The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 22, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 24

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w ... I ran DALE. I HEIP WAMED-MAUt HELP WANTED MAC.. I HELP ttAMhl-MU- : " Bkkeepers and'Clerk
AalosnoMV. I Mlee-ellaneon. I
W r excluetv ilnlm In tweel ito-t-ebilew
u this week In our "bar
.n corner" at th Whit Motor Cr Co'd.
bow. How la thi fur a no special:
fully equipped "-Mollne" with ex
tra rasing nd 4 inner iub: root over
I -.ix !., than a year ago; our special
ar. prw-. $:.
Th' la only a cample of what wa hn
at all time. Coma and e our display.
Phone. Mala 63. A KM.
Sixth and Madison Sta.
Portland. Or.
aARAGE and torg room f r automobile
bugxle. etc.; convenient. I'a than haif
rent, rnerni n. bctaee 4ta and tb.
Ium. Organs and "Mnl-al Ineard h ala.
OR af ALK or exchange, new upright pi
ano never used, real $373, make ma cf
fer: hut ao u tor ll or wbat hav
Ton that I can use? CIS 2'tli su. Port
land Height, rvrnrr of l.urel at.
HANDSOME piano for :. t
$o n month go; wl.l aarrlil-a lor
$liM: lanni if dosired. Addr T dud.
' rg omao.
p'aao and pianola In f.rat-claa condition
wtlo .1 fin roile of music. Pnon A 2410
ar a 1 Ires AJ . prrgorlan.
TTTcNDTti uprTflit piano with genuine
fiana.a player and $: worth of mualc
r 9l-: term ?.- Ald-r at.
A U l-tilnl the city and alii .! my new
high-grade piano at a bargain. Phona
PA MILT. Im lag city, rr. ul sell or etore"
Weber rlnn; pleas addreaa fr parlKu
: a ra J G rt. oregonl-aa.
A"lYMliMerinceT Fur nearly ww upright
piano; no off.-r refused If takan
true week. J Oregonian.
$ ,.- KIMBALL piano cheap, terms to ra-
Tr-aiM pran- 2.12 R-.s. Eat 2.191.
oK fALE 1 Ho.ioo cornet, xood aa naw;
mut aa-i. AE Td. OrctoQlan.
Blrda. ln and Prt Stork.
FRrTK poultry book and catalogue of beat
ln-ubetora on earth; :-l f Incubator and
brooder. writ today, ti per cent
hAt-h (uarsrtre.1.
Lienver, Colo.
THE Portland Bird Co.. Bl Union are., of
fers for aale one male and two female
Imported alamra rata, or will aelt ha.f
tntareat to rrepoaalbie partL-a lo hand.e
for breeding; purpoata. i'Uooe Laat uaut.
THOROl'i'.HBREO narred Itocka. cockerel
and pueta and bite Legnoroa for aale.
t all k.d llcaanu ae. lake St. Jubna
T f( j ri j ' i H fw. r. I U mter-laylrg Klue in
daluaion hena for aale t lira. Know la,
Pma -.tatlon. on irex-n city carllne.
THOROfCHBlTED iCirred Kocka, yearllnaa
and Dulieta for breeding Durioas. niao
. a few H. 1. Jt.da Portamouth aa.
Call Monday.
BARGAINS in farcy chlrkena, cockerel ard
P'li'ets. redu lr. g my flock, it. tlreen. To
a , t fi at. pnone TN.r i"..
TEV thoroughbred tVhlle Wyandotte rooelia
for aale. l-' t'rancla ave. Woodstock
iVANTEiJ H-Mlon terrier female; 3't
price wanted, breeding, etc L b-id. Ote-
PRKNH bull mIe purplra. eltatble for T'-a-
latratlon; eacrlflced tor lack of room. lo'.H
E. Taylor t. Tabor 1".n.
PORrALE c-MTie ahll itinorian cockerels,
hred from Winter laying tw:k. b-Ai ilon-
tana ave.
CANARY bird, fine air.ger and female.
&el Montaoruery fbone Mala .0i.
FOR SALE A em art white mala Ppilx.
montba AL :. Oregonlan.
COLME d3g for" aale. Iniulre ;! John
lion ,
IHOROV.iHBREn cocker epaniel pup. Ilt
t:e eautlea. 2'. N. IM-i at.
HATI A'iENT. TV. R. liltiNETT.
1 i I P TO
aOME elegant mabocaay. golden oak and
leather furniture for aale at bargain by
frtvate party ao wlahe to make chnxe.
uttabi for dining-room, office, library
and parlor: for aale In lot or by In piece;
no agent or broker need apply. X at.
- oregonian '
FOR SALE Hou' at Oregon Yacht
Clnb: comple-ely furnlahed. alertrl.- Ilgk
telephone. Bull Kun water; .l In; lo
Inciutle extra houae t.i store wood; cash,
or tT-n. A F TT. Orcrontan.
OLD Jewelry em. naaged ft r watcbea aad
diamond: anredeetned p led gee for fcaii
arl:aal price Lone aiyera. XI lA at-,
between uak and Plea.
fXR SALE: Shafting hangera and pulley a
a counterehafl ccmpte. 12 hanger. 12
wood pulley. Iron pulley and & feet
h af 1 1 n g. Phone Main M:H. A ?'
jf )R s"aLE cheap, pumr. alnioat new, -and
loo feet IV-lnch a!var.lged pipe- ln
nulr Macartney. Buckley are.. Ru!l-
i ! : a.
FOR rALE Sriral.a Coraeta, phone Marahall
:!. Mr. 8. Fountain, city mp. Jo4
Hoyt t.
kf.AtliFl L rolltop deaa at a anap; L. C.
emit'a typewriter. In perfect ahape: can't
tell from new. Addreea J 6T4. uregoolan.
FOR SALE Buffxlo fur overcoat, valuable
and ueeful. Prtr reaaonabie. Inqulra aid
Va!l-Frgo bidg.
WILL tor yonr good at reasonable rant
In n-w building at SoA E. 4od at, a,
p h or. TtV'f miff.
Iuh riALk enoacaeea. we
Geeeral exturea in atock aad saade ta
erd ar at leant price ri t.rand aa. A
tAFKa. new and eoand-haau. lew pnae,
cajn or ar term.
PORTLAND J-Ar E CO- "T Fifth at.
FOR SALE I cement Mock machine, aec-ond-hand
machine: muat aoiL AD as A
W'ANTEEe A-l freh cow. L. Lape. In
ternational Hotel, corner 3d and Erarett
X FI dmond ring la exchange: caa
ue horse or buggy. Kaat Jith at.;
'W-W" car to Uladatone ave.
ITANDe rt-D aeelng machine, gted condi
tion, att achrarnia. ga rauge. JoOS aior
rle-n. Room 42. .
B.N A f H or too mailer. f ma. .lag galley
with furniture. Inquire room 1. Aleck
Factory reoui't typewnter. no to iti.
M Flftb L AL A ltTd.
MESSAGES and pa pare of the Preddent; 11
-volume: new. at a discount. Call C'.o
rHark L
l-O XHI'Ysl $ lo bed iHtvenport. nearly new,
or will trade for oak drrear-r or wardrobe
of equal value Mala "-i:t
FOR f.LE Falrbanaa -alea. lo.w Iba
capacity, nearly new; will eacriflca. It
., Orcconlan-
WANTED t'omplet furniture for 8-roora
houae. Give llat and price. P o7t. Ore-,
bXIOHTLY ua'd motor, ycle for aale; Call
i Ma afternoon. I Jt lath t.
BL VT1FI'I. gewn opera cape -an suit
cheap. ftzs FUn.ler it, Main ft.oL
Ft'RNITL'RE 5-room houae llrht!y i ed.
ato-ed, r.rgain. tZZO. Apply a I u Cly nt.
I'uUi'iirt g iden ok dining-room set aad
air-tlxht heater. I'hone C 1102.
10 SHARKS P C. P. A E. Co.. HZ per
hr. H .. Oreg.mlan.
REMINGTdX typewriter. f.S-V go-l condl
llon: a bargain. P tliet. oreeonian.
(iHNTil bicycle. like new. bargain,
mall nrl wheel. -.titHe 4th t.
We:LL-ROTTEI fcrtlliavr mauurt. i'hun
E; J-d-
GA.VM'r:TER mulucraph. tl?.'.
condltiou. AE Oregonlan.
ROLL-TOP dea'k nd ciarr. Call between
U and IH Menry t ldg.
tloO BL'TS the furniture of a 3-room apart
ment complete. I '2. Oregonlan.
FLAT top, paneled oak office dcak. $14.
Phone Eat .W
FOR 8AL.K New rag carpet, very raon
abla. Main ftsill. -ii laid.
UN'S haft complete, belt,
cost. Mln S7oe,
pulley. 14
FOR ALE Fine bufTalo robe. tloO, Bea
ter ar Mirin. S-tH Hawthorne ave.
A DROP-HEAD Singer sewing aiachlne;
very cheap. tW7 E- Waahlncton.
clic;AP for caah. nearly new dree suit, viae
B coa. w 7. Orejor.ian.
DIAMOND elk-hrad button, coat io, tak
$2i If taken aoon, AD ad2. Oregonlan.
vrvj OVERCOATS. tiL'lT
They are high-grade sample and can
cellation order from Eaatern manufac
turers. I have 0o overcoats and about I'.'o
ulta left over: most of thee ar on 1
at lx&y a soil or overcoat; manv ire
worth from J0 to t2i. Jtmmie Dunn
KntV r-amp.e Suit shop. room elo,
Oregonlan bldg. Take erevalor.
FOR SALE Hewing machine from 13 up,
tlm or cash; ail hlgh-grada make nd
snany dropheada In the lot. Frea leunn
In Battenberg and embroidery on the
White Pmlly Rotary r-evclng Machine. All
makea rented, exchanged and repaired,
tlnt Pewing Machine Mtore. 1L v. Jone.
Prop.. e'.'O Whlngton t.. cor. 11th.
1 oak law book case with gla door.
1 large law book raw; no doora.
1 flat-top, o-drawer aah office deak.
1 extra large golden ok roll-top deak-
1 otfic pnrlitK.n, 14 by T feet.
I large iron letter pre.
17 Board of Trad bldg.
FOR SALE Poem. Correspondence and
Hielory of Robert Burn. In two toil, by
Allan Cunningham, written lr-84. printed
lnH4. riteel engravlnxa. soiled but torn-
plrte. V C01. Oregonlan.
BROWN. 1-plece allk dreaa. 4; pink llk
lumper ult, 3: blue pongee silk shlrt
walat salt. 3; a" new; slae 3R: 4 com
plete peasant ult for masquerade, go.
ao4 Clay et. .
RA7 rugs, auto to hall runners; bring
your carpet rare and old carpet; nays
them made Into nice rugs at East 4-ld
st. K.. block from Hawthorne-ava car.
Phone Tabor ll'la. .
FOl'Nlt a place where you can buy 1S4T
Roger rtroa. ellvarware at d.30 per set
of knives and 0 fork: alo where you
ran trade your old Jewelry for new.
Loul Ullbrlde. room 203 Drexel bldg.
COMI'LETE equipment for machine and
hlarkamlth hop: lathe, moulder, etc. l
Heuaner. SOS Waahlngton at, Vancouver.
IUK eALK. at Milwaukle Nuraerle. apple,
p-ar cherry, plum, prune peach and apri
cot tree. Addreaa N. B. Harvey. Milwau
kle. Or. Phone Black S.12.
FOR BALE Pair chenille portleree. brown
and gold, heara'Kln rug. pluh carrl
robe. etc. lnuu:re baactnent. U Fiandet
at. phon Mam 82S1.
15 DAILY, plating with gold or silver with
out a battery; 40 otrier valuable formula
for sale. Fisher Formula Co.. Portland.
JxH PRINTING PRESS and outfit In good
condition: cost will sell for one-half:
description on application. X 7X Ore
gonlan. " CONTRACTOR.
1 set of 24 "Oe Vean" a part meat -house
telephone, cheap. Addreaa K ttoO. Ore
gonlan. FOR HALE-Minlature flint tomahawk, loo
perfect rrowpolnta iuO large Indian
b-ada. rings, bracelet, coin and geolog
ical cabinet specimens. N BTO. Oregonlan.
CAMERA. S by 7 irenturei. good as new.
etervthlng complete; line tor i-...a. ..
vlewa portrait, ett, for aale cheap, lui
Fourth t.
TWO-YEAR-OLD apple tree of tk,- U-adliig
Winter varletle Solnenberg.eHaldwtn.
J. N. Pippin. Oravensteln. for aale at
17 per l'Hi. T ai-4. Oregonlan.
CKEAMCOlkillED. hand-crochet coat, on
silk tounastion. - i-nnn. ,e' ;
hitndsome. Call SKI Marahall at. phon A
lie . -
COMBINATION pool and billiard table with
everything complete: also oda water tank.
Phone Kaat 44T. 32 Morrl t,
ment Co.. 74 Flrat L Both phone.
FOR RALE A second-hind ma!l aafe. be
sldrs other articled of furniture, on ac
count of moving. . Oregonlan.
WANTriti xic t-LANicore,
Wanted Men' caa toff clothing ana
hoe and bicycle; hi It neat prlcaa Bald:
wc alao buy ladle clothing.-Call up the
Globe second-head store. Phone Atala SOtta
tl-o 1st st.
WANTED d or horsepower double cvlln
der second-hand gaaollne engine; muat
h In good order. Address letter. E 7tJ.
ONE combination aaw table with dado
head and boring machine and (l-horeepow-er
electric motor. Ui3 Lumber Exchange,
fhone Min i. A
WANTED A econd-hand upright. ingle
block ehlngle saw, muat be In good order.
Addreea E 17-V Oregonlan.
bENl your second-hand furniture to th
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get lea, phon
A 24 13. Maln81'-L
W'ANTED To buy econd-hnd auto case
In'rs and Inner tubes. Chaa. 8. tit on. 133
Stark St.
IP YOU have hou.-ehold furnltur to ell.
rail up Georg Hiker A Co.. 1J2 Park au
Both phone.
WANTED to" 10-h. P. lannch. 1 to 2d
feet long. to 8-paaenger: mut be In
good condition. AK 034. Oregonlaiu
WANTED Furnltur for i-room houae;
muat be good and cheap. Addre F. R.
rwiiiwi, Portland, or.
WANTED A 1 - or S-ton express wason:
must be in gooa conaiiion. a ou " . -wood
CHI1.DS EnglHh permbultor or reed
body carriage: muat be In good condition
and ch-ap- Address KM Tacom ave.
WANTED Child to car tor: mother care.
rhonEat 514. '
VE buy mot every thing and pay th
price, too. Marenaii .'jj.
WANT furniture; will trade H- equity In
modern ft -room cottage, a lgl.V
pYXS O wanted for storage, good care, no
children: reference, phone E 1112.
DIRF-CT currant motor. 1 or 5 h. p. Main
WANTED A second-hand anvil; muat b
cheap. -41 Kuieaell si
WANTED B-rlal tenor
goplicDC o- 1 E,
Yamhill or Last I to.
stCHOOLBOOKS bought nd oid. 211
t.. nesr oalroon. li 5th st.
WANTED Mala fox terrier pup. Phon
Main eel 4. oi-t. vregoniai.
WANTED Second-hand upright piano, atat
maker ana ensn price, ajs ovo, vrcuuwu.
WANTED Moving -picture machine, ga
outfit. Dim, etc AJ eVtd. Oregonlan.
WANTED Planer man. on machine; two
mill ta lymen.
l: North fcecond St.
FIVE Intelligent aalemen for th latest Im
proved electrical vacuum cleaner on tna
market, Oood money to right parties.
Call between 10 and 11 Monday. SlU Mar-
qtiam bing.
ANYONE knowing whereabouta of Mr. Iioan.
studio here, wul plea notify. Have good
nronoaition to offer him. Writ E dill.
Wanted: a good stock or bond ale,
man. who ha a Ht of Portland Investors;
must have th best of credentlala. AH
eva. Oregonlan.
SALESMEN, (trongcat line advertising nov.
eltle on marker appealing to all classed
of trade; liberal commlsalona Metal spe
cialties Mfg. Co.. 417 Randolph, Chicago.
PARENTS Kara your boys taught movlng-
plctura nosineea uura ine oniy genuin
course. Laemml. 80S Couch bldg.. 4th
and Waahlngton.
TOl'NO man to tak half Interest In 0
acre of best prospective oil land in Cali
fornia. H. B. Fleming, 003 6th L Phon
Mam 3304.
TRAVELING man and local agents to sell
local printed vie., merchants' coupon,
postcards. souvenir envelopes. P. L.
Ilucklns. 7H4 E. fnh St.. Chicago, I1L
WANTED Tea and coffee agent: on with
expanenc preferred: spl-ndld premium
Inducement: reference required. O did.
BECOME an expert moving-Picture man.
Swell your bank account. We teach you
right, Laemmle. Bo8 Couch bldg.. 4th and
WAN1SD lluatllng men or firm to sell Interest-bearing
stock of lumber corpora
tion, AN 6iet. Oregonlan.
3CAKE money writing short atorle or for
peper- pig pay; lire vooaifi ir.ia mow.
l-nite Pre Syndicate, clan Francisco.
VOl"NO man about 17 or 1. to lern plate
printing, stsmping and embossing; pay
while learning. 700 Dckum bldg.
EXPERIENCED atenographcr for whole-
l nouae, - r , inn, hiu mmtmij
expected. E di3. Oregonlan.
WANTED Man to do Janitor work for
room rent cee ntwi J -ill 1 1 "i . arriiiania
Truiit Mdc- cor. Ath and Washington.
TWO good solicitor for reliable cleaning
ana aye whim, mm . . mu . .
e-en a 5 11 on. r""iTiwn,
FL'HNITL'UE alemnn: one who baa
carpet experience: give reference In
Ll 1' . 1 . Ir....,l.n
7TO men of good apnearanc end ddreaa
must be quick at figure, A10 Marquan
bldg. to 12 and 7 to 0 P. M.
WANT EO Competent als valor boy. Apply
2oJ 14th. Till Mill.
SECOND TENOR. lt and 2d baa, for
quartet; for prtlculra Phon Thor Z9 1.
WANTED A Japan schoolboy. Call Ta
bor ftftL
Advisory and Employment Department
of the
. T. M. C A.
during .
November and December. 1810
call for man. ,
24.1 members sent to position.
iUf4 new members taken In.
XJ membership tee refunded.
Any fellow, young or middle-aged, who
can do anything well or better, need not
be out of employment. ... .
Hustl. will get It. and w will tU yoa
bow or membership fee refunded.
Secretary. Employment Department
M. C. A.. 2d floor.
23 COSTS ONLY $-3. ,
To learn to operate MOVING PIC
TIRES. , .
Learn business In 10 days.
rly our up-to-date METHOD.
Our graduate hold best position.
We established first school here.
Operetor earn $3 to 1:13 weekly.
We help to secure GOOD POSITIONS.
Actual moving picture
Theater experience, or ta.rt OU
Alao In business.
SMV, Washington, near 17th.
cah commission month ecurlng
fledge from p ople to aave and Inveiit
1 to 10 a month In handsome, rnoueni
buildings In their own city; every dollar
secured by
Experience unnecessary: 1 teach you: a
local company will be organlied to own
and manage th buildings; your bmui
sharea will make you a large stockholder:
this Is a splendid opportunity to jtsi. in
a business and become Independent without
capital; It changes the ownership of the
bet buildings from the capitalist to the
wage-earner; I need you. no matter '"h""""
located: you can work all or part time.
rend for my book and details. MerrliL,
."n.t Monon bldg.. i hlcaga.
YOU can make mora money than you T"
ever made before selling Alsmeda Para.
It Is the best property in the city. It
Is selling at prices lowor than any otner
property. Our Improvement ar in. wa
don't need to sell promises. Talk to w.
R. Townaend. 121 Corbetl bldg.
operate movtng-plctur machines; ;
from 15 to a week. OUR OPERAT
teach each student on Powers. Ed'.son ana
Double Stereopticon Dlssolver machines.
Thar Is no course of Instruction so thor
ough on the Pacific Const. WB ARN
WORLD: we re hsvlng DAILY CALLS
FOR OPERATORS: get one of our stand
ard operator- hand books. Apply Laem
ml. 60S Couch bldg.. 4th and W aaulng
ton .. Portland. Or.
If you ar a clean-cut. square, success
ful, active man with a broad real estate
experience, accustomed to handling larger
deals. If you have energy and push. I
want you as my partner. I don't want
your money; I don't need It. I don't want
to sell you an lnteret In my office; you
can keep your money; I simply want the
right party as a partner. If you think
this means you. address me. giving full
rartlculars of yourself, past and presenu
ettrrs returned If requested. F 070, Ore
gonlan. pTSITIVEl7Yb" a week earned at home
doing newest. fascinating. permanent
work; money every day: no canvassing or
mall orders: send 12 2-cent stamps cover
ing beautiful booklet, plans complete, post
age, etc.. enabling you to begin at once.
Don't wait. You'll he delighted; etamps re
turned If trial unsatlsfsclory Send tortnv.
Rlgeur Company, 8S W. 68th sL, New
MARRIED man and wlf. alih no children,
wife to do cooklne and family laundry
work. mn to work on fruit farm, prun
ing tree, spraying, driving and caring
for horse: steady Job. good wages. Port
land phone. Tabor 2U or write to Carllon
T. Roberts. Hood River. Oregon.
TWO experienced teamsters, acquainted with
the cite can find steady work at $2.73 by
applvlng tomorrow between 10 and 12
o'clock at the Edlefsen Fuel Co., foot of
Russell st.: only good strong men accus
tome'd to handling coal and wood will bo
cons idered.
WANTED Ambitious workmen; work on
actual Job pv for teaching trad eleo
trlcltv. antomobllea plumbing, bricklaying:
few months required; 7K student last
four yesr. Writ for Information. I'nl'ed
Trade School contracting Co.. Los Angelea
WANTED Men In all town. Heady work,
mailing circulars, all or spare lime; $3
per dav: no capital required: everything
furnished. Address. Inclosing stamp for
r.ply. Western Mailing Co., Los Angele.
WANTE D Saleemen of ability and neat ap
pearance to call on all merchant In their
territory: elegant side line, convenient to
carry; good commllons; prompt remit
tance. A 60. Belmont Mfg., Co, Cincinnati.
O. ,
WANTED Bright, energetic man who can
furnish $.10 or $100 as guarantee to tK
charge of outside territory: to such a
man w offer eplendld opportunity nd
future: not real etalc. Call at 331 Lum
ber Exchange bids.
BRANCH MANAGER to tak charge of
sales In Oregon and Washington; must be
aggressive, experienced and able to Invest
small amount; a good business and b'.g
monev for the rltrht party. National Mo
tor Sup. Co., Cleveland. O.
WANTED Salesmen to sell high-grade or
chard tracts, best proposition on the.
market; price, terms, quamy oi iauu
location mk It salable. This tract Is not
yet on tne marnei.
A ano. Oregonlan.
LOCAL representative: no canvaaslng or so
liciting required; good Income assured.
Address National Co-operative Realty Co.,
792 A Marden bldg.. Washington. D. C.
YOnNO-man! about 20 years, for bottling
and general work In liquor atore: small
wages to begin; atate age and laat em
p i oyment. C H0. Oregonlan.
TfVMI.E movlng-plcture student are
miking good. Take our genuine course.
Laemmle" WiS Couch bldg.. 4th and Waah
Ington. WANTED Young man to deliver In runa
bout and work arund store; ststa ago.
,Prlno and salary. T 67. Or-
hfaVY team wanten. or pnono nun
day at .i'3 Couch L or phon .Kaat 724
or B 2- .
w"AfTED A bond salesman: good terri
tory and fin chance to make hlg money to
the right party. AddrcS 6S2jOrcgonl:m.
WANTED Bright, young office bor about
jj. permanent position. Call 818 Commer
cial Clubbldg. .
LIVEmen to sell Golden Rod vacuum oar
pet cleaner. Big commlMlon. R, T.
r-reen 427 Bord of Trade.
WANTED At once, 1 men to learn to
drive and repair automobile. Call at
Hawthorn garage. 445 Hawthorn art.
MOVING plctur operator: give experience,
reference and aalary expected; student
need not apply- L t0. Oregonlan.
WANTED A-l snlosmen fdr easy payment
Hood River orchard proposition. Apply
dill Chamber of Commerce.
YOUNG man for liquor business: prefer
nia'n who lia experlcnc and speak Ger
man; state age, D 74.Oregonian.
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for real eatute
Bileamun with out-of-town acquaintance.
Room, 3 Chamber of jTomniei-ce bldg.
WANTED t-ho cobbler for new town of
Hihi Good proposition. Addreaa Oregon
Nursery Co., Orenco. Or.
jcxL OFFICE International Corraapoad
cace School. 233 Alder iu, open t 4
j. Send for tree catalogue.
Dairy lunch. IW; nicely equipped; half
cash. Be Mr. Wood. 310 Spalding bldg.
A NEAT-APPEARING errand boy; chance
for advancement. Call 8 A. M. Progres
siva Supply Co.,3S2 Yamhill.
aKN"25 weekly' taking orders for cut-rate
groceries. Grocery outtit furnished fr,a.
f n dependent Grocery Co.. Dayton, O.
SOLICITOR High-class work, only live
men need pply: no capital required. Call
4J4 Chamber of Commorc bldg.
VIOLIN mandolin and guitar teacher wsnted.
U. B. School of Music. Aberdeen. Wash.
HIGH-GRADE representative wanted for
good propoaltlon. nil Board of Trade bldg.
LEARN auto repairing and driving. Call of
fice,, i:4Vi Washington st-, room 415.
WANT man to do papering, painting: and
tinting for room rent. X 62. Oregonlan.
WEAR a Kenshaw $2 hat. any style or
,ite. KB Washington st.
VOL'NG man. grade principal. $'JO per
mo"n t h. a 70. Oregonlan.
LADIES' tnilor wanted. First-class only
,ed apply. Koenlg. 313 Washington.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents,
c,sr offer. Cutberth atudlo. Dekum bldg.
WANTED Men ta amok NSW YORK BO&0
era-cent diar
IF YOIT can read and write and are willing
to trv. we will teach, train and equip you
to be a top-notch, dentine salesman, a
splendid position with us Is then yours; no
previous experience necessary; we wAnt
"I can" and "1 will" men for our per
manent sales force. This is an openlns
for the man who wants to be a real sales
man, with exceptional money-making op
portunities. If you believe In doing bn"
ness on a "loo per cent honesty bssts.
If you want '-success." If your wishbone la
not where your backbone ought to be.
write us today for particulars. hiace.
Burrow A Co. (manufacturers' represen
tatives). 310 Michigan ave. Offices o-7.
Visit all bast motion-picture chools.
then aee our modern, practical, up-to-dnle
school, where we give individuil nuuriic
tlon; we give you a try-out in ope oi the
best picture houses in Portland, and actual
"show experience." Our charse c re high
er than others, but give you a complete
course, perfect you to operate all BtHiida'd
machine, at the ame time nuking terir m
also associate you with the only fona noo
booking exchange In Portland without ex
tra fee. Operator receive hlg i'ar.y "
EXCHANGE. Marquam bldg.
estate business, without capital: we will
teach you the business by mall, appoint
you special representative in your locality
of lesdlng real estate company, list witn
you readily salable properties, co-operate
w-ltli and assist you to permanent suc
cess; a thorough commercial law course
free to reoresentatlvea If you are honest
and ambitious, our FREE S:-paR f book
will surely Interest you. Address lNir-tv-NATIO.NAL
REALTY. CORP.. Dept. 1.7.
Chicago. III. (Successor to The Cros LO.
and H. W. Croa & Co.) .
ABLE -BO DIED men wanted for the P.
Marine Corp, between the age of IV
S3: muat be native born or have Orat pa
pers: monthly pay $13 to $: al,iJni'
compensation possible: food. clothing,
ouarters and medical att-nllon fre er
30 years' service cn retire with Ta per
cent of pay and allowance; ervlc on
board ship and ashore In all parts of th
world. Apply at V. S. Marin Corn
crultlng Oltlc. Breeden bldg., ad and
Washing" on at.. Portland. Or
SALESMEN wanted for highest clas acci
dent and health insurance; old-line com
pany: Jltioo policy costs per year:
pavs $lHl emrrgincy benellt. accident
any and all kinds: weekly brnetlt; hand
some black s-al-graln pocket .case free
with each policy: good salesmen making
up to $100 per week. Write for exclusive
renewal contiact: liberal commission
promojv forwarded. Gorman Registry Co.,
217 N. 7th t St. Louis. Mo.
Tha only thoroughly equipped school
Thorough Inatructlop. competent man
agement and practical work.
Take S-s or Mt. Tabor car and look o
BP befor deciding to enroll elsewher.
TRAVELING salesmen earn $100 to f2H(l
month ahlle learning practical salesman
ship; write todav for list of position now
open, paying liMM to $."j0o0 year; partic
ulars about how to get one; no experience
required. Address nearest office. Dept.
4.".7. National Salesmen's Training Asso
ciation, Chicago, New York. Kansas City.
Sou. ttle. New Orleans
WANTED for U. b. ARM1 Able-bodied un
married men between age of 18 and 33;
citizens of United States, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak,
read and write the English language. For
Information apply to Recruiting Officer,
Alnsworth block. 3d and Oak at.. Port
land. Or. ;
MEN wanted, age 18 to 33. for firemen. $100
monthly and brakemen $so on nearby rail
road; experience unnecessary; no trlk:
promotion to engineer, conduotor. Rail
road Employing Headquarter over 300
men tent to position monthly. Stat age;
send stamp. Railway Association, cars
MAN wlthlg to take charge of sale of
our medicines, extracts, splcos. soaps, per
fumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry
preparations, etc.. In your county: steady
work Rtiaranteed. work healthful, plen'ant,
very profitable: references required. Write
vs. We mean business. Shores-Mueller
Company, Dept. 03. Tripoli. Iowa.
WANTED Men and boys to work at auto
moblllng. electricity, gurveylng. plumbing,
bricklaying: learn In few months: make
more money; position secured. Write for
booklet. No expense. National School of
F.nglneerlng. 2110 W. 7th, Los Angeles,
WANTED Man to take complete charge of
furniture and general house furnishings
store: must be a flrst-class salesman,
honest, sober and able to furnish bond.
Address Tacoma Lounge & Mattress Co.,
Tacoma, Wash.
SALESMAN Experienced, any line, to sell
general trade In Pacific Coast; unexcelled
specialty proposition with brand new fea
ture: commission with $.15 weekly for ex
penses. Continental Jewelry Co.. Cleveland.
HIGH-CLASS specialty salesman for pacific
Coast, to begin work January SO; staple
line, new and exceptional term; attractive
contract for 11)11: reference. Miles F.
Bixler Co.. Cleveland. Ohio.
WILL start you earning $4 dally home,
spare time, silvering mirrors: no capital;
free Instructive . booklet, giving plans of
operation. G. F. Redmond. Dept. 66, Bos
ton. Masa .
RAILWAY mail clerks, postoffice clerks,
letter carriers, custom-house and Internal
revenue employe, to prepare for exam; free book, pacific State School.
McKay bldg.. city.
ANTED Toung man able to take dicta
tion and keep double entry set of books
for a reliable firm; state salary and give
references; an opportunity to learn a good
business. B 90. Oregonlan.
6TRICTLY first-class line calendars, adver
tising novelties, folding and cardboard
fans, leather goods; liberal commissions
paid .-ml-monthly. C. Fcighenapan Co.,
THE Progress Magaxine. Chicago, will send
anyone interested free particulars how to
become a newspaper correspondent: good
Income possible, work anywhere, all or
part- of time. Ask for booklet 142.
WANTED A man who knowt all about
liver and nickel plating and buffing and
polishing: I, have good proposition for tlie
right man. Writ to W. Schaffer, Aber
deen. Wash.
WANTED Young mn to learn moving
picture business. Our method unsurpas
sable. Laemmle. SOS Courh bldg., 4th and
SALESMEN Our bank check protector sells
to every office, business house, does work
$'-'3 machine: .ssmple 2."c: circulars free.
Terry Mfg. Co.. 121 Colton bldg.. Toledo. O
SALESMAN wanted by manufacturer of em
broidery and lace boxlots: samples 23 lbs.;
10 per cent commission: expenses ad
vanced. Wllon. 4ftl Broadway. New York.
YOU are wanted for government position.
$o per month. Write fcr list of positions
open. Franklin- Institute, Dept. 818 C
Rochester N. T.
23WEEKLY and expense to trustworthy
people, travel, distribute samples for bin
wholes! house. C. H. Emery. O 347,
WANTED 8 llv energetic men for city
work: must be hustler and honest. Call
Sunday between 1 and 5 o'clock, 331 Lum
ber Exchange bldg.
$100 MONTHLY, expenses, travel distribute
samples for big manufacturer. steady
work, S. Scheffer, treasurer, H 247. Chi
ANTED Three or four live real estate
sa'lesmen: best talking points possible;
liberal commission. Bay City Land Co..
7Q2 Spalding bldg.
WANTED Office and messenger boy. good
chance for promotion: apply In own hand
writing, stating age and wage expected.
Address C 61. Oregonlan.
WANTED Traveling salesman for whole
sale clothing house: Portland resident pre
ferred. Answer stating experience and
reference. Y 6n. Oregonlan.
WNTED All auto owners and driver to
have vour vulcanizing and retreading don
by Chaa. S. Elton, 433 Stark st, Phon
A 3818. : .
JAPANESE choolboy to teach man Japa
nese language, evenings. AN 700. Ore
WANTED Experienced engineer to operato
electric plant. Multnomah Woolen Mills,
EXPERIENCED baker helper, aply to
Cookery, 623 Washington t., between 1
and 4 o'clock P. M-. Sunday.
FIRE Insurance solicitors wanted; out-of-town
work: good proposition. Call Mon
day. P29 Chamber of Commerce.
SALESMEN Dandy side line, exclusive ter
ritory. Address Never Leak Pen Co.. Pay
ette. Idaho. ..
WANTED 2 or 3 good house-to-house
salesmen. Call Monday after 8 A. M.
133V4 Flrt t. Room 26.
LET u teach you movlng-plcture business.
Big monev-getter. Laemmle, 508 Couch
bids.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Printer, all-round man, familiar
with foot-power press. Call 300 Henry hldg.
GOOD i'rinter wanted; alao pressfeeder. 3W0
East Belmont St.
SCHOOLBOY to work for room and board.
385 V. Mill.
WANTED Teamster, acquainted with city,
for mill work. J 693. Oregonlan.
PEDDLERS wanted at 487 HoyL
F. N. CLARK 1 In position
to appoint two additional
Representatives . to devote
entire time to closing highest-class
Real Estate busi
ness. Phone Main 2113 for ap
pointment with Mr. E. A.
Clark, salesmanager, at 823
Spalding Bldg.
If you are ambitious to better
your condition If you want to
establish yourself in a splendid
paying position if you are the
right man. we will appoint you
and give you a chance to Identify
yourself with our real estate
snd Insurance department. See
Mr. Beck.
270 Stark St.
Ilsa North Second St.
Phones A ::0, M. 727.
R. R. laborers, Z and (2.2a day.
Woodchojrpers, 1 cord.
Land clearers. $50 acre.
Powder man. S7a and board.
Headquarters for J. W. Sweeney Con
struction Co.. Winston Bros. McDouirall.
Boynton, Church & McCoy. Caughren,
Winters. Smith & Co., porter Bros.
All orders given prompt personal at
tention. THE MEIER & FRANK CO.
Require 100 transfer boy;
Also junior sale clerks.
Apply to Superintendent, 8 A. M.
WE have a vacancy for four flrst-class,
red-blooded salesmen. Those with satis
factory sale record, that can qualify, will
he given exclusive territory.- and yearly
contract, on a commission basis, with ex
penses advanced.
DON'T wait minute longer; we will start
you In plating business; new method; can
make $100 weekly: tremendous demand;
anyone can do work, spare time at home:
no capital; your name on postal brines
our unqualified proofs. National Plutlng
Co.. desk, K F, Omaha. Neb.
Want an Al general agency man or
crew manager to handle business in Ore
gon: should have from $1,100 to J2-100 to
handle business; profits from $o000 to
$10,000. AN 617, OleKonian.
TOUNG woman for general office work:
must be reliable and accurate: answer
with pen in your own hand writing. Ad
dress H. C. M., North Pacific College, latll
and Couch sts.
WANTED By bachelor, a housekeeper not
over 33 years of age: must be a good
cook and neat In appearance. Y oyj, Ore
gonlan LADIES make supporters; $12 hundred; no
canvassing, material furnished: stamped
envelope particulars. World Specialty Co..
Ul-Pt. O O. I.LIIOIfeV-
WANTED Christian woman to work; only
3 adults in family: a Kood home for the
right party. Address R. M. Harding, Sil
verton. Or.
WANTED Shorthand pupils, expert Indi
vidual Instruction; quick and substantial
results; day or evening; highest refer
ences. X 67S. Oregonlan.
WANTED A young girl to take care of a
little boy, two in family.' 186 N. 33d.
Apply In the morning.
GIRL, general housework; two in family
two meals; good wages. Come immediate
ly. 70 Ella st.
$20 Vi Washington St., room 314.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
TWOw ell-appearing ladles; must be quick
at figures; bookkeepers or stenographers
preferred. 61A Marquam bldg., 1 to 5 P. M.
843 Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
CAPABLE girl for general housework. Ap
ply evening or Sunday, 6:KM Northrup
YOUNG girl to assist with housework; no
washing. 788 Cleveland ave. Fhone Wood
lawn 4i5.
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers; steady
work. Apply candy factory, 44 E. 6th st.
WANTED Appi-entice; a nice young lady.
Madame Hofmalster's dressmaking par
lors. 2.14 11th st.
YOUNG experienced woman to work in
dental office. Alba Bros., dentists, 2d and
Morrison ts.
PRIVATE lesson given In shorthand, at
student horn If desired. VToodlawn
23 7 1.
COMPETENT girl, family three, no chil
dren: good home, pleasant room. 353 East
12th st. North.
WANTED Housekeeper for gentleman, 40,
in g.Kjd circumstances; no objection to
one child. P 696. Oregonlan.
GIRL for general housework, Portland
HeightB; references required; good wages.
Call at 222 Hotel Norton la.
WANTED Experienced lady for hair dress
ing manicuring, chiropody and bath work;
state past experience. L 607. Oregonian.
WANTED Lady for office work; state ex
perience and salary expected. AF 684,
WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer,
capable young lady, good wages. P 692,
LADY of small stature for illusion: travel
ing attraction: experience unnecessary.
AH 61i0. Oregonlan.
WANTED Capable woman for plain cook
Ing In family of three; no washing; wage
$30. Sol Third St.
WANTED Waist finishers, sewing girls,
apprentices paid while learning. Mrs. C.
W. Young, ll East 17th st.
BY wholesale house, a reliable woman who
expects to work; experience not essential.
AB Hill, oregonian.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth
chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Experienced operators to work
on shirt. Apply Standard Factory. 2
Grand tva. and East Taylor.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework 'in family of two; wages $30.
. j j . cmhln.Hnn. Hal 09. Dallas. Or.
$20 WEEKLY' restoring gray or faded hair,
guaranteed formula. $1. -Addres G. K. L.
Miller, Portland,Or;
FOREIGN girl for general housework;, no
cooking, small family, good home. 674
... l.ant
rum, coi. j .
STENOGRAPHER, give experience and sal
ary expected. T 092. Orogunlan.
A.NTb'b Hairdresser and hair-worker.
Grand Leader. 5th st.
EXPERIENCED dressmakers and ladies'
taiirB- aii" i iv-
GOOD cook for delicatessen. 204 lj 7tu st.
Call this afternoon.
SPIRELLA CORSETS, phone Marshall 2016.
Mrs. L. Fountain, city manager.
YOUNG lady demonstrator; give address and
nhone. AN 699. Oregonlan.
WANTED Schoolgirl, 11 to 16 years; good
nom., m small family. 8H5 Russell gt.
v roti.'ST A NT girl or woman for house
wurk.East 4H13. C 14ti3.
$"Ioo" MONTHLY mailing formulas. VVi.l
start you immediately. Office. 408 Couch.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 527 E.
17th St. N. Phone C 2S80.
MAID for 2 Children;
695 Davis St.
French preferred.
LADIES: Learn beauty culture. Sanitary
Beauty College. 400 Dekum bldg.
WANTED First-class sklrtmaker, man or
lady. A. Llppman. 129 5th at.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 275
North 25th. cor. Overton. Call mornings.
WRITING; $5 mo. 2C9 14th. Main 8S33.
wVnTED G iri for general housework, in
small family. Apply 601 E. Taylor st.
WANTED Young "girls. 16 years and over.
Multnomah Mohair Mills. Sel'.wood.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 872
14th t-
WANTED Girls; general store work. Chi
cago Costume House, 888 Morrison at.
WANTED Totmg ladle for telephone op
erating, with or without experience. Ap
ply Pacific Telephone A Talssraph Co
st b. and East Ankeny
Cook for hotel. $50.
Cook for railroad eating-hous. $50.
Cook for restaurant. $40.
Waitresses. $20 to $25.
Kitchen lieljier, $:0.
'Housekeepers. $1:1.
Schoolgirl for light housework; $2.30
per week.
Cook for ranch. $25 fare and fee paid.
Experienced marker for laundry; $10 up
per week.
Second girl. $1,1 per month.
General housework. $20 to $30; other
good positions.
Ladles' Dept. 205 Morrison.
Require 100 transfer girls.
And 100 wrappers;
Also junior sale clerk.
' Apply 8 A. M. to Superintendent,
COOK, small hotel. S0; family cook. $40
$45; ticket seller, moving-picture !no,
$1 dav; hotel waitress (out of city $-.
hotel waitress (city! $25 to $20; laundress.
$1.50 dav; girl for general housework,
$20 to $35. Hansen's Ladies' Agency.
345 Washington St.. room 7.
WANTED Immediately, a bright intelligent
lady of education and pleasing personali
ty: must be ambitious and willing to ap
ply herself assiduously with prospect or
rapid advancement and permanent em
ployment. C 695. Oregonlan.
MUNICIPAL Department of Pubilo Safety for
Yorng Women. Advice or assistance gladly
given to all young women. Mrs. Lola G.
Baldwin. Eupt.. room 37. Y. W. C. A. bid-..
Tth snd Taylor st.
WANTED Capable woman as housekeeper
for ranch; must be good cook and willing
to do washing; good wages to right par
ty; German preferred. Call loOo L. btn
St. N. Take Woodlawn car.
WANTED A woman or girl for general
housework, famllv of 4 adults; no wash
ing; good home, good wages. Apply 5-.i
East ISth st North. Take Irvington car.
Phono East 3004
$1(0 GOVERNMENT position assured every
Intelligent man and woman when compe
tent; special muil preparation necessary,
send stamp for full particulars. Civil serv
ice School, Denver, Colo.
DEMONSTRATOR for store: fine personal
ity, not necessarily beauty; aggressive
and earnest, not bold; high-class article;
dignified position. Please call Sunday. 1
to 5 at Hotel Cornelius for C H. Goddard.
MIDDLE-AGED- "educated companion for
elderly woman In small town near Port
land: must be good reader and generally
useful in the home; references. K
Oregonian. .
WANTED Reliable girl for cooking, with
some house work; none but experienced
need applv. 7H7 Madison, near Ford.
Phone Msln 2717. ;
WANTED Girl to assist with housekeep
ing; small wasrs. but good home and Hunt
work. Call ,K'2 E. 5th st. Take Haw-thorne-ave
GOOD, strong girl for general housework,
comfortable home, all modern Jonven
lences, good wages. Phone East o-99.
1317. .
MILLINER wanted, first-class trimmer for
Spring season, to begin about March 1. Ap
ply with references, statins wages expect
ed. Ellis-Forde Co., Wenatchee, Wash.
GOOD girl for general housework and co);"
lng, references required. Apply 68 N. 2d
st. Apartment 5.
WANTED At Sisters' Hospital In Chica.
i al nnpils to enter school of nursing.
GIRL for light housework. 624 3d St.
EXPERIENCED wailrcss.386 Morrison.
competent to take up professional work in
both vaudeville and dramatic lines. Lx
perlenced head In all departments
Sketches written and rehearsed, booked
on all Independent Coast time. See PUL
CHANGE, Marquam bldg.
10.ui.i0 POSITIONS for graduate last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu
ates earn from $15 to 25 weekly; expert
Instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges. JJ
North 4thsUPortland.Or.
SOLICITORS, either sex. good money to
hustlers: pay every night. Call at room
27, Ockley Hotel, 390b Morrison, Sunday
between 2 and 4 P. M, Ask for Mr.
BOY, girl, free watch or doll for selling
24 packages of our postcards at 10c a
packace. Address Burns. Dept. O.. 96 1
E. lOth, Spokane. Waeh.
MEN" and women clearing $15 a day selling
Best Washing Device. World, city, state,
county agents wanted. Secure territory.
Sells itself. Store. 369 E. Morrison.
CAN use 50 gbod competent salesmen or
salesladies; some earn from $15 to $.10
weekly must be competent, others need
not apply. 419RallwayExchange Bldg.
SOLICITOR, experienced and energetic, good
salary assured. Call at 3P5 Third St.,
January 21 or 83. at A. M. or 2 P. M.
MAKE money writing stories or for newspa-
Eers; big pay; send for free booklet: tells
ow. United Press Synd., San Francisco.
land bldg.
FOREIGNERS desiring to learn English
quickly, apply 647 hi 1st, room 1.
CAN use two more good solicitors; good
proposition. 313 Drexel bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerk.
YOUNG MAN. 23 year of age. at present
holds a responsible position with a large
corporation desires to make a change Feb
ruary 1. Best of references and experi
enced In mall order, retail merchandising
and advertising lines. Nothing but a bona
fide offer from some reputable concern
operating locally will be considered. O
694. Oregonlan.
PROFESSIONAL dry goods man, 23 years
of age 11 years' experience in dry goods,
fancy "goods, furnishings, underwear, ho
siery, neckwear, laces, embroideries, veil
ings, notions, etc.; experienced in buying,
advertising, competent to manage deptg.
AK 675. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by experienced book
keeper who will Invest $1000 or $2000
with established manufacturing or mer
cantile concern that can make use of hi
services as bookkeeper or offlc man. Aa
dress AL 694. Oregonlan.
AT BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, thorough,
reliable and truatworthy. wants position
with good concern: three years bookkeep
er and cashier with Portland wholesale
firm- experience In lumber, hardware and
real estate. F 678. Oregonlan.
CORPORATION bookkeeper, with 12 years'
experience as accountant und A-l ref
erences, wants position where executive
ability and integrity will procure a per
manent place. Address L 089. Oregonian.
WANTED- A-l grocery man with 10 years'
experience, wishes position as city or trav
eling salesman; best references. J. -1L
Shotter, 389 N. 19th.
EXPEI'.T accountant will keep small set
books; books opened, closed, balanced, au
dited; charges reasonable. AJ 64$, Ore
gonlan. EXPERIENCED office man wants position
as assistant bookkeeper or ledger keeper;
no imbiber: trustworthy: moderate sal
ary; A-l references. P 6S, Oregonlan.
EXPERT stenographer having law training
wants place In high-grade business. P
697, Oregonian.
EXPERT bookkeeper, experienced In whole
sale business on accounts and credits;
A-l references. R 697. Oregonlan.
CREDITMAN of ability open for engage
ment; Dunn and Bradstreet references.
R 696 Oregonlan.
YOUNG man of good address; high achool
and business education, wishes ofjUce po
sitlon. 6S7. Oregonian.
YOUNG married man wishes position in of
fice or wholesale house; willing to work
and steady. East 5267. E C7S, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man, good dress and siddress.
wishes any kind inside position. Address
AN 69.1. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED hilling clerk, open for en
gagement; rapid and accursvA work. T
678, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced and compe
tent; also general offic work. AF 676,
if you are In need of a man of my abil
ity to go to South America or any of the
Islands where nerve and staying quail
ties count. I am 32 years of age; have
had several years' experience as stenog
rapher and law clerk and have the Initia
tive and executive ability and also the
ambition to make good In any line I at
tempt. A C77. Oregonlan.
BY bookkeeper with sash and door or
lumber concern, have had 4 years' ex
perlence; am 22 years of age. Can fur
nish best of references. Address K 69.4.
Oregonian. -
WANTED By young married man. position
as assistant cashier or bookkeeper in
country bank, experienced, temperate and
accommodating, about March or April 1;
will consider sooner and also mercantile
work; state salary; If not permanent don't
write. Address L. R. Meyers, Alma. Neb.
2 ROUMANIANS want place out in tha
country herding sheep; both have had
several years' experience and not afraid
ot work. Address Nick Mike. 910 Upshur
st.. Portland, Oil
GOOD competent camp cook, steady and
reliable, long experience in ail - kinds of
camp work, with wife as 3ecoud or
helper If desired. Address AH 679. Ore
gonian. CAPABLE young mnn desires to cast Ins
lot with some reliable local firm whore
there is a chance for advancement: at
present employed: will be open for en
gagement February 1. O U93. Oregonlitn.
A general superintendent wanta posi
tion; sixteen years' practical experience on
all kinds large terminal, power and paving
work. Address AC Oils. Oregonlan.
POSITION wanted as traveling salesman by
young married man, 33 years of age. 17
years' experience in general merchandise
store; L?st of references as to ability.
S 6S0, Oregonlan.
AN intelligent, reliable man (30), good
steady worker, true and honest to em
ployer, wishes position of any kind im
mediately. Th. Thomsen, 428 V4 Mill St..
PIRST.CLASS meatcutter wishes position,
city or country: all around ehop man.
Can manage business; sober; best refer
ence. Address AB 674, Oregonian.
TOUNG MAN. well educated, with experi
ence in all kinds office work, wishes po
sition; highest references. D 677. Ore-
AUTOMOBILE machinist with 7Vi years'
experience on American cars wants posi
tion; capable of taking charge of shop;
best references. L 677, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted" by middle-aged mar
ried man wtth long experience In general
merchandise store, handy with tools, hon
est and sober. W 6S0. Oregonlan.
LAUNDRY MAN, 13 years' experience, boiler
to office, washroom preferred; steady,
competent worker, no boozer. Address F.
W. Campbell. G. p., Chehalis. Wash.
POSITION First-class salesman capable
of taking charge of any department in the
mercantile line: let me show you. Ad
dress Y 677. Oregonian.
CALL East 4476. 302 Morris, if you want to
rent dishes, punch bowls, silverware, or If ,
you want a party or dinner served.
Thomas, the caterer.
EXPERIENCED, up-to-date clothing and
furnishing goods salesman desires posi
tion, city or outside town; references. D
076, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED credit man, Tacoma firm,
"desires to locate in Portland. Good rec
ord and references. Address box 808, Ta
coma, ivasn.
EXPERIENCED fruit man want position
as foreman of orchard, can handle all
details; best of references. E 6i4 Orego
YOUNG man. 21, w'ith best of reference,
would be thankful for position of any kind
at any salary. Phone Osborn. Marshall
EXPERIENCED estimator on structural
and ornamental Iron work wants position
with reliable lirm in Portland. AH 69
SITUATION wanted by chef cook, good all
round man; strictly sober: can take lull
rhnrs-5 ot kitchen: city or country. J.
Joluibton, 619 S. First st.ctty.
LIVE man" desires opening with a future:
can give highest references. Will take
part In commission. If you want value
received answer. M 676. Qeegnnlnn.
Furnishes reliable colored men and
women for all kinds of work. Phone East
4476. 362 Morris st.
MATHEM.VTICSAn exporlenced teachef
would like a fow pupils for private les
sons. Call Main 3917 bet. 7:30 and 8:30
P. M.
WANTED Position aa foreman for soma
reliable contractor or buildor. can draw
plans and do estimating: 8 year of ex
perience. AE 696, Oregonian. -
YOUNcTman wants position where honesty
and good character are appreciated. 1
HOUSE cleaning, window washing, floors,
furniture repollshea, hour or contract.
Main 8855.
AN experienced Japanese wishes position al
second work in good family. D 690, Ore
gonian. . .
HIGH-GRADE machine designer and
draughtsman, hoisting machinery special
ist. K 67S.Oregonlan.
BOSTON man, 23. wants work any kind. In
city or out. Bank references. & 091. Ore
gonian. .
BY an able-bodied man of middle age. In
side work preferred. C. b. Taylor. 339 Al
der st. L .
GERMAN baker wants position, hotel or out-of-town
bakery, near Portland. AL 691.
Oregonlan. .
WANTED B.v an experienced man. houao
cleanlng, reasonable. W. M. Mack, 48
Washington st. Phone Ninln "-In.
WORK wanted by man wiih 2 teams Ad
dress Vaughan. Oswego. U. F. D. 1. AJ
675. Oregonlan.
HOTEL clerk, young man. experienced,
wishes position, city or country. D 618.
JAPANESE wants position as valet nutter;
good experience; family. W 691. Oie
gonlan. ..
HARDWARE man (45) wants postlion a
salesman or stockkeeper. W 694. Ore
gonian! ,
WANTED By reliable man. garden work,
pruning and trimming trees. AD 618,
YOUNG man. stranger, good habits, and
willing, wants any kind of work. Apply
G. Pappas, 292 Burnslde St.
YOUNG man "desires place to work for board
and room before and after school. Ad
dress fl: .
A-RELIABLE middle-aged married man
wants position of any kind; can furnish
Tefei-ences and bonds. S 68L Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS farmhand wishes Posltlnn;
goodith all kinds of stock. AC 6.5,
COMPETENT machinist, with sawmill ex
perienced wants position out of town. S
699. Oregonian.
. voting man. going to business college,
Awants work that will not interfere with
-choolfrom 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.
irxPERIENCED and thoroughly competent
E bookkeeper desires permanent position. C
686. Oregonian.
PAPERHANGISO, tinting, painting, don
Py experienced man. Phone Woodlawn
WANTED Position by moving picture op
erator. In or out of city. J 690. Ore
gonian. WANTED Work by young man, 7 years'
bu-Iness experience, any kind of work,
p h oneEast 2051. Call Mr. K.
WANTED by elderly man, position us chore
man, city or country: good milker. L 675,
Ore gonian.
STEADY couple, man and wife, wish posi
tion. Man as cook, wife as helper. Will
handle 10 or 20 men. AG 618, Oregonlan.
MIDDLE-AGED chauffeur wants repair
work or driving in city or blubo now u
W 687, oregonian.
BOY 17, steady and willing, wishes light
Inside work of any kind. W 6S2, Orego
.nlan. FIRST-CLASS all-around baker, bakery or
hotel, city or country. 605 E. 10th st.
JAPANESE wants position in small family;
Is experienced cook. W 684. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted,
expert stlckerman or
planer foreman.
Art 69t, oregonian
I WANT position In auto garage to learu
business. G 676. Oregonian.
MAN wants two or three offices to clean
mornings. Main 4S02. Call Williams.
JAPANESE, experienced cook, want a posi
tion. 127 N. 12th St. A 5649.
ORCHESTRA pianist wants position. Phone
C 2:152 or AF 685. Oregonlan.
BRIGHT, willing, 18-year-old boy, wants
work. X 6S9. Oregonian.
WANTED by young man Position aa pt-
ano player. A 673, Oregonlan.
LATHER wants work in city or nearby
towns. E 67". Oregonlan.
YOUNG Swiss, good milker, wishes work
with English family. "T." 269 Market.
BY young man. position as engineer; .7
years' experience. AB 676. Oregonlan.
T. SHOJI CO.. labor contractor. 44 N. 3d
St. Main 6521. Home A 3921.
YOUNG man wants work on a farm; good
milker. A 688. Oregonlan.
GOOD Japanese cook wants position in fam
ily. H 606, Oregonian.