TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLANT, JANFAHT 15, 1911 SOCIAL EVENTS OF PAST WEEK CONTDTTJED FEOM PAGE 3. enta, Mr. sod Mrs. John Fsirchlld SJathewa. Mr. Freeman, who la the; oo of J. A. Freeman. Is engaged In tha wholesale. Implement business on the Esst Side. Mr. and Mrs. reeman wm thii im nnrtsnt Euurg cities before, returning to their borne In this city at Stl Esst Taylor street. Cohen-May. xci uM.utu EJu Uir and Adolph Cohen, of Seattle, were married at the home of the brlde"s parents, air. ana .Mrs. Samuel aiar. inursoay t. . k n.hhi Jnnh H Wise per forming- the ceremony. The bouse dec orations were or pins ctrn.uwn ! blned wltli smlla and ferns, palms also being- used to errect. wnue oripo me teor and duchess lsce er the ma terials of the bride's sown, which, was cut en train. The conventional wreath of orange blossoms was used to catch .k. ..II In nl.r. lid IllleS Of th VSl- iey and orchids composed the shower SOuquet. Jdlsa mmj was iufnum "r her steter. Miss Edith May. as maid of honor, who wore dainty blus satin, elled In a mist of chiffon. Mayo Co hen was best man. a brother of the bridegroom. After a short trip to Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Cohen will be at home In Seattle. t nnrf i-McCoy. ! Miss Elrla McCoy was united In marriage to George H. Harrey of Den Ter. last Wednesday evening. In the Hassalo Church. Hassalo and Kast Sev enth streets. The church was deco rated with greens and whits roses. Preceding the service Miss Lillian nownlng unit. "O Promise Me." and "Because." accompanied by Mies Mar caret Nelson. Both are claaemate, of the bride, graduating from the Wash ington High School last February. The ceremony was performed by He v. Wil liam Proctor, of Oregon City, after which a number of the Intimate friends gathered at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Newton McCoy. Mr. and Mrs Harvey have gone to Cali fornia, where they will remain tintll the first of February. MeCIurg-Lajrno. The wedding of Miss Clara Layne to Robert B. ' McClurg was celebrated "Wednesday evening. January 11. at the borne of the bride", parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lane. at 1101 Belmont street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. J. Staub. of the Suany side Congregational Church. The house decorations were of palms and Oregon grapes. Flowers and tulle were used to carry out a color plan of pink and green. C. C. Coon wns best man, and Mlss 'Genevieve Layne. sister of the bride, attended as maid or honor. She wore a gown of white chiffon with Persian bands, and carried pink carnations. The bride was attired In embroidered white batiste and her bouquet was an arm cluster of white carnations. Mitchell-Manning. The wedding of Dr. A. R. Mitchell of St. Johns and Miss Harriet Marie Man ning of St. Louis.' Or., was solemnised ' Monday morning. January a, at the Holy Rosary Church. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Henry 8- Shsw. Miss Josephine Kearney played the wedding march. Following the marriage a wedding breakfast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell will be at home In St- Johns after January la. Rev. I. O. Oordon and Mrs. Magda lene Helmeke were married at the close of the morning service Sunday. Janu arly a. at the Highland Congregational . Churoh. The congregation was some what surprised to have -Rev. E. 8. Bol linger announce that the service that morning would have an vnusual end ing. This ending was the wedding ceremony conauciea or Mrs. B. Bollinger and C A. Mann were the attendants. Kraut i-Morris. The wedding of Shad Oliver Krants and Miss Alice Morrts was solemnised In Leadvirie. CoL. Jsnuary 7. The bride, who is the dsughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Morris of that city, baa until recently been society editor on the Akron (O.) Beacon-Journal. Mr. Krants Is railroad editor on the Oregonlan. Both were for merly reporters for the Herald-Democrat of Lcadvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Kranta will live In Portland. White-Johnston. a' Miss Norma Helen Johnston and M. C White were married at noon. January 1 at the home of the brides parent. Jr. and Mrs. H. C. Johnston. The young persons left the city Immediately after the ceremony for Southern Cali fornia. Their home will be In Piedmont. rerklne-Adatus. C. II. Perkins, of North Dnkota. and Miss Ella Adams were married Tuesday evening. Janusry 10. by the Rev. J. Bow ersox. The ceremony took place at the home of Mrs. J F. Altstsdt. st M Oan tenbeln avenue. The couple will remain In Portland for sometime. Huthland-Wllson. The wedding of Charlea Iluthland and Miss Stella J. Wilson was celebrated cn January st S8T North Twenty-seventh street. After ten days In Seattle the young persons will be at home at 387 North Twenty-seventh - street. Haiuml 1 1 e-Boy lee. Mrs. Belle BoyVss and William Ham mltte were married at the parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Wednesdsy. by Rev. E. II- Mowre. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Hammltte Is la Roeeburg. where Mr. Hammltte Is in business. Green-Peter man. . The wedding of Miss Mildred L. Pe te rm an to Harry D. Green took place at the parsonage of Rev. T. McFhensnn. who pronounced the service. Mr. and Mrs. Green will live at 20$ Thirteenth street. Lcarnl n g-Frejcg. Miss Frieda Pregge and Asa Learn ing were married at the Centenary Methodist Church, Sunday. January S. Rev. Ielmer H. Trunble pronounced the service. Tjlcr-Pearce. J. F. Tyler and Miss Edith Pearce Were married at the parsonage of Grace Methodist Church, January 10. by the Rot. John IL Cudllpp. Knight-Witty. J. B. Knight and Miss Zella Witty were wedded by the Rev. John Cudllpp, Friday. January 13. EVENTS OP WEEK. Officers of four of the Portland chap ter of the Order of the Eastern Star : met for a Joint Installation at the Ma sonic Temple Friday evening. January (. Hugh J. Boyd, worthy grand pa tron, was Installing officer, aided by Mrs. Stella K Drake, grand marshal: Mrs. Mary Scott, grand chaplain, and Miss Josephine Staple ton. grand organ ist. The Installation ceremonies were Interspersed with musical selections by Miss Sylva McQulon, Mrs. Fred Ol hi Miss Zlta Holllster and the Bsuer double quartet. see The Bo a Pa Club, of Rose City Park, met at the home of Mrs. Fred Brookes, oa Coleman avenue. Thursday after noon. January 13. After a discussion on the current events of the day. s00" was played. The next meeting will take place with Mrs. Carl Cristensen. East Sixty-fourth street. January it. m m m The Mlxpah (00 Club met at the home of Mrs. George Psrcell. Jsnusry 13. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Carl Bchllckelsen, at 400 SUklyou street. January :& Last week Mrs. William J. Vincent entertained the Tuesday Afternoon Club. Mrs. O. A. Johnson gave a talk on Huxley's life. Mrs. G. L Boynton re viewed "Man's Plsce In Nature" snd Mrs. Merwln Pugh opened the discus sion of Huxley's work. The next meet ing of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. O. A. Johnson. Forty-second and Hamilton avenue. e Ben Butler Women's Relief Corps, No. 61. met January 6. in Hunter's Hall, for an installation meeting, when the following officers were Installed; Pres- sentlnel, Cora McDowell, musician; Mar tha Rogers, captain of guards, e Mr. and ' Mrs. N. O. Patterson cele brated their 35th wedding anniversary Saturday evening. December 21. at their home on East Burnslde street. Besides the members of the family. Including three children snd two grand children, those present were: Mrs. Msry Holcomo. Mr. snd Mrs. W. B. Brown. Mr. snd Mrs. L. H. Andrews snd Miss Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wsldele. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Patterson, of Portland, and Mrs. C. R. Black, of Prince Rupert. Can ada. Mr. Patterson was born In Ohio In 1850. and Mrs. Patterson was born tn Michigan In 1S61. They were married In Shelburae, Mont, December iU 166. COMING EVENTS. Mrs. R. W. Wilbur has consented to lecture before the. art department of LOCAL NEWSPAPER MAN AND SOCIETY EDITOR OP AKRON, OHIO, PAPER, WED. I -A v. f - , ; i -. ' r 1 ' ?! .- -. . ' . ' I J I- i - : )( ; -s ; s?cz i i ', ' . , MR. AJTD MR. SHAD O. KRAXTZ. Shad O. Krants, railroad editor of The Morning Oregonlan, and Miss Alice Morris, society editor of the Akron, O., Beacon-Journal, were married In Leadvllle. Colo. January 7. The romance had Its Inception four years ago, when both young persons were reporters on the Herald-Democrat, of the lat ter city. Since then they have both worked on papers about the country. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents. In Leadvllle, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Morris. A unique feature of the wedding are the announce ments Issued following the event. In type and phraseology, the same as a first-page story on a dally paper, followed by a special head, and marked at cither side of the brier announcement story by column rules, the newspaper effect Is carried out In full. Ident. Mrs. Maggie Waldrlp; senior vice-president. Mrs. Ellen Lacey; Junior vice-president, Mrs. Wealthy Brombaugh; treasurer. Mrs. Atlanta Allyn: chaplain. Mrs. Msrla Kadel: con ductor. Mrs. Mary Worden: assistant conductor. Mrs. Sarah Gardener; guard. Mrs. Nellie Fleck; assistant guard, Mrs. Mary Bethel; secretary, Mrs. Jen nie Fleetwood: patriotic Instructor, Mrs. Cella Speare: press correspondent, Mrs. Carrie Myers; color-bearers, Mrs. Sarah Creekpaum. Mrs, Nettie Walker, Mrs. Sarah Heustla. and Mrs. Jeanette Easterbrook. The Swastika 800 Club held a very pleasant meeting at the home of Mrs. T. MoNsmee Tuesday afternoon. The next meeting of the club will take place at the home of Mrs. C. Mayer. 625 East Burnslde street. Mrs. Mayer captured the prise last Tuesday. e The Oregon Chapter'of the Daughter of the Confederacy were delightfully en tertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. Joplln on Clackamas street. A musical and literary pro gramme was enjoyed after which lunch eon was served. e e Miss Alice Rosenthal entertained 15 young women at her home with bridge last Wednesday afternoon. The affair was In honor of Miss Ruth Lewis nd Miss Hilda Gumbert. whose engage ments have recently been announced. The annual meeting of the New Tork State Society of Oregon was held last' Tuesday In Chrlstensen's Hall. Re ports were read showing the society In a successful condition financially. Election of officers resulted as fol lows: President. Miss Lillian O'Brien; first vice-president, A. H. Metcalf: sec ond vice-president. Mrs. Msry Chapel; secretary, Charles C. Fisher; treasurer, Charles B l.'and; registrar. Miss Ella Hubbs. Executive Committee, W. O. Feenaughty, Thomas E. Flynn. Mrs. Jenny Norton and Mrs. Pauline Lercb, ' The house-warming of the John Dol lars was a large affair and took place last Sunday afternoon In their new home at the corner of Twenty-sixth and Northrup streets A dinner followed the reception. 100 guests' being seated In celebration also of the 21st birthday of Abe Dellar. Among the toastmakers were D. soils Cohen. Dr. N. Mosessohn, M. L Swett. Dr. A. Tllser. D. N. Moses, sohn, is. Rein, Ray Taylor, A. Rosen stein, M. Barde, R. . Abrahamson L Bromberg. Julius Cohen. D. Dublrer, Sol Dellar.. L Dellar and John Dellar. After the meeting dancing was en Joyed. Hereafter meetings of the so ciety will be helo In the lower hall at Chrlstensen's. A Valentine party will be held February 14. see MIsa Katherine Kern, of Willamette Heights, entertained the members of ber sewing club Thursday afternoon. , After the Installation of officers, the United Artisans In the Selllng-Hlrsch building, last Friday evening, presented Mrs. D. E. Murray, retiring master Arti san of Assembly No. L with a silver set Mrs. Murray held the office four years, see The 'A" (00 Club met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Baecy at Tdl Commer cial street. Cards were played from I to 10 o'clock after which supper was served. ' e Mrs. George Blrnbach. of 742 East An keny street, gave a party lost week at her home In honor of Mrs. Max B. Mayer, who left the city recently' for her home In San Antonio, Tex. . Mount Hood Circle and Mount Scott Circle. Women of Woodcraft, had Joint Installation Tu'sday evening. January 10. Mrs. C. C Van Orsdall. grand guardian, was Installing officer. The following officers were Installed for Mount Hood Circle: Vivian Cochran, peat guardian neighbor; Jennie Perrett. gusrdtan neighbor; Belle Peffer. adviser; Mary E. Wheeler, banker; Lou Ellen Cornell, clerk: Lillian Scbmokel. magi cian: Alta Munro. attendant: Ella R. Evans. Inner sentinel; Bells Tsn Eyck. outer sentinel; Bernlce Miner, musician; Minnie McGregor, captain of guards. The following officers were Installed for Mount Scott Circle at Lents: Ella Marshall, psst guardian neighbor; Ada C Roes, guardlsn neighbor; Edith Ray burn, adviser; Vllurla Lent, magician: Mamie Cox. clerk: Llzxle Paul, banker; Maud Hadden, sttendant; Mildred Doh erty. Inner sentinel; Rose Hubler, outer the Women's Club, which will meet Tuesday afternoon. January 17. at 3 o'clock In the Art Museum Sculpture room. Mrs. J. M. Uelnts was hostess at "500" In honor of 13 guests, Wednes. day evening, January 11. An oyster supper followed the cards. The third social event of the Good- j fellowship Campaign Committee of the Women of Woodcraft will be a dance given at their headquarters. Tenth and Taylor streets. Friday evening, Jan uary 30. Next Thursday evening the Astra Circle of the Women of Woodcraft will give a public Installation of officers, and all members of the circle are ex pected to be present. In honor of Miss Bess Allen, who Is the guest of Miss Louise Dobson, of ! Terrace Park. Captain and Mrs. A. J. Geer have been hosts the past week at 1 a house party. Miss Louise Dobson , also gave a matinee party Saturday j afternoon for Miss Allen. Miss Bertha Geer and Miss Amy Geer. In accord with the regular custom, a table for the members of the local chap ter of the P. E. O. Sisterhood, resident and visiting, will be reserved at the Young Women's Christian Association lunchroom, Friday, January 20. The second anniversary of the organ isation of the Grace Memorial Church occurs this month and will be cele brated Friday evening, by a china shower for the church kitchen at the parish-house on East Seventeenth and WIedler'srreets. A musical pro exam m followed by refreshments will take place. e e Cards have been Issued to a recep tion to be given In the Commercial Club rooms of Sell wood next Saturday even ing. January 31. - A mueleal programme, followed by addresses, will furnish en tertainment. A card and dancing party will be given by the Rosarlan girls of Holy Roeary Church. Wedneeday evening. In the Alumni Hall, corner of Grand avenue and Clackamas street. Proceeds of this party ' will go to the orphans at the Baby Home : of et, Agnes. r - The social science department of the Portland Woman's Club will meet Mon day, January It. at 2:30 o'clock. In the Women of Woodcraft Hall, Tenth and j Taylor streets. The subject under dis cussion will be the "Call and Lure of the City." SPECIAL AJfJfOTJXCEMENTS, Every trimmed hat reduced to 35.00 at Miss Allen's. 426 Washington street. Mrs. Gertrude E. Soule, piano studio, 313 West Park St Phone Main 4857. " see Mrs. Nina. Lafowa can take a few more gentlemen In a new dancing class. Inquire to 1 and after 7 p. m. Main 3339. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Spencer, Of Rlverdale, are receiving congratula tions on the birth of a son. born Sat urday. January I. - e Mrs. V. A- Cochran, of 869 Flanders street, announce the engagement of her niece, MIsa Florence Moore, to James E. Garwood. The wedding will take place February 6. e J. K. 8tem, 447 Alder street, ladies tailor. Is prepared for great reduction sale In suits and skirts on all material. I also have new Spring arrivals for 1S1L Phone Msin 6505. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Hasen. Of TM Northrup street, are rejoicing over the arrival of a son, born Sunday last. Mr. Hasen Is general manager of the Bridal Veil Lumber Company. Next Tuesday afternoon 'is the date for the next popular concert at the HelHg Theater, under the direction of William H. Boyer and the Helllg management. The programme Is a fine one. PERSONALS. Dr. and Mrs. William Frederick Fle blg have returned from California. Mrs. Alexander H. Shaw Is a guest of relatives and friends at Lebanon. ' or. I Mrs. T. B. Howe left the city recent ly for California to be gone several Mrs. A. S. Cahen. of Seatt'e. and Miss TlUle Cahen were In the city during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Catlln left Portland Thursday for California to spend the Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. H. Canal In have moved - to their recently purchased home, 743 Kearney street. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Blumauer ate on their way to Southern California, having left Portland last Tuesday. Mr. and Mns. - Anthony John Stowell have moved to their new home at 451 Taylor street, corner Thirteenth. Mrs. A. E. King and Miss Ann George will leave Portland Wednesday for New Tork by way of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klelnberg. of Ellensburg. Wash., are In the city vis iting relative at 675 Hoyt street. ' Gus Rosenblatt left on Saturday for San Francisco to attend the meeting of the .Board of Fire Underwriters of the Mrs. PhlUp Lewis, of Taeema. who I came to Portland to attena tne tn-n-May wedding. Is visiting at the home of Mrs. Samuel May. Mrs. E. T. McBrien and her daugh ter. Mis Alma McBrien. who are Win tering In Portland, have taken apart ments at the Cumberland. Mrs. C L. Scherer and her daughter. Miss Caroline M. Scherer. have returned to their home In this city, after an ab- V Frost and FURS Are in Vogiie SP: iisi fllf PER CENT DISCOUNT ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FUR NECKPIECES, MUFFS, SF.TS. FUR COATS. FUR -LINED COATS, AUTOMOBILE ROBES, FUR CAPS, FUR GLOVES, ETC. 20 Your Inspection Invited and Appreciated A Most Complete Assort ment in Every Description of Fur. ' $ 9.50 Fur $12.50 Fur $17.50 Fur $22.50 Fur $27.50 Fur $35.00 Fur Sets now? 7.60 Sets now $10.00 Sets now $14.00 Sets now 818.00 Sets now S22.00 Sets now $28.00 $45.00 Fur Sets now S36.00 $63.50 Fur Sets now $50.80 $85.00 Fur Sets now $68.00 $100 Fur Sets now. .$80.00 $135 Fur Sets now $108.00 $175 Fur Sets now $140.00 TKe Name of H. LIEBES & CO. on Any Fur Is a Quality Guarantee No Eastern hurried-shop made Furs handled as a side line with no dependable guarantee. $47.50 Fur Coats now. . .$34.75 $55.00 Fur Coats now. . .$34.75 $65.00 Fur Coats now. . .$52.00 $75.00 Fur Coats now. . . $60.00 $ 95.00 Fur Coats now. .$76.00 $115.00 Fur Coats now. .$92.00 $150.00 Fur Coats now $120.00 $195.00 Fur Coats now $156.00 Our regular prices be ing lower than quoted elsewhere, this reduc tion makes an excep tional opportunity for pur chasing- All Furs purchased from us are cleaned, dressed and freshened ui at any time without charge, which is an absolute necessity for best results restores beauty and aids wearing quality. H L1EB1 J. P. Plagemann, Mgr. Corbetf Building MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 288 Morrison Street EAW FURS WANTED Highest market price paid. Send for price list and shipping tags. eenee of several months In the South and East, where they visited relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Holman are now occupying their -new home on0'"" Heights, between Clifton and Myrtle streets, on Montgomery Drive. Mr. ana Mrs. T. J. elites departed Wednesday for San Francisco and Southern California, returning by way of Ogden and Seattle within three weeks. Captain and Mrs. William B. Buffum. of Prescott, Wash., have arrived to pass the Winter with Mrs. Buffum is mother. Mrs. W. R- Harrison, at March mount Villa. Portland Heights. Mrs. Samuel Brown and Mrs. E. Mor aranstern. of Seattle, were n the city recently to attend the wedding of their brother. Adolph Cahen. and Miss Edna May. Eugene Levy, of Seattle, was also a guest at the Cahen-May wedding. Mr. Charlea Catlln. Mrs. Adam Catlln and Miss Mary Catlln, of this city, ac companied by Mrs. Thomas Roe. of Forest Grove departed Saturday for Los Angeles, where they will remain until April 1. ' Mrs. H. K. Shellaby will leave the city today for an extended trip to the East, sojourning In California. New Mexico, and Arlxona on the return trip. While In the East Mrs. Shellaby will visit In Buffalo and Pittsburg, passing several weeks at her former home In Olean. N. T., the entire trip lasting about three months. Mrs E. D. Timma left Portland last evening on the Shasta Limited for San Diego, Cal., where she will pass the remainder of the Winter with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. William Hummel. On her way South she will Join MIsa Mildred Tlmms in Oakland. Mrs. Arthur Callan, accompanied by her mother. Mrs. Catherine Brancht, left the city Tuesday for the East. Before returning they will visit friends In New York and Boston. In March Mr. Callan will Join them in Los An geles, returning with them to Port land. Miss Lillian Edna Amos, who has been passing the Christmas holidays at her home In Portland, has returned to Berkeley, leaving this city on Thursday last. ' Miss Florence Dayton of Alexandra Court, who has been passing the fort night with Mrs. Shelby and Miss Annie Blanche Shelby at "Sandhurst," Sea side, has returned to Portland. She reports an excellent time. Mrs. and Miss Shelby will also return to the city soon. Visitors at the beach resort Gearhart and- registered at Hotel Gearhart-by-the-Sea Include: J. E. Webb, Stewart R. Strong, F. G. Stiller, George . G. Brockbank, P. Welch. Leon Fabre. Jr.. Mr. and 'Mrs. M. L. Holbrook, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Holbrook, James G. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mack. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCraken. Mr. and Mrs. W. C Bristol, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamblet. Ed- rConcluded on Page 8.) D eve.op lour Bust 50c Package FREE to Any Woman W ho Want a Beautiful Figure Womn need no longer be humiliated ana mUrrawd tHiniM they are thin, flat .h..t. ami not davdloued. for science has found a simple way to sive the beautiful j curves or a perrect iifurv. aw ut, let u aeod you free of chare a Sue packase that will show you how easily the bu eao te developed from two to seveo Inches, and become full, plump and firm. This J!cov. ery that Is of such vital Interest to all thla women. Is the result of long study and In vestigation by one of the laadtnf women physicians In New York Slate who. In seek In c to overcome the defects of her own fig ure without the use of "pads" or forms. j , - h.nnv combination of tissue building elements that Increased her bust . some four Inches, made her arras round and shapely and her neca ana suoum.r. piun "?hU prescription of Dr. Catherine Kelly's , . i discovery on far different lines from the ordinary figure-developing treat ment, and this explains Its almost uniform success. rained a beautiful form by her own prescription, but used It success- tuny wi.n ni w . Satienta. Women, thl a personal meaeeg from a DbTSlOlSn Of your own sex. and all we aak U the oppor tunity to show you without any expense on nnr cart that Dr. Kelly's Form Developed ni -iv- vou a oerfect figure, beautiful complexion, and Improve the general health. Send the little coupon above and for expenses, and a SOe treatment will be mailed at once In plain xteckage. Write us today. UK- K.H.UL.Z LftDiCAb CO, Dept. IMAi. Buffalo, N. X. J COCPOiT rKEK Me Treatment DR. KELLY'S FORM DEVELOPER c Plissfflaffiiiii The Greater Olds, Wortman, Ring Store Boys5 Air Ship Contest and Meet Jan 23d to 28tii Entries Close Saturday. January 21st An event of interest to all boys under 18 years of age. We will positively not permit any professional -made models to enter for prizes. Every model airsnip, aero plane, or biplane entered for prizes must be made by the exhibitor a boy under ,18 years of age. The judging will be done by citizens not connected with the store, the points being Workmanship, Ability to Stay in the Air, Distance of Flight, Original Ideas, etc. This contest offers better prizes and greater inducements to exhibitors than any liKe contest ever conducted in Port land. Many interesting features will be introduced as the meet progresses. Remember, entries close Sat., Jan. 21. Virmt Prize. S25.00 Cash II Fourth Prize, $5OQ Order Second Prize, $20.00 Cash Third Prize, $5.00 Order Seventh Prize, uraer s A $1 Merchandise Order to Every Exhibitor Full Details and Entry Blanks May be Obtained at Advertising Department, 5th Floor. Watch the Daily Papers for Further Announcements Fifth Prize, $5.00 Order Sixth Prize, $5OQ Order Brought from N. T. Storerooms. ALSO GOWNS SEIZED Ey U. S. Government Sold to Us Dec 14, 1910 For Non-Paym:nt of Duty ON SALE Commencing Tomorrow ONE WEEK ONLY SUITE 41S IMPERIAL HOTEL Washington - Street Entrance. AT ONE-THIRD APPRAISED VALUE Pony Coats- Made of finest flat Rus sian pony and caracul skins, lined with beau tiful satin, jeweled but tons. VALUE 150. 16 Black Se!s- Made of finest black Belgium HARE; open I rug muff; long, silky, hair: skina marked Baf fin's Bay, a guaranty of finest quality, most ex-' oept tonal bargain. VALUE 70. PRICE! $34 PRICK $22 12 Ki k Fets- Made of finest genuine j Eastern mink procura-. PRICE ble: ehawl effect: ani-; mal muff, 30 heads tails, paws; an op- nortunltv not to bi overlooked. Guaranteed VALUE 130. i 8 Alaska S b'e Sets- Made of the finest Alas ka sable or skunk skins, large pillow or rusi muff and beautiful1 shawl collar. Pointed, like silver fox. Store-' keepers' VALUE fllO. PRICE $36 11 G nis' Coats- Of finest broadcloth, shell lined beautifully with exceptionally per fect skins, large shawl Persian lamb collan. cuffs and facing; finest tight curl skins; best coat for automoblling. VALUE $126. Mustb, seen to be appreciated. PRICK $39 ALSO A NUMBER OF GOWNS CON FISCATED BY C. 6. GOVERNMENT. foyns- Most beautiful crea tions; made by finest Parisian tailors, costing over 1100 each. PRICES $22 DOT MISS THIS SALE MOST ASTONISHING OFFER EVER MADE, TO Bl'Y MOST BEAUTIFUL FURS AT THESE! LOW PRICES- CALL AT ONCE. SUITE 415 IMPERIAL HOTEL Washington - Street Entrance.