THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. JANUARY' 15. 1911. onions up again Country Selling Price Ad vanced to $1.75. DEMAND IS INCREASING Frreze In Texas Will Delay Compe tition From That State CntU tho Local Crop Is Disposed Of. Th selling; pric cf onion wa ad vanced IS cents a hundred to I1.7S at th regular weekly meeting of th Confederated Onlongrowere" Asocla tlon ytrdr. Tha market la dedded lr Arm and a further advasca la not far off. Few (row.n wera willing to Mil at the old quotation of $1.40. and on!y eight care were moved out In the past week, leaving 17V car In Ilrat handa. At the advance yeterdy there waa mora disposition to aelU and aeveral cara were dlepoaed of after the cloia of the meeting. The demand waa In no way checked by tha rl. The activity of the coming week will depend entirely on the weather. If the cold wave continue It la not likely that many cara will be Bold. Tha mar keta on the Sound and at .Spokane ar firru. but trade there la checked by low temperature. California ellll hu ome prior grade onion left and order from that quarter are not expected for a week or 10 day. Advice received from Texa ar that the freexe.ln that tat baa given the crop a sertou setback at La re Jo. Uie center of tha Texas onlongrowlng in dustry, the thermometer fell to li de gree. Kstimatea of the damage done to the growing crop cannot, of course, be made at this time, but mall reports ar that the early onion were Injured :o. per cent and lale planting & to 10 per cent. One thing la certain, and that is that the Texas crop ha been et back, which meana the lengthening of the Oregon season. The Brit Texa onion usually come on this market about tha middle of April, but last year it was April 23 before the first car appeared, owing to Just such a frees aa tha bouth la havlngthls year. At the rate that Oregon onions ar going out. th entire crop will be old befor that time: There will also be no late competition from California, so, on the whole, th Oregon grower ar confident of good price up to tha last. . TRAPING 1"V Morn BITWI13 DEALERS Omly frrveoty Bales Yaklmaa Ar Left la (rowers' Haada. Th only business passing In th hop market is between dealers. Growers ar holding out for 10 cents, but th Eastern buyers ar Iow In raining their bid. Among the transaction yester day waa th purchase of a carload of Bitverton bop by th Seavey Hop Com pany from a Salem dealer, at 18 hi eent. Twenty-cent option that ezplr Monday, tav ben taken by a few dealer. Business closed in Washington yes terday reduced the stock of Taklmaa in Brat hands to 71 bale. In Western Washington ther are only 59 bale unsold, making a total of 129 bales in growers' hands In that tate. Th growers" stork In Oregon stands at 1449 bales, and In California tVer are only 350 bales. Not to exceed 1000 bale of Sonoma remain to be mark eted. In California SO-cent options l.av been taken on Sonoma and 19-cent option on Sacramento. Fourteen cr-nt ha been offered for three-year contract Id California. BernharJ Ffcig write from Nurem berg, under date of December i. of th (im.u market, as follows: "Th tendency of our market 1 ex ceedingly firm, aad price have again advanced 10 marks for all descriptions. Kxporter and home consumption ar dally buyer and ar taking freely 300 to 400 bales a day at continually rising prices. Receipt of th market ar very liplrt and stocks are smaller than in other years at Uie correspond ing period." - IRH CASH. lot. IN. TRICK LOWER ItTir-M Maalag ri4 Tine Frew New .Otlrmas te fort land. Trade was quit brisk in th fruit and vegetable market in spite of th cold weather. Receipt Included. In ad dition to the ateamer goods, two cara of cabbage, one of sweet potatoes, on of oranges and one of lemon. Th arrival of cabbage relieved th scarcity In that line. Th stock wa In fine, hard condition and was offered at I l.:i C I SO. Several cars of cab' are due In the coming week. I'otatoea were firm with 'the Job bing price advanced to 11 :S tt 1.&0. The supply oa the street was meager and la not likely to be replenished for some tlm. Potato are tending higher all along the Coast. The quotation at Seattle yeaterday was 11.75. At San Francisco. Orenon Burhanka wer quoted at II SS 1 J. Five cara of bananaa ar due Monday or Tuesday. They were reported en route to be In good condition. The Southern Paclnc is making flrst-clas tlm with Its banana trains this Win ter. Th running time from New Or leans la TH to days. While the trains make almost paeacngsr time front Lo Angele to Portland. at qllET TRAnnrO IX CRAIX XARKKT Wheal la Weaker, bat aa l.air Oal, and Barley tires. Th week closed quietly In th grain market. In wheat, tho feeling was somewhat weak, btst price wer not quoted lower, parley and oats wera both arm. with little trad paa.lns-. Wheat shipment for th week from Panublan and Russian porta wer aa follows: TM wak. Laat weak. Last rear. Panoblaa . . . l.T1 l.rl'M) IllinO HMUa . . . z.sw.uu 3.vu4.oo Local receipt'. In cara, wer report ed by th Merchants Exchange as fol lows: Wheat. Bartey. Floar. Oe'a Hay. Monday .... Tuea-lay .... V.,1 n--1ay , Thursday ., . lrHT Kilaril.r ... Year If Total ihla wi Tear tf . . as sea la ds Year ago ... a a a j .- 1 a ... , m .... is 4 i .... . 3 s a T a li 1 43 12 Jv 4 44 14 70 l.'i SO M 14 S . S 1T.0 EH IN) loi7 UJT 74 lwJ BlTTtTR MARKET IS FAIULT STEADY CHr Ciuery I p. bat Ther la a aeplaa ar uuwr Blaae. Th hotter market la fairly ateady on elty ermrf brands, which ar clean ing up wall. Thar la still a surplus of Eastern butter and a good deal of atsldt Oregon creamery ta offering on which price ar being cut. but this ba not affected th market for fresh mad stock. Receipt of local egg were small and th market waa firm with most ale at I cents. A car of Eastern eg its arrived In the forenoon. Z&a jaaiXot clo4 firm oa all kind of poultry, which cleaned up. Dressed meal wer also firm, a Bank Clearings. Hank clearings of th Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland 11.4.-.. 714 2 Keattle l.43.3o 21 .. Taoma n:!2 Spokane CSl.OOS S484 Clearings of Portland. Seattle and Tacom for the pat- week and corresponding week m former years were: Tort!anr1. Seattle. .Taenma ll1l 11.''M.M3 U.S13.S3i 4.S19.3.'J ICO 10.4A3.S:- 12.3?3.0 i.&;2 Wt 1:m,-( T.ool.1'17 .2.T.'3 li-'S-JJ? 1:hS 6.41!3( 7.3JS.M7 3..2.537 1K07 S.M3.T4S S-;-S? tsAaSil i.-. 4 VTW30I 4 07.hl S.043.S3J ZZ ::::: i -li-H 1UU1 S.tll.m 3.u.0o 2.1O0.143 fORTLAP MABAtTl Grain. Hoar. Feed, Etc. N WHEAT Track prtcee: Blnestem. S4 4 IJS: clab. tlitUo: red Kuaslao. 0c; Vall.v. 3c; 40-folil. 83US4C. BAHLEV Feed. i3 0 2 per ton; brew Ins. i:i:7.At pr tun. I1L1.SVI'S Uran. IS3.S0O24.30 P' ton; oilldlic 3K nor la, w.jii.t.. rdiwa DKnei, .ua . , I.OU - i -.r ... Iltl Pe .."ar.:!;" atralsbta. 4 1u: exports -0: ' er. I. it: srauaa. .iwboe t"'"" . . w ... li A 1 I -trv prices; innomr. " " ' V:. l!O-0 p.r ton: lUatera Orl. alfalfa. 14: srata bay. H4.M vis so. clr. 113 14. COBV Whole. cracked. per to. OATS No. 1 white. 2 per ton. Tecetables aad FnUta. . trr r-a M1I1 Raldwln. TScO II 3: Northern fpy. OovulLSi; Bnow Sl.W: l:ed CheeX Flppin. 41 U 1-0; Winter Banana. 1T2. FpUiacbarg. ll.23lrX.7a; fallow SACK VirUtTABLCS Carrota. flLU baadred; par.nlta. flOt-U; turalpa, l. Mta. OKI EN FKUITS Prara. 11.150 ".?A rrapes. 75cll per box; Malagas lw- p.r barrel, rantrrrlea. l':al-M Pr bar--al: rc-ilirmon. 1 1 - No per "JOx, VEOETAH1.KS 114c Pr ptin: cabbaca. li :i1.4- per hundred; cauliflow er. 4 1. 1 J par crate; celery. California. J ? 3.6 per crate; cucunioera. 1 per doi. ici,iM. lli1.25 per crate; garlic. ..t-l Mr nm rrfCll ODjnna. 1 3C Per doirn." hea- lettuce. 4uiOc per doxen: botbouae lettuce. Tl:0i P" pei;(,ra I3. per lb-; punipaias. 11H Pr lb., xadanea. liuOe per aosea. aprou-.a suae: aquash. lelaa per l-t tomatoee. t J ir bom. Ti.oPtCAI. FBriTS Ornee. naela 11 V - i per box; Japanese. It per bund:. tansarlnea. 3 per boa; lemons. 4; Florida grapefruit. 4-ti: California crape fruit, Mliiiii; bauanaa, e per pound; pine apple. c per pound. 1-OTATOtS Oregon, boring price. 1 per hundred; aweet potatoes. 13.73 per hundred. O.Nlo.NS Bujlng piica. I1.7B per hun dred. Dairy aael Caaatrv Freaeee. TOULTRT LH-e: Hena IS 01c: Bprlnrs. l.llKc. turkeya uu-lc; ducka 'ici gerae 14c: dr.aaed turkea, choice. SoC EliOe Oregon ranch. candled. alc, aO3c: baatern. 27w30c. CHEKE Kull cream. twine. trtS4J17c per; lun America, ITHvlSd. BV.TTEM Cltr creamery extra, t and 1 pound prints, la boxa. Hoc par pound; lass Uia:i rt-ua. carton and delivery emtra. 1'ORK Fancy, HSU 10 per pound. VlAb tuui a to trouuua, U014e per pound. Cracartea. Dried Frulta. Eta. DKIEU FRUIT Apple, loe per pound; Cur.-anta. liltllljc: apricota. 140 loe. datea. package. loe per In.: Sga boik. While or b.aca. by aack, ftua. 11.W I. Ii. li-la. aOe; Se-la, iu; io-la. aoe. aiujma lac bA UIUN-Columbia River. 1-pound tall 12.10 per dosea; a-pound telle, I pound f ata. iit; Alaaka pink. 1-pound una 11X3 red. 1-pound tall. ISo. COFFEal Koasted. In drums. SS034O pel ruobtl' Nll'.i Walnuts. lW17o per pound: Bra- :l nute, 1-c; Dlberta. ldc; almonda. iolac; pacana. abc, cocoa inula. BOcUil Per ocien. cnesinuta, laS par pound; hickory nuta, scelOe per pound. ALT liranulateu, 1S per tna: Hall ground, 100a. JS.40 par ton; sue. IV par toe. BEANS email white. 4 tee; large won 4Sc. Lima. Iso; pink, Sle. red Mexlcana, 4s,c; bayou. I ItlCE Mo. 1 4apaaw 4tte: cheaper grades. tS3oj4.i6; Soulbero bead. ISO 7c. . HONEY Choice. SAJft par cm, siralned. Ilio p.r pound. bUtiAR i.-y granulated, fruit and berry. IT SO; keel. IVSO; extra C. II; golden C II. VO; yellow V.. 4.0, cubes tbarrelsi. 4M4: powdered, I4.SO. Terma oa remii tancee althln 13 daya. deduct Vc per pound, u later than II daa and wttbla 50 dare, educi las or pound. Map I auger. It a laa aar -freuaa. ? MAMS 10 to 12 pouSda 17Hc: U t 14 pound.. iTSe; 14 to IS pound. liH. akinned. 17 he: picnics, lie; cottage roll. 14c. BACON Fancy. lc; alandard. , 2c; choice. 3c; Anglian. 20c kMuKl.1) MfcATa Beef tongues, lie; dried- beef seta. ::c; outaides. nom; Insldes. Sic: knuckles, i:a DIIY HALT CtKEO Regular short clears, dry salt. 14 Sc: amoked. 14c; backa. light. aa;t. ICic! siuuked. 14c; backa, heavy, salt. 14c; amoked. laVtc. exporta, salt. 14c. ainokvd. 17 Sc. L.vKl Kcille rendered, tierces. II So; tuoe. 14c; stsndard pure, tierces, 11 So; tuba, 11 c; choice, tierces. Use; tubs, USc; shortening, tierces, lwSO tuba lOSc. Hope. Weal. Ill dee. Eta. HOPS 11 crop. 110110; 1141 crop, 11 V 14c; contracts. 13ulc WwL taatern uregoa. 110 le per lb., according to shrinkage; valley, 17011a per ponnd. AlOHAIR Choice. ISOllc. imaha tiAKK. sc per ponnd. HIDfc baited Mdea. SS0TSo per lb.: salt.d calf, lac; called kip. 7 So; salted staka. ec; green bides, le less: dry hides, ll,vlic; dry call. 17lsc: dry stsgs. 11 1-c. I'tLTS Dtj. lOHe: aalted. botch. r Laxe olf. 4ua73c: Spring lamba, 2tM4v Oils. LINSKFD OIL Pur raw In barrels. II. oa: kettle boiled. In bsrrels, IL0&; raw, la caaea, 41.03: kettle boiled. In caeea. (1 10. Lota of JCo aallona. 1 rent leaa per gailon. COAL UIL Mater White, eaava 17c. wood bbia.. 11 Sc. iron bbla. Sc; liaadllght, cases ISHc. wood bblaa 13Sc. Iron bbia 11 Sc. hacene. case roc; special Water White, wood tbla. 17c, iron bbla. 13c: Klalna, caaea 21c; Latra rear, eaaea 2oe: V. XL A . aapiba, caaea. JiHc; iron bbla, USc GAbOLlNfc: Ked Crown or motor gaaotlae, caaea. 24c: Iron bbTS . 17o; b gasoline, caaea t; Sc. Iran br:a. xbc; Aroturpa. cases 4oo iron bbUL. SSc;, engine dutlilate, caaea lac, ra b b kl-. Sc. , H1LLFEED PtliGES CUT IiRAX AXD SHORTS IKCI-IXE ONE DOLL. VII AT SETTLE. Canned Milk In Overu)ily and Ser eral Condcnacrlcs . May Close. Storage Butter Stocks Large. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 14. (Special. Wheat was weak and lower today, with S3 cents the top purchasing quotation. Dealers asked ss casta from sillers, but the latter would not pay thai price. Prices were shaded a ha,f cent stl around oa tha Mer ehsnts Eachang. The price of bran and shorts waa cut 41 per ton. the former aow being quoted at 124. 50 and the latter at Ji. MX The cold weather haa etlfTened the bar market, but prices are unchanged. Notwithstanding rather heavy receipts of fresh eggs from Cslirornia a firmer tone de veloped In the egg trade, due partly to the hlg?.er prtcee quoted la th gouth aad also lo the Increased local demand. Storaae butter Is weak snd offered all the way from 21 to 3a rem a Freeh butter, bow ever. Is scarce and unchanged In price. The condensed milk market Is badly ranted, ow ing bo a large over-supply, li was rumored looar that aeveral ror.deneerles are likely to e;oee and the ereata will ba eenl to the creameries. The local supply of storage butter la the heaviest ever held here at this time of the year. Trade In fruits and vegetables wss dulL Retail stocks are known to be badly de pleted, snd as enon as the weather moder ates, dealers expect 4a do a reoord-breatt-tnc buslncsa Ths potato market continued Arm. Hold ers of large slock, are very bulileb la their Idru and were bold a. high as l&o. The onion market waa ateady at the new 2.00 price. In isai d meats closed strong, with veal at It oente aad fancy Leaf at XX oenta, GO TO ALL SECTIONS Wide Distribution of Apples by Northwestern Exchange. SALES IN 124 MARKETS Orer 700 Carloads Handled This Season Bayers Found In Eu ropeMany Markets Tet to lie Developed. ( The market bulletin of tha North western Fruit Exchange follow: The general situation . on boxed ap ples Is strong;. Foreign markets con tinue active and strong-. The domestic demand Is coming- chiefly from Middl Western and Southwestern district. IV e have sold to an exporter eight car of Ben Davis for shipment by th Koguo River Fruit, and Produce Associa tion at Med ford, a follows: 8lx care) t-S choice gra.4 at 90c, 1-4 fancy. 1-10 f. o. b. Med ford; also, two car oC full ripe Ben Davis, also for shipment from lledford at 10c less. W have sold to a Arm in Oklahoma, for shipment from Medford, one straight car choice Ben Davis at 80c. We hava sold to a Ann at Portland, Me., for ship ment from Medford, one straight car choice Bona at 80c To another firm in Oklahoma, for ship ment from Medford. car containing about i-1 choice Ben Davis at SOc, 1-3 fancy at 11.15. We hav sold to a grocery houe in Oklahoma, for shipment from Medford. another car of Ben Davis 1-3 choice at 90c. 1-S fancy at U5 All of these cars wii be loaded promptly and shipped out on these orders. We report sale of car PFE 4476. from Boise. Idaho. 'January 7, 6"0 boxes fancy Rome Beauty at $1.40 per box f. o. b. Boise, to a firm in Milwaukee. Wa believa It will be of general In terest to th fruitgrowers at this time In hava a lief nr tha rllfTarenr market tO which Northwestern apples) have been J distributed during the season of 1810 by the Northwestern Fruit Exchange. This list Is particularly Impressive, a the exchange believes It to represent by all odds the widest distribution that North western boxed apple have ever under gone In the history of the Industry, and yet ' In aubmttting this list we wtah to call attention to the fact that there are dozens of markets which are available a car-load consumers of Northwestern ap ples which hav not yet been developed. "Rome was not built in a day." The j Exchange ha extensive plans which it J proposes to put Into effect next season, whlcb will undoubtedly result In winning a large number of saw markets for our fruit. Th distribution this season has ben In the following markets: Domestic Alabama. Blrmincham. Mo bile, Montgomery; Arkansas, Texarkana; British Columbia, Vancouver! Colorado, Denver; Georgia, Atlanta, Macon. La Grange; Illinois, Chicago, Peoria; Indiana, Indianapolis, Evanavllle: Iowa. Des Molnea, Keokuk, Burlington, Council Bluffs, Waterloo; Kansss, Hutchinson. Concordia, Wichita. Independence. Coffejr vtlle; Kentucky, Louisville; Louisiana, New Orleans, Shreveport; Manitoba, Winnipeg; Minnesota, Minneapolis. St, Paul, Winona; Minnesota, Albert Lea; Maine, Portland; Maeastchusetts, Worces ter, Boston; Montana, Helena, Butte; Missouri. St. Joseph, St. Louis. Carthage. Kansas City; Nebraska, Holdrege. Oma ha; New York, New York City, Buffalo; North Dakota, Fargo. Portland; Ohio, Cincinnati. Daytan, Toledo. Akron, Cleve land, Bellefontalne. Youngstown: Okla homa. Ardmore, Tulsa, Guthrie, Oklahoma City, Enid. Muskogee, McAlester, Purcell, El Reno, Shawnee, Chickaaha. Lawton. liobart; Oregon. Portland; Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Pittsburg; South Dakota, MltcberV, Redfield. Huron, Gettysburg, Watertown; Tennessee, Memphis. Knox ville. Nashville; Texas. Crockett, Hous ton, Pari. Dallas, Fort worm, an ah I tonlo. Coialcana. Greenville, Beaumont. Stamford. Big Spring. Cisco. 8herman, I Galveston. Ti ler. Abilene. Denlspn; Utah, I Salt Lake City; Virginia, Richmond; Wis consin, Milwaukee; District Columbia, V Binmgiuu Foreign Germany, Hamburg; England, Bedford. Birmingham, Brentford, Brigh ton. .Croydon, Eastbourne, Hastings, Hull, Ipswich, Leeds, 'Liverpool, London, Man cheater. Newcastle. Newport Mon, Nor wich, Plymouth, Sheffield, Southampton, Tunbrldge Wells; Ireland. Belfast, Dublin- Wales, Cardiff; Scotland, Glasgow, The Northwestern Fruit Exchange haa bandied thla season something over 700 car-loads, which have been distributed, as you will nota by this list, to 134 dif ferent markets.- Comparing the number of markets to the total number of car, shows an average of distribution which Is truly remarkable. There is no ques tion but what this proportion has never been even approached relatively." Th Exchange wlhe partlcuJarly to call attention to th. distribution In the United Kingdom, there having been em ployed 24 different market in England. Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This fruit was all sold at private sale by the beat fruit aleamen in the United Kingdom, and under the most perfect system of fruit distribution In existence In Europe. Th Exchange Is now preparing com parative tatment of Its sales average coverlna all class of fruit for th ea pon. Thera Is no dependable means of comparing the result with those obtained by Independent shippers, as very few of these shirkers reduce "their results to statement form. However. Judging. from Information whlcb reaches ua from various sources, th Exchange has reason to bellev that ita average will prov to be higher than thos obtained under any other ystm of marketing now In -xlMenc. . - The Exchange points with pardonable pride to the fact that over W per cent of lta bustnesa has been conducted on a strictly f. o. b. merchandise basl of ala. AU of Its efforts have been directed to this end. believing that the divorce r .nv fruit Industry from the old con signment method Is indispensable to sue- ' CesSTUi opernuon. -- point of the shipper and of the best das of buying trade a well. PBODICE AT SAX. FRANCISCO. Quotations Current In 'the Bay City Mar. - ket. BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 14. Th follow ing produce price wera current today: Vegetables -Cucumbers. TSetftl; garlic. c; green peas. rtgSc;. string bana, lo "oc tomatoes. 73eoll: eggplant, 710o. v Huuer Kancy creamery. .c. '. btora. SOc; fancy ranch. 330. c-'haoee Young America. 154loc, Mlllstuffs Bran. I2TO80; rmadllngs, 133 CHay Wheat, lofl 14: wheat and oat. 190 13- alfalfa. I813.0. Fruit Apples, choice. .-.c: common, 40c; Mexican lima. I4,4.ft0: California lemons, 'hole.. IT50; common, l il.; orange, navel. "XXTrZrZi f,.M- Burbanka. 12i2.10; sweet. I303.25; Oregon Wurbanks. I l.iui RecefpsMour."' 1614 quarter . sacks; wheat 2!5 centala: bartey. 11.070 centals; oatl T25 centala: potatoes. 110 sacks; bran. n. sacks; -.Iddlluss, 110 sacks; hay. 140 Ions. Coffee and Sugar. NEW- TORK. Jan. 14. Coffee futures closed barely ateady at a net decline of l-til points. Sales lt.7r.O bags. January, llaso; February. 11.43c; March. April and iuy. la.0va; Joa. U-aKo; July, la.; August, 1140c: September, 11.38c; ci""' la.bc; isovoraoer anu itv.".-,.. , Spot coffee quiet; No. 1 Rlo lc: No. 4 Santos. 14H614Uc; mild coffoe dull, Cordova, 1S1DC. Raw augar nominal; muscovado, .aa test.; centrlfugsl. .US test. 3.61c; molasses sugar. .bS test, 2.86c . Refined sugar quiet. Irried Fruit at Sfew York; KEW YORK. Jan. 14. Evaporated apples. Inactive and a little easier although not quotably lower; on the spot, fancy Is Quoted at 12S13c; choice, 11 Sc; prime, 104 10prunes. quiet, but offerinis are not large; prices firm. Quotations from 64 i00 for California, up to S0-4OS and 10 110 for Oregons from 60s to 30s. Peaches, firm, with small offerings; choice. tS07c; extra choice, 88Sc; fancy, 8. "He t . Hope, Etc at New York. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. Petroleum, steady; reilned.' New York, barrel. 17.40; refined. New York. bulk. S3.DO; Philadelphia, bar rels, 17.40; Philadelphia, bulk. 3.90. Wool, steady; doroestle fleece. 82c Hops. Arm; state common to choice, 1910. 93jr3!c; 1000. 17S0c; Pacific Coast, 1010, lHU2Jc; l'.KlU. 134J ltlc Hides, dull; Central America, 21 c; Bo gota, 22 23c. AT THE CLOSE CATTLE AXD HOGS FIND READY . BUYERS. Mutton. Stock Alone Is Slow of Sale. No Grain-Fed Sbeep or Lambs Offering Th livestock market cam to a close with prices steady to firm all around. Among the receipts aere five 'cars of sheep from Montana, titeera aold during the day at til to 18.29 and a large bunch of cows went at 45 15. The market during the week has been a fairly active one. In the cattle line steers predominated and buyer, took up everything of quality offered at full price. Butcher stock was not very plentiful, and was firm throughout. The hog market showed Its customary strength In spite of fairly large receipt. In ahe.p, buyers showed more or less Indifference, their wants having been well filled. Very little grain-fed mutton has been offered lstely. The receipts yesterday were 884 cattle and 14.10 sheep. shippers of the stock were A. R. Ford. 6herltlaa. three cars cf sbeep; E. B- Wll lard. Halley, Idaho, 2 cars of cattle; E. Yount. Ugden. Utah, S cars of cattle; A. F. Huot. Salt Lake, cars of cattle: H. Y. Blackwell. Olenns Ferrya Ideho. 1 car of catile, and A. R. Boboskey, Red Rock. Mont,, S cara of aheea. The days sales were as follows: - . Weight. Price. 2S steers W5 -23 8 bulls , 10 V 204 cows 077 5.13 steer I -0 30 steers 0 -0 X bull 1150 4.-3 Prices current on the various classes of stock at the Portland Union Stockyards wer a. follows: Pr?metlsteers ' r7 00'!-'! Good to choice steers 4.60 0 7.04 Fair to good steers 4.0 ? 4.30 Common steers 4.14 if 6.7S Choice to prime cows 415 V o- Good to choice beet cowl 4.75 t.25 Fslr to choice beef cows 4.1.0 4 l Common to fair beef cows t oo 4.04 Good to choice heifers S.T5f 6.00 Fair to sood heifers 6.000 S.50 Common to fair heifers.; 4000 4.25 Choice to good fat bulls 4.600 4.75 Fslr to good fat bull 4.00 0 4.29 Common bulls . .'. 1 50 0 1.2. Good to choice light calves 6-25 0 6.75 Fair to good light calves 6.OO0 6.25 Good to choice heavy calves.... 4.26 0 4.00 Fair to good heavy calves 4.7S0 1.2$ Common calves 1.75 4 4.7S Good to choice stags 4.600 1.00 Fair to good stags 4-00 0 4.60 Hoss Choice hogs 8.90O S.10 Good to choice hogs 8.750 8.90 Sheep Yearling wethers, grain-fed 4.75 1.04 Old wetherl, grain-fed 4.2.10 4.64 Good to choice ewes, grain-fed.. 8.25 0 8.75 Feeders ' 2. " n) 3.00 Choice lambs, grain-fad 4.239 6.50 Good to choice, grain-fed g.000 25 Fair to good 1.25 0 6.7$ Poor lambs 4.9.0 6.00 Hay-fed sheep and lambs 6O0 lower than grain-fed. Chicago TJrestoek Market. ' . CHICAGO. Jan. 14. Cattle Reeelnts es timated. .00; msrket steady. Ueavea, I4.b307.1O; Texaa leers,; West- . .. . 1 111. ltA.1l, H 11 Twl fBfl,m 3.Si3JWl; cows and belters, S2.6S&O.30; calves. 37.50 1O.00. Hoes Receipt., estimated, 12 000 market steady. -Light. S7.7urg7.vo; mixed, vi.wa 7.i5: heavy. 17.1007.95; rough. I7.7O07.SO: good to choice heavy. 7. 80 7.95: pigs, 37.40 8.05; bulk of sales. - 17.75 07.90. Hheep Receipts, estimated, 1500; market steady. Native. Z 60S 8.60: Weatern. 12.45 i4.45: yeariinge. f4.6U0i.75; iambs, native, 14.73 66.55; Weatern. 15 g 4.45. HEAVY FLOW OF CASH NEW YORK ' BANKS' AVEEKIX GAIN XWENTY-SUC MILLIONS. Surplus Reserve Figures Brought to Unprecedented Amount tor This ' Season of Year. ' v NEW YORK. Jsn. 14. Th statement of clearing-house banks for the week shows that the bank hold 127,308,250 more than th requirements of the 25 per cent re serve rule. This Is an Increase of 17.a95,f0 In the proportionate cash roeervs aa com pared with last week. The statement fol lows: Bally average Decrease. Loan. 11,2111.0:4.800 S H.410.SIH) Kpecl 2.'.T. (., UK) 18.SOO,70 IKal tenders T3.H32.rVX -2.lrtl.mK) L214.U53.4O0 ll.V.X-l'K) Circulation 47.M5.tl00 2t.i3.700. Iteserve JWil.J ju,(mi -2U,7ffl,7UU Keecrve required . . 8(3.73!).3.'i0 2.865.850 Purolus 27.3UK.260 17.8I'5,8"0 Ei-U. 8. deposit... l.tiSO.400 28.3U0 Actual condition Loans 1.2S3.815.500 18.273.8nO bpecle ami.008.10O e23.304.3iK) L-gal tenders 74.5:8.80 2.7H4.IOU. Deposits 1,241. 213.IIOO 44.05.200 Circulation 47.37O.600 248.300 Reserve S44.1GI.o 2,128.0oO Reserve required . 81o,3i3,475 ll.01tt.3o0 Surplus . 83.881,423 16.112,7i0 Kx-U. 8. Deposits, .. l.72,ow 37.0OO Increase. 8ummary of state banks and trait com panies In Greater New York not reporting to the New York Clearlng-Houae: lrC s? 9 Loans .".ll.OaT.lrmOO $32,575,300 Specie 114.1108.200 8,302.700 Legal tenders .... 2."5.S0il 32ll.00 Total deposits 1,122,040.100 88,788,500 The Flnanoler will say: The tremendous flow of cash te New York from the""lnterlor last weak, amounting, ac cording to the clearlng-hpuae statement of Saturday, to f-20, 12i',ooo. onersted to bring the surplus reserve figure to an amount un precedented at this season of tha yaar. Th loans of the banks mad, a rather unex pectedly heavy lncreas of 818,273,800, and this, with tha cash incresse noted, en larged deposits by 144,063,300, Ths In creased reserve requirement on the deposit expanaion required of Itself over 1 1,000.000. so that the sain In reaerve was only $15. 112.7O0, bringing the present surplus abovs the 25 per cent minimum to $33,801,425. Ths present cash reserve of the bsnks, taking the statement of actual conditions as a basis, is 27.7 per cent. Ths statement of averagas showed a gain of over $20,000,000 In casb. but since in the statement of average loan wer decreased Jh.410.000, much of the cash gain went to swell the surplus and that Item, figured on th average baala, stsnds at $27,808,230. An Interesting feature of the reports of trust companiea and outside Institutions Sat urday was a decrease of $32,575,300 In loans, a loss of $3.S0d,O0O in caeh and a decrease In net deposits of $35,153,300. Nuturslly some of these decreases were caused by the elimination of a large trust company since the end of the previous weak, but even so this does not acoount altogether for the decrease In trust companiea' totals and it seems from the statement of clearing house banks that they have taken over a large number of loans from the trust com paniea. Flax at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 14. Flax oa track aof to anlTS. IXbS; May. STEEL MOVING UP Stock in Strong Demand at Higher Prices. . READING IS ALSO ; ACTIVE - . , . Lehigh Valley Shows Strength on Transactions Foreign Demand for American Bonds Bank Statement Favorable. NW TORK, Jan. 14. Resumption of yesterday's buying: movement in stocks waa a feature at th opening; today, though in moderate form. Early transac tions wera conspicuous for the extent of th trading; In United States Steel and Beading-, both showing smart gains. Soil ing by traders, presumably for profit, 6on wiped out tha g;reater part of Raad lngJe advance, but Steel held compara tively steady. Trading: fell off in th second bour, which was notable chiefly for the atrangth of Lehigh Valley and th cyratlons of GoldQeld Consolidated, a mining- stock whica closed yesterday at 6Ti and sold down to Shi today. This Issue was only- recently listed ori ths exchange and at do time haa had much support. , . - . The bank statement more than ful filled expectations as to the cash gain, which was over 126,000,000. The uncer tainties of tha week were demonstrated in the actual loan account, which In creased over 118,000,000.' Reserves, how ever, show a very substantial gain. Tha enormous reduction of loans by state banks and trust companies $32,500,000 Indicates that some of these institutions found it inconvenient during the week to shift the burden of loans to th clearing-house banks. A further lncreas . in the number of imj cars waa officially announced to day, making a total of about 110.000 cars. News from abroad reported a further hardening of discounts at London, du primarily to soma fear concerning Feb ruary settlements. European Investors are showing much greater Interest in American securities, chiefly the high grade bonds, although there has been steady buying of Canadian Pacific, Union Pacific, United States Steel and Copper shares for continental aocount. Total sales of bonds, par value, $1,994,000, United States Government bonds wer unchanged on call, this week. Closing Low, Bid. 28 64 . 64 . . .. 46 ,! 40 0 0 53 G2 f.S 68 20 20 18 17 ... .. 11 , 40 40 76 TS 104 . 104 45 45 115 115 142 142 4 94 81 81 80 103 103 101 118 117 107 108 , 80 80 76 76 107 107 20 26 102 101 280 88 83 80 23 23 86 36 143 -124 124 65 64 82 82 68 68 140 141 14 14 167 17 80 30 70 83 -3S 28 27 46 46 88 85 151 150 124 124 68 68 124 133 10 64 54 112 112 15 15 12 12 40 40 18 18 33 83 65 IIS 111 111 145 145 26 26 136 1311 85 85 63 114 49 49 -116 ' 65 65 87 37 110 110 42- 41 102 102 65 65 117 117 28i . 27 127. l7 107 97 08 18 ... ..'81 ...... 159 S3 32 1.10 155 32 32 83 - 03 30 31 61 01 40' 41 24 61 60 61 61 116 116 27 27 63 63 33 83 26 a!6 23 22 61 . 52 175 175 S3 ' OS V. 8 "87 37 76 76 118 118 46 46 64 63 10 35 33 . 60 60 67 66 74 74 - 4 4 177 178 Allls Chal pf .. Amal Copper . . Am Agrlcul . . . Am Bet Sugar.. American Can.. Am Car It Fdy. Am Cotton OH... Am Hd A Lt pt Am Ice 8eour .. Am Linseed . . . Am Locomotive 3.700 64 2,900 400 500 500 000 41H 9 3 5 21 V, 800 .Wi 666 'ib'hi Am Emel A Ret 7,200 76. do preferred. . Am steel toy 800 45 Am Sugar Ref.. 100 116 Am Tobacco pt. Am Woolen . Anaconda M Co . Atchison do preferred.. . Atl Coast Line.. Bait A Ohio . .. i Bethlehem Steal Brook 'R Tran.. 100 200 944 81 200 118 200 8,400 80 76 Central Leather 1.JO0- 21i do preferred.. 100 102 Central of N J'.. Ches A Ohio 3,400 - 83 Chicago A Alton . Chi lit west . do oreferred. 700 23 H 86. 1.800 Chicago A N W ... . C, X . HI f . . C. C, C Bt I. Col Fust A Iron Col A Southern. Coneol Gas .... Cora Products.. Del A Hudson. DAB Grande. . do preferred. . Distillers' Becur 100 600 , 100 1,000 TOO 100 200 65 82 SH, 141H 14H 167 Vi SOs 200 800 800 100 Erie 2SW 4T4 do lit pt da 2d pf . ... Gen Clectrla Ot, North pf .. Gt North Or , , Illinois Central., 86 800 1D1 600 ' 58 400 135 Interbor Met do preferred. . 200 - 64 1, Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf Int Paper Int Pump Iowa Central K C Southern ,. do preferred.. Laclede Gas . . . Louis A' Nash . . Minn a St L I . 100 112 100 1.T5 200 1.300 200 . 700 100 12V, 41V. 18t 83 65 1.400 146 110O 211 -) M. 8 P 8 B M 200 137" Mo. Kan a Tea 2.0O0 89 do preferred.. 100 65 60 Mo Paclflo ..... Nat Biscuit -I Nat Lead Mex N Ry 2 Pf N Y Central . . N Y. Ont A Was 1.SO0 ioo r5 200. 37V4 8,100 111 800 Norfolk West 1,600 13 North American Northern Pao .. Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania ... People's Gas . .. , P. C C St L. Plttaburg Coal.. , Preased S Car - j Pull Pal Car Ry Steel Eprlng. 100 65 T4 18 28 100 08 200 83 do preferred." 4O0 93 Rock Island Co 7,H0 -31 do preferred.. 1.9O0 62 Bt L A S F 2 pf 1.400 42 Bt L Southwest. do preferred.. 2O0 Bloas-Sheffleld 200 62 61 Southern Pac .. Southern Ry . .. do preferred.. Tenn Copper .. Texas A Pac . . Tol. St L Wes do preferred.. Union Pac doJ preferred. -TT B Realty ... 2,000 ' 27 SOU t4 400 400 800 6O0 34 26 23 62 BOO 3 "666 '87 U 6 Rubber U 8 Bteel T8.600 71T d- prererrea.. v.w nn Utah Copper .a 1,000 40 Va-Caro Chem.. 2.000 . 64 Wabasn do preferred.. 1.200 Western Md ... ,2,000 Westing Elec 100 Western Union.. 600 Wheel A L B.; 100 i.hi.h V.llfv . 82.600 95 7 75 Total sales for th dsy. 300.800 shares. ' BONDS. -. , . NEW YORK. Jan. 14. Closing quotations: U. 8. ref 2s reg.l00'N.. Y. C. gn 3s 80 do coupon ...100'No. Pacific 3s... 70 TJ. 8. 8s reg 102 So. Pacific 4s... 100 do coupon ...102 ll?nlon Pacific 4s00 V. B. new 4S reg.U5jWls. Central 4s. 63 do coupon ...115 Japanese 4s HOB D. 4 R. O. 4s... 63l Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. Money on call, nominal; time loans, very steady, 60 and 90 days. 8S per cent; six months, 3 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4 to 4 per cent. Sterling exchange, firm, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.882504.S260 for 60-day bli:a and at $4.8595 for demand. Com mercial bllla, $4.11 4.82. Bar sllvet 64 c Mexican dollars. 45c Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, firm. LONDON. Jan. 14. Bar silver, quiet, at 25d per ounce. Money, 8 4 per cent. Th rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 8 13-16 per eent; do for three months' bills8 18-1S per cent. BAN FRANCISCO, Jsn. 14. Sterling on London. CO days, $4.87; sight. $4.86. Drafts, sight. 7c; telegrsph. 11c CHICAGO. At on "New lata, sag. , Condensed Report of the Condition of the Banking Departmeni of HARTMAN 8 THOMPSON BANKERS At the Close of Business January 7, 1911 EZS0TJRCES Loans and Discounts Stocks and Bonds Real Estate Yurniture and Fixtures Cash on Hand and Due from Banks LIABILITIES. Capital ; Surplus and Undivided Profits Deposits THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE INCORPORATED 1S67. Head Of floe Toronto, Canada. New Torlt 16 Exchange Place. London 2 Lombard Street. And over 200 other branches In Canada and the United States. Foreign exchange bought and sold and a general banking business tran. acted. Interest allowed on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS. : h C. Malpas, Manager, WHEAT LACKS SUPPORT PRICES WORK LOWER OX THE CHICAGO PIT. Weather Conditions Improve In tho Fall-Sown Grain States Re ceipt Equal Shipments. CHICAGO, Jan. 14. Constant support wa not forthcoming- In the wheat market today and the close was Vic te ic net lowr. Corn finished Vie to V40 down and oats oft VI (I He latest figures for hog- products were the same as last nleht to 17V.0 below. Despite liberal purohases by longs, wheat at no time today aold aa high as at the close of the previous session. On reason was that receipt her were virtually equal In extent to shipments, so that hope for a melting away of supplies appeared aa re mote a ewer. ' Weather conditions In the Fall-sown fcraln states were also believed to hav been materially Improved during the last 24 hours. In the absence of any positive fresh encouragement for the buy ing side, a heavy feeling prevailed from tha start until the final ong. , May ranged from to si.oittG'-OlK and in the end was Sc easier at 1.01 Vi. , Corn tonight was at the lowest point of the week. May .fluctuated between 40o and 6080Vio, closing s off at 4c. Cash corn waa depressed. No. 2 yellow fla- '""ioau? there was good selling by eleva tor concerns and a few ionga May varied from 34o to 34c. with final sales at 34 Vie 84 He. a loss of Vi0H. compared with last night's figures. - Provisions dragged under offerings from packing interests and not a great deal of S.mand from .peculators. Pork closed un changed to lT'rc lower, lard-off 6c to 7Ve and ribs at a decline of 2Vic to TVic The leading futnres ranged a follows: WHEAT.' Low. uiose. July Sept May July Sept.....; May July Sept May Jan .9414 A -49H - .50 .blVi .49 .50 .61 Vi .S4V4 -S3 -33 MESS PORK. 19.10 19-lJVi 1.'V4 18.17V4 10S9 10.60 10.45 10.4S 10.05 ftS:::::: ffiiU-aSiifi- :? ' 10.10 10.13 ',4 l-5 SHORT RIBS. 10T2V4 10.82V4 40.70 19.72 ' info 10.024 10.03V4 Jan May. . . ay.. . ay. ,,,., lasn quoia-iiuua w. - mn,, FlourFirm. Winter patents, 14.S0 4 80- straights. !3.t0j,4.60; Spring patent. best hard. 20? higher than two weeks ago! ralgbt4 50fe".6; bakers. ,I..0fl. BarlTy Fead'or" mixing. 70(SOe; fair to Choice malting, 0i8o. Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, ti.47; I0. 1 Northwestern, I2.S1. Frk'-Mess: per barrel. :0:0.iavi. t . rH per 100. punds. $10.45- iort rlbUsidi?. (loose). 1 10.11 :V4 10.71. Bides Short, clear (boxed), 9ig.7eia.-ll. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and dour wer eouai to 165.000 bushels.. Primary , receipts ware 413.000 bushels, oompared with I6ZS, 000 bushels tho corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat. 19 cars: corn, 178 cars; oats, 191 cars; hogs. 17.000 head. , .,,,. fihiom.nts. Plour, barrel . . Wheat, bushele . . Corn, bushels ... Oats, bushels ... Ryo, bushels . . . Bariey, bushels . .. 24.000 ..618.75 . .167.300 ,. 3.500 .. 14,000 12,400 292.500 173,000 'Yi.ioo European Grain Markets. LONDON. Jan. 14. Cargoes QUlet but steady. Walla Walla for shipment, at 36s 8d. LIVERPOOL Jan. 14. Wheat March, 7s ld; May. 7s 8Vid. Grain at Ban Francisco. 8AN FRANCISCO, Jan. 14. Wheat firm. (ron lp"UQUOtaons Wheat, shipping, 11.67V4 Ba?iey Food, 112Vi 1.17V4 ; brewing. "oats-Red. ll.loeiiSSVi; white, U.47V4 9 1.6; black, 11.23.' Call board sales Wheat, no trading; barley, December. 11.16V4 &1-1; May, Grain Market of the Northwest. TACOMA. Jan. 14. Wheat Bluestem 84Vi6 85c; fortyfold 84c; club S3c; red Kus- S'aRceVpts Wheat, nine cars: barley, on car; oats, en car; hay. IS cara SEATTLE, Jan. 14. Milling quotations Bluestem 85c; fortyfold 83c: club S2c: fife 82c- rtd Russian 80c Export wheat Blue stem 82c; fortyfold 80c; club 7c; fife 70c; red Russian 77c. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, three cars; corn, four cars; barley, two cars; hay. 12 cars; oats, one car. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. At the begin ning of business today the condition of the United States Treasury was: Uncos'1 ,ba!". Ty. ? f:2S.648.229 In bank and Philippine treasury. 84,622,048 Total balance In general fund.... 84.726.41:4 Ordinary receipts yesterday 1.910.131 Disbursements , 2,888.671 The deficit to date this fiscal year is $7. T09.923. as against 127.S41.508 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal ana public debt transactions. New York Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Jan. 14. Cotton opened steady at an advance of four points on January, but generally one point nlgher to two point lower, and closed steady with prices net two points higher to two polrSs lower. January, 14.64c; February, 14.74c; iLaJfch. 14.S4o; Afiril. 14.85c; May. 15-OSo; Open. High. I1.01K $l.ul .6"i .. .85 .9a cort. .BO -SOVt .51 -Si .61 .61 OAT3-- .14 .34 .3 ' .32V .S3 1. $172,856.41 116,282.00 28,575.25 16,984.64 ....... 114,658.21 $449,356.51 .$100,000.00 . 27,913.84 . 321,442.67 $449,356.'51 June. is.02o: July, 15.02c; August, 14.Tlo: Octoben 13.36c Spot closed qulat. Mid-uplands, 14.00c; do gulf. 15.15c. Sales, 1045 bales. Stocks at Boston. Jan. 14. Closing quotations: 13'. Ilnh,wli 45 BOSTON, Allouez Amalg. Copper.. A. 55. L, A 3m. Arizona Com. . . Atlantic litVilNevatla Con. ... 18-4 25 IN'ililsalng Minos.. 10; 14 North Butte 37 5. 4 Nortn laiaa ii-h 13 A C O A 3 M. 12 Butte Coalition. 18 Old Dominion 40 (Osceola .110 Cal. A Arliona. 40Vi parroit ta. ob t-. j ji- Cal. Hecla...5io Centennial 1- Cup. Ran. C. Co. 67 V4 Quincy 70 A bnannon ........ Ji'i Superior 3rt'i Sun & Bos Mln.. S E. Butte Cp. M. Franklin GIroux con Granby Con. . . . 13 fVi'Sup & Pitts Cop. lil-.a . G Tamarack 4:t 37 U. S. S. R. & M. .'15 6Vi do preferred ..116li Greene Cananea. I. Royals (Cop.) 14Mi!Utnh Con. ...... 12 Vs Krr Lake OIUtah Copper Co. 4i Lake Copper 34ttWlnona 84 La Salle Copper 4 Mi Wolverine 116 a Miami Copper... 10) Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO, '.Inn. 14. Butter Steady; ereamerlos, 1027c; dairies, 1723c. ' Kggs Steady; receipts, f.oio cases: at mark, cases included, 327c; first, 2So; prime firsts. 20i:. Cheese Steady: Daisies, 1.1ViJ1Se; Twins. lSV4 013e: Younn Americas, 15 Vhc ltlc; Long Horns, 15Vil6c. London Wool Sales Tuesday. LONDON, Jan. 14. The first series of wool auction sales will be opened next Tuesday and the closing Is scheduled for February 3. During tha first week 63,200 bales will be ottered. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 14. Wool Unchanged) territory ar.d Western mediums, 2l23a; fin mediums, 17lnc: fine, 12' 13c DOESN'T WANT A THRONE Evangelist Chapman Says lie Would Hot Care to Be King. CHICAGO, Jan, 14. "I would rather be a preacher in one of ths most hum ble Baptist churches in Chicago where hearts have been stirred by our recent revival evangelical meeting's than ba President of the United States or Kng of England," said Evangelist J. Wilbur Chapman, in an address at tha monthly dinner of th Baptist Social Union, where he and Mrs. Chapman wer guests of honor. "I do not believa evangelism can solve th problems of today," Dr. Chap man added, "but I want to se evangel istic pastors." . Professor Shailer Mathews, of th University of Chioago, made a plea for funds by which the evangelization of Chicago could be continued. streets are the product of a Paying Expert! TRAVELER'S GCIDJC. O. W. R. & N. Astoria Konte. STEAMER HASSALO. Leaves Portland daily except Saturday at 8:00 P. M. Makes all way landings. Arrives at Astoria at 0:00 A. M. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at T:00 A. M. Arrives Portland at 0:00 P. M. Makes direct con nection with steamer Nahcotta for Mogler. Ilwaco, Long Heach and all points on the Ilwaco Railroad. ursto EUROPE Moderate Cost. Best Management Mediterranean North Cape Coronation Many Others. BOOKLETS READY. ' The FUgrbn Tours, Boston, Mass. RAl-MOKD & Will TCOM11 CO.. Agents, New York. Los Angeles, Boston. San Francisco. COOS BAY LINE ETEAMEB BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland. 8 P. U. Dso. 13. 20. i7. Jan. (. 10, 17. 24. 81, Feb. 7, 14, SI, 28 "and every Tuesday night thereafter during th Winter. Freight received at Alaska Doclc until P. M. dally. Passeneer far Orst class. $lo; second-ciaaa $7, Including meals aad barth. Tlcksta on sals at Alnswarta Dock. Phones ldaln 20. A 12S4: O.-W. R. & N. Astoria Runts. 6TEAMT.K HARVEST QUEEN. Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at 8:00 P. M. Makes all way landinga. Arrives at Astoria at 6:00 A. M. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrives Portland at 6:00 P. M. Maltes direct con nection with steamer Nahcotta for Megler. Ilwaco. l-ong Beach and all point oa ta Ilwaco Division, 4