13 KOOMLNG-UOl 9ES. ELLI. SMITH CO.. 201-202 UrrtianU Trust Bldg, 32 KublAitun, beu Ota and Tin ta THE HF.ST BUT" OFFERED. A SQv-ARE iKAl, TO AIL. INT desirable RtK'MlNG-HOLL OB tba Mark u V HAVE IT. NOTRINO TO EQT-At. THIS. 44 ROOMS. BtALTIFVI. BMCK. slaara heal. PRIVATE BATH, ruunmaf huT and COLl ' room, th. furnishings nut be en J Ve appreciated, for may ar th. b( any 40-room boun In th. city, "la has th. b-t class of patronage and clear $J-jO ovar U expense.. ITlca. $00. urn. ob part. An Khar. 40 R.HJM. rlwlng ISO a moDlh. long lease. v.o. would accept city property op to . .,, Another. 40 ROOHS. t transient heue. in lha clljr. clear. t-u month. tor Tooa . Anoii.er. 40 ROOM 3. Icaae 5 year, tl'iiui ISO a montn. for 4V0: would take bouse ana lot U to I-balanc. "fo abov. ar. all brick buildings with Itnsi heat, hot anil cold running water In tin) room, ana r firet-cLasa propo sitioaa. In cboic. locatioaa, ?AKTVtNT HOt-E. choke location. t Rrxivs. mlnut.i' r m cff:-e. thoroughly modern. romp 'JJT'J furnished, lease 4 J'ara. r-nt I" i a room. $719 clear pmtil Nom'"' and Dember. A HAROAlN prlca on thla for a faw days. UNLY IXOO. l.rrK AT THIS 1TAK 74 ROOM moatiy fRoo apart tnenta. Just tha kino to keep '''led. ran r-nl them a. fast aa you can wtM cjt th. receipts for tha money: 4 rooms furn!ahl. leaving 4 to rant ufuralslM-l or to furnish up a you ehe: rnt -- l.rASE. lo TKARJ. and the profits l-a. than t.MO a month. F-.r til. r-nt Include, heat, water and garUaga. prlc. ONXI l"": terms. ROOM.-I D-w. thoroughly "V-'TrJy'i brl and ELEGANTLY luraiint ITS. Jf.-O. lease 3 ). Lock at I ha PRirn. OVI.T lo than nI' or take clear howl and l"t up to a.u,.. erv littla caah required, balance Ta,v ROOMS, elegant. and mone. n. 14 rirnlar-d. ir..tly l-ro-.m apartmant.: proflta. UMi Iaa. 5 raarai lrKe. !-.. WttX TRAPE ON LAnr.EB rirB. I R"KMS. C"rnar brl-k. Tina ftlda lor at Ion: aiaam hai. baauflfulW f irnlthal. all alplra rootna. claartaf f 1 3 a moatlu Prlca. U2M. will pay dtffer- A LITTLE 'IT 1 ronni. near In. TVaAhlneton at ail teaplec rooma. and th- b fumlahcd houaa of tha atlo In tha rttr: runnln HOT nnd rill.D water In nwnn: furnace, caa and el-trlo Itahti: a ehoica vropoai t.on la tverjr aaT- l'rlca. (MOO. A MONTH FKOFIT. M RCMlVS. crnar RRirK bulidlna: aa and electric llahta. well fumlahed. mucb ef tha funilhlae new and od: wall ! eatad for both permanent and trali'lant: W.a ft year.: RENT i-NLT IIU, , want a JinxET MAKEK. you will never find a better one for tha prlr -''" timn on part Lwm alona wjrtn ball tba prlca. . rATINO TRANSIENT. IS BOOMS, all on .na flo.r. comer brl.-k; In ood Want lda l.watloB- r-nl l), with leaa. (aa and ele.trlc llrhta. eleaB and aery ruom fill-d aery niht; t2K clear money In thla arery month; prlca l-Soa nits is rnoicE 19 ROOMS, nice rorner daelKne. aoutB ef Morrleoa at. AXM. and llrgwll car peta. nan and quartered oak farnltura. fine iron beda HAIR and KLOlM rnat T raaeea and everrthln to corretnd. Thla la the only SMALL I'.OOMINO-HOI jE In 1e city with ateani haat and HOT and rnLP manlni water In rooma; ll la a BARGAIN at tha prlca. 11100. LOCATION il(K)n PROFIT. 14 ROOMS, within S blo-k of Portlani Hotel. lara. llaht rooms. Iare lawn, fur nished with Iron beds. Brussels carpe'. eerthlr rood; M1 11 IO over ALL EX TENSE Thla Is tha bt rloae-ln place an the market and tfe location cannot b duplicated. Prlca lie-), tanna. Alas larsa assortment of small plaeea. to 1J rooms, prices .Mo to Itiiiai. fall on us bef ora you buy. Frm lona aiperlenca In thla specisl Una of buaineaa wa caa saea yon TIME and VOXKT. MART E. I.KNT CO. fELI.il HOTEIJI AND ROOMINO-rTOL'SES. Phone Main .. A J4TS S73 Fslllnc M:.ls . 3d and Wsshlncton. If you are looking fr a ftrst-clasa ho tel or roomlnr-bousa In Portland, wa ran Save you time and money. WILL LO CATE TOT PI1HT. THIS HOTEL HAS NO ECjrAI. In conveniences, location and fumtehtnre. contains every motlem equipment, prtvate at. GROl-NK FLOOl: FFIB AND I.OBBT. HO RCXJMS. rent per room: will take soma rood real estate, avata cash and some terms; p-ice flSinn. HERE Id TOrft Or PORT LN ITT. TAKE IT t4fx cash handles thla naw. !antly fumlahed hotel. contTnlnr 12 LOOM-', runnlnr water m every room. Id PRI VATE BATll: tha cheapest rent and tha beat bite In the city; rln't mlea It. THIH MAKKS THE MONET. do ROOM, comer brick hullrtln;. steam nee.t. runnlnr water In rooms. S entrances. l.OVO LEASE. TnlS must he sold for private mxr.i, only J'ia) cash required to handle this NOW WHATS THE FSB IN I.OOKINO FAHTHKK? Wbeo you have fentnd the best hit In tha el'T. take It TKH IS A LWTI.K rlKAFTT: furnished throortioot with brass beds, mahoranv and quartered oak furniture, velvet carpets: a nice place to live with an exclusive pMronace. located en a prominent corner. 34 rooms. 4-year lease: very cheap rent: SEE Till: If you want somethinr nice; only (3300 cash. IS ROOMS FCR I1VI. Rent 1 110. S-ear le-e. brick bn!M tnr. all on one floor: cash required, AP RTMEVT-HorsES. 110 R mIMS. rented moatlr furnished, ret monthly Income t-.i: n-Tear lease. HERE IS A rilAN'i'E TO FVRNISH anj double your Income; owing to aickneaa must ba sold : price ft 53 R.K1M. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS, rent a month; new brick building; prlca ttiOOO. First tlma offered SPECIAL. Vi bava parte readv to buHd 3-stoey brick modern bldr.. In fine close-in corner West Side!, excellent sua for prlvfka hotel or room Ins; -house; ramarkAbl Ctieap rent. Sea us at once. We have others, all s'ss and prices. A PARTU E XT MOL'H K 87 rtw.m. new trirk bultdtnr. ft-yr Ivw rr.t. Flrrant furmtur tod MrMtA. alik ffitMaS mttrtitrti. itfam n4t. irlvavt baths: rrt htnx up-to-Jaf. Uoom full. clMrlnc nvar.y foO pr month. If you r louktnc f'X" ntc piat- and a moDy-tna.krp th. 3iO0 POBTleAN r ROOMIVC HOUSE CO SIS Hory Buildln. FMAT.L ROOMINO-HOUPES. BOOMS. Morrison t. : prlc HnOM.. lth jit.. 1cantly fnrxit 10 ROOMS. FLEOAXT: rnt 140. 9X000. 1 ROOMS. 14th at.: !00 rh. IB 4 -. r4 .t DrlC K. n i9 . 9 I -'W. f iMT K I.KNT A CO. ROOVING-HoriSKS. VTm baft m loos ltt of roorolnf-hoa. at prlr (hat ar- rivht: In fart, w han 31a oethlnf but barm in . thua aavlna your tlma aa wM aa oura: w will aava you Riooay tha nurrhai Tric. Mcoovvrn. 1 . riom or Trad a Dia. 25 ROOMS, n-ar Tth and Madlaon: x4 batlrlina: rant on!? $0: lrn turnlture: moatty hoo-kaplnv; no othr like thla for tha pn-; oura tnr .w. ifnnf. H. E. JAMES CO.. M lOth. nr Stark t. II. ROOM rlrht downtown, on Aider; 3 war Imw: f1ntfliiiii fumttur. cl-- fT.'sA pr month. brtck bulldtn; only ItMNI Cm rati 11 J r eJ. WI.IJT. Brsnop MCT.ASKET. 13. 3d. Xivo furnished flats, a and 40 rooms, both modern: bargain If taken at onca: sellinf on account of sickness. Fboua Hi. nJ.ROOM rooming-house, rent $50. soma terms: centrally located. If you will call at I0 8wei!aad bide, we will tell 70a all sbout It. snovrso-HOfJES. We bare a splcn.lld list of roominr htu'ca. In down-town district. For par- tt.-uara call at "1 oucn o'or. WANTED. ROOMIX1-HOf.E3. ALL SIZES HAVE rUfH IHTCKH nAlll.MI. H. E. JAVE ro.. s ith. neir Surk. phone Marshall lff. A HTPO. WANTED Roomlnr-bouse. Irt to 14 rooma from owner: no scents: West Side, south of washinrtnn: must ba bargain for cash. C cni. oresonian. 44-ROONf hotel: all alnrla rooms; big busi ness; -vcar lease: a snap. H. M. CARI.OOK CO.. 417 Board of Trade. ROOMS, near th and Madison: nl. a. clean Vre: cheap rant, good furnltura. prlca to. terms H. E. JAMES CfXSS 10th. scar Stark at. IIEKORE buln a roomlng-housa, consult our list of many barcalne. Eureka Realty. 4l't ftorchll.! bldf. R tAl.E Roomlnr-house. A-1 rooms, cheap rent. rod lease, rood location: no oblectlon to J.oanese. S ItTl OfgonUn. a-,.w WILL handle ll-room. rltfbt aoea cren. en Stb at.: short lease. JilGLEf. HI SHOP al'CLASKET. 1X2 td. ROOMI0-nOlES D1ETZ-MUELI.ER CO.. Sl-3IT .blnrton Pldc uearxjuartkks iok hotels au i.oominu hli:s. . . Do you want a ood hotel, rooming house or apartment house. If ao we can ! you tbe best In tba city and tha larg est list to select from. Below Is a partial luC Read carefully and act quickly. APAUTMKNT IIOI SB. ST rooma. new corner brick, all In 5 and -room suites, private batha. very finely furnished and brand new: every room tak en and a lra waiting list: 5-yar lease rent only - per month: clears above nil evpenees. .:aS per month. Prlca tn.H caah. baL monthly. par cant nt- """fOSIETHINO EXTRA FINE. 6 rooma. new corner brick on ash tngtoB st.. vary nicely furnished, hot . ana cold water In all rooma. private baths, a, years- lease at low rant and cleMrln abova all expenses I-xl par month. 1 T band.ej on ternis. or will trad, for good clly property.. Vor price please call. JlUST EI.I- . ... an rooma all on one floor: steam 5-year lease: rent 410": the very best transient house In th. Hty and tha he money-maker; never clears leaa than IJUO par month. If you want a anap. her. It is. aa tha owner most leave 'he city by th. ISth. Call early and gat tha nrst chance. HIU Hl'Ntl .-n.skr.o- ! PER MONTH PROFIT. S rooms, new brick apartment. ,Bnt ly furnished: 4S yeara lease, very low rent. Including heat and hot water . pri vate baths with .very suite. tan oa bendled on tarma or particulars please INVESTIGATE THIS ONE. IS rooma. nne furniture and carpets. 10 rated on 11th St. Tills Is a fin. Pr"P"l tion and a good money maker. ITlce. fl.mtt. tern.. . OtXID SPECIALIST. 4:1 rooms, partly fumlahe.1: 4-year lease, rem l'.. per month; steam beat, all new furnishings. Here Is a chance .to rnaka !... . In a short tlma Prlc i00. elouv C"h ELEGANT HOME. 11 large bcautllul sunny rooms, best rur nlshed house In the city. Rent. tW Hrlctly modern house and very nrsl location, and Just clean aa It poeaiDiy can be. prlc. tl"v I yon don't se. anything In this list thst sul's you. come In. for we have .very semi houe f hst Is on the market. IMETZ-MI-KLLF.n CO.. 3ii-ai7 Ahmston it'at HOTEL Ar.HTVETS. BUOMINO- 2.12 Chamber of Commerce. It aou want to buy a good established business, see our list of first-class hotels and apartments: some of th. bc.t loca tions in the dtv: rooms all rented ana piying we:L Wa also have lease, on some new hotels and apartments noar under construction. Below la a partial list of what wa offer. Apartment house, new brick building of HO rooma electrlo elevator; good grada .of furniture, all news long lease, only 15 pr room, clearing isso to !4o per month. Will aell on easy terms or con sider property In exchange, tea us lor terms and prloa. Apartment house, brtck building; WJ rooms, good grada furniture, clearing !l per month. Prlca. IJiOO; terms. Hotel on Washington St.. modern. 78 room: good location for tranalent trade. Furniture in good condition. Clearing m to 17"0 per month. Will sell on tarma or take soma property In exchange. Brick building. S rooms, near Wash ington St.. modem, clearing 110 per month, on email lureatmenu 14 rooms, near Washington sL, furni ture good; prlca flCuO; terms. J rooms, closa In. furnltur. new; lS0 will handle. M. BCNXKI.L. 232 Chamber of Commerce. DEVI. IN FIREBAL'GH. UOINii CHEAP. lil-room. brick. eltgantly fumlahan with Axmlnsler carpets, mahogany, blrda eye maple and golden oak furniture: brass and Iron beds, hair and nose mattreeses; hot and cold water, strsm heat, private baths: low rent: 6-yesr lease; clears l-VMJ monthly; owner leaving city sod will sacrifice. This Is a GENUINE BAR GAIN and It will psy you to Investigate at onca: IJrtvQ caah handles It. Will con sider part trade. FINE PROPOSITION. TO-room. corner brick, transient; very nicely furnished throuEhout: stesm heat, electric lights, hot and cold water In rooms: long lease; rent only $4M; clears I4" monthly; 44SOO puts you In poasea aloa. ELEQA VTLT FURNISHED. 67-room tranalent. modern In every way with good lease and clearing big mom', to ha sacrificed on sreount of Illness; tJ.VH) haadlra IL Will consider part '"APARTMENT-HOUSE SNAP. ,v rooms, elersntly furnished with Msh-grade furniture, carpets, beds and bedding: bath and phone In every apart ment: house filled with refined class of peol. and clears !?73 abova expensea; .tMtlrnt location: 4 c. years' lease: rent oily too: prlc. I.VHjv. easy tarma. Thla bargain will not last. A NEwV, FIND. 2T rooma exquisitely furnished with solid mshogany and golden oak furni ture. Axmlnster rues and earpeta. and everything very high class. Private baths and modern In every particular; excel lent locatlou: rent only 4150. Owner has never had plsce on market, but is lenv Ing cite anJ lll sacrifice t2ino handle a big money-maker and a beautiful home. Be. thla now. , ANOTHER GOOD TtCT. 20 rooms In 2-room apartments, ele gantly furnished with blrdseye msnl. and golden oak furniture. Axmlnster and Ilrussels carpets, good location; rent only I.V1: big Income: a clean plac. to bo proud of: J1C"" handles this little beauty. DEVLIN 4 FIREBAfGH. eio-ftll-aia Swetland Bldg. I'OIiTLA N H ROOMING HOUSE "CO S13 Henry Building. 70 rooma, downtown. Now brick build ing, steam heat, hot and cold water la rooms: 4-year lease and eery low rent; flrst-clsa furnltur. and carpota. new. Thla Is a bargain at a little over 1100 per room; Trainable terms. See It at once. ;t rooma 2-ear lease: rent only liK); pert sleeping rooms, balance housekeep ing. A nice little house and a money maker. Only 41100 carh rciuired. Id rooms, oloa. in; rent :0. well fumlshud bouse that will make a nlc. Income. Only l.10 cash rscjulred. A nap. WKILANU ROOMING HOl'SIt CO, 313 Henry HUliaing. KOOMINO-HOtSBS. Why pay rent when you can clear all expenses by Investing In a rooming or apartanent-houae? We have a good list Come In and let us aell you one. STODDARD i tiRENNER. - bvi Couch DIJ. 1100 DOWN secures rooms; beautiful ma hogany furniture: new building, furnace. aae. electricity. . rent: pavea mi wonderful vlei cars: refined Wster st. ' of mountains; neighborhood. near be. 805 12 ROOMS, down town, best location; mostly transient; good furniture and lease: you rsn mske big money for tba Investment; tTlce. 11: terms. H. E. JAMES CO.. 10th. near Stark st. hOOMlNG-HOL'oE. 14 rooms, one of th. best little places In the city; exoellent fur niture; up to date; 413W. U. M. CARLOCK aV CO., 411 Board of Trado. WE have buyers for rooming-houses, all sisrs. List what you have with ua. l'hoi e nl we will come and see you. We get re sults. The.Vsn Dersal Company. 4C Cor bett bldg. Tdarshall 1720. A I73e- HERE IS A PICK-UP. 10 rooms, rent .35. in th. heart of th. Hty: full of good roomers: owner bought large house, must sell; price e475. 11. E. JAMES CO.. b.H 10th. near Stark sL 4T-ROOM rooming-house, good lease, rant IJO0- a good money-maker; terms. We have a good list. Com. and see us at 610 Sttet'an-I bldg. FOR 0AI.E Furniture and lease In two first-class apartment-hcuaes. adjoining: 70 rooms : good paying basts and a bargain. AB ."S. Oregonian. I WANT to buy a small rooming-bouse, from lo to 13 rooms: answer giving phon. or location: must locate at once. E 619. Oregonian. HOTEL doing fine business; 41 rooms, strict ly modern, clearing over l.ir0 per month; good location, very cheap If taken at onca. Call 2i'3 Board of Trade. u-KOOM rooming-house, business district, rent !73. lesse, eome terms. For full par ticulars call at 010 Swlland bldg. X WANT rooming-house, 8 to 14 neat rooma. walking distance; give particulars. P ttoO, Oregonian. lT ROOMS, rent (30: fine location: :S cash wilt handle, balance easy. Room 1 Waah Ington bldg. ONE of tha bet baritalns In an o-room house, low rent, tarma For more particu lars call at 10 Swetland bldg. FORSALF Roomlng-hous. of 0 rooms; fouO If sold at onca. 74 7th at. 63 rooms, corner brick, private baths, hot and cold water: all rooma aaell furn I.Mnc: oM-establlh.-d place, clears r- per month above all espensca O" nrr21 In away and must sell. be. ua for prlc. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAyt FORTLAXP JANUARY 15, 1911. KOOMINti-HfcC8E. ROOMING AND APARTMENT HUL'SDS FOR SALE UV H. H. GOOUKINl) CO. tli BOARD OF TRADE BLDG TEL. MARSHALL 4. A lui. 7 Rooms Near 14ih and Morrison, rent furnished new last April; price $?&0; Vi cash. 12 Rooms Very fine location, nlca house. furnace heat, rent tea; best of cf.ia a n.t furniture: no house keeping; price 110: l00 cssh. 1 12 Rooms .Near Park and clay sis.; fur- 1 nace heat: rent 4o; s-year lease: prlc. J1300; terms: no housekeeping rooms; furnltur. la good. , 15 Rooms Near Clay and Tth. rent only tiO; average furniture; clears i0 month; price only S00; snap. . 14 Rooms Elecant furniture, located near Salmon and ltb ets.; fur nace heat; rent ISO; lease: all sleeping rooms; an elegant home: th. furnltur. of this house Is guaranteed sawed oak j and Mission, leather covered; carpets-vsry best: this will bear thorough Investigation; clears J 10 0 a month. 1Z Room Average furniture, rent st month; 11 housekeeping; easy to run; clears 0 month; prlca 41160. H caah. 1 Rooms Host part of Jefferson St., rent only tii: all housekeeping: prlca liooo. T cash; thla Is a good speculation, . II Rooma New and elegantly furnished: very finest West bid. locetlon. velvet and Axmlnster carpets, brass beds, silk floss mattresses, rent Hi: lesse; owner will take part cash, balanos lot or house and lot and pay difference; If ou want something line, aea this place. , 22 Rooms Part trade, all housekeeping. good location, clears $75 month; J00 cssh, balance tv0 la lot, 27 Rooms Elegantly furnished, all brass beds. Brussels and Axmlnster rarpetsi located near 12th and Morrison, rent 1S; v'V- lease; guarantee clearing $lt month; prlc. 000; ;500 cash; this Is a swell plsce. 24 Ruarns 2-room apartments and few single rooms: elegantly fur nished; cost I60U0 to furnish: house full of Hie best class of roomers: rent only el54; -Vi-vear lease; house clears :00 net the year around; we can de liver you this an. place for I.-.0C1. with $3000 cash, balance In vacant lot. acreage. Hood Hirer or Mosler land; location of house Is roth and Washing ton sis.: dont fall to see It. tS Rooms Boarding-house, located near 12th and Morrison sts.; very best of furniture, steam heat, running water: H house rent l.'OO; leas.; clears tZ'-Q month; prlc. only $3SO0; terms. 40 Rooms Transient bouse, finest down town location, brick bldg., on comer, modem house, old-established place, clearing (100 month: price ITOvO. V cash, bal ance trade house and lots and pay difference; investigate this. It csn be ught right. 4 Rooms Transient uouae, new and ele - gantly furnished, brick bldg.. fine location, modern In every way. private and public baths, 4-yesr lease, rent e-a. clesr Ing 1300 a month; about $4000 rash, balance monthly.; all heavy brass beds; velvet and Ingrain carpets; these are the kind of houses everyone la looking for. 42 Rooms- single and select housekeep ing: very finest location, brick t- bldg.; rent only 4240 month, e which Includes steam heat, wa ter, lights and Janitor aervice; you can't beat this; the furni ture and carpets are very fine. has good lease and clears IJoO a month: prlc. 46600. terms. SJOOo cash. 11 Rooms Newly furnished, strictly mod ern, transient house, tn the finest location In Portland: rent Is right; long lease; price $10,- 00. h caah; clears $460 a month; thla house only fur nished a few months. 74 Rooms High-class modern Washing-ton-su hotel, elegantly fur nished, ground floor lobby, clearing $b00 a month; rent Is right, and has o-year lease; this Is one of the best hotels In tbe city and can be bought for $14,000. with a small cash payment down; don't fall to see this. 74 Rooma Apartment-house, new, mod ern bldg.; rent $476, Including heat and wator: Just think, the prlc. Is only e500. H cash, bal ance property; this will not last long. IC Rooma Apartment-house. new and elegantly furnished In th. very best apartment-house district; rent only $676, which Includes heat. Mater and telephone In every room; the furniture la of the very best: house always full: .bOOO cash, balance aasy terms. 2 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT HOUSES. If you wsnt something to furnish up yourself, call at our office for full par ticulars. THIS IS ONLY A SAMPLE Of th. good .rooming and apartment hoasee w have on our list. If you don't see what you want here, call and w. will be pleased to show you different places. Remember the place. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. Bl BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. THE VAN DERSAL COM PANT. 402 Corbett bldg. Her. ar. a few Hell Rlngc-rs that sound ed like real opportunlttea to us. We sub mit them with the hope that If you have not found what your money demands, you will seek no further until you see our list. 8 rooms on ltlth St.. furnace heat, mod ern and homelike, good furniture; clearing $40 per month; must ba sold at onca: .v;0. all cash, 10 rooms, near West Park and Clay, furnace, gas, 2 years' lease, nicely fur nished; $4Jv cash, balance $13 per month, SO months. Kama oaner has another 10 room house, on. I lock from Morrison St., same price, aama terms; both clear i0 per month. 14 rooms, furnace, gas. S single, 4 housekeeping; terms $14v0: $Soo cash, balance $25 per month; cloe. In. 17 rooms. 12 single. S housekeeping; furnace, gas. clears $1:J monthly: price i:.w: forms $10"0 cash, baL .30 per month. ' 18 rooms, close In, East Side, thorough ly modern, steam heat, elegantly fur nished, 3 years' lease: a anap at fl&OO; 9Koo cash, balance $10 per month. 23 rooms, electricity, gas, porcelain hatha, double house with two furnaces; Income $'.'so monthly, half profit; prlc JUiMO. $1200 cash, balance $75 monthly. 74-room apartment, long lease. 40 rooma furnished, 84 unfurnished, low rental. nicely furnished and clearing J 200 per month: price $5o0U. payable $2km cash, balance $100 per month, or will take good property In trade. 4J-room hotel, five years leas., at the low rent of $173. with a total Income of $600. half of which Is profit; sensibly fur nished, and centrally located: thla la an opportunity not often repeated at tbe flg nre. 45100, terms $SMX) cash, balance $100 monthly. To se. onr houses la to believe what w. advertise. THIS VAN DERSAL COMPANY. 402 Corbett bldg. Marshall 1720. Horn. A 1733. DON'T OVERLOOK THESR. 12 rooms, close In; fine-looking liouse, well furnished, clearing $80 per month. Only $000 cash will handle. . 1!3 rooms, best location; rent only $110; furnace heat, gas. electricity; fine furni ture. A dandy Investment- Only $000 cash required, 10 rooms, close In, on Salmon st,, low rent. Neat and clean; a snap for some one. $&oo caah will handle. o-room fiat: a dandy, well-furnished, clean place, near Washington St., prlca $6h. $300 cash, balanc. easy. w. have a &-room house which Is 'tak ing In ZH per month; rent only $20. and $lo0 caah will handle; a snap. Sea ua about It. W. have a large number of food buys from l-oO up. See our Hat. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO.. 313 Henry Building. THESE MUST BE SOLD. 44 rooms, modern, brick building, close In. 23 rooms, steam heat, brick building, clo-e In. 2V rooms, steam heat, brick building, closa In. If you want th. best for your money and mean business, address-N 084, Ore- conlan. 13 ROOMS, new. modern brick, steam heaL Tent only $100 month: 3 years lease; fur nished with A-I furnltur. and furnish lngs; all new, clears $100 month and they want to aell and you get a bargain; $0o4 cash will handle. H. E. JAMES CO.. 88 loth, near Stark st. COUNTRY-: HOTEL with bar; IS rooms, well furnished; license paid to July 1; $7."00: mortgage $2000; would consider part trade; a Una place to make money. H. M. CARLOCK A CO., 4 IT Board of Trade, 32 ROOMS, clo-e In. West Side; good lease; rent $lo0; gusrantee $li"o monthly profits; other business; price $2000, easy terms; or city property and some cash. 1L B. JAMES CO., 88 10th.nearStarkst. I HAVE a new. modern hotel, also new apartment-house, will sell either one, can't handle both: will deal direct with buyer. H N2. Oregonian. OVER 30 rooms; long lease, cheap rent and good location: for sal. cheap. Phone Mar shall 810 Moaday. BARGAIN In a 7 -room house in walking distance), rent $24 If you are Interested, rail at aU Swetland bids) KOOMING-UOC8ES. THIS WILL GET TOU COIN. 74-room modern steam-heated ar-art-ment-house with a ten-year lease, cheap rent and free heat, tot and - and care of garbage: It s ". 3 per month. If this appeals to you, let us toll you the rest of the "ory. R. E. NICHOLS 4 COMPANY. 270;, stark su $:O0 BALANCE EASY, puts you Into splen did. clean, paying little business; excel lent neighborhood, yet awfully low rent. East Side's all right. Se. this, anyway. $41 Ross, near Broadway. "Mississippi ave. cars. . SPECIAL Mlllt 1 Proposale lnetled. PROPOSALS FOR TUBULAR DEEP WELL. (Office of Constructing W- M., fort uco Wright. Wash., January 13. 101L baa'J proposals In triplicate will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M.. Janu ary iS, lull, aud then opened, for smit ing ons 10-inch tubular deep well at this post. All neceasary machinery, work and material to be Xurnianed by eontraclor. who should state in his proposal where Ins plant may seen and Inspected. Pro posals must bo accompanied by certinea checa or guaranty In tno sum of gooo. rSpecincatlone, Instructions to bidders ana full Information In regard to the worn required will be furmsned upon appli cation at this office. The U. S. reasrv the right to rejoct or accept any or all proposals, or any part thareoL Propos als must be Inclosed In sealed envelopes ' marked. "Proposals for sinking well to oe opened January 28. lull." aud addressed to Lieutenant A. L bneed, Twenty-UItn Infantry, Constructing yuartermaster. CALL OF BONDS BEFORE MATURITY. toealed proposals will be received at the office of the Loiwlston Land aud vi aler Company, limited, in the City of Lewis ton. Idaho, on or before the 4tn day t February. 1111. for the sale of bonds of th. Lewlston Land and Water Company, limited, dated January L 1U10. Those bonds ottered at the lowest Prioe not exceeding, however, par, with Inter est accrued to the 4th day of Febtaary. 1111. will be accepted and paid lor to ine extent lo ten thousand ($10.0001 dollars, or any sum in excess thereof on hand on said 4th aay of February, lliil. m tne sinking fund created under article 01 the trust need securing said h?"da. LKWlhTON LAND AND WATLK COM PANY. naaiTED. SEALED bids will be received at the office of K. H. Thomas, Clerk of School District No. 1, .Multnomah County, Oregon, room 4o2 Tllford building, until 6 P. AL Thurs day, January la. 1111, for Installation of oil-burning plants In tho Wasnington High fccnool. also tha Hawthorne bciiool. Copy of speclucaUons may bo had upon application at the Clerk's office. Uius will be on esch school separately; certiued checks equal to 10 per cent of amount of each proposal, payable to the order 01 IL H. Thoinu. ochool Clerk, will accom pany each bio. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and an bids. 1L H. THOMAS, school Clerk. Dated January 12. lull. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed blue will be received by County Court of Lincoln County lor the placing of crushed rock on two miles of eiletx and Toledo road, until Monday January 30. at V o'clock A. M. The use of all machinery to bo given oy Lincoln County and price to Include the spreading of 8 Inches 01 rock 8 teet wle for the third and fourth mile of road from Toledo. And bidders are sjso asKed to Include the fifth and sixth mile of said road under same specifications. All bids to oe maue-ey tne yard nnlsnea, addressed to th. touHcl "hoWELU County Clerk. THE undersigned will receive sealed cash bids for thJ W. L. Barker & Co. stock of merchandise, located at Condon, Oregon, consisting principally of .hardware and agricultural implements of the inventory value of $7082.95. l6gether with fixtures of inventory value of $333.70. up u 1 o'clock noon of Tuesday, January 17, 1911. A deposit of 10 per cent of th. amount bid li required aid the right la reserved to reject any and all bids. K. I. banin, 1 ruai. aw, Dated Portland. Oregon. January a. I9M NOTICE is hereby given that the County Court of Lincoln County. State of Oregon, will receive bids up to and including Mon day noon. January 30. 1M11. for cruising the timber of said county by the month or day. The court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All bids to U ad dressed to th. Count, 'kbwELu County Clerk. Miscellaneous THE ANNUAL meeting of the stockholders of tne united r-iacei - z be held at the office of the company, 003 Board of Trade building. Portland. Or on the 20th day of January, lull, at . O CIOCK r. JS., tor . ". " , erlng a sale of this company's propart.es and business 10 a new 1 - , formed under the Idaho state laws, for electing a board of directors for the en Sum g year, and for such other mitter- as may properly come before the meeting. M. a. nari, ecra-.ij O Durham Is no longer connected with th. firm of Durham it Freden thai, and 1 will not do respwiBiwm . ' : made by him. Ida Fredenthal, room 1, v asningwu uiu. I-AM not tjn my wiia vo ur tutcr ok - ber. 1SW. Her husband, J. W. Peyte. F1NAJJCIAI MONEY. "000 TO $10,000 T INVEST (WITH Olt WITHOUT SERVIltES). MUST SHOW BETTER T THAN INTEREST PROFIT. NO MINING STOCKS Olt "PATENT RIGHTS'' SCHEMES CONSlDrJKKD. STATE NATURE OK BUSINESS TO GET ATTENTION. ADDRESS LEGITIMATE, v K-.i OUEGONIAN. OWN tho ground and have tha plana for what will he tho most desirable apart ments in the city. They will net from 10 to 13 per cent. nui " 1 V . .! onlv with 4o.uvj iw ... . . - erect the building; reference, exchanged. XO. oregoniun. wic nave the acreage and wisli to UiloreaC parties with money to subdivide and mar ket the aame; k large tract, close In on . .round-floor proposition. Kln- .v ' Stampher. 431-53;. Lumber Ex change bldg. MORTGAGE $1700, part purchase on unim proved property: will discount to not 1 ber cenL AG 673. Oregonian. "" MORTGAGE LOANS. JOHN BAIN. oOJ Spalding Building; -5 ionej to Loan Real Eatata. invi-t Prom $J00 to $1300 to loan or ' . unnm U Waihlnclnn mortgages "-,7" .7,n at. b ldg- 4tn and - a IMPROVED or unimproved property: amall huilulng loans; contracts and mortgages boug hu TJVHN unn.4 8Sherlock dg. rT." 1 a! AN Several amounts on good real Mtate. C. F. Pfluger at Co., room 6, Mul- key bldg- m "" ",.tv to loan 00 improved city property at Tperj . v---- 616 Lotnnici','.' " building loans., lowest rates. W. G. Been. aiKaillng bldg. uAkTdAGE loans on city property; lowest ratasT JL- H. BirrsU Co.. 2o3 McKay oldg.. Hd and Star. ernoo TO $15,000 to loan on Portland prop- erty at 7 Pr cenU CaTj $17 Board of Trade om; , . v 10 loan at reasonaole rates In sums from $ "P- La"" Co- Al- dsr st. ,,,rv to loan. Improved olty or farm M??.Jcv by privato party. U 670. ore- gonian. iTooi LS ona or ;wo places on productive a w. . 1. asl- Oreaonian. real eat.... . - aonoo, TO loan on good real estate security. "LV-i Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermen! bKLj. ei&oo TO lend on residence or Improved ,..i citato. J 681. Oregonian. X4S00 TO loan at 8 per cent, on city real estate. S 474. Oregonian. aiuoo TO loan now, city property. J R- STIPE, 720 Chamber Commerce. sTi 000 TO loan;-West Side real estate t- cuVlty wanted. T 671. Oregonian. oo TO loan on real estate security. 7 per cent. 410 Chamber of Commerce. tauOll VWLL be lent as whole or divided, income property:D63. Oregonian. UOKiOAUE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES.F.H,LEVVlb. 3 LEWIS BLDG. LO.NS O.N INSIDE PROPERTY AT 6 TO 7 V O CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDG. tn iv ate money loaned on real estate mort y.aca, H. Mlley. room 204. Gerlinger bldg. state funds loaned, per cent, W. E. Thorn asTatat. agent. MultnomahCo400 C. G. will loan $10,000 "or less, real estate security. FsJrmgton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. tTnno OR $2000 to loan on good city real estate. Sea.Attorney. 414 Spalding bldg. , i-d amall sums on household furni ture. A. B- Smith. 318 Worcester bldg. iiivATE money loaned on real estate. u T.att Bivwright. 5Q4 Dekum bldg. u,iKl'V .ny .mount, 0 to 8 per ceuu Ouod MnSoih' If Selt 810 Spalding bldg. chck. Vlofhchndbldg: ",. . , 1 aums to lend on mortgage: slight chsKwole-"d'-''KyJ?id!: vTTTmTG AGE LOANS. 4 AND 7 PER CENT. LUU18 SALOMON. 233 STARK BT. 1800. $1000. $120 t loan. Hatch How ard. 402, Commercial block. FINANCIAL. .Money to Laim ttcal Estato. ON IMPROVED city propery or for build ing purposes; 3 to S years' time; liberal re-navinent privileges, money advanced as bunding progressed The Equitable Sav lngs & Loan Association. 240 Stark at. WE have 7 per cent money for city loans; tomorrow we will place the following: S15 000, 3 amounts of $2000, 2 amounts Iioik). $1500 nnd 1SC0, 3 amounts, $iS0. McKunzIa & Co., Slo ocrllnger bldg. PLENTY of money to loan at 8 and 1 per cent oa estate ' 104Second St. WILL loan $10O0 as first mortgage on good improved city real estate. 7 per cent 3 years: no building loans; no brokers. S C72. Oregonian. WILL sell at discount so as ",,'d ", per cent lira- - Unimproved land la lamhill Co. K. Obi. 1 1 rt- ,-ntilan. Wis MAVt plenty of money to loan on city ...Vo. from SlUOO to 450.000 it lowest current rates. Morgan. FUednar , L , r.oi-od Abingtuu bldg. 1300 000 ON Improved city or farm property; ejuu.vw w., !,.. . lowest prices; large loans apecialty. J. H. McKenxi. :r" nia.ii-lB Gerlinger bldg. F-IRST and second mortgages and contracte JTirtai B" , " ... . .. ,, nronertv anv- Pdrcnaseo. uu - " ... - , . 7 wnere in Oregon or Uasningion. k L r,".7ro. Kenton bldg.. S4 otn su ,TT Tics on real, personal, chattel or collat LOAJSS w vv Uallir auK-H Fe.iLon, eral securn j. ... 'Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. IIUTTON CREDIT COMPANY. 301 Spalding bldg., 3d and vvasuington Sts. Money. Money. atoi.ey. Money, Money. We loan money mat s our business, w. have money for tnose wno need it. We all need money. Tuereiore. come "we loan on pianos, furniture, etc why let your small bills worry youT We can advance you any amount from 1Wn,y"c'or'1to other companies? See as. Wise People I1KAL with J When otners tail, con-ult tha old - """hutton CREDlTCOMPANY. 1 $ $ $ ARE Y".' LOOKING FOR MONBTT I- you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don t be bothered with a lot of. small debut, let u. '"""hoyojettl- them. Furniture and pianos, storage ""'P"? linstock, rooming-houses and all kinds of aocVrittes: terms to sun; also easy weekly "r monthly Installments. V e buy and loan on urst and second mortgages and urREAL0 E BROKERAGE CO 312 Hamilton UWg.. 131 3d. Main 2064. X $ ' S $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ B u o K. E R S. SALARY LOANStON PLAIN NOTES. 'CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY BUSINESS TsTKlCTLx CONFIDENTIAL WED. AND SAT. TO 8 P. X. STATE SECURITY CO.. $ $ $ 308 FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ """I MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! Do vou want money today You can have it for tho asking. I loan money SuTcklv and strictly confidentially on pl knos. furniture and diamonds; very low ?tes of interest. Maiden, 322 Falling, u .. i .. sr.r.n A 3475. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on . ... .iria. furniture. Dlanos or lay personal properly, t-asy wkiy or monthly payments. Low rates, connden ?al Gray &. Cunningham. 201 Rotnchlld northwest corner 4th A Washington. vtriTsji.'V advanced salaried people, house B""r' ,k.r. nnon their own names without security; cheapest rates, eas est payment; offices in 08 principal cities; save yourself Dy getting my terms hrst. ir.i.MAN. 317 Lumber jlxchange. WAN'Samond,. Jewelry. smentr UnclMy-er. 7X 8th, between Oak and Pine. Main 910. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity chattels or real estate. Union Loan Col. 85 Lafayette bldg.. 0th andWash. sts. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. Ll4? Holl. room 1. Washington bldg. WW. rates: w. loan money on 'diamond. and jewelry. A. LOAN for the asking. salry or chattel. Th" Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loans v anted. WE want several $2000 building loans; we will take charge of the money and dis burse it: Interest 7 and 8 per cent; ex el lent security; loans guaranteed against lie"" HARTMAN THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE DEPT.. Chamber of Commerce. GOOD. SAFE INVESTMENTS. EAST SIDE BUSINESS PROPERTY. 00x100 corner on East Morrison; close in, 840xl00. East 6th. near Morrison. $1100. p. B. LENT. 417 Corbett bldg. WE csn Invest your money at good rates of interest. Gltt-edge securities. First mart esses Long-term Investment. PROVIDENT 1NV. TRUSTEE CO, 624-526 Board of Trade Bldg. . WANTED. $1300 For S or 6 yenrs, 80 acres partly improved, closa-ln. Hood River orchard land as Be curity. C. W. Lamar. 018 Swetland bids. WANTED To loan $3.MK on good 1st mort gages weTl secured, city and farm property. Address Box 114, Arista. Or., or phone Tabor 205. , - WILL aell at a big discount $2500 mort gage, secured by country property worth $7000 if sold within ten days. B BtW, Oregonian. WANT $2000 for 3 years at 7 per cent, res ident Property worth $4200; will pay cost, b "ocommliiiou. Address AN 510, Ore gonian. . 1T00O WANTED, 3 years. 8 per cent, on $3800 100x100 and 18-room lodging-house, AL 0S2. Oregonian. WAVT 3700 8 per cent, on 100x100 and 0 room house worth $2500. AF CS0. Ore gonian . . $1300 WANTED. 8 per cent, on $S500: 6 room cottage and atore. AE 0b3, Ore gjnian. . WANTED Loan of $S0O to $1000 on 40 icre firm near Dayton. Or., from private party. L 6b2.: Oregonian. j -soo 3 TEARS. 8 per cent, wanted on my ' $7000 home of 6 acres, highly Improved. AE 682. Oregonian. . t!oaV $50,000 wanted, inside property. pVenty of equity; no agents. P. O. Box 22X $15 000 TO lend on centrally situated Im proved realty; might split. B 6S.3. Ore gon lan. IlSOO on completod home, restricted district; will pay 8 per cent and expense: full ln Z.i.oco: eood title. D 672. Oregonian. WANTED A loan of $1000. 2 years, at 8 per cent on nmi . uwi .. ...... . AnR. Oregonian. $25,000 WANTED on productive centrally located Business jiiviiooj, gonian. . , WANT $2500 for 3 years at 8 per cent, best Portland security: private parties reply. AM 070, oregonian. WANTED Loan $6000. one year; will pay 10 per cent; security 4S0 acres with 20, 000,000 feet timber. AF 740. Qregonlan. WANTED to borrow from private party, S1500 or $2000, with mortgage security wortn aouoie. -o $16 000 ON A-1 security: will pay 7 per cent. J. L.r 06 Vancouver ave. Phone East 6039, ; ti...i . Imrtr.w.wl fit rm I WANT -uuu on a diw" . , 8 years. 8 per cent, ample security. 4.0 Worcester bldg. Main 1840. WILL discount $3000 mortgage on very fine West Side property worth over $9000; am In a hurry. aj oiu, ...... A LADY physician can accommodate con n.mnt case In hor homo; best care tarma moderate. Phone E. 114. I WANT to borrow $3000 on 1 li acres and (-room house at ""J" -JL. nL Call 414 Spalding bldg. .- - xftOOO ON $25,000 security, 8 per cent; - celient orenwa Qregonlsm. WANT 47000 on excellent farm security near Portland. 3 years. 8 per cent. 430 Wor- cester bldg. $"000 LOAN wanted on residence and 75x100 corner. D 8i, Oregonian. $0500 on real estate appraisement. $25,000 will pay 10 per cent. AJ 672, Oregonian. WANTED A loan of $3000 on first-class real estate securlty. B 6S2, Oregonian. $6000WANTED on business property worth three times amount. E 682. Oregonian WANTED $1500. 8 per cent, on improved residence property. L 683, Oregonian. WANT $"500 on my house and half block, city. 430 Worcester bldg. $1500 WANTED on University Park house and lot, near car.J 6S0. Oregonian. WANTED $20,000 on business corner. N flT4. Qrt?gonlan. WANTED Address of George N. Tyner. Phone Main 5110. 615 Mill st. LET mt"place your money, good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis, ft Lewis bldg. WANTED $5000 w.l.hta ruiil.. close-In r a7a 01 PTRSONAL. SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson cures all trouoies quicaiy; jeuerooi, e .,.,,. place secret knowledge and power In your own hands, to remove the cause 01 any trouble, doubt or misfortune caused oy any one or anything and open up a .y5K and sure way for the contentment, nappi ness and good Influence for """ess that you desire. . Call and consult him J or Sunday. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M., at 49. Washington Bt. (above 14th st). Diseases of women and children, sur gery: chronic and nervous diseases treateu according to the latest methods: private hospital accommodation: confinement cared tor? consuiianoo n ' . Grand Theater bldg. Main 3828. A I0. WANTED To communicate with lady who on August 2. 1910. while walking on Ash street came near being injured by the falling of an ornamental cement hall from the flagpole on the old Cycloraraa building. Pleasa call or phone 901 Board of Trade. Main 447. MARRIAGE directory free to members of the good order; new and reliable,, good results; do not miss the opportunity, full particulars only lor. A. R. Housekeeper, mgr., DepL K, 2S07 Morgan su, Tampa. Fla. MARRY rich: thousands want to marry, many rich and beautiful: big lists of de scriptions and photos free, sealed, either rex. Write toda'y; one may be your af finity.. Send no money. Standard Cor. Club, box 607, Grays Lake, 111. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors grsduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions: baths, masseuse No. 7 Eaat lltn St.. second door south from East Ankeny carllne. Phone East 260. B 180$. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, electric treatment of nervous ailments, private hospital. Room 501. Merchants Trust bldg. Clh and Washington. Main 4047, A 2411. RESPECTABLE German couple having no children wish to adopt a child of good family: will adopt It legally and prefer an allowance rjr tne cnua irom rents. P 004. Oregonian. FEBVET : HAS'BBUT. Leading wis and toupee makers: finest stock of human hair goods: halrdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 147 7th St.. near Morrlgon. phono Main 546. POSSESS information which cost me for tune and feel I should let every consump tive knovr about my experience Mrs. J. M Reynolds. Central Nat' I Bank. Co lumbus. O. MRS. SOPHIA B. SErP. mental and spirit ual scientist, permanent resident and re liable advisor. 22 Selllng-Hirsch. Main (IS24. CATHOLICS, marrv Catholics! Want good . Catholic wife? Want good Catholic hus band? Address the Catholic Home Circle, rimira. N. Y. MARRIAGE paper, highest character. Incor porated loth year; 0000 memDers: sealed: send 10c. rt. r. Love, bu avow, Denver, Colo. YOUR fortune told. Astonishing revela tions. Let me guide you to nappy, suc cessful future. Send birthdate. four -o tumps. ITQf. Allen. Box 502. Chicago. MARRIAGE paper containing descriptions refined marriagablo people: many wuu means: paper sealed. Free. Mrs. Bell, 1815 Magnolia ave., Los Angeles. Cal. DRESS Tults- for rent. $1.50 month: keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries Unique Tailoring Co.. 30 Stark HAIR The largest stock of pure hair, all shades, to be closed out at less tnan wnoie sale prices. Fine halrdress given. Axa H. Rli-becke. Grand Leader, nth and Alder. MRS STEVENS, 18 years Portland's leading palmist ana eiu.irvc.iinv, book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 84314 Yamhill St., cor. 7th. MARRIAGE paper, with photos and P. O. Address A. L. Reeder, Box 121, Oakland, fnlirornia. HEIRS wanted at once: 50.000 estates seek ing claimants: you may do booklet 31: send 2c stamp. International Claim Armey. Plttshurg. Pa. DR WALKER, specialist for men. quickly ,. a l'n,.nf, VlnnA .no cures 01000 miij diio ............. , . , . Madder troubles and plies. Consultation Tree, im 1st su. ri nmm. J15IK. FLORENCE T'RY. late of New York, manicure, face and scalp treatment. Suite 17 Sellin-Hlrsch bldg.. $8 Wash. St. Phone Marshall 1992. LADTFP No danger with Lorenx Antisep tic Cones: are soothing, safe and sure: $1 box. 3 for $2 50. Stipe. Taylor Drug Co . JS Morrison St. DON'T be lonesome: Join the only reliable marriage bureau In tne world. Send 25o for January papers. DepL E. box 231. senttie. wasn. MASSAGE given at residence, hotel, club. bv expenenca muswui, niuu..u uv,v,,u,. Marshall 1908. YOUNG gentleman, former officer In the German ormv, v.111 icacn vj:. mult .1.. 1-rencn. at 01a. u'"!""""1- IT will be for the Interest of John Cotter. orten canea imici. n, v.... . .... Charles Cotter. Two Harbors. Minn. iME Courtwrieht. skin and scalo treat ments, facial deform atles corrected, nlastia surgery. 453 Morrison st. Main 6042. O. Onne Jurvaa Natural sanltorlum. 178 E. 60th. Apoplexv. appendicitis, tubercular glands a specialty. laoor aoorc. b .-i.i. m AT.TCE HAMOT. chiropractor, electrical appliances for rheumatism. Suite 45, Milner bldg.. 4th floor. 3504 Morrison st. LEARN halrdresslng. scalp treatment, prl- Vatg ieap,... - . . " " Urr Turney. Battle Creek treatments, re fined patronage"Appolntments M 193$. jfALM-OFFTGS Remedies for diseases "of women. 5S2 Davlsst Main $815. MANICURING.-face and scalp treatment. Miss E. Kuhwarth. 422 Flledner bldg. DR ROSA HOWARD, electric maasnze and bath. 66 Selllng-Hirsch. Main 4728. MOT ES-wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. fr.. M. V. dill. .-J r Iicvm.. .1... -. - DR KETCHUM treats women's maiaoiea, 17i,a 8d st.. cor Yamhill ' BCSINFJSS DIRECTORY. Accountants "MACKENZIE. BAIRD BERRIDGB. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7309. A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal commmerclal. fac tory cost and Industrial accounting. CRANDALL 4 ROBERTS, public accountants and auditors. Com merclal. county and municipal work. 400 Concord Bldg. ' E. H COLLIS 4 CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal, auditing Investigating aud Systematlslng. g4 yi pTceater block. Phone Main 6507. Asaayer and. Analyst. nVln. t, preebstel. mining engineers, chem l.tl and assayers. 204 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and T ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. " Attorneys. - coOPER. attorney at law; practice In all courts; abstracts examined. 716 Cham ber of Commerce. M. 71. A 2071. Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths. 107 4th Elegant plunge, steam tub and shower baths. 24c Catering;. the STEVENS Catering Co. takes entire charge of preparing and serving at al social functions, t, Chiropractic Physician, Tr-HI-PO-PRAC-TlG T1CK-NER"; say It fast Jn rumember Columbia bldg.. 1 to 6:3U icva MAKSH. first lady ohlro. Dr. la ore.on. 223 Flledner. Hoists . to a. Chiropody. tt LIAM. Estelie and Flossl. D.venytb. inW sclentlflo chiropodists In the city. Parlors :i02 GerUnger bldg.. s. w. cor. 2d Fo Alder. Phone Main 1301. ?7Ll ouod and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 FUedner bldg. Phone Main 8473. CoaL COAL $..aO A TON. Otters caarge $9.50 and $10 for th. aame gruue, u wa , ... uu,ior ousi " sell coal to keep men and teams busy during the dull season. Order Now. Ivan dt Transfer Co., M. 1018. A 11)84. Coal and Wood. PORTLAND CORD WOOD CO. Special prices on green and dry cord wood NOW. PORTLAND CORDWOOD CO. Office 203 Corbett bldg. , phor.ra Marshall 20, A 4684. DRY BLOCK WOOD delivered any place in city $4,50 load; one-Inch wood, stove lengths. $3.00 load. Portland Wrecking Company. 105. 107 11th st N. Phonu Main 3 1. A oloo. COAL ALB IN A FUEL CO BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD, Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com- mission merc-nama. ancnocjt uiuk. 1 Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and , ma u n j - , ... .... ..... ,iv. Dancing. prof. - Rlngler. Portland's leading dancing tar. uis avtnriu, put. wiaa. 1 " f u BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dancing. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 10D Second St.. between Waah. and Stark sts.: stage danc ng taught; waltz and two-step guar- 1 anteed In four lessons; class and social 1 danre Monday. 8 to 12. Lessons dally. ; fo PER lesson, or 4 lessons for $1; waltx; , two-step, three-step, stage -every morning, atternoon and evening tor beginners. Including lady and gentlemen, teachers. Prof. Wal Willsou's school, old est and only recognised leading academy for correct dancing. 3S614 Wash, su, beu W. Park and 10th st, DeKtlsts. ALVEOLAR TEE1H where bridge work la Impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework; we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth absolutely, terms to reliable people. Rex Dental Co.. Ablngton bldg.. 100 Vs 3d st. Do$ and llorso IlospltaL Dr Brown. D. V. S Ollico 120 N. 11th st. Main 4080; res. E. 5440, Hospital 83 12th st Educatioual. ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, lutscuanic- al, survey, assay, cyanide; established 1804. Van der Nalllon Scnool. 51st and Tele graph. Oakland. Cal. IRVINGTON, private school aud tutoliiig. 800 E. 9th N. E. 4527. Electric Motors. ELECTRIC MOTORS. DAVID DOW SON. Motors tor rent or sale. 203 Lumber men, hide, nhone Mar. 2IO0. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d St. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast aats. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en g.ne. 381-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone hio. Engineering. ENGINEERING & CONSTRLcHON CO.. INC. Civil & Construction Englneera. Main 4778, Spauldlng Bldg. i ecd Store. ZIGLER & Misner. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. L. 4 Furniture Repairing. FURNITURE finishing, repairing, packing: 18 years' experience in city. Eaat nuo. lorscanoeln. . DE NIKE. 2S3V4 Front su. wkfa a spe cialty of driving horses; 20 ears ex perience In New Vork City. Leather and llnduig". r-HA5. L. MAbiiC & CO.; 74 Front. Leather "ftvjrj "deVcrfption. taps, mirs' findings. JTa. STROW BRIDGE LEATHhVlt CO. iia tablished 1858. 180 Front su Machinery . B. TRENKMAN oi CO., hydraulic and spe cial pipes, scieens. uasBius. mlnlug ma chinery. Ail kinds of leuairs. 10-1 N. ettt. MuslcaL EMIL THEILHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900 Maruuam.A 4100, Mar, lb... Neurologists, tne Mpeclaliats. QUICK relief for eye and nervous troubles, lira Freeze & Rice. 326 Vi Waantngton SU Oateouathie PhjaiciMns. DR. LtRoy SmiUi. graduate Kirkeville. Mo, Dais ot 1898. post-graduate 190 1, under A. T. Sill, the tounuer. 0,1 bldg. Main 10S7. A 1 985. DR. R. B. NORTHUP. 415-416-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone. Office M. 349. Res.. East or B 1023. l'aiiite, Oils and Glass. fi .cmtisSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. gfa. sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patents. PATENTS that protect and pay: books free; highest relerence. best remits. bnd for list of Inventions wam-eu, , : " tlsed free. Send sketch or model for free search. Watson E. Coleman. Patent Law yer 022 F St.. Washington, D. C Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K- Mock, attorney at law late of. U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. u. s. and w'ff?t ia"-'"'''' y.C."nr. incl: Dept. T. Stockton. Cat iC WRIGHT, domestlo and foreign pat ent's. Infringement oases, 004 Pekum. l'avlag. ttik Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 Electrlcbidg. Oscar Ruber. Pcrtland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving. . . . . 1 .,..nll.. K17 MecU hlda. sldewaiKs aim " Pawnbroker! IINCLE MYERS Collateral Lank. 40 yeara ir vortland. 71 lith St. Main 910. plumbing. inn Elumbing. pipe titling, colls In stoves and furnace; stove worit. Phone East 6059. J. R, Lawson. 111 npumnu Pipe. anRTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory aud V037 near 24th and icrk Sts. M. 34SS. office near24th and io Rubber Stumps. iTqo seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc A Cunnmgham s. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. vnK'THWEST RUG WORKS. Rugs from .10 'ca rusts: colonial rag rugs. East 3580. B 1280. . - , 153 Union ave. ur. E. Morrison. Bares. Pt'RCELL SAFE CO.. 8o-87 Sth it, exclu aiv. agents Herring-Hall-llarvIn Safe Co.; itianufacturers of genuine Hall Safe it LPSkUo.'s safes and vaults. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safes 1 factory prices; second-hand safes. (jUowcasesBankJuid store Fixtures. TTE iuxKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co.. Clh and UoyU R. Lutka. nianageri STh EIRDSALL. 20S HAMILTON BLDG., showcases In stock; prompt delivery, bales aceut. M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. Co.. 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Shingles. BEST In the city; car lots or less. tjinert201Vashini;ton sL S. E. bUives. STOVES connected and repaired. Mala 1110. 601 J roniat. Storage and Transfer. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men. no booze-nghterss will mov. you quicKer. cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us for aa estimate: storage rate the very lowest, qn Horn Transfer co. fcotn pnonea. C O PICK Transfer sc otorsge K-a.. otne. "and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms aud fireproof vau't for aluables. N. W cor 2d and Pine sta. Planus and furniture moved and packed lor shipping. Main i9, A 1U96. POriLA vO VAN STORAGE CO.. corner 18th and Everett ata. Just opened naweo; and most modern storage warehouse In city every conveulenca for safa and ptoper handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate In Nortii west; free trackage: vans for mov. Ing. Main or A 1320. " "oLSuN-KOE TRANSFER CO. General transferlng and storage; safes. Dlanos and furniture moved aud packed lor snlpment. 87-S9 Front s- Telephon. Main 54T or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870, Transfer and forwarding agents storage, Oluce 310 iioyi St.. between iib aud Ota. fnonoa Muln Bi. A UOd. " ' btoraue. STORAGE, with trackage. Telephone Sunset Grain Co.. E. 655. C 2313. 1 i pe writers. WE are the excuange lor the largest type, writer cuiiueiua 011 tuts Coast; investigate, all makes, an prices. In. ijpewriter -1-cliaUke. -aiJs vvaaainglotl su llt-CWJi.liH.i-o. ail mikes, iu to $o, .fully guaranteed, easj pamenLs, rentu:a, i iter moailu Paciho Atauunai'y at Ptuiliuai CO. 23 Sh.vv rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cul rates- P, Li- C. Co.. Jlil Stark, at. 1401. Veterlnau luna. c l. Brown and S. n. Foster, veLcriuurlana. "sal Auaeny tt A 3i)9i. Aiaia a4U2. U ailpawer. ANAGLYPTA KhlLin," jjECORAi'ION, Alex. Gordon. Ayeut, 480 ooiuuioiaat, Window Clcuuers. WINDOW - CLEANING Expert window cleaner and janitor work by monthly con tract, 272 nurusiue. A 4'ioX 7w tuA window Cleaning Co.. 03 Park su N. Phouo Main 1080. , ,wuA.Ak, Uuni a: lOVVhtt tujua..i - - anoouver Avltic. . 8:15", o:ao, 1 :2j. o:00. 8:33, 9:10. o-ou lu:3u, Al:lu, lt:oO. p i 12:40. t:. l3u. S:l- 8:60. a-u i0. uioo, . 7:05, 7:4U, 8:15, 8:50. 'JT' 10.00. iO.35, 11:10, ll:4o.x oi tue tniid ilonday In every month th. car leaves at 7:03 P. M. tiars for Vancouver ma.e no stops on Lniou avenue oetween Lurnstoo street and Portland Ajoulevard to let mi pasaugers. Sut make stops to pick up passen.ars at ail transfer poiiiLS. i'erry leaves Vancouver to connect with cars lor Portland: A. M. 6:00-, 0:35. 7:10. 7:43. 8:20, 8:63. a -80 lu:lu. Ao:o0, 11:30 P M 12:10, 12:50. 1:30. 2:10, 2:50. 3:30, 410 4:50. 3:30, 0:10, 6:50. 7:25. 8:00. 8:33. O-IO,' 9:45. 10:20, 10:55.x 11:30, 12.05.xx On third Monday of every montn tne last feny leaves Vancouver at 7:25 P. M. Leaving time in black type, double train 1. Cars from Vancouver make no stops oa Union avenue between Portland Boulevard and Burnsiu. street, except to let oi pas sengers. 1 I "Daily except cuooaya. xxraiiy exceps i Mnmlfr' ye, xxRuns as local on Unioav ay onus.