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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1911)
10 IE AUTO E PORTLAND YOUNG LADY IS EXPERT AUTO DRIVER Miss Grace McMinn Declares Motoring I Unsurpassed as Healthful Pas time for Young American Girls. "White Is King" T .geant to Be Feature "Opening Week" Show Which Opens Today. of bVEL METHOD ADOPTED PUMD MS QMQRRQW -Ilor of Exhibit to Be Transported to Garage Wlicre Every Make of far Is Shown-Wemme ' Grand Marshal. irhiia tha "nnanlna weak" how of the rtland automobile aents wa thrown n to the public officially last nigni. formal opening ceremonies wlU take .co todar- The feature wlU be a mam- tn automobile parade at 10 o'clock norrow morning. Thl year's automobile ahow Is belnf d on noel lines, the dealer aasocla ii adopting; the latest Eastern style displaying autoa by exhibiting each ke of car at the garage of the agent J of transporting; the patrons the show from garage to garage as ilred To facilitate transfer of vlsi s at the different garages every deal has placed a number of autoroobuoa to disposal of the committee, while nllr action baa been taken by a num r of automobile owners, wlto have du ted the use of their machines for msfer purposes during the week, i. ni.nnxl la conduct a two-minute i-vUe to all of the g. rases listed In show. Kvery machine win wd at one garage, and pick up an hrr for a visit to the next point, iking a rotary aystem of transporta o among the varloue garages entering show. ' n-.e automobile dealers competing In e show number f. Kvery garage has n decorated tastefully and all of latest designs of every make ot r. of whlh there are more than 130, on display at the agencies. Method I Instructive. The feature of the new method of owing cars la that It affords every rnt a better opportunity of displaying e cars for which he Is the agent. Ho In no way cramped for space nd has . of his garage facilities at his Im- -ilUite disposal. This would hardly be slUe la the rrampea quanrra uu y allotted dealers when automobile rlays are held under one roof. The item Is also Instructive to pairona v. show, aa they are shown throuslt rry garage to see the mechanism of thoroughly than .i.t a tha -na were the exhibit quar- rs handlcnpped by lack of room. The opening last night, while an ln- rmal affair, was Highly successiui. i I ta f ranif.r aarrlre did a shlng bualnesa from 7:30 o'clock until o'clock, when the service ceased tor e nlsht. Commencing tomorrow, auto- oblle service wUl be at the disposal natrnna nt lh ahOW from 3 O'clock i the afternoon until 10 o'clock at night. .a .t..i... Mntrt T na au.uw ruuvrs III attend the snow curing m The committee having cnarge ot ir.e dealers Openlnsr WK. naa ipp"i nl 1 1 a In fhirm at tha "In - is trial parade. The parade will form i Burnslde atreei ana arouna x-aia. -w. mwA m atart at 10 o'clock. A. M.. nlesa bad weather Interferes. E. Henry .'ernrae. pioneer automomuf owner n ortland. will be grand marshal. All Owners Invited. T..ii.tkna ia haan aant to all mm- -r of the Portland Automobile Club. enter the parade and to au private wners In the city explaining dealers ...I.. L- ..kintf tham to iDDfitr in le parade and urging in era m icno mair sslstance In making the first annual a Interesting; event. A band will head the exnimts ot tne utomoblla dealers, which will cons'st m .... innlndln w all nleasure ve Icles and electrics and trucks and com- .aaat w-atillaa aaa n Ka iiaMt far transfer nnrnosea re to be marked with banner marked. unicjal xransier car. Line of March Long. The parade will form at Twelfth and :..hlnA. IIMAT. arm n V BOUIFl ID ' 1 ' a W " k , T3 t 1 . . Am MrtlBAn tn Vnn r t h . lui i . " . vh - . . . u . outh on Fourth to Alain, east on Main First, nortn on first. o uomion, . a.r.-.iaA.. tr T)i n1 flftrf h Oil "bird to Pine, west on Pine to Seventh, outh on Seventh to Alder, east on Al ar to Sixth, nortn on sixm to ua ... a.a rwb ia ITniirfh amifh nn pourTh a waif nn Kfark to Fifth, south n Fifth to Washington, east on Wash- a lviiift r. anuin ora f ll i rt II 111 lder. west on Alder to Fifth, south on Irand avenue, south on tirand avenue a Hawthorne, west on fiawtnorne 10 ,'nlen avenue, south on Union avenue m - nn rla. tn P.r.n il avanna. iorth on Grand avenue to Burnslde, west n imrnsiae 10 (ne Annnrj. r- . u.Mtial Wmmt ant (ha f i r. t band will bead the parade on Twelfth itreet. racing; aoutn at nasmnsion. rlvata owners cars will follow, form .a tn. t i rmr .uiion ok i iir Da.raua .VHa iti.nlavl, tiiiftr fir fnmmnrrlil t.i.1., will Hn.. (hair ri ra nn Ta n t h itraet. north ot Burnslde. facing; south. The second section ot me paraao whp ha morn ml band will form at West rk and Burnslde streets. Dealer's ni.a.ii r-a nn and eleotrlca will orra at West Park and Burnslde streets n tha following? order: Aoburn Motor Car Compinr, Brown and Nation. Cartar Car Fslen Company. Cover a..tna ra. n m na n v rnffi Auto I'amrjany. LfUIHUir'Pmun .omiH. a, i . - - . ' " aat ompany. ora M nor nr srd Aute Company. Krlt Motor 8alea Com- &anr M I - lvaaia alio I um nan . j. i. . Laavltt a Co.. MensU-s Dubois. Nests' ul'.ifh. VnrthvMl Aula r.mDIDT. Ofien tt lluilir Auto Company. Portland Detroit' tuto Company. Portland Motor Car om ana v Hirva Umlth Clavaland Com taltcbell Motor Car Company. United Aulo rompanjr. n bill Motor Car Company. Accessory dealers entering; cars with tanners will place their cars on Couch. ravis and Everett streets, between the ark streets, facing the cara west, .'hese cars will follow the dealers ex libit of pleasure cars. Jhe third section will be composed . .. . k. - ....A ahnanmaalal ..hlclaa vhlch will form on the west side of irk street, between Burnslde ana .'ouch In the following; order: V i 'art.- rar Rales ConiDanv. Cover Motor ;ar Company. Dulmaga-Smlth Company. Iloaard Aula Company. H. i- Keats Auto fompany. Manilas Ixibola. Neata A Mc Carthy, r. C. Rises. filoddard-Darton Auio t oropaay. I nitm auto uiaytur, hbiii mo tor r Lonpaor. ' Pasco Park Is Proioed. PASCO. Wash Jan. 2L Special.) The isonnem jaci.ic unj hi bw w the city about ten acres of land Just aW - A Ca Oa,al.ra i V. It la. tha nvno wi kj. . . . .. v - lnt-rrtlon of the dty to Improve this tract ana mase it a para. A MONO Ihe younr enthusiasts In Portland'a feminine mo:orin circles fa Miss C.race Mcillnn, rauahter of Mr. anl Mrs. M. la M.Minn, of 5S7 East Forty-seventh street. North. Rose City Park. Some six weeks ago Miss MeMlnn's father purchased a handsome flve-psssenger Cadillac 80. and desnlte the fact that she ! an earnest high school student, with scant leisure from her books, sne is air-may clever operator at tne wneei 01 m family car. Mlaa MrMlnn has a natural interest i ..lAar. nf all kinds, and not only quickly learned to drive the automobile m-ith akin hut alreadr has a thorough understanding of Its mechanism. In the accompanying picture ansa aic- . .. ... .'- , - j-' - -,....-' . ; - , t . ' :- - '' ' J .- ". r--A t-S ; f t v-x-r wrw x t i "v - ;;"a w V Si ' STV" v. M V:4 .i 1 - 1 MI CRACK M'StlSiX- Minn Is shown at the wheel of her new Cadillac, which has a dark rea poay with cream running gear. She la very loyal to the Cadillac and pronounces mntorlns; the most exhilarating pleas ure within her experience. i .a .hi.. ifma t hava been driv ing our car I have had a great deal of enjoyment out of It," said Miss McMlnn. "and I expect to enjoy It even more, and to a-lve my girl friends many nlaaaant nullntra IMIII SDrlnK ST rives. By that time mean to be an expert at driving and repairing, and ana al.aailv nlatinllir tOUff lntO ttlS country and motor picnics for my co terie of special rrienas. i am aura nothing could be more delightful, more healthful and more wholesome aa a pleasure and pastime for a young American girl than motoring." SEAL LINEUP GOOD Danny Long Declares Pros pects Are Bright. CRACK FIELDER IS RAISED Ooar Vltt Gel More Money, and Chances Are That Tommy Shee han May Play With Portland. Tex Klckard Talks. TIT HARRY B. SMITH. oav pmvnsro. Cal.. Jan. 2t. That stormy spell we have Just been ..AAnniArinr knocked mid-winter base- i,.ii ohattar akvhlgh and we are Just getting back on our feet again, where the news begins to come to us. in iranrA how a hard streak or rain win drive all thoughts of baseball from your head, but that la what nappenea. irnnvtr. the weather has settled once more, for a time, at least, and things are looking a bit brighter rrom tne news standpoint. The Seals are coming along niceiy, udging from the news that Danny laonr gives out every day or so about this man and another one wno is com ing. Long is a born newspaper chap. He doesn't bunch all of his news, but he feeds It gradually to the baseball writers, and hence keepa before the public all ef the time. Danny has been having a little trou ble with Oscar Vltt. his crack thlrd-aittiAiie-h tha fhances kre that It has ail been straightened out In no time. Vltt wanted a little more money than the Seal management cared to pay him. Of course Vltt Is a youngster, bat he figured that he is a good attraction. J don't know bow much he has been offered but Long was not alarmed over conditions and late In the week an nounced that Vltt had signed up. Virginian Is Great Find. Long Is boasting Just now about his new -outfielder. Watt Powell. who comes from the Virginia league. Powell has sent In his contract and Long thinks he has made a great find. Powell Is coming here highly recommended. He batted around .ZfcS for the Roanoke club and la described as one oi tne best ground coverers of that organiza tion. A tall, rangy fellow, he likely will be tried In spot In left field left vacant by Ping Bodie. ' The baseball grounds at Los Angeles arae to receive a new name when the 1511 season opens. The famoua Coast League grounds have long been known as the Chutes, but will be called the Washington street baseball park In the future.v Manager Happy Hogan. ot Vernon, has come to terms with Harry Stewart, the San Francisco pitcher who was turned over to him last Fall. He has also landed a prospective thlrdbase- simplicity freedom from ignition troubles reliability f a-ss-t-SBmSt--Sm---l low cost of maintenance -that's what you'll hear if you ask the opinion of owners of White Gas Motor T-r-u-c-k-s Amone the local users of White Gas Motor Car Trucks are such well-known firms as Auto Delivery Co., with 21 in daily use. Blumaner-rrank Drug Co. Hotel Portland. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. Roberts Bros. Dept. Store. Allen & Lewis. Sunnyside Fuel Co. Bull Run Pipe Works. Mount Hood Railway Co. I. E. Hassam Paving Co. Fletcher Transfer Co. East Side Fuel Co. Railway Equipment Co. City Cleaning & Dyeing Co. Haradon & Son, Candy Manufacturers. Russell Gilbert, Candy Manufacturers. Cluis Johnson & Son. Let a little of your bwn good headwork win Come and see for yourself - Tjrt MflDidDir Cair Coo -...Ea3tmBLn GenLMgr. 6 th. &. Madison Sts. g-S-ISK SecretJy Northwest Distributors DEMONSTRATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ANY TIME OR AT ANY PLACE man in Clarence McDonald of Tarra Haute of the Central League. Tla-i n'Vall I la In H a Uniith a 7.alc 11ai a..a.a. tha M.s.ljt arlth. an mvm tn determining where he will have the Boston Americans train wnen iney reach the Coast. Tip also wants to close dates with Los Angeles and Ver non. Then he will be In a position to arrange his schedule and announce when and where games will oe piayea on the Pacific Coast. The Improvements at t reeman a t. .1. !... a alaaariv iitirlar WSV. x ai a., vaaiaiiui aa a " ' The management has the fever for bet ter accommodations for the grandstand Arniril anil If la aalT t here will be ROItlfl opera chairs In the equipment equal 10 anything that Hen Berry will have In the southland. fa. UlnbapA'a annnilllAAmAnt Of blS desire to rematch James J. Jeffries and I .... 1 TKnann Kaa nn AAltlAll AHT de elded stir In this end of the world. Half the people don t thin tnere is mucn in the yarn and the balance don't care. The newspaper critics have for the' most part come out In decided opposi tion to such a bout. ' They declare em phatically that It Is not wanted In San Francisco. They point to the farce, that took place at Reno and say that It Is well enough to drop such fizzles. He'll Take It to Salt Lake. Of course Rlckard would like to have the match take place In California, but fc." 1 ann.hal- alrlnr trt hlB tOW. H has told friends that the Utah Legisla ture Is conslderlns the passage of a bill permitting 30-round rignts ana that if this is done, he will take his match to Salt Lake City. Otherwise, so He naa miormea me nnrtinar writers, the bout can be han dled In Nevada. Frank Berry, brother of the Los Angeles baseball magnate and himself a millionaire. Is anxious to go in, with Rlckara on tne scneme. Thav hava floured out that they can afford to offer a $60,000 purse, give i.a.iA. a hnnm it necessary ana sun t. -'ia In anrnaat. althOUflrh he admits that he has not talkea to jei- .l.a One of the sporting men of San Francisco declares there Isn't a chance for a return match. "Mrs. Jeffries simply wouldn t per i. i." ha riar-lared. "She was opposed to that Reno affair and now -there Isn t a chance in the world for her to give her consent, even If Jim would agree. t ... that Mrs. Jeffries has Jajb UB a.w . - -i.Aaaahiik influAn?' at home. Oakland has gone over to the no de- ol.lnn Hrtutta Not SO long ago, that . . .. w-a A rr,r. frnm 10 rounds tO BlX and when the matches took place last week. Referee taaie ommi that he had been cautioned by the po lice that the referee was not to give Smith got around that partially be cause he Is the sporting editor of an in riabianit and wrote up the fights telling who he thought was entltlea to tne oecisiuna. The police, apparently, have decided I... ..hi tha laxrialatura has a chance -t.a. .hat It Inlands to do. It will be Just as well to have declslonless matches. Hogan and Burns to Meet. San Francisco will enjoy Its monthly i -aa c-riitav nls-ht when One- Round Hogan and Frankle Burns clash . hAiiiiiAii SO-raund match. - Jack Welch has been selected as the referee ha Hnva ara training faithfully. At the present writing. Hogan Is a. 19 to 9 favorite over Burns and bids lair to be an even stronger cnoicc . . a tt. a 1 1 pi nf fact, is a de cidedly promising lightweight and If he doesn't make good, be will aisap point a lot of the wiseacres In the pu gilistic game. Coffroth ha been fig uring somewhat on putting on the win ner of the January card with Lew Pow ell, but there Is no certainty that Ho gan will accept. He has had an offer to go to New York to engage In some of the short round bouts and as he has never taken the Kastern trip, he thinks that Is what he would like to be doing. If that match should be impossible for February. Coffroth may stage a ma ton Between KacKey incranana ana Antone La Grave. Both are light weights who have trouble making the lightweight limit and it Is dollars to doughnuts that they would be willing to mix at the 140-pound limit. Fighters Placed Tender Bond. ENTERPRISE. Or., Jan. 21. W. W. Winnings, Arch Wlllett and W. W. Willett. the three participants In the shooting affray at Lostine, near this city, last Sunday, were given a pre- uil... ha.rlnir hafnre Justice Good' liuiuai J ' m man, Tuesday, and were placed under $1000 bonds each to appear at the next term of the Circuit Court. Arch Wll lett, who was shot twice by Winnings, Is considered to be In a precarious con dition. Pasco Bank Is Prosperous. PASCO, Wash., Jan. 21. The direc tors of. the First National Bank of Pasco have completed their annual ses- sion. end the principal business trans- InnrAABlnc tha number Of directors from five to seven. The offi cers for 1911 will be: Robert Jahnke, president; James Waters, vice-president; T. J. Cooper, cashier. The direc tors are J. Waters, A. C. Purdy, T. Driscoll, R. Jahnke. T. J. Cooper. J. L. DeForce and J. E. Steffins. The bank now has deposits well over the $200.01)0 mark. "French briar root" Is really heather. a- . 121 TIf TIIM HRFPON Two very much overworked expressions, DUlL l UN alXlLViVyl ( worth nothing if we cannot make good, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY ) but sound reasoning if backed by merit We leave it to your judgment whether we are able to deliver value received as compared Eastern competition. Our toicfwiU not be an enlarged pleasure automobile but a real motor truck bu r hd service in a hard country. We call it a 4-ton truck because we do not propose to decorate it with warn ings against overloading. You .will be able to load it up without stopping to calculate. NOTE THE FOLLOWING FEATURES: 48 Inch Rear Wheels, Chainless Dust-Proof Drive, Wide Tire Rear Drop -Axle Permitting Low Platform CITY OFFICE, 71 FIFTH STREET, COMMERCIAL CLUB BUILDING, PORTLAND