DRAMATIC AND SPORTS SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 12 VOL. XXX. PORTLAND. OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1911. NO. 4. Distinctive Furniture Wo direct social attention to our wonderfully compre hensive wlfi'tion of mahogany dinintr room furniture. Home fitterx who are furnishing their dining rooms in this richest of all woods will be agreeably surprised to learn how low we ran sell them the finest and most exclusive designs in rich mahogany. We can furnish you with mahogany pieces for little more tlnn you would pay for oak in most stores. We've bought heavily of these goods, and can supply the most exacting demands of the discriminating trade. No Matter What You Want in Furniture Gadsby Sells it for We Sell on Credit You may make special credit arrangements on all furniture purchases here. Complete housefurnishers pronounce the Gadsby credit system the most satisfactory of any in Port land. Select a complete set for your home and pay for it all in easy monthly or weekly instalments that will best suit your convenience. We don't advertise "$1.00 A WEEK WILL DO" so that you'd be ashamed to have a Gadsby wagon stop in front of your door. But we make liberal and easily met credit arrangements if you desire them. lheZ 1st Cle'aramice Sale Drawing to a Close "GADSBY. SELLS IT FOR Hi j ' Put This Davenport in Your Home for $25 A durable piece of furniture that all dwellers in flats or small houses where a livinp room must sometimes be used for bed rooms find almost indispensable. A handsome design, that adds to the appearance of any home. Solid oak frame and upholstered in chased leather. Oil tempered springs tftng and automatic action. Special for the Clearance Sale D3 SPECIAL CREDIT TEEMS IF YOU DESIRE THEM A Solid Oak Sideboard $24.00 Value for $15 These Sideboards are in artis tic designs, made of solid oak, with pood-sized mirror of French bevel plate glass. Man a housekeeper has wished for a GOOD Side board in her dining-room but hesitated to buy on account of the prices asked. Every economist who sees this ad vertisement and lacks a side board should investigate. A regular $24.00 value, CI C Clearance price only. vlO All Sideboards, Buffets, China Closets, etc., at Clearance Prices. The Gadsby policy of selling only good furniture has made the store famous. Thousands of homes in this city that have been furnished by this store are enthu siastic advertisements of the Quality of the goods sold' here. Our pride is in selling Furniture That Lasts. And 'tis on this furniture of such splendid depend ability that the Clearance Sale prices reign now. Only a few more days of this great Clearance Sale remain We Are Portland Agents for the Famous Majestic Range A good range is the chief pride of a good cook. There ' are more good cooks using the Majestic Range than any other. Show the woman who knows ranges who has experienced the disappointments that other ranges cause and the satisfaction that's to be had from a MAJESTIC and she'll be more enthusiastic in its praise .than we can .be. You should know more , about the many features. that are, exclusive with the Majestic why it takes so little fuel to do a baking why it's almost impossible to have "poor luck" when you use a Majestic how it's made so that you can "beat it with a hammer or jump on the oven door" without injury to the range. Ask us to show you the ventilated ash pit, the non-breakable oven rack, the special dry ing rod and the many "Majestic" advantages possessed by no other range. Use your credit in buying a Majestic. We will arrange for very easy terms of pay ment and put one in your home at once. Come tomorrow and investigate. Room-Size Rugs at Clearance Sale Prices We carry the largest stock of room-size Rugs in all Portland. We sell Rugs for less than other houses for the reason that we buy in such huge quantities and secure them at the very lowest wholesale prices. When you're bent on rug buying, let our salesmen show you our five large display racks of these rugs. You may look at rugs from 6x9 feet to the very large 12x15 feet, and find an infiuite variety of patterns and colorings in all sizes. ALL ROOM BUGS ON SALE AT CLEARANCE SALE PRICES. Velvet Rugs, size 9x12, in large assortment of col- d 1 7 C f orings, floral and Oriental patterns. Special for iff X OU 50 Sanf ord Brussels Rugs, size 9x12 feet ; large rt C variety of patterns and colors. Special Clearance tff J, O 3 Handsome OakTable $ 1 2.50 Comes in all finishes, a hand some design with claw feet, as illustrated. A dining table that will add to your dining room. 43-inch top,f 1 O Cft solid oak. Special P Every Heating Stove One-Fourth Less You can save one-fourth on any heating stove in the house, whether you want to pay cash or have it charged. "We're overstocked now and a quick dis posal must be made of these stoves. No need to have chilly houses this Winter, when the best heating stoves to be had are on sale at 25 per cent less than the already low prices. "Gadsby Sells It For Less." THE MELROSE HEATERS. Here is a stove with a cast-iron lining and elegant nickel top a stove that gives the maximum amount of heat for the minimum amount of fuel. Just the stove for burning Oregon woods. ' Will last a lifetime. Guaranteed to be the best construction. Melrose No. 20, a $13.50 fQ Q C value for P J O O Melrose No. 20, 15.50, $ 1 1.60 Melrose No. 24, $17.75, $13.35 FAIRY OAK HEATERS. Take advantage of this sale and you'll save the price of one of these Heaters in the amount you'll cut down your fuel bill for the balance of the Winter. Sub stantial, economical. Size 111, a regular $8, for J? C C this sale pO.0 No. 113, reg. $10.25 val $7.10 No. 115, reg. $12.50 val. J$825 No. 117, reg. $14.75 val. $10.65 Solid Oak Rocker $4.50 Value $2.50 Just like illustration, large and comfortable, with cobbler seat. Well made, with one- piece bacK; well oracea, as shown in picture. Others ask $4.50. Buy it here for $2.50 Airtight Heaters Special at $1.95 If you want a small stove to heat an upstairs room or one to finish ont the Winter, you can 't do better than to buy one A of these "airtights." We offer them this week at J) A c0 Mission Rocker on Sale at $3.9S . . , - . Furniture like 'this chair is a good investment from every standpoint. It will last, and it . will be a delight to your eye, and a rest for 3-our tired body as long as you have . it. The mission design shown here is one that will look well in any room den, libra ry, living room, etc. There should be one in every bungalow. Solid Oak, exactly like cut, made of fine selected oak, with large uphol stered Boston leather seat on steel springs, high back, finished either Aveathered or golden oak. Regular price $10.00. Gadsby's dC QC Clearance price is only PJ.?J GADSBY SELLS FOR LESS nhnrn ft L. ill 1 : JgT" iea''"- v; qv Kitchen SJ.75 1 reaswe The illustration does not "flatter" the kitchen treasure we offer at this low price. It shows the design, but it doesn't begin to show you how well it's made. Solid and durable. Should be in every kitchen and so low priced that all may have one. The price is now only $2.75 Buy a Hoosier Cabinet and Save Steps The woman who has used a Hoosier Cabinet a few months would rather part with almost anything else in her household equipment than her "Hoosier." It saves time and extra steps because all the kitchen utensils used in the daily tasks are ready at hand. The flour, the condiments, the ingredients for mixing a cake or a batch of bread and the utensils you make them m are there at hand without hundreds of steps to find them. The Hoosier Cabinet saves money on j40OSIEDPrT2lT utensils, because they are always kept in a OifXLlAli safe place and are dry as wrell as safe. It has a place in every modern kitchen. We have ' the Portland agency. We'd be pleased to explain more of its merits. CREDIT TERMS ON "HOOSIERS"? OF COURSE YOU CAN r isi IJ - 1 - III! I