' . HIE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, rOItrLAXP, JANUARY 15, 1911. ' v 1 ' . CITYEWS IN BRIEF OHEGOXI.Va" TXlXrUOXTS. reeattn(.rm Mala TT A ,, rT Hrnlitlia Mala TOTO A " HlfUUf SMItor TOT A SO' sad. Kduar Mila TOTO A v' rasp4Wtn(-raoai Mala TOTS A SO est 114U Mala TOJO A t)l AxrsrME.xTB. Hen.11 THEATER Seventh and ffeT'r Th WKtinav 1 M ('nmnanV IB "IB Oxw-nliie Moldl.r." Tonlsht at :I9 dark. S.lr THC4TCRirimMh as4 Mee. nan.) Th. Maker Slack Compeer li Th. Olrl if th. CrfiMo Wst." Matinee at 3:13 inil at n'rlork. 1Sr,AXW THEATER ITw.lfth and Mtrrtaon i "Th Onrn of I hf Mftulln Koul- Matin at S IS and tonight. at li. Oh-MET?i THEATER Vorriaon. MtwM tTth and rraatb Vaade.llle. This aft naoa at l is and tonight at l:tl CR!t TllEATIll ipvk and Washtae tov) Taod.Tl.l.. This atternooa at I It tanlcbt at T:M and a. ITHf IHDTtJ-ismt1 ir Aid"' I.yrlc Comedy Company la "The Law maker. Thla artarnooa at 3 JO and to Jeht at T JO and a. TAK THCATEH (Park and Waattlngtoat Motion pKtvna Contlnaosa. from 1:3a to 10:10 P. M. MASON If TEJSP1.E Wt Park and Tant hiiii Emiiio D Goiuru and company la reaeert. 2:30 P. .M. : nmrrB axcttersart xttmbeb. Pnro X cat. Posts. In United states, ranada. tl'ilco asd.tba Island poaraalou. T cats. Foreign poaiaao, 14 cats. Oribxtai. Ituo Saul Every rug In the house reduced S to 40 per rem durlnu our stock reducing aale. The regular nd redured price marked on each rug. Our reputation bark of every ran we ell: inonejr bark If not a represented. Have rold many rugs the past fear days and advise an early rail a, our prices are doing the business. Nothing but choice dependable rugs in our stock. Cartoxian rtroev. 47 Wash., near 13th st. Tug Slxlb-Mreet corner we are adver ting today In the real estate e."Ctlon la ru.OOO under the market value. Stewart fry & Co.. TOC-f Pyaldlng. Work rosi Fots to Rg EsmuxED. On the work that la being done to up lift unfortunate boys Judge W. N. Gatena and Pr. Luther R. Dyott will speak at the First Congregational Church. Fark and Madison at recta, tonight at 7:45 Vclock. Judge Oatena will apeak on the Juvenile Court. Its purrv'e and Its' need, white Ir. Dyott's subject will be the Big Prother movement. Ita work and object. The Big Brothers are working In connec tion with the Juvenile Court. Oacoox Assembly Wiscwbr. Oregon Asovmbty. No. I. Culled Artisans, has been notified that It has won the second conteoc for new members and conse quently having the largest asix nibly In the or tier. Is entitled to hold the beauti ful atlk banner for the next six month. This banner Is presented by the supreme lodge of Artlsana to the winning as sembly. whU-h now number 14. The Frain and Multnomah assvmbllea give Oregon a close fight to retain first place. Socialists TO Hits iJtc-rcRtca. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard. of Denver, will speak be fore branch No. 4 of the Portland So cialist prty today, at 1 P. M.. In the Western Academy Hall. northeaat corner of Second and Morrison streets. Their subject will be "On the Ground In Mil waukee." John O. Wanhope will speak at I P. M.. on "The Western Advance oi the Pioneers." Admission to these meet ing Is free. ' "CMt-mtRT BgACTiErt." ! Snurr-r The "tVmetery Beautiful- U the aubj-ct of the lecture tonight In the First Metho dist Episcopal Church, by Howard E. Weed, architect of the Ione Fir Lot Owners' Association. Mr. Weed will tell what U proposed In the plan to beautify Iyne Fir. Cemetery. Mrs. Ithea Carsron will etng 'The Holy Cltr." Two Real. EtTTti Ptuij Cl-OSIO Goldsmith Co., brokers, yesterday rinsed the deal of the corner lot on Third and Everett, from Eugene Hock to George Jacob for $Si.t. and the other being, a quartr block on the northwest comer of Fourteenth and Clay, pur chase by Eugene I lock for .. ItBt-KST EXPKRIMKXTtl IX MORAL EtU- CATio- ix Et-Rora. Japax ano America" la the subject of a lecture by Professor II. p. Sheldon, of the department of Education In the Cnlverslty of Oregon, to be gtven thia evening at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian). Seventh and Yamhill. All welcome. " I. Sua Cohkx-to Disovsa Sinoi. Tax. The Peopla's - Forum hse- Invited I. Solia Cohen to address It tonight on the -Single Tai." Other sp-akers are ex pected to follow. The meeting will be held In the Medical building. Alder and Park streets and wdll be free. Wb Sgu. hair mattreasws retail at wholesale price e. for 10-pound beda from and . np. We renovate mattresses and return them the earn day. Wa also renovate feather Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. proprietor. ESt- ont Main 474. A 1174. FracDw We lave porltive proof tnat other and Inferior coal are being sold under tha name of Beaver Hill. Dealer and express companies continuing to do this after thla date will te prosecuted. Portland Suburban Ex pre m Company. Ualn Si. i Boxixn! WRBsTt-iNo: Amatct-r CHAstPtcxsHira. MtltllllX't JlAtJ- Seventh m Oak Strtets. TfBsrAT EvExtxc o'CtXKK. ' APMIsetox. II TO SIM. Maxi rs for Salb. Now Is the time to fertilise your lawns, gardens and flower beds the best results are obtained In wet weather. Order now. Call Private Ex. 4 or A (101. KUEssER-HrrxBKANX Co.. San Fran cieco. manufacturers of Cant Bustem veral'R. Argonant shirts, have opened permanent sample room. Sherlock bldr.. room zn 3d and Oak stn. Swiss batistes and sephyra in em broidered dreew pattern, also materials with trimmings to match. Order now for Spring. Uea E Buckingham. 30a Flled ner bids. Main 74T. FrR He XT. Modern storeroom. SxlOu. at 30 Front St.. near Madon. Good location, reasonable rent. A. H. Blrrell St Co.. VC McKay bldg. 3d and Stark stsx Dr. W. Arxold laxnsxr. Ooteopatmic SrcTTAt.tsT. on rheumatism stomach and all nervous diseases; 311 and 111 Mac leay bldg. Phone Main 14JI. DR. W. As wild Ijxdset. Oercrir athic SpvxtAUsT. on meumatiani atomach and all nervous deceases; 313 and 113 Mac leay bldg. Tlione Marshall 748. ARB Too Sn-g? Druglesei treatment will help wonderfully; cures obstinate raeesi James Wm. Uewls. l Dekutn bWg. ARB TOV Sirg? Druglesp treatment will help you wonderfully; cures oitl rate cases. James Win Lewi 114 Derum bldg. e Dr- A. J. GrKST has returned, and will hereafter l.mlt his practice to ofrtce patients, and general consultation. Read and subscribe for the Western Yacht and lAunrlimin. Office 14?j First sU Phone Main 3. Homestbaps located on good soil tim ber, wheat, alfalfa; good value, near by. Room a 17 Oak. Main Was MS a today In Portland with Beaver Hill coal, for area money than with any other. Phone Main 3M. Db. Btbimar. Stbciaust. Dyspepsia, rheumatavn. obesity. Oregonlan bldg. RjcHABpa table d'hote dinner. SI per cover Sunday. 4 to S. P. M. Duaasra-C Chrtstensen. second Qooc Corbott building. Take elevator. Ira Sbatbs. II and tZ per pair, at Co lumbia, Hardware CompanjT a Last HhrweV'for aale. C per volume. C 474. Oregnnlaa. " e rVBU-Prompt dtllvcry. A ISS, M. US Fbars Felt roR Sox. Fearing that his son hsd been drowned In the mouth of the Columbia River after reading of the loss of tlie life of a 17-year-old boy from the German bark Goldbeck. January . Byron E. Cggle. of Prairie City. Or., aska Information as to the Identity of the drowned Isd. The boy was a native of Germany, and was serving ae an ap prentice on board the bark. Mr. Cagle euye that his son. a short time ago. working at The Dalles and only recently disappeared. Sal.tatiox Brioadier to SpEAE. Briga dier and Mrs. It. Dubbin, chief divisional officers for Oregon and Washington, will conduct special meetings In the Salvation Army No. 1 halt. S Davis street, at 3 and I P. M. today. Theew meetings will be In connection with the "Drunkards Week." which' the Array holds' each Winter In the North End. Captain Mary Croser of the No. 1 corps will have her farewell at the evening service. Branch Library Hours Extexpeo. The Alblna and East Side branch li braries are now open from A. M. until :3 P. M. Professor H. C. Howe's open ing lecture on Sliakespesre criticism will be given in the chlldren'p room of the Central Library next Friday night, at 8 o'clock. Admtejlon Is free. Tickets may be obtained In the reference room or at the East Side. Alblna and Sellwood K branches. TOVTH SEXTEXrxO FOR THEFT OP TOOLS. E. Hunsacker. It years old. pleaded guilty In Municipal Court yesterday to stealing a Quantity of tools, and wa sen tenced to SO days' Imprisonment. The youth waa before the court a few months ago on a charge of raising a check, but escaped punishment, for which reason he was more severely dealt with yesterday. Tocxo DEUxotcxT ABB Topic "What Shall We Do With Our Youthful De linquent?" will be the theme at the . . . . ti nf the nwf ii ii j; v i 1 1 1 i v"1"" " ' - international -Ethical Educational So ciety, at 601 ismniii nrrri. i night. January 17. at o'clock. Mrs. Lydla A. Irons, the preednt-at-large. will give the opening address. Read and subscribe for the Western Tacht and Launchman. Office 149 First st. Phone Main SMO. Best Roslyn lump coal. Phone M. los. Woornat'B fat Havanaex 4ns. Wash. womanToctorIt head OSTEOPATHS XASIE GEIWRtBE I. GATKS, PHESIDE1XT. Other Ornccrs AI.xo Choen at Sev enth Annual Session Opera tion Performed on Child. Dr. Gertrude U Gates, of Portland, waa yesterday chosen president of th Oregon State Osteopathic Association at the seventh annual meeting of th society held I nth Imperial Hotel. Other offlcera named are: Dr. Le Roy Smith, of Portland, flrat vice-president: Dr. J. H. Wllklns. of McMlnn vllle. second vice-president; Dr. Lilian Baker, of Portland, secretary: tr. L. II. Howland. of Portland, treasurer; Dra. E. T. Parker, of Portland. W. A. Rogers, of Portland, and Virginia I-e-veaux. of Albany, trustees. Th legis lative committee consists of Dra. H. F. Leonard, of Portland. B. P. Shepherd, of Portland. G. 8. Hoslngton. of Pendle ton. J. E. Anderson, of The Dalles, and Kathryn Rueter. of Portland. It was decided not to organize a trl state organization as waa suggested as one of the principal objects of th meeting. This was decided to be un necessary. There are only 76 osteo pathic practitioners In th state. The attendance at the meetings of yester day and tha day before waa large. Yesterday morning a modification of the Dr. Lorenx hip operation waa per formed by Dr. Elmer Smith, aaalated by Dra. Otla F. Akin and H. F. Leonard. of Portland. The patient waa Eva, the four-year-old child of Mr. and Mra. Sorrnson. of Hlllsboro. it consisted of the replacing of a dislocated hip. The modification of the Lorenx method la In the preliminary treatment by giving the muscles sufficient strength before the-replacement occurs. Results of tha operation will not be known until th cast la taken from the limb. Papers were read by Dr. E. A. Archer, of Pullman. Wash.: Dr. J. H. Wllklns, of McMinnvllle: Dr. O. S. Hoslngton. of Pendleton, Or, and Dr. J. E. Anderson, of The Dalles. Discussion was led by Dr. H. H. Homers, of Cottage Grove. Or. Adjournment waa taken laat night. All out-of-town practitioners were In vited to. take part In the banquet In the Oregon Hotel, where apeecbea were mad and a general good time enjoyed. WEBB FINGERSCUT APART Child of Five I Operated on for Second Time. After undergoing an unsuccessful operation for web fingers when he was 10 months old. 6-year-old Ralph Weber, of Medford. waa operated on Friday at St. Vincent's Hospital. The fingers were rut apart find skin taken' from other parts of the hand was grafted between the severed members. Physicians In charge are of the opin ion that th operation will be success ful and that the child will have perfect use of his fingers when the wounds are healed. WEST SIDENVESTMENT. We Tiave for sale on of th choicest pieces of property on Twenty-third street. In the seml-retall business dis trict. 100 feet frontage on Twenty-third street: a splendid location for a large apartment house with stores on tha ground floor; price only 115.000. It la a bargain at that figure. For particu lars Inquire of CIIAS. K. HENRY CO.. Henry Bldg.. Fourth and Oak st.. Portland. Or. CARD OFTHHKS. We wtsh to extend our thanks to our many friends and relatives, also the harkmen at the I'nlon Depot and the Montana 'Bus and Cab Company, of Seattle, for their kindness and beau tiful floral offerings during our sad bereavement In tha death of our dear son and brother. AquVJlar Juatus. known as Csrtwrtght. MRS II. Ci. JOHNSON. I MILLIE CARTWKtOHT. WILLIE CART WRIGHT. CAHD OPTIIAJKI. ' The bereaved children and grand children of th decensed Catherine Carter do most sincerely extend their heartfelt thanks to their many friends for their valuable assistance In the last unpleasant dutlea to their beloved parent. The most notable monumenta tn Elm wood Cametery. Memphla. were erected In honor of Mattla Rtephenann and Erally Hut ton, who opened their doora to homeless victims of ellow fever tn 1S73 and nursed them antll they both succumbed to the d' est Isflin CTsai, To best house eoaL Liberty Coal Ire Co. exclusive agenta. XI North FaaftMBth street. Main lttJ: A 111. Edlefsen delivers at present Bootless hard coal for IIP. East 303. C 1303. Edlefsen s coal satisfies. C 130. E. 103. Edlefsen't coal satisfies. C 2303, E. 103. LAST WEEK OF OUR SALE Only thla week left In which to take advantage of our January aale. So If you need anything In the Jewelry line get It now and save the discount. OI R EXTinE STOCK OP" ITT fil.ASS IS TO BE SOLD. We are sjotns; to eloae oat our entire line of cut glass, aa we need the room for another line of goods. ALL Cl'T GLASS REPITED FROM 2 TO So PER CENT. PIECE MIST BE SOLD. EVERY All of ear Leather Goods to be closed out. Including purses, leather bags, traveling sets, etc.. at a reduction of 26 to 75 per cent. The above twe Ilaes we positively are going t discontinue. , During this week we also offer reductions on the following lines: SOLID SILVERWARE. OPER A GLASSES. ' CLOCKS. PLATED 9ILVEHW AIIE. FIELD CLASSES. ' JEWELRY. I MBRELLAS. WATCHES. TOILET SETS. NOVELTIES. Special Prices on Diamonds During This Sale JAEGER BROS. 369 Morris os St.. Bet. Sd and 4th. The Large Jewelry Store. IS DIRECTORS LIKE CITY FOR RO TARY CUB CONVENTION'. Efforts of Lo Angeles Man, AVho Would Organ lie Second Club Here, Not Sanctioned. With four of th nine directors of the National organisation - of Rotary Clubs pledged to support Portland as the next meeting place of the annual convention, Dwight Edwards, president of the Port land Rotary Club, said yesterday that It Is now virtually settled that this city will be selected. "The fifth director, who has the decid ing vote, is favorably Inclined to give his support to us." said Mr. Edwards, "and from news Just received, we feel confident now that Portland will get the next convention. The matter will be de cided definitely In a few days. "If successful, we will arrange to hold tha convention during th Roe Festival next June. That would be the beat time of the whole year for a meeting of that kind, and with the thousands of roses In bloom Portland would make a great Impression upon the Eastern visitors. There will be about 1M delegates to the convention, but members of the families and friends should swell the number to at least 000. Aa members of the Rotary Clubs represent all of the Important ac tivities of business, the visitors will b a representative body of men and the kind w desire to attract to Portland whenever the opportunity presents It self." The attention of the members of the Portland Rotary Club was called to the operations of J. P. Metcalf, of Los An geles, who Is said to have arrived in th city a few davs ago ana to o anempi Ing to-organise another rotary club. Officers of the Portland Rotary Club have made investigation of Metealfa record and officers of the National or ganisation have advised the local body' that the Los Angeles man Is an lmposter. Mr. Edwards received Information from C. W. Hill, president of the Los Angeles Rotary Club, yesterday, that Metcalf had been a member of the Los Angele club, hut hml been exnelled recently for vio lation of th organization's rule. Mr. Edwards Interviewed Metcalf yesterday and found that tha stranger had made but little progress In his operations here. It Is understood that Metcalf went to Seattle last nlfht. "As the Portland Rotary Club Is affili ated with the National organisation. It la Impossible for any other club to b organised her that is recognised by the higher body." said Mr. Edwards. "Th local club waa first organised and Incor porated under the laws of Oregon and later became affiliated with the National body. If Metcalf was under th Impres sion that our club was purely a local organisation, lie now knowa differently. Any person who becomes Interested with him In this matter. Is doing so at his own risk." WAREHOUSE SITES. We have for sale some of the best locations on Fifteenth street suitable for warehouses or factories, close to the terminal grounds, and with excel lent trackage facilities. For prices and terms Inquire of CIIAS. K. Hoary Co Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oaklsts- Portland. Or. PORTLAND HTS. RESIDENCE A commodious house In the best resi dence district of the Heights, ground 60x100 feet; street Is hard-surfaced: price ISOOO. and it is the cheapest piece of property on the Heights for tha money. For particulars apply to CIIAS. iv. HENRY CO.. Henry Bldg.. ' Fourth and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WHERE TO 0INE. Ail th delicacies of th aeasoa at as Portland BestaaranL Fin private aaarte Mats tor ladles. W WmL aa ( aa. Chicken dinner. Peerless Cat-rka, 1st Fifth, a ear Washington. Lane County Man Bnya Tlmebr. COTTAGB OROVTl Or.. Jan. H. (8p- STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just epposits Botal St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Hew steel and brick tractor. Furnished at cast f 11 00. 000. Every comfort and coo veniesre. On carlines transferring all ever city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Bead for Booklet with map of Saa Fraaciso PHOENIX IRON WORKS Knarisere, FWaadess, Maeklaaats sad Bsllersaakera. BalldlBK sad Irnrtml Work. WE MAKE rtre Byrlraata, Lag Basle. Cast bears. Hydrastis Gleets, Water Gates. Lseaber Trseks, Ete. HAWTHORNE AYE. AND EAST THIRD POHTLaKD, or. claL) J. I. Jones, one of the largest agricultural land -owners- In Lane Coun- V. . n..r1.n.. n.)n n f I ( m H. T- land east of this city and is having logging engines and other milling equipment shipped to that point on the O. n Railroad. Mr. Jones proposes installing and operating a large sawmill plant. HIP SET BY ROLLING Dayton, Wash., - Man Injured in Runaway, Replaces Dislocation. DAYTON, Wash.. Jan. 14. (Special.) Unusual grit and presence of mind were displayed by Thomas Patrick, a woodohopper. yesterday. Thrown from a vehicle and hurled down a 40-foot embankment in a runaway. Patrick sus tained a dislocated hip and Internal In juries. All but unconscious from pain, realising his, hip was out of place, he rolled over and over on the ground until the dislocated member waa In place. With a report, like a rifle-shot the hip was forced back into Its; socket. Patrick is badly hurt and may not reoover. Harry Barclay waa Injured. The team 'dashed over the bluff and landed in the Touchet River, 40 feet below. Both men and tha back went with them. The vehicle and harness were demolished. ANNEXATION TO VOTE SOON White Sainton Would Take In Blngen If Ballot Says "Yea."" WHITE SALMON. Wash-. Jan. 13. A petition has been presented to tha White Salmon Village Council for ' a vote on the proposition of annexing to this place Blngen. the town below the bluff. A. H. Jewett, who circulated the petition, says about three-fourths of the people of Elngen have expressed a desire for the consolidation, and a large number in White Salmon also signed. The Council returned the petition; as It did not properly describe th terri tory. When properly drawn up th Council will accept tt and submit the proposed annexation, to the people of both places for vote. IRVINGTONBARGAINS. 11400 K. 23d, near Stanton. $1500 E. 10th. near Stanton. $150 e. 20th, near Stanton. $1760 E. r3d. near Brasee. $1750 Thompson. neAr 12th. $1500 E. 12th. near Thompson; Im provements paid. F. E. Bowman & Co.. Z2d and Brazee. E. 9S5. Bugene Brotherhood Installs. EUGENE, Or., Jan. 14. (Special.) The following officers of the Fraternal Brotherhood were Installed last night by Mrs. M. R. Neldlng, -of Los Angeles, supreme vice-presldcnr of the order: President, Ella M. Chappell; vice-president. Dora Baker; secretary. Delia Smith: chaplain. Elnora Rhone; treas- Odd Lines $3, $4 and $5 Hate $1.95 Foremost Clothiers Since 1863. Holeproof Hose for Men, Women and " Children 48th ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE YOU UNDERSTAND we want you to understand that the significance of our Clearance Sale to you is in; the goods we're selling, rather than in the price we're; quoting. It's the easiest thing in the world to quote a price, but giving the added value which a price-reduction ought to represent is another matter Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Hats and Furnishings at Annual Clearance Prices MTW'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit or Overcoat or Overcoat or Overcoat or Overcoat or Overcoat or Overcoat or Overcoat or Overcoat now now now now now now now now $11.25 $13.50 $15.00 $16.90 $18.75 $22.50 $26.25 $30.00 $ 5.00 Suit $ 6.00 Suit $ 7.50 Suit $ 8.50 Suit $10.00 Suit $12.50 Suit $14.00" Suit $15.00 Suit or Overcoat or Overcoat or Overcoat or Overcoat or Qvercoat or Overcoat or Overcoat or Overcoat now now now now now now now now $ 3.75 $ 4.50 $ 5.60 $ 6.35 $ 7.50 $ 0.35 $10.50 $11.25 Shirts, Underwear, Sweater and Neckwear at Genuine CLUETT, STAR, E. & W. SHIRTS $1.00 Shirts. 75 $1.50 Shirts ,...?l.lo $2.50 Shirts... $3.00 Shirts.. $1.0o UNDERWEAR 50c Underwear $1.00 Underwear. 75 j $1.50 Underwear. . ...... .$1.15 $2.00 Underwear $1.4o $2.50 Underwear $1.85 $3.00 Underwear $2.25 50c Phoenix Mufflers. . . 25r? Odd lines $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts, to close... : -85 Coats, Night Shirts, Pajamas Clearance Reduction Prices SWEATER COATS $2.50 Sweater Coats . . . : $1.75 $3.00 Sweater Coats $2.15 .$4.00 Sweater Coats $3.15 $5.00 Sweater Coats $3.50 . NIGHT SHIRTS AND PAJAMAS 50c Night Shirts or Pajamas . . . 35 $1.00 Night Shirts or Pajamas . . . 75 $1.50 and $1.75 Night Shirts or Pa jamas $1.15 $2.00 and $2.25 Night Shirts or Pa- jamas $1.35 $3.00 Night Shirts or Pajamas $1.9 $5.00 Night Shirts or Pajamas $3.65 . 50c Ties 35c ; 3 for $1.00 $1.00 Ties 65? $1.50 Ties 95? tt v . Rirker: ohyslclans, J. F. Titus and B. F. Scalefe; mistress-at-arms. Delia Rhone; sergeant-at-arms. James Chappell; Inner doorkeeper, K. Yergle: outer doorkeeper, Anna Smltn, finance committee, Junes Chappell and R. Yergle. . White Salmon Maj Get Two Banks. WHITE SALMON, Wash., Jan. 14 (Special.) This place may soon have two National banks. GUlfitte Brothers private bank and the White Salmon Valley Bank. The Glllett bank mailed ita application, wnue me Valley state bank aent their by tele- Fifth andAIder Fifib and Alder $14.95 For Suits, Coats dn FORMERLY Uresses $30 and $40 This announcement may sound sen sational, but an inspection of the garments offered will prove that we have really understated the vahies. Not department store merchandise, -bought for "sales," but exclusive apparel, formerly sold at the prices quoted. Compare these goods with credit-store merchandise and youH see the difference between these and the excessive profit prices.. t s t ci TITC r ' very best fabrics. Hid OUlliJ hlg-h-rrade novelty mix tures, blue and black serres and Imported broad cloths, velvets, etc. Practical Suits, pood for any time, no matter what fashion's whims. Prac tically only one of a kind. Mostly plain tail ored. A few fancy models. Sizes Misses' to Women's slse 61. rwwwi-. PA ATC sr. of Imported chlf . 1 rlEs JJi. 1 O fon broadcloth or tan covert. Skinner satin-lined. Full 64 inches long mostly tight-fitting;, some seml-flttlnr- THE DRESSES :;ar.rw.p?,5! broadcloths, models for street, afternoon and evening; wear. Very finest materials. Only one of a kind. . Not a garment in the above lot sold oripnally for less than $30.00 and up to $40.00. This is our latft" Winter season in this location, so they must be 60ia, no mailer wnai me t (i j loss. Choice- p X-,VJ AH Furs Now at One-Half Price Entire Line of Suits at Half Price $20.00 Mixture and Broadcloth Coats for $7.45 graph, which application was the first to be filed at Washington. Combination Mine Find Made. COTTAOPJ GROVE. Or.. Jan. 14 Spe cial.) Workmen from the Combination mine on Martin Creek report a rich dis covery in their tunnel at a 400-foot depth. The discovery was made while driving a tunnel to tap a ledce on another sec tion of the mine. Our exact and thorough knowl edge of Office Outfitting and Systematizing is at your service Ska Let us equip vour office with Cutler Solid Office Furniture, Allsteel Files, Dick Steel Safe Cabi nets and such Dependable Modern Appliances as may best serve your purpose and at the same time insure , you that Impressive Appearance and life-long satisfaction and service that Kilham guaranteed quality goods alone can give. KILHAM STATIONERY & PRINTING CO Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders r,rTH A OAK Headquarters for Architects' . and Engineers' Supplies. Pi Is That letter head of yours is your most widely known representative. Is it your most pros perous looking one? It ought to be and it will be if bought of IT IT II A H7f STATIONERY 8 iYlLnALYl PRINTING CO. SHIM TT Fifth and Oak Streets. Ji T