The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 29, 1911, SECTION FOUR, Page 10, Image 50

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igh Class Residence Tract
Taken Over From Span
ton Company.
nproTemrnl to lU vndrr waj
Veil Month and Property Con
taining 9 BaUdlnr Site B
riaced oa Market In March.
Howard E. Rlnsr baa rstlrad from
Spanton Com pa nr. carina- acquired
. A- Bcanton'a Interest In th HesJy
-Ights resident property. He haa
rmed the Rlner STradlcata. which will
trket Healr Hetra. and It la ex-
ctej that tea land will b effsrad tor
1 aarlr In March.
-For aoma tlnaa I hara fait that I
-uld diMolra mr rolatlona with tha
tnton Company la order that I might
eclalll oo morn property that in-
rested ma particularly." aald Mr.
nrr yesterday. "I had la mind Ilealy
ishts. which appeeUed aapaclaily to
Imagination. Mr. gpantoa at first
estlooed tha wisdom or my plan, out
ally consented to a dissolution. Wa
tda an adjustment with tha various
operties w owned, and X took over
aiy Heights at the aatne price paid
t tha property laat year by tha Span
i Company, which was $100. 000."
Mr. R'ner kM large ideaa which will
carried out In dewvioplng Healy
Ighta for residential property, and
la hl purpose to make tha tract an
tlrely distinctive one.
The land embrace 41 acree and 2S
a. and for many yeara wav the home
Judge P. A. Marquam. who bought
In 1T1. paring $:60O for It- Tha
tct was acquired four yeara ago by
seph 11. ilealy. wtio disposed of It to
e Span ton Corcpaorjr some months ago.
View la FVatti re of Track
The tract Is situated east and aouth
Council Crest, mnC Its apex la 100
t abort sea love, or IT feet higher
an the highest point on the crest. Tha
stlnctlre feature la the view, which
tor travelers have declared Is un-
rpassed In the world. On one side.
emtna-ty within rpeatng distance
s the city. 1004 feet below, with tha
Ularaette Ktver. the hills beyond and
e great stretch of beautiful country
the snow peaks of the Cascade range.
ike north Is the Colombia River,
-lch Is visible for a distance of 30
lea oa the other side Is the Tualat-
Valley. a country of peaceful farms;
reams, lakes and contrasting colors
J shades. On this side the blue Coast
nya Is visible 34 miles away.
Some of the building sites hare the
st and north view, and others look,
it erer tba valley and plains to tha
utn and west. A number oa a rtlr,-e
the top. and on the sugar-loaf bu
ck at tne apex, furnish a new In
ery direction.
Aa a sort of sub-title. Ilealy Heights
111 be known aa "the Switzerland of
merles," and the trsrtsa Idea will be
irrled out in nomenclature and treat-
ent of the land, and even same 'of the
-chitecture will be of the Swiss chalet
pe. The Bwiss National shleUI ha
-en adapted aa the embm of the tract.
-id will be worked In frequently In de-
ens In masonry. There are to be no
rests, but the wtmiing drives which
til Intersect the residence sites have
-a given such names as Lucerna tsr-
e. Chillon circle. Naefela drive. Tyro-
wajr. Alpen circle. Geneva court and
like. Council Creet drive Is the
In road through the tract, and It la
Irtsd on the east and touched on the
ji by i'alrmount boulevard.
Twenty Kltea Already lleaerred.
The tract embraces sS building si tea.
id there are no "lota" to be sold. The
-Ice will vary from I-Ovu to HS.voO.
xwrdlng to slse and location with re-
ird to view. although the view will be
moot Important element In the price.
re than 3 reservations have
n made, and It la expected that the
Ire tract will be cloeed out by early
e miner.
Accurate topographical and boundary
irirveys have ben made, and the land
mtuured by William H. Benton, land
ape art toi t from Washington, D. C. lm
rovementa to be made by the Klner
Todk-ate Include paving driveways.
jlMtng sewers. Installing water mains,
ring sidewalks and planting hardwood trees. All the wires, telephone
rid power. will be underground and there
til be no unsightly obstructions to the
lew. Streetcar lines will run to the
ige of the tract, but will not be per
titled In it. Cluster lights will be to
talled. In. aoma parts tha land has a rather
-iarp slope, but In laying ont tha drives
asy grades have been found, and aa all
re to be paved, the going will be easy
it automobiles.
The particular pride of the owners Is
1 the laying out of the building sites.
0 two of which will be alike. The
xe will vary, bat none la to be under
1.004 square feet. Each site will ba
ifferent from every other, and will have
culler features of Its own. but every
tte haa been laid out with regard to
. rarmonlons whole. In shape and il
oaalons the building spot Is naturally
'.'Heated. This haa been dona so that
- bouse can ba built no aa to obstruct
a view from another.
Ixt Limits lit Topography.
The subdivision haa been planned on
topographic basis and the limits d e
ned for each lot geometrically ac--rdlng
to contour. The lines have
een made to fit the configuration of
le ground, so there Is no stiffness
nd no waste space. The radial curvea
rm a complete and economical ar
mgemcnt and the flexible back lines
t Into the swell of the hills.
The conventional has purposely been
isregardeil in lay In out the sub
ivislon. each site being treated as a
'parate studv and tha landscaping
tanned according to Ita needs. Every
irner of tiie ground will be utilised
r some practical purpose In the land,
-ape. Each will have features and
arden effecta that will harmonise with
e location and form. Sunken gardena
. 1th geometrical figures and fountalna
1 their formal design, will be the
-aturrs of some. Stalrcaaea In atone or
jnrrete. terraced slopes and vine-cov-red
gateways, walla, seats, pergolas,
scfcgrounds of shrubbery and hedges
.1 will be used, and a landscaping plan
kilt be prepared for each site.
The purchaser ana-nis arcmtsci win
xercise their own taste In the design
f the residence to be erected, the only
eatrictiona being aa to cost and gen
re! character of the buildings. In
ome garages will be built -into walls;
-i others driveways will lead Into tha
esldence grounds.
A large force of men will ba placed
t work on the tract next month grad-
asr and paving streets, laying slde-
Ivaika and digging aewera. A great
Lmount of work baa already been ac-
mptiJhsd ana u is uouxai iui ue
Eesidence Building for Investment Purposes Bprinin Up in All Sections-Architects Drawing Plans for More.
I t
5 .
NEW apartment-bouses and flata are
being built all over the East Side
and architects are drawing- plans
for mora structures of this sort In
that part of the city. II. 1 Camp tt
Co. are erecting a two-story apartment
house for William Semenxa at tha
aouthweat corner of East Clay street
and Union avenue. Stephens" Addition,
covering 100x50 feet, to cost flt.000 and
have It well along toward completion.
whole Improvement will 'be finished by
the end of Summer.
Mrs. Willett and J. F. Rcinhart to
Build Residences.
Architects Jacoberger A Smith have
prepared plans and specifications for a
ery attractive two-story residence
with stucco exterior, to be erected on
Overton street between Twenty-fifth
and Twenty-sixth. In Goldsmith's Addi
tion, for Mrs. O. T. Wlllett. The build
ing will be SS by 40 feet In dimensions,
with a full cement basement, and will
contain 10 large rooms and sleeping
porch. It will be modern and complete
In every particular and will cost In the
neighborhood of $6000.
Plans have also been prepared for a
very complete residence, costing about
$5200. which will be erected on Iroquois
street, between Lambert avenue and
Crystal Springs boulevard. In East
moreland. for J. F. Relnhart. The build
ing will be 47 by 10 fuet In dimensions,
with full basement, and will have hard
wood floors, furnace heat, two large
aleeplng porches, and a large playroom
and servants' room In the attic The
contract has been awarded to H. Jacob
sen and work haa been started.
OtrniD hotelkeeper would rather see an
Amr)'-an arrival than on of any other na
tionality. Americans hava the reputation of
eeiDf the best speeders. .
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It will contain 21 aaartments of two
and three rooma each.
lira. John H. Hays haa one of the
most attractive flats built on the East
Side at the southeast corner of East
Ankeny and East Twenty-second
streets. It la a three-story structure
and the cost was about $15,000.
Henry Kuehle haa put an attractive
buklness and apartment-house at the
southwest corner of East Twelfth and
East Ash streets at a cost of $15,000.
The first floor Is used for business
Regulations for TaXing Licenses for
New Buildings Promulgated
. at City Hall.
Much confusion and extra work is
caused at the City Building Department
by the unfatnlllarity of the public re
garding the rules to be observed by
the public In taking out building per
mits: For guidance of intending build
ers. Inspector Plummer has posted In
his office at the City Hall directions
showing the proper procedure to be
followed In order to obtain a permit.
Under the law now In vogue, all plans
for buildings over one story in height
and costing $2000 or more must be In
ink or other indelibly rendered draw
ings. Application forms for permits will be
famished at the office of the Inspector
of Buildings. These forms are of two
kinds, applications for new buildings
and applications for alterations or re
pairs. .The information asked for In
tha forms must ba filled out completely
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purposes, and the apartments are on
the second floor. It covers a quarter
block. '
F. W. Latham Is erecting a pressed
brick apartment-house on the north
west corner of Skldmore street and
Mississippi avenue. Central Albino, at
a cost of about $25,000. James Kelly
la the contractor. The- building is Hear
ing completion. The lower floor Is for
general business purposes and the up
per Is divided Into apartments. It la
the best structure of the sort In that
part of the city.
and accurately and must be legible;
otherwise the application will not be
Section 45 of the Building Code re
quires that two sets of plans be sub
mitted for every permit requiring plans,
one set of which will be stamped "ap
proved" and returned to the applicant
to be kept on the Jou during construc
tion. The permit number (yellow card)
furnished at the desk must be posted
on the Job during construction.
On the back of the application form a
diagram of a city block is shown, with
in this block the size and location of
lot or lots must be shown in ink or In
delible -pencil, together with the size
and location of the building or struc
ture and the distance to buildings on
adjoining lots.
For all frame buildings a floor plan,
cross section and elevation, with the
dimensions of all structural parts, span
of girders, beams and Joists and dis
tance from center to center of same
must be shown.
Boise Addition Property Sold.
B. H. Bowman has sold to the Caxa
dero Real Estate Company a parcel of
land In Boise Addition, on the South East
Side, comprising about two full blocks;
for $17,100. The land Is a short distance
northwest of the site of the Reed In
stitute. Roger Newhall, of the East Side
Bank, haei bought a home In Hawthorne
Park Addition for $6000.
I. 'J
- I
mtniir HWHl uajl
Building Permits for January
May Top $1,000,000. .
Gain Over January Last Year Will
Be at Least One-Third Num
ber of House Permits Shows
Growth of City.
Building permits for January will in
all probability exceed $1,00,000, and
will show a gain of at least one-third
over the corresponding month last year.
Operations last week were distin
guished by the large number of small
Jobs for which permits were taken out,
rather than the total number. No im
portant building was authorized, but
the large majority was for dwellings.
Houses continue to multiply In num
ber, and that Is held by many to be
the most reliable kind of evidence of
the city's rapid growth.
With yesterday'a reoord included,
building permits for the four weeks of
the month that have expired, reached
368 In number and $934,771. In Janu
ary, 1010, a total of 338 permits was
Issued for buildings of a combined val
uation of $624,110. There was a rush
last week for permits for repairs and
alterations, and that tended to lower
the average valuation. The business
in the Building Inspector's office by
days was: Monday, 31 permits, value
$22,681; Tuesday, 28 permits, value
$31,905; Wednesday, 18 permits, value
$33,500; , Thursday, 20 permits, value
$15,930; Friday. 11 permits, value $8900;
Saturday, 13 permits, value $7600. The
detailed report for the week fpllows:
Mrs J. Otteretedt Repair one-and-a-half-story
'frame dwelling. 3S Pippin street be
tween Wabash and Gravensteln; builder,
same; $20i.
A. B. Scott Erect one-story frame dwell
Ins. East Forty-flret street between Sher
man and Caruthers; builder, B. K. Uoty;
City Investment Co. Erect one-story
frame dwelling. Eaet Ftfty-flret street be
tween Hawthorne and Madison; builder, B.
F. Doty; S1SO0.
B. Hagedorn Repair two-story brick store
and workshop, southwest corner Fifth and
Oak streets; builder, Frank Tabor; $1000.
Oeorxe Lamer Repair one-and-a-half-story
frame dwelling, Eaat Ninth street be
tween Beacon and Frankfort; builder, same;
J. S. Lehman Erect one-story frame
dwelling. 1101 Mall street between Thirty
eighth and Thirty-ninth; builder, same;
H. Iell Erect one-and-a-half-story
frame dwelling. Forty-second avenue be
twen Seventieth and Seventy-first streets;
builder, same; SSOO.
Ml?s Effle Reno Erect one-story frame
dwelling. Belmont street between Twenty
third and 1 wenty-flfth: builder. J. O. Wil
liams; 1200.
H. Johannesen Erect one-story frame
shed, 307 Morris street between Williams
and Rodney avenues; builder, same; $6.
Flelschner Estate Repair one-story brick
store building. 249 Morrison street between
Second and Third; builder, C. Carmlchael;
I J70.
M. D. White Repair one-story frame
store building, 410 East Clay street be
tween Grand avenue and East Sixth street;
builder. 8. Jasperson; 4100.
F A Ansley Erect one-story frame ga
rage, 2r0 East Fiftieth street, corner Madi
son; builder, same; SIOO.
T A. Sweeney Repair one-story frame
barn. 873 East Sixteenth street between
Mall and Boise; builder, same; $40.
H E Brons Erect one-story frame store
building, Sixty-seventh street between East
Forty-nfth avenue and Foster avenue; build
er same; $300.
William Gordon Erect one-story frame
shed Hunt street between Delaware and
Wilbur- builder. T. J. Gordon; $65.
lru Currle Repair one-and-a-half-story
frame' dwelling, S43 Forty-fifth street be
tween Mill and Stephens; builder, James I.
Marshall; $376.
A. J Crak Repair 1H -story frame dwell
ing 1057 East Tenth street, between Al
berta and Florence: builder, M. Lounquist;
1H' A. Smith Erect one-story frame dwell
lns Fiftieth street, between East Main and
Salmon; builder, same; $1900.
Charles Llnqulst Erect one-story frame
dwelling. Fifty-ninth street, between Hlll
crest Drive and Alameda: builder, same;
Russell Nlekerson Erect one-story
frame dweUlng. Forty-ninth street, between
Hawthorne and Madison: builder, same;
' Russell a Nlekerson Erect one-story
frame dwelling. Forty-ninth street, between
Hawthorns and Madison; builder, same;
J. R Hatrht Repair one-story frame
dwelling-. 12 East Fifty-third street, be
tween Burnslda and Couch: builder, same;
Russell " Ik Nlekerson Erect one story
frame dwelling. Forty-ninth street, between
Hawthorne and East Madison; builder,
same: $1500.
George A. Byrne Erect one-story frame
dwelling. Forty-ninth street, between Han
cock and TUlsmook; builder, same: $231.0.
Mrs. G. D. Stuart Repair one-story frame
dwelling. 324 Kelly street, between Twelfth
and Milwaukle: builder, same; 1250.
H. G. Davles Erect one-story frame
dwelling. East Sixteenth street, between
Knapp and Ogden; builder, same: $1000.
Dr. M. F. Fenton Erect one-story con
crete theater. Grand avenue, between Haw
thorne and Clay; builder, same; $3000.
Martin B. Donovan Erect two-stcry
frame dwelling. Forty-sixth street, between
Gibbon and Crook; builder. C A. Robb;
Martin B. Donovan Erect two-story
frame dwelling. Forty-sixth street, between
Git bon and Crook; builder, C. A. Robb;
M. J. Malley Repair four-story brick store
and rooms. 23-26 North Sixth street, be
tween Burnslde and Couch; builder, same;
'm. S. Mlner Erect one-story frame dweU
lng. 1502 Mississippi avenue, between Mor
gan and Bryant; builder, same; $100.
Joe Wargo Erect one-story frame dwell
ing, Beventy-thlrd street between Shaver
and Skldmore; builder, same: 5oO.
George Jacob Repair two-story frame
store. Third street between Ankeny and
Burnslde; builder. S. H. Brandes: X30O.
Mrs. J. Otterstedt Repair 14-story frame
dwelling, 388 Pippin street between Wabash
and Gravensteln; builder, same; $200.
Ella E. Glffons Erect one-story frame
dwelling. East Thirteenth street North be
tween Alberta and Springfield; builder. D.
A. Tufts; $1400. M
Paul Harden Erect 1-story frame dwell
ing. East Twenty-sixth street between Glad
stone and Cora avenue: builder, same; $2000.
Mra Marie Wiser Erect one-story frame
dwelling. Locust street between Marie and
Curtis; builder, same: $450.
A. B. Scott Erect one-story frame dwell
ing. East Forty-nrst street between Sher
man and Caruthers: builder. B. F. Doty;
A. B. Scott Erect one-story frame dwell
ing. East Forty-first street, between Sher
man and Caruthers; builder. B. F. Doty;
L. Rogers Erect one-story frame garage.
230 Bain street between Gantenbeln and Van
couver: builder same: $75.
M. Blue Erect ono-story frame dwelling.
Thirty-second street between Holman ana
Alnsworth: builder, C. J. Crosby: 180O.
H. E. Cummins Erect lH-story frame
dwelling. Flanders street between i-ast
Eighty-fourth and Eighty-fifth; builder, 1
Logan; $1500. .... -
Everett Logan Erect 1-story frame
dwelling, 2081 Everett street between East
Eighty-fourth and Eighty-fifth; builder,
same; $1500.
L. 8. Thomas Erect one-story frame
dwelling. Albina avenue between Alnsworth
and Simpson; builder. S. R. Clinton; $1500.
L. 8. Thomas Erect one-story frame
dwelling. Albina avenue between Alnsworth
and Simpson; builder. S. R. Clinton; $1500.
Gus Kuhn Erect two-story frame dwell
ing. Twenty-sixth street between Northrup
and Overton; builder, W. W. Maynard;
John H. Nlekles Erect one-etory frame
dwelling. Wasco street, between Twenty
eighth and Twenty-ninth; builder, J. Proud
flt: $125. . ,
F 8 Ewry Erect one-etory frame dwell
ing. Fiftieth avenue, between Forty-nrst and
Forty-second street, southeast, builder same;
Theodore Battler Erect one-story frame
dwelling, 1554 Vincent street, between Pip
pin and Holland; builder, same: $1000.
Harry McGraw Repair 1H -story frame
dwelling, 14 Fargo street, between Com
mercial and Kerby; builder, T. J. Short;
''eJ's. Bobb Repair 1H -story frame dwell
ing. 083 Miller street, between Thirteenth
and Fifteenth: builder, same: $100.
J. 8. Fose Repair two-story frame store
and rooms. 888 Hawthorne avenuetween
Grand and Union; builder. D. A. Good. t-o
N. D. Evans Erect one-story frame
shack. 301 Weldler street, between Victoria
and East First: builder. E. Obny: $100.
H. L Camp Erect one-etory frame gar
age S15 East Salmon street, between Twen-yt-fifth
and twenty-sixth; builder, same;
JT' H Clark Repair one-atory frame
dwelling. 741 Linn street, between Nine
teenth and Twenty-first: builder, same:
R J Kauts Erect one-story frame shop.
823 East Twenty-sixth street, between Twen
tyflfth and . Twenty-sixth; builder, same;
2Capta!n Hodson Erect one-story frame
shop. Union avenue, between Portland Boule
vard and Riggins; builder. J. A. Melton. $.0.
C O. Osleren Erect one-story frame
shed, 1199 Schiller street, between Thirty
ninth and Forty-first; builder, same: $J0O.
H. F. Strong Erect 1H -story frame
dwelling. Fifteenth street, between Knott
and Stanton; builder. F. A. Hummel; $3000.
General Delivery Erect 114 -story frame
dwelling. Whltmer street, between Walnut
and Glllpsey; builder, same; $2000.
Charles F. Dund Erect 1 -story frame
dwelling. Sixteenth street, between Going
and Wygant: builder, same: $1500.
Chrlstopner ft Young Erect 114 -story
frame dwelling. 81xty-thlrd avenue, between
Eighty-second street. Southeast, and ( Ray
burn; builder. O. W. Hunt; $700.
Charles Swanson Erect 1H -story frame
dwelling 1232 Delaware avenue, between
Jessup and Alnsworth avenue; builder, same;
1M." Bertulelt Move two one-story dwell
ings. Twelfth and Harrison streets; builder,
J. Schlewe; $600 each.
R. S McFarland Erect three one-story
frame dwellings. Fifty-third. between
Hawthorne and Madison; builder same;
1JamesCMuckle Repair four-story brick
hotel, GUsan street, between Seventh and
Eighth; builder. J. C. Garrett; $S3.
Mr. Newton Erect one-story frame dwell
ing. Fifty-first street, between Madison and
Main biillder. K. A. Reed: $100.
E. Johnson Erect one-story frame shed.
East Market street, between iorty-nlntn.
and Fiftieth: builder, same; 2o.
O N. Hodges Move and repair one-story
frame dwelling, northeast corner Seventh
and Oak streets; bullden same; 100O.
Peter Nelson Brect 1 hi -story frame
dwelling, Longvlew avenue between Shaver
and Mason: builder, same; $2000.
X. b Carlock Erect two-story frame
dwelling. East Twenty-fifth street, between
Thompson and Braxee; builder. ba(geut Ho
tel; $8000. - . , . .
t s. Cohn Repair one-story brick store,
421 Washington street, corner Eleventh;
builder, William Flshbeck; $40.
Hawthorne-Avenue Stables Repair two
. .. c-.. - .t.hiM 420 Hawthorne avenue.
I between East Sixth and Seventh; builder.
Pittock ft Leadbetter Repair three-story
brick store. 254 Front street, between Main
and Madison; builder, J. W. Thurman; $500.
Baby Home Corporation Repair two-story
frame dwelling. Ellsworth street, between
East Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth; builder,
F. G. Leo; $600.
Miss Sadie Grenler Repair one-story
frame dwelling. 094 Duke avenue, between
East Fourteenth and Fifteenth; builder. E.
E. Angell; $300.
J. M. Peterson Erect 114 -story frame
barn. Fifty-eighth street, between Millard
avenue ana rjii-ouv . , .
same; $43.
.-John H. McAIllster Erect 114 -story frame
dwelling. Congress street, between Dekum
and Portland Boulevard; builder, same;
$3000. .
John Westlund Repair one-story frame
dwelling. 170 Ivy street, between Borthwick
and Kerby; builder, same; $900.
Marcla Chapman Erect one-story frame
shed, 3823 Seventy-third street, between
Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth avenues;
builder, J. A, Chapman; $50.
Mrs. Alice J. Myers Repair two-story
frame dwelling. 459 East Tenth street North,
between Tillamook and Thompson; builder,
Watts; $225.
Joe Salta Move 114 -story frame dwelling,
Forty-third and Madison streets; builder,
same: $400.
Joe Salta, Move one-story frame barn.
Forty-third and Madison streets; builder,
same; $50. n
Clarke. Woodward Drug Co. Repair six
story brick warenouse. 403 Hoyt street, cor
ner Ninth; builder, same; $300.
J. H. Frary Erect 114 -story frame dwell
ing. 288 Alberta street, between Williams
avenue and Cleveland; builder, same; $600.
J. H. Frary Erect one-story frame gar
age, 288 Alberta street, between Williams
avenue and Cleveland avenue; builder, same;
James LeFever Erect one-story frame
dwelling, Walnut street, between Whitman
and Milford avenue: builder. The Kibbe
Construction Co.; $1800.
M. Dieneen Repair two-story frame
dwelling, 885 Northrup street, between
Twentieth and Twenty-first; builder, same;
G. W. Sanders Erect two-story frame
dwelling, Milwaukle street, between Duke
and Clayborne; builder, Waldele Bros.;
E. C. ft S. A. Brown Repair three-story
brick store and rooms, 392 Morrison street,
between West Park and Tenth; builder, J.
A. Melton: $500.
J. T. Concannon Repair one-story frame
building, corner Twenty-tlrst and John
son streets; builder, W. Green; $100.
C. S. Andrews Erect 114 -story frame
dwelling, 2 East Seventy-second street, be
tween Burnslde and Thorburn avenue; $2000.
C. S. Andrews Erect 114 -story frame
dwelling. 44 East Seventy-second street, be
tween Burnslde and Thorburn; builder, A.
Reed: $2000.
Mrs. M. Gearln Repair three-story frame
store and rooms, 101 Sixth street, between
Stark and Washington; builder, W. L.
Buckner; $325.
I. E. Fenton Erect one aad one-half story
frame dwelling. Clackamas street, between
Thirty-third and Thlrty-fllth; builder, same;
Anna Cummins Erect one-story frame
dwelling, Sacramento street, between Eighty
second and Eighty-fourth; bulluer, H. A.
Clark; $1200.
Mrs. L. Hohenleltrer Erect one-story
frame shop. East Eighth street, between
In the Order Received
THE announcements in Sunday's papers of the offer
of the preferred stock of the Oregon Apple Com
pany, of Hood Eiver, being for sale at $10 per share to
be paid for at the rate of 20 cents per month, was read
by thousands of people. There is only $60,000 in pre
ferred stock. We reserve the right to make allot
ments in the exact order in which applications are re
ceived. Those who apply for a block of this preferred
stock must be contented to wait until all inquiries
which have come in before theirs are attended to.
THERE will be a big demand for this stock, because
it is a big dividend-paying proposition. It earns
10 per cent before the common stock earns a penny,
and those promoting the company own only the com
mon stock. They will depend upon the dividends from
v the common stock for their share in the profits. Every
share of preferred stock earns as much additional divi
dend over the 10 per cent as any share of common
stock. Preferred stock earns 10 per cent more than
the common. Ten shares of the preferred stock will
cost you $100; $2 down and $2 per month until paid
for. This is your opportunity. You will be putting
your money with that of men who expect to make big
profits. Every share of your stock will earn 10 per
cent more than any share of theirs. Send for the
booklet. Only send at once if you expect to get your
application in on time. Either send, write or phone.
The Oregon Apple Company
of Hood River
337 Railway Exchange Phones A222S Wain 3718
Gas and Electric Fixtures
The H. T, Drennen Lighting Co.
406-408 E. BTOXSIDE ST.
Cheaper Than Any Place in the City
Phones East lie, B 2151. . Open Evenings by Appointment.
There is only one last new coun
try on this continent the richest
and best.
British Columbia is being
opened up by three transcontin
ental and other lines of railway.
Over 30,000,000 aeres of rich
agricultural and fruit land; 50,
000,000 of the finest timber, coal
and mineral lands that have never
been touched will be thrown opea
to the public for development.
This is the famous Fort George
Do you want a share of the
profits t
Let us send you free & copy of
the "British Columbia Bulletin of
Information," giving synopsis of
mining, land, mineral and timber
laws. Costs you nothing. "Writ
Natural Resources r
Security Co., Ltd.
Paid up Capital $250,000.
Joint Owners and Sole Agents
Fort George TownBlte.
(412) Bower Building, Vancouver, B-- 0.
District Sales Solicitor,
407 Welia Fararo Bids;., Portland. Oil
Phone Marshall 2329.
Falling and Beech; builder. A. Zahan; $250
Peter Noom Erect one-story frame dwell
ing. 1752 Dwlght street, between KllpatrlclC
and Willis Boulevard; builder, same: $150.
W. J. Armitage Repair two-story frame
dwelling. Sixty-fourth street Southeast, be
tween Whitman and Forty-seventh avenue;
builder, same; $100.
J. H. Fenner Erect one-story frame gar
age. 629 Halsey street, between Sixteenth
and Seventeenth: builder, same; $100.
O. F. Winkler Erect one-story frame
dwelling. 4817 East Sixty-first street, be
tween Fortv-seventh and Fiftieth avenues;
builder, E. M. Scheuerman; $1200.
Carl T. Anderson Erect one and one-half
story frame dwelling. Twenty-fourth street,
between Jarrett and KUllngsworth; builder,
same. $1500.
C. R. Halloway Erect one-story frame
dwelling. Lancaster street, between Buffalo
and Lombard: builder, same; $100.
Arnett & Schildon Erect or.e-story frame
dwelling. Church street, between Concord
and Campbell: builder, same; $1200.
Henry Soley Erect oue-story frame dwell
ing. Fifty-fourth street, between Sixtieth
and Sixty-first avenues; builder, same: $100.
S. Wilkinson Erect one-story frame
dwelling. Fifty-third avenue, between Forty
first and Forty-second; builder, same; $50.
Bessie Golden Re;alr one-story brick
store building, 840 Mississippi avenue, be
tween Failing and Shaver; builder, Mr.
Gray; $400. .
Clara Wvgandt Erect one-story frame
dwelling. East Brooklyn street between
Thirty-ninth and Forty-first; builder, same;
,;iL?'T. Smith Erect one-story frame dwell
ing Hunt street, between .Richmond and
Bur-rage; builder, George W. Taylor: $jO0.
L T Smith Erect one-story frame dwell
ing." Hunt street, between Richmond and
Burrage: builder. George W. Taylor; $500.
J E. Feak Erect one-story frame dwell
ing! 1821 Flsk street, between Hunt and
Houghton; builder, same; $1000.
Mrs 8 A. Reynolds Erect one-story
frame' dwelling. Sixty-third street, between
Davis and Burnslde; builder, George New-
k'jt 'Sole? Erect one-story frame dwelling.
Fifty-fourth street, between Sixtieth and
Sixty-first avenues; builder, same; $100.
Woodlawn Planing Mills Erect one
story frame shed. 133S Union avenue, be
tween Riggen and Portland Boulevard,
builder, same; $300. .
Anna MUUngton Erect one and one-nair-story
frame dwelling. Mildred avenue, be
tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth; builder,
J. W. Mllllngton; $1200. ,
D. G. Bresley Repair two-story frame
dwelling. East Tenth street, between Skid
more and Prescott; builder, same; $!
F. L. Howard Erect one and one-half-story
frame dwelling. Seventy-sixth street,
betw-een Multnomah and Clackamas; build
er F. P. Murphy; $1500.
W D. Tlldon Rrepalr one-story frme
dwelling. 6907 Foster Road, between Fitty
nlnth and sixtieth; builder, same; $100.
population of Insane asylums. 40.492 in
18S0. 74.028 In 1890, lU'gll Vl8o"
frnjiA of 85 per cent from 18bO to isu,
and of more5 than 100 per cent from 1890 to
1903 as against an Increase of less than 80
per "cent In the total population of the
United States during the same 13 years.