the: MANY MEN PROJECTED BY POLITICS INTO VIEW OF GENERAL PUBLIC Carl Anderson, Democrat, of rortoria, Ohio, Who Wanti to Succeed Dick aa Senator, Has Indorsement of Samuel Gompera Lonfworth Will Present Bill for Permanent Tariff Commission- DR. GREEN Make No Mistake GO WHERE YOU ARE SURE OF GETTING EXPERT TREATMENT SYSTEM OF MAN BUILDING TREATMENT THB BEST PLACE IW THE OHTmVFT WHEHE TOU C.KTf GET CVTtKO THE QUICKEST AND CHEAPEST IS AT THE ST. I.OIK MKDICH CO.. PORTI.VNI. HOEST, KAITHFII. SERWLB, ADVANCED TREATMENT, EXPERT SKILL. REASONABLE CHARGES. Call at Once if You Are in Trouble MEN I ' ' ;v - . It VI 1 :'v t " r ' N ; In '--. - Vll : t .. V III V--n y n .'' M III I '4 - ' " J: '" rf rT v"- " ' III r' ." " f;,"" I : ' v ' vf ji . v ' fill t. - .Ji.f ,! ryD j ' r1 F i2l - - --- - NEW TORK. Jau. li pcll Carl And'rmn. a IHmocra t. of Fos torta. O.. Is a candidate to suo Senator Welt In the United Mate 8nate. Andenon has the up o"" " Samuel Oomper. prellent of the American Federation of Labor, who baa promlaed to write to erery local union In the atate. urging the men to work for the election of Anderson to the Senate. Representative Anderson began life as a newsbor and a boot black In Fostorla. He holds a union car local union III. musicians, of 'ost... see Accompanying thla article Is a new photograph of Nicholas Longworth, son-in-law of ex-Freldent Roosevelt. Representative Longworth Is to Intro dace a bill earlr this month provid ing for a permanent tariff eomml-slon. The measure, which will have the ap proval of the Administration, will rep resent a compromise, as It Is made up of a Mil offerctl by Mr. Longworth (who Is actins; for the President) and Representative Cloode. of Iowa, and Lenroot. of Wisconsin, who affiliate with the progressive- Republicans, see There are a number nf candidates for the vacancy on the Klghth Circuit bench caused by the appointment of Judge Vandevanter to the Supreme Court. Irobabljr no Federal Judicial appointment ever brought out a great er list of candidates. There are about It District Judges In the Eighth Cir cuit and practically every one of them Is credited with being a candidate. H. IL Wilson, of Lincoln, Is one of the prominent candidates and Ma name has been presented to the President by Sen ator Burketu e e e Woodrow Wilson. Governor of New Jersey, was on band last week to say good bye to hi old friend. Colonel Henry Watterson. the veteran editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, who smiled on the steamship America for Karope. Colonel Watterson will re main away until May. He doea not think much of the start the Democrats have made In Congress. Me says the appointment of the so-called commit tee la a poor scheme and that under Its operation, no one shoulders t he re sponsibility. Colonel Watterson was born at Washington. I. C- February 1. 1. V. A. Young, of Waterloo, la., has formally annunct himself aa a can didate for the l'nlt-d titatee H-nalt to aveceed Knstor UflrtlK Toung, Iidc of the Dea ai vines Capital. V. A. Toung Is the supreme protector of the American Nobles, a fraternal ben efit society. e rrofessor Hugo Munsterburg be lieves that there is a conspiracy among a group of newspaper writers in Ber lin to boom the Roosevelt professor and crush the Harvard exchange pro fessor at Berlin University, He has no fault to find with hie university col leagues but some of the authorltiea of the university feel that he may be Insinuating that some Influences of that Institution were Involved in the alleged plot. Pmf-srr Miinsterhura' ws.i re- Don't take chances with "patent medicine " or "tips Trom fvlenda - and run the risk of dangerous complications. I have the quickest cure In the world. Don't wait until something happens. Call In the beginning and save money. I will charge only a few dollars for the first treatment, pro vided you call early. Ailments of Men Thousands of young snd middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave. If you have any of the following symptom consult me before It Is too late: Are yon nervous, deepondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, backache, weak kidneys. Irritable temper, cranky, pslptlatlon of the heart, bashful, pimples on the face, hollow checks, careworn expression, poor memory, llfpless. distrustful, lack of energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, sore throat, etc.? ,T" -IT Toung and middle-aged men with weak back, falling strength, -"i-J-J sunken oheeks, hollow eyes, poor memory, I cure cheaply. VARICOSE VEINS Twi veins, varicose veins, reduced and t pain or Inconvenience. Rup- and Piles cured without operation Consult me free and find out ture. etc. now I cure without the knife. Northwest. My price for a cure Is the cheapest In tha eczema, ulcers, heart, kidneys. CHRONIC AILMENTS c'n,?.ti;kJt?on.Bcehn.n8g. liver, stomach, catarrh, rheumatism, pains. AT?"!? VOTT9 Nervous and despondent, debilitated; tirsd mornings; no - jLxsKJl ttmbltlon lifeless; memory poor; easily fatigued; excit able and Irritable; eyes red and blurred: pimples, haggard looking, ulcers, sore throat, lack of energy and confidence? ny v- fJT'P'N' with chronic kidney and bladder ailments, difficult urination. yji-iiJ IVlXjll enlarged glands, etc should call at once for quick relief. THE MASTER SPECIALIST. Wky waste money trying " different doctoral Go to the Master Specialist In the first place and Ret cured and avoid ex perimenting with poor doetera. ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM IMPAIRED VITALITY? MT NEW METHOD TREATMENT can cure you an becomes active, the nerves become strong as etee disappear: the eyes Decome DriKni. me imo a physical and vital system are lnvigoratea. i invue ACflUT ATT TPf"!? My prices are' always rea-DiM-AJ-iJ-i XXi-Ei aonable and never more than you are willing to pay for the results I will give you. I will allow you to pay me by the visit, week or month, as you are' able, or I will allow a liberal discount for cash. No man too poor to get my best service. I have euch a largo patronage that I can give you a very small price. No ex cuse for any man to b without treatment. d make a man of you. Under its influence the brain 1, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency nd clear; energy returns to the body, and the moral. ail tne arinciea to consult me personally or oy lener. WHY THE FREE OFFER IS GIVEN If you doubt my ability to cure you, remember I give a week of my great treatment free If you desire, so you can try it yourself and see that It is the best obtainable in America. This free offer , is especially made to patients who have failed to get cured by doctors who are not specialists. treatm If you are tired of treatment that fall I want you to call on me, and when you see how sensible my atment Is, try it. Call and see me and let me explain how I cure or. If not, write for free book. I positively cure every ailment peculiar to men. I do not merely relieve temporarily hut cure soundly and maniitly My success In curing Is due to tha original, distinctive and thorough scientific methods I employ. (rt'AHANTFE A CCRE I issue a positive guarantee to cure in every case undertaken or money refunded. I iaii perma want nothing I do not honestly earn, and if I to cure you I do not want your money. LONGEST ESTABLISHED A-ND MOST SKILLFUL AND SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST IN AILMENTS OK MEN , , . Consultation and advice free. If you cannot call at office, write for self-examination blank and book many cases cured at home Medicines $1.50 to $6.50 per course. HOURS 9 A. 11 TO 8 P. M. SUNDAYS 10 TO 12. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO., Inc. 230V2 Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon. centty honored by the Emperor William with an invitation to dinner. see O. It Cheney Is the State Rank Su perintendent of New York. Mr. Cheney l.i very much In the news Just now In connection with the failure of the Northern Bank of New York and the j Washington Havings Bunk. Mr. Cneney says he began investigating the North ern Bank on December 14, two days before the Superintendent of Insur ance began investigating the Aetna Company, and on the first day, found evidence of fraud and promptly report ed the farts to the District Attorney. WHAT IS A JEW? COUNT TOLSTOI MAKES ANSWER WHAT LS A JFWT (All eyes hsve lately been truned on the personality of the great writer and philosopher. Count Leo Tolstoi, who, though a Russian, and a mem ber of the beaoreaucracr a class class far-famed for tta hard-hearted-Bess, and esperislly Its antlsmltlo taden-ls had. nevertheless, a sm pathr aad a love for humankind that Is seldom equaled. In perhaps noth ing that he wrote Is the beaut r of his heart more truly portrayed than In his raaesece on tha Jew. a bit of writing which Is one of the most remarkable truths ever uttered by man of any station or of any na tionality. The article appeared In 11. R. O ) Traaalated from the Russian by Raphael P. Portland. WHAT la a Jew? Indeed it seema a rather foolish question to ask. for who in tha world does not know what a Jew Is? Who. of all my readers, though he has never seen a Jew. and knows nstnlng about the Jew's destiny la his wonderful his tory, who of them would be unable to answer thla simple question In the usual manner of our modern Russian Publicist: "The Jew Is leech that arks out the blood and marrow of tha country and Its Inhabitants. The Jew la one who sells his goods, not for the common Interest of the customer, but for his own special benefit." etc etc We. nevertheless. think that the question Is not at all so odd aa It seems. It la. In fact, a difficult prob lem to solve If wa would look at Jt In different- light. Let us see what kind of peculiar creature the Jew la. What kind nf a beast Is It which all rulers and all nations, commencing with Pha roah. King of Egypt, and ending with the Roumanian Cabinet of Bratlana, heclnnlng with the Inquisition of the Torquamadas. and ending with the present Russian heaurocracy. have to gether and separately abused and mo lested, oppressed and persecuted, tram pled and butchered, burned and hanged and In spite of all this Is yet alive! This odd creature lives to this very dayl Moreover, it has Its representatives In all the civilised lands of the world, and In all fields of activity; political, finan cial. Judicial, adminlatrattve and mili tary, and. In fact. . In all branches of art and science. What Is the Jew who arises anew, after all the persecutions and slaughter that he has withstood, who arises out of his ruins with new vigor, with new energy and becomes a fierce and dread ful "Cain-mark to his persecutors and oppressors? What Is a Jew, who being so eager for money, has nevertheless not allowed himself to be led astray by all the earthly possessions which his oppressors and persecutors constantly offered him In order that he ahould changa his faith and forsake his own Jewish religion? The Jew Is that sacred being who has brought down from heaven the everlasting Ore. and has Illuminated with It the entire world. The Jew Is he who carries around everywhere the divine Idea, and makes It the possession of the whole world. The Jew has been for a long time the sole keeper and pro tector of the divine idea. lie Is the re ligious source, spring and fountain, out of which all tha rest of the peoples all the other nations would have re mained idol-worshippers to this day. The Jew has been chosen by Ood to keep and preserve his law; and this sacred mission the Jew has fulfilled In spite of the tortures and inquisitions inflicted upon him by the Greek and Roman Catholic Churches. The Jew Is the pioneer of liberty. Even In those olden days, when the people were divided Into but two distinct classes, slaves and masters even so long ago had the law of Moses prohibited the practice of keeping a person in slavery and in bondage for more than six years. After that time the elave" had to be set free without an;' money psyment to his mas ter. And, In case the servant rejects this privilege. Mosoi commands that the master bore his ear. The Talmud ex plains very logically the relation between the ear and ulavery: "The ear that heard God's word on Mount Sinai: 'You are my servant and not slaves to my serv ants!' " and hnei not regarded these words, and has Indifferently rejected his own liberation, hta ear certainly deserves to be bored through with an awl. The Jew is the symbol of absolute equality. The Talmud, that Is so much condemned, and of which all those who do not understand It are so much afraid, shows clearly from the Holy Scripture, In many different ways that no one can say: "My father has been greater than your father." In another place the Tal mud remarks that the Old Testament does not treat about one people in parti cular, hut about all peoples in general. Tha Jew 's the pioneer of civilization. Already. 1000 years before the birth of Christ, when the known parts of the world were yet wild and ignorant, in Palestine It had already been customary and fullv understood that everyone who was educated should teach the unedu cated; and ignorance had been con demned in those olden days In the Jew ish world more even than It is today in civilized Europe. Even an unlawfully born child, who. according to the pre cept of the Moslac law. cannot be ac cepted into the Jewish community, even Mm the Talmud places higher than the High Priest, If he is an educated and learned man and the priest Ignorant and uneducated. Moreover, In thoie wild and barbarous dava. when neither the life nor the death of anyone counted for anything at all. Rabbi Aklba, tne loremosi aim greatest Talmudlst, did not refrain from expressing himself openly against capital punishment, a practice which is recog nized today as a highly civilized way of punishment. The Jew Is the emblem of civil and religious toleration. "Love the stranger and the sojourner." Moses commands, "because you have been strangers in the land of Egypt." And this was said in those remote and wild times when the principal ambition of the races and na tions consisted In crushing and enslav ing one another. At first glance, Moses words seem to sound very strange. The Egyptians, who misused the loyalty of the Jew, the Egyptians, who enslaved the Jew, and with whip in hand com pelled him to do the hardest labor, the Egyptian who ordered that every new hum Jewish hov be thrown into the river, (a decree which did not except Moses himself) and. notwitnsianaing an this, Moses commands the Israelites to love the strangers because they them selves had been strangers in Egypt, as though the Hebrews ought to be grate ful to the Egyptians for their harsh treatment. But this very fact shows the exalted world-wide philosophy that aimed to root out of the Jew's heart every trace of revenge. AS concerns religious toleration. Ju. daism is not only far from the mission ary spirit Of converting people of other denominations, but on the contrary, the Talmud commands the rabbis to Inform and explain to everyone who willingly comes to accept the Jewish religion, all the difficulties and Impossibilities that are Involved in, the Jewish faith. Of uch a lofty and ideal religious tolera tion, not even the moralists of our pres ent dav can boast. . The Jew is the emblem of eternity. He whom neither slaughter nor torture of thousands of years could destroy, he qutsition were able to wipe oft from the face of the earth, he who was the first to produce the oracles of God. he who has beon for so long the guardian of prophesy, and who transmitted it to the rest of the world such a nation cannot be destroyed. He Is everlasting as is eternity Itself. The Jew has been and always will be the constant fol lower and confessor of liberty, equality, civilization, and perfect religious toleration. I PRESENT TO YOU A "HEALTH BELT MAN" He Is 55 Years "Young" Yes, 55 years young, not 55 old, for My Health Belt poured vitality into his blood, nerves and tissue nutil His Vigor Was Restored My marvelous HEALTH BELT is a Wizard Worker, a mechanical self treatment of the highest therapeutic value. It etands by you and never abandons its task until you are brought back to a state of vigorous health without any ache, pain or weakness. No dieting, no restrictions of any sort, except that all dissi pation must cease. Worn during the time y o.u are sleeping, it opens He flood gates and drives a great soft, warm stream of electric-vitality into your blood, nerve and weakened organs throughout the entire night; you sleep better for its use; it cures forever the weakness in your hark; It seeks out and expels from your system all rheumatic pains. The electro - suspensory attachment is a strong feature of my Health Belt. Courage, ambi tion and a new view of life, with har. drawn thir hellefa and their rmm llglons. Had It not boan for Ui Jew, wliom. neither Xlra nor. aword nor In- r ' iiiisi full self-confidence, surely result. It makes you young and keeps you young, with the fire and vigor of the biggest, fullest blooded man you ever saw. The "HEALTH BELT MAN" cannot grow old, for he knows the secret of perpetual youth. It will place you in the feeling fine cIrs. "I am a man again, thanks to your wonder-working .Health Bolt. Use my name as you see fit." So writes C. L. Snell. of Middleport, N. Y. So have said thousands before him. This Wonder Book Is FREE Call or Write for it Today Call at my office for free test of Belt, or, if at a distance, fill In the coupon and let me get this wonder Health Book Into your hands. It is sent free, sealed, by mall, and gives certain health and nature facts which every man (young, middle aged or old) should have. It fully de scribes my Health Belt, and is beautifully illus trated. No charge for a professional opinion of your case. I have known 100,000 men who sought my aid. I should know you. Dr. C. K. Sandem Co., lir.l Broadway, New York, JS. Y. Dear Sirs, Please forward me your Book, as advertised, free. NAME- ADDRESS THK SPECIALIST WHO CURES. It matters not what your ailment Is, nor who has treated it, if it is curable we will give you immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Do not allow money matters to keep you from getting well. We charge nothing to prove our meth ods will cure you. Our guarantee NO MONEY REQtTIRED UNTIL SATISFIED is your absolute pro tection. Consultation, examination and medlcrnes free. We claim for our treatment nothing "wonderful" or "secret" it is simply our successful way of do ing things. VARICOSE VE'N" Weak, Swollen, Sncelne, Knotted. Wormy-like Veins, Clotted MtBnaoi Pools of Impure Ulood, Weak, Nerv ous, Low Vitality, Mental Depres sion. We dally demonstrate that VARI COSE VEINS can be cured without severe surgical operation. Benefi cial effects are immediate. Pain qulcklv ceases, enlarged veins rap idly reduce, healthy circulation speedily returns, and strength, soundness and robust health are soon restored. BLADDER AND KIDNEY The complicated ailments of these organs are rapidly overcome. There Is no guesswork about it. We re move everv obstruction, stop every waste, allay all irritation and in flammation, revitalize the weakened organs, and soon accomplish a eafa, thorough and permanent cure. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON Mash, Copper-colored Spots, Kmp Tlnns. Vleers. Sere Mouth or Throat, Harm PatciM, Swollea Glands, Falling Hntr. Our NEUCLEU - ATOXTL treat ment for SPECIFIC BLOOD POI SON leaves no injurious after affect. It does not "lock in" the poison, but drives it out of the system, oom pleJely and forever, o there can be no comeback. Being a Blood Purify ing. BIood-Maklng, Blnod-Cell Rem edy, It gives the patient a pure, fresh Blood Stream, and restores him to normal health. KExVC-VirAL DEBILITY The eanse of Iervo- Ital Debility, as well aa Its evil effect upon the physical, mentnl and other powers, la familiar tm mil afflicted men. The symptoms need not be enumerated. We want all ailing men to know that our ANIMAL EXTRACT treatment Is the Ideal remedy for NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. It does not stimulate temporarily, but re stores permanently. All disagree able symptoms soon disappear, nerve energy is regained, solf-renpect, self- confidence and sen - control return, and the patient is prepared for a new period of life. RUPTURE AND RECTAL Rupture or Ifernln, Plies, blind, bleedinK. Itching or protruding) Fistula I'lcera and etc. Our proven methods make hos pital operations unnecessary. In most cases no pain or detention from business.. We guarantee quick relief and positive, permanent cures. AFFLICTED MEN What you want la a cure. Come to us and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing it is to get well In the hamls of a specialist who knows hie business. Our curen add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours, daily 9 to 6. Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1 only. DR. GREEN CO. 863 Washington St., Portland, Or. MEN CURED $10 ISOURFEE Pay When, Cured We have every known, remedy apn pllance for TREATING YOU. Our ex perience is so great and varied that no. one of the ailments of Men la new to us. COME I AMD TALK IT O VEIL General Debility, Weak Nerves, In somnia Results of exposure, overwork; and other Violations of Nature's law.. Diseases of uiadder and Kidneys, Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense and no detent tion from bueiness. y SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chrouio cases cured. All burning, itching and inflammation, stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected ia seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours-9 A. M. to 8 P. IL Sun-, days. 10 A M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co XIAVt WASHIMiTUJi STREET, Corner First. " : far - K ( r - ' C. Gee Wo The Ctmsj Doc'.jr This great Chines doctor is TU Known through out the Northwest because of his wonder ful and in a r veious cures. and Is today her alded by all his patients as the ttk;i oi ill kind. He treats any snd ail diseases with powerful Chi aese roots, herbs and barks that are entirely unanown to the medical eclence of this country. With thee harmless remedies ne guarantees to rure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney troubles, also pri vate ailments or men and women. CONSULTATION FKKEJ. Patients outside of city write for blanks and elrculara. Inciose e ttamp. THE t GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. IUH First St., Near alorrlaos Portland. On