r ifi" i i e- i . i MADRAS. OR. After looking over the Deschutes conn try. UTuuri of brt Judgment Invariably m back to Madrae lo buy. for It u a readily acce-pted fact, after examination, that lha aurroundinge of Madras ara mora conducive to the development of a good s:sed city tbaa i-y other point aiong tne OnriQ Track Una. Tha Hill people bar pitted seven acre In BxlOO lot along Lha depot grounua. will aril you lota surrounding this business center tintu tha Orat train arrive (Fob- 10) for flu each; tarma If desired. Business men of Madras ara buying now and mora lota hav been Bold hara tha Uat X daya than In all tha paper towne In Crook County, call and (at colored folder (hat tells about tb-la Daw city on two new rail road la a new empire. Boom $3$ Kail way .txchang bldg. $100,000 la to ta apaot In double-tracking- Pandy Road la lrlL bandy Road will be wtd aoad and hard-surfaced to 72 J at., on of tha principal atraata In Gregory Heighta. if you have not already bought, do so NOW; $2-o will buy a (Ina lot: 110 cash, S par month. All lota ara high, cleared, laraj and piped wth Bull Run water, com out today. Taka Rna City Park ear at Atb and Wash. Hide to end of Una. CREOORT KV. CO. SPECIAL OFFEI'.S. 4WxlAcy. E. 27th N. and Sumner. $350. lo-xloO. Del ware and Amaworth. K-XX Uolena and Alameda, $1.. e"iHH), E- 2oth X and Stanton. $1400. ooxioo. Height and Jeaaup. $1. "". IT-.'a !). E. Burneicte and !t. $:i""0. 1o.iv. Williams and Sumner. $4.'.'0, 83x6-0. 7th and Harrison, 10xlit,. Meade and Front. I10.JOO. 2oix-.".. Mll-auki and south ava, U '"-i. luU-100. Hit North. $30,000. VEKOIANTS SAVINGS 4; TRUST COM PANT. SONS VERT GOOD PIY6. $0x100 n Roe City Park. $623; term. tll0 la Hossmere, $775: esy tarma. l-'xi.w) In Laurelhurst. Ilo": worth lloOQ. aoxino In Laurelhurst for 4 '-'SO ox loo In Creelon. on carllne. $600. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT. I hava two lota clu to Kllltngawortn awa. and Union ave. Will aell for ll-OO, U. Da YOUNG. 43J Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 1 If AVE A BLOCK CONISTTNn Of SO lOTS, 0-rt0 EAi.'R: Jl.S't TUB THIN' TOR A HOJIEBl!UK.K TO HI"Y Ort CITABLE FOB AN INVESTMENT rt-NlS lit A htM'ICATE. TOTAL. PRICE I14.IW. ONL.T CAaU KEQCIRXD TO Ra. ui.E im.. N aTa. Oraconlan. WII.UAMKTTB UEIOBTS BAROAJN. 60x112 lonktn north diwn Rugby at.. fr only SutK On block from car. among fine homee. and haa onomrocted lew of rlar and mouutaina. Thia would ! yovl a wonderfully fine Tlew and eo r.ow to good car aervlre. Mike a pay ment on tela and build when you (at ready. CJIAPIV TtERLOW. t"t2 Chamber of Commerce. St'I ON TUB I'tXISil'LA. Ttere la no part of Portland where tha future outlook la aa bright, where the ad eaafa In values wtll be aa great In a few yeaxa aa en the peninsula. X can aell you lata In University Fark on easy terms that will doable In price In a few ) ears' time. Bay now both for noma and Investment t. C. IWIVLES. Nafthern Hill Station. VHane Woodlawn 11-. IITII AND SCiail.llK STS. Veautlful corner lt IVtX at end of Vhuyler on 2tth. with an elegant view west on shuy.er. Broadway cr pas-a tha propertj": eeiet netgaborhood. atth fine and eoetiy bomea all around It Bet ter buy thia for a sue t. build that home ea you Intend to build In the Brrtr.c For price and terms call on C . P( ' Co.. suite Mulkey bldg- Id and Morrl- SAJE rtPECUl-ATION. Wa will ai'll cbol-e residence and miel aeaa lota at the bumncM renter- of the Peainaula at the lowrst prices, on terms Of one-ellLh cash, balance on or before B yeara Thluk of what thia property wtll b worth In Ova yeara from now. Hy making a amall pavment down you can at al thia Inrre in value. COS A MrKDVNA a; CO.. A tie M.tlri !... 617 Commercial block. EAJ-T SIDE BAKOAIN. A snap: rne cvrr.er. i4xltn. in restrict ed district. 4iJO: lots eround this are aell Ing; Snr 9il and eiMX; some tertra. Another good buy; block In Mt. Ta bor district. '20: Iota In this district are eelllng f.r :o: terms H casn: also luuxiu comer. I Jn. very easy tetms. A. H. Marker. "T Oerllnger blug. Pbone Main A Ijt VINOTON lot. ii'ilcH). on 31 St.. or Tillamook, for oaly J10O; all Improve ments In and paid for. It facea east, and thla price la 3W cisr the market. This is the best buy we know of In tha first-class district; 11150 cask seeded by owner. C H A FIN HER LOW. ! 2 Chamber of Commerce. McKENNA Jt-NCTION. S lota on Chautauqua Boulevard, a 10O. foot street, one block from Columbia Boulevard and MrKenna Junction. These lots will Tery soon be business property, each lot la :.1xU2 feet and the price ta only l00 each on terms. A substantial re duction for cash. COB A. M. KEXNA CO. IT Commercial block. A 2143. Main 4.'.2 rOH ilALE Will aell equity of In lota JT. JS. J and . block 1S1. I'nlversity Park, at face vaiue. balance of contract. eSS. payable 9:0 per month; lota bought 4 yeara ago and at above price are cheap est lots on the Peninsula: owner of euulty asks for no pront on the equity, as ha la leaving the country. V Tla. orcejonlan. IR V INOTON. Must raise aome money anl will aell tnv 2 corner lole on Stanton atreet. 2 Mocke from carllne. Sto. cash will handle thia will guarantee thia far be low market vaWe; all improvemenle In and bonded; 1111 assessments all paid. Phone owner. Eaat il and East -a. rXIVER-SITT PARK SNAP. Owner will sacrifice hia two beautiful lota, one block from car. on Howuln st , beu Haven and Ho-!ge. HI I Sxllo ea. h; for Use than other lots are selling for fur ther away from car. For further partlru lere call cn C. F. Pfl'icer at Co, suite 9 M-ilkey bug- 2d and Morrison. IRVINUTON I-T FN A P. IlVm. IUi loo. ea E. lith near Stanton St.. rwo bloc ks from carllna. on paved street. Price tl.l-'-u. t-rma H. P. PALMER-JONES Z 1 S 1 3 Commercl.il Club lit'lg. l'honea Main tXf' A .-a. EAST PIDE BAROAIN. Lavt gov loo on l-at 13th St.. beaut.' fal tocallon for apartment-house; can be had at bargain prire. It taken at once. HEVXIN fnHEMAfC.il. glv-;.t t-al? Pwetlsrd bUlg. IRVIN'JTON SNAP. Vrfhwest corner. tuvale. 3th and Klieeiltat; 1 block from Broadway car. I'rlro !. Alw J Icha. 1 block from W-W or. PrV 1:S each. OWNER. Bii BoarU of Trade. jftO choice lots at Tillamook Beach, ad ' joining railroad and ocean; price $17 each, part cash. blsnc $3 per month: owner neetls money. Telephone B Vol or AM Tl. liregoolaa. tinSE-C ITT PAItK BAKC.AIN. gOxloo near car; Improvementa tat4. Price Ao0: terma. B"3 Lumbermen bldg. Msrshall 15. A 83-43. . ITo Ht'If lot. o-foot front, 1 Mock north Hawthorne. a bargain; owner needs money. Chan. I. Lawn. 1 Commercial blo.-k. pnone Mim tjl p-r. frontage, fine view of mountalbg and iltv. rtrlct-l district; I'fc-0. part rish. M. T. Duffy. Cla Commercial block. FOR SALE At sacrin.-: lot on Woodlawn, StOO; Boulevard. I'Uv; Farrell. TO. rash or instv'menta. Owner. I'hona Woodlawn a-. Ifwwv-FI-Te a beaut'ful lot. SOvloo; harl sttrface streets; n'--e neichborho.d. on t Iavia near uvth street; goo-t terms. y3 c.Mich bl-1g. LONO-TIME LEASE, crxartera and alngla Iota cloaa In on West side. Vaaduya Walton. 113 Cham- k-r Commeree. EvjriTT In a eocie) RMgemo.-.t lot on Mount Tabor . . owner. 73 Swstlsnd Mdg. I Iri'iMi'NT lot. eort-.er H lmao and HalgV.t. east front. street lm;.rov emenl paid. I U K): cash. Z"-j Oerllnger bMg. two arr-a on the Height.: beautiful un obetrucfd view; cheap. W. J. Baker. Sia rtoard of Trade. YHK ROt"Eor ROSE CITT PARK. 1ims1o. Buy of owner. Benson at rTiapman;S:VaWaah. St.. room 310. (is DOWN and is per month: nice level lot. ta car. city wter. street gra led and paid. HI'H.ET. BISHOP gt M n.ASKKT. 113 30. V ACRE. Ho down and (1 per month, near (o car. cltv water, street graced and paid. TrTOLET. BISHOP M CLAjtLEI. 121 Id. TWO lota In Rosa Cny Park I1U1: oortier. f no place for a home; snap. Phono Main 1 1 1 COl'N'CIL i-'HFHT PARX. one block from ear- beititlful view; little over a lot; 11134. W. J. Baker. 81 Hoard of Trs.1. CaROALN - acre at Ients. 1H Phaava Marahall ik list Macadam Road. . I RF.AI. eTATE. ' f REAT, ESTATE. i ESTATE. I. f T i i . - I .,- I Tor Hnlo l.ota. I -...- I . rORTLAXD HEIGHTS. fznnn buys 100x100 on Elisabeth stroet. Thia Is a genuine snap. t3.vm Corner on Chapman, paved on one aide, cement walks each side: cheap eat corner for tha location on the Ilelghte. I72.-u Quarter block on Spring. Tory le view. fine glo.Dfto One of the most sightly quar ter blocks on lth at.: very commanding location and nnobstrucUbls now. KEASET. HVMASON" - JEFPERT. 2.12 Chamber of Commerce. Heights oltice. 20th and Elm, Open San day. Main 7031. NOTHING DOWN, rfnlverslty Park Is much In neja or houses for sale and houses for rent. In or der to help to supply this demand we will sell lots to any person who will build a house of five or more rooms, without any fiayinent on the purchase price of the ots for three years. You will get your deed now. You can make good Intereet from rents and you can sell for reason able prmlta. Coe A. McKenna A Co., A 2143. Main 4S22. 617 Commercial block. !1'M lAii OCIO. Pine Bxl00 comer, eloea In. East Bias; $isrw: some terms. 70x100. business property. East Gllsan; $2oi"K; terma ROxioo. on fnlon avenue, between Barrv alde and Morrlaon. with about 1300 building material: only 12.f""0: terms. DUBOIS 4k CROCKETT. Washington Bldg.. room S. KVERYBODT lae la having a clearance sale; come and ours; wa have a oanoh of odd lots In various part of the city, mostly with Improvements In and paid for. for which no reasonable offer will be refused. All wlthrn two blocks of car service. RABTt a PATTON. tj Lumbermen bldg.. 5th ana Stark. lHAU.l.Uti ni.Mr-Avjv.-.. .... A bnnch of lots OOalOO on South 2"th St. : terms 10 per cent cash, balance lo a month; building restrictions $1000; all of these lota have weet slope, with view of city; do not miss aeelng this property: wster in and streets graded ; price IdiS to I JOO, J. HAAS eV CO.. 817 Felling Building. NEW MA Pi I. Latest map of Portland. Or., grrtag lie sddltlona. eleotrlo llnea. eto. t. 13-rolie circle of Portland's surronnd tng giving townshlpa. rangea and seetiotj Bembere. new eleotrlo llnea and railroads, ate. price SO cents each. Bend stamp The Crossley Co. 70 corbett bldg. I WILL pay caah for one lot In Rose City Park. Give lot. Mock and price: If price la right, tha cash la yours. C "OS. Orego nlan. IRVrxOTON BARGAIN. $20. Lot Soxloo ft. on E. Ui-i. near Tilla mook St.; surrounded by handsome resi dences: all street Improvements In and paid, on carllne. Price 22k cash. H. P. PALMER-JON E.4 CO.. 21J-213 Comm.rcial Club Bldg. ' Main bdiM. A 2653. NONRESIDENT desires to sell beautiful ell-foot front-view lot commanding on obatrurtable view of mountalne and valley on Council Creet carllna; surrounded by beautiful homea; t;liW For particulars aiplv 1L Uoason. SdTl Belrldero ava., beat tie. OWNER SICK-HI" SELL. Two beautiful lota, east front. 60 feet from Waverly-Rlchmond carllue; sewer and other Improvements paid for. by owner- :rw lullrtlng restrictions. Price UO each, 'Writa or call at 1004 E. 13th st. North. BIOOEST SNAP ON MARKET Beautiful building lot near 2d ana Hawthorne avenue, best car service in cny: only $700 cash required; this Is tha biggest snap on the market. DEVLIN eV FIKKBAl'OH. BIO-31 1-.". 12 Swetland Building. A BARGAIN t cho.ee lots. 15x10. facing east, between Tillamook and Hancock, on East 27th. In a choice restricted district: price, for both. 2:i0; 1-3 caah. balance 4 per cent. McCargar. Bates at Lively. lit Falling bldg. VOCXQ MAN. LISTEN. If yow want to buy a lot on easy terms and save aome of your money. I can show you whera to make money. C. Da TOUNO. 4M Chamber of Commeroe Bids. BEAUTIFUL- 100x100 lot with fine modern bungalow with fireplace and all nna wood work throughout tha house; close to car line. In Woodlawn; I37JO If taken at once. David Lewis, room 3 Lumbermen a bldg.. 6th and Stark ate. IRVINOTON. TOxlOO ft. on E. 22d at., paved street, carline. well located. Price S2on. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-21S Commercial Club Bl'lg. Pbonea Main 8609. A 2633. BEAUTIFUL l-room bungalow, near Fir land atatlon. fine lot SOxlos. elect rlo fix ture, basement and everything flret-clasat terma This ta a fine homef furnace. HWLET, BISHOP at M'CLASKEY. lit td. EXTRA CHOICE LOTS. On and near Kiillngsworth ava.; for tha Investor or the . man looking for a fne building alts. I- E. Nlnor. 203 Ger- llnger building. Main 7311. EQCITT SNAP. 1 lot. Joining Belle Crest, 1500. 1 lot. Eaetmoreland. iU-0. - lots. Glen Haven Park. I1S0 each. PROWX STAVE R. (14 Couch Bldg. CAsli and tie per month; new t-room house, beautiful lot SOxlOO: fine view of mountains: double oonatructlon. fall bsss meet: 4 blacks car. lil-LET. BISHOP at M'CLASKET. HI d. " PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Exceptionally good buy. 300O: room for two housee with unobstructed view of en tire city. Room S-l Railway Exchange bldg. J37.00 ACRES Within milee of center of city: houee. barn and other buildings: old apple and cherry orchard: iv mlnutea drive; Usee dawn. Room 171 Railway Exchange bldg. XRVTNGTOX lot near Knott's- and Irving ton carllne. with aephalt streets, cement walks and curbs, watsr. sewer and gaa all Included at S1730; eaat facing; a snap. A. BACi.L'8. tl Board ot Trad bldg. EXCEPTIONAl7"BAROArN: MUST 'ELL 60x100 on the Peninsula; Portsmouth car 1 block; electricity, gaa. water. Price 1473. part caah. Owner. oO.l Lumbers nana bldg. 31 are fa ii ISoS. A tt343. BUSINESa CORNER. AJberta and 27:h. 11 lev; requires cash to complete residence. Inquire Ml E. list st. North. Woodlawn 3714. HofcE CITT PARK LOTS. 100-loo. close to car. worth 32000, V til serine for lldou. part terma. N. T. HALL. 321 Lumhermens Bldg. fltto BLTS a new 0-roora house. 1 acres, right on carllne: H mlia city limits, barn and chicken-house. lllOLil. BLSU0P M CLA8KET. II Id. WILL sacrifice Roeemere corner lot; fM0 net. Including Improvementa Had twelve celle last week and It muat go. Kobl. 213 Board of Trade. PORTLAND UEIOMTS PKOPEKT1. Homea. lots, quarter blocka. traeta aad acreage; all parte of helgbta. all vlewa aad pricee. some bsrgalna. Main a33L A 9aj A WILL sell my beautiful lot la Iturrlhurst. on Msrrtman Place. H block from 3Ionta vllia car. cheap. Owner, II East list sc. North. WEST" STPB APARTMENT CORNER. " on Tenth st. For full particulars aee Vanduyn at Walton, 618 Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP 6-room bungalow, almost new, full lot. price H2o0; lioO cash, J. Campbell. l'J E. Stark St.. and of M-V carllna. Phone Tabor 21; FOR SALE 41630 equity In lota, pen insula district, near carllne: will take 1 n 1 led Wireless stock part payment. O 7ol. orogonlaa. FINE LOTS IN HAWTHORNE. From 1 to 14 lota For a good buy see us. Benson ex Chapman. 320 H Wash, it, room 313 FOK SALE 40xloo root lot on E. 17th. be tween Salmon and Taylor ats: will sell at a bargain. AM 703, Oregonlan, 60vlo0 COR. Glenn near Hawthorn. 113.10, 100x120 cor. near Hawthorne car. I21uu. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce, foil 8AJ,E Whole block of fine lota on Patton avenue, at a bargain; owner A 704., Oregonlan. IRVINOTON lot two blocks from car, eaat facing, near Knntt st; ti32&. W. i. Baker, M Board of Trade. OT"for aale on Mississippi ave.. nsar p.usaeil. cheap, inquire A. R- Zller. 683 Williams sys. FOR SALE Lota ea Alberta St. Call JOI 4 Lb su. Mem L THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, POItTLATD, JANUARY 29, 1911. invi.oio.. $4300 1O0 by loo. on Thompson St.: Im provements all In and paid for; hard-surface streets; a snap. llC'.o 2f,th St.. ISO feet north of Thomp son: Improvements paid tor; (u0 below VaB7.0 Tillamook st.. near 83d; 60x100 fL choice lot; 3o0 cosh. LAUKELHURST. B50 Choice &0X.100-IL lot on paved treat; easy terms. , CHAS. Hi. SOLE R St CO, 211 Lewie Bldg. JXON-R EVIDENT writes to say he haa two lota In Hyde Park on which ho owes tszi. fayable $11 monthly: no Interest, no taaea. ie wants to sell at once, and wanta an offer for his contract. It costs nothing to make an offer on these lots, and It may secure yon a big bargain. Make an offer. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. SS Lafayette Bldg.. Washington and Sixth. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Choice tract of four acres; will make beautiful homeslle for one. or will subdi vide for several homea Close to car and very well situated in all respecte. This Is close In. Man-grade restdonoo property. For price and tci;ns see Jt. F. BHYAN, Main 1S. ROS Cham, of Com. A 1?:7. LOTS. LOTS, LOTS. Buy now. Lots 100. West Stark ami 62d streets, west of City Park, only lo minutes from Washington st. Beautiful view lota. Money-makera. Terms $2 per month. National rtealty at Truat Co., 8264 Wash ington st room 010. THE best buy on the Wert Side st the price. Th lot Is In a cilsh-claaa residential dis trict, and la close In and Just near enough to the carllne; lot la full slxed and all of the Improvements Including pavement, cement sidewalks, sewer, gas and water mains are Included In purchase price ot 31500: terms. B 711. Oregonlan. blOHTlY lot near carllne, Irvlngton. only $1250 plus bonded Improvements. A real bargain. Owner cannot meet payments. Also one or choicest 100x100 corners In Irvlngton only $3450. This Is 25 per cent under value. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. St Lafayette Bldg.. Washington and Sixth. SPECIAL BARGAINS. t?200 Best lot In Ladd'a Addition. IJOOO 100x114 ft., ML Tabor. $2300 Quarter In - Laurethurst. IlifcHI lOOxlOO, lionta villa. liJOO S-rooin house 2Wth and E. Msdlson. If you , want a bargain Investigate. K T1S, Oregonlan. Owner. B 85111. FLAT LOCATION. East Burnslde atreet. 60x100; street Is hard -surfaced: very choice district for apartmente or flats; price for ahort time $4130. terme. GODDARD WIEDRIenr, 6o4 Concord Building. OWNER MUST SELL. A corner on Roaelawn avenue, SOvW feet, near Union avenue; atreet graded and cement walk a In; nice neighborhood; price $ 1 .VK, but make a good offer. GODDARD WIKDRICK, 604 Concord Building. SANDY ROAD. Two of the best corners on Sandy road. Twenty-fourth and Twenty-f if th streets; fine flat altea; reasonable prlc and eaay terms. R F BRYAN, Main 13. 80S Cham, of Com. A li?7. $-5ou. BUSINESS CORNER. EAST MORRISON STREET. P. B. LENT. 417 CORBETT BLDG. Also have a snap In Irvlngton residence comer. BEST BUY EVER OFFERED. 8 fine adjoining lota. 33 1-3. loo each: best street improvements In and paid; 11 nunutea to Poatofflca; $2000 for quick aale. . C. I BAMBERGER, Main 248S. Room 2 Lumbcrmens Bldg. APARTMENT SITE WUARTEK BLOCK, looxloo E. 8TH ST. North of E. Burnslde, For particulars sea J. J. OEDEK. Cor. Orand Ave. and E. Ankeny. MAGNIFICENT homeslle on Portland iHelghts; a group of eight lots, right on carllna. In a district of large homes. This property lies beautifully and haa a splen did view with sunshine at all time; an Ideal site fur anyone who desires spacious grounds. Le Nolr 4c Co.. 519 Henry bldg. APARTMENT SITE. East 11th and East Ash streets: 50x.V. with old house; walking distance and close to carlines: Oat building would pay here; price $;isv. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 604 Concord Building. BARGAINS IN LOTS. In Irvlngton. Laurelhurst. el!wood and ether places, which ownera are willing to sacrifice. Sea me before you buy. I can aavo you money. A. M. BERRY. 4S5 Cham, of Com. Bldg. LRVINGTON DISTRICT. Choice building sites. 40 feet for $2100. o feet for $1100 ; 50 feet for $1700. South of Tillamook: on block from car. R. F. BUTAN, Main 1J. .105 Cham, of Com. A 1257. BEAUTIFUL CEDAR HILL. 60 feet frontage on Cactus drive .by 140 feet deep; an elegant view; very close In; price $7o00, half cash. GODDARD tc WIEDRICK, 604 Concord Building. A WIDOW La very anxious to sell her beau tiful lot on Rodney avenue, near Graahm avenue; 60x120. at tha low price of $2000 to cloae up estate. Who wanta It T GODDARD WIEDRICK, 604 Concord Building. FOR SALE at Model Stables. 40 head ot horses from 60v to 1500 pounds, ages from 4 to 10 years; all broke to any harness; aleo buggies, wagons, harness and carts; no eatra charge for trial hitches. 25 Xavla St. A 62'Ju. Main 647 SOMETHING CLOSE IN? 86x100 on corner East 22d and East Pine etreeta; atreeta Improved; price $oooo. good terma GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 6u4 Concord Building. HAVE paid $135 on 1100$ extra large re stricted lot. close In. has sine Increased ' $300 In value; will take piano, diamonds, or anything of value for my Interest. wood, owner, sio fpaiaing Ding PORTLAND HEIGHTS, near carllne on Ravensvlew Drive, surroundings beautiful, lot has a fine view and la on the aunny aide of the Heights, lot Is practically level and tha price lliuo; terma. B 710, Oregonlan. APARTMENT SITE. Beautiful lot on East Madison St., near 15th. for sale at a bargain; choice neigh borhood, only one block from church. Prlc $4000; good term AN 720. Oregonlan, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 2 excellent view lots on car line, only 18 minutes out; $130. tlK) cash, balance monthly payment. The Spanton Co.. VOW Oak st. CHOICE Irvlngton buy. Just north of Knott, on 21st; $14&o; small caah payment If de sired. C, L. BAMBERGER. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. IRVINOTON. Full lot on 23d street, close In, All Im provements In and paid; $1850; tarma, R. F. BRYAN. Main ll. 605 Cham, of Com. A 127. A BEAUTIFUL corner, DJxlOO. on Madron Hill, line ator or apartment site: Improve ments all In; price $:i40O, terms. Nlmmo Kuney A Co., Hamilton bldg. Open tiun daya UNION AVENUE. Choloa lot on Union avenue, south of Bolladay. $35; terms. R. F. BR TAX. Main 1J- 60S Cham, of Com, A 1!?7. CHEAPEST lot In Portland; 50x100. near Xiarr road and West ave.. 1 H blocks from new line ML Hood electrlo line to Broad way bridge; $371 a snap. W. I. Day, 218 Henry building. E, COUCH AND E. 1STH. Apartment-house site, 60x100 lot In fin locality: walking distance. bee this; $3.'ii): $1500 cash THE ejPA-N'TON CO.. ft Oak St. HAWTHORNE LOT. $6oO. 9260 cash and $lo meuthly, corner lot on 44th. near Hawthorne: snap for quick sale, Howard Land Co.. 429 Bwetland bldg. CHOICE! 60x100 on Portland Boulevard, near streetcar line; must sell at once; will take $060 cash. Call 414 Spalding bldg. TO LEASE On East Second street, iwxloo. a fine corner; will lease for a term of years for any suitable purpose. Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. OW'NER leaving city, will sacrince 4io0 corner lot 60x100. E. St. Johns Addition; cement sidewalk! $160 cash. $10 per mo. East 4831. 7sl B. Yamhill at, WEST PARK-ST. LOT. Cheapest lot left on this Invincible thor oughfare. Vanduyn Walton, 613 Cham ber Commerce. sTx lota on south side of Brooklyn street, between 23d and J.-th; $Soo each, on easy terma Owner. M 711. Oregonlan. OWNER must sacrifice corner lot, ( blocks south Hawthorne, on 4iUh; no triflera need answer. AL 718. Oregonlan. GOOD speculative buy on th West Bide In eloee-ln futur business property; $2000; terma K. 711. oregonian. IKVINOTON bargain; beautiful lot. near Thompson St.: improvementa paid; I210O. IK 717. Oregonlan. IRVINOTON lot. sightly lot. near Knott St. snd CSrllne. SU''. - LO, urrunwh BT owner, one of beat laurelhurst lots; eh eap. H lit, Oregon ian. TWO lota, each 60x100. on Ho carline, near eity; bargain. Call A. lo& FIRST TIME ADVERTISED. A beautiful residence lot located on East Side, close In, one block from car line High building restrlctlona Elevation about !t feet above atreet. All Improvements are In. Including asphalt pavements. Over 100 feet frontage. Corner lot. Price only $1490. Only $143 cash required, balance easy terma This, perhaps, sounds too good, but I am In position to deliver until the first at this price. Lot is really worth 2ooo, and a good buy at that; no agents. Main 17oa. No misrepresentations In this ad. Ask for Mr. Burllneame. NOW OR NEVER. HAWTHORNE LOTS, $SM0. Several people bought lots the last couple of dava, they know they will never buy at this price again here. Only a few steps from dandy, wide, paved, double-track Hawthorne. Terms $70 down and $10 monthly. You have made money the mo ment you buy. Take Hawthorne car, get off at 43d street, branch office on corner. PORTLAND-PACIFIC INVESTING COMPANY. 41S Railway Exchange. NOTICE. CONTRACTORS. Six residence lots In Portland's best district, 60x100 each, that I can sell for $7o.M, which Is 11320 under value; one or more houses must be built at once; only small payment required to handle; no trouble to sell house In this district. A.K 710, oregonlotK For Sale House. HOMES AT BARGAIN PRICES. $67.00 A beautiful home of S rooms and sleeping porch; all modern conveniences; furnace, fireplace, on a fine corner lot on Hawthorne avenue, close in; hard-suc-faced street, cement sidewalks, sewer, etc., all In. $4.100 6-room modern house, full base ment, every convenience and 66 2-8x100 lot in Portsmouth. This a fine district. $4O00 New. 6-room residence, with sleeping-porch, cement basement, furnace, and all conveniences; - hard-surfaced street and cement walks, sower and gaa mains In and paid for. $1000 down. Right on Belmont st. 8-mlnuto car service. $3.".o0 A beautiful home of 6 roma. with full paneled dining-room, built-in buffet, large alcovo room for sowing-room, ce ment basement, on a corner lot. 2 blocka aouth of Clinton at.. W. R. car; cement sidewalks, sewer, etc.. In and paid for. $000 down. $37Voo 7-roora modern house, within walk ing distance of town; convenient to Ti carlines; Improved streets, sewer in and paid tor; 1 block aouth of Hawthorne avenue. $3.1 IK) Will buy you two 5-room modern houses, with one house completely fur nished and rented for $20 a month, the other bringing $12 a month: on E. Dth street, $:oo down. ' Balance to suit. This property Is walking distance of town and convenient to cars. $2r,00 A fine 6-room home in Sellwood on Spokene ave., all modern, electric lights, porcelain bath, patent toilet, lavatory, and large washroom at back with chim ney. A fine home. THE LAWRENCE CO.. Successors to Dunn-Lawrenc Co. 248 Alder HU $7100 DOWN. HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT. Everything to make a fine home: new six-room house, hardwood floors. fire place. Dutch kitchen, full basement, about 400 feet from Hawthorne ave. The price Is only $3."00. Portland-Pacific Invest ment Co., 418 Railway Exchange. Branch office corner 43d and Hawthorne will ahow It to you. NICK 6-room modem house In high-class neighborhood on East Waahlngton at., S blocks from 8. S. carllne. has built-in buffer, Dutch kitchen, piped for gas and furnace, wired for electricity, haa full cement baaement. $1000 hajidles: bal ance $25 'per month, or will take vacant . lot toward first payment. For price and further partlculara call on C. F. Pfluger Co.. suit 6. Mulkey bldg, 2d and Morrison. THOROUGHLY modern 6-room bungalow. Sunnyside. near Laurelhurst Park, full cement basement and all 'convenlence-s; this was Intended for a home but the owner had to go to California. The price la $11300, and a well-located lot will be considered as first payment. It you are looking for something nice see this and end the search. The furniture can aleo be had cheap If desired. THE VAN DEHSAL COMPANY. 402 Corbett bldg.. Marshall 1720; A 1733. b-ROOM modern house In fine condition; West Side; $.10 per month; will leave steel range all connected up, 6-room modern house on Alberta car line; $20 per month, 6-room modern bungalow on Alberta carllne; $20 per month. Nice l-room modern hous on St, Johns carllne. $13 per month. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO., No. 13a First street. HERE'S something good: A beautiful new bungalow-house, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, basement, fireplace, paneled dining-room, beam , ceiling in living-room and dining-room, lighting nxtures in. all street Improvements In and paid and all go at the same price; must soil. See owner st 616 E. 4Cth it, N. or call Mar shall lt25. LOTS. 60x100 each, and a new, strictly modern house of 6 rooms, fronting on 39th street, near Division; atreet graded and water mafna laid and stone walks; full cement basement, best buy In city; price, $3600. W. H. LANG CO.. 414 Ablngton Building. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. An exceptionally beautiful 6-room bun galow with furnace, fireplace and every xnodern convenience, on large lot overlook ing the city: near the carllne, but no hill to climb; this will please you and cannot be duplicated at the price. $i,2o0, $2300 cash. The Spanton Co., 2A9 Oak st. 6-ROOM modern house on East 11th St.. In North Irvlngton Add. Lot 100x100, short distance from Union ave. and Alberta carllnee; full cement basement. Gas. sewer and electrlo lights. Price $3000: terms. Better see C. F. Pfluger & Co. about this at once. Stilto 6, Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sfs. I AM going to sell my 6-room bungalow. )f course 1 have a price, which Is $300 lower than It aold for 3 months ago. You look at it and mako offer. You will get It, regardless of my price. Here Is your chance. Don't pass It up. Oh. yes, the terms, you name them also. 47JO Wor cester bldg. AL 1840. t AM going to California and want to sell my 8-room bungalow home In the best location ot th Hawthorn district, one block from car. This Is a strictly mod ern home. If you have $1000 to pay down you can move right in. balance $3000: easy terms. H 712. Oregonlan. Portland heights snap, rrth and Elisabeth: beautiful modem 6-room house, level quarter block, all improve menta In, choicest neighborhood, grand, unobstructed view of city, for little more than prioa of ground; terms. Main 8331. A 88.10. m FOR SALE BY OWNER. Mighty pretty home, nearly new. full basement, furnace, wash trays. living room with fireplace, 4 bedrooms with large closets, trunk room. Holladsy Park. Easy walking distance. Price $4800. 1M cash balance good terma. AK 700. Oregonlan. IRVINOTON, nice 6-room house, lot 60x100 In olegaat neighborhood on East 10th St. walking distance, nice lawn, fruit trees and shrubbery- Price $3100: $1000 cash, balanc easy terma C. F. Pfluger aY. Co room 6. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. A PRETTY BUNGALOW. $6500 60x100, new, modern bungalow; gas. electricity. furnaoe. hard-surface street, choice residence district. West Bids. FRED C, KING. 814 Spalding Bldg., 8d and Washington. BROADWAY HOME. BOxlOO, comer. 7 rooms. Just completed, modem, full cement basement, furnace, fixtures, shades, tinted walls. 1 block car; snso at $3700; easy terms. Owner, 641IIamiltonblue;: FOR SALE New 6-room bungalow on East 11th and Hancock sta; corner lot; fire place, paneled dining-room, hardwood floor. 2 blocks from Broadway car. phone Esst 2227. IV ACRES of choice ground with modern, up-to-date 6-room bungalow, on good car line $3730, eaay tarma Call 414 Spalding bldg. fltr. 1 1 l c ncs c In Holladay Add., comer. 6-room mod ern house. 3 block from car, only $4100, with terma Zl M M ERMiAS, 810 Board of Trad Bldg. WANTED A 4-seated 30 auto aa first payment on a fine 7-room residence; give .. . i . i A- .. , n Tt eiC Ore onlnn Hill -)f-CTii" " I3000 Modern 6-room house, full lot. Cheap horn or good Income property. East Side. Close In, Phone Woodlawn 8049. ll'OO BUYS a neat 4-room bungalow, lot 47xl"S. onlv 4H blocks. 5c car; easy terms HIGLEY. BISHOP M'CLASKEY. 132 Id. $230 CASH-and-82S monthly buys modern 8-room house on comer lot. 1 block of car. Howard Land Co.. 420 Swetland bldg. IRVINOTON-- Charming, attractive home. 540 East 20th St.. near Knott. Phone Ev 4715. No agents; good terma I AM going to leave city: must sell my new, modem 6-room house. 1 block from car, terma Phone Main 6400. I4OO0 WILL buy 6-room modern North Portland residence worth $3000; terma J. W. Curran. Falling bldg. SMALL bungalow; must be moved off lot. Mt. Tabor Hts. Y 71T. Oregonlan. BARGAIN for cash, fin 6-room house and lot, $1600. Tabor 720. cTY.niviv tit ' vr: a t ow. Has large pleasant living-room, beamed ceiling and fireplace. Paneled dining room with window soat, cabinet kitchen with laundry tray and built-in Ironing board, full basement, furnace and plas tered frultroom. Screened porch and all necessary window screens. Very fine electrlo and gas fixtures, plenty of closet room, all window shades. nlco large porch. Cement walk In front and around house. Lawn all made, lots of choice rose bushes, fine dogwood, fir and horse ches nut shade trees. This artistic bungalow home Is situated on a full-sized lot, facing east. In the very best part of Rose City Park, and is absolutely the very best opportunity In the city to get a real home, all ready to move into at a sacrifice price; $3300; easy terma CHAPIN HERLOW. (D) 332-3718 Chamber of Commerce. FINE HOME IN IRVINGTON. 2-story 7-rooin modern house; has large living and dining-rooms, also den. pass pantry and kitchen: all hardwood floors, also fireplace; 4 nice rooms upstairs, also bathroom and sleeping porch. large attic; place Includes nrst-class combina tion range, also screens, all light fixtures and shades. Owner Is out of city and has wired me to sell place at once. Call on me, get key, look at It and make offer. A G271. Main SHOO. J. V. Guthrie, 84 4th street. Board of Trade. $6000 WALNUT PARK J6..00. JEFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. HIGHLAND GRADED' school. 6 car lines, restricted district, can you beat the combination? Lot 50x100 in ft oil-.- Ifnuu u rooms, sleeping porch. elegantly arranged, appointed and finisheir throughout, cement Dasemenv tum. nace. living room 18x28. big fireplace, dining-room veneer panelled, beamed, den, breakfast room, screened porch with French doors, 4 bed rooms, built by own er for home. Go see it 1140 Mallory. HIATT ft SIVWRIGHT. 604 Dekum Bldg. Main 2032. SNAPS IN HOUSES. 7-room strictly modern house, on Tilla mook st,; $3400. about $700 cash, balance monthlv. This Is a very desirable prop erty and In firs t-class neighborhood; bald surface street, cement sidewalks, etc A modem five-room cottage, not far out on Mt. Scott line, for $1800. terms about $800 cash, balance monthly. This la spe cially priced to sell. See It at once; rents for $13 per month. LAMBERT-WHITMER CO.. 70 4th St. 404 E. Aider S t. $1750 $2o00 $2000 $20.10 6-Rooms. 7-Kooms. 6-Rooms. 7-Kooms ALL new and modern In every way. bunga low style. These four houses are equally as good as buys as the three we sold last woek, are from $300 to $400 less than what others are asking for similar houses. Come In and see the photos and plans. Our houses sell each week as wo only list good buys. We make building loans. Phone us and got the location of the house you want, Marshall 2780. O. W. TARR, 209 McKay Building. COOK & TAYLOR'S SPECIALS. NOB HILL SNAP Beautiful 3-story 10 room house in best location In Nob Hill district, on lot 60xlOO for $12,000. About $4000 cash will handle this; balance mort gage to suit. Will take vacant lot In same section for part equity, or exchange for 6 or 7-room house in good section on East Side. . COOK 4 TAYLOR. Successors to F. E. Taylor Co. 402-3-4-6 Lewis Bldg. 8-ROOM new bungalow, beautifully finished; fireplace, furnace, etc., beam ceifng, pan eled dining-room, large light livTug-room. best plumbing and hardware, cement foundation and porch; a sightly place; If It were In Irvlngton $07i00 would not buy It. but the neighborhood Is Just as good and the price is right. Call me up about It Sunday. E. 2305 or 430 Worcester bldg. M. 1!40. BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. T rooms, 60x100 lot; Improvements in and paid; Berlin buffet and book cases, solid oak floors, baths, furnace, nreplacea, laundry trays, mirror doors, gas. etc.; terms $300 down, balance $25 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 826 Washington St.. room 610. BEAUTIFUL FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, close to Irvlngton; paneled dining-room with built-in buffet; fine reception ' hall, fireplace, bath, hardwood floors, fine kitchen, two large bedrooms, full cement baaement; Just completing this fine home and will tint it to suit you If taken at once; prlc $3730; terms to suit. Bay City Land Co.. 701-2 Spalding bldg. EXTRA FINE RESIDENCE. East 9th street, near Going street: 5 room strictly modern home, new. with full cement basement, fireplace, furnace, laun dry, buffet, gas and electric fixtures; larg veranda with cement columns and foun dation; lot 40x100; price $:I830, terms. GODDARD r WIEDRICK, 604 Concord Building. . A SUNNYSIDE SNAP 6-room modern house with double lot, near E. Morrison and 81st sts.; fireplace, large bath, plastered throughout; base ment, 7 large fruit trees In back, lawn In front; Improvements all paid; price $3oU0, half cosh; reason for selling, going to the. old country. Call Sunday, East 20o3, Monday, Main 201 b. . z r . . . . . 7w"w"7TTTj -7uk piyti O I". 1 HA blUluc, j.cw.i.-. liIand new, double construction, sleep ing porch, full cement basement and every built-in feature: bedrooms and closets are extra fine. This Is best built house In Portland for less than $3000 and I can prove It If you will look It over A bar gain at $3730. See Askwlth at 106T Clinton it. Take Richmond car. Phone Tabor 2b32. I HAVE 4 bungalows, ranging In price from 2.",00 to $3RO0: can take small payment down and balance to suit.- If interested, call A 6271, Main 8000. Ask for Mr. Carlton. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $500 CASH. Every built-in feature, full cement base ment and sleeping porch; on East Port land Heights corner lot. This is a snap for aome one; price $3300 with $300 street Improvements paid. See Askrwith, 106T Clinton st- Take Richmond car. Phon Tabor 2S52. , . EAST TAYLOR AND EAST 17TH. A splendid bargain; 8 rooms with fur nace, full concrete basement and modem every way: Improvements all in: walking distance and near school; $4350, $1550 cash. THE SPANTON CO.. 2 Oak St NEW, modern home, with every conven ience; 8 rooms. This Is V4 block from Union ave., near Russell st. Wo must move this at once and will take a cot tage or good vacant property in part pay ment. Soe attorney, 414 Spalding bldg. ,.,1'IVITAV D1PL' WOMM New, modern 5-room house and three lots on80th strset. with Improved streets, will b sold at sacrifice on terms: price $Sf00. Howard Land Co., 420 Swotland bldg. ALBERTA DISTRICT. $2700 for a new 6-room, one block from car; all modern and finely finished; if you want a fine home this Is one of the nest bargain In the city. Small payment down, bal. terms, owner, oo Bum sc. 6-ROOM house In Lents: plastered ; 2tl young fruit trees, lot 125x100; berries of all kinds, grapes; house nearly new; valua $000- will exchange for small farm with in 16 miles ot Portland. I: 716. Oregonlan. EAROALN New 6-room bungalow. 2 blocks from Rose City car, one block from Laurelhurst; fireplace, built-in bookcases, linen closet, all modem conveniences, large attlo, fin view. Owner, Tabor 1101. 1 WILL trad my modem 8-room cottage on fine view lot, close to good car, for a piece of acreage within a reasonable distance from Portland. Call 414 Spalding bldg. . ..T ...... r- t VT T T 17 I VC.T( I V I have several built for homes, which can be bought for what they cost. A. M. BERRY. 435 Cham, of Com. Bldg. FOUR BEAUTIFUL homes, elegantly finished, oak and ma hogany, choice locations. Irvlngton. C 1S66, I. am ia. rw b" - $100 CASH, balance like rent, 5-room bun galow, select district, fine fixtures, ter raced lawn, close In. $2300. Phon own er. B 2037: Tabor 12S8. MODERN nine-room house and 4 lota Sox 100 E 40th and Division St.. one block west of Mt, Scott car line. Very reasonable terms. Tabor 1464. B 2597. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. One of th finest homes In Irvlngton. $1000 below cost. Terms. AB 716. Orego, nlan. . giDOO NEW modem four-room bungalow with bath, pantry, full basement; terms. Emll P. filovarp. 618 Henry bldg. FOR SALE! A new 6-room house, with barn, lot 75x100; University Park, few blocks from car line. Inquire 60 N. 3d St. LRVINGTON Best buy for the money. 483 East 17th St.. near Thompson. Phon East 894 If Interested. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest 8 room house In Irvlngton. 486 E. 20th St. w. can ajio. IRVINGTON Only 11000 cash: swell new home, choice location, near carline. Con sult owner; no agents. AE 716, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM cottage, modem, 1 block from Mon tavllla school, $1650. $15 per month; by private party. Phone Tabor 172 . LOT S3 1-3x150. 6-room house. 342 Eu gene or Inquire 336. Wa1klngdl8tance. CHOICEST home In Irvlngton at scrlflc. Main 2488. A STRICTLY MODERN HOME, IX RESTRICTED DISTRICT, MONT A VILLA. $30 PER MONTH. ONLY $2850. Pay $100 down and $30 a month (which includes Interest) and I will give you the best residence proposition in .ast Portland. . , , House modern In every way; big log fireplace, beam celling, set-In bookcases, full basement, wash trays, etc., etc Full-sixed lot. Within two blocks of the Montavilla carllne and within two blocks of the new Mt. Hood electrlo railway, which puts this property within 20 minutes of the Union Depot. A. N. Searle. Take MV car, get off E. 76tli st. Office on tha corner (open Sun- day). NICE HOMES AND CHEAP. READY FOR YOU- ... . Brand new 6-room bungalow, one block east of Union avenue, only 12500; $000 down, bal. like rent, Nice brand new 5-room bungalow. East Flanders, I2S00; $300 cash. bal. as rent. Fine 7-room. new, modem bungalow. 3 blocks of Union avenue; $3300; $1000 cash. bal. to suit. Nice 6-room modem house. East Fland ers: hard-surface Improvement included; $3500; lot alone worth $2200: terms . v DUBOIS & CROCKETT, Washington Bldg.. Room 3. - ELEGANT HOME. New mod-crn B-room H4 -story home, with Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, pan eled walis and beamed ceilings In dining room: inlaid linoleum; shades, furnace and modern plumbing; fine location; good surroundings; price $3500: terms. Call at Gregory Hgts. office, end of Rose City Park carllne. GREGORY IXV. CO. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. A Hi-story bungalow with 6 rooms ana sleeping porch, large living-room, with fireplace, paneled dining-room with a beautiful built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen in white enamel, cooling closet; full ce ment basement with laundry trays; . large bedrooms with good closets, on full lots; this place Is double constructed and the finish is the best; $3750; $.00 cash. See L. E. Nlner. 203 Gerlinger bldg. Main 73 1L . BUILD NOW. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. THERB IS A REASON. LET US TELL YOU WHY. OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEAL ING AND GIVING ALL WE AGRSB BRING US MUCH BUSINESS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. IF YOU OWN LOT WE WILL FINANCE IT FOR YOU. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. 824 ABINGTON BLDO. $750. House and 50x100 lot, well-built cottage, fine lot, close to carline; will make terms to suit. Call at Gregory Heights office, and of Rose City Park carllne. GREGORY XMV. CO. NICE HOME. Looated close to St. Johns carl ne, near the comer of Knowles ave. and pippin st. 6-room strictly modern house; close to school; lot Is extra Urge; price for quick sale Is $2300: terms. .,,. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 0O4 voncoro ums FINE home on Willamette Heights, prac tically new and every modern convenience, 7 rooms, attractively arranged; two nre placea. four sleeping-rooms, two largo porches with magnificent view; cement basement; half block frorn car; a bargain at $7600; easy terma McCargar. Bates & Lively, 3J. ramus oiqb COUNTRY home place, close In, '-room house on ground. 169x100. at East 64tli St.; practically new and modem, cement basement, hot-water heat, Dutch kitchen, bath, electricity, large barn, fruit trees. oerries, etc; a w s- , " Cargar, Bates A Lively. 315 Failing blilg DO you know that you can save from $100 to $300 per year on your rent and make - the Increase In value by buying one of those nifty bungalowa from Purse? Phone Main 730 and mako a date to see them and let us give you facts nnd figures. Purse & Co.. 818 Chamber of Commerce. " $S40 ALBERTA $S40 ALBERTA Neat B-room cottage, painted and pa pered, near East 27th and Alberta; fur nished ready for housekeeping: $475 cash, balance $10 monthly; an absolute snap. Fred W. German, 320 Burnslde sL Main U.11UPI-Afi.lW& l.v' . 10-room house, practically new, with en tire furnishings; lot 50x120. on the west side of Union, near Cook: business Inter ests take me East Immediately: will sell at a big sacrifice for quick deaLN Call 690 Union. STRICTLY modem five-room bungalow on a beautiful view lot. Twenty minutes from heart of city. Double constructed. Are place, pretty stone porch, lot seeded, ce ment sidewalk and curb. $3000, $600 cash. $20 per month. Bay City Land Co., 703 Spalding bldg. A BARGAIN Brand new seven-room house on East lth, In Irvlngton; modern In every detail, with hardwood floors, fire place, cement basement and furnace. Three sleeping rooms and sleeping porch. Price $6800. Worth $300 more. See McCarger, Bates & Lively. 315 Failing building. $"800 CASH and $25 per month buys a mod em 6-room house on Gantenbein ave., near Thompson school, U carline, convenient to Jefferson High School; Improved street and walks. . W. L. GREEN, 406 Lumbermens Bldg. Main 8737. For Investments or homes. SES DETSCH WITWIR. Specialists In Real Estate Sor the man of moderate meana, BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. MUST SELL. Modem 6-room bungalow, $2450, on East Sherman St.; house worth the money Ifurnlture tor saleK " A. R. RITTER, 004 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. FOR SALE A new 7-room 2-story house, full cement basement: lot 60x100, laid out. Leaving city; will sell with or without furniture. 26th ave. S. E. and 62d St., 3 blocks from end of Hawthorne carline. Call after Sunday. " $225 CASH buvs a four-room furnished house on the bank of the Willamette River. Take Fulton car. 2nd and Morrison st. and get or: at Rohse's Park. Inquire tor H. K. Gardner. $1700 SOUTH PORTLAND- $1700 Nice 6-room cottage, fractional lot. Im provements In and paid. Including hard surface pavement; worth Investigating. Fre German. 829 Burnslde. M. 2776. HOUSE for sale, swell 4-room bungalow, Mt- Tabor district, modem in every reelect- $1800. $20 down and $20 per month Including interest; owners only. Y 080, Oregonlan. , 6-ROOM modem bungalow. 80 minutes out, near car. full lot. etc I asked $2500; now I hold It at $2100. but can't say what I might take; terms to right party. 430 W orcester bldg. 10 PER CENT INVESTMENT. Two new 5-room bungalows, always rented; In good renting distriot. Will pay 10 per cent on amount Invested. Owner, AB 707,Oregonlan OOD4-roorn house and 26-foot lot, nlcs front and back yard, choice rose bushes, in fine neighborhood, located in South Port land. $2500; terms. For solo by owner. AJ 714, Oregonlan. OWNER has new 6-room bungalow, close to carllne; will sell cheap; if you have about $700 I will make you a figure that will make you buy. 434 Marguerite ave. Phone Tabor 1651. FOR SALE Modem 8-room house, close In, East Side; rents for $45; price $6000: terms; must be sold. Address owner, AH TOW. t"l"'"". Netr modem G-room cottage, full base ment, fireplace, electric lights; a. snap. Telephone Tabor 1Q43. 6-ROOM house, modern, nearly new. bath, gas stationary tubs. West Side, good lo cation, near two carlines; $4000; terms. Hatfield. 165 4th st. . SNAP A six-room house on Eugene St., 10O feet from Union ave.; price $2900, shoo cash, balance 6 per cent In 2 years. Phone C 2429 or call at 936 E. 9th N. $4800 PARTLY furnished 7-room house, al cove, bath, closets and grate, full base mont; convenient to school and carline. 720 Corbett st. 8-ROOM bungalow, right at station, St, Johns; must (ell at once; only $21100. Small payment down. Homestead Realty Co., 102 Second St. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Modern hardwood floors, beam celling, fireplace. $2800 for 10 days. 500 E. 32d st. By owner. WE own the best home for th money In Irvlngton; $1500 cash, balance like rent. Butterwortb, Main 8529, 35 Lafayette bldg. NEW 6-room house near W W car; full base- xnent. roses, iawu, eYciywims complete; lot 45x110: bargain. $2650. $250 cash, bal ance $io montn. owner, o in. oregonlan. ,V: W llili UUI1U J . Vl . I LLL and help finance 1U Pioneer Building Co, ' 418 Henry bldg. 10-ROOMED house, good furniture, line lo- . .1 ..1. is NTA,.K CaUOIl. CUM, .Ul iluiv " -ao ,v,v 9th st. 8-ROOM modern house In heart of Nob Hill; $10,500. 201 Sweuand bid r.T,y,T . r f C c L' O $jioo --room nouse. woo x.-bv v - $I1S00 8-room house. 1539 E. Taylor. . If you want a bargain, look thes ovi ( and make an offer. - MERCHANTS 4 SAVINGS & TRUST : COMPANY. ' BUNGALOW. 47th St., Near Hawthorne. $3750 $300 cash; easy barms thereafTer; double construction; 6 rooms (larger than the ordinary bungalow) near cars, etc See column ad in today's paper. HAKTMAX & THOMPSON, Real Estate Dept. Chamber ot Commerce, THIS WILL INTEREST YOU. Unless you want a fine home In a flna district; 21st St.; hard-surfaced streets, improvements all In and paid; 9 rooms, beautifully finished from basement to at tic; thoroughly modern in every detail; $SOoO; terms; electric fixtures ana shades; If you see this you will surely want it. IRVINGTON REALTY CO.. 1 10th and Brazee sts. Take Irvlngton car. LAUD'S ADDITION HOMS. $0500 ONLY $1000 CASH. Exceptionally well built house with 8 rooms, sleeping porch, large attic, fine llfrht roomy basement, living-room entire width of tho house, with fireplace; dining room paneled, with beamed celling: fur nace, gas and electric iixtures; splendid outlook, facing park; exceptional oppor tunity to securo. a fine home. STRONG & COMPANY. Flnanciul Agents. 005 Concord Bldg. DO you want a home? If so, come and sea what I have to offer. 5 new strictly mod ern bungalows to choose from; double construction, full basements, large rooms, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bookcases, buf fets, complete plumbtnir, lots 128 feot deep, fine location; prices $2300 to $280(1 On terms. Clock's Addition, 55th St. and Powell Valley road: take Mount Scott car to Powell Valley road, go east 3 blocks; owner on ground. Phone Tabor 842. C-HOO.M modern house, new. bullt-ln buffet, fireplace, pass pantry, furnace, gas. elec tric fixtures, walls tinted, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, lot im- ; proved with fruit trees, rose trees and lawn; all newly seeded: lot 50x100; re stricted district, nil Improvements in ana Included: price $4L'7,0. $1000 cash, balance terms. Phone Woodlawn 100 or call SWEEK & BYRNE. . 012 Swetland Bldg. " CAN YOU COME and see that beautiful new thoroughly modern home on 24th st.. In the best part of Irvlncton? 0 rooms, plastered attic, oak floors, large paneled dining-room anit den: electric figtures and shades; harn surface streets; improvements in ana paid; $S600: terms. IRVINGTON REALTY CO., 16th and Brazee eve. Take Irvlngton car. HAWTHORNE AVE. . We r-re building a number of attraotlv bungalows in this choice residential district- all Improvements In. sewer, gas, cement walks; best car service In city. ' will build to order or sell on easy terms. If you want a good house In a good lo cality, we can stilt you. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. S02 McKay Bldg., 3d and Starlc SOME EXCHANGE ACCEPTED 6-room strictly modern home with lot. 66 2-3x109 feet, near the corner Pippin and Curtis sta; halt block from St. Johns carllne: will accept a lot In the same vi cinity up to tho value of $1000. Prlc of property. $2800. GODDARD 4 WIEDRICK. 504 concora Diog. IRVINGTON HOME. $11750. 7-roam modem house, large attio. lot 60x100 feet, hard surface Pavement on carllne: faces East, unobstructed view ot Mt. Hood; Just completed and ready lor occupancy. Price ti"M; terms. H P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2033. , , $150 CASH and $20 per month will buy a fine 8-ronm residence. new and modern; cabinet kitchen? fu" basement, large front porch, corner" one block to Hawthorne ave : a bargain at $3350. Call Mr. Ward, Main 8900 or A 6271. FOR SALE I own two houses. Jo'"1" pleted; are modern: one 6 and one ( foom house; six-room $400 cash balance $20 per month: seven-room house $7W) ash, balance easy terms; two blocks car llne; high and beautiful. J. H. TIPTON CO.. 1in-TnBDajdlngBldg. TWO-e7"AN KE NY HOMES. 390o oood 7-room house near r,ast 24th St.; lot 38x100: lnrpre barn on prop erty; one-third cash: $4250; choice 7-room house near East 20th su; lot 40x100. a bargain for all cash. A H BIRRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., gHoostirk Sts. $7800 NEW IRVINGTON HOME $7800 8 loTge rooms, beautifully arranged and finished; hardwood floors, bltt't-irl book cases buffet, seats, etc.; 2 fireplaces, -"net's. cYothes and dust chutes: handsome flxtures. duplux shades, elegant location Sear Irvlngton Club; improvements In and paid. AM 710, Oregonlan BEAUTIFUL 8-room house in best district In Irvlngton: new and modern In every detail; handsome living-room, hardwood floorsV mahogany finish dining-room fire place, cement basement nnd furnace four sleeping-rooms; price 872k", McCargar. Bates & Lively. 315 Falling bids. MODERN and attractive 6-room dwelling on riackaraai near East S'ith. lot 50x1-3. fine locTtion, house practically new am very attractively arranged: price, with street improvements all paid. $4700; good terms. McCargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Failing bids.. . "$8O0 ONLY $800. House of 3 large rooms, cement base ment, cistern and city water, lot 62 111 fenced, on new Mount Hood Electrlo line 4 blocks from station; location Kast 8th and- Halsey sts. Owner on premises; this price Is for cash. B-ROOM cottage. 20 minutes' ride of Court house; fruit trees; 11750. ,. 4-room cottace. corner lot, $180 0. 2 lots. 100 feet car. $730. What can you pay down? What monthly? 303 Washington st., room 5. " "a FINE INVESTMENT on East" 2Rth St.. No. 124. that beautiful largo buniralnw on grounds facing bs teet on the street, worth Jj',500: price If ""'J soon $57.10: terms: will be worth $10,000 Inside two years for business property. Phone Enst 2165 or Main 43 .2. NEW and modern 8-room house In Irvlng ton on East 21st St., four sleeping rooms, large dining-room and living-room, hard wood floors, fireplace, cement basement and furnace: garage; price $6000. Mc Cargar. Bates & Lively, 315 Falling bldg. WEST SIDE 50x100, with two six-room houses' concrete basements, cement walks; Sne block to car; price $7000; will take East Side house and lot: near L car pre ferred, and balance cash. Owner. O 710. Oregonlan. $7.-,n Good lot on E. 60th St.. Just south of Hawthorne ave.; If you want to build a small house, we can supply free some-second-hand building material. A. H. Btrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark ots. BUY from owner; no inflated valuation to cover commissions. A fine 9-room hous on quarter block, modern conveniences, fine neighborhood, near two carlines. Irv lngton. Investigate. Address A.N 715. Oregonlan FOR SALE New 6-room house. Hawthorn4 ave 20 min. from business center. $4000;. good terms. Be convinced only by thor ough Investigation. No agents. V ill. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 6-room modern house, cement basement, 1 block north of Alberta St., on 27th. $2600; $600 down, $20 a month. . . . . ....... ., icq i'I .-.i r ave. rjperie ge j-ciiom.. v. $500 WILL handle a new 5-room modern bungalow, full cement basement. block Hawthorne, bal. $25 per month. HIGIY,BISHOP& M'CLASKEY, 132 3d. rjixY VIEW PARK 8-room modem house, corner lot: this home is complete In every detail: $5500. M. T. Duffey, 618 Com merclal Block. MODERN 4-room bungalow, bath, toilet, full basement; Mount Tabor district; $1875: $75 down, $20 per month. Including Interest. 8 707, Oregonlan. S2000 FOR two choice lots with 3-room house, beautifully located, E. 22d and Prescott sts. See owner on property fot terms. AD 706. Oregonlan. 2400 $400 cash, balance to suit, for a new,' six-room and sleeping porch house; high and sightly lot 65x115: on good carline. J. PC CO., ooi raJin'S 6ACR1FICE 6-room house, furnished; 50x10(1 lot on car line near Jefferson High. School. $3500. Phone Woodlawn 206. NEW 6-room bungalow, all modern Im provements, for sale by owner. Phon Main 63L j50 BEAUTIFUL lot In Irvlngton Park for sale cheap. - Jos. Page, 701 Ch. of Com. M. 6051. AT SEASIDE, well furnished 5-room cot tage, cheap. Tel. Wooalawn. 2608, or ad dress 790 Gantenbein ave. , WILL build house to cost $2000 to suit; Installment plan. Home Installment Co 60S McKay bldg. Phone Marshall 2500, cr r. i.-v u i . . . ... . $1500 4-room house. 1069 E. 19th V. $1900 7-room house, E. 18th and -il" lingsworth. . , $2000 r.-room house, 251 East 86th $41100 6-room house, 895 East Pine.