THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN', PORTLAND. JANUARY 29, 1911. NEW TODAY. NOB HILL APARTMENT HOUSE New, strictly modern hard wood floors, etc.; rooms all outside ones. Rentals NET $3600 yearly, or 12 per cent NET on price. $30,000 Half cash necessary. Flanders St. COR. 14TH. Corner, 50x100; will sell or will build for tenant. Price, $20,500 Fine site for garage or fac tory; four blocks from Wash ington street. Washington Street Corner, 50x100, near 12th, $125,000 E. J, DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. FOR SALE JfCiR CASCADFe Of COLl'SIBIl HIV 11. t09 acrea of choice land In excellent ln ratlnn on the S. P. S. r.y.. mlla from Portland. Kallwer tation on property. It Joins the famous Moff'tt Spring, now railed Table Rock. A moet excellent location for hotel and It has braitn-gtvtnir warm and cold mineral epriuirn. tha waters of which are curative In rheu- mnil.-. stomach and other troubles. natural etirroundlnre are mul The brautirul; rtlstoria pcaa. i" Lordly folumbl and Castle Iiock. Several fine lakee and creaks containing black bans and trout and suitable for rowing. X tare pure cold water spring Is on premises with sufficient flow to fill a 10-Inch main and which can be piped by gravity system. State Road No. S. beerlnnlnar at Van couver and ending at Oolden dle. hae been sureyed tnrouKh property. An excel lent hiKhway suitable for eu tvmobties. 1105. 000 baa already been apent thereon. flO.OOO worth of timber accessible to railroad. Property can be snh1lvMed. This Is a rare opportunity to a centre a mountain resort proposition, either for speculation or per manent Investment. Aa exceptlonaUr low price and favor able terms upon application. Positively no phone Information. K. M. HI.OaoM. Sl Cbaifcer s femmeree. TURNER HEIGHTS The choicest subdivision on Portland Heights, being situated on Ravensvtew Drive, near Hawthorne Terrace. Right on the carllne and surrounded by ele gant homes. Prices very low. $950 to $2250 This ta a small addition and won't last long. Select your lot now and build tn the S?rlnz. Keasey, Hnraason & Mery ITU Caameer of reasaarrr. Ilelghta Of rtee, ink and Elaa. Mala 703SV Opaj Saaday. LAURELHURST 9ny from ewaer. a-rm hoase. Abt be fl"i!id la Laurslhurst. ot fine ; valiia. famine south. 1 block from ear; Bre-la-. r.illre In dlMne-ronra: elo ttrsj f'n. euff-U veneered panellnc: Bard- n4 f'oor. full cement and con-e-e'e flTr tares axle; t n modern bain, wn Uundrjr sod dust eiiulee. sireet Im nd .M.wate computed; lot rio-l anl Ua growlns. I.utcB and patry. A beaatlfol Ileus, with all modern conveniences. In ehiding a sleeplag porch, frucl and rear rr e' dsve this ITene property to off-red at lOou. It half easll la paid. owner. 114 Kaat tsth. Phone Fast 2iu ee b Tae g car to fcast 331a, S arth r blecke 4 Big Land Buys 940, 320, 476, 160 Acres 1 2 20, 25, 30 Miles, Respec tively, From Portland I believe a consideration of these tracts will show them to be one-half below rea.onahle market value, that I can sell for the purchaser In a short time for cne-thlrd to one-half for enough to pay for tha whole fucn op portunities are seldom possible except in a lucky land investment. Terma are reasonable. Ceo. K. "Waggoner. iJ lioard f Trade. UNION AVE. innvlll feet, part Improved, tn center of rVtI bu.niVdl.Ulct. Price. I 't "ih Also- ln -room house and l'Tniioo ft. on East 15th st. or. oppo ilte oualnes-" renter of city; lS0o. J.ii Morrison st. Room H. Mortgage Loans 5 Jtzh,ca 7 jrcvr TOPAT. Grussi&Zadow Bargain List t1rn 8-room cottage, with full sjl UU lot. In Woodlawn. (Onnn 5-roora house. 6 Id and Pow- 9aUUl ell ata.; terms. OTfifl 1-room good house. Alberta 0aOUU carllne; 00 cash. (fOCftfl 5-room cottage. Mallory OaCOUU ave. near Shaver, f 100 cash. f IS -month. t O n O r Modern -room house, fur- COUUU ntahed. Kern I'ark; i)0 rash; a fine place. 'OCfin Vna -room house. East OsCOUU Main near I3d; fiOO cash. jjf" Nice 5-room bungalow. Ste- OOOU phens st. near 38th, A snap. $3150 k room house, iim anders: 1300 caah. 1?A month. tjinnn Good T-room house. Grant MIIUU st. near th. innn Good 7-room house, full lot. Water near Glbbs; $500 cash; a big bargain &Affl Nw -room house, walking OiUUvJ distance. West Side. 0AOCf 8-room house. 5714x110 lot. DteCOU on Corbett st. CICflfl Modern 8-room houe. East 040UU Salmon near JSdi. $1000 cash, balance per cent. CfCnO Swell l-room houae. Piod- tf'zOUU moot; terms. 7ff Swell 7-room house, Jarrett st. near Patton ave.; terma. Cf Qnn J,w 7-roora house. 4 lota. OlOUU Mount Tabor, easy terms. 0r?fff Very swell 6-room bunga- OOUUU low. E. 11th near Thomp son; $1500 cash. CCnnrt SweU i-room house, full lot. CfcbUUU 23d near Clinton; $1000 cash. e r? nrt Very swell 6-room bunga OJHUU low. E. JSth and Morrison r7r New modern S-room houee. Co Oil Laurelhurst; big snap. (Cnnn Swell new house. rooms. OOUUU corner Kelly st, walking distance; $.'000 cash. GCfff (-room modern house. In dOUUU Ladd's Addition. $1000 cash fCnnn Swell 7-room house. Cor OOUUU hett St.. walking distance. ecCnn very swell 7-room nomo. v&UOUU cor. . Taylor near loth. STtn Very swell new 7-room 4 UUU house, E- nth near Thomp son; $1500 rash. 0 Tinfi n ' th "ncst homes in 9 UUU I.add's Addition, rooms; $3000 cash; very mooern. annnn Tour choice of t new nioa O I UUU ern l-room houses In Irv- -Ington; terms to suit. 07rff Nearly new modern l-roora CO OU house. T.nveJoy st. near 21st. $2000 cash; real snap. Lot Bargains .nn Fine lot In Bellecrest; easy. ODUU Terms. tfcen each. 2 fine lota. lno Addl gQjU tion; terms. Two blocks to car. 7rn 50x109 on eVermont sc. Soutn- J Mil Trilanl: tlOO cash. CTCfi Each. 4 lots. 50x104 each. E. 0OU(3d and Ankeny; $150 cash. ennn 0xl00. E. 13d it, near t-nn-OVUxJ ton. Easy terms. Snap. 4 t nnn 4 lots. 0xl00 each. E. Burn OlUUU side St.; $100 cash. Me f'n Fine lot. Alameda DriYe; 1DU fine view: a snap. $1200 Flne lot ,n verl ClOnfl T"1" Lnurelhurat; easy OlaCUU terms; a snap. d1 A ff Fine lot. 0x100. Irvington. OHUU E. Ith it, near Stanton. 1Arf 02x200, at Woodstock; big OlUU snap; terms. atfAA Fine lot. 50x0. on Union A I nijll . w- North. KniD. a m nn 100x100. corner Missouri and OlOUU Wygant; a anap. eionn FM factory lot on Mac OlOUvi adam at., near Jonea Mill. tfOnnfi Fin lot 40x101, East Hth. Oonnn Very fine lot. 50x100: SlZUUU Williams ave. Walnut I 1: on Park C"rsrf Corner business lot. 12d and OaCUUU Division: store or flata. Anoen S fin lota in Laurelhurst; dfawJU terms. Anrnn Swell east front lot, Colo OaiOUU nlal Heigbte; snap. $0-nn Fine lot. 0x100. E. Tamhlll jiO)J and 25th; $1000 cash. g.rr-nn 0xi$ corner Front a4 OZOUU Hamilton; $1000 cash. Ann Full lot on Curry at, near OOUU Corbett. Terms. tfOCnfi n block. E. 7th ad O6OUU Wygant. A floe corner. fnrnA Fine 100x100 corner, Wal dJdUU nut Park; snap. Anrnn 50x100 on Macadam near gjOUU Glbbs; east front. A enn IOOxIOO on Willamette OJOUU Helghu; a snap. Afnnn Quarter block. Stanton and OOUUU uantenbeln avenue. &Cfff f"'ne comer lot. 60x100, N. OOUUU 25th t- Easy terms. CaCnCi Swell view corner. 100x100, OOOUU "Willamette Heights. Aonnri 100x100. corner. H. 11th near wOUUU Lavls; warehouse site. Grussi &. Zadow 11T Beard ef Trade Bldg.. 4ta aad Oek. WHY EXPERlFilENT? When yon have a gcre thing In eight? Lot in AP.DENWALD ra sellinff now for from S 100 to SGOO, with improvements all in and paid for. No bonJcJ indebtedness to keep yoa awake nights. Buy now before prices advance. KNAPP & MACKEY 212-213 Board of Trade Bid?. Headquarters for Union AYenue Properly A few extra good buys on this thor oughfare at snap prices. . G0DDARD"& WIEDRICK 504 Concord BoHding. Mississippi Avenue Corner Close, in. Income 10 per cent. Lot 60x100. Price $8,000.00. GODDAM) & WIEDKICK. 504 Concord Building. Before buying', selling or renting any Seaside property, be sure to call on A. GILBERT & SON SeuidaV CL ! XTW TODAY. The Cheapest residence property on the market today, accessibil ity and desirability con sidered, is to be found in LADD'S ADDITION All the reasons for making your home in any other part of the city may be counted in here and then we can add a few that are lacking in other districts, such as parks and alleys, long lots and short walk ing distance, hard pave ments and easy terms. LADD'S ADDITION heads the list .of the high class residence districts. Choice lots for $2150 one-tenth down. For full particulars see STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Building F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Building Also salesmen on grounds. , at those fine building lots, corner 55th St. and Hawthorne Ave. Inquire of HENRY P. BUTHNER, 516 Lumbermens Bldg. Ladd Tract Home $1500 CASH What you axe looking for, on El liott avenue; 6-room, strictly modern house, cement basement, hardwood floors, beam ceiling, dining-room, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, fire place and furnace. Balance $6000; easy terms. Here s Another 7-room, strictly modern house, cement basement, hardwod floors, beam ceiling, fireplace, furnace, com bination brass fixtures; on 50x100 corner lot, 19th and Clackamas sts., in restricted district. Must be seen to be appreciated. $S500 cash. DOVE -THOMPSON COMPANY 420-22 Board of Trade Bldg. " Main S014. FOR SALE riNX AFARTHINT SITS! lOOilOO-ft. eor r. tn bai part of oltjr; exrellent view of Mount Mood and St. Helena. Vraaeat laoeme Ka mental. Ci10J AVEVTrE LOT Bxl. en tmproTed herd-aurfaoed (treat, near lut Oak. If buyer of thia lot will erect t-etorr ulldmc. h cllant who will leu two upper Soere. No phone Information. Price and lirmi upon applleatloe. R. H. BLOSSOM IK CtitmNr af Cammwa. MORTGAGE LOANS tawtit rate aaa terma t ealti ctal ralea aaa faverable teraaa larse ieaaa kaalweaa prepertlea. pus da Leased ler I'rtvala IaTeeterm A. H. BIRRELL CO. aaa MoKar im- ad ataeav JEFFERSON ST. APARTMENTS West of 14th street. Income $1680. Price $15,500. G0DDARD & WIEDEICK, 504 Concord Building. 5 TO 7 LOANS Oa Inside Mortsaere Security. Better Look . . twtoJaUeUac NEW TODAT. Beaverton Reedville Acreage Apple orchards 4 years of age and with crop this season show the fitness of the soil. Let ns show yoa the richest of land and.- especially adapted to apples, at $200 to $250 per acre, all cleared and ready to set to trees, this at the edge of Port land. Only 40 minutes' ride on either Fourth street or Oregon Electric Only 10 miles by wagon road from Courthouse. "We have men on our acreage that formerly grew orchards at Hood River and they are setting larger acreage to apples here each year. Talk with them. We are the largest and oldest acreage firm in the city and we . have never yet been charged with misrepresenting our properties. We do not promise but demon strate. You see exactly what we represent to be there. You can have this fine land set to apples of your own selection for $14.00 per acre and in a few years a handsome revenue there from. We are selling in any sized tract you may desire at $125 to $300 per acre and on easy month ly payments. Come in and go with ns without expense to you and select your tract, i TheShaw-FearCompany 102 Fourth Street. Main 35. A 3500. A FEW OF THE BEST g9O0 Inside lot. Rose City Park, one block from carllne. SIOOO Corner lot. Rose City Park, one block from carllne. 15OO60xlftft feet on East 24th st Irvington; worth $2000. 81500 60x100 feet In Albina, close to Union ave.; offered for cash to close an estate. S3OO0 One acre Just west of the City Park. S3000 Fine corner. 75x100 feet, n IrvlnKton. 84500 Fine 7-room house on East 20th St.; part cash will handle. 8450O New H-room house In choice location In Rose City Park, 1 block from cars. 84750 Three acres in western part of cltv. Excellent for country home and chicken ranch. CTOOO 44 acre) west of Council Crest, overlooking- the Tualatin Val . ley. SSOOO 100x107 ft., Portland Heights; city, mountain and river view. 810.000 Over 1S.000 square feet, Portland Heights. SIO.OOO 100x100 feet and 8-room house, nearly new, Portland Heights. $11.000 Over four acres In South Portland. 818. OOO 100x200 feet and 8-room house, Portland Heights; fine view. 840.000100x100, corner, on 15th at. Walker & Reed die Railway Exebaaare Building-. Phone Main 8535. "CAREY ACT," IRRIGATED PUBLIC LAND D Centred Oregon Irrigation Co. 415 Ry. Excka". Bid-. Portland, Or. 's The en BKST place In PortlaaA te fcer GEOGRAPHICAL, CENTER -a 4 WOaT DES1RABUC resideaee property ef the city. IEEIXU IS BEHEVlNti BKTTBa co and eee the many CHOICE! rest eanc under conatructloa ajid te law prwveiceuui colng on. Hie Cregoa Real Eslats. Company tUAA O AVK. AXP lH.TOMM t. 14TH STREET APARTMENT SITE 60x100, south of Morrison, $11,000 GODDAED & WIEDEICK, 604 Concord Building. Grand Avenue See us for Grand avenua properties. MALL & VON B0RSTEL, 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchange Building. IOOxIOO Southeast corner of Kth and Thomn on sts. PrJoe. 0M terma. Poaa Main 7701. ENIMG Holladay Addition SEW TODAT. LOTS EAST TERMS 1 NO RESTRICTIONS 2 BLOCKS FROM Rose City Park Car To the Married Man Do not buy a lot in a restricted district and wait 5 years to pay for it, before you can build. You can buy a lot at the above price, adjoining restricted property and build a small home on it while you are paying for your lot. These lots are $200 lower than the sur rounding property. Rose City Park district is building more rapidly than any other district in Portland. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce. SANDY ROAD PLACE THE HOME ADDITION Take Rose City Park car from 2d and Washington and get off at East 24th, right in front of Sandy Road Place. Prices, $1300 and upward, 20 per cent cash, 10 per cent each three months with 6 per cent in terest; 10 per cent off for cash. This includes sewer, cement walk and Bull Run water. Cay you beat this? Let us mail you a plat. W. H. GRINDSTAFF AND GEO. D. SCHALK 510 Commercial Block, StIS Stark St. Tel. Mala BOOB. Tel. Main 892, A 83a. Corners rt 1 r ff Mead and Front come; very reasonable terms. lOOx IO6I2. - (f -I r fff E- Harrison and P 1 O 7 U U U Grand avenue ; apartment site, 100x100. Aon f f f 21st near Wash vljVvl V ington; apart ment site, 100x100; $10,000 cash. te Jf fff5th st., dose in. 4 U 9 U U U Very desirable purchase. QH fff Burnside cor VJ) 1 O Jp UUU ner, hotel or office building site. t i en rvnn AHer-st cor- 3) X OUjUUU ner, office or hotel site. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY We collect rentals. HOME SITE Finest block In Richmond district; $9000; terms. 11 lot. Joining- Richmond, on eaet. Terms. McMahon'e- Addition, lota 400 up; terms. J. F. McMAHON OWJTEB. 1184 Division Street 74 ACKE8, YOl'NO OKC11ABD, ben-lea and cardan, beautiful location, beat land, e-room oottae-a. -ool barn, and three ood enultry-houaaa. all bulldlnge naw, f.ncad with wevan wire. At Oak Park Station, on Oregon Electric and Jobea Croaalnc en Southern Pacific: 100 yards of either ata tlon: 5 minute' walk to rood public achool: 1 mllee weat of Portland, 1 milee weat of HllUboro, on Base Line road, which la now macadamized from near place to Hilla boro: price $5000. See owner on premises. Poatofflo addresa. JAMES A. YAGER, IlUlsboro, Or.. Bout Columbia Street Snap Income 10 per cent. Price $6,500.00. S7l2Xl00 feet. GODDARD & W1EDRI0K, 604 Concord Building. HALSET STREET . Price, 81350 Lot 60x100, Including all street Im provements paid for. situated on the south aide of Halejr it, bet, E. I8th and E. 29th Sts. Terms. CLACKAMAS STREET Price, 31250 Lot 50x100. cement walks, situated on Clackamas BU bet. E. 38th and E. 29th ens. Terms. H MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St. (Lumber Exchange Bldg.) Union Avenue 50x100, with S-Btory brick, near Burn- OIUV $27,500 100x109 corner, with Jtory brick; building-. $50,000 Both of these are worth investigating, CODn lBD t WITOWCK, ftM Ceaoord Blslav 45 O JTKW TODAY. CHOICE INSIDE PROPERTIES $200,000 Finest hotel site in the city. Triangle bounded by Sixth, Pine and Ankeny, over two lots in area. .$60,000 40x100 on south side of Pine street, can be used in connection with any build ing in the block. $125,000 50x100 improved on Fifth street near Stark street. $60,000 Fractional lot on corner Seventh and Ankeny, with party wall. Have a proposi tion to lease for 50 years giv ing a net return of 6 per cent. $31,000 50x50, corner Fifth and Couch, $25,000 .50x50 adjoining above en Couch street. $32,500 25x80, Park St., bet. Stark and Oak. $30,000 100x100, corner 16th and iavier; bringing fair income. RUSSELL & BLYTH Commonwealth Bldg. Eight Fine Corners Afv1Af with S stores and fine tU 1HU 6 - r o o m bungalow, all lpojsAil at SKO ner month on Mount Scott car. Price 16650, 3650 cash. oaiance 10 suit, corner south of Morri son, dandy site for 50x65 apartments. A snap. CrivlftA Corner on Northrup st., 2 DUaIUU houses. 2 flats, rent $60. Price, ill, 600. Part caah, balance 6 per cent. 1 no v 1 nn corner, good house, lUlAlvrU ready for stores and f 1 a t s, on Williams ave. trice sbidu. corner, 9-room house, on South Third. A big snap at 113,000. Albina corner, t flats. 3 cottages, paying 1M now; corner vacant and ready for stores; J4250 cash, bal. 6V4 years, . corner with concrete block Btore building and fl.r. Iant- RldA. nnvlns 100x106 100x135 100x100 125x150 over' 10 per cent. Prioe 26,000. on Williams ave. and Hancock; some Income; Broadway bridge will double your money on this; $5000 cash, bal ance 10 years, t. GRUSSI & ZADOW S17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. TO LEASE WEST SIDE 100x100, close in on Fifth street. 150x100 on Sixth street, right in the business district. Might improve for desirable tenants. 100x100, 13th and Flanders streets. EAST SIDE 95x100, N. E. cor. B. 3d and Haw thorne ave. Wight improve. 100x95, N. E. cor. . Union ave. and Hawthorne. 100x100, K. 6th and Bolmont sts. 60x100, TJnion ave. and E. Couch st. Might Improve. 50x100, Union ave. and E. Gllsan st. Would Improve. And several other properties, both business and trackage, on both sides of th river. Edw. P. Mall 1M Second Sf. $20,000 Cash will handle an investment at a price 40 per cent below surrounding prop erty. $15,000 profit in this 90 days hence. Thia is not a speculation in a possibility, but is an absolute cer tainty. Your banker will recommend this. Particulars at office. J. HAAS & CO. 307 Failing Building MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reasonable ratea, CLARK-COOK COMPANY Board of Trade Bnlldlns. I'kunea Main 5407, A 3Z5i $1000 sacrifice on large six-room house, all modern, on East 19th. near Brasea. Lot 62Hxl00, faces east. It you want a pice home cheap, this i your oppor tunity. MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST ; courASV. NEW TODAY. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. $10,000 53x50 feet on E. Pine st., between Union and Grand aves. ; income $65 per month. $2500 cash will handle. $21,000 Comer 60x100 ft., at 13th and Mar ket streets, income $70 per month; on carline, in best apartment-house dis trict; $7000 cash will handle. $25,000 Corner 21st and Kearney sts., lOOx i 100 ft., apartment-house property; in- ! come over 6 per cent. Terms, $10,000 cash. $55,000 40x100 ft., on TENTH ST., 100 ftL south of Morrison ; present income t $140 per month, and will pay big if 1 improved; this property is in the cen ter of what will soon be the best re tail district of the city, and the price is at least $5000 under the market. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 Commercial Club Building., Corner Fifth and Oak Streets. Cur land Pays for Itself Richest Lands IN OREGON IN 5 and 10-ACRE TRACTS tl miles from Portland. In Chehalem Orchard District. 66c fare: "red shot" soli. Timber worth more than price of land. Purchasers may cut and ihip us cbrd wood In payment for land; we pay difference in cash. FIRLANDS TRUST CO. 60S Spalding; Bldg. RKAL ESTATE pAaLEM. . . , , , tin irafiin Klri- Blrrell. A. H. ft Co., 202-3 McKay bids. Raai catate. lBnurance, mortgagee, loans, etc. Brubaker Senadlct. &0Z UcKty bids, ab Ma, Chapln A Harlow, 832 Chamber Commeraa. Cook. B. B. ft Co.. SOS Corbett bide jeculnga & Co., Main less 2U6 Orogonlaa. PALM KR-JON HIS CO, H. 1. 2.13 CoauaB- elal Club bids. Tha Oregon Kai Katate Co., Grand are. and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addltloa.1 at K. THOMPSON CO.. cor. th and Oaa eta. REAL ESTATE. For Halft Lota. Q It. & N. FKONTAOB 1 have parcel of land with right of way, ideally located for small manufacturing plant, planlnn mill or wood and coal yard; located In Sulllvan-a Gulch, near 21KH. Investigate this and you will be convinced that it ia the beat buy in the entire diatrlct; 2CH) oaah will handle; here ia a chance also for amall speculator. You will UouW your Investment In 90 days. Phono Main 150. Aak for Mr. Kurllngame. SANDY BOULEVARD buslnena lot. close to 2uth. 50x100. This lot Is actually worth $2000. Nothing to be had in this district for less. The only parcel for sale between 28th and SUth that can bo used for busi ness purposes. Am authorized to sell tor few days for $1000. Only 150 cash ra oulred to handle this. If you Investigate you will be convinced thia la best ' little buy In Portland. Phone Main 1003. Ask for Mr. Burllngame. . CORNER 46TH AND SANDY ROAD. 80 feet frontase on 4tHb st. Lot 5. block 80, Rose City Park, f, 50. $200 cash, balance ilO per month. AH 710, Oregonlan. insiMERE Lot 50x100 close to Sandy Road and carllne. only fx.lO. Including all improvements; good terms We also have 100x100 In the samo tract for $1(00. Let us show you our list of these lots which can be had below surrounding PrlTHB VAN DEBSAL COMPANY, 402 Corbett bldg. Marshall 1720; A 17.13. LOT 50x100, SO feat from Alberta-avenue carllne and close to Portland boulevard and City Park; faces east on Borthwl.k st!" thia Is a genuine bargain at o0. eas'y "t'Sb VAN DEMAI. CXL 402 Corbett Bldg. Marshall liliu, A 17.3. BFAimmjL lot. located In beat residence district on Bast Side. 71x135, south frontage, improvements in; ,5100 below actual market value; can deliver for few Says for S73; only IH7.30 caah required; who wants it? this is a REAL bargain. Phone Main 1308- Ask for Mr. Burllngame. $1170 SNAP. '" This la a SOxlOO lot In the most exclu sive district of Portland, high and sightly. Ts lot is cheap at $1500. " "J"'. 1 handle. Phono early Monday. Main 150J. A 1515. Ask for Mr- Clemenls. V6tf CANNOT BUY LOTS IN From any one as cheap as we offer them, roma antl let ua tell you the price and c?Uo Bloch Realty Co.. 221Lumber- mens Diag. Sacrifice price $475; lot 50x100. within one block of $150,000 new Industrial plant on east side of rivur. I will sell this lot today for $50 cash, balanoe $15 per month. 3d and Morrison sts., 316 Alisky bldg. BOxlOO lot In Portland's most exclusive district; restrictions fully protect. Phone early Monday morning. Main 1503; A 1515. Ask for Mr. Delahunt. CORNER. 120 feat front by 100. at a sac-riflce- single lots across tha street selling At SS00- near E. Olisan, on E. 68th; $14r0. some terma. The Spanton Co., 268 Oak 'street. $750 EACH for two fine lots on East 0th St.. only a short walk from Union ave. This Is a cash pries and will not be open long. See owner. 414 spaming imub. il. L. U. nlnsinff OUt 50-foot lots .Union carllne, $100 under real snap. Cellars- ng bldg. Square, on St. Johns value: eaay terms; a Murton Co.. 806 Spaldi FOR SALE by owner. Heights, end of Rose $250 cash, balance on 1059 or B 2730 50x100, Gregory City Park carline; terms. Phone East WAVE RLE IGH HEIGHTS. Ooed lot for sale; pr lea right, terms. W 718, Oregonlan. ADJOINING restricted district in Jonts- more, 50x126; terms. Main 3i. BEAUTIFUL corner for aale, near 15th and -Broadway. Mala IMS