THE SUNDAY OKEOOMAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 29, 1911. " xon.v. I .Ewxouiv. vTQPA. J m too 1 new tooav. Fourth Street Corner SV2 Per Cent TIIAT IS WIIAT IT IS paying now, wren TART OF BUILDING UN DER LEASE; CAN BE INCREASED. OWNER WANTS SOME CASH. LONG TIME ON BALANCE PRICE $8,750.00 SMITH'S AGENCY 103 Sherlock Building. Apartment House 10 PER CENT NET Three-tory brick partment-house brinpirifr in $2130 year. Will be sold n a. 10 pr cent net basis. Cloc in. Apartment House Site Fine apartment-bouse site, 70x100, en Irving street, between two good earlines. Present income $73 month. Good to hold or improve. Terms. R. F. BRYAN ' 603-7 Chamber of Commerce. 1200 Acres FRONTING ON THE Columbia River in Clatsop County, Orepon ; boat land tejr and railway facilities. A first class proposition to ent np into smaller tracts or for a stock or dairy ranch. Price $17.50 AN ACRE The Lawrence Co. Successors to Dunn-Lawrence Co. MS Alder St. nnrrn. ste.eee Fin mmlirn brick traildlma. itwm b !!. iih hnl m n A rolff wmlr hi ch room. Located In a .-,,.. h I 1 m. A terminus town and dolD a Bla!r profllablsj tKiatne wiia bis prwiv.. IgmM Only a fw hours mi Af Portland. A noe i.H.M.aflnn aollc- Iti THE HAKt l.AVD to. 1M $10,000 will bur a quarter block on TVllllama r.: has now an Income of per mcnth. 55250 One of the rholrpt rn-mim modern hnmm in Walnut Park: f 1000 cah will handle It. OTTO 4t nHK0" BEAITT CO, Krt M. LEASE 100x100 & W. Corner 20th and Belmont On route of heavy traffic, one block from rarllne: adapted for apartments, laundry, garage or stores, etc Call CRESCENT PAPER CO. 49 fnmt St. Loan Wanted $25,000 For three years at per cent. $80,000 a fair valuation of real estate secur ity offered. I. 71J. Ore iron Ian. RUSSELL STREET THREE-STORY BRICK 50x100. on the south aide of Rnssell street, next to the corner of Marlon street, belnr No. S4-M Russell avenue. Income S 1 60 per month. Price fll.000. Railroad owns all around this. . MALL & VON BORSTEL, I'M eea St. (Irnlw Kscaaage Bld.) CLOSE IN Fractional lots. East 31st and Thoifpson, rear Doernbecker's factory. $500 and upward. Monthly installments. O -H. THOMPSON, Room 2, 267 Oak Street. Apartment Site Corner on Upper "Wash ington street. Cheap. Over 10,000 square feet. $40,000 20 ACRES CHEAP 20 acres near Council Crest in a locality of $1000 per acre ground. This is a bargain at $650 per acre. $7500 cash will handle. U KEASEY MJMASONSJEFFERY 232 Chamber of Commerce. CJ QUARTER BLOCK 100x100 southeast corner of 19th and Thompson sts. Grandest building site in all of "Irvington." PRICE, $6500 All Improvements in and paid. INQUIRE OF Sheffield & Riely 23 Russel Building. SALESMEN ATTENTION-! Fereral energetlo enlet men to clone up pros pects we furnish for went Side u b d 1 vision rroperty. Weekly draw ng account may be ar ranged. Large commis sions. The Span ton Co. 2 Oak St. APARTMENT SITE 85x100, 150 feet from Washington, The finest location in Portland for high-class apartments. $20,000; easy terms. Gordon & Day 210 Henry Building. Exceptional Offer lOOxlOO WEST SIDE "Will guarantee to sell this quarter block within one year for $24,000. $10,000 cash required to handle. Price $21,000 "The Investors' Agency," NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 270 Stark St. Attention Investors $5000 more needed to complete the best plat ting syndicate ever put on in Portland. For full particulars address AH 711, Oregonian. WANT TO BUY A RESIDENCE OF TO 8 ROOMS LX DESIRABLE LOCATION. Prefer to deal directly with owner. In replying give full description of house, how long It has been built, where located. tze of lot. and best price. Ad drees R 70S, Oregonlaa- RVINGTON Two Good Platting Propositions 32 ACRES on Base Line road, within 1C00 feet of Montavilla enr T.avpI and ideally situated for platting. Adjoining ground already piattea. uui eeu uau or all. 22V4 ACRES on Powell Val lev mail, adioinin? East 71 street. A beautiful tract, inside city limits, and Xinely located. For TilnttinT. Two of choicest tracts of. close-in acreage around Fort- land. Prices ngnt. or par ticulars 6ee McCargar, Bates & lively 315 Failing Bldg. SNAP 160 Acres Ready to sell in 5-acre tracts, on Germantown road, and only two miles west of Linnton. United Railways accommo dates this locality. The laud between this tract and Willam ette River practically all sold out. Only nine miles northwest of Courthouse, almost opposite St. Johns and on west side of Wil- -lamette River. Good city residence will be taken in on this. The Shaw-Fear Co. 1 02 Fourth Street Main 35 A 3SOO BRICK APARTMENT IIOCSE NEW, ON 21ST ST., Leased for $335 Per Month. $36,000 GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 504 Concord Building. STRATTON'S Cream of the Hawthorne District. This property lies along Hawthorne avenue, at E. 24th, is very sightly and is choice in every detail. Your invest ment here includes hard-surface streets, cement walks, sewer, water and gas mains. LOCATION CHOICE SURROUNDINGS RESTRICTIONS FINE CAR SERVICE Fee this property today, and a phone call will put yon in possession of a full dingram of the tract. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldp., 3d and Stark Sts. SPECIAL aoday course in manicuring and hfairri ring. Aga II. Ribbeck. Grand Leadr. APARTMENT SITES NINETEENTH STREET 100x200 close In on 19th street. No better site for large apartment-house. Price fSO.000. Can arrange terms. NINETEENTH STREET One of the (till blocks. 100x450. close In with very little Improvements. A pood holding- property. Can arrange terms. NINETEENTH STREET Another H block suitable for a large apartment-house. The price is right and can arrange easy terms. ro im provements. Edv. P. Mall . 104 Seeoad ft. TROPICAL HIGHLANDS OF MEXICO where development l yet In Its In fancy, offers the best and closest op portunities to the American of today who has pioneering blood In his vein. There Is only a limited area that will grow everything with no frost, no ex treme heat, and cheap transportation now at hand: therefore, one who gets in now, while land is cheap, and be gins development, will have success al most thrust upon him. The best land In the world 17.60 per acre on ensy term. Free trip to buyer of S0 acres. Get our literature. RADII 4k PATTOX, 323 Lsmbennai II IcIje, Stk aad Stark. Hawthorne Avenue Lumber Exchange Building. See us for business properties on this street. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchange Building. East Burnside Close-tn comer, 100x100, eight-room hotixe; good aoartment site, also fine residence on Kast Ash, beautiful lot AfixlOO. with all kinds of shrubbery. Thi-s Is an elegant home, only fnOOO, worth iiu.uuo. HIGLEY, BISHOP M'CLASKEV, 133 Tblrd St. A r Every site is a full acre and is all ready for the plow. Buy an acre now and plant your ber ries this Winter. You can make from $200 to $300 per acre from ber ries alone. The soil is shot gravel and is fine for chicken and turkeys. The electric line is now being constructed through it and will be in operation very soon. $660 Per Acre t KEASEY IjUlMASONgJEFFERYj 3 232 Chamber of Commerce. A G Hartman & Thompson's COLUMN SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, . FACTORY AND APARTMENT-HOUSE SITES, APARTMENT-HOUSES, CLOSE-IN ACREAGE PROPERTIES, LOTS, BUNGALOWS, MANSIONS LOANS - ET CETERA , . ; INSIDE INVESTMENT PROPERTY COn nnfl Several ad;Joinlnjr blocks. OtUluUU ri?ht down town, on East Side; 2 acres In all. In the very heart of present and future de velopments. This offers a magnificent profit for any one prepared t o handle such an Invest ment: J55.000 cash re quired. Investigate. FACTORY SITE (yin ftnn Admirably located. 4.90 P4U)UUU acres of land, in every way suited to factory purposes: has 1100 feet on the river where the water is deep; railway switch facilities: only a few minutes' ride to cen ter of Portland. Inves tigate. ACREAGE FOR PLATTING 41r Cnn A magnificent tract of dl OUU 174 acres, within three mile circle, on the West Side; grand views. Every body with the necessary amount of money would like a portion of this after you point out its possibilities. BUY IT, subdivide, save a portion for your own home, build that home out of your profits. Investigate. - FOR PLATTING nA ntA 20 acres this side of d6U)UUU Lnts: subdivisions in demand there. Price $1000 per acre permits imme diate and satlsf a c t o r y profit. Time, place snd conditions favorable for ' subdividing this. ACREAGE NEAR CITY LIMITS 4 Miles From Postoffice. $4,000 16 acres on the hills west of the center of Port land, a beautiful scenic road which skirts Mc- T-eav Park leads to this: the property looks rougher than It ls. It c o in m ands magnificent views. The Intrinsic worth of this property Is far in excess of $4000 (or $250 per acre), and the ' v"" ' man who buys It will be fortunate. Only part cash. Investigate. PORTLAND HEIGHTS QUARTER $10,500 Lot 100x100, splendid corner, 3 houses. Buy this, occupy one house. rent two: later sell a portion, keep the best; use your profit in bulld inp an Ideal home. A splendid Investment. Magnificent view lot, ad lolning City Park, lOOx 100. $15,000 IRVINGTON RESIDENCE i AAA One of the finest OlOjUUU beautiful Irvington: 1 Thar, ia tlol in I O t better $15,000 In Port land. Permit to Inspect can be obtained at the office. HANDSOME RESIDENCE t7 Tflfi An untsually well 2 I t I UU plan ned and attractive home, on the East Side, built a short time ago on a lot picked out by the present owner as the best home site obtain able: house complete In every particular, hard wood floors, massive f Irep lace, sunken den. Investigate If you want , a home of this type. A FINE HOME EASY TERMS fcl Onn A very attractive home, O'ilOUU No. 1063 Broadway, near East 33d street: large 1 1 v i ng-room. handsome dining-room, fine base m e n t, sleeping rooms ideal. The owner will show you through. A FINE HOME j 7f Another attractive home, P4UU near East Burnside st. and East 22d St.. 7 splendid rooms, modern in all apolntments, can he seen at any time. We only advertise places of unusual or special merit. PIEDMONT HOME o Qrifl A bargain, 7 r 0UOUU ceptlonal constr rooms, ex- tru t i o n. near park, scrujols. I'su f o r Information. YOU WH,T, NOT KE DISAP POINTED. Your time will not be wasted in quiring about this or anything appearing over the name of this firm. ROSE CITY PARK HOME Southern Colonial Bungalow A tff Easy terms. 6 rooms. MlUUU s 1 e e p I n g -porch. This house is admired by all passersby. Investigate. ROSE CITY PARK HOUSES Are Selling Fast. o Cff On very easy terms, an 03)3uU especially attractive home (bungalow type). 5 rooms, bay windows, fireplace, beamed ceil ings, buffet, paneled walls. See it; get set tled in your own home. Why not? EASY TERM HOMES $300 CASH $2,800 total. New cottage, five rooms and bath, near carline. This side (west) of 60th street. Unless you can afford to buy a much more expensive place you will be entire ly happy living in this house, and it will be "home" If you decide to take advantage of this opportunity. May I urge vmi to at least INVES TIGATE. Hartman & Thompson Real Eatate Dep-'t, Chamber at Ce mnun Bide Street Bargains A lot between Washington and Burnside $95,000 100x150, Corner of Jefferson street, $80,000 100x200 on Market street, $75,000 It Pays to See Us. Chap in & Harlow 332-338 Chamber of Com. 87000 8-room house, modern, hard surface streets. All improvements paid. Willamette Heights 87000 8-room houee on Thurman st.. surrounded by beautiful homes. $3000 cash. 86000 New 8-room house, on largo lot, near carline. The owner must sell and will make terms. LaM's Addition 88000 11-room house, new, two fire places, furnace; hard-surface streets. Splendid house on your own terms. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY We Collect Rentals. Business Properties UNION AVENUE Price, 21,000 60x100, on the northeast corner Union ave. and E. Couch. This is the best buy on the street. Terms. GRAND AVENUE Price, $11,000 50x90, on the northwest corner Grand ave. and E. Glisan. This adjoins the plant of the Coin Machine Co.. the first high ground across the bridge. HAWTHORNE AVENUE That quarter block on northeast cor ner, adjoining the Sargent. If improved, can give tenant. GRAND AVENUE, 90x100, on the west side of Grand avenue, adjoining the Sargent. Can get tenant if improved, and show good in come. EAST STARK ST. 100x100, N. E. corner East 12th and East Stark Bts. This is opposite the big High and other schools. Good demand for stores or apartments. Price $12,000. Can arrange terms. Edw. P. Mall 104 Second St. Broadway St. ( i c? c"nCorner on j)I p)OUU Broadway 100s 100, with three cottages, close to new bridge, income $47.50 per mo. Only two days at this price. Will double in value within a year. The only snan left on Broadway. Don't let this get away from you. M. E. Thompson Co. Fourth and Oak Sts. FOR MANUFACTURING 14 Acres at KENTON Trnckne-e and water frontasre. A fine large property at a low price. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark Sts. For Lease or Rent Cheap STORE SPACE ON FIFTH STREET BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND ALDER STS. Excellent location for restaurant. For particulars see H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 Commercial Club Building. Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. r f(f investment on a close-in dlUiUUU East side property. Three flats, new and modern. Income $1080 per year. A. H. BIRfLEM, CO, 302 McKay Bids Third and Stark Btu. 1 V TO V HOME BUILDERS i and i CONTRACTORS MreiiwiKit The Addition wilh Choracler Offers special inducements and dis counts to parties building at once. We are prepared to finance first and second mortgages to responsible par ties. Bear In mind, Laurelhurst is now by far the finest place in the city in which to build for quick sales. It has all modern street Improvements, asphalt paving, large water, sewer and gas mains, cluster lights, shade trees, building line and restrictions 26 miles of these beautiful Im proved boulevards and an elegant 31-acre city park. All street im provements installed by the city under the 10-year bonding plan, one tenth payable each year. LOCATION Right in the center of the best East Side residence district. Is reached by the East Ankeny, Rose City Park and Montavilla carlines. Best car service in the city. PRICES AND TERMS Lots 50x100 at $900 up. Terms 10 per cent down, 2 per cent per month. Mead & Murphy Sales Agents. Telephones Main 1503, A 1515. VACANT LOTS EAST ELEVENTH STREET. Near East Mill St., good apart ment site. Three car- 60frrt lines; lot 50x100 ft....O3UUU POKTI.ANn HEIGHTS, On Terrace road. Tract is equal to about four lots. I'nobstruct oble view. Beauti- "I O CCCi ful apartment site 1UUUU MACATAM ROAD, Near new Ball Grounds. ground0.1!! $10,000 FLATS THIRMAN STREET, Near N. 9th St., beautiful new modern four-flat building rentinsr for $100 per month; (frl O Cftfl lot 50x100 ft OlAlOUU FIFTH AND GRANT STREETS, Income $2262. I, o t lOOxind prover.1!.!?:. $25,000 CLOSE-IN ACREAGE XV ACRES, Five blocks east of Trvlngton, near Thompson and East 30li streets. Worth twice fc!fnf4 tho price.. 3OUUU COTTAGES, HOUSES EAST ELEVENTH STREET, .Near E. Washington street, eight. ' room house; lot 27x50 2650 EAST MAIN STREET, Near East Twenty-third street, modern a - room cot- tfJOVCri tage; lot 33x77 feet.. . . WSi OU COUBMTT STREET, Near Flower street, good eleven room house; lot 50x J3500 IVY STREET, Kair Union avenue, modern six- irrnfeeht":?:.!:'.f..x.$4000 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, Good 7 - room house; (fttSCOr. lot 60x100 feet 9JiJUU EAST WAVIS STREET, Near East Twelfth street, mod ern eight-room house; fiiCCnfl lot 33 1-3x100 feet 9UJUU KORTHRIT STREET, Near North Twenty-fourth street, modern 7-room house; tfJ'yflftO lot 55x100 feet . . . O I UUU wakefield,1ries & CO. SS FOVRTH ST. ' VI LOTS IN ARDENWALD, only 20 minutes from First and Alder streets, for $400 to $000, with graded streets, sidewalks built and water piped to each lot, why look for something bet ter when it is not to be found. Terms, easy. KNAPP & MACKEY 212-213 Board of Trade Bldr. Lot 50x100, face east; improvement' all paid; near 22d and Tillamook Sts. Best we know of. $2150 Chapin & Herlo w 332 Chamber of Comerce. "APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE 1 83700 50x100 on East 13th street, between Belmont and Yamhill streets. Bee us for terms. DOVE-TIIOMPSOJI COMPANY, 420-22 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Main 3914. $4150 SNAPpVtVon'EaVt Side, close In: house, 6 rooms, modern; rood lot. Place worth $4850. Rent J30; 1000 cash to swing this. Owner pays IS 10 taxes. A. H. BIRRELL CO 20 McKay Bldg, Third and Stark Sts, 1 HEN YOU CAN BUY IRVINGTON