THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 29, 1911. ENGLISH CIVILIZATION IS MENACED BY ALIEN REDHANDED ANARCHISTS Uatvii., AKrtit, of Desj.ndi. la El Q.orl.'l RIm P Scotland Td Slmtb, Ajiiit Hw Trp. of Tercortit-Stritt Enforcement cf jUIn' Act Demandd-roreijn Quarters Bed of 'V'tfix&i '--, V:-v .'-:fl si - Iff LONDON. Jan. Bpeclal.r-The murder of three policemen and the wounding of many others while In the cxeruilon of their duly In a densely-populated quarter of London by a band of desperadoes alleged to be for txa criminal, of a peculiarly vicious trpa baa again revived extraordinary Interest In the activities of known anarchist who make London from tint to time the errne of their operatlona and propaganda. Opinion, are at the moment divided as to whether aatl ants of the police In Houndsdltch were prompted by polttirat motlvea or whether they were merely a band of swlf-seekinar criminals with robbery alone as their objective. The con sensus of opinion Is however In favor of the belief that while robbery was Intended the persons encaged in the desperate enterprises belonged to the anarchist movement. It la remarkable, however, that while the majority of Kottllah newspaper writers are agreed that the attempted burglary and lha murder, so unhappily associated with it were the acts of foreign anarchist, they are able to throw so very Utile light on the actual work of the anarchist movement and the activity of anarchist propagandists in England. They think It sufficient to trot out columns of ancient history; to refer to Itavachol. Bourdln. Henry. Meunler. the destruction of the Cafe Very, the murders of King Humbert. President M Ktnley and other prom Inent personalities without giving their readers any Idea of what the militant anarchist of the moment Is thinking out or doing in the solitude of his lit tle apartment not In the slums of Whltechapcl or ho. as msny are led to suppose but In suburban villas In Birmingham. Liverpool. Manchester. OUsgow. as well aa in Dublin and Bel fast, and now that these desperadoes are distributed over a much wider area It is naturally more difficult to keep them under observation and to frus trate their nefarious plans. l'olk- Kaoe New Tp" of Criminal Immediately an outrage of some un common character ia perpetrated In I.onJon the ordinary Kngllali citizen feels that the police have only to raat their nets around Soho and White chapel and the rest Is a walkover for the sleuth hounds of Scotland Yard The difficulties and perils connected with the capture and detection during the past year or two of many criminals for whom the hangman la anxiously waiting prove how fallacious aucb an Idea mu.t be. The anarchist, whether of idealistic type or the mors sordid variety Is usually a man of some brains who regulates his acts according to the needs of the occasion. He may be burglar, but he ia seldom a bungler. Hence It Is that so small a proportion of the foreigners who carry on the pro. fesaion of burglary In England are brought to Justice by our alert and sealous police. But Is Is not In burglary, highway fobbery or the sordid side of the an archist movement that this story has Its basis. It Is Intended more to show how free the men and women Imbued with anarchist Ideas have been to pur sue their activities In England of late without the stringent observation to which they were subjected during the reign of Superintendent Melville at Scotland Yard. Since his disappearance from the scene of action as the head of the police department which kept a watchful eye on the movements of sus picious persons and political firebrands who made England their refuge, the system of surveillance has. it appears, been somewhat relaxed, with the re sult that In spits of the Aliens' Act which was designed to keep out unde sirable persona, some of the most vio lent anarchist propagandists In Eu rope have made Great Britain the scene of their operations. Anarchist Given Check. At a moment whan anarchism be earn a terror throughout Europe. Mel ville terrorised the anarchist who tried to make Great Britain a pleasant oper ating ground with the result that acts of political violence on ths part of con tinental "Idealists" received a check throughout the world. Melville was a man of Iron when dealing with this type: he ahowed them no quarter when he came Into personal conflict with them, and although Superintendent yulnn. Ms successor. Is also a man of actlom Melville was the man tncy feared most. Both officers are singularly enough. Irishmen one hailing from the wilds of Kerry, the other from bleak Mayo. Both have been charged with the re sponsibility of escorting the late Viueen Victoria and King Edward on their journeys, a circumstance which Is In Itself a conclusive refutation of the calumny that Irishmen are not loyal. Since the retirement of Melville on bis well earned pension, a different type of men seem to have made their way In the anarchist movement, that Is. as far aa their conduct, actions and ap pearance ahow. They belong to the variety that will not stop at plunder to furnish them with funda wherewith to pursue their political alms. They plead that robbery of the rich, even by methods of violence. Is a species of high morality. They make no attempt to live up to the standard maintained by Malateata. Kropotkln.' Louise Michel, Emma Goldman or even Johann Most. There Is nothing, at the moment, to In dicate that they have any desire to at. tack the property of the proletariat but they make no secret of their determi nation to show no quarter to the man or woman, no matter In what position, who tries to obstruct them lit the pur suit of their nefarious enterprise to plunder and purloin the property of the rich. Murders May Be Acounted For. Following theee ideas closely. It can be seen how easily the Houndsdltch and the Tottenham murders can be connect ed with the new type of anarchist Sropagandlam. Anarchists of the type f Malatesta do not countenance acts of violence of this description yet they fear openly to denounce the "com rades" who perpetrate them. Malatesta. who lives In London. Is an avowed and militant anarchiet. who haa been expelled from almost every country in Europe, but he Is so well known to the police here and so close ly under observation that he has very little opportunity for pursuing active propagandist work. He follows quietly the occupation of an engineer and gas fitter, and when a gas cylinder was Introduced Into the articles found on the scene of the Houndedllch burglary there were many who connected Mala testa with the Houndsdltch affair, es pecially aa he lives In Islington, the quarter of London from which the cylinder was supposed to have coma. There Is another aspect of these oc casional outrages which English writ era entirely overlook. They nearly al wavs trace the authors to Hussia or 1'oluud. The authors of the llounds Clun affair are, we are told, Lithuan ians, an allegation that haa been pub licly repudiated by responsible repre sentatives of these people. Those who have any acquaintance with the move ments or activities of London anarch lets ought to know that the most vio lent and militant among them are cith er Spanish, French or Italian, white not a few are of English or Scotch birth. The difference between the Brit ish and foreign breed Is that tha former are of tho frothy or pothouse variety while the Continental Is a man of ac tion, who Is not afraid to produce his "gun" or "knife" as occasion demands. The Britisher will go on public plat forms to denounce capital and religion In violent phrases that sound formid able, but do little harm. The Continen tal will conspire secretly to "remove" the protagonists of both. All the rec ognized leaders of the anarchist move ment operating In Great Britain at tha present time are natives of ths hot blooded South European clirues, so that those who say that Kussla supplies all our foreign criminals are either exhib iting Ignorance of the real facta or writing with ulterior motives. Sympathiser Are Many. It Is estimated that there are at tha present moment aoine two to three thousand men and women of foreign origin resident In Great Britain who are in active sympathy with the prin ciples of anarchism and who are pre pared to make sacrifices for ths pro motion and encouragement of their Ideals. The majority of them work at some trade or occupation and supply by weekly subscriptions money for the sinews of war." Up to quite recently there were quite a number of young revolutionaries resident In London with substantial means who financed tha movement in a liberal way. but for some-reuson they have disappeared from their usual haunts, with tha re eult tlmt the finances of the "Oum radea" have suffered seriously. One of these enthusiasts was known aa "Carlo" Ixondrovx. who was said to ba the son of a Polish Count, atudy ing medicine in England, but It Is probable that he gave mora time to revolutionary literature at the British Museum library than he did to medical Jurisprudence or pathological science at any of the London medical schools. He disappeared at the time of tha Totten ham murders, and It Is said that he is now residing either In Canada or the United States. He was the last of the wealthy young men who contributed to the English anarchist brotherhood, and there is no doubt thle curtailment of Income has caused many of the "Comrades" to re sort to practices which many of the more disinterested snd idealistic of them sincerely deplore. Until some philanthropist with revolutionary ten dencies comes along to replenish the coffers of the movement plunder will occupy a prominent place in the pro gramme of the anarchists and violent scene and sordid murders like those at Whltechapel, Houndsdltch and Tot tenham may be looked for. Women Aid Movement. It Is remarkable how little is thought of the part women play In these peri odical anarchist outbreaks. If It were not for their womenfolk, the most of the activities of the men could ba kept In check. They move about easily with out exciting suspicion, carrying revo lutionary literature and deadly wea pons between the anarchists of one country and those of another. Most of the literature that makes) Its way into the United States Is handled In transit by wonicu. while the priming ia also Intrusted to them. Their contempt for the marriage laws makes it an every day matter for anarchists of both sexes to live together, so that it is rare to find an avowed anarchist without a "wife" or perhaps two or three, as hl means and circumstances permit. These "wives" are extraordinarily loyal, not through fear or compulsion, but from their faithful allegiance to the '.'cause" in which they and the "husband" de voutly believe. The foreign anarchist who makes his home In England while he is careful enough of his own comfort to be the proud possessor of a "wife," Is not usually encumbered with a family, so that he is enabled to remove all his goods and chattels Immediately there Is the slightest suspicion of trouble of any kind approaching He has a rooted contempt for his landlord, and feels that he is the very last Individual to whom he Is under any obligation to pay. As he has hardly ever anything to dis train on In the ordinary way, he In variably escapes paying rent or Its equivalent. The sensational events of the last days of the old year and the commencement of the new are & striking Illustration of the extent to which the anarchist Is prepared to go to show his contempt for law and order and his desire to undermine the very foundation of so ciety. Reckless ruffianism of this na ture must be met with vigorous meas ures. The recent events will strengthen the hands of those who advocate strict enforcement of the aliens' act. and where this proves unavailing the mis creants must be dealt with in the only wn v that will convince them that if they are unfit to live in their own countries they are no longer to be al lowed to Inflict themselves on the law abiding inhabitants of another land. Strange Theories of Single Tax Advocates Worked Out. Teiey Defeat Their De clared Purpose. Asserts Salem Correspondent. SALHM. Or.. Jan. M. (To the Editor.) In full recognlUon or me futility of further discussion of "single land tax" with professional Socialists I will close the discussion of that topic so far as I am concerned with this article, and ask your Indulgence for tlila communi cation. ' Mr. Crldge in Tha Oregonian of the 15th Inst, manifests much surprise at my use of the expression "above-ground property." Knowing full well that our one and only subject of dlscusuion has been "single land tax" and no other, and my expression meant just what It said, namely, everything except land, Is sub ject to no other interpretation and is simply a short way of saying as much. Hence his pretended perplexity is pretty evidently affectation. It Is comforting, however, to notice Mr. Crldge's growing liberality as shown by his proposal 'to add to the list of taxable assets "franchises and timber." This Is pew and Interesting and promises well for Mr. Crldge's future, as heretofore ha has made no such concession, our sub ject being "single land tax" And that only. However, as no two Socialists agree or seem to know Just what they want to do. these little lapses are more or less excusable, and the Fels don't dare to give Crdge a "round-up," for there are vague suspicions that the old man himself has been pocketing "un earned increment." s Mr. Crldgo and Mr. Himes seem to think that a oareful study of "land area" and "land values" would greatly en lighten me, and demonstrate the Justice and consistency of raising all necessary revenues by a tax on land only. Now, as men and brothers, I wish to ask these gentlemen if they ever knew of land be ing assessed, except that such assess ment was guided solely by the considera tion of "area and value"? Wherein Is the wonderful mystery? It has1 always been the consideration in assessing land and will so continue. What is there to study? We are told that Vancouver, B. C, has adopted the "single land tax" system, snd we are advised to wait and see how It works out. Now, as Vancouver Is a city having municipal limits with per haps not an acre of farm land In the municipality, suppose they determine to levy all taxes on lots, or suppose they tax the buildings (the valuable buildings and the lots bring of approximately the same value), what does it amount to except tolmplify their assessment plan? What they escape on one they pay for on Uie other. Just shifting the load as a fact from one shoulder to the other. Now, If there is a trace of similarity between this simple expedient for convenience in taxation, and loading up the agricultural Interests with all taxes, and purely for the purpose of confiscation and conse quent reversion to the Government (this last on the authority of Henry George), I defy any rational person to tell us about It. We do not need to wait on the city of Vancouver, as the two situations have no similarity or lelatlonshlp, but it Is characteristic Socialistic duplicity, mask ing in the guise of "argument." 'Another thoucht Is it not a fact that from Henry George down to the veriest Socialistic weaklings, the declaration that "the land was created for the use or all" has been the shibboleth? I have had that 'declaration presented to my mind with much emphasis and assur ance of lata by Socialistic gentlemen who assumed to speak by the card. The declaration. If true. Is supposed to fur nish proof positive of the wickedness of any one who claims absolute ownership of land. Now, as a fact, while the Cre ator was creating land, did he not cre ate every other material appendage and appurtt'nanue to our plaatt? Is it not also a perfectly logical deduction from your premises that he created every thing else, aa well as land "for the use of all"? You can't prove to the contrary In a thousand years, and .more, you dare not try, aa it would prove your lack of philosophy, consistency and reason. Now If all things were created (pre sumably) "for all to use." where do you acquire the right to wear, the coat on your back, or any other article of your apparel? Was not the material "cre ated for all to useT" If a fellow cltl sen should take -one of those articles you would say he stole It and have him arrested and tried for larceny. But you would be wrong In o doing, as by your own theory they were "created for the use of all." and you have been monopolizing what does not belong to you. If you were held up by a high wayman and robbed of 150 you would protest and call it a crime. You should do nothing of the kind, as you were wickedly assuming ownership and mo nopoly of something which was "cre ated for all to use." While this devotee of your philosophy sees your error and wants to pass this money around, as he has heard you declare most oracularly, that It was "created for all to use." The difference so far as I can see Is that he Is making a universal applica tion of your theory, and is consistent with the theory of a general "divide up," while your gun Is loaded for the farmer who works 10 or 12 hours dally often for a bare living. All sophistries aside, you would drive him from his home, beggar his family and work uni versal ruin to all agricultural interests to accomplish your ultimatum, viz; gov; , Make lio Mistake GO WHERE YOU ARE SURE OF GETTING EXPERT TREATMENT THE BEIT PLACE IV THE XORTHWEST WHERE TOU CAW GET CURED THE QriCKEST AXn CHEAPEST IS AT THE ST. I. OlIS MEDICAL CO.. PORTLAND. HON" EST, PAITIlrLL k.Il 1CL, ADV ANCED TBEATMEXT, EXPEUT SKILL. REASONABLE CHARGES. Call at Once if You Are in Trouble Don't take chances with "patent medicines" or "tips from friends and run the risk of dangerous complication. I have the quickest cure in the world. Don't ixait unril something happens. Call in the beginning and save money. I will charge only a few doilaxa for the first treatment, pro vided you call early. Ailments of Men Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave. If you have any of :e following symptoms consult ms before It is too lste: Are you nervous, deepondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, t.acKacne, weaic kidneys. Irrttanle temper, cranky,' palpitation of the heart, bashful, pimples on the face, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless. distrustful, lack of energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights. cnangeaoie mooas, sore inr iroal. etc.? VARICOSE VEINS ifOV' Young and middle-aged men with weak back, falling strength, x'AXjA" sunken cheeks, hollow eyes, poor memory, I cure cheaply. Wormy veins, varicose veins, reduced and cured without pain or Inconvenience. Rup ture, etc., and Plies cured without operation Consult me free and find out now I cure without the knife. My price for a cure is the cheapest in the Northwest. eczema, ulcers. itching, heart, kidneys, THE MASTER SPECIALIST. Why waste money " trying: " different loetarii Go to the Master Specialist In the first plaee and get cured and avoid ex perimenting with poor doctors. CHRONIC AILMENTS cnVpalU liver, stomach, catarrh, rheumatism, pains. APT1 VTITT? Nervous and despondent, debilitated; tired mornings; no X VU I ambltion lifeless; memory poor; easily fatigued; excit able and Irritable; eyes red and blurred; pimples, haggard looking, ulcers, sore throat, lack of energy and confidence? AT T 1vTTi1'rT with chronic kidnoy and bladder ailments, difficult urination, J1-U a.iXl enlarged glands, etc., should call at once for quick relief. ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM IMPAIRED VITALITY? MT NEW METHOD TREATMENT can curi you and make a man of you. Under its influence the bralnj becomes active the nerves become strong as eteel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear; energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and vital systeme are Invigorated. I Invite all the afflicted to consult me personally or by letter. A OUT ATT "PT'Tc" My prices are always rea OXtLAljLt X jXi sonable and never more than you are willing to pay for the results I will give you. I will allow you to pay me by the visit, week or month, as you are able, or I will allow a liberal discount for cash. No man too poor to get my best service. I have such a large patronage that I can give you a very small price. No ex cuse for any man to be without treatment. WHY THE FREE. OFFER IS GIVEN If you doubt my ability to cure you. remember I give a week of my great treatment free if you desire, so you can try It yourself and see that it is the best obtainable In America. This free offer Is especially made to patients who have failed to get cured by doctors who are not specialists. If you are tired of treatment that fall I want you to call on me, and when you see how sensible my treatment Is, try It. Call and see me ana let me explain now x cure or, n hul, wiho mi woo u. I Dositlvely cure every aumeni peculiar w men. uu nut mai.i; ic.w.o wniimiwiij ui nermanentlv My success in curing is due to the original, distinctive and thorough scientific methods I employ. l'RANTEE A CURE I issue a positive guarantee to cure In every case undertaken or money refunded. I want nothing I do hot honestly earn, and if I fall to cure you I do not want your money. LONGEST ESTABLISHED AKD MOST SKILLFUL AND SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST IX AILMENTS OF MEX Consultation and advice free. If yon cannot call at office, write for self-examination Wank and book many cases cured at home Medicines $1.50 to $8.60 per course. HOURS 9 A. M. TO 8 P. M. SUNDAYS 10 TO 12. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO., Inc. 230Va YAMHILL STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON ernment ownership of all land. Oh, It's perfectly beautiful when you come to understand it. e I showed in my last article that if these reformers (?) did not change the taxes on land, their efforts were child ish; and of no effect. If they raised taxes so high that the large land owner would be compelled to sell, it would bar all his efforts to sell, because of confiscatory taxation rates. If the taxes are really lessened, as some of these gentlemen profess will be the result, then you're working right in line of the large owner's interests to enable him to hold his land indefinitely, un disturbed by danger of confiscatory taxation. In Any event. In each and every in stance you defeat your own declared purpose. Mr. Cridge declares that "the Improvements on farms constitute most of their values"; again, "not 15 percent of the farmers own the farms." Such misstatements of actual facts prove most conclusively that If Mr. Cridge has even a remote Idea of the condi tions and details of the extensive and far-reaching agricultural interests, he Is possessed with a most remarkable talent fpr concealing that fact. - Mr. Crldge's labored reference to the figures and estimates of '"actuaries" in answer to my showing from the records of the Assessor's office that tha ap plication of tlie tnerle tax theory will raise the tax on Multnomah County land $100,000,000 approximately, and other counties in proportion, shows his distress when brought face to face with the facts of record and require no re sponse from me. It may be as well to remind the owh ers of large wealth, which is not sup posed to be reached, but rather pro tected from taxation under tho pro posed single lam) tax system, and who in consequence do not need to go to the polls, that there is something in pickle for them, also. The motto la one thing at a time, and when land owner ship is safely lodged in the Govern ment, these gentleinen will receive the impact of a beautiful, large-sized lemon about midway of the cervical region, which will greatly disturb their equa nimity and be suggestive of the evils of procrastination. . . Brother Himes says, "Back to the land." This sounds good, but Mr. Himes must know that he couldn't get these people back to the land, much less keep them there, with all the donkey engines in Portland. He doesn't seem to understand them. They are the eal "Statues of Liberty," and their mission is to enlighten the world. When you crowd them off the street corners, you take away their very breath of life. No "back to the farm" for them. They don't back to the farm worth a cent, they back the other way. Ask Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington farm ers what they think of it. W. A. CUSICK. New Story About Burns. Philadelphia Times. An unusually graceful tribute was paid to Dr. S. Weir Mitchell at a recent celebration. Dr. Mitchell had delivered a speech about Kobert Burns, and had told a seldom-repeated story of how Burns had planned to emisrate to the United States, even having his trunk packed and his passenge engaged. Ho did not say, however, how it came about that Burnt! did not come. Shortly afterward Dr. Talcott Wil liams, In responding to a toast Interpo lated the following: "Before I begin my regular toast I wish to refer to Dr. Mitchell's remark about Burns. He told us how Burns had deolded to emigrate, but he stopped when it came time to tell why he did not do so. I wish you all to know that it was through the loving thoughtful ness of Dr. Mitchell's grandfather, who provided means for Burns to live in Scotland, that he did not come. As you know so well. Dr. Mitchell Is too mod est to refer to deeds of his own fam ily." Consul Georse Horton, of Salonlkl. reports that the 11110 cotton crop In that district of European Turkey is 4.000,000 pounds, as ciimnnr-'! with pnunMs In 1P!. How to Restore Your Nerve Force Every organ of your body is governed by a network of nerve wires. These nerves convey the power which runs the human machine. This power is called nerve force. Nerve force is nothing but electricity. The rea son any organ becomes weak is because the nerves which control it lack electricity, or nerve force, the motive power of your body. This lack of nerve force is shown by weakness of any kind, whether in the stomach, liver, kidnfeys, heart or other organs. If your memory is poor, confidence and nerve all gone; sleep restless; if you suffer frequent head aches and your eyes are dull and heavy, it shows that your supply of nerve force is depleted. So many men try to build up 'nerve force by doping their stomachs with drugs. It is impos sible. What the nerves require is nourishment nerve food. If there was any nourishment in drugs they might do some good, but you know there is not. Drugs are drugs, stimulants, narcotics, an tidotes, poisons, not food. Electricity is nerve food nerve life. It soaks in to the nerves apd is tak en up by them just as a sponge absorbs water. It nourishes and vitalizes the parts which drugs cannot reach. Every dose of drugs that you put into your stom ach weakens your nerves. Every time you kill a pain or an acluj by stupefying the nerves with poisonous drugs you are hurting them, and anyone can see that in time, by steady dosing, your nervous system will be completely broken down. Electra-Vita is a relief from the old system of drugging. Jt does by natural means what you expect drugs to do by unnatural means. It gives back to the nerves and organs the power they have lost, which is their life. 4 Electra-Vita is not an electric belt. It is a dry cell body battery which makes its own power. It is easily, comfortably worn next to the body daring the night, and gives out a continuous stream of that strength building, nerve-feeding force which is the basis of all health. Praise From the Cured Miss- D. Hoyter, Roseville, Cal.. says: "I have used 7 Electra-Vita for a little over a montn, and my 'im provement in health still continues. I had practic ally no use of my limbs when I commenced this treatment, but am re gaining control over them as my nerves are getting stronger. I can say that Electra-Vita has been a godsend to me." Mr. J. P. S I 1 v a, Hay ward, Cal., says: "Your Klectra - Vita has cured me - of a very had stom ach trouble. My wife used the appliance and was cured of rheumatism and female weakness. I must say that the present good health of myself and wife is due to the use of Electra-Vita." Every sufferer should try Electra-Vita. It is far cheaper than a course of drugging. We Give It Free Get our 90-page book describing Electra-Vita, illus trated with photos of fully-developed men and wom en, showing how it is applied. This book tells in plain language many things you want to know and gives a lot of good, wholesome advice for ailing people. We'll send this book, prepaid, free, if you will mail us this coupon. THE ELECTRA-VITA CO. 209 Majestic Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Please send me, prepaid, your free, 90-page illustrated book. NAME ADDRESS .