5 See Last Page, Section 1 for Details of Extraordinary Sales in Furniture, Draperies, Carpets and Home-Furnishings, Etc., This Week Principal Portland Agents for the Famous "1847" Silverware J. S. Brown's "Shamrock" Linens Arnold's Knit Goods for Infants 2d Annual Boys Aero plane Contest Opens Tomorrow Morning BY URGENT REQUEST FINAL ENTRIES ARE EX TENDED TO JANUARY 26 Great 6th Annual Food Fair Begins Tomorrow See the Full-Page Announce ment on Last Page, Section 1 rilE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 22, 1911. The Last Week of Eir Great An: Demonstration of Famous Nemo Corsets This Week i:(()U FLOOR, KW Bl lLDl.n. ORDER BY MAIL. TOMORROW we open our reg ular Midwinter Demonstra tion of the famous Nemo Corsets with Mrs. A. L. Craig, an expert corset iere direct from the Nemo factory, New York City, in charge. Mrs. Craip will specially show the two new Nemo models for Spring, 1911, Nos. 31H and 321. fitted with semi elastic bands around the hips (see cut), which produce extreme reduction all around and the modish J0 Ctf in-slope below. Price OOtOv Clearance on Corsets About 350 mid pairs of Corsets, com prising the most standard makes in staple hih bust and medium and long hip models. Three hose supporters at tu,.)iA.l T)ividtd into three bnnrain lots: $1.75 Corsets, special Clearance price tomorrow ss? $3.50 Corsets, spetial Clearance price tomor'w $1.29 $5 and $6 Corsets, Clearance price tomorrow $2.98 is r J 1313 eis Laabkop Webbing oulwni I h atari ud produce extreme ftgure-rnjuctioa with perfect me, nr!ing ot Mated. WITH every former record outdistanced, the greatest and most successful An nual Clearance Sales in our history enter their final week tomorrow ! And what attractions we've planned for the last days of- this month. The Great Sixth Annual Pure Food Show with its scores of helpful demonstrations holds forth on the fourth floor, main building. The Second Annual Boys' Aviation Contest and Meet has its opening tomorrow, although final entries have been extended to Jan uary 26. The Girls' Aviation Story Contest, with $100 in prizes, closes. The Big Store expects every one of you tomorrow! $ 1 and $ 1 .50 Dress Goods 59c Yard January Muslinwear Sale To $1.75 Gowns for 98c FIRST FLOOR, MA IX BlILDIXG. ORDER BV MAIL,. FINAL week of the Great Annual Clearances brings forth this extraordinary bar gain in Dress Ooods. Fifteen hundred 3-ards of fine all-wool and silk-and-wool fabrics in all the season's demanded weaves and coloring. Light, medium and CQ dark shades. Positive $1 and $1.50 Dress Goods, on special sale tomorrow, yd. 7v 2000 Yards of 25c White Goods at 6V4C FIRST FLOOR, SEW BllLDINC. WIAT a rush of women there'll be tomorrow for this astonishing value in White Goods! Just 2000 yards in a special purchase of new fancy White Madras Waistings and dainty White Embroidered Swisses. Quality you've always! A. paid 25c for. Tomorrow, no phone or mail 500 Pieces of Longcloth Fine, soft chamois finished quality in such orders filled, special, the yard, 1500 Yards New Per cales Full 36-inch, in preat assortment of new liprht shirtinjr and dress patterns; 10c gyU & 12i e grades D '4 C demand. For tomor row, spec. f 1 (f 12-yd.bolt U l.UU 1200 Yards of Waist ings Fino imported white fabrics for smart tailored waists. Regu lar $1 quality, special, yard 79c 1000 Yards Linen Da mask Full 70-inch pure Irish Linen Table Damask, snow white bleached. Repr- TQ ular 75c grade OcC SECOND FLOOR. XEff BlILDIXG. ORDER BY MAIL,. PHENOMENAL bargains for the third week of our Great Muslinwear Sale! Gowns of fine nainsook and muslin in high and low neck stj'les daintily trimmed in laces, embroideries and rib bons. Extra wide and well made. Uest $1.50 and $1.7o gar- QO , ments, on special sale at 7C SOME SPECIALS ON GOWNS Made of very finest cambric and nain sook, beautifullv trimmed in laces, em broideries and ribbon insertions. Best $7 to $3.a0 Gowns at 1 Q $4.98; $5 and $6 Gowns u)J,lo vTHE COMBINATION SUIT Women's Combination Undermuslins of very fine nainsook and lawn. Corset and Drawers. Our $8.50 and $12.00 Combinations, $6.5!) ; reg. t Q 7 g? $12.50 to $18 special at jpO O A FEW SPECIALS IN DRAWERS Women's Drawers of good quality cambric and nainsook, trimmed in fine embroideries, laces, tucks and rib bons. Regular $1.50 grade s, 98c ; $1.25, 79c ; 75c grades 3ffr 49c Great Clearance of Ribbons Regular 50c Grades for 25c KIK.oT FLOOR. MAIN BMLDINU. OROKR BY MAIL. RIBBONS of every kind priced for quick selling m the last week of these great Annual Clearance Sales. Pure Silk Ribbons, extra heavy quality, with satin cord edge. Comes 4 inches wide, in white, light blue, pink, old rose, nilc, cardinal, garnet and brown. Extra fine Otf quality, the kind sold regularly at 50c. Special, yd. Big Clearance of Neckwear Ruchings and cords for use on neck or sleeves. All staple shades and fancy combinations of colors. 25c and 35c grades, special Clearance price, the yard, only 10c 50c grades, special Clearance Sale prices, the yard, only 39 75c and 85c grades, special Clearance Sale prices, yard, only 53 $1 and $11! 5 grades, special Clearance Sale prices, the yard 87 $1.50 and $1.75 grades, special Clearance Sale prices, yard 9S All Embroidered Linen Collars for Women reduced in. price now. 35c kinds at 25c; 75c kinds on special sale now at only, each 47c Women's $ 1 Pure Thread Silk Hosiery Tommorw 79c FIK4T FLOOR. MAI RIILDIXC. ORDER BY MAIL. RICH, lustrous Silk Hosiery, designed to wear where the wear is most. Made of pure thread silk, finished with reinforced lisle tops, double lisle soles and high spliced heels. Fast black and wide range of beau- 7Qg tiful shades. The grade sold regularly at $1 pr, Infants' 50c Cash mere Hosiery , 25 c Sft .comfortable Iitt! stockings, in medium weight, pure cash mere wool with French fash ioned Icjrs ajid feet. Black and colors. Reinilar 5" OC IIosc. tomorrow, pairOC All Women's 35c Hosiery Now, 27c No reservations! Our entire stock of Women's 35c Hose, in cluding cotton, inprain cotton and black lisle, now at this re duction. I.ipht .medium or heavy weight. Reduced about ny 30 per cent or the pair C pap Unprecedented Reductions All WOMEN AND MISSES Is Outer-Garments SKfO.vn FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. .ORDER BY MAIL. FineEv'ning Coats and Capes Reduced $30 Coats and Capes for 17.50 $35 Coats and Capes for 20.50 $40 Coats and Capes for $24.50 $45 Coats and Capes for 27.50 $50 Coats and Capes for $31.50 $58 Coats and Capes for $37.50 FORMER selling prices and cost hardly considered in this final wind-up of the Great Annual Clearance on Women's and Misses' Outer-Garments! Thousands vf Ken nH fill svlisli fVints Suits. TItpssps P? ' Vr't Waists and Negligee at a fraction of reg ular price. Read on! Women's Tailored Suits Almost Half All $15 Tailored Suits now on sale at $ 9.85 All $20 Tailored Suits now on sale at 11.85 All $25 Tailored Suits now on sale at 13.45 AH $30 Tailored Suits now on sale at 16.65 All $35 Tailored Suits now on sale -at 18.45 All $40 Tailored Suits now on sale at 22T4o The Separate Coats AH $15 Separate Coats now for only 6.95 All $20 Separate Coats now for only 9.85 AH $25 Separate Coats now for only 13.85 All $35 Separate Coats now for only 16.45 All $40 Spearate Coats now for only 22.45 Lovely Silk House & Loung'g Gowns AH $12.50 Gowns now 9.25 All $15.00 Gowns now 10.95 AH $18.00 Gowns now 13.25 All $22.00 Gowns now 16 All $25.00 Gowns now 18 All $30.00 Gowns now 2: 6.25 2 8.55 L 2.35 n if Some Matchless Values in Fine French Muslin Underwear SECOND FLOOR, NEW HOLDING. OH I) lilt BV MAIL. WHAT woman who does not revel in the loveliness, the daintiness and the beautiful workmanship of French Underwear. These hand-made French Gowns are of fine French percale and nainsook in low-neck and short-sleeve styles. The dainty designs are finely worked and finished. Trimmed in good quality lace. Regular $12.00 to $13.50 grades, specially priced 6.98 Regular $10.00 grades, special price for this week 5.48 French Nightgowns Un- laundered garments, made of best quality French percale with hand-embroidered front and scal loped sleeves and neck. $3.50 Nightgowns now 1.93 $5.00 Nightgowns now 2.98 Children's Dresses Dain ty little garments made of fine French nainsook, with hand-embroidered yoke effects. $4.00 to $4.50 Dresses at 2.79 $5.00 to $6.00 Dresses at 3.75 Regular $1.25 Hand-embroidered Drawers at only 87 Regular $2.00 Unlaundered Corset Covers at only 1.39 Last Week Embroidery Sale To $5 Sample Strips $1.69 FIRST FLOOR, NEW BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. HUNDREDS of yards of choice manufacturers' strips of Embroidery, including a range of patterns suit able for any purpose Galloons, Insertions and Flouncings woven on fine Swiss in exquisite eyelet and floral patterns. Especially suitable for lingerie gowns and combination garments. Widths from 41- to 5 inches, and 41. to 5 yards long. Worth $3.00 ep -fl r f to $5.00 regularly, during this sale, special price, strip o X OJ Embroidery Match Sets Edges and insertions made on fine Swiss, nain sook and cambric. Imitation Ma teria and conventional Mesipns, from 1 to 12 inches, from 40c to 85c grades, now 25c yard; 75c to OQ to $1.25 prades, the yard, at Convent-Made Embroidery On fine, soft-finished cloth, with a fast edge. Come 3 to 9 inches in width, in extremely pretty patterns. Usual 25c and 30c grades, loc ; 30c to 40c grades, special, only OC Allover Embroider y Made on sheer Swiss, in charming large and small designs. Especially desirable for use in lingerie waists. To $1.00 grades, special, 49c; to $2.50 QQ, grades, special low price, at OC Imitation Irish Laces in Edges and Bands; also dainty Venise patterns and Net Top kinds. Colors are. white and cream. A wide range of dainty patterns. To $1.00 grades, special at 27C To $1.50 grades, special at 39 Elgin, Walt ham Watches Regular $ 1 0 Grades $5.98 KIHtT FLOOR, NEW Bl ILDINti. ORDER BV MAIL. GENUINE Elgin or Waltham Watches 7-jewel movements, fitted in 10-year warranted gold-filled cases. Kind sold in regular Jewelry stores at $10. Special Clear ance Sale price tomorrow, $5.98 Belts Now at Half Price in patent leather, elastic" and eombination HALF effects. Regular prices $1.50 to $, npecial tomorrow at Jump Alarm Clocks, every one warranted, special at only 59 $1.50 Fancy Back Combs, gold inlaid, with stone settings, GOc $2.25 Sterling Silver Nail Polishers, special tomorrow $1.69 Sterling Silver Souvenir Teaspoons, special tomorrow at 69 C 25c Solid Perl Cuff Links, special tomorrow at, pair, 10 Gold-Filled and Planton Beauty Pins, special price, set 16 $1.00 Imported Hatpins, great variety to choose from, at 59 100 Women's $ 10 $25 Trimmed Hats Tomorrow, $5.95 SECOND FLOOR, XEW BI'ILDIXG. , ORDKH BV MAIL. MATERIALS in many of these beau tiful Trimmed Hats are worth two and three times tomorrow's sale price! All sorts of models in modish variations of the Mushroom and other popular shapes, beautifully trimmed in fancy feathers, ribbon bows and dozens of other popular materials. Hats for merly priced from $10 to $25, spe- OC eial Clearance Sale price tomorrow ibOc0 Untrimmed Hat Shapes, in black, blue, brown and other wanted colors. All the most popular ?ffects included. Triced now from $2.25 ryrf to $3.00. Special tomorrow at, each 3C All Auto Bonnets and Hooda at y2 Price Children's Hats, from $3.00 up, y2 Price All Fancy Feathers and Wings, y2 Price Entire Stock of Women's Gloves at Clearance Prices FIHST FLOOR. MAIM BllLDIVti. ORDER BY MAIL. INAL opportunity to select from our entire stock of Gloves at Clearance savings. Such famous makes as Perrin's, Trefousse and other kinds in suede, mo cha, real kid, cape, chamois, doeskin and all other materials and styles. Note the reductions: 25c Gloves, spec, 19 35c Gloves, spec., 20 C 50c Gloves, spec, 43 75c Gloves, spec, 63 $1.00 Gloves for 87 $1.25 Gloves for 98 $1.50 Gloves for $1.33 $1.75 Gloves for 81.47 $2.00 Gloves for 81.83 $2.25 $2.50 $2.75 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 Gloves Gloves Gloves Gloves Gloves Gloves Gloves Gloves for 81.98 for 82.21 for $2.37 for $2.73 for 82.89 for $3.63 for $3.87 for $4.57 Basement Bargain Square Women's -8 $4 Shoes 68c BASEMENT, NEW BUILDING. qpHOUSANDS of odd pairs and broken lines of Women 's Shoes accumulated from the season's business ! Nearly every imaginable kind and. style vici kid, gunmetal and patent leathers in lace and a ,few button styles. Medium, light, heavy soles plain and tipped toes sizes in the lot from 2l2 to 7. Shoes which have sold in reg. stock at $2, $2.50, CQ $3, $3.50 and $4, at,-pr. OOC 25c and 35c Pictures, fancy frames, special at 10 50c Jewelry Beauty Pins, Brooches, etc., at 10 12c Fancy Colored Handkerchiefs at, each, 5$