The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 29, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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1- MILLION f.t (nod timber.
xiitao-iah cow. comprising leu acre.
T KILUoy feet, practically all yellow
fir- $l per thousand.
11 illl.IJON Ini good saw Umb la
6Me:a district- $i uouunJ.
SO KILL-ON f-l ooJ law timber. Co-
inntD.a c. K-C..ibi to onumtjia JlJi.r.
MILLION fl rd and jelluw (:r.
Forest llrovt. Or., $lovo Cash. MUAC.
mill cats.
w. are In th mark.t for clients, any
hn la I'alf.d t:at... who -.sir
nu Investments la in rlly. or mat ;
urtion: tin refer LadJ A TUtnn. hank-
e-a. tast Sid. Bank, or Cttlns Hank,
having b.en In th. business for JO years.
113 Grind ITr
ARE V.i:; LooivlNO Full TI-BEHT
c.l VX1 ft of pin. f p-r M.
link t ..... I 1 1 nir af.
Hev.rai tracts ot aruc near railroad.
II 40 i-r
ls.O a.:ra of pin Inlir. yellow and
nn. fuirintM to cruis. .J,wv p r
S ne .rra: .Abd t fT.l
euvo lent fir. good quality, $20 par
ftWl AAA - Vf
u 'fin. tracts sC timber; will ba
pleased to .how you.
ZiMU !t.V(AN. Slo Board of Trad Mdg.
$60 lm; rrulM lo.uo0.00o fU 73 par
cert mill capacity S5.OO0 f t : two
traction engine, two donkey engine,
tKlit horses, wagons, truck, etc fcoutn
era as l".
21 1 Lwt bldg.
an i . -li j ee rtmUer: rabiti and water.
near a depou u mile from Portland, a
bur buy than trim iwn-;
ewn.r. C. D. Nawlr. Amity. OrsSOU. Eea
fimif for sa.e-
LOOJIN'l propo.ttlon. .mall, plenty timber
avauao.e; ia g-wi
.0...1 l-sl trade: near Foruian d; eaay
t.rma. AL 720. Oresocln,
lioco.OfO FEET pine and larch timber cheap
T'e aulrh turn. casn w,
T-'l I.uniKr Eifi bldg.
FOR r-ALi 10 acres timber land In Orant
"ouity. Oregon. P. W. ilcRob.rts. Ml
:h ave,. Seatti. vaau.
! CORDS WOOD and wtumpag near
eitv and suburban line: long time ta take
off: good terma. X Oregonlan.
it uii.i.iflv feet timber In IJnn Coanty.
rtrw..B at 3 e.nta D.r thousand. W ll-
;t. or Haceon. tOi J.umMtmtn'1 bkl.
About 14.nrxi.00o ft. nearly alt yellow
Br. price oo. 310 iluardoCt rauecia.
Ai AKTMlvNT-riOLir: anll. In eacnaniie
for my'lful roomy country nom. ua
tfie s.t side of tl. Wiuamtte Klver;
a. rea of land In park and ehrubbery : fine
lw. Home will Mil for IJo.vuO ea.lly.
I will mumi about li.voo va aa apaxt
ment'bou.e. A.Mr.S CHAS. KCPPEP,
Chamrr of Conimcrc. bldg.
OWNER mu.t eeil fl acre A-l fruit and
gard.a eoii. cl"e to city llmlta. il
rJida. entla aoutb slope: no canyons, rork
or grawl. on couaty roal; wood enouttb
on 11 to pay f r the land; 13i0 caah
tke It. Ari Til. Orefonlan.
i. bawa c.luta eaitli.a for houaea, all
etsee and ptices. If you want to sell, see
a ouick.
1TO i'h st.
B WANT aoueee. lota, small farm and
acre tract, lioy.r waiting to be showa
a birgaln. Adiin elul you have to off-r.
fOMA. at ft.UA. 10i tpaldinf buUd
ln. Ma1b.
123. o TO .40O Investment la Inside
property pym fair Incomt; aa flat or
acartmenta wlil be considered.
If you haee .mothlri good and waal
cash, answer O 7'X. reonian.
WANTED-Lara corner lot, clear; pref.r
about !:'. wot over 3i miiiut.a out:
not aver 1:J. " cash, balance stork
In a legitimate onterpru whicn U better
than cash. AN TU. Oregonlan.
I AM la th market for Umpoua Valley
fruit land. Will consider from 10 to IS
acre. Improved or partially Improved;
close, to transportation. No fancy prlcoa.
il III. Oregonlan.
J WANT to purcoiM bv Maxvh 1st a new.
modern 6 -room bungalow on fca.t aid
near good car Un and not far from
school, alust be exi-eptlonally easy terms.
Addresa W -.;. oregonlan.
WANTED Tracts of land to suldlvlde
either lor city tots or a.-r farms. r
evperts. W glv th owner full value, and
pay all eipsnsea for handling. Glv us aa
Interview. If III. Oregonian.
W1I.1 pay cash for quarter blok If owner
will furnish money to build about a ITOi'O
hom: Irvingtoa or Holladay preferred:
etal. location of lots In anew.rtng. T
ei. Oresonlan.
Uav c.ear lot In good town to trad
for equity in Portland lot: delinquent con
tracts considered. Wood. 1 bpaidln.
fWAST acreage locatrd right on th track
of th West elds 8. P. K. R.: send exact
location, price and terms or no attention
paid, mean business. P. O. bok 1-47,
IW ANT a good full sue lot on the East
Fide. In good residence district, conve
nient to good car service: glv locality
and price or no attention. Addresa B
713. Oregonlan.
CLIENT wants 6 or 10 acre cio" to 1'ort
land. within floOO Pr acre. Writ full
Sl Fpaldlr.g Ulrjg.. 3d und Washln gton.
WILL buy equity la Rose City Park lot.
Oiv lot and block number, or no atten
tion given. Prlc must b right. AM
711. oregonlan.
WHAT have you" In 20-acre tract suitable
to divide Into two lu-acr trscls, within
1 miles of Portland, near electrlo cartln.
Stat full particulars. AJ 711. Oragonlan.
WANTED Lot with houw on It: must ba
located between Washington and Hnyt.
7t'.i and 10th: g'.v particulars and terms.
Comer lnt preferred. V 71.". Orvgonlnn.
WE 11AV5 a cash customer for 3 to 3 acres
near city, on carllne: must be slightly and
not too high In price: come In today.
Itrong-stee.e Co.. ground ttoor Lewis bldg.
BIG cash commt-slon paid for relisble ad
vance Information of proposed new build
ing. If you know of prospective building;
projects write today. P 7uT. t'regonlan.
WHX buy for cash good agricultural or
timber lends, also school land contracts
or exchange good Improved Belllngham.
vvh.. property. B 715. Oregonlan.
HAK ciah buyer for small acreage.
In, near carllne.
c. u bam nr. rc. En.
Rixm 2 LumbfrnitDi Blds
IF you have any Portland property to sell
write or come and see me, 1 have buy
ers for good Investments and hona-a.
C. De Touiif. 4H2 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED House and lot at Long Beach,
between ISeavlew and Breakers; give full
particulars; must be reasonable. AF &
WANTED A T-room house, not higher than
f.'Too. about tlwo cash, balanco on or
before S ysrs.
F. FUCHS. 5?1H Morrison Street.
WANT lot In Rossmere, front wner.Have
cash. Must be bargain. Y 704, Ore
gunlan. W A NTT.D Hme site In Funnystde or
Hawthorne-ave. district, cheap. X T10,
HAVK several customers wanting to lease
business si t ee nort h of M orrt so n. For In
terview addresa AO 716, Oregonlan.
looklnr for real estate Investment
I'jo immv eanl Income preferred.
7oe, uregonisn.
WANT all" Lot ia viclnlly of H. il-tli and
FraU.3y: glvr p-trticuiars and prlca In
Bret letter. A Tv.V Oregonlan.
WANTED A lot. 5ll0t or liaxl0O ft. In
Irvtngton; ensy teroia. Communlcata with
P. O. bog TIT. '
WILL buy equity In tot for cash; non-r-strtcted.
close In. Horn Instsllmsnt Co
os HcKay bldg. PDon Marshall IM.
WILL py cash for a lot In ffb City Psrk.
tlvs full description and beat prlc. D 712.
Oregon l s n.
lTorsE with barn, prefer Petlwood il .
trvct: rams best prlc aad terms. AD T1X
Oregon is c.
MILL ray 2 cash for ft-room. mo,!.;
mut be near atbolic School, p iv.nii.
hir;LET. ll.-HOP M-CLAriKEY. li 3d.
rVIrH to retire. Will trade established bust.
nes clearing S0m monthly, worth
foe Portland property. W 71a. Oregoalan.
HAVF1 bona fide purchaser for lot In Irv
Irgtin park, south of Aln. worth
Howard Land t'o.. 4'JO flwetland bids.
WANTLI T'nlmiirove! lut. Ea.t !,d.. be
tween brt-lgee and lth St.; cssh bargain
or no ar.swer AD 70S. Oregonlan.
WANTED Income property or fats not
higher than ll.'.OOo. ill pay fouoo cash.
P Tili. Oregoman.
WAN'TFD On Washlnr'a stroot; agood
Investment that Ili.CkK) will handle. X
703. Oregonltn.
alT butnrs Is selling Llsst 8lde property.
J. J. Oeder. cor Grand ave and f- Ankeoy.
WANT 7 or g-room houre oa Weel Siue.
worth to IS0". terms, from owner.
WANT acrsage on Mt. Hood read or Salem
Electric J 71'J. Oregonlan.
SIT ca.h paid fT lts In Ladd's Addition
ee Trv'-rtrv M 7e. Qreroman.
j!aV5 for bunralow or cottage. How
M1 Land Cow. 40 fiwstland aide
Will trade good valley land, all under
cultivation, near Portland, on H. 1. K. R-.
for house and lot or other cltv property:
will assume som Indebtedness. Call for
Air. Guthrie.
M 4lh Street.
A good 40-acr tract of rolling land;
19 acres cleared; a good bearing orohard.
good nous and bars; 20 acres slashed; 10
acres) good timber. Thta plae Is located
In Washington Coanty." on a good road and
only S miles from th United Railway.
Will trad for a good plae ot city prop
erty. What hav yon?
ERTT. 15 acres. 10 mlies from Portland. 1
mil from electric cartlne; all In cultiva
tion. B acre In Derrlvs. s4 acres in
orchard: good 4-room nous, large barn
and outbuildings: good team and all no-
fj Implements.
4.1 acres, id miles from Portland, on
Scbolls Ferry road. 20 acre. In high stat
or cultivation: excellent buildings, stock
ana implements.
01 acres, IS miles from Portland.
miles from K. K.; ed acres In high state
ot cultivation; good buildings, stock ana
273 acres. IH miles from R. R 3t0
acres cleared. &u under cultivation: eery
good soil; good bandings; I.'iho worth of
stock and Implements: price I1O.0OO.
ami Arm. in Linn County. lv acres
nndrr cultivation: good fruit and stock
ranch; fair buildings; good locality.
3'.' Lumber Exchange.
Allllllivry store, loist'-'l in one of 111
best towns on the Pacific Coast with a
rnpulatlon of more than -". 'H0. Thta
ualness has rosd the present owner a
auiuciency on wnicn to retire. it aoes
more tnan fl.'fl.OiJO annually. It has th
best trade of the city, and best location:
stock of f&koo and good fixtures. 1 will
sxchang this for a good Portland real-
aenc. it is a rm opportunity, bo j. k.
cmlth. SIS Chamber of Commerce, Port
land. Or.
W hav several clients who want rood
farms or acreage. The people hav
rtrst-ciass Portland property or airrerent
kinds lo exchange for all or -part value.
Pleas send complete description and
price of what you hav and w will get
quicig results Tor you.
410 Henry bldg.. Portland. Or.
WTLX, exchang tl acre near Barton. It
acres cleared, s timber, balance pasture,
with 8-room house and barn, for tl&.oot)
city property; $350s mortgage against
lace: only good nroperty considered. N.
Atchison, lill uerllnger bldg, :a ana
fiuburbun real tat of fie, in bt ill
trlci In Portland: bt office on ctvrlln
two room, lea run a for ovar aaven years
jrt, at only 9$ p-r month; on 7xi0 cor
Bar: buiDaa durlnr my aavan room ha or
rupaacjr avragra fJaO pr month. For
ai or will trade for ona or two lots
wrth tKam Thia 1 a terrain and
rara opportunity. Poa't paaa II up. F 710,
r-af onian.
160 ACRFS, Columbia County. t5 ml lea from
rortiana. ovar 1.-lhmi.ojo ret timoar on
atrram. About 10 acras claarad. The placa
la wcti watarad and 11 sood. can an
ba cultivated whan clearad. Prlra $.'5 00
pr acre, will trade for Portland prop
42 Corbtt Hid. Marshall 1720: A 17
TVs hare dMlrabia property. Improved
and unimproved, to xchang city prop
erty, for farms and Raatern Urrgon lands
Tor Portland property. if you want
trade on a cah taxi, see us. (iirnart
Healty Co. (lac-), 421-422 Chamber of
Four mltea from R. K. In Polk County;
about 20 acrea under cultivation, balance
timber; ft-room house, barn. hophous and
othsr outbulMtnss; 1-acre orchard: $2)0.
to axchance for bouse and lot In Port
land. Kauffmann A. Moore, 45 Lumber
FOH bALiu or exuhanite; need money; will
sell or exchange my entire ml nine In
terests for ! ViO per ahare; (I0.&ft0 shares
sellinc at 10c per share; 20.010 shares
aellln at 2ao per share; 21? ah area sell
ing at $1 per share; 14.2 00, value not
known. Address owner. T 71S. OrKonlsn.
UA fe. a fine 4o-aere all alia farm nar
Boise and city property, together S11.0H),
to exchange for food farm in WaUamette
alley or Fort land property. fay cash
F. rrCHfl. Mm Morrtaon Street.
FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, new and strictly
modern, never occupied; mt bixiw; win
exchange my equity of $ 13oo for good city
lot or email piece of acreage close in; bal
ance pavable in three years. Phone Main
lM. Aik for Mr. Burltngame.
Bl'NOAlXiW bargain; 5 rooms, modern,
walking distance, lot SnxlSO. tinted walls,
polished dining-room Iutch kitchen, only
2 1 00. Ill 00 down. W. Lawrence. 115
l.nmber Exchange bldg;
on Fast Side, corner; will exchange my
equity of ft-OO for good residence lots,
free and ciear. I'hone Main 2bl3. Atlc
for Mr. Purlingame.
WILL exchani;e my equity of S1S0 In tnr a
choice residence lots In highly restricted
district for cheaper city lota; cannot keep
up present contracts. Phone Main 15X.
Ak for Mr. Burlingame.
WHAT have you got to trade for all or
part of 80.000 shares of mining stock In
various Western companies, automobile or
land preferred; rive full panic ulara Box
2101. (Spokane. Wash.
10 VIEW LOTS. Columbia Heights Addition,
Vancouver. Wash. Value $4KKI. Will ex
. change for Portland lots or acreage.
S0G spaldlng Bldg.
120 ACREt timber lend: .I.Huv.Olni; near
Eugene, to exrh.inge for Portland bun
galow-, value S:l'KM.
S14 Spalding Bldg.. id and Washington.
STEVENS-DC RYE A 5-psssenger automobile,
nesrly new; trade for Portland lot.
..W equity in 10-acre tract to trade for
A BACKUS,. 619 Board of Trade bld.
I-ROOX modern bouse and full acr of
fruit, close to car. to trade ' for small
chicken ranch close to Portland. W. Law
rence. 11. Lumber Exchange.
S.n CASH, equity In 10 acres. 13 miles out.
I0O feet from Salem Electrlo and station,
for rooming house of equal Talus. Call A.
:.i0. 411 Everett.
MODERN 8-room house. Union ava. Una,
close In: will accept cheaper place for
my eoulty 14300; will glv bargain. AK
TIT. Oregonlan.
SiO ACRES. Willamette Valley; will sail or
exchange all or part; assume or pay dif
ference. Ooldschmldt's Agency. 253 w
VYBshlngtow st.. cor 3d.
alORTUA'".E for sal or trade. In hou.e.
lot or any kind of equity. Boggass, -UI1S
Morrison, room S.
DENVER. COLO. Will exchange my beau
tiful Denver hom for Portland property
or nearby acreage. 8i7 Board of Trade.
WILL trade 14 acres, valu t-.OO. for gro
cery or general store not exceeding; 1300.
J W. Curran. Falling bldg.
SO-ROOSa rooming-house, near o.. v. A K.
stor. trade anything of vaiua, $300o! !
620 Chamber of t'emmerre.
WHAT hav you to exehange for 8 lota at
I2thm in SraMle and no lots adjoining
Vjiqulna at $25 each? C Tin. Oreroilsn.
WANTED I'bonogqraph and records;
trade rood lot In Pendleton, Or.
71s. Oregonlan.
$l$oe CI.OfriE-1 V Incom property lo trad
for close-in acreage. W. Lawrence, 11$
Lumher Exchsng bldg.
TO trails for &-pa.enirer automobile, equl'y
ln new 6-room house, near 37th and Dl
vtslon sts. W 717. Oregonlan.
WHAT have you to exchanse for 24 acre
In city limits, value $1100? Oregon Ad
justment 1 'o . 34 S '-h.
ton and other city lots to exchange for
mortgage Koble. 213 Board of Trad
WILL exehange lots with som. cash for
what you have; legitimate equltlea con
sidered. C TH. Oregonlan.
WANT apartment property or residence
lots as to $.'oo. Will exchsnge acreage
and assume soma V TIP. Oregonlan.
WILL escrlflc Irvlngton lot or xchang
for mortgage. ' Koble. 211 Board of Trade.
WILL exchange house and lot In East for
property In Oregon. 075 Milwaukle St.
WE ran trade your property or business.
Call lot Board of Trade.
LAFOB T-pss.engor auto aa payment en
house. A 121
I loo acres choice wheat land la Gilliam
S'.i acres In Harney County.
ai9 acres in Harney County.
Ii0 acres In Harney County.
100 acres good timber In Lan County.
810 Hamilton Hldg.
A FARM fNAP to exchange; lo.) a.. 4 mllt-a
South of Keedvllle, 50 In cultivation; all
No. t black soil; T-room bouse, good well;
tjlg new barn on two county roads; few
acre heavy fir timber, balance pasture
eaally cleared; gently rolling; nice stream
at back of place: will take house In
Portland tip to -f.'iMO. Foro cash, bal. long
time, per cent. Bay City Land Co,
7"l-3 Spalding tldg.
40 acres, all In cultivation, fin land,
nlr orchard, fair buildings, rltht close to
Ugardvllle. This Is something especially
choice: cheap at $11,000; will exchange
sam for Portland residence of nooo, and
glva tlm on balance. J. E. Smith. Hi
Chsmber of VTommerce.
CAN exchange modern country home, con
sisting of larg house and about 4 acres
of land In park and shrubbery, for modern
apartment-house; homo valued at 1JO.000.
I will assume up ta 13.000 on apartment
house. CHAS. KCPPER.
332 Chamber of commerc bldg.
MV equity of 180O In 100 acres wheat land,
some timber, as acres under cultivation,
located In Judith Basin. Montana. 8 miles
from best town In state, on county road,
for exchange for real estate In Oregon or
Wsshlngton. See owner, 02 Chan-bar ot
commerce bldg.
FOR SALE or will exchange for close-in
Portland property. 80 acres, near Portland,
about 2.1 aores clear, about 10 acres b.-or-Ing
apple orchard, house, bsrn, cow, fnrm.
Implements, etc- Will sacrifice this farm.
If sold at once will make terma. Address
owner. M ft.-. Oregonlan.
FOR-SALE or exchanso for Portland prop
erty Well-built l-room residence in
Peoria, Illinois; all modern Improvements,
on carllne. and also easy walking distance
of business center. full or address 9iS
Brooklyn St.. Portland. Telephone Sell
wood 65.
WILL exchang for Portland real estate or
residence, my wbest farm in vaaiey m
Idaho; 100 acres In Fall wneat. truii
trees: horses. Implements, all Improved,
12'., miles from railroad; free range an
water near in rootnius; vaiu
East 2!'th. Tabor SSSfi
Want.d Portland city and ranch prop
erty lo sxrhange for property In the fa
mous Rogue ltlver veuey, up ig iw,wi
give full description and dstall and ad
dress box lift. Med ford. Or.
12-ACItE tract, part In beaverdam land
growing 400 sacks of onions to the acre
close to Portland and within 5 blocks ol
electrlo carllne; owner will trade for Port
land DroDertv. David Lewis, room 2 Lum
bermens bldg., 6 and Stark at.
tl EfliXT lfl-acr. tract, all In cultivation,
also 3 acres of bearing orchard, close to
town and hi mile Trom electric canine
ewnee will trarie, fur home in Portland
David Lewis, room 2 Lurabermens bldg.,
hth and Stark sts.
Tl I evhenee eonltv In K-rOOm modern bull
aalow. close In on East Side, 3 blocks to
enr Arsf navment on an acre or more,
close In. on Oregon Electric preferred; will
consider acr with small nous, a. .,
SO ACRES of fine fruit land In the best
fruit district or Oregon, som oesnng
orchard, will trad for vacant lots
rood house and lot In cltv. This tract
land will double In valu In th next two
years. 8 711. Oregonlan.
FOR 8ALI3 2 large corner lots, growing
city Madras. Central Oregon, or will trade
equity for furniture or what hav you to
tradeT Railroads opening; small balance
paid monthly. AM 717, Oregoman.
So ACRES clear Mo. land for Campbell
Auto. o. O. B. stock, woo acres nigniy
lmDroved farm for Portland Incom prop
erty. Stocks for lanua and lota. Fletcher,
225 Ablngton bldg.
To trad for Remington automatlo or
pump gun. Leave city Monday; answer
quick. Will sell macnin lor tia. r. u.
Box !3. city.
WILL EXCHANGE t lots In Hlllsboro. or 14
acres, with 20 acres prunes and apples,
bearing, near Olympla. Wash., for equity
In Portland residence. For particulars
call 41. Henry bldg.
svv ELL. new. modern 10-room residence,
cash value .lo.oov: for tarm unincumoerea
about $10,000 value, ha to assum l.'WO
at o per cent. bal. caah. Inqulr owner,
w 710. Oregonlan.
Will trade as first psyment on house
and lot or vacant lot. not over $2000; $700
for the 11 lota. Fred W. German, S2U
Burnside. M. 2778.
GOOD PATENT. $500 equity In .-room cot-
tag, ror roomlng-nouse, rami or acre
age, and $2o0 cosh.
Oyster land for sal or trade.
Owner, 10$ Ss Washington at-, room $,
EQUITY In P40 E. Gllsan for unincumbered
lot or would sell small payment ana in
stallments. Corner lot: rood house: fln
location for flats: 1 iblock Laurelhurst-
On csrllne. AH 713. Oreponlan
40 ACRES on th coast, adjoining a town
fdot; will exchange for good house ana
ot In Portland on or near carllne: Im
provements all In; will assume some.
I'hone ilaln 7i84. Room 222.
BEAUTIFUL hom cheap for cash; terms
exchange for bouthern Oregon or Cali
fornia property. 3e4 Marguerite ave.
Hawthorn cars.
LEVEL lota near $0 car. city water, street
graded and paid; will take rooming-bouse,
clssr store or land up to $700.
HltiLEY. BlciHOP . M'CIsASKET, 132 Id.
BEAUTim. 8-room houis and lot, with
fruit trees ana flowers, on East hide, tor
sale 'or exchang for wheat farm. P. O.
Box 716, city.
$15. WO APARTMENT site, walking dis
tance, exchange lor part auourban prop
erty, som cash and terms. H 713, Ore
gonlan. 10-ACRE farm. 40 In cultivation, $2000 till
provsmenta: will trade for Portland prop
erty or sell for $2650. Address C. W.
Ladd. Centervllle, Klickitat County. Wash.
NICE S-room cottage, full lot. corner, grow
ing section ox city, want vacant lot for
part, or rooming-a ouae, sabau. uatneia,
l.Stt 4th st.
Will trade Bandon. Or., or Fergus Falls.
Aiinn.. jots tor piano or typewriter.
IS". T. HALL, 321 Lumbermens Bldg.
SO ACRES of the best fruit land; 7 miles
from Whit Salmon; will trade for Port
land property. 8. A- Pearson, 055 Thur
man sL. city.
TWO fin sere tracts in city limits of
Seattle. f2.'oo; win exchange for raw
acreage within 0 miles of Portland. 330
Lumbcrmena bldg
TO exchange, beautiful suburban horns here
with s lots, value $30w. lor hotel with
bar tn som good thriving town. A 49$,
WILL TRADE diamonds for lots, furniture.
or anything I can use. Apply 34 Cam
bridge, 3d and Morrison. Telephon Main
s ...
COMPLETE jewelry stock, tools, fixtures,
etc.. in exceptionally xin location In Cen
tral Oregon, for ante or trade. What hav
you 7 p. u. box Tio. city.
WANT to buy furnltur and furnishings of
mooern. up-to-aate noiei or rooming-house
irom party wno win accept tarm . prop
erty or acreage. IS 713. Oregonlan.
MODERM dwelling; six rooms and bath.
near carnn In bellwood: $3650; would
tak good lot or suburban acreage in
exchange. Owner A 70, Oregonlan.
WILL trad grocery store for Sellwood
residence, or win sell. Address 2001 E.
Gllsan at. Phone Tabor 18.1.
2 LOTS In Eugene for sale or exchange for
automobile or lota In Portland. p. O.
Box Tlo. city.
WILL exchang fine electric piano or small
Daoy uprigni tor acreag or iota, W 700,
Oregonlan. ,
LINN COUNTY acreage to trade for bunga
low wuiij, wu.i u. inuuiuir contract I or
A 702. Oregonlan.
EXCHANGE buslnes property for good
farm near Portland: I15.(h to $20,000.
Address Box 27. Hood Rlvsr.
EQUITY In 3 fine lots. Montavllla district,
to exehsnre. What have you that Is
clear, worth $300? AB T14. Oregonlan.
WE exchange your property for what you
desire. Portland Exchsng., 017 Board of
Trade bldg. Be Mr. Wlest.
FOR axchange. close tn aereag on rar
lln end river, for city property. . if 700.
SEASIDS Full lot on the board walk; very
desirable for Portland lot. J. D. Kennedy.
$;i6 Union av. N.
OOO D lot, all clear, valu Is.', ta ex
change for 4 or 6-passenger auto; must
te In good shape. It T12. oregonlan.
FURNITURE for S-room house for sal or
rent: will exchange for equity in lot aL
7X1, Oregunlan,
11, ACRES, near carllne. 5-cent fare, all
cultivated: $1800: will accept modern res
Id ience12S3j2EatIorrson.
WANT to trade gilt-edge mining stock for
all or part payment on eloctrlo automobile.
I'hone Marshall 11SS.
JSXCHANflE good violin for phonograph or
graphophone. D 70$. Oregonlan.
TEN acres. Hood River. $2000; would trade
for clearing. Albert Toiler, Portland.
ilioWORTGAOE or lit acres for lot. Ruse
City ear. AO 709, Oregoniaa.
AFINE farm of T8 acres. 10 minutes- wslk
from Orchards and electric line. Clnrk Co.
Ovor half In cultlvstlon. fair buildlnfrs. 15
acres onion land. 2OO0 cords wood. Want
good city property to 75H) for equity, or
v. ill divide; leaving country; make a good
2 acres Courtney Station: 20 acres fine
nd near I.lnnton, 40 aores near Bux-
ton. good city lot. any or all for good
residence or Income property. 8 acrea
Durham Station for small city home.
CLODKELTEK BROS.. 414 Couch bldg.
HAVE good, substantial equity in several
high-class building lots on East Side: high
building lestrlctions, all Improvements In;
will exchange ail or part for clear city
lots or small piece of acreape ol ae in.
I'hone Main 1 .'. o:i. Ask for Mr. ilurllnsame.
Horse. Vehicle und Harness.
75 hend of horses and mares, all kinds
and weights, weighing from 1HH to 14(H)
lbs.: several cheap testis; horses will be
hitched, pulled aad warranted according
ly, allowing a free trial: more value for
your money than any stable In Portland.
Call and be convinced. f"5 Alder su
Consisting OI team cnesinu., -8
and , weight 2o lbs., true snd re
liable to work; a little thin In Heel, from
overwork; set of heavy oreecning names.
almost new, and b-ton trues in isir cuu
itir.n. heee. ii-ed tho DHst year by Pa
cino Iron Works, who have replaced It
with auto truck; trial allowed. 00 Alder
tkiu"K?4 X2S"S.
2fl00-lb. team coal blacks, chunky built
and closely mated; this team can't be
beat for all-around general purposes, aa
they are suitable for most any uso; war
ranted ana trial auowco. ooo aiuw
tun TITTVR handsome daDDte gray horse,
weight 130o lbs., been used by brewery
the past year: only reason lor selling, hav
lost mate, ova Aiucr su
1VUI.I1) V.) . -lr hnn. -T.r hlnckV bll lit
truo and reliable anywhere; warranted
and trial allowed; price $lo-. 505 Ai
dor su
$75 BUYS dapple gray mare, age 6: extra
good driver and will work In any kind of
rig; worth $lo0 to anyone who has use
for her. 605 Alder st.
55 BUYS your choice of three horses, all
true ana rename, oniy tney aie
tender In front feet- 506 Alder st.
FIT Xl0ll.
rv... e' U'llin M ,IH S:20U seal
brown mare, sre 6. weight 1060 lbs., sired
bv Kiron Wilkes, dam was by Wilton
he I. a beautiful, good-gaited trotter,
pleasant to drive, road 10 to 12 miles an
k.Ane twnA walker fearless of all Objects,
oerfectlv safe, useful road and family
mnre combined, also her harness. In A-
condltion, and rubber-tired runabout as
good as new. Ask for Frank Ware's mare
at 605 Alder st.
Ages O anu o, weigo -"'
legged chunks; extra free workers single
or double and fearless 01 auius oi i.i.
trial allowed. 605 Alder st.
consisting team 11 1 " " " - x
.nd r trua In all harness, set of areech
Ing harness, almost new. and 8-lnch wagon
as good as new; a oargain iwr wmcwiir.
Inquire for Geo. Gilbert's outfit at
Alder St.
tisry BUYS 2600-lb. team, fat and hand
some, ages and 10, true and reliable
anywhere; been used the past year by one
of our large department stores, who have
fut on auto delivery wagons; irisu si
owed. 605 Alder st.
.-tOO UlTTfl ehean team WOlcht 2600 lbS.
hsve become tender In front feet from
constant use on hard streets; worth $-50
to use in country. oo& Alder st
fwr utiik: cvrmxilE STABLE. 270 K.
Tth near Hawthorne ave., one carload of
choice horses and mares, from Eastern
Oregon: every horse tried and guaran
teed; 1 pair, weighing 31o: 1 pair weigh
Ing 3000; 1 pair mares. 2-.I00; 1 pair. 2M0
1 pair. 20,00; 1 pair. 2400; 1 pair. 2300
1 pair. 2200; 1 odd mule, low price.
WE hav a carload of mares In ages fro
s to 10 years, some In foal and all broke
to work; will weigh from 50 to 1400 IBs.;
ihi atnek is in.t from the country and
they are not sore. We will make prices
right If sold quick for cosh, we guar
antee everv sale and give trial befort
buvlnr. Phone M. 4227. Home A 1S6S.
134 Front at. Todd's Sale Barn.
FOR SALE Bay horse, gelding, gentle,
pretty, weight 1425; a years old; also
black. 1400. 6-year dapple gray. loOO or
better- on. team sr. vs. 8100. young ana
iiunrf- on. oalr bavs. mare and gelding
weight 3300; these above mentioned horses
are workers: guaranteed; no traders need
apply. J 70Z. oregoman
FOR SALE Two horses. weight nearly
1000 pounds each, and good travelers
liht hack with harness, all new. In
cluded, or sold separately. If taken now
will be offered at a bargain. Addresa A.
P Langenberg. Clacltamas. or., or in
qjlre at room 200 Oregonlan bldg.
NO WORK; must sell 2700-lb. team mule
$ and . years oia, true puncrs, ihbi wait
ers, gentle, $500; cost $700 $ months ago;
also 3 4 lumber wagon, heavy double har
ness cneaD: trial guarantee given. -au
lit E. d St. North, near Broadway
WANTED To trade a 3 4-n. wagon In
best condition xor a o-in. waguu or iigin
farming. What have you or will sell
cheap for cash ? Inquire Seghers. North
Bank Hotel, 21st St., Eastern & Western
FOR SALE Draft, general purpose horses;
have 14 on hand; 1050 to 1650 pounds; 20
head will arrive auoui oaiuruuj. .om.
All guaranteed as represented. Owner can
be seen 1610 Macadam st.. or 227 Sal
mon SU Marshall jsna.
MUST sell at once, mare and horse, with
new harness, weigm ziuu ios. ; are eouuu
and true pullers, S and $ years old; also
a black pony cheap. East 12th and
Madison, house In parlc
WE have about 70 head of draft, saddle
and driving horses,; ail goou condition ana
guaranteed; prices rignt. inomsen &
Malehorn, Union Stockyards, North Port
land, Or.
$145 BIO BARGAIN $145.
Team horses, 2200 lbs., true single or
double: harness and wagon, looo-pouna
hotse for $0. Woodstock. 67th and 63d
ave. Phone Sellwood 17&S.
2S HEAD of horses and mares; general
well-matched farm teams over 2600 lbs.
team suitable for hotel bus or baggage
wagon; guaranteed every way. 294 Mont
gomery. $200 WORK team cheap; will take good
driving horse or rig in exenance. stis
East 2$th St.; "W-W" car to Gladstone
MUST sell at once. 1130-lb. 4-year horse.
extra fast traveler, gentle, true to pull
anywhere, $125; death in family cause of
sale, iiz Kusseu st.
RANCH team, snnn gray geldings, fat, age
and lO, weight 21o0; work single or
double, and afraid ot nothing. $125. 270
E. Tth St; .
FOR SALE One team, young, well-matched
horses, weighing zoo; one loam young
horses weighing 310": 1 five-year-old
black mare weighing 1SOO. 220 Russell st.
TO EXCHANGE JO acres In Clackamas
County for team young norsea. siouu; Dal
ance on easy terma R, W. Clarke, Hotel
FINE, large brood mare, 8 years old, very
fast walker, too lost tor its mate, win
sell or trad for something slower. Phone
Tabor 172.
BARGAIN Pair mares, suitable for orchard
work, with heavy oreecning names.; 11.5
for the outfit. 24 Montgomery.'ND family horse, harness and light
farm hack. 2od ana lnoiey. Take Sellwooa
HORSE that will work single or double,
from 1000 to 1100 ids. ; rneap ror cash.
I'hone Main 487 or A 6400.
WANTED Mare. 1000 to 1200 lbs., or team
of ponies; must ne souna ana cneap -lor
caah. W TOO, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Team good work horses and
harness, weight Z4UU ids. euu bast Sal
mon. WANTED Good team work horses, weight
around nou eacn; price must do riguu
Address P. L. elcLeod. Lyle. Wash.
FOR SALE CHEAP Driving horse, buggy
and harness. inquire at u. is. yia su
Phone A 13.13.
HORSC buggy, harness; tine driver and
s.iddler for lady or gent: bargain, ntaoies
12th and Jefferson.
20 HEAD of draft chunks, weighing about
I4.M Ids.; also 1 span ok mules, si t t.
10th St.. Montavllla car.
HXX with good 3-horse team to haul cord-
wood ana rumoer uniu ran uy comracu
Lebanon, Or.. B. No. 3. Box 22.
IO trade $1500 equity modern cottage and
clear lot for auto, a 1.1
$65 BUYS horse, harness and good buggy.
460 East Mllliwn .
WANTED Horse, weight not less than 1000
pountis; must u" ""-g"1"- ' " t.ntiu
FOR SALE cheap, lady's English saddlo;
also rlulng naoiu o to, mfuniau.
HORSE butcher wagon,
thome. Call Monday.
OR SALE Heavy, coverea. iiiicnen aallv-
ery wagon; cneap. oiar
STALLS for rent. 270 12th su; $2 per
month. AlUov-
GOOD rubbor-tlre buggy for sale. 270 12th
su, cor, of Jenorson. iiain xsou-
Horses. Vebiclce and Harass.
1 SPAN, mare and horse. 2800. t-125.
1 span bay geldings, 3000. 9oo0.
2 spans black geldings. 2:100, $150.
1 spun bay geldings, 3ti(H), $or0.
1 span black geldings, 2.50, 5 ."00.
2 spuns bay geldings. 2o"0, $.1."0.
1 span, mare and gelding. 2WO, $450.
1 span sorrel geldings. 270O. $325.
1 span bay mares. 2400, $325.
1 span, black and gray. 2200. $275.
1 span black mares. 2200, $275.
1 span bay mares, 2200. $3oO.
1 span mules, weight 3200, $000,
1 span mules, weight 2li0, $.;..0.
1 span mules, weight 2000, $.lo0.
All sold under our guarantee.
420 Hawthorne Ave.
26 North loth Su
1 CARLOAD of horses, all sizes, all
prices: wagons' and harness of all kinds,
very cheap.
To Insure buyers against loss. I offer the
following terms: Don't pay me a cent
for any horse you buy. Deposit the money
you are to pay for horse In the Portland
Trust Co. bank. Take the horse or team
to your home. If they prove as repre
sented, the bank turns money over to me.
If not as represented, the money Is re
funded to purchaser. Both of us are pro
tected In this way. Bank and business ref
erences furnished.
WE have a carload of mares In ages from
6 to 10 years, some In foal and all broke
to work: will weigh from 50 to 1400 lbs.:
this stock Is Just from the country and
they are not Bora. We will make prices
right If sold quick for cash. We guar
antee everv sale and give trial before
buying. Phone M. 6227, Home A, 1300.
3:t4 Front su Todd's Sale Ba.rn.
FOR SALE A pony. $15.00. 394 E. 8th.
Arthur H. Hertz. Manager.
We are exclusive dealers In used auto
mobiles. This week we want to call your
attention to an established fact, and that
Is that the future of the motor car lies
In the commercial vehicle. This year
there are going to be more delivery wag
ons sold than ever before, and each year
the number will be greater until the sale
of commercial vehicles will be far greater
than pleasure cars.
Why not get busy and do your delivery
In an up-to-date, economical manner now 7
Don't wait for your competitor to "beat
you to It." We have several high-grade
used touring cars that could be converted
Into delivery cars, at very slight expense,
and would give you practically two au
tomobiles for les than you could buy one
new delivery wagon.
See us In reference to this and w will
get down to figures. We can sell respon
sible parties on term payments.
Main 602 Phones A 2234.
Sixth and Madison Sts.,
Portland, Or.
FOR SALE 2 Hartkraft light delivery auto
wagons; will carry about 1500 pounds;
good for grocery or laundry. Also one o
passenger Everett, one 5-paasenger E. M.
V., and two 4-passenger bodies. All or
these cars and bodies will bo sold at a
bargain. Phones A 4551, Main 811S. 26
11th st.
SAVE $200 ON
Winston, stx-cylinder, flrst-claas con
dition, can be had for fraction of value
by quick action, or by exchange for new
Winton 1911 model: can save you $i00
hv transaction. O 701. Oregonlan.
BARGAINS In used auto tires and inner
tubes; examine our stock before you buy;
vulcanizing, retreading and repairing. El
ton & Horner, 435 Stark su Phon A
364$. .
FOR SALE- Babcock electric runabout;
guaranteed first-class condition; reason
able terms to responsible parties. Rose
City Electric Garage. 54 20th su North.
1 BRUSH In good order, $250; 1 Cadillac,
good order, 200: many others, lance,
the broker. Phone Main 3359 333 3d st.
FOR SALE 1 Curtlss 8-cyllnder. 40-H. P.
aeroplane motor, pnone am
Washington st.
RUNABOUT car for $300 cash; am leaving
the city; must sell. Address D 700. Ore-
ELECTRIC runabout, bargain for cash or
exchange for real estate, r leicner ac mu-
Anttre. 306-4 Board of Trade.
uiYWPt.t 4-cvllnder O model. 1910.
cheao: will demonstrate ini mnea. can
83 N. 6th st. Phone Main 8896.
SPLENDID Chalmers car with pony ton
neau. completely equipped $1100. AH 7J5,
08 PEERLESS at a bargain; recently over
hauled. G 700. Oregonlan.
AUTOMOBILES on live storage; $5 per
month. 270 12tn. A vi.iv.
ELECTRIC coupe. In good condition; price
must be right. K 714. oregoman
$2100 FIVE-PASSENGER Stanley steamer to
exchange xor norsea.. bui pmbi ott
1911 TOURING car, popular make, run short
while; reasonable. Alt 11s, oregoman.
I'iaDos. Organs and Musical Instruments.
8TEIN WAY upright piano: rich mahogany
case. Deauttlul tone; lamny win sen ou
account leaving for East; to party with
reference will arrange monthlypayments;
five-year guarantee goes with piano; also
beautiful bench and music cabineU AH
70H, Oregonlan.
ARMY officer leaving for Philippine Islands
must sell new Kimball piano; oeen usea
but six months; factory cost $475; will
sell now less than half price. AH 707,
I NEED money and will sacrifice my nearly
new pianola Piano, original cost axiou; no
reasonable offer refused if taken at once;
will arrange short-time payments with re
sponslblo party. . AL 708, Oregonlan.
AM going East, will store my Steinway up-
rlgnt piano almost new nu inpuuBiuio
party with a view to purchase later. Ref
erences required. N 703. Oregonlan.
HAVE paid $115 and interest on Kimball
piano. Am leaving ciiy. . in .en equity
for $50, or exchange for good phonograph.
Phone B 2642 evenings.
BARGAIN Piano for sale. party , going
away: $133 ca.n, usea one year, xm iu4.
GIBSON mandolin, almost new, fine condi
tion J. teiu-e to vsri-i.
Owner. K70. Oregonlan.
AM leaving the city and will sell my new
high-grade piano at a uargaiu. jruoue
Woodlawn 1718.
GOOD second-hand piano for sale cheap.
hrst-class conaition. .inquire tuuay.
East 15th St.
AM leaving for California: will sell my $3uu
elegant upright piano xor siov; usea less
than a yeais AL 705, Oregonlan.
FOR RENT Kimball piano, A-l condition.
to responsible party oniy. ju no, orego
nlan. $500 KIMBALL upright grand piano cheap;
terms. - 'J - xvoae au &mi '
OLD VIOLIN, cheap. Owner leaving city.
AS 704, oregonlan.
Birds. Dogs and Pet Slock.
AT stud. Portland, Red Vim, best red
cocker spaniel in isortnwest; also puppies
fr.r sale. 791 Kerby su Phone .Woodlawn
SPITZ pups, males, $20; females, $15. C.
S. Badgley, cor. outn auu roweu vaney
ANGORA kittens, any color, from regis
tered peaigreea stocsu z-iiouo nwuissu
2275. ,
THOROUGHBRED St. Bernard dog, 2 years
old will sell rea.onaoi. as 1 nsvo uu us.
for' him. 435 Chamber ot Commerce.
PIGEONS Genuine Plymouth Rock Hom
ers. NOW IS toe um su, lid,
BEAUTIFUL Pomeranian Spitz, male
puppy, cheap: has an extra fine coat.
Phone Tabor 3S0. 1119 E. Madison St.
FOR SALE Some white Mlnorcan cockerels.
red 1 1 U ill W ilJLtl -i.J .... lu-.B. e.uu-
tana St. .
BAH R L Plymouth Rocks; must make
room' big values; males auu telltales. c.
J. Ls'dd, 180 Front st.; yards Woodstock.
FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rocks, some
fine pullets aim -u ...-
worm sis - -
CANARY birds, fine singers and females.
547 MOntgomeij wu o.trs
FOR SALE Spits pupa Tremont Station.
Mount acoxt cat. i"i-"' t-iiii-jn.
FOR SALE 3 thoroughbred Barred Rock
cockerels, r-it-un. ..-.- .s.-
FOXTERRIER pups for sale at 348 Couch
street. .
REGISTERED English bulldog.
year old.
cheap. iisin ni.o or a iuip.
MALE Persian kittens. Imported stock. $10
eacn. rt. t-nutq. two aucib, it 011.
THOROUGHBRED Cocker Spaniel pups, lit
tle beauties, o- 10m st.
FOR SALE Setter pups, 1 month old; little
beauties. .1. auu up. ast i-ita.
FOR SALE Extra fine Barred Rock hena
ana pulieta. z-non at. oo
Birds, Dog aad Pet Stock.
AT stud chamnion Wellesbourne Conquest,
the beet Coille on the Coast today; winner
or 41 first, 7 seconds and 5 specials ai
the leading Eastern shows, includinc New
York. Philadelphia, Boston, etc. W. L.
Fulmer, 41S Board of Trade bldg. Main
9l. A 73.-2.
-.'tl-U' ...... '. , mnA catfllniTUe. Of beflt
incubators on earth; 50-egg Incubator and
brooder. $7: write today: 73 per cent
hatch guaranteed.
Denver. Colo.
FOR SALE 50 Plymouth Rock pullets, rea
sonable price, from prize stock; call or
address Mrs. Lewis, Covell Station, box
170A, R. F. D. 1; second house on right,
east of station.
best pens of fine Winter layers. $1.50 per
setting: cockrets for sale: new incubator
and brooder cheap. C. E. Carlton. Main
FOR SALE Some good (Duston strain)
white Wyandotte males; 2 mottled Aucona
males; one 220-egg size Peep-O-Day incu
bator, almost new. Call 3525 6Slh St. S.
E. Phone Tabor 186.
DOGS boarded and conditioned; all breeds
for sale. King Hill Kennels, 203 Chap
man, cor. Taylor: formerly 630 Wash
ington SU Main 3273.
FOR SALE English pit bulldog, female,
ready for breeding, cheap if taken in next
few days. Phono E. 2373. H 717, Ore
gonlan. Miscellaneous
25 SOLID oak dressers, SS.50 to $25; buf
fets, $u to $20; fine $25 extension table
$15; English breakfast tables, weathered
or golden finish, $3.73; students' writing
tables, 75c, solid oak roll-top desks $22.50
to $28; chairs 63c to $4: rockers $1.25 to
$10; Iron beds, $1.50 to $27.50; $S5 folding
bed (tine one). $.i0; $15 massive oak side
board, $40; heavy 10-foot walnut exten
sion table, $15; $50 ballrack, $15: J"'0
steel range, $20; No. 8 cook stove, $6.50;
heating stoves, $1.75 to $10; and numer
ous other bargains. Western Salvage Co.,
647 Washington, between 10th and 17th
sts. 6-room furnished cottage for rent at
409 Stark St., $33 oer month. Both phones.
Main 110S or A 37H3.
FOR SALE One No. 2 Faltless stump pul
ler In good condition, cheRp. Inquire at
Forester a: Shaver, blacksmith shop, Fost
ter road, Lents.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred St. Bernard dog,
large and beautifully marked; good watch
dog. Will sell cheap to good ranch home.
Phone C 2273. H 718. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE at a sacrifice, 2 bookcases. 1
4 brass bed, 1 antique oriental rug and
other household goods. Phone Marshall
WANTED To sell good, large tent with
good floor, sidings and door; can be used
where it stands; price $12.. Call U83 Mis
souri ave.
RAILROAD men. attention: 10 volumes
Sciences of Railways, by Kirkman:
$35: make offer; I need money. Address
V 705. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE, at Milwaukle Nurseries, apple,
pear cherry, plum, prune, peach and apri
cot trees. Address N. B. Harvey. Milwau
" kle. Or. Phone Black 252.
OLD Jewelry exchanged for watchea aad
diamonds; unredeemed pledges for half
original prices Uncle Myers. Tl 6th su,
between Oak and Pine.
FOR SALE Four fancy cast columns: also
a five-horse engine, in first-class working
order. Heacock-Lawrence Iron Work,
5th and Belmont.
ROOFING at less than cost; closing out
factory lino; fine goods. 305 Lumber Ex-
4 GOOD family cows for sale or will ex
change for horses. 809 E. 2Sth at, W. W.
car to Gladstone 8lvc.
IMPORTED hand-made lace gown; perfect;
30; must sell; groat sacrifice. X 714,
FACTORY rebuilt typewriters. $10 to $i.
VP Fifth SL M. 6528. A 147a
FINE lady's diamond ring and two gents'
to exchange for good driving horse or
Tig. 809 East 28th SU
FOR SALE Mission office desk and chair.
Inquire 532 Williams ave., cor. Russell.
room 2.
ONE four-sided Powers planer, good condi
tion, will exchange for lumber; price $300.
AB 692, Oregonlan.
FLOOR show cases, two eight feet, one six
feet, one Jeweler's safe, good as new.
250 8d su
PHYSICIAN'S office furniture and medical
books for sale at a bargain. H 704, Ore
gonlan. ,
THREE un-to-date Incubators only used one
season or sale cheap; party going East
Phone Sellwood 1685.
OREGON GOLD HILL stock; will accept
-best cash offer: ail or part 1000 shares;
must have cash. AE 706, Oregonlan.
SQUIRREL COAT, bust S6. latest style; will
trade for typewriter, diamond; or what
have youT A 4031; Main 4112.
JERSEY cow, fresh In few days. West from
Gilbert's Crossing, phone Lents, Exchange
2923. .
SEVEN fresh cows for sale. Take Estacada
car to Gresham or Falrvlew. Inquire of
T. R. HowitU Phone Farmers 458.
REMINGTON typewriter and cover. In good
condition, $10. 310 Lumber Exchange
WANTED Donkey engine as part payment
on timber claim. D. Skinner, Vancouver,
R. R. No. 4.
FOR SALE Gentle Holstein cow. Just fresh;
good milker and very rich milk. Phone
Sellwood 1600. Inquire Monday.
FOR SALE CHEAP. Smith Premier type
writer No. 2 in A-l condition; terms. V
714, Oregonlan.
DINING and bedroom furniture. sewing
machine, cheap. 384 Marguerite ave.
Hawthorne cars.
BARGAIN In a Blightly used Edison mimeo
graph; full equlpmenu AG 708, Ore
FOR SALE cheap, nearly ' new M. & M. mo
torcycle: a good bargain for someone.
Phone East 803.
EAfES, new and second-hand, low pries,
cash or easy terms.
SOME household furniture for sale by piece
two complete bedroom sets, other things;
must go. bxi Gllsan. aiarsnaii z?6i.
o c al tr-nov oases, wrnissea coamara
General fixtures tn stork and mad. l
order at lowe.t nrlc... -2 ttrnnd av..
CABIN LAUNCH with boathouse. 8 H. P.
- Smalley. Price $375; bargain. A. E. Vel-
guth, -Seward Hotel.
GRAY velvet tailor-made suit, 39 bust.
never been worn; $10. call 204 Park. Har
ris Apts.
NEW process quickly destroying appetite for
tobaoco; guaranteea: lormuia. 00c. Ad
dress today. W. A. Drennan. 292 10th st.
EF.wTNO machines, rood box tons. $3 to
$10; dropheads $10 to $20: all guaranteed.
INMW nome Agency, osto i-qotitsou ot.
FIRST-CLASS talking machine, large horn
and SO records, $14. 3,10 Alder.
FOUR-CYLINDER motorcycle, six-horse
power, for sale cheap. 13310th St.
than half price.
; perfect condition; less
S 714, Oregonlan.
A SIX-LEAF solid oak dining table; cheap.
86 North 15th su
LARGE oak roll-top desk and chair for 1-3
price at zn first su
WELL-ROTTED fertilizer manure.
East 4026.
BLUE-WHITE diamond. K-; $122 for
quick sale. J oregonlan.
MOVING-PICTURE machine, complete, for
sale very cheap. AF 693, Oregonlan.
LARGE restaurant: gas range, with hood.
cost $90: now nan price at xx r irat st.
WHITE sewing machine, good order,- $20.
Owner. S aim, r'ione a laoo.
HERRI NG -HALL-M AR V I N safe; inside di
mensions 14x21x27. Call 043 Oak st.
CYPHERS 50-egg Incubator, latest patern;
cheap, pnone a is 11, xaour loan.
2-mlnute records to exchange
AC 71 7. Oregonlan.
for otners.
$12 STANDARD sewing machine; $5 gas
range. 0007. uina-Jii, room upstairs.
FOR SALE OR RENT One pool table in
good conaition. inquire at 010 uavis su
NEW three-quarter brass bed spring and
mattress e-0. ttoom lus- baooe oing.
112 Gent's bicycle; fine condition: coaster;
also small girl's wheel. 206- 4th.
REMINGTON typewriter, splendid condi
tion; price ..U. AC re-coinan.
CHEAP No. 3 Underwood, late model, used
but little. Address P. O. box "C.'U.
$60 WARDROBE for sale cheap. Inquire at
551 Johnson, Monday.
FOR SALE New latest model L. D. Smith
typewriter $70 cash. A 707 Oregonlan.
FOR SALE at reduction, business college
tuition. Phone East 3304.
FULL set latest edition Encyclopaedia Brit-
arnica. A 1795, mornings.
$6 AIRTIGHT heaters, now $3 at 211 First
FOR SALE One good dump wood wagon;
price $50. AB 691, Oregonlan.
lVO gas ranges and a sanitary couch.
62H E. Burnside. Phone E. 2122.
FURNITURE 5 rooms, sell or exchange all
or rart. phone East 2307. .
GOOD steel range for sale cheap. 361 loth
Bt. Main 8312.
FOR SALE Aeroplane with engine.. Price
$250. T 713, Oregonlan.
M lecella cult..
Two 100 H. P. Horizontal Return Tu
bular Boilers, complete with enclosed type
feed water heater. 5Vjx3 Smith Vil
feed pump. Dodge injectors, safety valves,
.crown valves. U-incti header and all angle
valves, and Williams feed water regulator,
with safety water columns. In good con
dition. Also one 12 H. P. Vertical Submerged
Head Tubular Boiler complete with safe
ty valve and fittings, including Buffalo
injector. Almost new; only used a short
time. For further particulars inqulr at
room 201. Oregoniaa Bldg
FOR SAL E Se w I n g ""mac bines, all makes,
drophead and boxtops. from $3 up; tine
dreitheaus, sew like new nricliinea. from
$S to $12; time or cash. Many standard
' makes in the lot and every machine has
. attachments and Is guaranteed to do good
work. Free h-ssons in Battenberg and
-embroidery on the late White Rotary
sewing machine. All makes rented, ex
changed and repaired at the
H. D. Jones. Prop.,
420 Washington Su '
ROLL-TOP oak-dest cost-$70, will sell
for $40.
Oak filing cabinet, cost $j5. will sell
for $30.
Small safe, slightly used, cost $75, will
sell for $50.
Oak typewriter desk, cost $13, will sell
for $:.
Call at 226 Lumber Exchange bldg.
(That caused the smash iu prices), from
one to four total atidtn? counters, visi
ble detail strip exchanged; Nationals. $15
up to $175. Orejeou State Agent, W. H.
Hignett, SOli Eaist Morrison su, Port
land MEN'S overcoats, suits. Cleanup sale of
high-grade coats and suits; $o0 suits and
overcoats for $14.75; $25 suits and over
coats $12.75; $20 suits and overcoats.
$'..". Jinimie Dunn "Knew" Sample Suit
Shop, room 315 Oregoniau bldg.
BARGAIN $100 will buy a nice suite of
furniture, also dishes, cooking utensils
and carpets of a four-roomed apartment.
Annly after 10 o'clock, apartment A,
M:iison Park Apartments, or of Janitor
. at First Congregational Church.
BEDS for sale: one double and size:
bath In first-class condition; also gas stove
aud water-heater; exceptionally low prices
accepted during next three days. CalL
977 East Madison st.
NINE H. P. steam engine, first-class condi
tion for all kinds of work, farm use.
clearing land, etc. Will sell cheap for
cush. L. M.- Sheldon. 41 North 2d su
Phone Marshall 31S.
On any church goods over $50 and can
dles over $15. for cash 20 per cent off
for two weeks. Alb. Janits, 491 Wash
ington st-
FOR SALE A very valuable and handsome
oil painting: will sell very reasonable;
sultahlo for hotel or clubhouse or home.
D 710. Oreonlan.
CREAM-COLORED hand-crochet coat, on
silk foundation. i length, size 3S; very
handsome. Call 591 Marshall st. Phone A
1 060. ,
SIX large tables for store, cheap. 344 Alder.
Wanted Men's castoff clotulng and
hoes and bicycle; highest prices paid;
we also buy ladies' clothing. Call up th
Globe second-hand store. Phone Mala 2080.
290 1st su
VV A XTKD To give the uso of SU Bernard
male dog. beautifully marked, for breed
ing. In return for puppy. Phone C 2273. H
7111. Oregonian.
WANTED Heating stove, range and daven
port; must be first-class and a bargain
for cash. Give full description and price.
Address X 705Oregoniam
WANTED Complete furniture for 8-room
house. Give list and price. P 678, Orego
nlan. .
TO STORE piano for usae. Will give best
of care and keep Insured. No children.
AM 712, Oregonian.
.Mj your second-hand furniture to th
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phon
A 2445. Main 8951.
IF YOU" have household furniture to sell,
call up George Baker Co.. 152 Park su
Both phones.
CANOE. Old Towner Peterborough"" pre
ferred; must be bargain. AD 711, Orego
nian. WANTED For cash, second-hand pool and
billiard tables. (Julgley Bros.. 1SU 1st St.
bCHOOLBOOKS bought and sold.
St., near Salmon. Iti8 5th su
11 2d
WANTED Large wall map,
land. P. O. Box 347. City.
city of Port-
D1AMOND wanted, from to 1 K; must
be & bargain. API 719, Oregonlam
I WANT an L. C. Smith or Oliver type
writer. Address H 707 Oregonlan.
WANTED Second-hand safe. P 718, Ore-
gonian. .
V.Aii Moving-picture machine. ga
outnt. aims. etc. AJ 646. Oregonlan.
Beware of special offers and catchy adds.
operate moving-picture machines; wages
Irom 515 to .:( a ween, curt tPrDnsi
teach each student on Powers, Edison and
Double Stereoptlcon Dlssolver machines
There Is no course of instruction so thor
ough on the Pacific Coast. Wb ;fE
WORLD: we are having DAILY CALL
FOR OPERATORS: get one of our stand
ard operators' hand books. APPlV Laem
mie, 0u3 Couch bldg., 4th and Wa3uing-
ton sts., Portland, Or. .
Are wanted everywhere. Impossible to
Biipply the demand; we have the largest
and onlv practical and reliable day and
night automobile school on the Pacific
Coast: we want sobor, reliable men, whom
we can recommend for a position to take
our course In repairing and driving auto
mobiles; this course covers all gjsolina
engines made and Is
Office 216 Merchants Trust Bltlg.
3205 Washington St., Portland, Or.
WANTED Unencumbered man with $250
foV new clean, profitable, permanent,
light manufacturing business; no prev
ious experience necessary: Just ordinary
intelligence; big wages from start; full
est Investigation and trial given before
fnvestme-u Call 240 Yamhill. Room
WANTED To got In touch with bright
young man; salesman preferred: must
have few hundred dollars and be com
petent to manago business requiring con
siderable executive ability. L tl9. Ore
goniam WANTED Three neat appearing men for
house-to-house work; no Insurance or real
estate to sell, but a good thing. Apply
60.1 Alder, apartment 14, between 1 and
2 r.' M., today and Monday.
HUSTLER with $500 to Join mo in subdi
vision that will net him over $.,000 by
next year; unusual proposition that can t
be beat. R 717, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED presser who will work au.l
take half Interest in paying business. 2Shi
Union ave. Nortm
WANTED Marknt gardener that under,
stands raising truck fot locnl trade: fnrra
about 8 miles from city. T 716. Oregonlan,
WE HAVE some piles to drive and want
a price frorn someone not In the combina
tion. Y ClH. Oregonlan.
WANTED Experienced clothing sales
man. Goodyear Raincoat Co.. S02 Wash.
street. ,
JAPANFSE student wants to learn manrto.
lln, han.lo or guitar, once a week. W 719.
A MAN. to act as treasurer 01 a new sick
and ftcciaont insurance v.... , ai,.-.. ..-j. .,
required. Y 7t, oregonian.
WANTED Child model to pose nude for an
artist. Itoy preierreu. .oit-j ..v
at 192 Ford. -
GOOD positions for young men In telegraph
and station service, for particulars call
14 3th St.. 3d floor.
COUPON agents will do well to see TDe
Luxe Studio; something new. 6th and
OPERATOR, experienced on ladles tallorea
garments; omce upeu j. . j..
lich Co.. S3 5th sU
MULTIGRAPH operator, one who can op
erate typewriter pretetiv-. iw, ie-
yjXT parties to serve. Will furnish dishes,
punchbowls. glasses, siiv, eto.
Thomas. 362 Morris. Phone East 4476.
W'ANT a neat enerpetlc man to Handle
business cnances. w-o -nnttot
WANTED Painter for insjde work In ex-
Change lor uenmw . . " ?H"'
FEEDER Platen, must Bo A-l; scale, if
Worth It. Jtoso wnj x-i.titeij..
WANTED Solicitor for subscriptions. Call
Tabor or LCiitp r.ui-i cincij io.
WANTED Chinese second cook, $75 month.
12 N. 20 si-
WANTED Young man 16 to 20 to learn
trade. inquire lit idtiui., 1 ttnoit ave.
WANTED A man handy with carpenter
64 union ave., Jiunmv morning.
WANTED A-l pattern maker, also boy to
learn trade. A 717. Oregonlan.
WANTED Delivery boy. with wheel. R. 11.
Gray, corner tn ana atoxnsou.