TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rOKTIiAXU, JAJHJAKY 29. 1911. 12 Gevurtz. Is Always in the Lead With Low Prices All this week we are selling elegant Brass and Enamel Iron Beds, Rugs, Bedding, Etc., at the lowest prices ever quot ed in the history of Portland. "It's the Gevurtz way" to buy in immense quantities and sell to the consumer at Prices less than the usual market price. You may not "believe in advertising." You perhaps think all advertis ing is alike-just done to get you in the store under some alluring pretext But we nt you tuyhe goods at these ridiculously low prices we want to sell them to you these identical goods. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO PASS THIS STORE BY if you are thinking of furnishing a home. wfcff H'" 'H Jl H n I V $15 Tapestry Brus sels Rugs, Special Sale Price Only ..... These Bugs arc 7.6x9 Feet Size. Another snap in Rngs at Gevurtz'. Your choice of three patterns two florals and one Oriental design. Rags fit for any room. Made of finely woven and colored tapestry Brussels and seamless. Sold regularly all over the city at $15.00. Gevurtz' 110 price for Monday, each )UiUU $1.50 Pillows at 95c These are made to our order by Emmerich Pillow Co., and are guaranteed all-feathers " and perfectly sanitary. They weigh 3y2 lbs., and come in fancy ticking. The Emmerich Co. has a National reputation for the excel lency of their pillows. These are regular $1.50 Q jr.. ,t the low price oi w w w each, on special sale this week at $65.00 Colonial Brass $39- If you are in the market for a handsome Brass Bed, don't fail to see these special bargains for this week. We are also clos ing out a special lot of Colonial style solid Brass Beds, like cut, with high posts, 2 inches and more in diameter, satin or pol ished finish; $65.00 values, f( on special sale now at PJJ7.U V ...Gevurtz Steel Springs, $6.50 Made to order of the best steel wire and angle iron, guaran teed for 20 years; never sags; serviceable, comfortable and economical; 30 days' free trial Special sale price. .$6. 50 Snap in Granite Art Squares , A new shipment of Granite Art Squares has just heen received and will be sold out at last week's very low special prices. Note the sizes and the regular price, then note the great saving in our special price. 6x9 feet Art Scares, 1 1 7C 9x9 feet Art Squares. CO 50 resr. $.1.00. pe. sal rrice J reir. $3.00, spe. sale pnee 7.6x9 feet Art Squares. CO Ifl 9x106 ,eet Art A CD re. $XM, spe. sale priee ' u reg. $6.00, spe. sale price Vw.wm 9x12 feet Art Squares, regular $o.o0, special sale price now S3.3o In mim" of these sizes we have over 20 different patterns on sale. A Big Matting Sale M Yard 12k Best quality China Mat ting at this sensational price. TWO yards for the price of ONE that's the sort of bargains that pre vail here during this great Special Sale. Three pat- erns to choose from. All are of first quality and col ors most desirable, Buy your matting this week. Sold in 10-yard, 20-yard, 0-yard and 40-yd. lengths. 35c Japanese Matting, special at, yard 18 This Iron Bed Only $1.65 No. 604 More Iron Beds of this style are sold than any other, but our price is the lowest ever quoted. It is full size, well made, by the celebrated Simmons Bed Co. Enameling is as perfectly done as on a $15 bed. Patent electrical pro cess is used, insuring enameling not to rub off with usage .1.65 $12 Iron Beds $8.00 No. 577 This beautiful Bed is just like the cut. The tubing and rods are strong and rigid and the lacquer is ex ceptionally fine. Full size, heavy angle irons of malleable iron, perfect enamel that will not wear off. Special $8.00 $7 All-Wool White Blankets fl0.75 Special, Only qJ) Regular 72x80 Inch Size We renew our great blanket special you'll not soon have another opportunity to equal this. None sold to dealers. Sale limited to two pair to a customer. Monday and Tuesday we are offering: an unusual bargain in White Wool Double Blank els, 72x80 inches in size and weighing 5Y3 pounds. The "Minerva" brand; beautiful, white, flossy blankets. See our Yamhill street window displays. Attention of house keepers is called to this special. 20c Pillow Cases Special at Only 12V2C LOWEST PRICES EASIEST TERMS MtyjGvmSls the Cheapest VeBuy in famenrc Quantmw 6TvJ ttp.m roll ur load low FIRST AND YAMHILL &TS0NS SECOND AND YAMHILL 20c Pillow Cases, size 36x42 inches, made of fine quality muslin, each 12 1-2. 25c Linen-Finish Pillow Cases, 15c Size 34x45 inches. These slips at 15c each are a real snap. $1.00 Linen -Finish Sheets Now 55c These sheets are 76x90 inches in size and have a seam through center. Sale limited to six to a customer. Another snap. "A word to the wise" will bring 'em flocking to this store Monday morning. 75c Muslin Sheets Now 40c Size 72x90 inches of good quality muslin, pure white. $1.75 "Pan-American" Bedspreads 90c - Full size, white, honeycomb pattern. Also a special on the "Hamp shire" spread at, each 80. . 1 1 1 ' " IT i. .... I Knott, In Irvington, lor ?6000. Tne irame residence, iurs. nasusitu uuugub I house is a new, modern eight-room I the property for a home. BH TOMORROW Contract Soon to Be Let for New Multnomah Club. COST PLACED AT $150,000 Dans Show Many Intrrexttng Feat ares, and riant Is to Tie 11 nest Ownrd by Any Afhtetlc Club Went of Chicago. Blda for constructing the new Uom of th Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club wtlt clow tomorrow and th archi tect. Whltrhoose FDullhoux. wKl let tha contract in th Tiear future. The new clubhoua ts to ba lha finest of ita kind tit of Chlraso and will coat about ;30.t. It la expected that it will b completed by the end of the prevnt yar It location will b tha north aide of Salmon atrcoU between Chapman and Stout. The buiMlEK will be 1ST br EM feet in dlmnni and construction will b of conrnrta. ateel and wood. Owlna; to the natural dwri"n of the uround. It will b five Btor'.rs hlgi on the aide overlook In tt the ncld and only three atorlea on the flalmoa-trt elde. but the major portion of tha bullUins will be tour atorlea. On the eaat iM of the main fracture will be an auxiliary bulldlnc U by 7 f'et in elmenaton, which will houae the hantlba'.l courts, and on the west aide will be a bulIdlnK Ex77 feet, for the eiuash and rack't court . The heating plant and bntl-r-room will be houeed In a concrete room under the handball courta. The building- ia to be situated SO feet bark of the lot line on Salmon street, which will provide apace for a driveway leading to porte cochere at the ma'n entrance. Thia Is one of many Inter esting featurea ttiown by the plans which are now on file at the club. Ample provision has been made for ex it In case of fire, there being not lea than aeven waya of erresa from the main fert of tha building on the second floor, and the other floors are equally well provided for. Provision has been made so that tha outline of the entire building can be silhouetted on special occasions by means of electric llsrhts. and the same provision has been made for Illuminat ing the terraces and stairways. Tha sub-basement or flrat floor la on a little lower level than the athletic field, and at the extreme northerly part nt the building on this floor Is the Turkteb. bath department, which will be one of the rooat complete on tha coast. Thla department eonaIst of a large plnn room, a nib room, shower bath. team room and two "hot "rooms, at tendant' room, waiting room, lockers, toilet room, and a large bedroom which will contain a dosen beds. From thla floor the athletes have a special entrance to the field, with spa clal lockers for their use: also a large slower bathroom, rub rooms, toilet rooms, drying room for clothes and para phernalia, after games, etc.. and a vis itors' room. The remainder of the space on thla floor ia devoted to the fan room and passageways to the different rooms, and to the playing floor of tha band ball courta. The basement or second floor is taken over mostly for swimming purposes, and has three acta of lockers. The locker room for the seniors Is large enough to accommodate lots) lockers, with a tub bath room on one side and shower bath room on the other. The ladles' room baa accommodations for Jit single or CuO double lockers, and the Juniors' room has accommodations for 477 single lockers. Just west of the lockers on 'a lower floor level la the location of the swim ming tank, which will be 3D by TS feet, and will vary in depth from 4 feet at Its shallowest part to 11 feet at the div ing end. The sides and floor of the tank will be lined with glased tile, with provision mado for the Illumination of the bottom with electric lights on spe cial occasions. Btepa extend Into the water at the shallow end and two brass ladders are recessed in the sides of the tank at tha diving end. A gallery extenda around three sides of the -room and ample light la pro vided by six very large wlndoms on the south side of the building. The swim ming instructor haa quarters on thla floor and there are also shower bath rooms, a ateam room and dressing room for the ladles. At the east end of the main portion of the building on this floor Is the loca tion of the bowling alley, which occu plea S3 by 100 feet. Including the space set apart for the spectators. The main floor of the racket courta and the gallery of the handball courts are both reached from thla floor. Spe cial provision is made for aquatic sports with accommodatlona in the gallery for a large number of spectators. On the main floor, which la on a level with Salmon street, is a hall of large proportions, its dimensions being 21 by U feet. Opening from the hall at the east of the main entrance la a cloak room, and west of the entrance la the main office, in which la a built-in con crete vault. Directly north of the main entrance la the lounging room. 43 by M feet, with llg.it celling and numerous openings to a glazed porch Just off tha main terrace. Opening from thla room la the writing room and the card room. Along the side of the wall separating the hall and the lounging room will be large glaaa cases built in between the archways to hold the medals and tro phies won by the association. These ran be seen from both the hall and the lounging room. The readlrr-room la 3S by 45 feet, and la at the west end of the hall. At the east end T the main ball Is the billiard and pdolroom. which ia large enough to accommodate It tables. The main hajl. lounglng-room and billiard rectors" room, private office, commit tee rooms and two seta of toilets. All rooms on this floor are directly ac cessible from the main hall, and pass ageways are also provided to the racket courta and the handball courts. MINOR SALES MANY Activity of Small Investors Is , Marked. ACREAGE IS PURCHASED Ten-Acre Tract Near Ilockwood Goes to Tacoma. "Woman for $3230, and Xnr Acres at Courtney Station Urine; $4 000. A number of minor sales were made the past week in realdence and subur ban districts of the East Side. On tho Section Line road, near Rockwood. a 10-acre tract was sold by L. A. Ilerney to Era Hamaker. of Tacoma. for f 32&0. Thla tract Is partly Improved. The new owner Intends to develop the land, and may engage In the poultry busi ness, airs. T. E. Cram-ford, also of Ta coma. purchased the adjoining 10 acres from Mr. Harney several weeks ago. The fact that the Mount Hood Railroad will pasa near Rockwood haa caused a demand for acreage In that neighbor hood. An unimproved tract of four acres at Courtney Station, on the Oregon City Railway, was sold by I. C. Clodfelter to Dr. Cavanaugh for 14000 aa an Invest ment. An adjoining tract of one and one-half acrea in the same neighbor hood was sold to R. O. Conklin for $2700. and W. Murray bought one and one-quarter acrea In the same district for I2E00. Both tracts were bought as a speculation. One of the most Important inside sales was that of the southeast corner of Grand avenue and East Ankeny street to F. 8. Doernbecher. of Doern becher Manufacturing Company, for 153.500. The sale waa made by Mall & Von BorteL The lot is 0 by 65 feet and ts covered by a two-story frame building, all of which is rented. This property waa bought for $19,000 less than a year ago. Irrlncton Residence Sold. J. Lorens. recently from Canada, has purchased an $3000 residence recently completed on East Twenty-seventh and Braxee streets, from Thomas L. louog for a home. A house at East Thirtieth and Oregon streets was sold by II 8. Clodfelter to Mrs. Angle C. Jones for $4200. W. A. Johnson, of the Criterion Restaurant, has purchased a six-room residence in Rose City Park, near Sandy boulevard. A lot 80x$0 feet on Union avenue, near Alnsworth avenue, was sold by C. II. Towslee to Frank Stenzel. who bought the property as.an Investment. The lot ia suitable for business or resi dence purposes. A lot in Multnomah Addition was sold to O. L. Steelsmith from Floy A. Dotson ror szjvu. ii fronts on Mississippi avenue and Is suitable for business purposes. A lot on Mississippi avenue was sold to a non-resident for $8000. It is improved with a two-story frame building, which Is occupied and yielding good revenue. A new eight-room residence on East Twenty-sixth and Brazee streets, be longing to E. R. Gates, was exchanged for a 180-acre farm In Clark County, Wash. Mr. Clark will move on to the farm. Rose City Park Makes Record. The Rose City Park district with the beginning of 1911 is making a good showing-' in the building line. In the week ended January 14 it had to its credit one-half of all the new dwelling permits Issued for the little city of houses costing $1800 and over. Of 20 permits for dwellings Issued for that week. 10 were in the Rose City district as follows: George W. Priest, eight houses on East Sixty-first and Brazee streets; William Leggett. Eaat Forty first. $1800: W. A. Mosler. $2000. East Forty-fodrth street.' The Installation of gas mains and the assurance of a modern schoolhouse will further stim ulate erection of dwellings. Mr. Priest alone has taken out per mits to erect 11 dwellings in tne Ross mere Addition, north of Tillamook, and near East Thirty-eighth streets, at a cost of $2500 each. In Rose City Park the following re- cent sales were made. A five-room house and lot was sold to W. J. Thomp son for $3300: five-room house sold to U J. Brant for $3300; L. H. Dockstader bought a residence for $3600; two lots on the Sandy boulevard were sold to Ella J. Moreland, of Ardrian, Mich., for $2000; lot on Sandy boulevard and East Fiftieth street, was sold to M. J. Brown for $1500, who will put up residence; R. L. Ringer bought the lot on the cor ner of Sandy boulevard and East Flfty flr.'.t streets for $1350. The Provident Investment & Trust Company is erecting two houses in Boulevard Addition, and Is preparing plans and specifications for six more. Six lots of the O. W. Taylor tract were sold to Hartman & Thompson for $5000. Guy & Miller report the following sales the past week: In Waverly Ad dition, on Kelly and East Twenty eighth streets, five lots, 100 by loO feet, sold to L. D. Heater for $2760. Also in Waverly. a lot 50 by 100 was sold to Dr. W. W. Bruce for $900. The purchasers will erect residences. The firm also sold a five-acre tract near Mllwaukle to C. Lamed for $3500. It Is Improved property. They sold to W. W. Glbbs, of Portland, an 82-acre farm In North Yakima for $3500. Mr. Glbbs will leave to take possession of the farm at once. Mrs. Marie Hagusten, who recently came from St. Paul, Minn., purchased a bnm on East Eighth street, near NORTH PLAINS T will shortly bo the home of many thriving industries. They are going in fast. T NORTH PLAINS will be surrounded by country homes and flourish ing small farms. It is already in the heart of the most thriving farming community in this state. N NORTH PLAINS T is in the best fruit belt in the "West a tried and healthy fruit section. I Train leaves our office each day at 9:15 A. M. Come in and get a time card and folder. RUTH TRUST COMPANY Room 3, Chamber of Commerce Building. Will Move to 235 Stark Street, Corner Second. February 1st. J arm. a Ay tji.h jOeaA Amy; Say! 2 on artel 3oIr mxs come over and take dinner tuiih Mi n(i Sxinday. We have jus i ao Auch. a nice, new dining-room ialle that of -wan yovi JtoiK o ihare o-iir iri Sxxnday dinner xtfion i. 3rina he kiddiei, oo. Ve can fxi in a iea. of had a hard ime fickina oxti a able. 3hef had Ao many Leaxti-ul ones, of alio saw loi o nW u rntiu re ha a? us an led. John hai pAomi&ed o uAniih our home nicely all he way hAotxah. jSon' oAati o Jtxrina he kiddies. CLs altrayA, JCot. (P. S. of ozart my nevs aJble and chairA rom 7TloAaan-Q.chley. Each Customer Shares the $25,000 Our Annual Savings in Interest and Taxes 69-75 Grand Ave. Because We Built on the East Side Corner East Stark Homes furnished complete on reasonable terms