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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1911)
All Credit Purchase, Made Tomorrow and the Remaining Days of This Month Go on February AonntbIe the First of March Final Entries in Second Annual Boys' Aeroplane Contest Close Tomorrow N.ght-First Pnze $50 Cash-A Pnze for Every Entrant Second Week of ttee Great 6 th -'Annual P-nre 'Food. Fair PORTLAND'S Greatest Exhibit of 1'ure Jrooas enters us wm week tomorrow with no diminishing of interest and enthusi asm. Nothing to compare with it has ever been held in Portland. Vearlv cverv minute from the opening hour last Monday nas seen the "big exhibition floor thronged with visitors and people have come for miles around. Among the nearly 80 demonstra tions are Iure Food Prod acts known and sold the world over. Music by Military Band Organ - , H .1 T7- 1 1 THE monster Band Organ, loaned to us tnrougn courtesy or me roomer & Chase Piano Company, will play again tomorrow. The programme : Oil Ovmy lOtM A. M. rat On Tor i Boaaet (Wearies . JliO A. M. Yls-Isddy-I-Ar, waits. H. nya. JiOO .P. M By the Ult( at the SUrery SiOO P. M Skinnr. irilti (Ted Snyder). 4KM P. M. Red two-step, Perry Mills). BiO P. M. Elalo, Scaoltlsefce (Meyer). COME tomorrow and visit this great, world-wide Exhibit of Pure Foods, whether you were here last week of not! It's a verit able Carnival of good things of every kind. See the novel, gayly decorated booths stop and sip a cup of coffee taste this and that delicacy which the white-f rocked custodians have prepared for you. Don't put it off plan to visit the Great 6th Annual Pure Food Fair tomorrow. JLSelow are some oi xne arucie on ut-inuuatxanun M.&. F.COFFEE 22c LB. The famou M. & F. blend, known to every dLsrriniinntinp housewife in Portland; deliriously 22c pood. Sp-ial, the pound BUTTER. 2 POUNDS 63c Koval or Butternut But ter made from pure, pasteurized eream. On special sale now, the 2-p..und square at Mrs. Potter 'i Salad Dressing. 10c, J0c and 40c. Kaola, 3 pounds, 60c ; pounds, $1.00. EASTERN EGGS 23c Doz. Guaranteed faney Eastern Efrss, larc size. Special for Monday only at the extreme low OO price of, the dozen for only --- EASTERN HAM 16c LB. Eastern Sugar-cured llama, mild and sweet; medium size; cut from nut-fed hops. On special 1 g rale now, the pound, only Monarch Flour, per bag, $1.75. Delft'i Peanut Oil, large sue, 70c; medium size, 40c; small size, 25c. rl . u I " r f i 1 '...'TriiSft' "es-3it .Tsjsssyy5S? Boyal Coffee, penuine Java and Mocha, pound 47J Early Dawn Coffee, special 2-lb. can GOti special 1-lb. can 32$ Holly Milk (it whips), special the can 10; or dozen cans $1.10 Yeloban Milk, 10c the can; or one dozen cans for only Sl.lO White Wonder Soap, box $4.25 Mt. Hood Washing Powder, spe cial now at 3 boxes for 20x Quaker Oats, pkg., 15c; 2 pkgs., 25c. Simon . Pure Lard, pure leaf lard, 5-pound pails, 95c. Crescent Cream Coffee, 1 lb. 40 ; 2 lbs. at 75; 3 lbs. at $1.10 M. J..B. Coffee, 1 pound at 40; 2 lbs. at 75; 3 lbs. at $1.10 Golden West Coffee, 1 lb. at 40h 2 lbs. at 75; 3 lbs. at $1.10 Dependable Coffee, 1 pound 40 ; 2 lbs. at 75; 3 lbs. at $1.10 German American Coffee, 1 lb. at 40; 2 lbs. 75; 3 lbs. $1.10 Lard, Supreme brand, 5-lb. pails, 73c ; 10-lb. pails, $1.45. Lard, Union Meat Co. stand ard, 5 pounds, 75c. 4 Pays of Rapid Fire Pre-taventory C Up s . r .1 1 1 C ONLY four short days to dispose oi ine mousanusui small lots and remainders from the tremendous business of our January Clearances! The Annual Inventory begins February 2 if possible we don't want to invoice a one of A Clean-Up of Fine Suits . -rr i si T . 1 r fT1 -1 WOMEN'S and Misses' liign-waae juan-.tailored Suits in all the season's newest models and materials. Styles which vary little,, if any, from those to be shown for early Spring. Radical reductions for Pre-Inventory selling: All $35 to $40 Tailored Suits now priced $19-45 All $40 to $50 Tailored Suits now priced All $50 to $60 Tailored Suits now pncea 100 WOMEN'S BEST $7.30 SKIRTS, Tomorrow $3.45 Walking Skirts of fine black Pan amas and gray Worsteds, in smart, plain kilted effect with flounce. Regular $7.50 Skirts, in all sizes. Tomorrow's pre-inven- fcO Att tory sale, at only, ea. WOMEN'S $10 TO $15 SKIRTS, Tomorrow $5.65 Five hundred fine Skirts ol Serpes and Panamas, in black, navy, brown and (Ty. Dozens of the season's latest models in plait ed and panel effects. CC $10 to $15 Skirts at $10 TO $15 TAILOK.i' SUITS, Tomorrow $4.85 Ridiculously low is this Pre-Invcn-tory Cleanup price on incomplete lines of Woman's Suits. Tweeds and Panamas, in black and pray mixtures. $10 to $15 CA fit Suits, special now for " WOMEN'S $3.50 to $4.50 SWEATER COATS $1.48 Cleanup of Women's, Misses' and Children's Knit Wool Sweater Coats. Plain and fancy weaves, with "V" shape or roll collars. White, red and gray. 1 A SI Beg. $3.50 to $4.50 vals Women's $3.50 $6 Waists $1.98 SECOJTD FLOOR. MAIN BriLDIXG. , y-v iTriAnTPT 1 :-.'J in the biz Pre-Inven tory Sale tomorrow than this of $3.50 to $6 Waists -at $1.98 Beautiful Lingerie Waists of fine sheer Batiste and Mull, trimmed in lovely ' imitation Baby Irish, VaL and Irish Cro chet Laces. Yokes formed of laces and embroideries; Val. Lace Insertion in backs, fronts and sleeves. Long or 3-4 sleeves. Also fine pure linen Tailored Waists in smartest embroidered and tucked models. All regular $3.50 to $6 Waists tomorrow, $ 1 .98 See Cth-St. Display Window. these small lots. And so, regardless of how desirable any of the lines may be, they must go at once. Every thrifty man and woman in Portland should share in the matchless bargains. Read the details belowcome tomorrow! $ lOto $ 1 5 Coats $5.85 A PHENOMENAL Pre-Inventory Cleanup of Women's and Misses' Separate Coats. Long loose or semi-fitted Storm Coats of gray mixed tweeds and black kerseys. Every one of them well tailored m the staple models. flc oc Regular $10 to $15 Coats, tomorrow Odds and Ends in Coats and Capes, Only $1.98 Odds and ends in Women's and Misses' Coats and Capes, made of corert cloths, serges and tweeds, in short, tight and semi-fittirtg styles. Full length Broadcloth Capes. Our regular $5 to $8 P1 QQ garments, now for P'0 Women's $7.50 to $15 Coats, Tomorrow $4.85 Women's short and medium length Coats, made of tan covert cloths and fancy tweeds, in all sizes.. Lined or unlined styles for early Spring wear. Our $7.50 to $15 Coats, now at only M5'0 $12.50 to $18 Dresses Spec'l Tomorrow $7.85 About 100 Silk and Wool Dresses, in plain and fancy models of most every kind. Some with lace yokes and un ?orcppvps ; "others nlain tail ored for street wear. Our ft $18 dresses, now V Clean-Up of $5 to $10 Silk Petticoats at $2.45 Silk Petticoats, of good quali ty taffeta with silk or cotton separate underlay. Single and double flounces, trimmed in tailored bands, clusters of pin tucks, etc.; I?0 AZZ colors only; now r elling ! B11 Odd Lots of Fine Wool Dress Goods Now V2 Price FIRST FLOOR. MAI.X BfII.DI.NG. OUT on a big bargain table for quick selling tomorrow, over 1S0O yards of fine Wool Dross floods at EXACTLY ILVLF PRICE. Lengths of two to six yards in great assortment of staple weaves and colors, suitable for skirts, coats and chil- dren's dresses. Kegular 50c to $2.50 grades, exactly 2, 65c PLAIN SILKS CO TOMORROW, YD. 25c Plain Silks for waists and dresses, in navy and light blue, gray, tan, garnet, brown in fact nearlv every solid color. Actual 65 e quality, OC. ODD LOTS $1 &. $1.25 SILKS, TOMOR'W 50c Fancy Silks in all the popu lar weaves ami colorincs such as stripes, plaids and figures. Odd bolt and short lengths. Our regular $1.00 to CHp $1.25 grades, tomorrow -vr while lot lasts, the yd. Another Lot 65c Aluminum Sauce Pans, Tomorrow at 37c BASEMKNT. Mv Ul'ILDIXG. OO.KED like every woman who came to the 6tore Friday and Satur day bought one of these Aluminum Sauce Pans. So for tomorrow we've secured an additional lot. All are the famous "Wear-Ever" make, 1 1-2-quart size, with long handle, exactly as illustrated, The regular 65c 0T kind. Specially priced for tomorrow's sale at O C Specials in Bungalow Nets Scores of pretty patterns in filet, all-over, large block and neat small designs in widths from 45 to 50 inches. White and ecru. See big Sixth-Street Display Window. 50c Bungalow Nets, white and ecru, special, yard, 33 75c Bungalow Nets, twelve patterns, the yard only 48 $1.00 Bungalow Nets, white and ecru, the yard only 69 Samp'e Strips of Embroidery For This Sale About Half-Price FIRST FLOOR, NEW BriLDIXG ORDER BY MAIL. THE Annual Inventory demands many sacri fices short lines must be cleaned out. That's the reason, for these unusual reductions on fine Cambric, Nainsook, and Swiss Eembroidery Strips. Edges and insertions in eyelet, filet and blind stitch designs, suit able for women's and children's wear. l2 to 5 yd. lengths. 1 tk n o 9.5 T!mbrnlrlerv Strins. snecial. the strio f)Fr tpAsaw vvr x w a 1 i. - t $3.00 to $4.50 Embroidery Strips, special, each $L39 EMBROIDERY REM NANTS AT 7c &. 15c Hundreds of short lengths and remnants of Embroidered Edges and Insertions from to 9 inches wide must be cleaned out before Inventory. To 40c grades, the yard 15 To 25c grades, the yard 7 ALLOVER LACE REMNANTS V2 OFF Beautiful embroidered Nets, handsome patterns in Venise all-over embroiders, in white, cream and colored effects, and other popular designs included at this reduction. Suitable for making yokes. HALF OFF Pre-Inventory Muslinwear Sale . - ..-r-r iwn KEW Bl'ILDIXG. ORDER BY SI AIL. THOUSANDS of desirable garments in Muslinwear must be disposed of before inventory. Gowns are of good quality muslin, cambric and nainsook, daintily trimmed in VaL and Torchon laces, embroideries, etc. High or low-neck styles, long and short sleeves: $2.00 to $2.35 Gowns, Pre-Inventory Sale price $1.49 $2.50 to $3.50 Gowns, Pre-Inventory Sale price $1.93 $3.75 to $4.50 Gowns, Pre-Inventory Sale price $2.67 SALE OF $5.50 COMBINATION SUITS S3. 15 Three-piece Combination Suits of fine quality nainsook ani n.mKrir. trimmed in daintv VaL lace edtres and in sertions, headings and ribbons. Our regular fl?0 C $5.00 suits, on special sale for tomorrow at J $2.50 WHITE SKIRTS AT $1.79 Skirts of durable cambric and lawn with wide flounces, Koo,.tifiilr- trimmer! in cluster of lace and tucks, inser tion in wide embroidery. All with separate JJ- yn underlays. $2.50 Skirts, special for tomorrow K ' $20to $25TapestryRigs$!4.35 THIRD FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. A WONDERFULLY good illustration of the savings on de pendable Floor Coverings in the Pre-Inventory Sale! Seamless Tapestry Rugs, in scores of handsome patterns of rich reds, browns, green, blue and other popular shades. C 1 4- 3 5 Size 9x12 feet. Regular $20 to $25 grades at only V - . 70c Printed Linoleum, in block, par quetry and imitation wood effects. Fine quality. Must be cleaned out before the inventory. There $1.25 $1.75 Body Brussels Carpets, in fif teen patterns. Sufficient in each to carpet a room. Price includes sewing, laying and lining. At, the yard Wilton Rugs, size 36x72 inches, $6.50 grades, special $4.85; size 27x54 inches. Special Pre-In- (I0 Otf ventory Cleanup price tl)00 25c and 30c Japanese Matting, 17 50c Fiber Carpets, to close out, 25 1 $1.50 Axminster Carpets, yd. $1.22 47c fore the low price, sq. yd. $50 Wilton Bugs Extra heavy," in our newest patterns. Sizes 8-3x10-6 feet. Special Pre-In- JOC (( ventory Cleanup PJutUU $25 Wilton Rugs, 6x9 feet, 19.75 $32-$40 Wil. Rugs, 8-3x10-6 27.50 $45 Seamless Wilton Rugs, $35.00 Children's 35-40c Warm Underwear,Garment 2 1 c FIRST FLOOR, MAI BCILDIXG. ORDER BY MAIL. WITH three months of Winter , before us, these rousing Pre-Inventory specials .on warm Underwear make mighty comfortable reading. Braken sizes in Children's Vests" and-Pants in white, eream and gray. Regular 35c and 40c grades. O 1 Special Pre-Inventory Clean-Up Price, garment 1 C INFANTS BEST 35c UNDERWEAR, 2lc Cozy, fleece-lined little gar ments, of fine ribbed mate rial, in white only. Sizes 1 to 6 years. Best 35c grade. Special Pre-inven- fti tory Price, only 1 C CHILD'S 50c UNION SUITS AT 35c EACH For children aged from 4 to 14 years. The famous "E. Z." brand of bleached cotton Union Suits, cut com fortably full. 50c Qf grade. 3 for $1, ea. OOC Women's Neckwear 98c FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. LOVERS of dainty Neckwear will surely come by the hundreds for this splendid bargain tomorrow 1 Real imported French Hand-Embroidered Neckwear, consisting of Jabots, Rabats and mnmr atTipt pharminfT conceits, made of fine 1 J vm.--- O 7 n linen lawn and every piece tastefully hand-em- broidered. Kegular $1.0U to-4 jn ecKwear, np Pre-Inventorv Clean-Uo Sale tomorrow 25c TO 40c RIBBONS FOR 1 2c Great lot of fine all-silk Taffeta, Satin and Moire Ribbons, 5 to 7 in. wide, in a wide range of staple col ors. Regular 25c to 45c 1 grades. Tomorrow at, yard X uC S3c to 40c Ribbon for 12c For Sashes, Halrbows and Millinery. KID GLOVES AT 98c PAIR Extra special tomorrow on fine German Lambskin Glace Gloves in pique seam style. Black, white, gray, brown, tan, mode and cham pagne. All sizes, 514 to 1V. An Tomorrow's Cleanup, pair JOC iir l $1.50tol C f- W omen s $2 silk nobe juu r- IT-Sa Silk Hosiery bargain that's bound to g sot everv woman talking! iw Just 350 pairs of Women's Finest $1.50 to $2 Silk J Hosiery in solid colors only, such as purple, wisteria,') yellow, sky blue, Copenhagen, navy, red, green, pink.11 V. i i . 1 ; T Tlvrtt Silt1 I Also wniiP, reu, iaii uuu pma iu xov ; jk Ilosierv. Broken lines not all sizes in J J f each color. No phone or mail orders m W K. ana none seni Kj. j. x. l mr Children's 25c Hose, 19 Our famous Victor Guaran teed Hosiery for boys or girls. Fast stainless black, ith strong double soles, Iin filled Women's to 60c Hose, 27 Five thousand pairs women's 35c to 50c imported Hose. Plain lisle, eotton and mer cerized Hose, with carter tops and double sole. 1 7 en heels and toes; to- "I Q r Will y cm Tomorrow In the Basement Annex on JEe Bargain Square 1 (T 10,000 Pairs of Men's, and 1C 1C Women's 25c to 50c Hose IOC A GREAT Pre-Inventorv CleanrUp of around 10,000 pairs of Men's and Women's 25c, 35c and 50c Hosiery on the Bargain Square tomorrow at 16c 1 Nearly every imaginable kind and color lisle, cashmere, mercerized cotton and fleece-lined Hosiery. Plain f f black, plain colors and f ancv effects of every kind. Tomorrow, pair X vIC 5000 Meil S ZOC to YOC ollK lies, specially pimcu muimmw mmmm Women's ilSS Shoes $ l .69 THIRD FLOOR, NEW BUILDING ORDER BY MAIL. INCOMPLETE lines, of course, in patent, gunmetal and vici kid leathers. Button and lace styles, light .and heavy soles. Every pair worth either $3.00, $3.50 or rt JQ M OO. Tomorrow, while the lot lasts, the pair 0 X 07 WOMEN'S SLIPPERS AT $2.35 THE PAIR Quick disposal of broken lines in "Women's $3.50 and $4.00 Evening and House Slippers. Patent leather and gunmetals in ankle-strap, (SQ OC three-strap and pump style. The pair (JJ MEN'S TO $5.00 SHOES AT $2.79 Men's high-grade $3.50 to $5 Shoes, in pat ent, gunmetal, velour calf and vici kid leath ers. Button and blucher lace styles for dress and street wear $2.79 Tomorrow, special at 9.Vi mil it . W v.