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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1911)
mo well 1V1;F. f IXJO. 46) acre, mostly nf cM -off land: 4 acre ef tnle land I- practical! level, juet rolling enourh for rood dralnare; t itn eraeke runntnr rroa the prop art r and all the rough land u thai alone the crftki: all rood deen rich soli, n rorkl tor eravel: am 54JOU rorda of wood en Ilia place; 1 acre perfectly cleared and aa much mora vary aaally cleared, 1 a a, sualar of rood bulUliars former ly aaad tr tna locslna: ramta: aom eult aala to liv In and other would mk goou outnulldlnr; on main county road, a mlla from i.ia thra hnaa of railroad between Portland and Seattle and 2 ml Ira from loan. Thta property la In a aolld hodr and a tlenL.I oroDoalMon to sell la 26) and 40-arre tra ta. I'ri a. $13.50 per acre. 1 irnn $ l wo cajh, baianca 4 yeara at par cent. 31 acre Cowtita Rlvr Vallay land; IfaJ arraa) perfectly elaara.l. balanra fina aa?- and bottom land; aoma timber: a arraa aod bearing orrhard; bonaa. larre Dam. Una larg hophouee. good equipment of firmlnf Implement; rlrn. eandy loam e--ll. good for clover, root crop and al falfa: It mile ta railroad atatton: boat lancing on place; on main county rr-au . ptoaa. J 14 mlla from school. iTlca, ijw: gooa term. .$ acre, alt In cultivation, an Salem Electric lin adjoining atatlon: ood land and Improvemenle: morn S-atory bouaa. larr ram. bopbouaa. granary and othar outbuildings; 2J acraa In hope, a arraa In achard, 15 arraa in gram, eatanra prowm for fprlnr: woven-wlr fencta; ona team, vitnn. barnea. row and younr calf, and machinery and tooia to run piara. Prlc. aajno; will acoapt Portland proparty up to lOU. Hl'NTE R REALTY COMPANT. SU-o Board of Trade, rhona Marshall 17T7. A MT. SPLENDID OPPORTl'SITt. Th gra teat opportunity to tha hnme eea k-r. unqurstlonaoly. Iter In ba Gray Harbor district, where land can ii at fmra 111 to tM pr arra on very aaay tarma. wl:htn to 12 mile from Aberdeen and lioqutam. two of th moat promlelnr rule In Iba woria. I no awn la iivn -m,-fraa from gravel. r overflow, abun dance of watar during Fummer montha; over JO familtaa ara now .located on thi land: atlll S"0 arraa It eelect from. lo not wall till fprlnr. wnen tna for land will ba at Ita helshl: eelect your tract bafora tha ruh; buy now whila tha pric la low and tba acirrtioo go, -ral condition ara Tory favorahle to tha homeeaaker In very riicct and exactly aa rapraaanead. Do not bo undar tha Irn praaalon that tha Und la poor because It fa cheap. 'onvlnca youraalf. Tor fur ther Information wrtta at once to WASHINGTON fTATB COLONIZATION niMI'ANT. APTRl'KKS. WASH DA I It V FA KM ON CUU'UnlA ItlVtlt. Ial arraa; 10O acre claaratl. oO arraa parfrrt alfalfa land; o-room houaa, barn for -.M cowa. h or aa barn, all neceaaary bulldlnaa. marhlnrry. ate: 2.. head good cowa. ona taam. 1 bull; pric ills par ANOTHER r.OOD ONE. TO arraa a:l In cultivation. 5 acraa alfalfa. 1J giod rowa. 1 bull. 3 karwa. all naccaaary marhlnary. naw 7 room . bouaa. now barn, placa In perfect condition. Pnro ItO.ooO. Thea two placaa ara on th coiumma Rlvar. 11 mllaa north of Portland, on mlla from town that ha a bank. aTral good nam. rhurrh and acboola, and avn train arh way dally. Iron thraa to ftva thousand In a rood Portland rcaldanro miicht ba coiuldercd along with cood caah paymant. i-HAl'IN HKR1-OW. M) S-ti-MH C'hambar of Commrrre. HfRE la an opportonlty beyond ainacta tlon. Th Stat of Victoria. Auatralia. In. vtta you. and offer bona fide aeltlar th flnaat of land. eultaMe for all kind of c.trua frulta. alfa'fa and dairy raising, for n TO IT.". PKR Ai'KE. L'NDKft lRKI'iATltN. AND GIVKH YOU SIH TEARS TO i'AT rK IT. TTiaaa lands ara highly Irrigated. In tha ertre Conburn Vallay. Thay ara owned Vv tha a'ate. Climate mild and equable like that of California. Chaap water and lota of It. Klne market. Plate owns tha railway. Fuileat of information cheerfully given. THE PKCK-jrDAJI ft, T Market t.. Ban Franclaro. Aaenta tor th Stat ot Victoria. In4 Dept. TAM?!ILI COf.NTT. fHAIX FARMS AND VIII IT TRACTS. to SO mile from Portland: railway and auto road: oon to have an elet-trlo line: nearly every trart porrhaaed or Hat ed for aaia from non-reeident owner or eatMes. I am satisfied no ona can offer better prlres or torms and know 'here la nothing better aa to leautT. fertility and location for charming home or profltao Inveatmenta Geo. E. Waggoner. .a Board ot Trade. NO OFFER r)UAL8 THIS, frjrt raab and tl' at end of S year, with Intaraat at 7 per cent, parable annu ally, birr 40-arre farm, i mile W ood land. Wash., which Is SO north of an co..,er en N. P. Hy. With farm goes two choir Jersey cow and their calves, year lings, two 4-year-old mares, about so chirkena and tons hay In barn: cows fresh soon. Ten acres cleared. - mora nearly cleared: to Winter Hanana and Baldwin apple tree set out year ago; barn and aback of house: timber for M cord wood: good land, watered by creek and sprlnsa: : mllea boat landing and N. r. My. station: can ara Portland ard every boat going down Columbia River. The per sonal property Is worth first payment. Vara Portland. II. Quick action neceaaary to secure this bargain. 8. i- Una. Wood land. Wash. IMPROVED FARM SNAPS, acraa choice land, about 40 acres ca Milt Int'on. baa aond barn, house. hophouee. building material for nice nw house, farm tools, etr. This land ta lo cated about l mil from Salm Electric line, near Broad Acres nation- price I7S00; terms about itoo cash. Further Investigation will convince yon of ita valu. H acre, about one-half under cultiva tion, all first class soil and fenced, larre barn, running water, some rood timber and oak wood, a tons baled oat hay. etc.; thla farm Is located about 3 miles from perk Plsra Station, on Oregon l.i:y Klec trlo Una; only li per acre, on moat lib eral tarma; let u tell you mora facta of Interest It's worth yoor while. LAMIlEllT-WIUTMEK "0.. T1 Fourth St. t"4 K. AMr St. 44 ACRES of rholr land, located about J miles from Cedar btatlon. on Cssndero Elertric line: several springs and stresms of running water: this Is alt flrst-claas soil and a splendid Investmsnt at Slot per acre: easy terms. 11 acres Improved and undef rultlva ' lion, lots of fruit, etc.; located Just east ot city on Buckley ave. : If taken within the next few days can ba had tor tSe0. tin reasonable terms. acres of good cleared land, on Mount Hood carllne. close to Portland; price $1444 per acre; aoma terms. a I.AM BERT-WUITiIEK CO. TO Fourth St. AO E. Alder Pt. FINK FARMS. SO acre. 1' miles from Portland and 1 mlla from electric line. Thla placa Is all In cultivation with good ho us and barn. I220U. 330 ACRES. Fine wheat ranch with rood Improva xneate at u per acre on tarma 10 ACRES, rioee ta electric line, good house and barn at a bargain. C. DS YOCNU 432 Chamber of Commerce. FMAI.I. FA P.MS. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. On electric and steam transportation. An exceptional opportunity. We have iust what yoa are looking for. whether a five-acre home or a large ranch. Klch oil. on a beautiful stream: no rocks, gravel or wastu land. $ti to i?o per sere on very easy ti-rma In the famous Tualatin Vallev. Waahlnrton Countv. PACIFIC N. VV. DKVEIA1'MENT CO.. 403 Courb Bldg. 40 ACRES I3IHK) 40 ACRES. Near Rax. Oregon, moatty all under cul tivation, family orchard. rood 2-story bouse, big bsrn. U springs on place with running water In house, chicken-bouse and pig sly and atnalt outbuildings, adjoining acreage sella at (2 an acre. Is sultan'.e for orchard, dairy farm and splendlii for pigs. F. J. ROSEN-HERO, til 4 Lumbermen BMg. 14 ACRES, rich land, convenient to elec tric carllne. nearly all cleared, has naw 4-roorn house, bam. etc. price issoo; 11440 down, time on balance. Western Land Co.. 148 S Stark st. ALFALFA LAND. 1 An acres fine alfalfa land: this Is only $35 per acre; bettor look Into thla as It la a real snap. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. 11 ACRES. 4 miles from Sneraood. 7u acres cultivated. 7-acre orrhard. good buildings, fine stream. 87.1 per acre. WERNER ar WRENN. S1.1 I-els M.lg. NORTH DAKOTA farm. 10 arres level land. 13' la cultivation: fenced; l rer acre, before April 1. $4MV cis n. balance to su!t. AT Ml. Oregon;sn. 144 ACREiJ !nffcd-orr land, m milrs from Columbia River; 81iU per sere. Chester H. Starr, luii Board ot Trade bldg. WASHINGTON AND OKK;ON FARMS. Two acree. all under cultivation, good soil, no rock or gravel, wall drained, five room house, barn, woodahed and chlcken bouae. ;.. fruit trees, close to church and school. Und all level. IV, miles from electric line and small town. 14 miles from Portland. H miles from Vancouver; there are 7 Ml strawterry plants, raspber ries, 'blackberries, etc.; this Is a nice lit tle placa and good location, and a good buy at SlSuo; terms. Four acres, all under cultivation Ilea level, on good road, fence and cross-fence, good family orchard. S-room house, chlck-en-hnua and woodahed. now barn -IX '-. S mile from electric line; H. F. D. serv ice, good well. 1 miles from city limits of Vancouver. In a good neighborhood and close to graded school; pric l-.uo. terms. Flva acres. 3 acres under cultivation, all . 7 ' .. . I - - .1 .11 alnuea to "-e " "r mil. Boutn: nouae. nam ana w-.. . ------ from railroad; 14 miles from '",,U"J: fin. soil, goo-1 well, cl.-a to arnool and store; price ilSuO. terms; all household gvjoue Included. 40 acres, about I acre under cultivation S acree aaally cleared: some timber; Ilea nn-; email orchard, about acres i of Bin bottom land, only 12 miles from Vancou ver. Willi.. 1 S miles from small town. In a good locality; pric (lbuo. M acre, with S.I acraa under cultiva tion: aome good timber: all fenced and rroas-frnced. well drained; lies level, line s .11; . wells, cl-we to store and achool K. y. D.. good .Vroom h"Ue. barn ramlly orchard; miles from 'rnall town IS miles from heart of Portland. Peraonai property: Two good ""cuitl llghl and I heavy; 3 hogs. J cows. iultl vatora. rood horse, soma feed and nay. price loooo. .jjoo cash, balance 3 to a year. 1M acres. 30 acres under cultivation, more easily cleared: some good, timber, all fenced with good fenclnr: good .-room house, good barn 4S. all nM"rT"u': bulldlnrs. some lend slsshed and aeedea Into timothy pssture: 9 mllea r" rli road and good town; this Is a ood farm, located In a good farminr section, and tha pric la only 4iou. terms. THOMPSON SWAN. Jog Rothrhlld hldg.. Portland, Or., bet. 4tB and .'.th on Washlnrton St.. and lh and Main sts.. Vsncouvar. Wah. OREGON FARJ AND FRUIT LANDS. In th Deschutes Valley. Central Oregon, are aome of the most fertile lands In the slate. Many thoussnd acres of these lands are now pniier Irrigation and producing larg crops, other thousands of acres are raplu ly being not under Irrigation. Tour "CAREY ACT" RIGHT en titles vou to 100 acr-s of this land free. If you will, within three years. Improve part of It. live on It three months, and pay (In easy Install ments yot.r ahare or the rest of the Irrigation system, v'antral Oregon Ir rtgstlon Co.. 413 Railway Ex. Portland. Oregon. TAMH1LI. COVNTT. ir.o acres; 64 acrea In fruit trees. 40 acres In brush; not a foot of waste lsnu; 30 miles from Portland. I i miles from town and railway; fine auto road: two sets of bullitlnga. a beautiful stream of watr: magnl.-lcent view of valley ana snowcapped mountains; ST.S0 per acre. I;imiii cash. . . Also 4 acres "i mile fro-n town and railway. 2.1 mllea from Portland. il-IOOO Improvements; about one-half in cultivation. iiJ.frO per acre; unexcelled for beauty. I am certain 1 can resell theae tracta for ilSO and 100 per acre, reapectlvel-. fn 90 daya because they are cheap at those prlcea. Simply bsrgalna A lo per rent snap. Geo. E. 1 aggoner, o:i Board of Trade. BUY A FARM IT IS CHEAP. ' 70 acre of nna land: 10 acres of bot tom land, balance a nice slde-hlll slope, rae for fruit: 14 acres In cultivation. aTout 40 slashed and burned; henhouse, naw barn, well and crack: 80 rods from rsllroad atation: railroad one line of Place, county road through the place; il mllea from Portland; price iio Pr acre, terms. This Is a rc:tl bargain. . FOR MAKING .MONET Bt T THIS. 40 a ma of timber one mile from rail road station. 33 mllee from Portland: thi Is a tlrst-clas wood proposition: about 7 on 000 feet of timber; price -5 sn acre, terma TU1 Is a chance to make some money. DIBOI3 CROCKETT. Room 3 Waalitnston Bldg. FARM LANDS. Improved and unimproved. V ell lo cated. Rich o"- n.'ii acres, pric 1 2Vw per acre. S"T acre. prlr i:7.M per acre. J5 acres, pric 70.ou per acre. 124 acres, price -..1.0o per acre. acres, price 8'M.OO per acre. ! acres, prlre Jsiloii per acre. Soo acres, price ili.oo per acre. And many others. We have a long list ot farma and fruit land In the best sec tions of Oregon and would like to talk to you about them. HOLI.ISTEIt REALTY CO.. 3u3 Concord Bid ' stop here: iao arres 4 miles from atntlon on rail road: good road: M scrrs could bo ruitl vatcd whrn cleared: 1; arres now f-nred and In cultlvstlon. 40 more adjoining easily cleared; fair house and barn, run ning water and sprlnrs; schoo H mlla distant: a splendid stock and dairy ranch, price for short time 1 per acre. S cash, balance as desired st 0 per cent; will con sider some Portland Property- Chester H. Starr. 1022 Board of Trade bldg. itooo. 130 cash, balance 3 years at P" rent, for 12t acrea including all stock and Implements to the value of 1 -. This Place Is li miles fn.m- station on the Cor 'aill. . Eastern R. R-. 4 acre. In rultlvauon. some In crop, the very jest of soil. " Irult trees, well watered by the Yaqulna river and springs. 4M2 Lumber Exchange Mrtg.. 2d and Stark. T v-tvF. IlAKGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. 114 acre. II miles from Oregon City. In the Willamette Valley: 44 to 74 acres cleared, balance fine fir timber. All machinery gore with the place Three, fine sprlnrs of wster. Tou wl.l mla 11 I you ilc.n't bny thla Apply to T. J. Wlrts. Oregon City. Or. It. K. D. No. 4. or Drawer 1. Alw-cdcen. Wash. READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT CARE FULLY. 1;so acre rood rich soil. 4 mllea to tallroad: Soa) acrea can b cultivated, alanca excellent pasture, with plemy of outrange; would make an Ideal tock farm Can sell either ona or two aectlona for 812 per acre. 1-3 rash, balance as de sired. per cent: 82.VH) Portland property tak n as part payment. Chester H. Starr. 122 Board of Trttdo bldg. 80 ACHES of red-shot soli. 20 mile from Portland. o roas irora atmtiois. r" trie line survey through It: Id acre clear, small house, good big barn and three sprlnrs rising and flowing over th place: alao baa 20u bearing fruit trees; prlca 34300. half cosh. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 233 blark8t. KLICKITAT COCNTT, WASHINGTON. FRUIT. GRAIN. STOCK FARM. ISOO acrea $12 acre, easy terms: about too acrea plowed: joining land, plantsd to fruit, sella tor $350 acre: no timber, beat of fruit soil; will consider trade; plat thla and make a fortune. Near R. R. and liver. Hanalmalr. JB'a vt asningion. WE MEAN WHAT WE SAT. We have 10-acre tract of enole land, not far from Portland, planted to applee; price SI Mi per acre; monthly payments; will guarantee you a profit within a year; must call ciiUrk. WObl A SEACHREST. 3J0 Railway Exchange 120-ACRS FARM. Cholceet farm In valley, rot far from Portland, on main road. 1H miles to nna town: It's sll In crop, hss fruit, fine buildings, a fine dairy fsrm. can be bought very easv terms; no agents. WOOD SEACHREST. 32" Railway Exchange. 61S Lumbermen! Bldg. TUALATIN VALLEY FARM. 12H acres. H mile from electric sta tion; 4-room house and barn, all under cul tivation, family orchard. The prettiest farm In the valley. V. J. ROSENBERG. 618 Lumbermens Bldg. FOR SALE Tamhlll County, lao-arre dairy farm, all In cultlvstlon. now bulldlnr. graveled road. H mile to town and P. O.. 3t miles to Portland. 2 trains each way: easy terms: no trade. Address the owner, rooms 3 and 4. 492 Union ave. N., Portland. Oregon. 100 ACRES. S mllea west of Forest Grove: half ready ' for plnw. bal. nlca pasture; running wa ter; $20 per acre. R. C. CHISM. 615 Couch bldg. LINN County ranch. 84 acraa of gram aad fruit land for aala at 82S per acre. If taken at once. Addreaa owner. B. M. Payne. Alba nr. Or. FOR SALE 100 acre of th choicest appl land In all Oregon, partly Improvsd. WILSON h MYERa. End of Hawthorn carllne. gMALL poultry farm on electric carllne. rloen to Portland: very easy terms. Room 3 chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE 240 acres. A-l farm, $75 per acre; tarma. Call up B IS 7 7. PEE IlEn E. lfiO acres of fine dairy raneh; only 3 mllea from a rood town: loo acres In crop; lo acres of llmler, balance pasture: fine 7-room house, flrat-class barn. This place only 87)0. First come flrt served; ioCOO cash bsndles It. See my agenta. HALL ATCHISON. 13 Gcrllngcr Bltig. $0 PER ACRE. ao-acre fruit and stork fsrm. near F"le Creek, on O. W. P. electric: over 20 acres rleared: ten acres In bearing orchard: flrst-clsss condition: produced over $1000 In fruit last year; small house, rood barn, blacksmith shop and fruit dryer; two horses, new hsrness, two warona. 6 head of cattle, combination harvester with all other tools ro with place. I have many other bargain In low price dfsrms on my list. Goddard. 203 4 Washington St., room 1. tT ACRES of 'fine black "loam soil: four acres of clear beaverdam; a new five room house, 4 mile to station, on Van couver and Slfton electric. 4 mllee from Vancouver; balance of the land slashed; thla Is a valuablo piece of property and tha price Is only $200 per acre, or will sell tha half without tha house for $2000. half caah. JOS. C. GIBSON CO., 30S Gerllnger blrir., Portland. Or. 11(9 ACRES, l'i mile from Brownsville, all fenred Into 3 fields and la all sown to wheat, oats and hay. good house in flrst-clsss condition, a good bam. fruit of all kinds, water, haa lots of shade around house and barn. 10 large walnut treea; price $0 per acre: a snap. RNI. READ A CO.. 316 Board of Trade. OREGON SHEEP RANCH, ft 4 00 acres. 20o acrea alfalfa land, on John Day River: good outside rsnge. 40 heed of cattle, 20 horses, good buildings. Implements to run place, in fact every thing Included (except sheep, which will be sold at market price) In price ot $6 per Here. 1-3 rash, balance 10 years. ZIMMERMAN. SIO Board of Trade hldg. 7300 ACRES. 4 mile bordering on North River; l.".0 acre fine alfalfa land, coyote proof fence; almost unlimited outside range: fine climate, excellent soil for any purpose; this Is one of the best buys in Oregon at price of $13 per acre: 10 year to pay for It; blue prlnta and description st office. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. DAIRY FARM. 67 acres, only i mile from R. R. sta tion and not over S4 miles of Portland, la acrea In crop noa-, plenty pasture, has house, barn, orchard, watered by sprlnrs all the year; pric sacrificed to JJS00; easy terms. WESTERN LAND CO.. 24H Stark St. A GOOD INVESTMENT. 20 arres Improved fruit land near Mo star. Or.; 10 acrea in commercial orchard; new house, barn, chicken-house, horses, wsgona. Implements: fenced with woven wire: all lor $lo.0): half rash, balance terms. Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumber mens bldg. 10 ACRES for sale. $000 per acre. 3 miles east of city limits, on Base , Line road; S Mocks from Mount Hood By. Enquire owner. 1st house east of 9-mlle post, or address H. I.lndstad, R. F. 1. No. 1. Box 117. Oreshara. Or. A DAIRY FARM. Consisting of 1.1:1 acres of the finest land In Yamhill County; hlrhly. Improved and equipped and well worth the price asked. For further particulars call on Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermens Bldg. FIRSlt-CLASS dairy ranchl stock for trade, or rent. Phone Sellwood 812. Address 323 Islington avenue. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. ARE TOU IXDOKING FOR TIMBER? ft. of pine. $1 per M. 1on.oou.ooO ft. of redwood. $2 per M. Several tracta of spruce near railroad, $1..10 per M. IS.Ooo acrea of pine (sugar. ysTlow and fir), guaranteed to cruise 20,000 per acre; $2.1 per acre; good terms. nooo acrea fir. good quality, $20 per acre. rtoo. 000.000. $1 per SI. Many fine tracta of timber; will b pleased to show you. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade bldg. A DANDY TIMBER CLAIM. Cruises O.OO0.O00 feet: splendid agricul tural land; mostly level, deep, rich soil, free from rock; relinquishment: $soo. Chester II. Starr, 1022 Board of Trade bldg. LOGGING chance on good driving stream, close to tide: 10 million red hr; opened ready for Immediate operation: aome equipment: terms. AJ fr.'S. Oregonlan. lti.vou ACRES In a solid body, heavily tim bered: will sell for liOc rer thousand. In cluding the land. H. Elmer Poe, 416-13 Jienry bldg. fine-tTmber CLAIM Of 160 acres In the Molaila country with 4.000.000 feet for $4500. F. FrcHS. 2-1 Morrison St- HAVE a anap for you In timber: $.1000 to S10.OO0 caah required; quick returns. C. C. Shsy. 310 Ablngton bldg. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M CRACKEN, 304 McKay Bldg. Jl-7.10 Shingle, sawmill: 1.500,000 timber; Portland territory; bargain. J 077. Ore ronlan. TIMBER CLAIMS, homestead rellngulsh ments. 219 Worcester bldg FARMS WANTED. I WANT to buy direct from owner a small Improved farm of 10 to 40 acres, close to transportation and school. Prefer one with an old orchard. Give detaila and price. Cochrun, 432 Chamber of Com merce bldg. FARM property wanted; only exclusive contract for quick sale considered; we have the buyer. It you want to aell, aee or writ us. Hall A Atchison, 513 Gar linger bldg.. 2d and Alder. WANTED From 10 to 640 acres for stock rsnch Improved or unimproved, within 60 miles of Portland; give full descrip tion and location. B 637. Oregonlan. WANTED Flrst-clsss dairy farm. If yod have something good answer this. R 6H.1. Oiegonlan HAVE client for small form from 3 to 10 acres; writa full particulars. C. L. Bam berger. room 2 Lumbermens bldg FARMS We have buyers for fat ma. It vou wsnt to see, call or write us. West ern Land Co.. ;4Si Stark St. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. WANTED to rent A small dairy ranch of 13 cows or more. In good condition: south or wst of Portland. John Halblamb, care Y. At o. Lumber Co.. Stevenson. Wsah. A-SIX-ROOM house with an acre or more ground; one with chlcken-ho jvi :nd fruit treoj preferred: gtv description, locction and price. Address B 676, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent a small completely fur nished farm on shares by a practical farmer with family. V 603. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent furnished wheat ranch on shares, or take charge ot on. J. Cravens. 241 Rusaell st. PARTY warns to rent small farm or chicken ranch. R 6S1. Oregonlan FOR RENT FARMS. ORCHARD of 4000 treea tenant must show financial ability to handle It- Apply R Chllcott. 23 McKay bldg. WANTED TIMBER HXP8. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. Mccracken, S04 MaKay bldg. WANT3D Kg A I, ESTATE. FOR APARTMENTS. Wanted A close-In lot or iota on West Side; give full particulars. FRED C. KING. 314 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Washington. IF for some reason you are forced to sell your lot In Tremont place and can afford to take $123 caah each, let me know. AB tll6. Oregonlan. I HAVE buyers for 3 houses and t valley farma Call at once. F. J. ROSENBERG. HAVE client for small farm from 3 to 10 acres: write full particulars. C. L. Bam berger, room 2 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED Reliable person to build 7 -room house on my lot and accept $.10 per month till paid. AB 678. Oregonlan. WANTED West Side house. 6 or 7 rooms": modern; small first payment and $45 per montb. AB 677. Oregonlan. 4 OR o-room house, near car, $1400. or less, on easy pavmenta. O 675, Ore gonlan. 60x 100 "or mora In Irvlngtnn for cash; must: be worth th price; at once, p 676, jOre gonlan. WHAT have you in a cheap lot in South Portland ? O OBL Oregonlan. ONK to" three acres with bungalow: buy on easy terms or rent. J 68.1. Oregonlan. DIAMOND and soma cash for lot: price must be right. B 6.9. Oregonlan. CASH tor building lot: give location; pric In detail. AC WS0. Oregonlan. WANTED Acreage for cash; must be rea sonahle. X sol. Oregonlan. oTtti-client wanta nlre, new, modern home; Bos City Park; eaay payments; for $3000. WANTED 1 modem six or seven-room houses. Good location. Price $5000 to $6000. 4 modern 3 and 6-room, houses, on full lot near carllne. Price .from $3000 to $4000, some terms. 3 good 5 or 6-room houses, not rnor than 25 minutes out. Price $2000 to $2b00. part cash, easy terms. 12 vacant lots not over 80 minutes out; price $400 to $650 each; easy terms. Prices on all above must tie right, and from owners who will sign a 30-djy , con tract of sale. Give location and full de scription. Have recently arrived In tha dir. and have this list to purchase. AN 691. Oregonlan.. WANT vacant lot or lota; will trade 6-Paa-aenger touring car for Portland lots or lot. or will take equity In 6 or 6-room bungalow. State location and price of property when answering. Out of city property will not be considered. Address C 6U3. Oregonlsn. HOME "WANTED. No cheap house, built to sell, but a strictly modern 7 or 8-room house, not too far out. East Side: will buy equ'y; Don't answer unless will take 81500 mortgage on timber worth double. Boom 320 Railway i.xcnange mug. For houses. I 10 I rooms. 8250O to 84500. on easy terms. East or West Side. If you wont to mak a Quick sale, se Mr. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. WA lbO mo.-s 1 . 10 to 15 acres west of city, not too far from electric or steam line; will pay to 1-3 cash. Marshall 1133. A 12U. PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO.. liO inn ni. WE have calls for modern 6 and G-room houses or bungalows, close to carllnes and from $21100 up. Bring In what you have to offer. , GODDARD A WIEDRICK. &04 concora Diug. WE have a buer for 40 acres of land, partly cleared, some timber; if your place Is within 60 miles of Portland, see us at once. ILLINOIS REALTY CO.. 027 Corbett bldg. Phono Marshall 1048. wanted" " 8. 5 or 7 acres, near or on Oregon city carllne or Salem Electric: 7 to 10 mllea out. RAND. READ A CO.. 310 Hoard ot -i rage. WOULD like location on Willamette River between Oregpn City and baiem; must have some river frontage: suitable for peaches, willing to psy what the same is worth; give full psrtlculnrs In first letter. TJeteraon'a ""1 Falling bldg. WANTED To'buy at once a new modern Dungaiow or nouae. nwuui v strlcted district; must be first-class Ji every particular; give full description an, floor plan; about $3500; apot cash. V tc.lfl, oregonlan. Wa have customer with $400 caah for first payment on modern 6-room house near carllne; balance of price monthly; mutt be right price- Dietx-Mueller Co., 816 Ablngton bldg. WANT about 2 acres on carllne: must lay nice for a home; only a bargain will be considered; give all particulars In first letter, or no attention given. L 61)2. Ore gonlan. IF YOU own a lot. I will build vou store, apartments or residence, furnish plans, specifications and money; in answering, stato requirements tor Interview. K 6ou Oregonlan. OWNERS. ATTENTION. I want the best Investment that $20,000 cash will buv. Give full particulars or no attention paid. Positively no agents. R 677, Oregonlan. WE-have clients waiting for houses, all sizes and prlcea If you want to aell, see us quick. PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO, 170 6th st. 125,000 TO $50,000 Investment In Inside property paying fair Income. No flata or apartment will be considered. If you have something good and want cash, answer AB 673. Oregonlan. Another client wishes good lot near Hawthorne ave.. up to $2500, for tnvest- We mean business. See H. A. Chand ler. 610 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED I to 10 acres with four to six- room house, good neignoornooa, gooa son. not over 15-cent carfare, within one-half mile of electric line station. G 61)1. Ore gonlan. . $15,000 TO $20,000 to Invest In close-In property: must pay a per ceui; "; " aume any inueDiruuc, " " ' give full particulars; bona fide purchaser. AL 6D3. Oregonlan. $15tK) CASH and a lot of aame value, free of Incumbrance, for house and lot. $3000. PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO- 170 nth St. $10 00O TO $20,000 to Invest In West Side Income bearing property; must pay good Interest on money Invested; owners only. P 670, Oregonlan. WE have -falls for close-In acreage. What have you on carllne at the right price? Owners only. Wood A Seachrest. 320 Rail way Exchange bldg. 6-KOOM modern house. East Side, near car line, at fair price, on the monthly pay ment plan. Will pay 10 per cent cash. L 6!S. Oregonlan. I WOULD purchase a lot or quarter block on Grand ave., between East Morrison and the gulch; must be reasonable. O 002. Oregon'an. WANTED 10 to 30 acres for platting. Pre fer west slops Portland Heights, between Council Crest and Barnes" Road. Give full psrtlculars. AJ 679. Oregonlan. PORTLAND "HEIGHTS or MOUNT TABOR. Not less than 50-foot front: $700 to $900; pay half caah. Phono B 1202. AD 61)1. OregonlatK WANT Orand ave. property, for which can offer unincumbered acreage close to city as part payment. Vanduyn A Walton, 615 . Chamber of Commerce. TvlLL BV' Y a vacant lot or house and lot between Russell st. and Holllday ave., west of Union; must be snap. AJ 677, Orego nlan. WANTED A good 6 or 6-room bungalow in restricted East Side district: must be In good condition and not over $4500. S 684, oregomon. WANTED The best house between $2000 and $3000 that $300 will make first pay ment. Give description and location. Owners only. V 688, Orsgonlan. WE have a customer for a 4 or 6-room bun galow on very easy terms; also for 40 acrea near Mosler; must be cheap. Bay City Land Co.. 702 Spalding bldg. WANT apartment site or residence lots; will exchsnge 82800 equity In 14 acres and assume difference. H 6P2. Oregonlan. WANTED contracts or mortgage In ex change for Mount Tabor lota S 692. Ore gonlan. WANTED At once, a house and lot close In; Stephens' Addition. Call 414 Spald Inr bldg. - HAVE sold my farm and have $20,000 to In vest In real estate bargains from $500 up. L 694. Oregonlan. WILL Day cash commissions for Information ... ' ' r . , . . . in dfl Hu. of contemplated ouuuius. ww. v.- gonlan. . WANTED or 6-sere tract, near Portland. AG 691. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. $3oo city lot to trade for 1000 shares of Comstock Golden Gate. AC 676. Ore gonlan. TWO Rose City Park lots, corner 48th and Sandy Boulevard, for exchange for close In acreage. 12B3 E. Salmon at,, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Irvlngton and othar city lots to ex change for mortgages. Y 474. Oregonlan. WE exchange jour property regardless of location for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchangs. 328-9 Henry bid EXCHANGE For acreage, fine unincum bered lots, also several tine equities. O 674. Oregonlan. WE will buy. sell or trade anything. J. A. Lawrence at Co.. 40 Corbett bldg. HOOD RIVER tract, exchange for equity in nice home. A 676. Oregonlan. WILL exchange merchandise store, value 12000.for land. Call 24SH Stark st. WE can trade your property or business. Call 80S Board of Trad. CilTARTTr-rt block, clonn In. fine for apart' ments or flats. I desire to exchange for good- residence property, flata or small apartment-house; value of quarter block is $7000. 40 acres, very best land, close to Ti gardville, all in cultivation, good orchard, price only $2.10 per acre. I will exchange for good Portland property. Millinery store. In one of the best towns on Coast of 2.1.000 population, best location, has the best trade In the city, rent reasonable, does an annual business of more than $20,000. present owner haa made sufficient profits on which to re tire; stock on hand of $i000; will trade for good residence property. For any of the above, and other good exchanges, see J. E. Smith, 613 Chamber of Com merce. Portland, On 80-ROOM hotel, weil furnished. In good Valley town; population 3000; sale or trade; lease. Paying picture show for sale. Good modern house In city to exchange for Improved farm; will .pay difference. Modern residence to trade for some business; plenty of other good trades. Call and see. , EWEN REALTY CO.. Sll Allsky bldg. EXCHANGE. For part city property, 17Vi acre, only 4 miles from city limits, all cleared land In a high state of cultivation, fine build ngs and all stock goes; Investigate this If you mean business. HALL & ATCHISON. 213 Gerllnger Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE. A fine Los Angeles residence property, situated In one of the choicest residence districts and widest streets fn L. A.; will trsde for Portland residence property similar to this: price $'.1000; Income of L. A. property $62 month. R. H. GOODKIND CO., 510 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED To exchange. Mohe, a regis tered standard-bred stallion, weight about 12H) lbs., bay with black points, a beau tiful driver, can go as fast as you want to, also n 4-wheel 2-seuted spider buggy; will vxchanae for good heavy work mares or registered Jersey cattle. Staples the Jeweler. ' I FOR SALE or will exchange for close-In Portland property, SO acres, near Portland, about 2.1 acres clear, about lo acres bear ing apple orchard, house, barn, cow, farm. Implements, etc. Wllk sacrifice this farm. If soid at once will make terms. Address owner, M 6.12. Oregonlan. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. . 47 H acres, 3'i miles s. W. of Burling ton; the United Railway horseshoes right on the property; what have you to offer In exchange for our equity of $8000? C. V. Pfluger A Co.. suite 5. Mulkey bldg.. Second snd Morrison. $ ACRES at Durham Station, beautiful ground and site for home, berries or poul try. $2000; take lot first payment. We have a very tine Improved farm near Portland to exchange for good resi dence or income property to $12,000. CIXJDFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg. TO EXCHANGE Good Irrigated land In Payette Valley. Idaho, best fruit section In state, for $4000 to $0000 modern home In Portland. Must be In good district, not over 10 blocks from eight-grade school. T !8. Oregonlan. $2300 EQUITY in 20 acres, balance HO'i at 7 per cent for 26 years; property 15 miles from Portland; 800 cords of standing wood and spring on land; on county road near church and school: want to trade for house and lot in city. 334 Mohawk bldg. 24 ACRES. Reedvllle district, between stream and electric lines; 10 acres in cul tivation. 6 acres more have been culti vated, balance timber and stumps; large creek, spring and old buildings; will trade for city property. 614 Couch bldg. LOTS TO TRADE. Bandon lots, clear. East ML Tabor, equity. Fergus Falls. Minn., clear. And many other trades. Hall A Hickle. 321 Lumbermens bldg. 63 ACRES near Beaverton. all highly im proved; you can do no better wherever you go; will take city property up to $6000. balance long time. PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO.. 170 .1th -St. EXCHANGE Elegant new modern ten room residence; cash value, $15,000. For unincumbered farm or timber land, value about $10,001). he to assume $2800. 5 per cent, bal. cash. AJ COO. Oregonlan. $5000 EQUITY in $8000 modern 6-room house in desirable location, one block from Hawthorne ave.. near 15th St., to exchange for improved acreage. K. 605. Oregonian. WILL trade equity 2 fine view choice lots In Laurelhurst for a new, modern-built residence, about S rooms, Irvlngton pre ferrod; will pay cash difference with terms. Phone East 5220. EXPERIENCED teacher" will give private lessons or exchange instructions in water color or china painting for fine fur. diamonds or articles of value. M 692, Or egonlan. TO EXCHANGE 800 acres of wheat'land, 800 In cultivation, all fenced, good springs and well .near Grass Valley, Shermun County, for Portland property. Dubois A Crockett. Washington bldg.. room 3. EXCHANGE A modern 8-room house, lot 50x100. In Holladay Park, to exchange for acreage close m or business property; will assume small mortgage It necessary. Ad dress AJ 6'..", Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange, new upright piano, never used: cost $:i75: make me offer; ' have no use for it: or what have you that I can use? 521 Vi 20th St., Portland Heights, corner Laurel st. $1500 CASH and a lot of same value, free of Incumbrance, for house and lot, $3000. PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO.. 170 6th St. 6-ROOM plastered cottage and full lot; well located In St. Johns; river view; price $1250; exchange for lot. A 601. Oregonlan. WANTKI) To exchange a good-sized gaso line launch with cabin top, 8-horsepower engine, all in Kood condition, for heavy worK team. rjtqpies me .loweier. lo ACRES of Improved fruit land. mile from center of city of Payette. Idaho, for good grocery store. Bloch Realty CO., 221 I WANT lot. limit $20Q0. or home already built. West Side. I got tho money. Write location, price, particulars. I. O. box 4.10. Portland. In exchange for lots in Bandon or Fer gus Falls. Hall A Hickle, 021 Lumber- mens piog. ay, ACRES, Improved. San Diego County property; title perfect: owner here; will exchange for Oregon property. 401 Spalding bldg. ; GENERAL mdse. store In country; good buildings; 1 acre land, stock and build ings $5,100: to trade for city property. 402 Commercial block. . 3 LEVEL lots near Mt. Scott. Bo car. city water, street graded and paid: will take rooming-houFe. cigar store or land up to $700; price $1550. . HIGLEY. BISHOP A M'CLASKEY. 32 3d. 820 ACRES, Willamette Valley; will sell or exchange all or part: assume or pay dif ference. Goldechmidrs Agency. 232tt Washington st.. cor. 3d. 4 LOTS on Tillamook street. $4500. will take trade up to $:1000. Atlas Land Co. 420 Lumber Exchange. WANTED To exchange watches or dia monds for the taking down and putting up of a largo water tank; a good-sized Job. Staples the Jeweler. WANTED Diamonds or anything of value for lots. West side, electric, car service. 401 Spalding bldg WE exchange property of all kinds ail the time. H. A. Chandler, 410 Lumbermens bldg. EXCHANGE good home or acreage for Cal- iroruia properly, dam v - - 691, Oregonlan. WANTED Stock of country merchandise for Improved acreage or good farm. AH 678. Oregonlan. 10 ACRES fine commercial orchard, also 40O acres timocr lor cny o buuuhm vv- ertv. AE 6'.'3. Oregonlan. I v.'AVT a houseboat and will accept as first payment on my small bungalow. 610 Lumbermens bldg. WOULD take typewriter or office safe as paft payment on two lota AJ 692. Ore gonian. TO TRADE One wood saw. new, one team young horses. 1500 pounds, for Improved ranch. J 0'4. Oregonlan. FOUR lots In Washington for automatio call and advertising clock stock. B 674, Oregonlan. 120 ACRES, three mllea from Haines, $10 "per acre: exchange for lots. AK 0S9, Oregonian. WILL trade, for cheap unimproved land a good modern 5-roum bungalow. Call 414 Spalding bldg. EQUITY In East Ride lots exchange for house rent. N 678. Oregonlan. 6oODfurnlture for cow, chickens or other stock. 422 Chamber of Commerce. CASH business, exchange for city lots; value a hoot 1 12.Q00. AN (i'.'2. Oregonlan. VviLL trade 6-room bouse. Inside lot. 842 EugeneL Inquire 846. AFINE new piano for a marine engine, 15 or 20 horse-power. A 6S. Oregonian. EQUITY In some good $225 lots for auto, launch pr land. 614 Couch bldg. WILL trade good Seattle lot for anything of valuo. 1020 Board of Trade. 6-ROOM modern house, close In. to exchange for lots or acreage. AC 60S. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND PROP- 15 acres. 10 miles from Portland. 1 mile from electric carllne; all In cultiva tion. B'i acres In berries. SU acre? '? orchard: rood 4-room house. 'at"e, "A"1 and outbuildings: good team and an nec essary implements. . , . 43 acres. 16 miles from PrIand." Scholls Ferry road, so acres in high stato of cultivation; excellent buildings. stocK and Implements. . 61 acres. 18 mHes from Fortlnnn. miles from R. R., 46 acres In high Btate of cultivation; good buildings, stock ana Implements. nn 275 acres. IV, miles from R. R-. e acres cleared. 50 under cultivation; very good soil: good buildings; $2000 worth or stock and Implements; price $10,000. 4S0 acres, in Linn County, lb'l acres under cultivation; good fruit and stocK ranch; fair buildings; good locality. KAtTFFMANN A MOORE, 825 Lumber Exchange. TO EXCHANGE: Ten beautiful acres, all ready for the plow, county road, railroad and station, for an equity In small bun galow or clear lots; price $1400. 160-acre wheat farm all fenced and In cultivation, house and barn: price 8 -J per acre; $2000 equity for a good 1J10 five-passenger automobile. JOS. C. GIBSON CO., 805 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder Sts. FOR-SALE or trade 480 acres first-class wheat land. In Eastern Oregon, all of which has been under cultivation. o waste, no sand, nor stone: this is a snap for someone; present owner too old to farm; family all grown up and scattered. Address or call on W. J. S.. 20 Grand ave.. cor. East Ash. 1 1-Af'IU'. ORCHARD. Jl acres In good orchard, five-room house, good horse and all farming Imple ments. 100 chickens, 25 cords of cut wood, 50 bushels of grain, plenty hay and grain for Winter; no Incumbrance, will trad" for acreage near Portland, value J.iouu. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. HBDFORD, VICINITY, PROPERTY FOR X C H A Wanted Portland city and rancn prop erty to exchange for property In the fa mous Rogue Klver Valley, up to $200,000; Sive full description and detail and aa ress box 115. Medford. Or. 10-ACRE tracts. Spitzenberg district, mile and half from railroad; price $100. Terms or will exchange. What have you? F. T. BERRY. No. 4 North tith. Phone A 3182; WANTED Seven-passenger touring car; have equity of $1800 in ehree fine build ing lots In hightly restricted residence dis trict on East Side: will exchange for .1)10 model 6 or 7-passenger car; must Be in first-class condition. Phone Main lo-M. Ask for Mr. Burltncame ; . SOUTHERN Oregon has 2 splendid small farms, close to high school and small town, well Improved on creek, best or soli for all kinds of fruit: will exchanso either for city property. Phone Eas. .tii or call 6H2 E. Morrison anu will show photograph. , GOOD business lot in Ellensburg. Wash.. Improved with good theater building, now being used as moving-picture show: car, get $1000 rent per year; price $w)0: will exchange for Portland property and some cash. Kauffmann & Moore. 32j Lumber Exchaiyre. X ; ; -,v. modern six-room house, large re ception hall, corner lot, piped for furnace. Improvements all paid. Will accept good building lot In restricted district as first payment, balance due In three years; in vestigate this. Phono Main 1503. Ask for Mr. Burllngame. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, new and modern, lot 50x100; located on the new Mt. Hood line, close to 2:ith. Will accept good building lot as first payment, balance lit three years. Phone Main 1503. Ask for Mr. Burllngame. . EQUITY of $1800 In three fine building lots on East Side, highly restricted residence district. Cannot keep up present contract. Will exchange for clear lots or a "mail piece of acreage close to Port and. Phone Main 1S0:i. Ask for Mr. Burllngame.. TRADE OR SELL Equity of $3000 i" Heights view lots for real estate, close-in city home preferred, will assume some, balance on lots runs i o years. 6 per cent; deeds given. H 6.4. Oregonian. 183 ACRES near Kelso, partly improved; house, barn. 4 acres good orchard . price $0 per acre: will exchange for Portland property and give difference If necessary.. Kauffmann A Moore. 825 Lumber Ex- change. . 6-ROOM. modern house on f,0?,'n(fof;r lot. 1 block from carllne; price $3000 w 11 exchange for well-Improved farm of about 40 acres, close to transportation. 11PW cash difference up to S3000. Kauffmann & Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange. ; A BEAUTIFUL ten-acre tract, partly lu AfruH. clise to an electric carllne and close to 5 stores: the owner lives In Pr'1"itt and will trade for home. David Lev.1. room x.umuermciiB ww.. - streets. 10-acre tract, -mlle from Mosler (fa mouse Davenport farm), 8 acres 4-year-old commercial trees; will sell or take Portland property in exchange. 410 Cor- pett piog. 1 t. . re DncuIRII.TTV For a speculator to make a fortune, -O.-000 shares of good mining stock In a llye company for land or acreage. L 6JL Ore gonian I OWN several fine building lots on iu. East Side; I will accept first-class seven passenger car, model 1910. as first pay ment. Phono Main 1503. Ask for Mr. Burllngame Near Portland and transportation: $5) and up. to exchange for Portland proper.y. STEUART REALTY CO. (Inc. . 421-422 ChamberofConimerce Bldg. EXCHANGE Hood River 10-acre orchard, one mile of town, for Portland property up to $8500; can also add a $3000 first montpge. 8 per cent- Owner. Box 175. Hood Rives Oregon. WILL trade my equity in two well-located Rose City Park lots for one free of In cumbrances. Rose City Park I"mo or Laurelhurst preferred. AN 513, Ore gonian. 100 ACRES, unimproved. Coos County, near Coaullle, some timber, good grazing, to exchange for Portland property or mort gage or equity. V 680. Oregonlan. WILL trade confectionery and cigar store for city real estate, down town location at trantfer point: part cash preferred. Ad- aress aiv oh, v HAVE fine electric piano, also upright pi ano and folding organ; will exchange for lots or acreage; give full particulars In nrst letter, n o 1 1, uib TO EXCHANGE 160 acres of good timber land in Lane County. Or., for a jnodcrn house of 5 or 6 rooms, well situated In Portland. Lock Box 172, Eugene. Or. 5 ACRE'S choice fruit land, planted; an nual Income will exceed $2,100: connected by Portland Electric; wllltrade for house lot. AC 073. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE $2500 equity In 6-room modern house, near carllne. for lot and cash i or small ranch or anything of value. What have you? AH 693. Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE- , Two 10-acre tracts. Vancouver vicinity, will take 2 or 4-passenger car for ono or Kth 422 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WILL exchange 100 acres fine wheat land for house ana lot; uu oujono.. . with mortgage. Call 248V4 Stark st. AM leaving the city; will trade my run- aoout car lor icm 1 f ' .h. h.i. nee on time. L 685, Oregonlan. WE exchange your Pjoparty for what . you desire. ui unnu , .... r. Trade bldg. Bee Mr. V, lest. WE have" a fine Irvlngton home, easy terms. matt, ou jveuu - 2032. HAVE $300 equity In Burlington which I will trade for anything of equal value. Owner. 413 Hawtnorne. WILL exchange splendid farm In Clacka mas County tor J u j,.vuc.i..r. tlculars 248 'A Btaric st. FOR meritorious stocks to exchange for real estate, sae ... Fletcher. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. win trade some fine lots for morsgages. P. o. Box 285. city. CORNER general store, unincumbered, line suburb: will trsde for real estate. $2000. W'rite owner. 6B0 East Ankeny. Portland. TO EXCHANGE Port Angeles lots and mining stock for land or might consider business chance. R 1. Box 175. Portland. WHAT business have you to trade for 15 acres Oregon flr timber and $1000 cash? Hardware preferred. W 603, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Morse. Vehicle and Harness. FOR HIRE. PORTLAND STABLES. 26 N. 1BTH ST. MARSHALL 1686 HORSES AND WAOONS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. A CARLOAD of work horses for sale, all guaranteed sound and true. G. K. Hew itt, 80th and Burnslde sts., Montavilla. TEAM of horses, harness and 2 wagons. . suitable for delivery service. Call freight depot. East Water and Clay sts. AT YOUR own price 2200-pound team of horses. 629 E. 59th St., end ot Haw thorne ave. carllne. . A 1050-lb. team, 5 years old. sound and true; must be sold at once. 24 E. 80th St. Phone Tabor 623. EXPRESS wagon and horse with harness, everything new, for sale cheap. Apply at 127 N. 6th st. FOR SALE Fine driving horse, buggy and harness; pric reasonable. Phone Tabor 2268. florae. Veliiclea and Mama BIG BARGAINS IN f.n CHEAP HORSES. $40 AND UPWARDS. All kinds and weights of horses and mares, weighing from 000 to 16O0 lbs.; several cheap learns: horses will be hitched, pulled and warranted according ly, allowing a free trial. Call and be con vinced at stable. 50.1 Alder street. More value for your money than any stable lu Portland. $250 RANCH OUTFIT COMPLETE. Consisting of 20il-lb. team bay horses, ages 7 and 8: true to work anywhere, single or double, set of heavy breeching harness in good condition and 3-lnch farm wagon, almost new. Inquire for my outfit at 505 Alder st. Geo. Benson. $183. mare and gelding, with harness; ages 6 and 7. weight 2:100 lbs.: closely mated, true to work and extra free drivers. A good ranch, family or business team; trial allowed. 005 Alder et $10. DELIVERY RIG. $180. Brown horse. 1100 lbs., city broken, new sot heavy express harness, new vory fine delivery wagon ; all f trst-class. Call NeW York Club Stables. 1.1th and Alder sts. PLEASURE RIG. $150. Bay horse, lbs., seven years old, very stylish driver; nearly new rubber tired runabout and hand-made harness, whip, robe, blanket and halter. . Call boardmg stable, 005 Alder st. $125 team, ages 7 and 8. true to work. This team has been overworked and not properly fed and are thin and don't look very good, but are worth $:l0o to any ono who has use for them and wants to get the benefit of the Improving them. 605 Alder st. $140 buys handsome black mare, age 7, weighs 12S0 lbs., sound and kind and true to work anywhere: cost the present owner $275 one year ago and as he haa purchased an automobile he offers her at this low price for immediate sale. 60o Alder st- - 10 head of horses from th J. 8. Mc Dernott Contracting Co. No. 1 and 'J t:im black horses, ages 7 and 8. weigh. 2S00 lbs., true and reliable but thin In flesh; price $225. No. 3 and 4 team, sorrel horses, ages 7 and 8. weigh 27oo. thin In flesh. No. 5 and 6 team, whit horses, ages 10 and 11. weigh 2700 lbs., , price $210, and 4 single horses, prices from $50 to $00, left to be sold at 505 Alder st. EAST SIDE "EXCHANGE STABLE. 270 E. 7th near Hawthorne. 1 pair horses weighing 320O. 1 pair horses weighing oOuo. 1 pair horses weiKhing 2sn0, $2.10. 1 pair horses weighing 2H00, $175. 1 pair horses weighing 2500, $200. 1 pair weighing 2400 with harness, $209. 1 brown horse, $.'1.1. 1 marc, weight 800. In foal, $30. 1 odd mule, price $7.1. 2 pair of fine general delivery horses, thoroughly city broke. Also wagons and harness. 22 YOUNG mules from 1000 to llu pounds each; suitable for orchard, farm or general team work; good 2-700-pound work team and harness; several general purpose horses; four-ton gooseneck furni ture wagon, with top; 16-passenger carry all, suitable for hotel, grocery and deliv ery wagons; also ls-ton goseneck wagon with top. Hubert A Hall, 380 Front St.. cor. Montgomery HORSES FOR HALE. Portland Stables, 26 N. 15th st 23 horses, all sizes and prices; a written guarantee goes with every horse to refund your money If not as represented. Harness, all prices, delivery wagons, buggies at ft ' actual value. R. L. Evans. ONE 7-year-old horse. 1750 lbs., sound and true. 8300; one brown horse. 1600 lbs.. 7 years, sound and true. $275; big farm - team, 3000 lbs., 8 and I) years, true and sound every way, $425; everything guar anteed as represented. 334 Front St., corner. Market. ; MUST sell fine chunky 2fl00-lb. team, mare and horse, 6 and S years old, truo pull ers, fast walkers: $:!00. or will sell sep arate; this team is fat and ready for hard work; trlul guarantee given. Call 849 E. 3d st. N.. near Broadway. WANTED 2 mares and harness, weight 10.10 or more; must be young, sound and cheap. 1 saddle mare, weight 000 or more: must be sound and young. Address F. R. Ferguson. Portland, Or. FOR good saddle horses see C. H. Zimmer man, at the Portland Riding Academy, 21st and Johnson sts.; ho has opened a training stable for high-class saddle and driving horses; saddle horses tor sate at any time. Phone Main 973, A 4761. WE have a nicebunch of horses weighing from 1050 lba to 1750 lbs., everything sold under guarantee for cash or time given on part or will take cheaper horses in exchange. Phone M. 0227; A 1360. 334 Front. f WASCO COUNTY HORSES. Nine head sound young horses oa range near Shanlko. Wl.t have you to trad". Homesteads nearby. No location fee. I. o. Box I.SJ, Portland. $135.00 BUYS team with new harness; horses sound and truo workers; weight 2100 pounds, 9 years old: also 84 wagon cheap. East 12th and Madison, cottage In park. TWENTY head of first-class geldings, ages 5 to 0 vears old; weight. 1000 to 1H00 lbs. Some well matched, heavy teams: this stock is sound and will be given guarantee every way. 294 Montgomery. BARGAIN Big pair horses; will weigii' 2000 lbs. when fat; 7 and 8 years old and truo to pull; with harness and wagon, for $315. Call at 1134 Front and sea thi team In harness. Open Sund aj FOR SALE Two horses, weight about 800 pounds each and good travelers; light hack, with harness, all new. Included or sold eeparately. Address A- P, Langcn- berg. Clackamas. Or. WILL furnish material and do house paint ing or shingle staining for horse or deliv ery wagon. Address R. F.' D. No. 1, Box 773, Portland. , $143 BIG BARGAIN $14.1. Team horses. 2200 pounds, true single or double; harness, wacon. Woodstock. 87th and 03d ave. Phono Sellwood 1788. PAIR geldings. 3365 lbs. with lavy breeching harnesj. all complete: ages and 9: price, the outfit, $105; a snap. 204 Montgomery. FOR SALE Good 2200-pound farm team; nearly new harness. Price. $1.10. Spokano Sale Barn, E. 8th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE One good 1300 pound horso and 0-year-old 13 00 pound horse; also good 1100 pound mule. Travis Bros., woodyard. E. 8th and Hawthorne ave. WANTED To hire a good team of horses; must weigh not less than 3000 pounds. AE 602. Oregonian. FOR SALIC Several very fine young horses from Ooo to 15H0 lbs., at very reasonable prices., 302 Front st. WANTED Team and two dump wagons to haul from excavation. Room 528 Kail- way Exchange. FIVE-TON beam truck, almost new: will sell at a bargain: we have no room to store same. 209-211 Front st. TEAM mules, young, weight 2230, prico $425. 090 E. 6th North. Phone Wood lawn 87 FOR sale, a chosnut sorrel team. 5 and 9 years old, weight 8200, price $700. Main 8S3. TEAM and harness and 16-passenger hotel 'bus for sale cheap at the Model Stables, 205 Davis st. Phone Main 047. GOOD team horses for sale cheap. 103 East 1st St. TEAM of good work horses, weight 2400, and harness. 469 East Salmon. Automobiles. BARGAINS THAT ARE BARGAINS. TWO HART-KRAFT LIGHT DELIV ERY WAGONS. You can buy them at your OWN PRICE. These wagons have a Capacity of 1500 lbs., and are Just the thing for grocery or laundry. ONE E. M. F. FIVE-PASSENGER, used about six months. Just been over hauled by expert mechanics. In first-class condition; make me offer. One flve-passenger Evert, used about 500 miles for a demonstrator; will sell for less than cost. We have two automobile bodies, NEW, that we will sell at a bargain. Now, Mr. Bargain Hunter, look these cars over; they will stand a rigid exam ination; make me an offer; no reasonable offer refused. Phone A 4551; Main 8112. 206 11th street. SOMETHING UNUSUAL A Pope-Hartford (-passenger) for sale; car will be com pletely overhauled and repainted; subject to guarantee; reason for selling, buying another of same make. Call up owner. B 1.11.1. Monday forenoon. This must be a CASH saie. GOING away Must sell my Parry Road ster, lOUr aeui'M , oiiij- . ,-, ... perfect condition. Owner, 213 Common- wealtn Diog. 1910 30-H P. 6-passenger Oveland; never . r -..AO I.' I. - U.ln oeen useu; win acn -o 8350. FOR SALE 1910 Cadillac, first-class con dition; bought In October; price, $1300; terms. P 677. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Five-passenger Chalmers, fully equipped; a bargain; good as new. E 089. Oregonlan - WANT position In auto garage to learn business. G 676. Oregonlan. A $2100. 6-PASSENGER Stanley steamer to exchange for live stock. 809 East 28th at.