The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 29, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 24

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. , ,o I tttk- nnTrV,T.E, I BUSINESS OFPOBTTTyrrTEa. f ROOMrSG-HOrSES.
Hon1 for Km twui to- . I vim . I
The furniture of a 8 -room flat, modern
In rry , 6 minutes' walk from the
tuslnrs center with lb cheapest rent la
:he ci'r. Thl flat la tompletoly furnished
and m be oid at a bargain.
- 615 O RE OO.N 1A iiI.DC.
eACRinrn Ai.r. rrrtNiTvr.a
. T1I L- 44 V a I "T V.
TleeattfuIIy furnished four rooms In
modem piman;t-house, clou In. mn"
any pur or set uphotered In gold.
ru, portlers and window draperies a.l
harmonise, match furniture. Oriental table
end couch covers, tapestries, cut '"
erhaienta. eome pictures, only In use
short tune: rent ( 33, Includes neat, poo"
j.nuon a-nrtco: everytlng complete lor
6oi Coucu xildg.
Kent onljr 20 Pr month.
Completely famished 4-room flat, walk
ln( distance, bath, toilet, hot and cold
water, atatlonary laundry tubs, two
imnu, rood furniture: everything yott will
want to keep house ertlh; gas range for
cooking: prl.e for short time only
flo!viirJ Hrnmr Co.. 6"i Couchb Idg.
i"L tLNlTl'KS of a 4-room flat and two
a:ee:iDS porches, on Klnrs Helrh:e: ma
hogany. Oriental rugs, old brasees. cut
glass, silver picture end all ornaments;
everything the Tery best and hi iood coo.
dltion: only those who nteaa business ana
appreciate good atulf need apply, Mar
shall 2:n-
-ROOMED new strlrtly modern corner flat
for rent. .: furniture .r sale: all new
and of the best; $.100: terms can be ar
ranged for furniture: thle Is sa excep
tional bargain. At 2'4 -.. fr st. Phono fcaat 81K2. Inquir
t -.. B. 14th st. .
s-Kim nicely furnished residence. n"r
bus in-ss center. Kast rode; fn jet all the
boarders you wsnt: price ."-. "'
cash; will take balance In board and room
rent or give easy terms: rent gn '-;"
t ail Monday for particulars i at 8.- Fall
ing bldg. or phone Main pot'O. A o4i o.
FVR SALE Furniture of newly furnished
7 room cottage; bath. gas. electricity: all
roons rentel; clearing $14 per "onth.
walking distance; no agents. Apply '"n"r 10 A. M, 654 Morrison, cor. Chap-
xirt.f. all furniture and rnt or sell thor
oughly modern elejsnt Knst Side home In
retrlrte.1 dutrlct. fira bedrooms, sleep
. v . irtirnltur tiractlcaily new
an t h:gh grade. Open to any reasonable
ofter. AD 714. Oregorilan.
liOi .sEIIOlJJ gooUa. whole or part for sale:
als -room house. H acre, good barn ror
fnnt at per month. Take Mu car
to Flrland. jo north 4 blocks, tiui 4.d
ave.. 7i st. '
,TkouX flat, completely furnished, with
new furniture: rent :S per month. One
room rents for sit. Price ressonable on
..count of leavlnj city. 433 :d. stwoon
Hail and Lincoln- .
CRStT opportunity iacrlnco sale of my
furniture, going to Canada: rent Is rea
snable; on Idetl corner tiouee. close in.
See yourself. Woodlawn .
FfRXISHED fiat of n rooms, beet loca
tion. ". rent SuT.Sd; rooms pay ex
penses, lsd .". ISth su. Sunday or evea-
NEtVI-t furnished .live-room flat, hath and
larse pantry; ererythlnj elrsant; Laat
Hle. lo minutes walk to l'oetofllce; jo
in to I.QS Angeles, f 70d. OregonUn.
FlVrR'XM flat. J rooms furnlsh--d. other
iht pay rent, my equity la furniture i5:
ltiatlgt quick. Bnap. &M loth, corner
1 HOO-Udk goo-1 furniture, elieap rent, fine
location f r renting rooms: house In good
rrrair. 7ou cash. Call afternoon.
Hi Jefferson, cor. Twelfth.
JX'KN'ITTKK of 6-room honso cheao: hous
rral -o. must sell; wul take loO rash;
lot-atrd on Urand are. and Bast Couch.
all 33 lth sc North.
Si" Kult nve-rooan turoiahvd Hat. modern;
thre csrllncs: 2a-1 and Thurman; rent
t U e". 1-hone A 4o.H. Main 411'J.
Fl'K f tLK lw town, clean els-rooiu
fiat: i pars rent and pns of all; rooms
always rented. 170H loth st.
J-I;KM modern cottage; attractive, home
!; some Income; clooo In. reasonable.
1.; 14:h St.
A SNAP New mlselon furniture of 4-room
modern flat; rent I11 liolmool,
cr. e'rth.
NKtV furniture of modern 4-room fiat
for ae.e at a bargalrv rent 110; swell lo
eetton. 17t North :"d St.. cor Johnson.
1;0MS; I'.sht. and ciean: cheap U eoid
by rust, i'leary funutura and linen. Call
4IS 7th st
JR aO. Furniture of -rooro flat: rent
l.'S. 4 Mocks from Washington st. Phono
Mam 7Ua.
rTaviTfRi: of room houee for sale, tth
and Alain sea. For particular, ceil Mala
E A l-fl FT L. 4-room Hal, business center.
l.V slain st.. bet. tth and tn; S rooms
pay rent, rfrone Main
vtt rAL E 4 rooma. fine furniture la A 1
condition, cheap. Party WatUig. Ad
dress J 70U uregonlan.
S?HnOM Bat. completely furnished. Brst
cioes furniture and carpets; can rent 4 or
4 rooms. 41 Mill. lhone Main Uli
"T.OOM cottase for rent, furniture 4 rooms
foe sale: yard: rent 420. 432 12th su
Monday after 19 A. M
FT RNtTCRE "f 5-room house for sale, re.i
i.ioMft 4.H ll.irt et I'hone slain 74.a.
URflE business bulldlnj on prtm-tpal street
of Foreet Uroro. with cement sidewalk In
front and fly Urlnj rooms, for rent far
f iij a month or for sale or exchange tor
IrrrproeeJ Portland property. call oa or
address X. M. tehr. Forest Grove. Ure-
g n
6TORE on Oak su. 44 feet front.
.Sim on Oak. near 4th su. ;0S0.
3-etory and basement brick bids. I.xeO.
I o Clay St.. near 1st St.. very cheap,
r-tore on 6th St.. near Washington.
t.ore and buildings In busioes district.
tV. 11. VVKUH. 4 1 1 Le is Bldg. I;e Marsh.
UAt-F of new a-elory brl a. ftoiluv: p.aia
siass front: 14tb and MarahalL. sullatlo
for llsht jooblng. manufarcurlng or rstall;
will lease ooe-half: divide space to suit
t riant or tea ants; long lease. A. O. Long.
FtR RENT Store with first-class fur
nished apartment: good lucstion for dry millinery, groceries. 1UPJ Belmont.
Tstor lt'f.
B ' ) r. rL near Madison bridge. No. Front.
2ix'- a good location, reasonatle renu
A. U. Klrrell Co, 202 McKay bills'.. d
and otark sta
GROUND store for rent; space lm-T; lease
for located half block from Meier
J, Frank's. All T'. Oregonlan.
HEART of business section. Wsshlngton-sc
store to rent; iu fe- t front: modern build
ing: good lease. P. O. box S--3.
'OK Kr-NT lia.f of nioaera store, llgnl
and water Included fur per mouth.
6.1 Wsshinglon su
FOH KE.VT Store at eaet end Matllson su
bnlse. Apply III Hawthorne ave. Tel.
Ka.t :oti
Ki.vV brlrk store. 11th and Hawthorns ave..
e.eganl loc-tlon f-r fine gncery. Apply
L. lu. Fair-hlid. aherl-ck
tuHNEK store and living-rooms, furnsce.
basement: shelving In; reasonable. Via
Union North. a
jTfTw storellno location. 13 month. Ii3 K .
41d SU ?ourn. uogr ,i'ie.
lfAl.F a store for rent, Jr. Froou
tJ Main su la-
JoR l:i:.NT-lM iSi'lt or Sd and
Sa moo, goo,i leae. c'coch su
I-oHt; for renu l'hono East l.-J.
FOR rrXT Tssk room In offl'-o with nso
ef deea. both phones. 314 Board of Trade.
tth and ik-
iii-r centrally located offices, all-night ele
vator service. 5 1 riwetland blOg.. or Jaa
Itor. Sth and Washing ton.
iji.K. room, both poones. in most popular
building In citr. J.17 Hoard of Trade.
dTh d""OFFICE LOCATION Desk room for
rent, with telephone. :ut Uil Morrison.
jit roora In hondsomo gvlto, Chamber
Comm erco. lit. M i J J.
FOK RUNT A few offices la Couch bldg.
Csll Lewlabldg.
PRIVATE office, both phones, furnished or
untarnished, cheaa. lis Board at Trade.
JUAW offlca for renu Apply 413 Worcester
IKIiMT front office or deek room, fur
r sned. front of eievator. auO Henry bldg-
r rrrt ROOM
TVFK1roirni" well-lighted oair.i Room
AMngton bIHg.. lodi, Third st.
FOR REST rcom la Bow eaius. S
I w.- irvT I BUSINESS OPPORTOITIKS. I Bt'riJt!s Ul lirai i I .. " I
TWO Bna Boors, cor. Oak and. ith. 60x10ft,
Retail, abroad Door, on 6th it, SOxli'O.
Corner ofrtces on Washington at., cheap.
Flours and lota In good locations.
W. It. WKilU. til Lewis Bldg. 17 Marsh.
FOR RENT Half of outside offlca. 8d
l;oor Hallway Exchange building, with
um of phone to responsible party. $-0
per mm h. Address A 711. Oregonlan.
GROUND floor orrtoe. fine place for manu
lecturer's agent; extra warehouse space
to be had In any quantity. a u
Transfer Co.. 40 -d su
GROUND floor offlca space.' with fine show
window, excellent location for real estate
firm; will give lease. Geo. Q. Mair. S
l.ombermens bidj.
GOOD location for dentist, on East Bide,
rent low. r-ee MoCargar. Bates 4k Lively.
old Falling bli'.g.
OFFICKd and halls, Sunday. Wednesday.
Thursday. Friday nights. Allaky biug..
Sd and Morrison. .
ROOM and d-skroom. phones, clerk and
recepfioa-room Included. , 416 to 43
Ppaldlng bldg.
ClIIitKl'KACTOlt would like to share re-oeption-rootn
with optician or chiroprac
tor. O 71. Oregonlan.
fuR KtNT Hail suitable for lodges. In
quire room 11, -43 Vi Yamhill au
Shammer Reports.
1 room a modern hot-water neattnj
plant: elegantly furnished, located Just
south Moore Hotel! good ocean view; very
low price; ear r terms. Apply or write
owner, J. . Oataa, beaslde, or.
Warebeaja i
FOR RENT Warehouso with trackage on
1.1th St., all or part, or will store any
thing at lowest rates. Van Horn Trans
fer Co.. M KIIS; A 1U84.
FOR RENT Shop. 30x:f5. would divide,
Ksst end Madison su bridge. Apply 1
Hawthorne ave. TeL East tttS.
STORAGE space at and 11 s'ourta sa.
North. Phone Marshall 21MA.
WANTED To lease new building for rooming-house;
23 to 60 rooms. West Side. O
717. Oregonlan.
Home bakery and restaurant for
sale or rent; complete running order; good
location; lease, cheap. Phone East S03.
msrvKss opporii mum.
Most snythlng you want In the BU3I-JTKt-S
CHANCE line, whether II 11 I '
OROCERY or meet market.
or any other kind of business. Tt will
bo to your Interest to soa U3 before Invest
ing. Bioch Realty Co.. Ul Lumbermen
I HAVE a block of 10 lots In the highest
class residence district In Portland; ,ach
lot right on the carlino and 2 'i miles
from the business center: It riulreg S-tioO
to handle this proposition; Is an excellent
opportunity for a syndirste of 4 or 0 par
ties; can explain to your entlra sarisf.ic
tlon how you can make 2":t per cent or
better on your money by July 1 C u7.
In good location, on West Mde. lg
stalls. 73 hoarders at present; well estab
lished trade: ft horses. 6 buggies. 2 wsgons.
1 cart. T sets of single harness and 8 sets
of duuble harneas, 2 saddles and all
neceassry tool go with place: price filovtX
323 Lumber Exchange.
A NIE two-wagon route, milk and cream
business, can be Increased with a small
amount of capital with services: a good
salary will be paid: large returns on In
vest menu l'hono Marshall 2.V.-7 after T
P. M. or addrese O 71". Oregonlan.
MUST leave for Europe and will eell 2 full
lots, tiousa. barn, all highly Improved for
I12.00O: tiOo down will do: beat buy on
Fast rllde: A bloiks from Stool bridge,
down river, 404 Rothoblld bldg., r or t land.
I1O0O For aale, furnlturo and stock In
trsdo of small hotel In Ore son. doing a
good business; good chance for man and
wife; a monev-maker. low renu Write
Uk Box HiZ, Tamhlll. Or.
FoR liALE Ico and cold storage plant.
creamery and ice cream busln.te-s, all In
aamo building: property lnolude.1; thla Is
a going concern doing good business; no
opposition. Address T ! oregonlan.
HoTKL mm wanted, wllii means to bulid a
commodious hotel In the beet town on
the Orecon Trunk line- Lots donntetl.
Can lease same st once. Room 52k Rail
way Exchange Pldg.
WIL sacrifice old-estahllohed Morrison fit.
business clearing over montn at 9. sue.
part cash, no competition; fine chsnco for
younger man: splendid opportunity for
clever buslnsss woman. W 711. Oregonlan.
I WANT a partner that has an equal
amount or money to handle the Dest-lo-cstd
real estate office In small town In
vsiley; 30,uo can be cleaned up this
season. R 713. Oregonlan.
PARTNER wanted in light manu fact urlni;
business; something that will tear Inves
tigation, call room S13, Lumbar klx-
. rhnnre bMif.
bALtXiN. doing fine business, good loca
tion. Independent license. If you s re looK
Ing for a saloon It will pay you to In
vestigate. Call ns Board of Trade.
GROCERY store, established 4 )ars: r.isti
business: Involc close to sim. ror 'mh
for aulck sale, some terms. Owner, 615
ltosrl of Trsd. Snrtp.
MILLINERY business for sale; owner leav
ing town. on-ha;r store. xiM'ires. uiso
stock, reasonable. Call Main 2403. A 2734
AUTO garage and repair ahor wnts partner
to keep plain aooounta; in is is one of mo
most responsible firms In Portland and
doing big business. SX. Oregontsn.
bMAI.L country hotel fir sole cheap; every
thing new snd uu-to-date: cheap rent,
making money; restaurant In connection:
no opposition. Lock Hox ltvj, Yamhill, or.
PAR'i'Nbk wanted In rnsti buslr.exs; mil
make you s per wecg; satisraction
gusranteed before boylnc: I2 reu'tlrecL
C;xll room Rl.l Ltmber Exehanre Mlg.
Ct'MI'LETB equipment fer machine and
Macksmltn suop: latne. mourners, etc. u
H.uner. COS Washington st, Vancouver,
l'tK)D and coal yard complete; teams.
scales, saws, trackage, stock on hand;
business In full swing: cheap for $3200.
44 Rolhrhlld bldg.. Portland. Or.
FOR SALE At Selena , or., postcard hall.
confectionery, cigars ana iodscco: a snsp
If tsken at one. Bee owner. 4U7 Stat
St.. Salem. Or.
SMALL grocery and cigars aild confection
ary, with 4 living rooms, oiu vwuiain
PARTNKR wnnted to purchase H Interest
In best caretena pi roposxiioa in city, ai
712. Oregon Is n.
LUMBER If you arould be Interested In
new sawmill ana timner proposition,
ground floor, address J 716. Oregonlan.
I W A NT to buy a 10 to 12-room rooming
house: must be clean; will pay cash. M
713. Oregonlan.
A-l PHOTOORAPHER. open for position In
studio or would rent or buy If reasonable.
S 71d. Oregonlan.
FoR bALE All or part of ftd-room mod
ern flat, with lease, central, bargain,
owner retiring. Call A is.-.a.
VoRKIN" partner with 2imo n old. re
liable business: glvo reference; no agents.
A F '-'. Oregonliuu
y'cV" canbuy half Interest In best-paylnj
wholrsale candy plant In Portland. Ad
dress W. J. Johnson. 272 3d st.
FOR SALK A good saloon on a busy
street: I20O0 cssh required Apply to
Henry Fll.knlen sV Co.. 2"4 2d St.
KTAURANT for sale; practical man can
make good money. Inquire 507 Wash
ington st.
lo RttOMS first-class furniture and carpets-
a little beauty: tSOO: good tarma
SIS nenry bldg.
BAlAHN for aale at a bargain. In good
country town near Portland. Dement A
KrMor. ' Madlsen St.
A'R rtl A transfer outfit, doing good
business. In proeperoiis town. For further
particular address Box2d, Eugene, or.
"F HANTCAL- engineera office location and
business tor sale cheap. AJH East Mor
rison. ORCHARDIBT desires to meet two young
men with capital to rent orchard; good
money la It. AK 7"4. Oregonlan.
too KL'SINESS cards. Il.oo: you must bnaj
this ad. Rose CitT Fr interv. 12 Third.
HIXGLS-xnllU lO.OOO capacity. Inquir
v ' tv bog y L""g Ha. h. Ws.h.
UHXJXERT store. Including flxtureo and
stock, cheap. V - trgonlan.
MoVINO-PICTURE theater that pajs; Jluvd
lf .old quick. '2 Hwetland bl.lg.
SloTlON store In outside town; does good
buslneea Call 24sv, Stark St.
GOOD restaurant, good lease, at half price.
A 12IS-
HAVE vou S'0 to Invest? W lit earn yoo.
tHinno three months X TI7. Or-gonlnn.
iho70 studio on W"ashingtoa au for aale
ches. V. 11 Oregonlan.
WiVTrn Man with limited, amount ot
capital to help perfect and put lo prac
tical test propoller for boats, for shallow
wnter; It will give navigation of shallow
streams at least 600 per cent over Pro'"
methods of propelling; boat can be built
that will carry 200 tons with 12 to 14
Inch draft, loo-horsepower can make -o
to 30 miles per hour. Offer will b open
Just tsn days from dato of notice; win
offer one-half Interest to right man; ref
erences. Salem Hank Trust Co., Balem,
Or.; Capital National Bank. Salem, or.,
Perlln : Orendorff. Portland. Or.; k"-shall-WsUs
Hardware Co.. Portland, or.
As many others as desirable. Answer must
be accompanied with satisfactory refer
erencea and able to furnish o000. uoo.
H. Jacob, alcm. Or, R. No. 8- -
HALF Interest In a good manufacturing
business to a responsible person who can
hustle and see to ths Jobbing and w noie
sale trade; a lino of aulck-selllng goods
my time and must secure ome ono to taj
my plac as my Partner ,eanaot nandi
both the building and selling !. This
Is a good proposition and I will fix it wltn
the rljtht man so It will not require much
money to handle th half interest. AN
717. oregonlan.
r. in it r.'.l Trk Til A 1 1 '.-'-
1-room hotel, la thriving town below
Portland, on the Columbia Klvex- ana
railroad, together with wharf and '';
house. There Is a good living In th
warehouse alone and the hotel Is nil
j-ronu All the buildings. dozen oo'ck"
ens and a rowboat are included at the
rlc of 4-800. This will trad for a home
l Portland or suburbs. .
402 Corbett Bldg. Marshall 1720. A l':'-
TV sre organising a company to
a laundry; new mslhods ",L?h?
first-class proposition to make
party with services and som capital to
Join men of experience. ,
Oesn stock, stapl joods. fine legation
In PorHsnd : Invoice 12000; low rent.
dear 2.'.oti per year.
211 Lewis urns.
FOR SALE Well-established phonograph
and musical merchandise business In on
of th best town in Oregon, comprls nj
store Oxtures. I years lease, some sporting
goods. Edison and Victor machines ana
records, all new and clean, and best piano
agency; will sell at cost; terms part cash,
balance on time to right party; best ol
reasons for selling. For particulars, ap
ply to The Hull Muslo Co.. Eugene. Or.
B E STPA T IX O pool room, cigar and con
fectlonsry In Oregon; modern soda foun
tain; best possible location; no opposition;
best manufacturing town In Oregon: 2
paydays a month: this plaoe netting 400
monthly; good man with references and
12000 can buy half Interest; If you have
money and can" msks good, answer, wm.
Asay. 1007 Main St., Oregon City.
V- . l n . i - . Mi (nl.pul In rnod-
paving steam lsundry In one of th best
towns In Oregon. Doing 1400 and over
a week; manager wishes to retire: plant
modern and entirely new; established for
years: would take JMjoO to handle con
trolling Interest, one-half cash. Address F
tl. Oreirdnlan. .
Retiring from bakery business, will sell
my bakery and lunch room at once; lo
cated In one of the best cities on th
Coast: will Involno to about 1230O with
stock and all; this business Is In a flrat
class -condition and a money-maker. For
particulars write to D tL Oregonlan.
MEXICO'S unequalled resources offer bound
less opportunities to the man with small
means to ombin his capital with other
for large pcollta. Particulars of splendid
opening sent free by addressing West
Coast Cattle tt Lumber Co. 405 Mill
bldg.. 8an Francisco. Cal.
TYAXTED-Partner to take one-balf Interest
with me In the wood business; have over
3m)0 curds of oak wood cut and S3 men
employed; contracts for almost 10.000
cords; partner to look after the Portland
end of the business; references exchanged.
Y fB2. Oregontnn.
THE Grouse Mountain Mining Co.. Ltd., will
sell a small amount of treasury stock at
a low price to complete Its dsvelopment
work; no salaries or office expenses and
reforenrca given. For particulars writ
O. M. Field. Hop. Idnho.
FOR RENT Only hote'l In town of 1000
Inhabitants located on ths Southern Pu
rine Rsllway. In the Rogue River Valley;
4d rooms furnished, modern equlpmcnU
bath, hot and cold water and alectrlo
lights. E 670. Oregonlan.
Foil RENT Modern apartment-house, 10
rooms, furnished, steam heat hot and cold
water, bath and electric lights, centrally
lorated In town of lo.oov innamianis m
the r.ogue River Valley. E 800. Orego
nlan. .
A WELL paying general store In an Oregon
growing Industrial town of 2.100; less than
60 mllrs from Portland, with a stock of
about !ld.ooO: can bo bought ressonable;
a good chnnce to step Into a paying busi
ness. Address Y 60S. Oregonlan.
HAVE nrst-clasa plcturs show in class A
building, fcaling capacity 200; low rent
and good lease snd A No. 1 location. 1400
cash and the baloru on easy terme. If
y iu ever expeot to get a anap, hare's one.
Address J 713. Oregonlan.
START new business; American rarer hon
ing and safety blade sharpening machine;
make S to 10 per day; no experience
required. R. b. Green. 171 Washington
su, Chicago.
PaTI'VT your Ideaa and make money. Send
for my new book, "How to Get Them."
Test service. Joshua R. H. Potts, lawyer,
"Washington, D. C, Chicago and Phlla
delphl WANTED Foreman In old-established plan.
Ing-miil and door factory; one with about
S.'.OOO preferred to take Interest In mill.
Addieaa Wst End Mf. Co., Tacoma,
BEST retail business In Central Oregon for
sale. Cash only. Will also sell delln
qulshmsnt on fine homestead. 100 acres
of the best tillable soil. All olsax. P. O.
Hox 716. City.
WANTED Party with 13000 to take halt
Interest In a machine shop, thoroughly
equipped, doing good business; will stand
Investigation. Ames Mercantile Agency, 410
AMngton !dj.
RELIABLE party with 1500 In cash can se
cure an Interest In a well established
building business: 20 years' experience In
the business. 64 uj tth st.
A SnilOLARrfHrP In the International Cor.
School, surveying and mapping course;
will sell for h of oust on account of gick
nnt R 70S. Oregonian
6l all out and earning money. Here Is a
chance to make tloO a month; price 1300.
N. T. HALL. 321 Lumber lens Bldg.
FOR BALE My Interest and position with
one of the best fuel companies in the
city. Call for G. W. R., 23 Hawthorns
Doing $o a day, rent $23, leas; fin lo
cation: Involc.
N. T. HALL. 821 Lumbormens Bldg.
ENOIJSH capital negotiated for corporation
securities and sound enterprises of all
sorts. Dent Byrne, 14 Bloomibury su,
London, England.
STOCKS, bonds sold: commission moderate;
references exchsnged; give full details:
eatabllsbed house. P. O. Box 1U22. New
CIGAR, confectionery and stationery for
sale, or will trade for horses: will Involcs
I15O0. Phons A f7.r7 or call 112 Chapman,
bet. 12 and 2. No agents; fair proposition.
ONR of the best-paying and best-located
" 'grocery stores on the East Side. Buy It
direct from the owner. Information by
addressing AK CPU. Oregonlan.
8 living-rooms, jood trade; fin loca
tion; to.'-".
N. T. HALL, 321 Lumbermens JBIdg.
I HAVE! over oO peanut machines all placed
In Portland: 1 have to leave town and
will sell: make over 175 a month clear:
no agenta AK 712. Oregonlan.
WANTED Location for country bank; have
had lifetime experience In business. Ad
dress Alonso Girton, 71S E. Madison SU.
Portland. Or.
Wanted Retail mercantile business, out
side Portland. In Oregon or California.
Address Y 0od.Oregonian:
CIOAR and confectionery stand In waiting
room at end of carlino. phon Woodlawn
or--.1 nrnf and cigar halL 6 tables, do-
t Ing good business, good location. 018
Bonrd of irsue.
F01lSALE Upright shingle mill and stump
sge; will take part in shingles; tliOO to
00 cash will han'lle. P 714. Oregonlan.
WANTED Man who has worked in lumber
camp to taks reaponslble position; must
Invcs ti0O. Y 7o7. Oregonlan.
LUNCH COUNTER; owner wants a partner
that can be depended upon; !3o0 required.
t all Z rtarksu
baLooN with grill; does big trade: owner
wants partner; ov requires, rarucuisri
Z4t riiiae.
ltklLlARLE man to deliver goods; must be
satlaned with IIS to f25 weekly: 3-H ro
outred. Room 523 Lqmber Exchange.
FARMH. paten ta. businesses for sale every
where, direct from owners. Advertisers
Co-operative Ass n. Chicago. lit
wltNTamall btialness; will trads good, lot
tn 8oattla. 102 Board of Trade.
WILL sell f l0O Portlsnd Home Telephone
bonds st o7.V O 714. Oregonlnn.
liOd choi houae. good location, open all
night. 143 Board of Trad bldg.
ST FEW hundred dollar In g.ld business
with my Urns. X 7", Oregon .
ni ready jntrooucea ana siwaje --'
The Jobbing profit exceeds 60 per cent
the wholesale 100 per cent and th retail
2o0 per cenu Am selling my Interest as i i
. " i . u f win reaulre all
All California Oil stocks
Alaska peu A Coal Trea market
Almeda Con. trans b'd
Almeda Con. trans . . . . .DO
Automatlo Call Adv.
Bradshaw M. M......
Busy Jies M. A D
Calif. Con. Oil (Bob Evans).
Globe Grain Separator
Gov. Standard Powders
Hercules Ml.ilng Mach
H. O. Peck Auto Wheel
Metaline Conal
Pacific Coast Cranberry....
Peoples Amusement Co......
Portland Concrete Pli
Portland Tel. bond
Poulaeng Wireless
Royce Suspension, llub......
Slmonsons Fix It. .......... -
Washougal G. C
All other stocks and bonds;
. special
. special
see me
before buying; may b abl
to do
Fac. States Fire In a.. Carot bells A. B.
U. B,
Block of Auto Delivery stock. WH1
stand closest Investigation.
0 acres highly Improved farm ror
Portland income property.
Globe Grain Sep.. Gibson Mf j- Camp
bells Aut. S. G. B.. NaU Copper,
Pickels Adv. Mach., Trevor and Calu
met B., for lots, lands and acreage.
Stock of general merchandise, -tor
' fixtures, store building and small dw ell
ing, doing good business and located In
town surrounded by good farming dls
trlot. Postofflc In store; 12000 will buy.
Ssloon; centrally located with Inde
pendent license, dally receipt $r.0 to $100
per day. Rent only 140 per month.
I.1500 takes th business, and will sell
stock at Invoice. t
First-class grill, doing a good bnslneM
of 1100 to 125 per day. Have grill 11
censs. This Is located In good district
which Is building up fast have four-year
lease, oheap renti 11750 will put you In
W have a rood list of rooming-houses,
hotels, grocery stores, cigar stands. If
you are looking for a location In busi
nssa, call on us.
805 Gerllnger Bldg.. cor. Alder and 2d.
MILLINERY store, located In one of the
best towns on the coast, which has more
than 25.000 population and positively has
the best trade. Present owner has made
sufficient profits to retire on. Does more
than 120.000 per year business. Will sell
reasonable. This will bear strictest In
vestigation. J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of
GROCERIES and homo bakery, Portland.
Alontniy casn saies xow w
delivering. Over 2 years- lease; low renu
Profit in lease. Clean stock. Snap at. 2oo.
Up-to-date stock of dry goods. Jewelry
and drugs In thrifty town 7 miles from
city on electric No competition. Fltcner,
o AQingcon oiug.
In good location, desirable lease, doing
nice business: owner must sell on account
of other business; price 13000. must have
I1H00 cash, balance out of receipts or
would consider good real estate.
.ma 1 miKOV
8Q.- Gerllnger Bldg.
Sealed bids will' be received until
Wednesday. February 1. 10 A. M.. for a
atock of ladles' and gents' shoe and fur
nishings In Portland suburb; Invoice value
about $1000: right reserved to reject any
and all bids. Invoice "Jj""1"1?.."'
my or 1 ice. n. vaonci. q. -
.- . . . . - . ... . fi . ii-iii'ii liee v and feed busl
ness In live Central Oregon town, with or
without stock; concern doing spienaia
business: good residence; good buy for
man who has some ready cash; will give
reasonable terms on deferred payments.
Phono Woodlawn 557 r
From an Investment of a few hundred
dollars yon can realize a profit beyond
your fondest hopes; will bear the closest
Investigation. If you mean business write
me for full particulars. B 71J, Ore
New fixtures and stock: $800.
Cigar and confectionery on prominent
comer, cheap rent; $15o5. Thl Includes
the building. . . ,
mrvariM . CTTAPMAN-
82rt i Wash. St. Room 813.
IF you have 1500 to $1000 to Invest In a
gilt-edge business proposition, from which
. it nee eent nroflt 11'
yon are ku.i uh . .. v
nually. answer this add and an oppor
tunity to Investigate will be given you.
F 711. Oregonlan.
A WELL-ESTABLISHED business college
In Northwestern Washington.- Good at
tendance, excellent reputation. Will glvo
best of reasons for selling. Splendid op
portunity. Cash or terms. Address P 7u0,
Orsgonian. m
tooo. PART cash, secures an Interest In a
legitimate business proposition that will
easily net loooo In the next year. This
Is something out of th ordinary. Partlo
ulsrs 64 4 6th su .
SUPERINTENDENT prominent Portland
mfg. concern In building line wishes par
ty with $1500 to Join him buying proprle
tarv Interest snme company: single lady
preferred. P' O. Box 8HP3. Portland. Or.
WANTED To meet 6 parties with $.000
each- land proposition that I guaranteed
by responsible trust company to pay 200
per cent Inside of 1 year; will stand th
strictest Investigation. C 713. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Good general merchandise stock
and building. $16.so0: will take some prop
erty on It; 73 miles from Portland.
911 Lewis Bldg.
OPPORTUNITY to buy store, handllnz well
known bakery goods: suitable for delica
tessen and lunches; low rent, long lease.
Call 815 Chamber of Commerce or phone
Main 1M. A
FOR SALE Hairdresslng and toilet srtlcles.
face steamer and hair bake oven, hackles
and other requirements for the business,
will ell'very cheap as they ar In our
wsy. D 711. Oregonlan.
COUNTRY store. Including buildings, 1 acrd
of land, creamery, wagons, large busi
ness: $5500: invoice: will consider Port
land property. Hatch Howard, 402
commercial pi'th.
For SALE 1 Standard brick machine, 31.-
000 pallets. Sander trucks. 50 H. P. motor.
McMahon Bros.. 1204 Division St. Phone
Tabor 872.
MOVING picture machine, folding chaiia.
phonograph, electric wire and switches,
complete for moving picture show, only
$:7S. F 714, Oregonlan.
WANTED Man with 500 to Join me In
real estate subdivision that will net him
over oj.iooo by next year; this proposition
rsn't to beat. R 71S. Oregonlan.
or "A-l" grocery location, thickly set
tled addition, wanting storo. Phon Ta
bor IC5. t
PARTNER wanted, good-paying Inside busi
ness $73 required, man or woman: In
vestigate. Csll today or after 8 P. M. 200
1st st. room 31
CL-p.l - ESTABLISHED and best-located
hairdresslng parlors in the city: must sell
on account of sickness. AM 716. Orego
nlan. -
WANT partner with $300 for a money
making established proposition In Port-
' land- guarantee $123 per month; Inside
work. Box Y 715, Oregonlan. ,
COUNTRY rostaurant and rooming-house
for sale, everything new and modern;
suitable, for man and wife: money-maker.
Lock Box 162, Yamhill. Or.
GILT-EDGE city Income property to ex
change for farm close to Portland; farm
must be with th money. 417 Board of
WANTED To buy Interest In clothing or
sh'o store; country; references. H 70S,
Neat, new place, good location $375.
N. T. HALL. 321 Lumbermens Bldg.
GROCERY! on good corner: bag living
rooms- good trade. Invoices about 1HK.
Call 84tt x Stark st.
roR BALE by. owner, beauty parlors: a
bargain If taken at once. 422 Fliedner
bldg. PhonMain 0290.
BARGAIN 7 rooms, clears $40 month, walk
ing distance on West Side, rent $25. In
quire at 191 12th at., owner.
ON GOOD down-town street, a picture show,
bargain lf tnken at once: would consider
good lot. AU -.,. v,av"i".
fbRSALE Cigar and confectionery store;
this is a bargain and very little . money
handles. Call 809 Williams ave.
NICE hardware store, good location. 4000
stock?ah or city property. Hall S&0.
Front su
CONFECTIONERY, cigars and stationery,
can be had below Invoice; good location,
fin business. 417 Board of Trade bldg.
STRICTLY cash grocery: does a fine busi
ness; owner wants a reliable partner; re
qulres $1200. Call 241-j Stark st.
HALF Interest In well paying cash business
for sale at Invoice price: $150 down, bal
ance payable monthly. 54 V4 4th su
WANTED Small grocery, and confection
ery, with living-rooms; from owner. B
705. Oregonlan.
PARTNER $30OO. legitimate enterprise:
$12,000 to $15,000 assured. 90 days. A
716. Oregonlan.
SALOON $;i5 to $30 day business; rent $73
month; hn lease. Independent license.
Fries $2500. Call 248 is Stark sU
I have two beautiful lots In Montavllla,
In restricted district, worth $1400.
I want a party to Join mo in building
two modern cottages, costing about 11700
We can easily borrow $1000 on each on
of them and the properties will be good
sellers at $3000 apiece.
There is 50 per cent profit In the deal
In three months and safe all the time.
A. N. Searle. Take M-V car, get off E.
78th su Office on the corner. (Open Sunday.)
I have a strictly tnsido proposition to
ofTer in one of the very best sections of
Oregon. New Una of railroad will begin
building by March 1. My proposition' in
cludes large holdings of the very best
fruit lands, townsite properties, and busi
ness openings. For sub-dividers, colonisers
and Investors this is the opportunity of
the season. Call or address E. A. Tyler,
Sales Manager. 408 Spalding bldg.. Fort
land. Or,
ONE of the best apartment houses in the
city for sale, paying a net profK of $560
per month: good location, apartments all
occupied by business and professional peo
ple, large waiting list; satisfactory terms
can be arranged with right .party: only
purchasers need reply. Address owner, Y
6&3. Oregonlan.
We are reorganizing and would like to
aecuro the services of a first-class man
of executive ability to invest $25,000; old
established manufacturing business; pay
ing big returns on money invested; will
stand closa investigation. AK 713, Ore
gonlan. I WISH to secure loan of $250 to bo used
to incorporate a company to handle loggad
off lands; big profits; will give you A No.
1 security for your money and repay same
In 60 days with Interest in company free.
Investigate this today. Address R 714,
w ILL sell Interest In new modern picture
house now under construction complying
with 1911 city ordinance; little capital re
quired, but good character and references
essential: splendid location; no opposi
tion; 400 to 600 seats. Particulars at
673 Union ave. North. Call after Sunday.
FOR BALI One of the best cafeterias In
Portland, located In the heart of the busi
ness district; price $0000; would take some
good property in exchange.
911 Lewis Bldg.
FOR SALE An established electrical con
tracting and supply business In a town of
12.000 population; excellent location; low
rent; only one competitor. Owner leav
ing city will sacrifice. AD 709, Ore
gonlan. STOCK companies Incorporated; wo bid to
offer entire issues, stocks or bonds for
sale for corporations. The E. Jay Haw
kins Company, 868 Elllcott Square, Buf
falo, N. Y.
WILL sell 5000 or 10.000 shares Poulson
Wireless at 23c; also 10.0(10 or 20.000
Fidelity Copper at rc; want 1000 to 5000
share Comstock Golden Gate; will pay
cash. F.J.Catterlln & Co.
THE need of ready money to protect other
Interests compels me to sacrifice my stock
In an Industrial proposition paying 50 per
- cent on the par value or price I ask; no
agents. B 499. Oregonlan.
AN unincumbered middle-aged widow with
a little means will correspond with elderly
gentleman with a little means; object to
assist In running a lodging house. L 718,
GENTLEMAN of 85 wishes to become con
nected with reliable real estate office.
Business experiences and reference. Small
Investment; any locality. AG 706, Ore
gonlan. FOR SALE Sawmill and timber land. 30.000
caDacitv: $22,000 worth good machinery:
87.000.000 feet timber and 1050 acres of
land, all e-o for $40,000 on easy terms.
AM 706. Oregonlan.
SPECIAL chance for steady man to secure
Interest In a reliable business; requires
small Investment; duties easily learned;
pay salary and share of profiu Partlcu
lars 24SH Stark St.
WILL sell half or third Interest In my sa
loon; doing fine business; established for
over b years; location central; outside
business demands part of my time. AB
715, oregonlan.
Half interest in well-established firm.
good -connections and reliable man. This
Is a fine opening. $300.
N. T. HALL, 321 Lumbermens Bldg.
FOR SALE Meat market, strictly new and
modern, first-class location: doing a cash
business only. Lease. Apply 906 Spauld
Ing. FURNITURE stock for sale In good loca
tion on East Side, splendid opportunity for
rood man: low rent. Inquire 592 Williams
ave. Phone East 4457.
FINE little home bakery and confectionery;
good mill town on Columbia River; house
hold furniture goes with It. Write box
400. Kalama. Wash.
HAVE two 60-share certificates United
Wireless. Just transferred, at a bargain:
also two 100 share at $4 per share. N
71 lOregonian.
ON account of other business will dispose
of my grocery at a sacrifice: will inven
tory. Apply at once owner's residence, 861
PARTNER wanted for money-making real
estate office: good man can get in for
very llttlo money. 417 Board of Trade
WANTED to know of a good location to
open a harness shop in a good country
town In Oregon or Washington. V 706,
Oregonlnn. -
GREATEST money-maker on earth, rare
chance to get rich; cash or trade for any
kind of real estate or anything of value;
give full particulars. A 037. Oregonlan.
OREGON Gold Hill stock. Will accept
best cash offer on alt or part of 1000
shares. Must have cash. AE 705, Ore
gonlan. LOAN OFFICE for sale. established 6
vears: good business, good location; will
invoice about $1500. Apply Sliver Dollar
Loan Office, 1407 Pacific ave., Tacoma.
CAN show you a good logging proposition
of 1.250.000 feet; will sell with equipment
or will furnish equipment and let you log
It by the thousand. T 707, Oregonlan.
Je LIVE young business man can buy an
Interest In an established business; only
IIOOo required, with services; first-class
references required. AJ 707, Orefconian.
DELICATESSEN and confectionery for aale,
close In on East Side; living rooms; rent
.only $20: price $500. Phone East 255.
464 1. ilurnstue, near am su
MANUFACTURING or confectionery wants
paj -mrr i" oi"u .o bu-
antee business will pay $8O0 monthly net.
o.elnilflra room K2.1 I.nmhpr T?T(ihnrtirR.
TENANTS for 6 to 8-story fireproof hotel
building, occupying oiock, in a central
location; will build to aulu G 707, Ore-
gonlnn. .
PATENTS Wre make a specialty of secur
ing capital to nnance paienra; arrange ror
interview. Walter McGovarn, 1020 Board
of Trade bldg.
'ELL equipped Job office, in best town in
Western Oregon; now owner oo per
month; price. $2000: half cash, balance
i. .- eni nrepnnlfin. -
lo buii- v. ,. --.
MOTIOTv'-PICTfRH theater in city: has
Amniuii with new city ordinance: low
price or cash, or real estate In trade.
eii neeeoninn.
GROCERY and confectionery. Invoices $6.10,
with lease: living-rooms: sales average
ok J me. Ttnard of Trade.
MAKE me an offer on two $1000 Portland
Horn Telephone bonds. P 710, Orego
nlan. ; . ;
PARTNER wanted. In grocery, doing big
business: price $1200; at invoice. 618
Board of Trade.
FOR SALE Clean stock of medium priced
shoes, about SGOOO; good location. G 711,
Oregonian. 1
FOR SALH: A six or seven-room flat, will
sell one or both; fine location for business.
16SV4 10th su .
I WANT to meet Japanese who can form
company to buy good tract of land; good
thing for right man. A 036, Oregonlan
PARTNER wanted for splendid little store.
$50 required; In fine location for good
business. Call 2484 Stark st.
I WANT a man to Join me opening manu
facturer's agency. New hardware special
ties SALOONS Several good paying saloons for
sale. For more particulars call at 610
SweUandklg; ,
HALF Interest In an old-established real es
tate office: will bear close investigation
G 710. Oregonlan.
WANTED Cashier In restaurant as partner;
owner does the cooking. Call room 623.
Lumber Exchange.
GROCERY and confectionery. Invoice
$1500- sales average $45 day; no better
nlace In city. 618 Board of Trade.
WANTED to buy A good stationery and
muslo store. In town of 4000 or over. Ad
ss71iiJ3regon!an. DENTAL office "for sale for less than cost
of outfit; $200 per month practice; In
Port 1 ana supurp. n& i. .iv"'...
STORE for rent, best location In city.
quire at P'le a-i ma mu
JOB PRINTING office for sale quick; a snap.
G. A. Graves. Newberg. Or.
CONFECTIONERY, lunch, modern room;
leas for sal. Owner. 336 Ruasellst.
HAVfTjou a movlng-pletur outfit for sale
cheap 7 R. Anderson, 608 Alder.
45 rooms; new brick building; steam
heat, electric lights. 5-year lease, rent
less than $4 a room. Every room rented.
Will guarantee clear profit of $250 each
month; a very low price and soma terms.
Room CIS. Oregonlan bldg.
rv IT-TV O.o -Mn-il Tiolness man With
$10.000 cash to take office management of
a manufacturing business, with an open
ing In Portland and tne racinc i-iam. ai
ders now on hand for future business suf
fiotant to nlAra the business on a self-
ustalnlng basis. Best of bank references
triven and full investigation aesireu. -nation
must be taken quickly. AC 711, Ore
Wholesal and retail with good mall
order trade, all over the V. S. and Cana
da. We want to retire, about $85,000. Ail
clean stock and no Indebtedness; will sea
with $5000 to $10,000 caah and stay with
the buyer till the business pays the rest:
rood real estate CONSIDER D. Addre
B 658, Oregonlan.
Fine stock of general merchandise In
one of the best country towns in Oregon,
Bales average $12,000 per month, expenses
are very low, rent only -o per moon.,
with mud lnnA Inoluriina- 6 living rOOmS,
barn and chicken house. Owner retiring
from business. About $3500 cash, balance
easy terms, or will trade for good acreage.
817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak.
A en.vr o.a,.iv u ii ..ol 1 -.nrtabls saW'
mill, complete with cut-off saw, sawdust
conveyor, etc; also a No. 1 Northwest
planer, with attachments, good as new;
has been used only a short time. For
particulars call at my oixice. -.o
t.. Portland, Or.
$3000 CASH will handle 35.000 capacity
sawmill, complete with blackBmitn snop,
cookhouse. hnnlrhmiRiL ntahla. tools, tim
ber and land; logging equipment consist
ing of two donkey engines, new line,
blocks and tools complete. A 708, Ors-
FOR SALE Only hat store In Tacoma.
Wash., doing a paving business, good lo
cation, other interests require my entire
attention; win take about ?;"" casa io
handle iu Address H. E. Hartley, 90S C
su, Tacoma.
$3000 WILL erlve experienced oartv 1-3 in
terest in fully-equipped sawmill and log
ging camp; 30.00O capacity, inciuauiu
timber and land: contract for ties and
market for lumber. 226 Lumber Exchange
CAPTTAT, StoeUa anA tinnri sold for manu
facturlng, mining and other projects of
merit. Commission basis: established
house; Western branch: reference securr
ties sold. The D. F. Minyard Co., Brok
ers, 80 Wall st.. New York City.
Clean, new stock good Dortablo oven,
doing $20 a day, low rent and lease; price
aooo. This is gooa.
N. T. HALL. 321 Lumbermens Bldg.
HAI.tT Interest In an old-established bus!
ness doing a good business, with sal
aried position of $100 per month. For full
particulars call Kinney & Stampner, Lum
ber Exchange bldg., rooms 5ai-oo.
Make careful Investigation at expens
of seller before yoij Invest money in any
t "-o'-oaltlon. Advisory Department, Y. M.
C. A.
FOR SALE First-class stock of men's cloth
ing, shoes, hats and furnishings, doing it
fine business: an up-to-date store and
live town of 8000 people. Address X oil,
Am prepared to undertake financing
high-grade stock or bond offering;
moderate. unaerwmer, suilo -i-o-",
HO Wall St.. New York.
WANT parties to take active Interest In
developing snd selling best orchard prop
osition In Oregon; a wonderful Invest
ment; pleasant employment For personal
Interview address G 703. Oregonlan. .
West Side, busy street, new stock and
fixtures; snap at $000.
N. T. HALL. 321 Lumbermens Bldg.
WANTED A location for an opening for u
ladies' or gent's furnishing store in a
good city outside of Portland Address
P. O. Box 412. Portland. Or.
CONFECTIONERY store, on transfer corner;
have long lease on store and 20 rooms
which are rented; pays well. Will sell
cheap. Call 24m stark su
RESTAURANT and delicatessen, good lo
cation: 2 living rooms; rent $15. Money
maker. Owner has other business; sacri
fice S300 worth $500. AC 707, Oregonian.
- - - - - tvniTOTPiir. uto ('i w a '
J-1.11.MJ J,J-r v . i . . - -
Telephone and other bonds bought and
sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Ablngton.
WANTED Partner with $2300 and services
In" new manufacturing business on the
CoasU It i U4. oregouiaii.
r-nnfl out-of-town millinery store
sale cheap. R 702. Oregonlan.
POR SALE First-class delicatessen and
bakery, best location In city, living-rooms.
Phono East 7S8.
A GOOD patent for sale: nothing on the
market like It: guaranteed to be O K in
every way. Address Q 712. Oregonlan.
FURNISHED suburban real estate office
with good list for lease to responsible
party lf taken at once. Tabor 529. '
POOL and cigar store. West Side; price
$1600- $600 down, balance $75 month,
clearing $275 month. 618 Board of Trade.
FOR S ALE A fine bakery and confecuoa
ery business in a hustling town. Inquir
Gray. McLean - Percy. 113-115 N. 4th.
LIGHT manufacturing business, light work
and little money required, which you han
dle yourself. 417 Board of Trade.
FOR SALE Harness and shoe store; also
repair shop; doing good business. Write
for particulars. A K 611. Oregonlan.
60 SHARES United Wireless, new stock,
late issue, at a bargain. R 710, Orego
nlan. t
I HAVE a few hundred and services to en
gage in any good proposition. AJ 711,
800 SHARES People's Amusement stock,
paying 2 per cent monthly dividends;
' need the money. W 708. Oregonlan.
CORNERTash grocery that will pay no leas
than 13 monthly, with ltvinE-roome,
$1050. Room 523Lumber Exchange.
x "OUTFIT free. Lady agents make big
money. Write today. Williamson C
B Co.. 413 N. 8th St.. SU Louis, Mo.
gsoo BUYS a paying 23-room hotel, cash or
part real estate. Box 103, St. Johns.
phone Columbia 257.
WANTED Ten men to Join an aviation
class. Cost for use of machine, etc., $250.
jjo trlflers wanted. V 684. Oregonlan.
450 CIGAR stand, very central, one of
our best places in city; must sell today.
618 Board of Trade.
RESTAURANT If you want a bargain see
this one; line location, haiuim iwu, win
sell cheap. Call 248,4 Stark st.
PARTNER wanted for light manufacturing
business; very little money required. 417
Board of Trade bldg.
DELICATESSEN, with light groceries, pay
ing $180 month. Particulars room 623 Lum
ber hlxcnanse.
20 000 CAPACITY sawmill, with planer; a
complete plant; must be sold. Inquire
of owner, sis woipp,ci o.oa.
RFSTAURANT for sale; doing good busl-
. , nariv ha nlha, hiial-
nrlce reasonable. 64 S. 6th st.
wanted to buy a rooming house of 8 or 9
rooms. wio
ave. .n.
Tunvixo picture operator wants partner;
i ..e,e- i-i. -I Tl In T . 7117 ,l,-
manager in "--"--- - - -.-
ft1 '
WANTED Movlng-pictnre operator, take
. .- -. 1 .1 tr-.r A hnusc A ?n. -1
nail 1HM!11 " - -" u
57 rooms, new brick, everything modern
and up-to-date: elegant carpets and fur
niture; long lease and low rent; a first
class proposition and $3000 cash will
olo nenry isiug.
ROOMS, south Of Morrison, corner, large
yard all nice and clean- part housekeep
ing rent ISO: Income $80, leaving a fin
home; price $500. U cash.
a p.. JAMBS Co.. 88 10th, near Stark.
WILL buy poolhall and cigar stand, terms
in .. " ,1. ee tinnilMii ,1 n ..-..
will pay i-" " " "--- "
lis, ureBuuwii.
ROOMING HOUSE 17 rooms for sale or
renu owuei, iwjts . '
WANTED Small rooming-house, central,
must re anon a mo. raoiw oiaiu eies.
201-202 Merchants' Trust Bldg..
826 H Washington, bet, 6th and 7th sts.
. Any desirable ROOMING-HOUSE on th
84 ROOMS, best central location, fin,
corner. BRICK, modern, with private
baths, etc., well furnished, doing a busi
ness of $1700 to $2000 a month, of which
$6oo to $S00 Is clear profit. Unavoidable
circumstances compel owner to sell and
has cut $4000 off the price, and will taka
$4500 cash, part of which may be In clear
real estate, balance monthly. This Is a
first-class proposition in every way, has
fine class of established custom, both per
manent and transient; long lease. Come
Nothing on the market to equal it in
location, furnishings and homelike fea-
tures. PRIVATE BATHS and every mod
ern convenience; pavs NET PROFIT $400
a month: filled with BEST CLASS pa
trons, permanent and transient, lease 5
years, reasonable rent. You will want It
lf you see It. and $7500 cash buys it, bal
ance of 55 monthly.
86 ROOMS. 6 minutes' walk from this
office, thoroughly modern, 6S completely
furnished, lease 5 years, rent less than
to a room. $718 clear profit November
and December. A BARGAIN price on
thla for a few days, ONLY $5000.
64 ROOMS, CORNER BRICK, location
for both permanent and transients; gas
end electric lights, well furnished: RE
CEIPTS OVER $400 a month, total ex
penses $150, Including rent. ONLY $115. $3
a room NET PROFIT. $250. Here is a
LIVE ONE; good business, light expenj-es
end SURE profit; lease NEARLY FIVES
YEARS, and the PRICE ONLY 14250,
running HOT and COLD water In every
room I the furnishings must bo seen to
be appreciated, for they are the best In
any 40-room house in the city. This
place has the best class of patronag
and clears $350 over all expenses. Price,
$8000. half cash.
Another. 40 ROOMS, clearing $300 a
month, long lease. $7500; would accept
citv property up to SooOO.
Another. 40 ROOMS, lease 5 years,
clearing $200 a month, for $4500; would
take house and lot up to $2000; balance
These three ara all brick buildings, with
steam heat, hot and cold running water
In every room and are first-class propo
sitions. In choice locations.
25 ROOMS, all on ona floor, corner
brick; In good West Side location; rent
$100 with lease, gas and electric lights,
clean and every room filled every night;
$200 clear money In this every month
price $2800.
Ifl rooms, near in, Washington St.. all
Sleeping rooms, and the best furnished
house of the size In the city; running
HOT and COLD water In rooms; furnace,
gas and electrio lights; a choice proposi
tion in every way. Price $3250.
$500 puts you in this place paying $to
over all expenses: it Is only 5 minutes"
walk south of this office; is furnished far
above the average, velvet and Brussels
carpets, good Iron beds, everything good
and complete, all good as new; furnace
heat: you can pay the balance of $000 at
$25 a month. Owner must leave on Im
portant business.
Also large assortment of small places. 8
to 12 rooms, prices $o00 to $1600. Call on
us before you buy. From long experience
In this special line of business we can
save you TIME and MONEY. ,
78 rooms on Washington st, well located
for permanent or transient trade. Good
grade furniture, clearing $000 per month.
Can be sold on easy terms, or will con
sider some property in exchange. See
us for price and terms.
Corner hrick building, rooms all rented
and paying well; long lease; $o000 will
Has good transient trade; clearing $250
to $300 per month. Price only $0300,
Terms arranged.
In Nob Hill district Modern brick
building of 90 rooms; electric elevator,
Axmlnster carpets, brass and Iron beds,
good grade mattresseB, fumed oak furni
ture; long lease at only $5 per room.
This house is clearing $360 to $400 per
month. Can be sold on easy terms or
party would consider some property In
100 ROOMS.
Modern building arranged In 3 and 4
room apartments; long lease at less than
$5 per room. Will sell on terms.
On Washington sU Axmlnster carpets.
Iron beds, good grade mattresses. One of
the best locations in city. Price only
$1250, $200 ca?h will handle.
Close In: mahogany and oak furniture:
good grade carpets; would clear $"'0 per
month; party leaving city, must sell this
month; price only $650, easy terms.
The above are only a few of what wo
have to offer in furnished places. We
have all sizes and prices; also leases on
new apartment-houses now under con
struction. Will bo glad to show you our
list for sale.
M. Bunnell. 282 Chamber of Commerce.
60 rooms, corner brick apartment-house,
up-to-date, modern, every apartment full
all the time in 3 and 4-room. large and
light, phone, bath and dumb elevator In
each apartment, 6-year lease, cheapest
rent on West Side: will trade my equity
of $3S00 In this place for a good housa
and lot: net income $200 per month.
605 Couch Bldg.
A family hotel;
$538 monthly profit
Is what you can get out of It;
$5000 will handle.
Why should you ramble?
Come In and let us show it.
For lta good and wo know it.
270 V4 Stark Street.
12 rooms, facing a park, all good furni
ture, rent only $42.. good furnace, splendid
place to rent rooms; price $1250; West
505 couch mug.
FOR SALE A very neat ana attractive
rooming-house. 16 rooms, at Ashland, near
depot; delightful business location; cut
price, for Bale, $1800; also two very de
sirable rooming-houses at Medford, on
Main street: best business location. Ad
dress L. Strompf, 819 Bast Main sU, Med
ford, Oregon
E0-ROOM hotel proposition, worth investi
gating; bar and billiard-room and grill
room all included, and doing a fins
business; leased for four years; $7.10 per
month; $40,000 will handle this; will con
sider some good city property. Pjiony
owner. Main 75S4, room '.'22, or address-
S. T.. care box office, Portland. Or.
EIGHT rooms, very choice location, near
14th and Main, rent oo; ,
all Iron beds, oak furniture, flna furnishings-
$30 sewing machine. $350 piano in
cluded, all for $000. Don't overlook, thl
?naPi - o ,.
li. E. JALS i-o.) w ivi'ii
o have hotels, apartment or rooming
V' . i. lis wltl, ii We have
nouses twi oe,t, ..... " - -
largo clientage who are ready to lnvesu
232 Chamber of Commerce.
42 rooms. 15 apartments, new building,
nicely furnished, 6 years' lease; rents for
$;!00 per month: Income $655; price $5aO0:
liiOOO cash will handle. D 7Q6. Oregonlan.
. . . i .. flnnr .Aiul looatlon!
rent $100', B-year lease; Income $320; good
furniture and a nice clean place; price
H.B5E.' JAIdES Co.. 88 10th. near Stark.
..r , T T TjnAUIT. Tt (-11 iSKS.
Eight rooms on West Side, $550. Seven
rooms, $375. Both well furnished. Wal
ter MCGOVem, IViiJ oam ol i.iaop.
$1000 HANDLES good transient 26-room
bOUSe, gooa i""i"ii e ...
heat, one of the best money-getters In city.
FOR SALE Rooming-house, 6 rooms, all
nicely furnlsnea, 7 oiock irora a carimw,
price $265; only 7 blocks from City HalL
Unn. A 3731.
WANTED Rooming-nouso from 18 to 25
rOOmS! IHUBl UO l-l"" .....
pay $600 cash, balance terms. Address
fijf E. 9th South.
MUST sell my 28-room apartment house.
1 . 1 . .....1.. all roll IOII
at -grocery. 60 Grand ave. N., Last 6ide,
close In. No agents.
A NICE little rooming house In a first class
location, suitable ror a lanaiany to uauuie.
Call 264 2d St. Mackcy Doulan.
iiway av -e- e- '