THE SUNDAY OREGONTAy, FORTLAXD, JANUARY 15, 1911 .-- - aawa-WJi awaaawae1 aiMaaaaw yT'.X I I w v I The Greater O 1 , 1 -p.limnrt'x (Greatest Corset. Store ifc Special Clearance Sale Prices Prevail for This Month In 1911 the corset is more a factor in dress than it ever was before-The woman who Has been content with the same model season after season must give attention to her corset if her figure is to be correct-Present day fashions give the impression of unbrohen lines-The jxewcorsets . ' accentuate this effeTby modifying the natural curves of the waist and hips and graceful form : , j K whole figure is Riven the appearance of natural They only slightly define the waist and clentiUcaiiy reouce xne P"" , " "id have choice from the best and most complete assortment ,.K dmo confronting one, it is most important that you shotild have choice trom tne II . a it We claim lor tne corset store nere ja The New "Sahlin" Waists Famous Figure Builders The beet-dreesed vomn of Portland have set their seal of approval upon these famous figure-builders, "Sahlln'i Perfect Form and Corset Combined." It is indeed a boon to the woman of slender figure, who is assured of a perfect form, with entire comfort. Don't fail to visit our corset store durinJhia special sale of these remarkable waists with no clasps, no hooks, no. eyelets, no strings, no heavy steels. Ask to see them, and note the reasonable prices. All Our Corset Waists At Clearance Sale Prices Women and young girls who do not thoroughly enjoy a corset will be Interest ed In our assortment of Corset Waists, shown In several makes and styles. GIRDLES are preferred by many women who want Just a little support about the waist tine. Tor such we have many girdle models In taped, straight stripped, ribbonette and fine batiste styles, now selling at clearance prices. Mme. Helene Fine Corsets At Clearance Sale Prices Ilelene Corsets are designed to Strike fashion's highest note. The most per tert model, built up of the iaost durable materials and finished in mt pleas ing and attractive manner. A garment fitted over a "Helene" isure to set ell and not pet out of shape. They emphasise all the points of fashion's de cree without sacrificing in the least the wearer's comfort. The Helens Corset is priced very moderately when sold regular. Our special clearance sale prices offer unusual advantage for saving. The entire stock is now on sale. Warners Rust Proof Corsets At Clearance Sale Prices For the devotee of Warner's "Rustproof" Corset we show several styles, which are modeled to a high standard of coraetry. Every corset, Irrespective of price, must have perfection of shape, Tarying to suit different types of forma. Unusually low prices prevail on all Warner Const during this sale. BRASSIERES De Bevoise, the newest and daintiest style. They eoofin i l . an . v m , ! t floor selection and facility which -will amply pro vide for every -possible, need in corset lines We have not allowed our own particular prefer ence to limit us in assortments from which you may choose Our aim has been to supply the widest possible range of maKe and styles Just how much this means we will let you be the judge when you come to maKe inspection and selection Appointments of the corset store are all that could be desired You are served by women thoroughly trained in the art ofcorrect corseting. Mme. "Mariette" Corsets At Clearance Sale Prices Makers of the Mariette Corset hold that they will bring out the graceful lines of one's form to the very best advantage. Each model is fitted over a typical American figure of perfect proportions. They belong to the higher class of corseto. but are sold at moderate prices. Our expert corsetieres will tslce pleasur in explaining the advantages of the Manette Corsets, and will give fitting to those interested. Clearance sale prices on entire stock of corsets. Famous Redfern Corsets At Clearance Sale Prices The policy of the Redfern Corset makers has been to produce a line of genuine whalebone corsets, absolutely up to date and perfect in every detail of design, fit, materiafand construction.. A greater value than any other corset on the market, and made to a uniform standard of fit and weax.Theyjesvaryin ' rice according to beauty of finish, fineness of materials. Clearance prices. Howd Front Lace Corsets At Clearance Sale Prices The famSus Howd front laoe Corsets, proclaimed by women of fashion to be the perfection of front-lace eorsetry, modeled to follow the natural outlines of the spine, supporting the abdomen and back without restriction to the body. They are made of German coutil and boned with unbreakable steels. d0 AC Medium length; sizes 24 to 34. Regularly sold at $8; special, ea. HOWD FRONT LAOE CORSETS in splendid models, designed especially for medium and stout ngures. jviaae oi uue ""fu ..j ; i an Popular Bon Ton Corsets At Clearance Sale Prices Corset excellence of the highest degree is exemplified in the charming models of the Bon Ton Corsets. Each different style is designed to mold some form into fashionable lines. Every wanted model is shown. The slender ox - stout woman will find a corset to suit her figure. Next to perfect fit, the boning is the most important factor of any corset. Like bones of the body, the corset bones are the foundation, support, the basis of shape. Bon Ton Cone s are boned with a wonderful substance called Walohn, which is unmistakably the best known Clearance sale prices prevail on all Bon Ton Corsets, bee them. Royal Worcester Corsets At Clearance Sale Prices The Royal Worcester Corset is famous for models of excellence and graceful effects. Tor years the makers have followed the changing styles and fancies of fashion until the corBetsMeabout peifect.There is no other moderate . priced corset on the market which pbBses8eaejgaleritjjtheRoyal Wor cester?" Modeled to meet the requirements of every figure. We have expert fitters in attendance. Clearance sale prices prevail on these splendid corsets. Famous Rengo Belt Corsets At Clearance Sale Prices - This is the corset which has been a boon to the fully-developed woman. By - . . .1 ...i 'J. . i' il.- til.inli vaHnfiaa flirt QMn. a patented belt stitcnea on tne oinsiue oi mc ....... - " men very materially, without the least discomfort to the wearer, it gives i-1 i: rri .... cuiwtavifisillv mjiHfi. bavins? double steels and SDienaia lilies. xucy mc i; .-..j , , i- j , unbreakable front clasps. One particular line styled with long Inns and low under the arm, and reinforced abdomen. Sizes 24 to 36 offered ffO g K during this clearance sale at tne special low price i "'" r" 7 .., A Another line, medium length, high or low bust; sizes 23 to 36, pair, $1.4a Headquarters for the Justly Celebrated "Nemo" Corsets Corsets furnishes ample range to fit practicaUyany The new "Nemo" models produce the utmost comfort jmdjnoBter Our stock of "Nemo' figure. feet lines pf fashion. We believe them to be the best corsets tor tneir prices, "HflKiirned for the greatest variety of figures. Expert corsetieres to serve yonTAll corsets fitted and" perfect satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. Special Corset Guarantee We will make eood any corset which does not wear satisfactory after having been properly iittea oy one oi our curoeiicica. mpx xvoio m ...i mrxw t he niict m.nn eoncBU ids hob a ui iu uToruuii uwo. . , . 1 1 .k WM I I TATim.I Willi ClHUUlAia ClUWIUlUOiJ V f-" ' j The beat re4ralar f lJto Jne on me margei, ciemrmno perwc, u. - a- CLAMP OF SILENCE IS PLACED UPON MEMBERS OF WASHINGTON MILITIA Shelving of Colonel Lamping Is Complete Turning of Tables Seattle In Midst of Troublesome Discussion of Tele phone Rates-lliiuor Interests Oppose Change of Present Laws. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 14. (SpeclnL) Silence. dp. oppriiiilv and well nigh Impenetrable. h ettled over the, National Ouard ot 'Waahlnnton elnce tho taalnit of an order by Adjutant-Ueneral Ueweilyn. He baa quoted the military law. and haa emphaalaed It by a aupplo inental order to the effect that Cuarda men mint not oa!p about mllUaxy af fair. Strtklna colncldencee are af forded by tha facta that tha order cornel juet aa the Legislature conrenea. ar.d with It another order aaalsnlng Colonel Otto A. Caae and Captain Maurice W. Thompaon. both of whom have been on waiting order, to active duty. Alao Colonel George B. Lamping, recently re algned aa Adjutant-General, haa been placed on waiting ordera. WhUe military men are not auppoaed to be aurpiiaed but to receive without oueetion everything from headquarter, civilians are entitled to expreaa them elvra: and It I not too much to say that the civilian were struck with mild form of astonishment that Lamping should have been placed on waiting or der. In thla way. th table) have been turned, and be la In exactly the position l so long occupied by Caae and Thompson. There were Indications that Lamping would go back to Ma old oommand. the Second Infantry, but In that event un iiimkti. k.t iMt iwt would have been raised that ne naa joomu -" out of It. Inasmuch as case wouia n .v - .1 . k.J nnl I Jmnlnf Side tracked him. But now Adjutant-General ueweuyn naa provtaea lor a examine for promotion Lieutenant Colonel John Stringer. Major W. M. lnglla and Captain J. VL Curry; In other words, assuming that thea officer all pasa. Suinger will become Colonel, In glls Lieutenant-Colonel and Curry Jun ior Major of the Second Infantry. Lamp ing will continue . without command, while Caaa and Thompaon wUl be In the paymaster's department. If It were not for, the convening of the Legislature and subterranean talk of politics honeycombing and disrupting the Quart th creation of a paymaster would be a Joke. Although th offico' Is provided by law. there Is no money to disburse. The catch In It seems to he to aaslgn commands to th various officer. . and at the aame time bear down heavily on the proposal that they must keep their mouths closed. In oth er words, the "paymaater" Is a device for clamping Case, Thompson and othera into silence at precisely the moment when too much talking might prov sn mbaxrasamen t. SUenx-e Is Enjoined. Directly connected with the order as signing Case and Thompson to duty la the following: "Deliberation or dlsousalona by offi cer or men of th National Guard of Washington, conveying praise, censure or any mark of approbation toward oth er In th military eervlce. and all pub lications relating to private or personal transactions between officers, are pro hibited. Effort to cur or influence legislation affecting the National Guard, or to procure personal favor or consider ation, must nrer b made except through regular military channels. The provision of thl paragraph shall apply to all such deliberations, discussions, publication or efforta. by an officer or enlisted man. whether t the time actu ally on duty or not. Person In the military asrvlc of th stat cannot di vest themselves of their military statue. and pose aa acting in a civil capacity when speaking of or dealing with any matter pertaining to the service or oth ers engaged therein. A violation of any provision of this paragraph shall be deemed to be conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. One of the complaints most fre quently made against the companies is. in effect, that subscriber are forced to bear a share of the cost of installing the system as well as to give a good return on the investment. Thl was the point on which Mr. Falrchlld spent seven days In San Francisco, without obtaining the fact he wanted, although he devoted pecial attention to the en tries for new construction. r--inurement and repairs. Liquor Men Enforce Law. The first skirmish on the county unit recalls the fact that for more than two year th liquor interest of the state have bn etrlctly on their good be havior. At the Legislature of 10. when the present law waa Ped. one of Ita advocates was James Weir, or Seattle, later president of the Royal Arch, and then a member of the House. He pledged hi word that If the drastic measure then proposed could be mod ified, th liquor men would be found In sisting on even a more rigorous en forcement of the law than the most pronounced supporter of the county unit. It was the aim of the Royal Arch, under Weir, to prosecute of fenders, especially the keepera of cross roads taverns, a fast a they could b located. This attitude waa due not only to a desire to. observe the law for which Weir stood as sponsor, but to a well defined fear that the people might go to state-wide prohibition. In this manner the extremists and the liquor-dealers have occupied common ground, so far as tne eniorcemoui. the present law has been concerned. 11 is unci - n - ' - standing between two uncompromia-- lngly hoatiie rorces was respuu'u' the recent deDate Deiween djo Ijoty, superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League, and James W. Morrison, who is now president of the Royal Arch. rkahle feature Of the occasion, as showing a more tolerant spirit than formerly prevaueu, w i fact that tne oibcusbioh w uom ... auditorium of the Young Men's Chrls- . t . i mnA t Vi llnnnr man UM JIHUUIBllwu, ' " . was as vigorously applauded as was the antl-saioonisr. Cnlt Question Argued. The argument of the league mmbere was for an extension of the present-local option unit, along lines which have since been laid down in the Governors message, the contention being that the saloon has failed to accomplish neces sary reforms, although every oppor tunity has been afforded the better ele ment to Improve the status of the busi ness; that since hop of reform from within is futile, the reform must then come from without. In reply to this argument. President Morrison cited the experience of Ore gon, which he named as a state that had been all along the ramifications of the "wet" and "dry" fight, and had de clared for a reduction, instead of an Increase. In the voting unit. "I favor," he continued, "giving the people a rest on this question, and letting our Leg islators proceed to the Important busi ness they will have on hand." The situation to date. Is that the liquor Interests are content to leave well enough alone, as the Impression Is general that any legislation on the subject would tend to an extension of the unit. SOCIETY - NEWS NOTES (Continued From Page 4.) win Hamblet, May Hamblet, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Davis, L. C. Ream, Miss Vio let Slater, Miss Nellie Campbell, . J. Frledenthal, J. F. Daly, F. J. Lonergan, J. D. Wiley, C. E. Norrten, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Lively, Mr. and Mrs. George Jennings, O. W. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Clodfelter, Helen Cattron, J. B. Grass, H. C. Price, J. J. Erklns, Miss Brelters, James J. Sayer, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lyon and child, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Norton, Mr. and Mri. -D. E. McClure, F. L. Blotsford, F. A. Bushnell, G. L. Reese, R. H. Cro sier, George Imlay, all of Portland; B. F. Cranshaw, of Astoria; H. O. Stewart, George Austin, Miss Emma Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Jone. Mr. and Mrs. John E. AuBtln, of Salt Lake City; R. E. Benedict, of Olympia; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Smith, of Heber, Utah; George A. Myers, of Pifdmont, Wyo.; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Smith, of Les lie. Utah; J. E. Hanrahan, Robert A. Thompson, of North Plains; J. H. Leau tand, T. Toussand, from Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Holems, of Walla Walla; Mr. and. Mrs. George W. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Selway, of Sheridan, Wyo.; V. R. Greenfield, of Rawlins, Wyo., and F. J. McCaugherv. O. H. Wood, from Seattle. Evil Homes Xot Immune.' Springfield (Mass.) Union. "A man's gambling house Is not his castle," Is Mayor Gaynor's reply to a Brooklyn lawyer, who apparently took the view that "a man's house is his castle" when used for other than domi ciliary purposes. There Is probably not a court In the land that would not sus tain Mayor Gaynor's contention. A house or home ceases to be a "castle" when it is diverted to an unlawful use. Mayor Gaynor does not intend to let gambling Joints or dens of vice flour ish In the guise of homes or "castles" while he has charge of the enforcement of the law in New York City, and public opinion, as well as the courts, will up hold him in this respect. Cough Stop is a sure stopper. Don't forget it. Plummer's drugstore, 360 Third St., corner Madison. Edlefsen's coal satisfies. C 2303. E. 103. Hotel Moore . SEASIDE, OR. Open All Year. Hot Salt Bath in Hotel. Special Rates by Month. DAN J. MOORE. PROPRIETOR.