SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 12 mm DRAMATIC AND SPORTS NO. 5. 6f -V- - S'iwi pW t"Tfi flip IN ''Mi m T, ft fit V mm? 4 ' H 3t (J for ' !Afe335rlil - - 'v A :. : . l J 4- i - 1 rr-&tSKUsamJ& it iTTTil : " f m r i I i "i" in iiun rl Mm am?. tl J' 3 D Up rut: ML t The Dependable Sort at Gadsbysv A Strong Finish for January Our Clearance Sale was a record-breaker. We did a volume of busi ness that is emphatic proof of the fact that Portland homefittcrs recognize the fact that "Gadsby Sells For Less." As a fitting wind up to a busy month, we inaugurate a 3-day salc a cleanup of all short lots left from the past busy month. Let prudent buyers look to their needs, for here is an opportunity unusual indeed. Portland's greatest stock is drawn on for its best bargains. Every Heating Stove Now One-Fourth Less "NYe make this announcement without reservation. You may come and select any stove in our establishment, from the most modest priced "airtight" heater, to the best stove we carry and regardless of the price or cost, you may have it for just One-Fourth less thau the regular selling price. Kemember that there are several more weeks of "Winter; if you haven't a GOOD stove, this is yourf . time to be supplied Buy at Gadsby '8 and save. Every Majestic Range We Sell Makes This Store More Friends i?lzjSu, :7vsnclMnAJtsTici;l y f I p. "m ' ' No user of a Majestic is ever dissatisfied with the re sults. Every one we selL "makes good" on every promise we make for it. The Majestic is not a "bargain" article, it is made for the woman who wants the best and knows it when it is shown her. It is the range for good cooks for careful buyers that want long and satisfactory service. It is the range chosen by those who operate their range at the least cost for fuel. It may cost you five dollars more than other malleable ranges but there's anywhere from five to fifty dollars' difference. Now for the best part of this story Your credit is good on a MAJESTIC. You may select any one in our stock and pay for it by the month or week. Special Credit Arrangement You are welcome to credit at Gadsby 's. And the sort of credit we extend is the greatest drawing card of this splendid store. You're proud to have an account here you're proud to have a Gadsby wagon stop at your door to deliver furniture. When you have house needs to buy, come and tell us what you want and we'll be glad to make terms that will enable you to buy. Special credit terms may be arranged on any article advertised on this page. This Is Portland's Greatest Rug Store The customer who comes here for Rugs finds not only lowest prices but the greatest selection and the most conveniently arranged ex hibit shown in all Portland. Five large display racks are loaded with domestic rugs every one a bargain. For instance: 9x12 Axminster Rugs in beautiful colorings and A 4 t Ztf wide variety of patterns, specially priced at only tH X UUU This $12.00 Dresser For Three Days $7.50 Two reasons we must sharply limit the time that this bargain may run. First, we can only sell the number on hand for this small sum can't buy them for this figure now; second, it's too good a bargain to keep up. Made of Pacific oak, in a handsome design, with French plate beveled mirror, size 14x20 inches. Golden oak finish. A dresser that would be a splendid tf 7 f value at $12.00; for just three days .DU SPECIAL PRICES OX CHIFFONIERES, METAL BEDS, DRESSING TABLES AND EVERY THING FOR THE BEDROOM. GADSBY SELLS COMPLETE OUTFITS FOR LESS It is an undeniable fact that nnturor vtt EVERY CUSTOMER WHO COMES HERE TOR A C0OTLETE. OUTFIT AND GOES ELSEWHERE TO GET PRICES, INVARIA BLY COMES BACK TO US TO BUY. That's because Gadsby values always average higher than those of other stores. Sometimes a customer is uncertain about leaving their order because they think they want to see a certain article adver tised by another establishment want to see if other pieces will be lower priced in proportion. But after they've looked everywhere compared grade for ade price for price and value for value, they find that our prices RIGHT TnROUGII AVERAGE LOWER THAN THOSE OF AN OTHER STORK We make a specialty of complete outfits. We'll be pleased to furnish fieures to prospective home funnishers. We'll guarantee the price to be low enough and YOU'RE WELCOME TO THE MOST LIBERAL CREDIT ARRANGEMENTS. Sleep on a $ 1 5 Mattress Twill Co You can afford to sleep on a bet ter mattress now. A mattress built of purified cotton. Built layer by layer, assuring tho great est resiliency, the greatest durabil ity and the greatest cleanliness. Fluffy white cotton is worked and beaten into soft flaked sheets. T.1 nAwf;na r,f fVirmnm mnt.fpr is iL.CIJf pi; iv.-... - . ,1 .i T?:a p cVinofc arc. nut intn thfi mattress we otter nere. it is carciuilV remove!, x mccu vi luce ou-m r , A covered with fine art ticking. Should sell at $15 (and better than many well $g495 known mattresses that do sell at that price) ; special now f st 8.95 l J SOLID OAK DINING TABLE, SPECIAL $9 85 This very attractive Pedestal Dining Table is of fered at a special price for three days. It has a 42 inch top just the right size for the ordinary family solidly built, finished in weathered or golden oak. 'Tis the table vou want for your home. Vorth far more than this special price. Only $9.85 $7 00 ROCKER FOR $5.95 Fumed or waxed oak rockers in the design shown in illustration. The ideal furniture for the bungalow home. Dur able, artistic, much in vogue. A $7.00 chair with leather uphol- H N stered seat for bO0 $S values S6.50 . $3 values 7.00 $25.00 values, wth genune leather seat, only $20.00 RICH 3-PIECE PARLOR SUIT 25.00 Velour upholstered 3-piece suits like illustration, with frames of hirrh. finished in a rich dark rosewood. This suit was marked at $30 and no matter where you see it at that figure it would be an extra value, bpecial $25 DAVENPORT BED .ONLY $ 25 Combines to a rare decree, the usefulness of a per- , fectly comfortable bed and a handsome piece of furni- ture when not used for sleeping purposes. The bedding is quickly and conveniently disposed of in the large receptacle for that purpose. Has automatic action and is upholstered in chased leather over steel tern- jJ2J5 pered springs. A $38 value for PJ Upholstered in Velour, if you wish, priced at $18.50 CHILD'S CRIB AT ONLY $8.50 in "white, green or Vm.(Saii2w ft bin Matter What Ynn Want in Furniture v v m m w w v mm mm mmm mr w mmr w w mr m m m m mmm m m m m mr mrm m m eli3 ltjfor .ILeiS3 A child 's crib, just like . cut, blue enamel, neat design, substantially made and well finished. We have several numbers on sale at special prices for three davs. "We illustrate and price this one as an example $8.50 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamaammm