TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, rOKTT;AXD, JANUARY 15, 1911. 'A" s '-tJ 3 11 i m ii i i ii jiimi ini,mii.ii I...U wn .ijli.i'pw, . hipjm hji Novel Feature First -J Time Introduced Here To enable the public to have the opportunity of viewing the latest types of motor car construction as embodied in the 191 1 models of the leading manufacturers, the Automobile Dealers Association of Oregon have arranged the first Automobile Show under their Auspices, to be held in Portland during the week of January 2 1st to 28th, 1911. This show will take the form of Opening Week, which is a new and novel departure from previous exhibitions on the Pacific Coast, but has proved very popular and successful in Eastern cities. J The distinct advantage of each dealer having ample space to properly display his entire line is a very important one, both to the dealer and visitor who will thus have the opportunity of closest possible inspection, while the impression gained by a visitor in a call at a dealer's establishment, is more lasting than a visit to an exhibition space which can of necessity have little or no individuality. Motor Car Dealers Exhibiting AUBURN MOTOR CAB CO., 505 Burnside St Auburn. BROWN ft NATION, 533 Alder St. Speedwell. CARTER SALES CO., 7th and Oak Sts. Carter Car. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 7th and Conch Sts. Pierce Arrow-Cadillac CROWE AUTOMOBILE CO., 16th and Alder Oldsmobile-Marion. DULMAGE SMITH CO., 335 Ankeny St Elmore-Rapid. E. M. F. NORTHWEST CO., Chapman and Alder E. M. F, and Flanders. FORD MOTOR CAR AGENCY E. 8th and Haw thorne Ave. Ford. GREEN, W. C, 88 N. 6th St. Jackson. JOHN DEERE FLOW CO., 688 Washington St. Velie. HOWARD AUTO CO., 7th and Conch Sts. Buick. KBIT MOTOR SALES CO., 342 Burnside St. Krit. SEATS, H. L, AUTO CO., 7th and Burnside Sts. Peerless, Chalmers, Hudson, Pope-Hartford, Gramm. LEAVITT, J. W. ft CO, 629 Washington St Overland, Kissel Car. MENZIES ft DUBOISE AUTO CO, 7th and Davis Sts. Franklin. NEATE & MCCARTHY, King and Washington Sts. Locomobile, Oakland, Frayer-Miller. NORTHWEST AUTO CO, 493 Alder St. Reo Apperson. OSEN ft HUNTER AUTO CO, 88 N. Sixth St. Mitchell. PORTLAND DETROIT AUTO CO, 16th and Al der Sts. Warren-Detroit. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, 16th and Alder Sts. Winton. RIGGS, FRANK C, Cornell Road, 23d and Wash ington Packard, Baker ft Rauch-Lang Elec trics. SMITH-CLEVELAND CO, 7th and Couch Sts. Hupmobile. STODDARD-DAYTON AUTO CO, 86 10th St. Stoddard-Dayton. TWITCHELL MOTOR CAR CO, 342 Burnside St Cole 30. UNITED AUTO CO, 634 Alder St Columbia, Maxwell, Sampson. WHITE MOTOR CAR CO, 6th and Madison Stearns, White. Automobile Tire and Supply Dealers Exhibiting ARCHER. COMBS ft CO, 306 Oak St. Fisk Tires and Supplies. AUTO TOP CO, 525 Alder St Tops and Seat Covers. BALLOU ft WRIGHT, 86 6th St. M. ft W. Tires and Supplies. B ELMORE, McDOUGALL, MOORES CO, 17th and Alder Sts. Repairing and Rebuilding. BOWSER, S. F. ft CO, INC, Columbia Building Bowser Pumps and Tanks. BLODGETT, R. E, 610 Alder Street Firestone Tires. CHANSLOR ft LYON M. S. CO, Washington St Hartford Tires and Supplies. DUBRUILLE AUTO ft BUGGY TOP CO, 200 2d St Tops and Seat Covers. HUGHSON ft MERTON, 329 Ankeny St. Ajax - Tires and Specialties. HALLTWELL CO, THE, 14 North Seventh St Specialties. O 'GORMAN-YOUNIE CO, 71 7th St. Republic Tires and Supplies. PORTLAND RUBBER CO, 34 North 7th St. Tire Repairs. WEST COAST SUPPLY CO, S26 Burnside St G. ft J. Tires and Specialties. WINTERS, A. J. CO, 67 6th St. Pennsylvania Tires and Supplies. Special Reduced Rates on Railroads on Account of Meeting of -Automobile Dealers Association of Oregon mobile Beaters Associ Ore t r?3 s 1(1 1 vj v " TV F i-,T-!'V 's-'fi-?: tonuses: AM Lw 1 r i v HP A 1 vS