, " 3 lliK SU.NDAl' OUEGOXIAX, PORTLAND. JANUARY 15, 1911. i i( HI : (I . l - 1 l I ill) m,. I I t'it I H fV I - RV!tVXRW VAUDEVILLE STAR ADVISES GIRLS TO PICK LIFE MATES WISELY Mry Mannerinj Sj if She Marriea Again Her Husband Must Be Perfect to Suit Her Women'! Eyes Opened, Declares Actress. v y r . N . - On - V i r-i i-i s - V MARY 1 ' li " ' saBBDy . l - - Z"---1 " MASXEKISC MART WA.VXERINO. who will come to thf Helll Theater noon. that If ahe married again he -mould pity her husband -Tea. that'a the truth." aald Mlaa Mannertn-. "If I were to marry row 1 houl.1 expect my hubonl to be o perfect that It would be trnpoelble for him to lire up to the picture. He would hae to be auppllrd with a num ber of qualltlea that I would never have asked for In my youth. I ahould better rcallae hla advantag-e and I am afraid, would be something; of a Ivrant. Imr thlna- I fiulte certain, men growing up aoiri'Uyi will hare to be mighty careful, or they won t be able to marry. Why. of courae not. lx you think a woman who haa been about tn the world, who knows the good and the bad aide of llf. and who makea enough money to live comfortably on hrr Incom-. ta going to throw heraelf away on a man. No Indeed, women are becoming more and more particular, and If a woman makea up her mind to marry ehe firm aacertalna that the man whe lovea la all that he expecta of lilm. "The girl of a few yeara ago could not make the amo dimauda aa aho can today. Or. rather, ahe might have made them, but nobody would have paid any attention to her. Why, I know myaelf. when I married. I waa only 1 yearn old. and although I loved my huahend and felt aura that he waa all that I expected of him. I could not have net the aame etandard I would aow act If I ahould marry again, which I aupnoae I never will. " A Man'a World- la a wonderful play. I think, and certainly provea that a woman l very much to be pitied If ahe doenn't take good care of herself. Kvery woman ahould be trained to do that, and even If I were a millionaire many tlmea over. I should have my baby learn to be Independent." At the Theaters Continued frlm Pace S. wt.al relation Summer. 8r- M be to his ton. and what relation hi eon will be to him- Also the aame applies to the ladlca. The musical numbers will be all the latest rUstern hlt. and aa presented by the principals and chorrs will be a bl feature ef the coming bill. Maude Rock well will e beard In a new epeclalty. and Mlsa Nina Norton, who made a very favorable Impression with the Irrlc pa Irons Us I week, will again be heard la catrtiy duet with Kred Lancaster. There will be the usual two nis'r.t perfnrtnanrvs at T:IS and :5S on we.-k ntchta and on turUy and Sunday nights there will be three, the firs: rommenrlng at 7 P. M. There are mati nees dally at I.li P- M. and the popular chorus glrta- contest every Friday night. 1-IXK HLM" WILL HE SIIOWX People" Aniacniriil Company Ktt-rllrnt Offprint. A remarkable list of fltma will be presented as feature at the various flmt-run houses of the People'a Amuse ment fompany today. At the Star. "The IJnk That Held, an anusuaily strong Kdlaon production on domestic life, tells how a thought less woman, strongly tempted to for get the fidelity she owew her husband, la saved through the medium of a child love, "t'oward or Hero." a min ing story; "Almost Married." and "Near Hut Not Quite." will alo be shown, l.ynn V. Cowan, the tenor from New Tork will be Introduced. The Mar will also offer a aet of views of the most beautiful spots vfcs-l-ted by Alberta Claire, the Wyoming girl traveling from New York on horseback. Ttie management t.aa a new $10. pipe organ en route, which will be Installed In the near future. The Ana.ie will offer "The Itattle of Redwood." a thrilling tale of Indian warfare In the development of the Northwest. -The Widow's Choice." a big comedy, and "Midnight MaraudVrs." a blograph. will also be presented. At the Oh Jov. "The Heart of an Indian." one of the most Intense drama ever presented at thla house: "Rival Wamattsts." a satire on Chantl.-ler; "Help Wanted." a blograph. and Crls plnl. the musical polar bear, will b tba attractions. At the Odeon the feature will be "A Simple Rustic Tale." containing clever acting. "Water Lilies," a love story, and "Dusty Rhodes." a comic, with Forrest, the singer, will also be on the programme. At the TTivolL In addition to the chance to win a pony and cart. "Mid night Marauders." a blograph: "Help Wanted." "The C.lrl or the West." and "Twin Clnderellas." an excellent Ameri can I'athe comedy, with music and singing will be the features. 2:30 This Afternoon Masonic Temple G 0 G 0 R n L A PRICES: fl.OO. $1.50, $2.00. On Sale at Hall After 10 A. M. MARY MAX"F.RIXG COMING Mar to Appear In "Man' World" at llrlllg January S3. Mary Mannerlng will be the attrac tion at the Ilellig Theater, at Seventh end Tavlor streets. January tS-ri-'-'S. 8h will be seen In "Man's World." whe-h ran fw some months In New York, at the Comedy Theater. The new role In which Miss Manner lng will be seen Is that of a writer wh. fcl.lcs her Identity under the name of Frank Ware. The play la told In four art and the scenes are laid In the Bohemian circles. All the character In the story are representative of some, branch of art. The atory relate the career of Frark Ware. who. having adopted an Illegiti mate child. I so Impressed with the In justice visited upon It. that she devote her literary talents In demanding the same lav for the man aa the woman, and that woman should expect In man the same honor that man demanda of wo man. Having no clew to the father of the child ho does not spare him In oar at once Frank Ware herself bo come Involved In a net of suspicion. Ince the artist who are her trleml are busyhodles. A tale la carried con cerning the peculiar resemblance borne by the child to a member of their com munity. In a startling manner she sud denly find that the man the loves and has Idealised, and who Is the tsuse of her bitter fight against men. la the father of the child. "A Man- World"' I said to be a study of realism, replete with highly dramatic feature, relieved with comedy, and ti II Ing an Intense story. It 1 the moat successful pLiy In which Mary M.mncr Ing haa appeared for years. Messrs. Sliuberts. who manage Miss Mannerlng. have surrounded her with a dignified supporting company. "SALVATION' m:i.i." coming Flayer Stork Company to lie Seen In Mr. Hske'a Surws. One of the extra big productions the Baker rHock Company will present this season I to be Mrs. Flske's "Salvation Nell." a stupendous picture of New York' slum life: one that requires something like 0 speaking parts and an Immense amount of special scenery. The large stage of the Baker will lend Itself with great advantage to the re qulrementa of the production, and the company Is now In splendid shape to present It. il'ss Ida Adair, who Is opening this week In Blanche Bates' role of the llrl. In "The Olrl of the OolJen West." will have another and entirely differ ent sort of splendid acting part In the title role, created by America's fore most emotional actress. Mrs. Klske. The play la an Immense undertaking for a Mock company, but experience ha proven that It will have nothlnff to fear at the handa of the Baker Com pany and staff of mechanic and scenic artists. "THE SQCAW MAX" IS COMING. Famous Western P,"y I,cns XcjU Snnday Matinee at the Bungalow. ' "The Squaw Man." H. K. Pierce & Co.' great play of Western ranch life, will be the attraction at the Bungalow all week, starting next Sunday mat inee. The selection of this drama of the West will meet with wide approval In Portland and the production Itself promises to be one of the most preten tious that will be cen here during the present season. "The !iuow Man" I a genuine Amer ican play, replete with virility and strength. The management has fur nished a complete scenic production, the same aa was used In Chicago and New York, which will be used. In It entirety, during the engagement. Jubilee Singer to Be Ilrard. The world-fanioua Wllllama Jubilee Singers have Just returned from their Kuropean tour. They sang In England. Scotland. Wales. Holland. Belgium, Jer manv and France. In 18 weeks lu Lon don "they gave 130 performances, sing ing In many of the best-known thea ters. While In London, the entire com pany, consisting of the double quartet, was under the Instruction of one of the world's greatest vocal teachers. Mis Ira Aldrldge. a scholar of the London Roval Conservatory of Music, and wh"n m riv tenclior via the famous Jennie l.lnd. They will Bing at the White Temple, at Twelfth and Taylor streets. Tueadny and Wednesday even ings. January 17 ana in. urn on sale at Woodard. Clarke & Co., Sher man. Clay & Co.. the x .Ji. a- nu at the door. THE MAX OX THE BOX" NEXT Comedy Will Be Seen at Baker Fol lowing; "Girl of the Golden West." . Following "The Girl of the Golden West." the Baker Stock Company will present the well-known book comedy, "The Man on the Box." It Is a dra matisation of Harold MacGrath s popu lar atory by Grace Livingston Furnlss. .-J V, mnrA heSVllV. The tOUCtl Of romance 1 furnished by the hero's as suming the disguise or a looiman m order to be near the object of his af fection, a highly distinguished young lady, and the laughs come In from the numerous predicaments that arise from hla temerity, and the unpleasantness of his position. Max Klgman starred In the play for several seasons, and It was once before presented by the Baker Company, mak ing such a hit that Manager Baker has often been Importuned to present It again. Jefferson I Angell Coming-. The famou comedian. Jefferson I Angell. and his big supporting com panv will present his latest musical play auccess. "The Beauty Spot." at the llcillg Thetaer. at Seventh and Taylor streets. January :-I7-28. with a mati nee Saturday. This musical offering was written by Joseph Herbert and Reginald De Koven. "From Mai Till Septembre" Kagllsh Will Be "apeaked Mad ease's Little I .ace Shop .1 I. I- I.a.. anH aime, josepninc "-'- -lingerie at the sign of "La Tourterelle, on a email side street In a secluded quarter of Paris. At any early hour of the morning madame herself I always to be een. large and florid and capable. In the shop window shaking out and re-arranging her wares. Above her head. Bluffed and pathetic, hangs the bird from wjilrh the shop derives Its name, aaya a Paris letter in the New York Sun. One morning last Spring, when the months of American Invasion were sp- prOKC 111 II ) , 111.1' 1 1 il " - w . -- . j an early passerby stretched upon tlp- . I l.tinrlnlial V IliafMHIll 1 n ST ffOHI the dove'B bill a placard which read: -From the Mai till the Septembre Fjigllsh here shall be speaked." "Eh. madam I" cried the passerby. "Are you taking on your staff a clerk perhaps T "A clerk. Indeed !" cried madamo "to filch from the change drawer W.ien I am not by to watch! No clerk. If you please, sir." "Is It a partner then that enters the flrmT" Insisted the passerby. "May a merciful heaven forgive HEILIG C5) 7 "Sa;-! 1 10D-Peop!e-103 Chocolate S THEATER 7th and Taylor. Mala 1 A 11- Nights, Begin ning Tonight Special Price Matinee Wedneaday Matinee Saturday. The Whitney Opera Co. Production of F. C. Whitney. The Comic Opera Success Wit of George Bernard Shaw. Mnste of Oscar Straus. l"30-0rcliesu-a-30 dier fcl'apAce ednesdaelf VLVLoVJcfc. .5c. Seata Now Belli. for Eng.gen.ent. A-to. ..d Carriage. 100 O'clock. HEILIG THEATER BEAT SALE OPENS NEXT FRIDAY Sam S. Lee Shobert Ine. Preaent Phones Main 6 and A 1020. 3-NIGHTS-3 JAN. 23-24-25 Special rrlce Blatlnee Wedneaday, MARY MANNERING I. Rachel Crothcr's rlay. "A MAN'S WORLD" Eve.lngs , l.SO, f 1. T5c, 35c, 25c. Wedneaday Maflnee $U0 to 25c. 1 j MB i"" JAN. 26, 27, 28 Matinee Saturday COMING TO HEILIG THEATER JEFFERSON DE ANGELIS In Musical Play, "The Beauty Spot.' THE WORLD-FAMOUS WILLIAMS JUBILEE SINGERS Two NlB-htB, Tuesday and Wedneaday, January 17th and 18tn 1911. at the WHITE TEMPLE Twelfth and Taylor Streets. They have Just returned from their European tour, with a rare treat for Music Lovers. DOUBLE QUARTETTE i Consist of .Xeicro Lollabys 'e;ro Comic SonKs fientlmentnl Sons; ClaeKle Selection siacrea o" ,v- Tlcket on sale at Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Sherman. Clay & Co.. T. M. C A and at the door. Prices, one nlsht. single admission. 50 cents b'oth'nUhts! slnsle admission. 75 cents; no reserved seats; doors open at 7:30 P. 31. ProBramm Jubilee Sons Plantation Sobk Vitcrn Melodlea t'anlp Meetings Son; you!" cried madame. "Am I a cabbae or a turnip, that I should take on a partner to eat me up?" "Does madame, then, learn fne Eng lish herself?" Madame's wrath began to rise. At my ger she Inquired; "have I gone clean mad?" "Pardon," said the passerby. "But who, then. Is to speak English, as the sign says. In your shop?" Madame placed taer hands upon her hips and regarded the questioner with a crescendo of righteous rage. "Who Is to speak the English?" she cried. "The customers to be sure. Who else Woman Wins at Harvard. Indianapolis News. Ml Ioulse Stanwood. a special stu dent In Radcllffe College, has won In the play competition of the Harvard Dramatic Club. Miss Stanwood s play, "The Progress of Mrs. Alexander." has been accepted by the club. The com petition was open to both Harvard and Kadcllffc students. The Emmanuel So ciety of Radcllffe gave three represen tations of "Cyrano de Bcrgcrac" last month for the benefit of the scholar ship fund. Each year this society raises the money for one tuition and something toward a permanent schol arship fund. Cure of Nervous Headaches. Woman's Home Companion. Nervous headaches occur In hysteri cal or neurasthenic individuals and those suffering from overwork or wor ry. In this clas might be mentioned headaches due to eye strain. The error of vision may be so slight that the pa tient is not conscious of any Impair ment of her sight, hut the constant ef- BUNGALOW i THEATER f h and Morrtsoa 61a Phone Main 11 . A 4-24 Geo. I.. Itaker. General Manager. ALL WEEK. BEGINNING MATISEE TODAY, JAN. 15. 19I1.5HNDAY V .,'5V -Jf-C.i SAMICE. K- ROKK'8 SENSATIONAL MUSICAL PHODCCTION (OrUtlaal Company) QUEEN MOULIN ROUGE OF THE Exactly as Presented in N. Y. City Night Life of Paris Correctly Tortrajed in lo0 Minutes Without Waste of Time or Money. Special Features, Direct from the Moulin Roupe, Paris "L Amour de rAnarhe." a Complete Drama of the Underworld of Pans, Enacted m oq Minutes of Pantomime, with Offenbach's Musie'Tales of Hoftman Chic, Smart, Saucy and Gorgeously Girly, but Not Risque Nor Vulgar Immense Company Evening Priccs-0c, 7;V, $1.00, $1.50. Matinees, 50e, 73c, $1.00. Matinees Thursday and Saturday NEXT WEEK -THE SQUAW MAN fort to counteract it Is sapping her nervous energy. When frequent head aches occur. It Is Important to have the vision carefully tested by a competent eye specialist. No further search for a cause may be necessary. Disease of the ear: a deviated septum in the nose; adenoids; enlarged tonsils, and other abnormalities of the nose and throat are often responsible for persistent headaches that resist treatment. In all cases these possible conditions must be considered and one by one. eliminated, rerststent headaches require careful study by a careful, competent physician and painstaking observance of the ad vice and direction ne gives. jlJB Amusement Company Star Theater NEW TODAY. The I.lnk That Held. Child saves mother's honor. Coward or Hero. Terrific mine disaster. Besides two brilliant Pathes. Lyan F. Cowan. A new tenor. secured direct from New York;, and slides of The Girl From Wyoming. Arcade Theater NEW TODAY. Battle at Redwood. Last stand of brave settlers. The M IdoWs Choice. A comedy. Midnight Marauder. Blograph. Cy Confer, and other usual fea tures. , Oh Joy Theater NEW TODAY. Heart of an Indian. Supremo sen sation, r Rival Dramatlat. Satire on Chan tecler. Help Wanted. A blograph, and Sprclal Feature, CrUplnl, Musical Polar Bear. Odeon Theater NEW TODAY. Simple Rustic Tale. Great acting. Water Lille. Society and love. Dusty Rhode. Comic Bob Forrest, and other good fea tures. Tivoli Theater NEW TODAY. Girl of the West. The greatest . ever. Two blograph subjects, and the Twin Clnderellas, besides Sather the Singer, and a chance on the 1300 pony cart and harness. Week Beginning Monday Matinee, Jan. 16 HARRY TATE'S ENGLISH COMPANY In "MOTORING," a satire on automobiling. This act can best be described as a nD-wrencning incentive iu uu u.. The World's Greatest Musician. "" HeSS, MlllirO and Powell John Neff vocalists and Instrumentalists The Brain Storm Comedian and , Carrie Starr F d wmiams The Telephone Girl. IUM in "The Girl Ahead." by J. Butler Kennedy, Gertie De MUt and Havlland. Featuring Mildred Kennedy wmiams. "The Gin with "That Jolly Bunch." the Mysterious Voice." Kewzead'soLrohate. Orchestra :: PicturT"" Arenic Spectacle Extraordinary HI ME. VALLECITA And Her Ferocious Trained Leopard i EVENING PRICES IS, 25, SO and 75c DAnr MATINEE 15c, 25c, HOLIDAY M ATI EES Mght Price. BAKER THEATER Telephones Main 2, A 5360. Morrison and 11th Streets. Geo. l Baker, Gen. Manager. Portland'a handsome, fireproof playbonsc Permanent home of the In comparable Baker Stock Company. lSSJiSSrSBS? Jan. 15th, 191 1 Greatest theatrical triumph of the age. BELASCO'S THE GIRL f THE GOLDEN WEST Marvelously Beautiful Scenic Effects Intense Dramatic Power A Romantic Picture of Early California Days in the Heart of the Sierras Staged Under the Personal Direction of Marshal Parnum. Ev'g Prices 25c, 50c, 75c. Matinees Sunday and Saturday 25c, 50c. Wednesday, Bargain Matinee 25c. SPECIAL On account of the length of the play, the evening curtain will rise at 8 sharp. Matinees at 2. Positively no one seated while curtain is up. Children under 5 admitted Wednesday Matinee only. NEXT WEEK -"THE MAN ON THE BOX" SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE GRAND MATINEE DAILY at 2:30 Four Shows Sunday. SrOO, 0::(0, 7i43 and OilS P. M. Best VaudevffleflSc th "1 8 in America 25c American and European Vaudeville Week of Jan. 16 CARON & FARNOM Every Evolution Has a Laugh of Its Own. LESTER & KELLETT In Droll Diversions and Delightful Duets. Masters of Melody, OLIO TRIO Fred Moore, Leon Tinker, Oscar Gardner. Little Bits of Musical Comedy, HART & BERRICK In "A Thunderstorm." The Pretty Party in the Pink Pajamas, MARGUERITE FRY Sweet Singer of Sweet Songs. Added Attraction, TUB mu CHAMBERLINS mra A Breeze Fresh From the Prairies. Expert Manipulators of the Lasso and the Stock Whip of the Ranges. GRAND ASCOPE MATINEES DAILY AT Sl30 XIGIIT AT 7:30 and 9:15 ; i- lit i c LattlVnt'-AAT-i3 Home of Musical Comedy Seventh and Alder Streets New Faces WEEK COMMENCING TOMORROW MATINEE KEATING & FLOOD PRESENT DILLON 8c KING IN New Music A Married Widow Supported by The Lyric Musical Comedy Company New Costumes Friday Mght Chorus Girls' Contest. Two Performances Night, 7:45 and 9:1S. Matinees Dally. i!:45. Next Week "A Mlx-np." New Effects I In attempting to establish in ostrich farm in Abyssinia the original Idea was to cap ture live ostriches end breed them. l did not prove successful, at the birds nearly I always died after the pursuit necessary to I gel them. Consul-General S. S. Knabcnshue l?arn. at Tientsin that the only forelcn music, the Chinese masses have ever shown any Interest In la the skirling of the bagpipes of the Cameron Highlanders, when they were In a garrison thcro a couple years ago.