICE! All persons desiring- to view 1..41RKI.HIBST are invited to call at the com pany's office on the tract at East 39th and Glisan streets. Every courtesy will be shown by our rep resentative, who will take pleasure In. ehowins; this beiutl ful property. The same courteous treatment will be extended to those who have purchased lots. as well as to persons deslr- ins; io view cne aaamon, 3 and none will b e impor- ' tuned to buy. JTS3 a i. j, inquiries will re ceive prompt and intelli gent attention. Office open troin 9 until 6 o'clock. TAKE M O T A V I M.A. CAR TO EAST THIRTV- I !V T H AND Gkl.lA.V VTRKKTS. ASK FOR MR. B( TTKRKIKLD, OR PHOXR BAST RKA. TURNER HEIGHTS Has only 14 lots and will soon, be sold. Don't wait too long to select one. On Ravensview Drive, rear Elizabeth, sur rounded by the best homes on the Heights. Prices low $950 to $2250. KEASEY, HUMASON&JEFFERY v 232 Chamber of Commerce. Heights Office 20th and Elm Open Sunday. , $14,750 A 50x100 corner lot on North Six teenth and Xorthmp streets. Let us show how you can make money on this; $4750 cash and balance at 6 per cent. BARRETT BROS. 303 Board of Trade Bldg. RUSSELL STREET THREE-STORY BRICK 50x100, on the south side of Russell street, next to the corner of Marion street, bclna- Nos. 84-8S Russell street. Income 1150 per month. Price 119,000. Railroad owns all around this. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St. 4 Lnmbrr Exchange Bids;.) GOING TO HOOD RIYER My Portland home for sale. Nearly new, modern, seven-room house, induci ng- sleepina- porch: 50-foot corner lot: in Merlow. near Sandy boulevard. Price, $4000: Kpod terms: monthly payments. fee own?r. 1451 Hill Crest Drive. Phone Tabor R.E. Nichols & Company APARTMENT HOUSES APARTMENT HOUSE SITES BUSINESS PROPERTY CHOICE RESIDENCE PROP ERTY FRUIT AND FARM LAND LEASES .iti, 67,500 50x75 on 7th st., right In tho heart of the city, priced for quick turn. " ,v Lease 100x100 on Alder Straight 50-year lease. close in. Apartment Houses 94 rooms $3,500 90 rooms $4,000 42 rooms $5,800 62 rooms $7,500 71 rooms $8,500 54 rooms 510,000 92 rooms $10,T)00 84 rooms $11000 88 rooms $16,000 Furnished and unfurnished; terms, Hotels Finest family hotel in city, $9500 Downtown hotel, 129 rooms, mod ern brick, $16,000 Fruit and Farm Lands Improved and unimproved, from 10 acres up to large ranches. The highest class and lowest - prjped fruit land in the West, located in the famous non-irrigated fruit sec tion at GOLDENDALE, KLICKI TAT COUNTY, WASHINGTON We took the grand prize at the 1909 and 1910 National Show at Spokane. Apple R. E. Nichols & Company 270'2 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. E. THIRD AND BURNSIDE Price $37,500 THAT FINE BUSINESS CORNER, SITUATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER E. THIRD AND BURN- SIDE STS., HAVING A FRONTAGE OF 100 FEET ON EAST 3D ST. AND 100 FT. ON E. BURNSIDE ST. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST PROPER TIES ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE RIVER. THE PROPERTY AD JOINS THE DEPARTMENT STORE OF GEVURTZ & SONS. FOR TERMS AND FURTHER PARTICU LARS, SEE US. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street. $7000 Grand Ave. $7000 $7000 will buy 50x100 cor ner, close in on Grand ave., a splendid site ior apart ment-house; at present has pood income on the invest ment. $1000 cash will han dle it. Dubois & Crockett Washington Bldg., Office 3 LAURELHURST Bur from owner, 8-room house, about to ne finished in iaurvinurst, on line eleva tion, facinr outh, 1 block from car; fire place, beamed ceiling; In dining-room; also extra fine buffet, veneered paneling; hard wood floors,, full cement basement and con crete floor, large attic, fine modem bath, with laundry and dust chutes; street im provements and skie walks completed; lot graded and lawn growing. lt"TCH KITXTTEN and pantry. A beauti ful house, with all modern conveniences. In cluding a sleeping porch, front and rear stairs, etc. Kor a few days this $7000 property is of fered at $r..M, if half cash is paid. See owner. 114 East 2Sth st. phone Entt 2.V13 or B 2fi4i. Take SS car to East 2Sth go north two blocks. WHY EXPERIMENT? When you have a sure thing in sight T Lots in AEDENWALD are selling now for from 400 to $600, with improvements all in and paid for. No bonded indebtedness to keep you awake nights Buy now before prices advance. KNAPP & MACKEY ' 212-213 Board of Trade Bldg. A. G. TINDOLPH Insurance and bonds. 313 Board of Trade Alain 6301. Brong'-Steele Co. Ground Floor Lewis Bids. THE FARM MEN 130O ACRES, 3 miles to R. R. station. 10 miles to county seat town, in Willamette Valley, 80 miles south of Portland, 500 acres cultivated. 500 acres open pasture, 300 acres timber on sidehlll, most of it good fruit land: plenty running- water, pood buildings, on county road. A splendid farm to cut Into smaller tracts. Terms easy. PRICE SSO PER ACRE. 440 ACRES In Eastern Oregon, 5.1;' miles of R. TL town, only one mllo - to small town with store, black smith shops, etc.; all pood land but 80 acres, 100 acres under irrigation ditch, nearly the whole place can, be put under the ditch: good al falfa and fruit land; has 1.000,000 feet saw timber: poor dwelling, but good barns. This land is the key to 14.000 acres of Government mountain grazing land back of it. Terms. PRICE 815,000. 25-ACRP3 FItriT FARM. 4 miles of good county seat town, in the Wil lamette Valley, 75 miles south of Portland and one mile of R. R. station, all finest of fruit land. 10 acres full bearing orchard, 7 acres cultivated, balance brush and pas ture; smait Duuuings. tiaif cash. PRICE S5000. 15-ACRR FRt IT FARM one mile of electric car. 10 miles of Portland, all best of land, oil good road, close to school, church and store, half In fruit; small house, large barn. Half cash. PRICE S7000. 3-ACRE CHICKEV R AXCIf, one mile of Tortland city limits. 3 blocks of R. R. station, i mile to school, best of soil, sightly, all kinds fruit.- large chicken-bouse and parks; 8-room house and good barn. A snap. Half cash. PRICE S5000. We have good list of all size places, from small suburban home to large ranches. Satisfied customers are our bet recommendations, which can be count ed by hundreds. Come and see us. Brong'-Steele Co. Ground Floor Lewta I) Ids;. 32 miles south of Port land, on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Located in tho best part of the fa mous Willamette Valley; where you can raise Ap ples, Pears, Peaches, Walnuts, as well as Asr paragus, Celery, Cab bage, Potatoes, etc., at a minimum cost of pro duction, and where crop failures are unknown. For further informa tion write Wallace Investment Co. 517-518 Oregonian Bldg. Portland, Oregon. or C. II. Trullinger, Hubbard, Oregon. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE SACRIFICE A BIG BARGAIN On the carline. 50x100 lot in high-class addition, ' ONLY $700 $70 cash, balance $14 per month. Owner has determined to sell tin's lot this week, although it is worth $S00 or $900. Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce. Coos County The Future Coast County of Orraron, 300 LOTS in the Beautiful City or x3andon-by-the-oea Theae comprise business, residence. " waterfront, manufacturing: and beach, lots, the latter fronting on Rnndon's beautiful bpach, which is famous over the entire coast. Bandon is a seaport of over 3000 population, located at mouth of Coquille Kiver, ana nas me largest pav roll OC any town in the county. A fortune for the right party. Don't fail to investi gate immediately. A very low nrice on the entire tract for.quick sale. T. I.. GREEN, Main 87S7. 40 Lumbermen Bldic. Fine Investment CQC r fin 100x200 cortier DO)UUUon York-street switch. Good factory or warehouse site. Sure to double in value within ear, with railroad develtMients in sight. VANDUYN & WALTON, - , j 515 Chamber Comnierej. , OREGON