Kl.tL ft A Ka- - - I X VT B 1 a - v . I For Ho B-BfKBAX HOMF.S 1 ocro, good bouM, oil fruit and oor rleo. Courtney motion. Wo t'" "' moll tito on J bomoo Boor court nor at bSvB TOT' TrrGHT OF WHAT THE irn-KK WILL UK FOK THE KUKTII E LANDS r clark c'txn; ITT -Beat roeldenc our H. Jonne. rma, Krnot W.l!. 327 AOlnnoa oio. B- ae rwwfi fTlC BUo'INES AVD INCOME PROP- (OxlOO oa E I iorrlon b. good In ilO on Emit Morrlooa ot.. flno -t,Tii. eoual to 3 tore. ., in flux 12. on Lost Morrlooa .. ry cholc. 'TT.. East T.y.or: H bal, IOe:,;!.-orT Brick, bow paying 10 pe r cent. , IOOiKW oa Lost Ankony L. flno loca tion. - X , SoiloO oa Foot Belmont: good Incomo tou-ioo; 2n200; tino warehouso prop rtv wl'h railrood facilities ,. 3 BLOCKS cliy front, iloep water, waro Louoo p r.erty. jus wrntTEL ro.. 113 Grond Avenue FOR STORES AND APAKTMEXTi That very deu-obl property on trio Borlhweot corner of Belmont ond ..tb to. hoving a frontage of 33 fet oa moni ond loo feel oa 35th at . off. red for oolo oo a whol: '"'' thr-e cottage, but lo la the heart : of bub nrolde ond lo ripe frr good m7"?'COB: wo ore authorised to quoio what we eider a low price on oma uutll ten. a. Coll for full particulars. FTRCXO . CO.. Financial Agents. Sol Concord Bia- " FPECULATOR. ATTENTION! Belmoot-.t. corner: mom J ter: excellent T-rom r.o.ne; you " .tore, h.re to coot tl A"tf VrodV month: rosy terma 417 Posrd of Trade. VOR 6 ALE Eq'iity ! tusln.so lot; long tlm. povod district; :1 Improve- McKay bldg. PhonoMarha'.l OO. "bCLLIVA.VS ovvth factor- site. Hxlil ft. adjoining railroad. oll lo- p'rlwRr. 43S Ctm.tCotn:H- "i.E business corner In Ornt. I'"-," with bricic build.n.. i b oc k. j from depot No liicumbr.nceo. Wlj I1 lor to.ii or chano. P. bo .14. city. FOR PALS! Income property on Kusse.l ol.. taooo b-low m.rkot valuo If token ot ot,-.: I.'j0 cooh will hondlo. X. 704. ' Oregoniiin. . a QUARTER blork. nr new Po.tolco: roa b. b.v:rhl rlbt f token ooon.- AG 71 J. Oretronlon. Vv fov av. Incorao builn-s. property. 1 Owner, 'iwi "haw.. AyO.Xor.noo " Acrr-. """jTERETs A FSAP OF ALL 8NAP8. Vou con m.k. . prom of V on , ocr. by buyin. thio plc. ", 1 Lionel .rr-o ond located aJ mlleo Irom P ol rtland or boot eiectrlc lino out of city. li acroo of tbl. 1 beve.r.l-.- L"d all around thlo oellln. lor Pr ocro. If you com oilrk y. u con s-t thlo o- aero Jn?p at IliU p-r ocro. L-m-mbor ?'"' all cleared and In rultivotion. T,In' hoif cosh. I need a UtUo money. U Tl Oreconlon. . " AKF.AL BARUAIN. That fine 1-tO-acra tract of to ry oppl. nd. le,o th.o 20 mile, from tV. cliy. tributor, to tho '"bla ond W!ametto Lixer.. mile, from tho . o -tion on N. P. R- R-. tbe lond ho- a fijo bod- of tlmbor. bet. 4 and 5 million M . EUd for .aw loir, or cord 4 -mandlnc view: ov,d roo.l. If y''u on. p. thlo 1. ore. Only .VK0. uOO coob. O. R. DE BLltOH. w.h. Mtir il Ablnoton Wn. 3 1-5 Al.nr.9 I......... All e-lllv.t.. loo youcit fruit treeo. tiew room bou.o. wood.h.d and barn. ISO Tr.V--.na. incubotor. bucry. for., pump. ,.rdn tool.; 0 minute, out on C"-'"n Liectrle. Prlco for quick salo. !. ,"n CHAPTS HER1X5W HI? chamber ff fomnierro . tm oiv Ai itt-s oil i od .oil. no rifki or rourh -,nd 'fTn. .p' n tor on, tk. trll. from good '-hool; ?H mlleo 'ro Portland. . mile, from roll rood .tat.on. prlro K per acre, boir co.n Two 0-oero trocts. one Hkf' , . I . . . . ii i ii.' IIV ton, urefo-. - - - 1 1 i' V tMPIli iVKll. MVn h hr,'.,-y cultuo.d: " '...htly 51? rw-roo tKm siunrnnrR. Boom 2 Lumbermen. Hldt. WONDERFUL HI V Foil 15 ocreo. hlh!y ImprOTed. with 6 ocreo of boorln orch.rd of cholco apple.: beau tiful new o-room bun-low. juot Onlahed. ir-th bl. elegont borno: electric corlln. w.thla 2 block., oiso 6 ioroo. ploce worth 7J1M. cJoo. to Portland. Uav.d Lowlo. room J Lumoormeno m-o. SLULItttAi ALnAur. , About 10 ml!eo from Portlond. Good oil. part la cultivation, electric or ''" traini. oa ood county rood. rom.'i'0 UiO per acre, acoordln. to location, .mall payment hondleo It. . OLLNAKT KEALTT CO.. (Inc.). 4JI-4-- Chamber of Commerce. if VOU ARE LOOKINO FOR FRUIT LAND In a dtotru-t with an ootabll.hed reputation and wr.ero land may bo bod at a reason able price. Inveotmat. a num"rOIlft,m proved and unimproved tract, from i lo 441 acroo wo hove near Mooler. Or. B'-OCH KEALTV CO.. Jl Lumbermen'o Bldlf ACREAUK. II arreo. all cleared, very rich oil. Clao to Pnlem Electric. 10 mlleo from courthouse. A beautiful tract at your price. I mean by that, the price lo o low you can t pso It up :o Commercial Uik.. i'd and Waob- tnaton. i.1 .-. i-Lr. iiwAi' 10 acrea at JO0 per aero; J-ooo caoo. kb acrea. 40 per acre; $.-.000 cash. bal. per- cent; there ore 00 per cent below tbe market and will l ko Quick R. C. CH IS M. 15 Couch Bldg. "ji FINE DAIRY FARM OF 1SS rrti of tho (Ine.t lond In tho Wil lamette Vallev; hlKbly Improved, clooo to depot. If Interested enouk'h to laveonialo vou caa do .o ot our esperse. PLOCH REALTY .. 2 J I Lumbermen'. Bids;. . ...... .....r. ii'Ut'n:.' looo. HALF ACRE. Fine fruit ond corden lond. all In I.. . t.. - id minutes' out: OC commu tation fure. 1-S cali. bounce easv ot 6 per conu i- a. tous i . v.... oi-c- c- e- I. - enar. for someone: V OCTeO. WUB a dAndy .priu(. T under rultivotion; has a flee boue. chtoken-liouse. and barn: enl, i-. fare: " will handle It. r-.. quirk. M. Loerqulot. Knight Shoe Cmpony! erea 7 Billet from town; lo. he-use on It, o food sprlns. Snj mil. s i. VLrini- station. I will oell or trade ulty for a lot north of Alberta C - 1'reaono.ti. FIVE ocrea la apple, two years oio; carea for until five; only i"o P" w -.... eoll onlr S34 cosh. A nrrounuin- ootd for I4O0 per ocro. T 7V. Oregunlan. ep- n norr rood, where Ml. liood lino oe. for oile. very eaay tormo. Will uy tea to n. .ii.-- in..-. ' ' WOOl SrlACHHEST. 850 Rollwoy Etcbsnn BlCg. NEAR PORTLAN-nAND ELECTRIC T. elejoo out two of our lorre oubdl v.olono. we ore ort-rtna o R and 1-erre tract Betow maraet price, s sit wo pay ment. 4oS Cou.:b bidg! ' runi.-r iCRCAilE FOR THE MONEY. lo oerva. close In. woter ond carllno rmntnt throuah same: fine eoll: S bluks from station; only io" per arro. .una ll H'.TW HtA e. r. I 1, Wohlr.t.n BHl.. Room t. ACREAGE FOR SUBDIVIDING. w.--it located on So'.em Electric rood. Knnnini water, orchard, etc. Irl-o and terma attractive. If you cab appreciate a baraaln. .-e ua at onre. Vonduya Walton. 313 Chamber of omm-rce. FK M owner, one-acre tract, on car.lno. close In; 4-reom modern house; new plurrMng: place eultoble ehlckeno, fruit. .amen: on.y - 1 -- -w-ll Volley .tatlon. bl iunt Scott car. it.R HAL. By owner, le-ncre troct ot .ta ttoo oa Lst-coda llnob mountain stream runalnc tbrou.h ploee, beautiful. y located, ran be bad if token at once for l:io4. JJ4 Board or Trade bio- wow KILE I or 3 acre en the Oregon Cliy rariloo at Sliver Springe o Latino. SlouO oor aoro. Lay terma K. OOKDOX, 110 lienry B.Hidlng C HOiCL tx Be a oa oregoa City Una. Pbon Totor 114- 3 ACRt S la Primroee Acroo, ot Multno mah Station, for eoie at S1T00; easy terma Call 414 fpaldlng bldg. aXAp Residence, modem, cost ll'oO, wtth ' s-r. land, elenred. rloee to depot; prlc ta): terms. IJH Fast Morrison. N aero at Lenta, a .nap at 3-.00. terma KTrnmRuiey A Cc Hamilton bldg. opea Per da a . fj-s- acr. ten mil out. Raws a rO. oel qui. V Tl tec, 1 .... t ' AT. ESTATE. I - REALESTATE: I "- Z 177, I REAL rSTATE. 1 REALJvSTATE. I . . For gale Farma, For Sale Farm.. ONE-ACRE TRACT. IMPROVED. A one-acre tract la Woodstock . "-rltj Improved with little house. bed. all cleared, level ond set out to various klndo of .ore ond omall frult4 water ploed In hou: pr.ee for quirk Bale. reasonable terma. t-prln ordnln Wl" oooa bo hero, bee thi. bow. An unimproved, cleared, level acre ln Wood.tock dlotxict: price 100. oa roaaoa able terma Two one-arre trarta. closo to Ro fare, level and cleared, for lil each, easy term.; oortb laveatlgotlng. S.10 arre of choice rlcb laad at Tlgard atatlon on Salem Electric line: priced 1 for Immediate o..le at J". Hc.ti. balanjj per cent Interest. Thli hao beea bold at el 000. Look It up NOW. acre of rood cleared Ini fon?" Creek and the Cooodero t-Iectrlc line, cloeo In: only 14&00. about 1-8 caoh. bal ance eaay. 6 acre, fine land at Lt n nem an Ota t Ion on Casadero electric line; price I--00 per acre. Nothlnj around aa ood lor tho money. A I.toI cleared acre near Mt. Scott ear line, oo fore. cash, balance 10 V month; water piped to aero. Sea onr Improved farm barfalna, w. may have what you wsrit. LAMBEKT-W IUTMER CO., 70 4th St. 4u4 E. Aiueru P0 ACRES oa golem Electric. to thou sand corn, or wooq. " 10 ACRE Sycamore tallon. O. v ,. . r. Line, on county road, practically cleared, e-ioou. Vj cash. . , ,. 11 ACHES Italian prune orchard, full bearing. Marlon County, on 8. P. It . k. Kuuoe. born, running water. iK)0 prune Cri. ACRES On electrlo line, acre. In finest commercial appl.-a. first ahlpment this season Jl.oo; close In. .0 ACRES All under cultivation; room hou.n: near TualaUn on Balem Elec tric; Vt cash. II ACRES Prune orrhord. on -.pinfn R.. In be.l prune oectlon in state. lP-lo crop s.sa 100 hena. barn. Implomonta. horse, house, 5 cash. . 40 ACRES 20 In Italian prunea In full bearing: have had tho best of care, o-ton prune dryer on place. Marlon co. H cash. 40 ACRES Near tho city. S ocrc. com mercial applee. lia acrco fine Itallaa prune, all In line condition: 'i caan. JOS. BUCHTEL at CO.. 113 t.rand Avenue. I HAVE 30 acres, locate- at Marion. jt.. 14 mile v:a rail ano iw ---- r.-ad. Caaadero division of Oregon Water power Co.. 1 mile from tatIon. on outh Id Clackamao River; properly line 140 feet from liver bonk: 14 acre cleared, balance line timber; enough wood to poy for place and net neat profit; can bo brought to Portland by water; 2-room house, new. t outhouse 10x70. finest aprlng woter old orehord. voriety good fruits, blackberry, gooseberry and currant bn.he. i: new Lambert cherry tree: cleared land under cultivation. veral acre of finest b-averdam land on thl place: unsurpassed building alt for country home: excellent n od to city; Immedlote possession : every thing ready to move In; train, every two hour, week daya, hourly Sunday: price 330; term.; must oell; blKKe.t .nap on mark.t today. See owner, Ralph R. Ruff-n.-r. 1J4 3d Moln 24. 1020 ACRES. 4 mlleo from Brownsville, on a good r ravel road. 1-5 acre In cultivation. GoO acre In pasture. "!S acre In extra good timber for milling purpose! Thl I foot hill land and 1 good .oil for walnuta or apple: haa an abundance of water tho year round: fenced on all aide: ha large e-room houe. oil finished throuahout. fine large barn and outbuilding; - mile to who Cood orchard with all kluda of fruit. Telephone in houso. Thlo 1 a model ranch aa well aa a handsome home. Price 9-5 per aero, part caoh. balance years, 5 per cent. RAND. REED A CO.. 816 Board of -Trade Bid. ONE acre, with woter piped oa every acre, c faro. 70o; easy teniur. J 14 acre at atatlon. all plowed ready for your garoea; 4ivv per acre; tonne. t acrea at Garden Home. lOo faro. 1400 per acre, or will oc one-half. IH acrea at Tlgard. t acre beaverda mall houoe, $ila per ore. 44-ocre .nap. within 14 mllee Portland. $o per acre. BROWN STAVER, 414 Couch Bid. S ACRES at Oak Grove; good view; aome cleared, at -7oa B ACRES at Oak Grove: beautiful view: house, bam. well; all cleared but small grove la cblck ea yard. Price 30200 10 ACHES. Near Oak Grove otatlon on Oregon City cor lino, on Ideal place for auburban home; house, born. well. Bear car. oa good road. price Itsoo. RAND. REED A CO.. 316 Boord of Trade. 1 ACRES level land, ail In cultivation, on county road. R. F. D. route and phone line: 3 minute walk from achooi. and o minutes' from R. K. station oa S. P. West Side division: lea than 20 miles from Portland. This line win certainly be elec trified la the very neer future, and prices of land situated aa favorably as this will advance 1100 per acre. Price. 3J2& per acre. Is $1:6 to $50 less than now being asked for adlacent land. Terma - caoh. bolasce In 1. 1 and 1 years; Interest t per cent. Owner. 1010 Board of Trade. 80 ACRES. 2 mile east of Uueiis Vista: 80 acres all In cultivation. 23 acres In hops. S acre in xrult pears, peaches, plum, quince, etc loot year hope yielded 1 . ton to o'-re. nop-yara la wen taken care or. Thl Is all bottom land, every foot will raloe alfalfa; baa a large atock and hay barn. Remembor thlo hop yard will soon pay lor place, price Si& per acre. Terma ri a - i. rtr,u or tu, 316 Board of Trade. 4 ACRES. Deep. rich, black soil, suited for berries, truck farming or orchard; two cropa will par for this place; about a mile to elec tric atatlon; well-built two-room box house; will sell for (I. -.00: 1100 cash, bal ance teru- F. L. .Dole 1. 418 Corbett bldg. BIGGEST SNAP EVER OFFERED. 40 acrea. about 11 miles from center of Portland. In Multnomah County, beautiful (icrmantowa road runs tbrougn the prop erty: b acrea clear il. 2 acres In fruit, 10 acres partly cleared, and balance of 20 acre 1 covered with fine big timber, which will alone more then pay for tne entire 40 ocreo; owner forced to .OIL For lecatton. price and terms, call on C. F. I f luger Co.. suit 6 Mulkey bldg.. 2d ond Morrison. ACREA GET ACREAGE, on the Beovertoa line. Some of the finest farm In the country; nothing bet tor anywhere; from a five-acre tract to as larre as you wane Suitable for all pur poeua. Som have buildings, others have not. Some under plow, other nicely tim bered. In feet, our Hat la complete with the best money con buy. If you want what you wanu ee ua L. , Nlner, 203 Oorllnger bldg. M.iln 731L OPPORTUNITY IN ACREAGE. We have aome very desirable acreage fronting on -'Section Line" and running through to Powell Valley road; aoll 1 excellent for fruit and produce; only four nulea from It. Tabor reoervolr; will sell a a whole or In email tract: this Is an exceptional opportunity tor the large or email Investor. STRONG A CO.. Financial Agents, "S Concord Bldg. "LET US SHOW IOU THIS. 4 4 mllee from tbe center of Portland. B.arly 3 acre, all cleared and . level, fronting on Taylor Ferry road, close to ecoool: house ond barn, also fine spring owner must oell ond hoe outborlsed us 10 cut the price to O'lOOO. terms. For further particulars coll on C Ft Pfluger A Co ult 3 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morlson. " A6NAP. A Bice little acreage oa electiio line, do. to depot ond close to Portland. K lo oey A Stampber. 331 Lumber Exohaage blcg. jjrxVERDAM and fmlt land, cloee to Port land: cleared and uncleored; from SOU to f.-"0 per ocre. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO. 403 Couch bldg. FOR 8 ALE A fine tract of acreage, suit able for subdivision: will toke part In come properly and terma oa balance. M 7ol. Oregonlan. 40 ACRKsrimlle from railroad. acres In cultivation; price -3 on acre; tonne. See ii-ii aad you will buy. Particular 54 u, tin. . (3 ACRES. 11 mlleo from Portland: ono half mile frontage on railroad, with two atatlon. at 1 Pr aero. IH 11th. Tel- iphoue Moln esa. H IVE decided to cut up my fine 31.-o.-.ro Volk County form to ault purchasers. Writ Charles E. Hicks. Independence. Or-gon IS ACRES. 13 acrea cleared, running water. Deer Beavorton: by QWBor. TaborlS0i ' A SNAP IJISO. Chlrkea ranch. S 1-3 acres, fnlijr eeiulrped fir buslneeo. Coll Main 47T. BY OWNER. 4.6 acres oa Villa ave- one third mile from ML Hood Electric AF 64. Oregonlan. 16 ACRES: H cleared. 1 mile of Mllwoukle: cheap for cosh or S acres part cash. T 713. Oregonlan. $ ACRES. Bear catUo cheap. A Ore-gonlan THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, FORTLAyP, j AJfTJARY 29, 1911. 10 ACRES IMPROVED. This U a snap; man going south for health. Only 2 mllee from city limit. All cleared. A good platting proportion. 4-room house with basement; large bora; new fenoe and 1 acre In fruit Only $03001 12300 cash .-Jqulred. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commero SPECULATORS. LOOK HERE. 120 acres. 8 mile from center of Port land aad only IS mlnuie from Covell ta tlon on the Oregon City carllne. 70 acres cleared and under cultivation; balance Bice grove of timber, good house, born ana eprlng on the land. New electric lino ourvey near piece. Wo have beea author ized by tho owner to reduce the price to 3H7S per ocro, for a limited time only. Will divide. Other property near by i oiling from $800 to $1000 per acre. For further particular call on C F. Pfluter ot Co.. suite 6. Mulkey bid.. Second and Morrloon. A RARE BARGAIN AND IDEAL LOCATION. A in-ocre troct adjoining $-ood town, only 23 mile from Portland. Thl tract la .0 situated that it can easily be con verted Into a splendid chicken ranch; also garden. It has some of the choicest river bottom, sandy loam soil. There are about 6 or 7 acrea, balance is taken up by a small river. It can be bought for OUU Must bo sold soon st this figure. OTTO P. HARKSON REALTY CO.. 133 Vi First St. 1000 ACRES tide ond stump land, near good town, on Columbia. It to ; act quick. Law ton, room "A," Lumber Exchange blrtg. Homestead . ADVANTAGES OK OKEaON 100-page book Slve amount of Government land open to omesteod. In each county In the states of Oregon and Washington, and descrip tion of same; gives homestead, deoert timber, stone, cool and mineral law: two map of Oregon In color. tlxliS. showing R. R. In opsrstlon. on howln all pro posed R. R. and electrlo line. Including astern and Central Oregon. 2O0 each, or the three 10a Map of Waahlngton la col or. 21x21. I0c N 1mm o. Run y A Co.. Hamilton bldg. 160 ACREsT"80 good tillable, eay to clear; on county road, spring near house, larse creek through place, excellent fruit and stock ranch, new house, li miles from fillverton; price $S00. 160 acre, log house, acre cleared, uns orchard, 40 acres tillable. No. I fruit and DESCHUTES VALLEY. Relinquishment, 100 acres, 60 acres In cultivation and fenced. 60 acres more could be fsrmed. four-room bungslow and stsble. In good condition: plenty of wood and waler. three miles N. E. of Madras. Orook Copnty. Thl Is firat-cl and omy IIOO cash. Nlmmo Runey A Co., Hara- II. III. l a ttunduv PLENTY of good FREE HOMESTEADS and Desert Land Location her under our IR RIGATION SYSTEM. We "LOCATE YOU FREE." Write today. Good land. The Surprise Valley ind A irrigation vo Cedarville, California. 600 ACRES choice fruit land, nearly oil cleared, ready for ubdivilon; fine ec tlon. worth $150 per acre; $0. term. GEO. V. FLETCHER A CO.. Junction City. Or. WOKKIN.IMEN Save your money; get 320 acre homeitead. central Oregon. Special reduced rate for thl trip. Call today for Information. 6 00 Henry fciag HOMESTEADS, located near Portland. $100 and up; can rale crop thla year. See lo cator at room 2L 2i1 Oak L Phono Main ssoa. UAtrTF.ii rellnoulshment- Weatern Oregon; no stump; must bo cheap. AN 71i. Ores-onion. FOR tho beet 320-acre homesteads. Cen tral Oregon, eall 5O0 Henry mag. TWO homesteads. 2H million feet pine each. For particular. Inquire ot PIT l.owio Q'oa. For Sale Fruit lends. v. ru . vpw nte- A t IfVTIVR. For sole, splendid 05-acre, -yeer-old apple orchard, ur.na rtonae vaiiey, one half mile from town, on railroad: no bet ter soli or fruit district In Oregon: or chard of Rome Beauties. Yellow New towns. York Imperial, and Ganos trees. which are In fine condition, no Ineect pests; price ISO. 000, and can be paid for from the crops grown on orchard. There lo a fortune here for the right man. This Is no wildcat fruit venture, nut a sou business DroDosltlon that oa a very con servative estimate will double In value Inside of t years- Future absence from state moke sole necessary. VY". A- LA-IDLAVV. (07 Commercial Block. Portland. Or. BEARING APPLE ORCHARD. CLOSE TO PORTLAND, on Electrlo and Steam Transportation. Recommended by EXPERT HORTICULTL'RALISTS. An opportunity' to get into the beet paying industry, and at the same time continue your present occupation until your orchard naa been developed ny ex perts; a small down payment and balance to suit win nanaie proposition. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 40$ Couch Bldg. NEAR EAGLE POINT. JACKSON CO. 120 acrea of good fruit land, on county road. 2 miles from railroad atatlon: looo cords of wood; price. If taken at once. $20 per acre. 160 acres, house, bam. etc.; can bo Irri gated by running scream; 3 miles from railroad station; fin land. Price $20 per acre. The above are real bars-Ins. ZIMMERMAN. 810 Board of Trade hide. "S FRUIT LANDS. Moat productive fruit land la British Columbia. "Carlln Orchardo." Upper Okan ogan Valley; requires no irrigation; mild climate, fertile eoll: frulta of nne.t qual ity produced in abundance; railway sta tion on property; low prices, long torms of par menu Writ for Illustrated pamphlet "B 4." Rogers. Black A McAlplne, Van couver. British Columbia. FRUIT LAND. ISH-acr fruit farm In heart of the Rogue River Valley; good buildings, 11 acre. In peara and apple. Thl 1 close to Medford and one of the finest in that fa mous valley. $."i00, part terma, or might consider some trade. 2u9 Commercial Blk., zd ana Washington. 80 ACRES ON COUNTY ROAD. In famous Klickitat County, Washing ton, apple district. 8 mile, from town; 20 acres cleared. 4U0 apple treea 4 to 7 years old: all .ritle rolling with right slope; a bargain at $00 per acre. STRONG A CO.. 605 Concord Bldg. NOT ICE our ad ot ths Melrose Orchard. Rooeburg, without exception the Ilnest fruit and dual purpose land yet offered homeseeicers or Investors. Wo are solo agents of Portlond. Get our pamphlet. RAY-MORE REALTY COMPANY. 430 Worcester Bldg. Main 1D40. A SIOPIER FRUIT FARM. I will trade you tho very farm you have been looking for and will take in your bunKalow, auto, hou.o. or lota 00 first payment and a mortgage for tho balance. Call at 270 H stark street and ask for Mr. Van Winkle. FRUIT and But land; you clear, plant and cultivate until bearing without coat to you: others are making fortunes by this system. Bulletin No. 8 gives complete details. bend 350 silver to Apple Craft, Portland- FRUIT land in Yamhill County: 10-acre tract for $730. Can pay $100 down, bal ance monthly. Clpeo to good town in boot fruit district. WESTERN LAND CO.. 24H1. Stork St. ONE of finest beating orchard. In Hood River for sole by owner: will show you bona fide returns Would pay syndicate food dividends; near town ond a beuu tful property. For appointment address AB 712. Or eronlan. nc. acre, smooth, tillable land, uncleared, pear school and county roads; soli, eleva tion and drainage perfectly adapted to fruit: running water and some timber: two houra from Portland; price $350. port rash palmer, ill Couch bldg. 1000 ACRES now being subdivided Into 10 acre tracts, choice fruit lend, by owners; 3.H1O acre now being planted: a chance to get a mall tract cheap on easy .terms. 8 715. Orvgonian. DO you want 10 acres In Estacada appio district, half mile from carllne. half In cultivation, balance fine timber, running water, half oaoh. baL two yeara. K 711. Oregonlaa. gXvE- $500 on Mosler orchard. Tou can secure my 10-ocre tract. 4 -mile from Mosler for $500 less thsn it will cost you after February L 410 Corbett bldg. FOR $15.00 per month you get a five-acre beorlng orchard In Hood River. For In formotlon opply to T 713. Oreitonlan. s e OR lu-ocre troct with apple orchard, ' S9 mlleo out of Portland. T 714. Oro ronlan. APPLE LAND Tho best two .-acre tracts on th Kennewlrk Highland, for sal by owner. Phone Moln 1. FOR $1S 6o"per month you get a 6-acre bear ing orchard In Hood River. For Informa tion apply T 711. Oregonlan. BO ACRES oplendld fruit land. 80 In com mercial orchard. 12.0o0. J 7o5. Oregonlan. 40 ACRES beat fruit land, on road, sear Lyie, .Wash, J "14. Oregonlaa. CHBHALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS. ARB TOU LOOKING FOR AN ORCHARD TRACT T Do yoa wont tho best T Ooaw to Portland. R. R- statloa oa placa. Don't fall to call OB THE CROS3LEY COMPANY. 7GO-70K Corbett bldg. It ouroiy will bo to your advaatago to eee us before buying. Seeing I bellevinr For Sale Farma, A GOOD FARM BUT. 820 ACRES. 83 CLEARED. 10 ACRES CAN BE PUT INTO CULTIVATION FOR $S TO $10 PER ACRE: 40 TO 60 MORE CAN BE CLEARED FOR 1B TO 20 PER ACRE. THIS LAND LIES FINE AND THE SOIL IS EXCELLENT FOR ANY AGRICULTURAL OR FRUIT PURPOSES. LOCATED 80 MILES FROM PORTLAND. PRICE! FOR A FETV DAYS. $22.50 PER ACRE. 13- WORTH $300 PER ACRE WHEN CLEARED. ( 119 COMMERCIAL. BLOCK. 2D AND WASHINGTON ST3. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. The greatest opportunity to the home seeker, unquestionably, offer the Qny Harbor district, where land can be bought from $15 to $20 per acre on very easy term, within 8 to 11 mile from Aber deen and Hoquiam. two of the moat prom ising cities In the world. The oll I rich and free from gravel, never over flows, abundance of water during Summer months. Over 30 families are now lo cated on the land. Still JO00 acres to se lect from. Do not wait till Spring, when the demand for land will be at Its height ; select your tract before the rush. Buy NOW. white the price is low and the selec tion good. Local conditions are very fa vorable to the homeseeker in every re spect and exactly as represented. Do not be under the Irapressio.i that the land Is poor because It is cheap; convince your self For further information apply or -write at once to WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION COMPANY, ABERDEEN. WASH. LOOK I LOOK! 112.64-cro farm 18 miles south of Port land, on tho OrcKon Electric This farm cannot be excelled. It's fine In every sonse of the word Fine new barn, fair house, numerous outbuildings; can be di vided Into 5-acre xracta If need be. but taken as a whole It's one of the finest farms In the country and can be bought at $10 less per acre than adjoining land. For price, which la reasonable, and torms. which are easy, call or write SHEPARD. MILLS A ROGERS. 214-215 Board of Trade Bldff. DON'T PASS THIS UP. 80 acres, only H mile from Borinjr. on Estacada carllne, fronting on 2 county roads; 30 acres cleared, 2 a. in timber, bal. brush. 5-room house, cost $1000: 2 horses worth $500. good barn, and outbuildings of every description, all farm Implements and harnesses, chickens, 5 cows. 1 farm wagon, 1 spring wagon, everything in good condition; rented at $400 per year. Can give possession ny time. Price only $22. per acre. Terms. For further particulars coll on C. F. Pfluger A Co.. ulte 6, Mulkey bldg.. Second and Morrison. A CENTRAL OREGON BARGAIN. 400-acre ALFALFA RANCH. 115 acres already In alfalfa, yielded 375 tons last year, sold for (12 per ton In stack: 100 acres- fine grain land; balance In pasture. A 130D0 house, with water piped through lt. and good barn on tbe place. All fenced. About 2000 acres of open range, suitable to cattle-ralalng. adjacent to It. OFFERED FOR $16,000 for hort time only. Investigate this at once. 317 Fen- con Bldg. Phones Main 03. A nvs. STOCK FARM IN NORTHERN CALIFOR NIA. 8200 acroo. 1500 acrea In cultivation. T acres of good apple orchard; oeveral buildings, and much fencing, plenty of water for Irrigation: 1200 acre or uov erament outrange adjoining: for sale on easy terms, long-time payments 6 per cent- Pries for a short time $5.50 per acre. W. H. LANG CO., 414 Ablnrton bids;. T.TOO ACHES. 4H miles bordering on North Umpqua River; 13"0 acre fine alfalfa land, coyote proof fence; almost unlimited outside range: fine climate, excellent aoll for any purpose; this Is one of the best buys In Oregon at price of US per acre: $10 years to pay for It; blue prints and de scription at orrice. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade bldr. liTirRra -11 eleared. about 4 acres In fruit, fine new olastered house, good stable, well and windmill, with good tank, close to Vancouver carllne. cnurcn. nign ocnooi. Thla Is one of the best snaps in Clark County, worth $6500. for a few days only at the low nrfce of C56O0. Let us show you thl place. We know you will buy at that price. D. ft. CAMERON REALTY CO.. 610 Washington St. Vancouver. Wash DAIRY FARM. ST acre. 80 acre under plow, 65 acre in crop now; 8-room house, barn, milk house, etc.; close to good town; less than 20 miles from Portland. Stock and Imple ment will go with the place. If you want a fine farm at right price, call and ae this one. WESTERN LAND CO.. 24" Stark St. STOP HERE. 1280 acres, good rich aoll. free from rock; 300 acre can be cultivated, balance excellent pasture, with plenty of water and outrange; country green throughout entire year; can sell either one or two inn. foe 11'2 tier acre. 1-8 cash, bal ance as doslred at 6 per cent; write for detailed description. unester r otsrr, 1022 Board ot -iraae oiog. 100 SMALL FARMS In Yamhill County: easy terms; we have oome special bargains. Call t our office and we will give you full Information in regard to farms suitable for f rultralslng. nut culture, dairying and di versified farming; price from $32 per acre up. celIjARs-murton co.. 806 Spnlding Bldg. SPECIAL bargain. 40-acre farm. 12 acre beaverdam land, IS acre clover, balance pasture and timber; he house, barn, or chard, watered by creek and convenient to good valley town; price toiuu; iuuu -own time oa balance. WESTERN LAND CO.. 248V4 Stark St ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RANCH fully .it-T.ii - over 2no acres: 2o in 13 and 3- year-old orchards; has irrigation; 6 miles from depot; best of land, less than $175 rer acre all around. IDEAL location. If . . . -,!- .HI, aii fnp r ee- tnis interest, i w , , . ' V, ence. Owner. Box 23, R. D. No, Orants Pass, or. twrr-in LITTLE PLACE. e i acres, on main county road. mile from Ook Grove Station. Oregon City Llectrio line; o-1 uom vua., u.iu, chicken-house: 83 apple tree and othsi fruit- il2o0 car will handle thu Vnm, REACH REST. 820 Railway Exchange Bldg. iioAr-t.tr. farm within 20 mile of Portland land He fine. 20 acres cleared, balance pasture and timber, not hard to clear; small nousej, oicn-. -- - price only $1500: eaay terms WESTERN LAND CO.. 248H Stark St. wo AcnTr.1 all In blah state of cultivation -. . -.i ranees, deep black loam Sutl well drained and free from rock: near both Oregon Electric Ry. and Southern .. ... ,:ii iinii.es in rorusnu . Kneel- r.-. l.v.H ,).,. ,n Dosslbllltles: price lo4 per acre, terma Board of Trade bldg. -.L1CKITAT COUNT V. WASHLNUToa, .!.? nmlS STOCK FARM. 1800 acre. $12 acre, easy term; about 800 acre ploweo: joimni i. fruit. Bella for 350 acre: no timber, beet of fruit ooll: will consider trode; plot thlo and moae a toriu-e. Hanslmalr. 326 ht Washington. viduv.ru if vou want to make money In ves'tigate; $S0.I0 for a fine alfalfa ranch -.... ....... wn.e and olenty of It. 10 min utes' walk from electric car, a great moneymaker. Will ell on easy tormo to the right man. . F. FUCHS. 221H Morrison PtreeL Clin titr.n ACHE Before February 1 buy 130 acre with fine buildings, farm all lu crop, near good town- not far from Portland: price, will be advanced If not old tit above aato; very easy terms; no ascu we- ,?' Railway Exchange. ALFALFA LAND. 160 acre fine alfalfa land; thl 1 only $35 per acre; better look Into thl. as It is a real snap. . , , ZIMMERMAN. 810 Board of Trade bldg. " WHITE SALMON. BOO acres, fruit land. .White Salmon ap ple belt, near Plnchot. Glavls orchards: iS per acre. Chester H. Starr. 1022 Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVED 80-acre farm 13 mllee from Portland, on Oregon Electric and Southern Pacific; half beavordara: will Il cheap. Ow ner. 201 Swetland bldg. LINN County ranch. 864 acre, of grain and fruit land for sale at $25 per aero. If token at once. Address owner. B. Payne. Albany. Or. BU2 ACRES: 400 acres plow land; well Im proved farm. Willamette Valley: $25 per icre Chester H. Starr. 1022 Board of Zxads bids. - . TT . . , . w-- irAVPT FARMING TO ss. Arv. j-vy., "J 60 acres, all In high atate of cultl-tration, excellent soil, no rocks, nearly new. good buildings of all kinds, fully equipped with stock, feed, implements., vehicles, ana. tools. Located right at station on Salem Electric line, not far from Portland, price $oOO. and easy term. This Is one of the best buys that can be found In ore- "h acres, fine soil, nearly all In cultiva tion, no rock, good buildings of all kinds, close to railroad station and not far from Portland. $150 per acre; will accept pan In Portland property. ,., , 20 acre, fine house and good orchard, good wind-mill, all in cultivation, close to Portland on electrlo line. $0000. Tim n720 "acres, fine river bottom land, thor oughly stocked with fine cows, boat-landing on' the place, in fact. It la one of tne best dairy ranches In Oregon. $40 per acre gets everything. 80 acres, fin orchard and excellent land, close to Portlond; price $10,000. Will trade for good Portland property. If you want a ranch of ouy size in any direction from Portland. I can bo of serv ice to you. I have experienced men who know all about Oregon soil, who are look ing at farma all the time. If Interested In buying a farm, write or call J. E. Smith, 613 Chamber of Commerce. Portland .Or. OREGON FARM AND FRUIT LANDS. In the Deschutes Valley. Central Oregon, are some of the most fertile lands in the state. Many thousand acres of these land are now under Irrigation and producing larg crop, other thousands of acre are rapid ly being put under irrigation. Your "CAREY ACT" RIGHT en titles you to 160 acre of thl land free, if you will, within three years. Improve part ot lt, live on it three month, and pay (In easy Install ments) your hare of the cost of the Irrigation system. Central Oregon Ir rigation Co.. 415 Railway Ex. Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. A FINE STOCK RANCH. 444 H acre In Lincoln County, 60 acre bottom land, 200 acres rolling bench land, of which 20 acres Is in Fall outs and 15 acres ready for plow; 15 acres easily cleared and cultivated; rest hilly paature; 85 acres under cultivation; loam soil. Living water on all. 150 bearing fruit trees andMots of strawberries and other small fruit; tine 6-room furnished house, two barn, granary and outbuildings, ma chinery, 4 horses, 9 dairy cows. 4 heif er, 12 hogs, 60 Cotswolds, 825 Angora goats, poultry. Price $17,780, on good terms. This Is a splendid stock farm with worlds of outrange. BLALSDELL, SHOUP A DALY, 815 Railway Exchange bids. - A PLAIN STATEMENT. We offer you today 20 acres of rich Columbia River bottom land all in culti vation. Improved with new 4-room bun galow, Jorge old barn; place well fenced, located on bank of river, daily boat passes place, 1 n miles from good town and N. R. R. atatlon: the producing qualities of thl land ore well known; last year one acre in tomatoes paid the owner 1200. potato yield on an average Is about -w sacks per acre: alfalfa grows to Perfec tion; If you want an absolute senulne bargain, see this place at $5000; $2000 cash: no-trade & HRLO (Q) 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY RANCH. 199 acres. 140 acres bottom land. 100 acres cleared, balance rolling. CmC'ete dairy ranch, stock. Implements, etc Good b-room house. Pr.ce 80. Farm Land Department HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Bankers. . Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WHEAT RANCH COMPLETE. STOCK. TOOLS AND CROP. 820 acres. 200 acre In cultivation: ISO acre In Fall wheat: 100 bearing fruit tree: fenced and cross-fenced: watered by springs; 6-room house, water Piped to house; 2 barns, chicken-house, other buildings: stone cellar. 12x14; 6 horses. 2 cows, 2 wagons and racks, 1 hack. 1 header, 1 reaper. 1 gangplow. 2 walking plows, harrow, drill, feed grinder, plenty of small tool.; 5H miles from ra'fr Wasco Co.: $10,000 takes all; terma. Hero 1 a bargain. Phone In house. DUBOIS A CROCKETT Room 3. Washington Bldg. 128 ACRES. 1 miles from Hlllsboro. a fine tract In high state of cultivation. 88 acres on one aide county road. 60 acres across road. 16 acres hops on each; county roads on three sides; will sell all or either part, or will trade city property up to $6000 on entire tract; couldn't be better for sub division; better look this up. HALL A ATCHISON. $1$ Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder St A GOOD COLONY PROPOSITION. 7628 acre In a body, good wheat or fruit land, ten miles from The Dalles, railroad and running water, several S9ts of buildings: 2200 acres In wheat now-, considerable more ready to seed; will sell all or part, reasonable with good terms. ALSO 1100 acre In a body, wheat or fruit land, three miles from The Dalles; well watered and fenced; 80 acres set to fruit; 6j an acre: extra good terms; nicely located for platting. Address McClay A Simon- son, 117 Bl. -to. St.. 1UB J. .-ilea, v.. FOR BALE Fine Eastern Oregon wheat farm of 1336 acres; 1150 acres in culti vation, about 500 acres perfectly level, balance a little rolling; 520 acres seeded to wheat and 330 acres ready for Spring seeding: well fenced; deep soil, no rock; two house and large barn, windmill and plenty of fine water: only 4 miles to rail road and mile to school. Thla land lie In two tract of 1006 and 330 acre; will ell together or separate. Price, $25 per acre, on very eaay term, from the owner direct. T. H. Littlehalea, Forest Grove, Or. COAST STOCK RANCHES. Lincoln County, Oregon. 152 acrea; 60 acre in pasture and hay: house, woodshed, barn 20x3O; S sheds, 16x46' wire and post rail fences; large stream through ranch; price $3000; Two 160-acre ranches. 2 set buildings, all well watered and Improved; all join 47S acres fine outrange: prlco $9500. Apply to H. C Starr, 265 10th St. and CoL. city. " - . ...... .AW PPTfl. t1R 160 acre of first-class fruit and farm land, best of soil; no stone or gravel. 10 acre well cleared, email house, well and spring; only 14 miles from railroad station: 80 miles from Portland. For only $15 per acre; terma Here Is a .nap; must sell to settle estate. Room 3. WashlngtonBldg BEAUTIFUL 10-acre home, on water, near coast, well Improved; 8-room modern house, water, bath and sewer; half level, rich garden and celery ground, no lrrl ratlnn needed; near town and depot; boat landing on place; good stock range adjoining- easy terms; might take small place , near Portland, part exchange. $3000. f .vs. ur-guui. ; AM no farmer; have 412 acres 2 miles Vina Cl.. under Irrigation; black loam soil 25 000 peach and almond trees all bearing, lflb acres alfalfa. 6 cuttings year not un common: last year crop sold for over J16 000, will dispose half or oil. long time. IV) ocre. Postofflco box 752. Red p. luff, cal FARM Ol 1 U" in. iii"ui. nrovementa and farming utensils com plete; horses and cattle listed olso; por tion of household furniture Included In purchasing price; easy terms; will accept Portland property In port payment; will give bank reference. Inquire of day clerk OI Hotel rnfc. i . ',.'- i. m, eoAO J JO-At-tvc r An.u -' , ...... $350 cash, balance 3 years. 7 per cent: . 8 miles from Vancouver, on a good coun try road and close to schools and churches and a small country town; all level and free from rock and grav.-l: good water. good neighborhood. O 713. Oregonlan. for SALE 80 acres. 25 miles north of Portland- 10 acres In fine state of culti vation all easily cleared, plenty water, no buildings. 2 miles of R. R-: $1000. JSsy term.; will discount for cash. B 634. Oregonlan SMALL farms, profltablo prices in "Na tkuvs Garden Spot" Eastern N. . C.; salary men Investors and farmers write for in-t.rV.t!n- details. Carolina Trucking De velopmVnt Co.. 616 Southern bldg.. Wll mlngton, N- C. - ANOTHER SNAP. KitxL acres, one mil from Cathlamet, county seat of Wahkiakum County. Wash ; nice view of Columbia River; good soil; no Improvements: a snap at the price. 50 Goddard. 2.-.3 Wash. t,. room9. an ACRES. M mile from station; good .orlng and small creek: rich soli: fruit and vegetable.: only $1600. Might consider man house on East Side. Homestead Realty Co., 102 Second mu OREGON-Resources and'bpportunltiea. Send 4 cts In stamps for book- w th maps, homestead laws, etc Oreg-on J arms , Co.. 417 Kothchild bldg.. Portland. Or. Deal er. In farms, orchard.tracts. ranche.. etc. bTaCR-BS. Polk County. 13000: house, bam. orchard, rural delivery ; opt lot part payment Owner. 1030 lor Oranu, THE SPRING RUSH IS COMING. . ADJOINING WOODBURN. 159 acres, adjoining City of Woodbum. lio acres In cultivation, running water and good buildings. $114 per acre, half MILES FROM PORTLAND. 14.43 acres. 12 acres clear, balance sec ond growth timber, near Garden Home: two railroads, living spring water, land comparatively level. Price $375 per acre; terma. A BEAUTIFUL RIVER FRONT. 40 acres, on Willamette River, at New berg Ferry, H4 -miles from Newberg. 30 seres cultivation, house, barn and running creek, worth $250 per acre, our price $500U, half cash, balance 8 years. PLAT THIS. 229 acres, all in cultivation, $80; half mile from Oregon Electric; adjoins S. P. R. R., 3 miles south of Gervais; easy terms. R. A. KIRK ft CO.. 817 Lewis bids. THINK OF IT. FINEST OF IRRIGATED LAND. $40 TO $73 PER ACRE. 31 TEARS TO PAY FOR IT. The State of Victoria. Australia, Invite you and offers bona fide settlers ready made irrigated farms in the fertile Bone burn Vallev. Finest of climate (like that of California). Owned by the atate and sold direct to settlers $40 to $75 per acre nBr.hiB in til xl. virs Water cheap and abundant State owns tho railways. Fine markets. Fullest information can do talncd by addressing TUB PBCK-JUDAH CO.. 301 Oak St., Portland, Or. Agents for the Land Dept., Stato af VICTORIA. SPECIAL bargain in a highly Improved 20 acre farm, up the valley. 25 miles from Portlund, all rich black soil, fine spring, running water, new house and barn. -v.iML..-. -l-ntv of frott. 2 miles from town and R. R.. 3 cows, span of good horses, harness, wagon and buggy; all farm tools, 60 chickens. , Price $H00, part cash, bal. 6 per cent: another farm of 6 acres in the Tualatin Valley. 15 miles from Portland; good 6-room house and barn, orchard, fine creek. Price $4200. A fine suburban home of 7 acres; .-room modern, hard-finished house; 5 acres In young appie orchard, of the best varieties: 500 feet from station and 10 miles out on West Side. Prlco $4000. want an onei. Aihp Bmnll farma. hlchlv improved, with good orchards and buildings, in the Tualatin valley, witnin Aa mini . land. W. H. LANG A CO.. 414 Ablngton Btllldinir LOOK AND READ. K acres A blocks the main streetcar line all level and free from rock and gravel; thA soil fa of n dark loam and very deep; adapted for berrrlea and vegetables; this is one or tne most signtiy ntue uu..eo the country: good water and close to churches and schools: H mile from the finest macadamized roads in the country and only one mile to town; there is some cleared and the rest can bo cleared for $15 per acre and will produce jio worm of strawberries per acre yearly; It is fenced on three sides; price $io0, $400 cash, balance in three years, 7 per cent. R 711, Oregonlan. i, tvlliL sen my iruii i-uci. w . I have SO acres. 2 miles from railroad now building. 40 cleared, 30 In cultivation, 5 in apples and prunes, $300 worth of good rencing, smau nouse, s"a . well, spring and creek on place; on coun ... , A -in from PnrllAnd. eleCtrl transportation; fine red-shot soH, 1200 feet elevation, good drainage; $50 per n knnnnA a voarm V 70H. acre, uuw , w . j- Oregonlan. . ,. i . -iX.Aliiiatir free 40 AUri3, ail level nun . j from rock and gravel; 7 acres under a . . , ,..i.i...i . ionn corns of good green nr wood standing on the bac- end ol tne place; a boo- " " " " "- " -house on a good country road. 2 mile to ,i , ..i .. .in . schools and churches and In a very thickly settled neighttornooa; rurai ire u-mv-aj-. Is of a dark loam and very deep, which la - j m I 1 4-,,t oni VPB-f tftDlea: ouapi.o "'""- J -"- v." ..,, c lt is locate- o nines i. win - i price $3200, hi cash, balance In 3 years, 7 per cent. -n .A, ihbw",. j i i . n. v ' t. -. . ... 820 acres; 100 plbw land, balanca open brush and timber; all tillable when . a ia t AAo-, ln (t-lllf In IfV. Ciearea, tu acre, uouwu. - grain and hay land; rolling, not rough, no Bione or wu.i- -u , -' " prin&s and well; jcood farmhouse, grood barn, orchard, 2 miles from station, near towns, horses, cows, goaio, . . . i , I -. - Vi miH f 11 m I ahpfl ! piemen is , naai p i , chickens, etc.; price 50 per acre; terms anH miTiAil fltfl TiOSSeSSlOn KiVCU. of. It. - r -.K ri- -lUtttll! IIA-MA.---".. i jA-n AX a iii'i. r.cres; 80 acres in cultivation; $4500 rTF a n n rrTT T c? house, biff barn, will hold 20 cows, 75 tons nay; water in pwniui-, n- wi-n.-, all fenced; span young horses and other i- . 1 1 , nn Pittf. cnnii eniintv BLOCK, , iiiii-a lii cpi" va., , " road; easy driving distance or Portland; Can DO SUDUl Viueu Ul tl.o. rvv a. proposition. Tl?is place Is for sale at a Selling prtUC; Will "CH vri a v.. ticulars see Beldin & Beldin. Arlota. Or. tv a ir V FARMS 0?J COLUMBIA RIVER 1 7!. --- mostlv cleared. 60 acres brush, Rood 6-room house, concrete foun dation, building new $1000 barn, old barn. outbuiminfES. a acres n- j orchard, 4tf bead of stock, all necessary larm macninerj, t This place is J-o nm n. v.. -land, on banks of Columbia River; no bet ter land on earm. CHAPIN & HERLOW. na5-33S Chamber of Commerc. FINE farm for sale, in Polk Co.. the famous Shadeland farms, containing S1 u acre over 200 under plow, balance fine oak: new house, good buildings and nev lences, rum-inn "wv ." ., pasture 8 years Is rich and equal to new Will STOW u. -" ---.ri. .!- lno faeTTl- OnlV SOO Per eie, oujv, , - he "at $100: owner retiring. See timber C. D. NAWIR. Amity. Oregon. Route 2 i, , icni?a For ale by owners: 24 acre 2H ml1" from Oregon t.ity .o wi- r-- iruui "l & , inPpH -nn in cultl- Bornoou, .-.-- k , .on On vation. No waste land. A l.oil. On ma n road. Cream route. R. P. D. and telephone. No buildings. Good fence; hi fr . oort .i-hoal. Price :00. Come out and we will show you. Address Ouff oul o..u rirciron Cltv. Oregon. P1'" T.." a. F. b. 1. No in w ocents. --. a -T-T r. i - A X r T . A 'VTT 60 acres, all in cultivation, on the Ba: Iem Electric, i:" mn-s acres' the finest of beaverdam; onions grow here to periecuon , guuu "r'-' on.on-hou.e. 1:S: clTkens: all farm implements; price is right; RBAD & CO., 810 Board or iro-e. .V,eir-a a'tjiAT. FARM on the Willamette River, near fealem. 00 acre In a good hop yard; 200 acres is acre, in t r . . ., d cultivation, part m grain; 2 good house, l", .u... .,.k,,n,Mnir: land is a rich black loam: price for a short time. $15 W. H. T.ANO CO.. 414 Ablngton bldg. Half mile from Wllsonvllle and electric line. 15 mile, from r imafl orchard. 42 acre, in cultivation, bal- ,aenaCm horse..' thr'e. cow." aSdall tools and implement, ko "T0 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. - 1 X - - r-ir-r irn V V" XT oaa nrrpN Alfalfa land, on MW rnnri outsicl ranee. 40 jonn Va v,rtr- -ood buildings, rmp?emlent,l.to- run place: Tn fact every- De sold at market price) in Price of $0 Pf . ?5 ,i -.CVX "'"'A of Tra5e hid r. 7.1VMn-MA'-.. o.v " ' , .TTpkfs 2 miles from good town, up the 17 ACRfcr., mue miles, all the ' Vrv hest oll no waste land, fine creek, Xood well house and barn, excellent loca f. - Ier? ln cultivation. Price $1300. "v-. - - xi t Avn a. ro.. 414 Ablngton Building, 575 SALE Farm, two miles from Tam FOK. SyL"ri.. ii in cultivation: h'1' KJ" 1. imneoirementR: ISO acres in i . Joid buy at $22,500. Write Chas. . -vvalker. Forest Grove. Or. , irnR dairy and fruit ranch, -mlle hina.r SalaS.c. 7ong, time. If you want a snap. this is it. -ii a.- nr.- T- a T fOT A TXT. will sell at a sacrifice a fine farm of 200 acres, mostly an n v-. u .."'. . a owner, a uuieco , ... . i ,a it to. ee Pnrl 120-acre aairy i-.i- in '"''v. - land- well Improved, for $7000. on terms ?.M.' Howard Land Co.. 420 S wetland bldg "75 a i i v Rellnoulshment claim, 160 acres, cheap for cash. AX 718, Oregonlan. WASHINGTON AND OREGON FARMS. Five acres. 3 acres under cultivation, all fenced, some timber; land all slopes to south; house, barn and woodshed; mtlo from railroad; 14 miles from Portland: fine soil, good well, close to school and store; price $1300, terms; all household goods included. 20 acres. This fine little farm consist ing of 20 acres of good land, all level and IS acres under cultivation, good 6-room house, with fireplace, nicely painted and papered; good orchard of assorted fruits, apples, cherries, berries and other fruits, good well with abundance of water, fine garden fenced with picket fencing, farm all fenced with good fencing, barn 80x34 with sheds, woodshod. apple house and other buildings, on main county road. SO rods from graded school, lhi miles from electric line and small town. 2 miles from river and R. R.. in good neighborhood, only 6 miles from Vancouver, Wash. This Is a fine little farm and i cheap at the price, $3300; terms. 40 acres, about 1 acre under cultivation. 8 acres easily cleared; some timber; Ilea fine; small orchard, about 8 acres of fine bottom land, only 12 miles from Vancou ver, Wash., 114 miles from small town. In a good locality; price $1800. 81 acres, with 2o acres .under cultiva tion; some good timber; all fenced and cross-fenced, well drained: lies level, fine soil; 3 wells, close to store and school, R. F. D., good 5-room house, barn 50x00, family orchard; 24 miles from small town. 18 miles from heart of Portland. Personal property: Two good wagon. 1 light and 1 heavy; 2 hogs, 2 cows, culti vators, good horse, some feed and hay: price $0500, $3300 cash, balance 3 to 5 years. 135 acres. 30 acres under cultivation, more easily cleared; some good timber, all fenced with good fencing; good 7-room house, good barn 48x56, all necessary out buildings, some land slashed and seeded Into timothy pasture; 2 miles from rail road and good town: this is a good farm, located in a good farming section, and the price la only $6300, terma THOMPSON & SWAN. 206 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland, Or., bet. 4th and 5th on Washington St.. and 6lh and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. 61 ACRES. 18 miles south of Portland on good county road. 2 miles from railroad and boat landing; a very sightly place, close to church and school and with prosperous farms all around it; very good soil, no rock or gravel; 46 acres in high state of cultivation; 5 acres good timber and bal ance siasbed and seeded, good spring and well water; place is fenced and cross fenced, has good 7-room house with pan try and porches, new, large barn and other good outbuildings; 2 acres in good bearing orchard, principally Winter ap ples; good buggy, wagons and all farm ing machinery, also 3 horses and R Jer sey cows go with the farm: price $10,000. half cash, balance at 6 per cent: might accept good Portland property as part payment. KATJFFM ANN MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT CARE FULLY. 100 acres, all in cultivation; crop now in w-heat, oats, clover and timothy; 20 miles from Portland: board walk to Ore gon Electric Railway, on good county road: has splendid house and barn and outbuildings, good fences, new machinery, 4 horses, one span worth $000, wagons, plows, etc., all new; in fact everything needed to run an up-to-date suburban farm; price, including everything, $180 per acre; $S000 cosh, balance 7 years, $ per cent. . CHESTER H. STARR. 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. 206 ACRES Of good soil, hi mile to railroad. 1 mils from Marcola, 20 miles from Eugene, on Mohawk River bottom. 35 acres under cultivation; about 72 acre bottom land, balance first bench; land ia fenced and there are two good wells and several springs: good graveled county road, 1 mile to high school at Marcola, 4-room box house, 2 good barns and other out buildings: about 2 acres of young trees about five year old; price only $25 per acre; terms. KAUFFMANN MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. ONLY $50 per acre, Solano County, near I..IXOU. greac uuirji.ijs vemei wi iiuuii.1,1 California; 8SO acres rich, level, sandy loam soil; splendid for alfalfa; plenty water; electric power for pumping; lights: splendidly located; 3 frontages on main road; will make Ideal dairy ranch; fine for subdivision: only $30 sere; adjoining lands held $100. For information, box 54. Dixon, Cal. Miscellaneons. FINE 8-room house, modern In every way. almost new; large lot; win nave to se lf to appreciate it; walking distance and near high school. Fine new modern house, E. 27th St., 7 rooms, fine lot, $3500; $1000 cash. Three fine lots. East 23d St.. $4500; small payment down. Fine block. East 26th. near Division, only $10,000; worth $13,000; must be sold at once; $3000 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years. Good house. 7hi acre, ground. $2750; $1000 cash, good buy. Fine 24-acre tract, lot. of good timber. 200 yards from station, on electric road; will trade for Portland property: thi. land lies 13 miles from Courthouse and has running water. Fine 3-acre tract, all in cultivation, 0 or 65 fruit trees, mostly all apples, out 2 years; will commence to bear next year; this place lies 1 Vi miles from car llne; 15c car fare: train every hour; will trade for house and lot and pay difference. CHARLESON CO., 411 Commercial Bldg. FINE 20 acres near Wltchazel, all good land easily cleared. 40 acres of timber land for sale cheap. We have a fine mining proposition ready for machinery; the par ty needs money and offers a good bar gain to the right parties. Suite 405 Labbe bldg. Phone Main125i; ' WE have for sale 200,000 acres choice Brit ish Columbia land, located on new Grand Trunk Pacific Transcontinental Railway, on eaay payment plan; write for prospec tus: agents wanted. Canadian-American Realty Co., Victoria, B. C. FARMS WANTED. IF you want to list your farm or acreage, write us for information concerning our llBting plan. The land speculators are getting large money for "promise farms"; why should you not get better action for your de veloped one? Write Ziddell & Co. for Information. 313 Spalding bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED Farms. I want a good im proved farm; location cuts no figure; must be bargain: I have fSOOO cash; will assume. Give complete address. S 71U, Oregonlan. , FARM property wanted: only exclusive contract for quick sale considered; w have tho buyer. If you want to ell, see or write us. Hall & Atchison, 213 Oor linger bldg.. 2d and Alder. HAVE a fine 40-acre alfalfa ranch near Boise and city property worth $11,000 for a good timber claim. Pay difference In cash. F. FUCHS. 22H4 Morrison Street. FARMERS We have buyers for farma If you want to sell, call or write us. WESTERN LAND CO.. 24814 Stark St. FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY ranch of 30 acres, 10 miles east of Courthouse; 12 milking cows; 5 heifers. 3 horses and all Implement necessary on farm to lease for five years: tenants must show financial security for stock and lease: must apply personally or by maiL go4 inurumn ol. j. ji,,i-bi". S00 ACRES. 70 in cultivation, house, barn and orchard; $200 per year. In advance; near WllBonvllle. on Willamette River. R. A. Kirk & Co.. room 817. Lewis bldg. ORCHARD of 4000 trees, tenant must show . financial ability to handle It. Apply R Chllcott. 205 McKay bldg. 4oTacRE farm for rent. 2.1 acres tn hlrh , state cultivation, good buildings, large or- ' chard. 417 Board of Trade. , WASTED TO RENT FARMS. j'wANT to lease Improved 5 to 10-acre tract for one year, with privilege of buying; must have house and not too far from electric line. Write AM 716, Oregonlan. DAIRYMAN and poultryman wants fur nished dairy, 6 to 12 cows, or large poul try farm, on shares. J. A. Plopper, .13 East 11th St.. Portland. WANTED To rent a farm with privilege of buying. X 712, Oregonlan. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED A couple of good timber claim or relinquishments. 6.000,000 feet or bet ter. V 717. Oregonlan. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCrackoo, 304 MaKay bldg. WAXTEP -TIMBER -ANI8. OWNER will sacrifice 160 acres fine tim ber near Goulers Hotel. Trout Lake. Wash. AL 717. Oregonlan. ' TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C 3. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS, homestead reUns uioa ment. 210 Worcester bldg. V