The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 15, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 28

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' Ii0- i;s rou it.
T rm. Ea.t
ll and TTxIsey. I3TJO.
ft enema S 11a V. 143.
fi rooma. Sliinr and Capitol. $5.
T re" me. 4 at. Hel. n a Court. $4.
T nomn '. E4 U'.h Nona. IJO.
T rooma. 1-M3 1. -ist ?rman. I IT.
9 rv a. 481 LiM 34'h North. $2S-
1 ronir.1, 1144 tit 17U North. $40
6 lncm 4'1 N St.. $11.60.
f mvt 67J h St.. 1-0.
Flats for rnt
$ room, T"l Kesrn tit,
t room. 14 North 2;d at-. $".
nM mi lamhin at., so.
8 rOTna f- Yamhtil st. ..i.fO.
5 room. tiie Hat 't . (15
0 rnorr a. V", I'swlnerr. a . $2$.
in-a. Last i"r J.
fajuu.h w at kiss co-
2rT A:r ef
WHIM r3 nm rtiT1 need XITW F I1 K
MTlTtS. Boy It Judlcleuelv and ta av-
l xa wt.i sac a yur moving hptdhk
Oar buetne for l-lln. third year.
pieced UJ ainang the "tap notrhersn
t- furniture buaiaeee In Portlead.
WHI aid HOW bar we siiled a res-
llyl Villi f-l-Pl.Kl If we did the HIM
Busm do inf v. ee& Bin uu r vai-vn
would b IS.WO nor ch Tr. jsaturai-
lr we hav bB ttl la eell muck cheaper
aad the peopi war cot slew la naa ig
i act.
. voH iAH-ATcnun r cRxiTr-- co.
4-Ti Gran 4 a., tor. East Stork su
K rt Aakeny. Montavilla and MuseeU-
Frtavar carliaaa paaa uretor.
fur. op.xiATtn ueisn ft PRAJfK STORE
ii.vril, AND LN To KM AT I U.N m'KtAL'
I liont-bgnurt, visit tur np-to-il rea
tai and Inform aB dprtjaeat. 4th toot,
xt.ala kul.ulaa. and in vacancies -
t rated e a. aauaa uai
You'll aaa lut ta g-ttin pre parly aid
tVUafortably 1 neat d Yf kaap IB taueB
arid an ntanl bttwa flat and apart-
euu 1? the city We ale kaap a Let ef
caw buildings In eeura r construction.
Tn sums red I'eta ot a-U real !-
daaiara. Tkia l&IafmaUaa la aioluia.y
f ra.
Oki 13."
CD KEXT Wa ntki a rracta: ty f far.
tilahad a4 uniro ah ad baua, rata and
asartmaat; coll act your rata and rmlt
boa praipily.
If jom par a fcouaa, Tat a
Praxtaacl and vITt lat ua hatt a daacrlp
t:oa af It. aar kaat aarrlcaa an ai yur
r. B. TATTOO It COl.
40-0-u Ua: H !.
rboBaa 414, ilajataj aX
,rCR BJTNT 4 -rm lW-nory houaa. en
iot uxl30 ancn. witn a.ify to imi. a
nM ha lurnua OraDlaa. wraahtrajra.
bwilt-la kvakcaaaa, latrl and K
luraa. panatea a,nInc-rom. H beirooir.a
upatair. toliat ana sataroem. naii.
ana. narMkr. ri ( 1 nff -room dlmoa-room.
k tebae -aaaoatd and paaa pajiti7i a
Cued carllna, a-.anca. aor ior.
, t" -r rnfTT-" aaii BP Hia 11 r Kaat
?l).3i KOH a t 4-roo.-r. mod am aotuca.
larva corstr wt. an i , -
1 1 for naar 4-mora. Mar OotamblB and
Traaoaont ata,
tit fur 4-no. on Eaat TayUr; larr
t ffransda and fumaa.
Ji for s T-rm on Bankoii. naar Broad
1 war; tkla la walking diataact modarn.
I riu furoac. B.anenard A Clamaaa. 44
ft lb at. Phon unor C 11"
' 14 kV CTII T 4-rm modara kauaa, fU,
to.: Sunnraid oar. ti'-
4-roont plaatarad cotlatf. porrta
lam bath, paiaat toiiat. ata, 411 TO
laanact Co-, auooaaaar to Dunn-La
ffarvUHad llaoaa.
'Vl'aNieHSD haua Ib IIoDaday Park, at
traeiiv loatia-a an Clackamaa. T rooma,
Blcaly furr.unad; bln ica and wod
rua and all aaavenlanc; will rvr.t
for rar r lontrr. MoCar-rar Bataa 41
-Ll-r-ir. lit rll.n( Pld(
SSjU H2NT br Fabruary I. fjr 4 monina.
44 rr month, 7-roora. now houaa. ecu
g:trly furnlthod. aaar SH'b and El. IrnJ
tn; apply to Stauk A 6awlall. corner a-M
and Ba.raont ata. Paona Takor 1S11. U
POUR-KOOM cottar, furnt-ihad oomplatai
4-a rana-a. ataai rtort, alactnrlty. phoaa;
ciaa ani Baatt av-rytnlnf Prat-claaa,
blca. Bat homt; yood car aarvicai a'lulta
or.'.y; par mt W. E. UCL.raac-, a4 S
4tb au Phona Tabr T3L
aTOR IA 4-rootn modera baua.
compla4ly furnlabad; larr (roundA
p.enty of fnilt- vi.l lea; call afternoon
on prmtaa. 13-3 Hancock at-, or pnono
CaBtru gal wood TTw
vtoOhC ptf.ndtdly ramlrhad. modat
houa. on Willamatt Uotahta; rant fi&
Saa ua tyr yarU :v 1 1 ra.
M9 A.aar at-
paOLXITRN and ompiatly fumlabcd houaaa
en tn board vftik or any part of 6- M .
from 414 tp par caoatii. A. Cilbn eiua.
6t aalda. Or.
fikj W 5-rora tnodara cettaf' furnlsbad. and
pimno; 4-: fiallwood car ta To man ava-,
I oaat 4 biooka to aiat au No. 114A. Call to-
FLnNlcUbS 4-room houaa. modern, raaaon
akla; BO objoctloa to chllran. So. IT
Yiuceall av.. oorBor k buraaidA Phona
FOR RENT tVall-f-urnUhad 13-room modarn
sou, oorBor lata Ji J Ml.l atraata; 40
rar tr.onth. Apply WajtaCa.d. FYlaa 41 Co-.
tJ Furth at.
fcXlH RENT Nlealy furrlahad 4 room ot
taf. wTtb plaao. M 403 Caat 4uth. la
ojlr Prtlatvd Haafey A Tni to., Baal
4'.h and Hawtkoroo. pbotta B Iflld.
AVXR KJN"T la-room modern furnianel
tiooaa (od locatlo for bardra. 425.
"tvalnut HetJ. rain aad Kloola 1 at-, kiax
14. P-JIOOM madera haua. ftirnlahad or n n -fumianed.
n (t front W-R car. Pnono
raUead 14U-9.
fVv 11.1. a feed horn to eoupl who v.ll
board . Call aad taia It ovar. fc4
TAa-tnill at.
4-ionu furnH'i-Kl haoa. Vft Eleott
rar. ft-rt off at Dlrialan at; black treat tn d
block nortx ltTO K. Cnthr ft.
OR R"2-T la nar14. B teaodarn fuf
Biahad bona ot I rama a ptaa. Phona
B 1474.
Il-ROOM furnlabod koua. anUrely moJern.
r a ab)aotioaa party raaUnc reaata. Cil
ttl Ollaaa at.
IX'nXI&HCO modern S-rooca bunialfw,
tilok rrosa att. Acott carUna. Pboi. T
tor H--a.
IM'ilLt lurtilahod 4-r-ao c-Mtar; walktr.c
dla-tanaa. Waat Bldoi roaaooaa:. H3 tb
a tree t-
FCR RENT B room cottar o, part'y fornlab.
4. a4 i- loth at. N.
IS. Co 70S lBloa tta.
At pool room.
"BOCF J for reat. furnlahad. fraca 4 t 4
roexena. PI na Woodlawa 11X4. Blbray 4
iA a -room flat, now furnltara; walking
dlataac: pood nel" oorkood. Rodney
av. phona Laat 4-t.
tklt ala-raom realdanc. 311 . 44th at., on
awtkorno carilaa. nowlT Bad artlaUcly
furnlehad. Tabor loot.
oCr.OOM beautlfulTy furalihtd f-t. 1 23
JLw nadai au. Mvalt Aider aul 7aah
tnctaa. 0"U HjtTTVT furnuhd S-room cot tax e; 44. Teiephen EaM 44T.
KOt'ER.H T-room furnltked koua for rant,
pbao Woodiaam lc.a
S-fiXM eottaca, furnl.h.d, F.aat tkla. 120.
kc4r Hataold. I'M 410 t.
CKOCM f-Blhad fiat for rant. roaaonak'.A
H1 lll B114.
pi r W"L r turniahed 4-r-vm (at. modara rant,
aery rwaeon. 73a1 Joha-n at.
aC-1. OO It.rsut'M R-t; preut booxlara
will remain. 402 . Commercial block.
F.rOU fernbed bar.ralow. with
l.tii after 6 P. L Wcortiawn
boC'a.RN furata'aed boua.
fuTDAOa. WU1
rani pot- - '-rin-
"Hon far Baal tamllur for Sale.
'.V rvraltur for oat. 4-room flat for
rant: I rooma rented ; bargaut for caa
I ta Orand r. North.
tfAp"" for-twa, naaj tnlaatea fumltur for
. eoy. vnoderB 4-rom flat, font 4-4.
411 BalmoBt at. Cart 111.
JpCH SAC A barpaln. e-.rly reT fuml
tur f 4 room, kooa for rant; 4 rooma
r.s;rd for 44. rot ;0 pkoaa Lat ll.J.
jV'KX K:ilS, taod aaoAtloa, 4-room kooao
for rent; fomJtur la 4 roocoe for aa-a
144 llt-a at-
ltOM mocT-rn kooae. rart 105, f-irnl fire
for aate cheap; cntrti;y locale.1. 4o5
1411 r. peer CaTumb'A
41 n-ra 1 . 1 New, mavleri 4-roony Irina
dlatrlot. all or part of furniture for aa-e
clean. Bee M rBryaa Jtt Ta.l A OlbbA
PAR'TAIN. 14 ror-m (ood furaiiur. for
pal choiip far ox good locatloa, 1bt-
atA 44 4d -
ITCT" P. R OOM heaae for rent and ftzm Itor
f r aaiA cheap. 141 - i i : It at N.
tX rorn. nice furnltur; dealrab! houaoi
eoto. rwnf ewi .m.
wrTs-tTCP3 of modera fiat. Call aftar
p. .. 444 Ta .Mil et.
fj. OO flat. Call after J P. la
at. cor Tartc war. te n.
303 14th
TmTIN4 ry Bio: Bat for rent, furnl
tur for ae. kiain tTt.
X"n-ROOM erttar. "ot
; -uij t. am 4ta,
-ta tows, furnltur
Iloaarkoeplaa Kooma la Prirai ramlly.
SNAP If takeo Inuneillatt.f ; owner leaving
city: furuitur of La -room flat- Bead two
n ...a (lie. for taia. flat for rent; lore rooma
Bv rented paylna 44 abova rent; ba.f
caah. urml oa t1 aacA Apply aoui.ii
r5J at.. it A-
FOH 8ALf rnr-nitnr of newly furnlaha
7-room cottage; batX gaa. pleotrtclty; ail
rooma rental; clearing 415 Pr montn
walking dlotanoa; bo Mla Apply owner
after li) A. ii-, Bv4 keniiuA cor. .nap-
lT.TVITl"Ttl carpeta. curtain t, at., ail
cotapiel. of S-room nat. tiaail man par'
Tn ...I haianc 41. a nnljL rvaaonable
Cat r-ita 17-00. Waat Side. cntrai. dii
b:e- K Cel. Oragonian, or Cail nun oar,
j:it !.
luAK bar cam If taken Immediately; owner
g jing riael ; good 4-room hQuao, rant e-o.
wa.king lottanc; An nelghuorhood. Went
bt'le; 4ot-u new furniture for aaia cnap.
Call CoJ l-umbentan niog.
KtARLT Die furnltur. Ill-room flat., on
bu-.k from City Hall, on ih at.; n.uat b
Pild Ctla wai: no roaaonahl offer re-
fuaed; trn. Call today or aveniua-
ir-i rtth at.
a t- n -n i v na v a u.u j. -n -
ve 'thing good and ciaan. I rooma ranicu.
llttl place; ptic tlftou
A CO.. 14 1 4th ft.
Itr owner. 7-room hour. houookoa-plng
ruttrt; maet. go; bargain; 4 mirtutae to
P. O ; bo; liOO caah. u4. Ore
rult 1-AL.t Kumlture of three rooma. with
Dim; lurnnnnj or .
Ing, raat Hi. 10 minutaa walk from P.
O. SOU aiif t-
m'.v.t 'KM . a l..k.lil ua a lltt.
a A v a i m " - .
gain. v. au dv va . -
SMAI ahop on 4th et., cor. of Odk, with
or witi out Id and ad Doors, ounuv, en
rate elevator ar.d etalrway.
btor on Oak. Bear 4th at.. 14x54.
Pin large ator on Oak. 44x44.
Htore on Yamhill, oor. Park.
fetor la Ry I. a change bldg.
Huildinr. ttorca and Boora la A part
ef buatnea d.atrlct to rar.t.
tviU build D tult deelrable ten an to.
V. U. Wl-.Bll. 411 wls Bldg.
klarahaU 1474.
KGE buaiaeaa building op prtnclral atrt
of Poreat oreve, with cement aicewaix in
from and ftv living rooma. for rent for
4-0 a month or for aalo or axchang for
Ini proved Portland property. Call oa or
edireae K. K. cia ehr. JToroat Grove. Or-
EflxTO. ON'B-STORT brick bnlMIng, oorti r
Kzond and Balmon; big ooora on ootn
trr-ta. hich ceiling; Jot th place for
motlrt-pluUir ahow; aeed ator or amall
factory. 1 alo a good retail location.
Call A 4443 or Mala 1U. Inqnlr Baxt
C cor at glO Second.
BTORK PLDO. tUxlKX Bv atoriaa aad
baaetnant, mill eonatrwetlOB. low inaurmnre.
large elevator, nrat-daaa and wlthla on
biock of freight houaaa; can rlva long
leaaai (oOO par mouto. A- T44, Orogo-
nlen. "
lull Rt-NT alodern atoro on Ruaaell a
earner Hull lam ava.; bow Drlck Kulioing.
5 Fourth it.
POlt RENT Modern ttoro on Aider at
nrar 11th; good baaament. ateam Boat,
lae and reaeonable rent.
llii:i.U. FRl-3 CO
bo 4 ourth at.
roH RUNT Half of modern atoro: Ufjt
ana vaier inciuuaa tor vow par u
Wathlngtoa at
NEW brick ator. 11th aad Hawthorn v
alogant location for Dn grocery. Ap
ply 1 R. v alrcniia. Jid aneriocA oiag.
&PACS for rent; haa larr dor and largo
pe ainoovr. nul a at- h
pronl at.
FO R RE.NT Latk atoro with llvln-roon,
oa 1. carllna. wo Aioina av.
SMALL rort. Lownaala r, near 'aeh-
Ingtoa. bmlth'e Agency. 144 KhorloeK bldg.
NW btore, floa location. 2i aat 4Jrd
atret noutn. rauiia a a oor wa
STORK for rart, with good lea- 91 8th at.
or jiain win.
bloha' for rent. Phona Xaat 111
T-O plan4!rBo , 14x114 titb. 7T. W.
oor t a ana uu ax, pn at rnior
and atAlrway, with or without star oa
tin et-
atoat BPOonal oomer anlt on Waahlnr
ton at.. tx44. with aitytirht, Idekl lor
architect, photographer, tailor or anyone
raquirtng lata e( light; only 441 par
ancnih. Ino.mllng llgbt aad elevator.
tor floor a, a to., la dewn-ewwn diauict.
W. K. TvTUn, 411 Lata ' Bldg.
AlarahaU 174
Omen ROOM With or withe t ka.
with or without wlnaow apac: grouoa
floor location; beat oqulpprd real eatat
or brokerace otllce In tn city.
Heard of Trad Bldg.
ONE or two rooa on comer of large of floe
eulldUn. many windows; ngnt ana airy;
ala axtlr ua or Joint ns f entrance
room; all fully furnished: bullt-la files:
two typewriters; bout lelephefiea. Call
Bdala 2to3 er A 441.
Waated. flrst-clasa stenogrspher to rent
deskrootn m beet location la city; offlc
at .evator and stairs to three largest
office floors tn Portland. N 84u. Oregoniun.
DkK room, with a of phone In very d-
sirbl locatloa near eiator, in most
centrally located new a Sic as. X 405, Or-goalao-
luh Kt NT Three line offle rooms ea aao-
ord Boor i. am bar Kxcnang oinoing. so
and Ctark st Inquire F. B. Holuruok Co.
S14 LuiT.her Excbangs bldg.
UIOK, light front of floa. with as ef rcp-
lion-rwa, 40 montn. sii xtosxa et
stier centrally located offioea. all-night e.e-
vator aerv lo. A tvtuut oiua-, B )
CORN'IR rooma, bast oorner on Ksst Plda,
f;.d 'or doctor, aentist, tanor. o vui
ama ava phone East SUM.
FOR RF.NT On ff1c roo l at 13A 2d
st, inquir noom xa. asms Buanoer.
FOR RENT A few offlsea la Couch bldg
Cail o Lewi aing.
6TORAGS apas at and 11 Fourth at.
North. Phone Marsnall raw.
FOR R l."NT The furniture of 2 oompletely
furnished rooms: everything ror noute
keeplug. 441 I4th et-. or call Main 1HHT.
Lost ta women's washroorn, third floor
llway exchange bldg., one diamond
olitair ring. on aoral shirtwaist ring
and on garnet ring. Finder pi ear re
turn to 4-'l Railway F change bldg, or to
510 tpaldtng bldg. for liberal reward;
would piy reward eqnal to value of rings
rather lba lose them.
IF person who found pur In telephone
both at imperial moioi. oaiuruar even
ing Jan T. will return aame to the hotel
of'lc they will receive a llboral reward.
.ruin locket. Initial A. A. 11
on one aide. P r. r. on tne otner, rt
rot'.ry A. A. Bolthaua. Phona U 134L Re
ward. on tne otner, r inner
LOpT Scotch eoillo male dog; 4 white foot.
fic yellow and wnll. Itewaro ror return
or Informatloa for the whereabouts of
s-ma. Phone A 4IS0. 104 11th St.
LOST Pi I day evening, on Alberta-ot. oar.
pAi-kag coatalnlr.g two ai.a waosta. at
tjrn to 451 IE - Reward.
LOST A plala gold broocn pin. Wedneeday,
with lallJ "y." in center; nnuer
return to 11 Lafayette bldg.; reward.
LoST Ladles gold watch between 1-tlo and
aet Ankrny and Mlrnigaa a A c n a 1 1 ar.
riant C I74 Howard.
LOT 7Tiday aoon on At on on, between
4th and Din. on cnarncier liinnninn
book: I turn to R" R I4th St. N. Rewar.l.
LOS r r-aturday. oa Alhln between
and Ferry, goto nrctfiac. . ., .its
r.uesell. room Reward.
IF Mr. Martin will send his address to The
Cregonia. -me oasraso w.a . u .
free. 41' Oo'l. Ol tfjnltn.
0T Friday night, jet brooch, arrow-
mreo, s pear, a. rioow ivwinm. w
Mil Jam ava, room X
LOST Pearl brooch pin oet with diamond
In center. s mow please return to t
floes, oar Allsa A Lewla. Heward.
LOT 415 rvward for old rameo brooch and
3 rtnge. lost ouring aoij weea. aai
T"0 -
Ujo't Peart pendant and ohaln. Baker The
ater r bunnyaio r, neaio.
11th. Fset
114 East
II. tut WANTED at 4w per cent: real estate
valued at iit.tin, oa euue. given
aa eerttr. T 4 . 1. Oregonlaa.
(, vl Puree In Mlr A Frank' Phone
Identification. Marshall 340. apartment 5.
.voo WA.NitU at t par cent on real 4
etate worth t.-e.uvo. - e . . ur rnnnn.
11 4 WANTED at 4 per cent on nearby
far property. 1 e.e. ronian.
"i! Silver maah rursa, iilitla.s N
turn Cox bait biAg. Mward.
IS. A. li-
I.OXT am) roi"VT.
TJI NU Where y oa cm a buy geootw tie
vattl aeie retail at wboloonlo prloaa: we
renovate me and retura aame dar:
w aiao renovate leal herA PortlA4
Carled Hair factory. . Metager.
Pron- Phone Mala 474. A 17A
OoT -Btindl bull terrier, nam "Toa" oa
braaa collar; brlndle body and whit head
rawara u returned to sua ui wa.
A J40i
IXST Ooid bar pin tDooemberl email dlA-
mona; reward. I'nuua a jo-o.
A METAL worka oonalata of tha manufao
turo of babbitt, aoliior, typo and mixed
metal Tha amoltlng and reduction Into
new metal of droeeta aklmmlnga, bor
ing, aahe. eta. 1 he aortlng and ro
worklag of old metala auoh aa tcrap
braaa. tjrn. tin. lead. glno. ooppor, bab
bitt, pewter, ato., and th aaia of thee
1 am aa XBHeBed and eapabto met
almakcr and lately have auocoaafully
managed a prominent bualBaa of thla
kir a in r .ttt.
Th local and aurronndlng territory of-
far aa oxcptlonally attraotlvo opening
for a matal worka her and oondlllona
Indloat that It would prov vary prof it-
Metalmaklng offer pacullar advantagt
which exeat exceptional profit return 1
will be pleaaad to meet thoto who would
consider Inverting tn an anterprta or
IMi kind. Addreaa Af 672. uregonian.
A NEW I'llMViKf.
(ADIRESS) K 872. CR-JUN 1A.-S.
THERE are not members enough la our
firm ta keen our a store running, al
though bun! noes warrants It; no help
would do: It la an opportunity to buy old
stand and handl some stock oa commis
sion; Men-grade baked goods: established
trad and flourishing 8-yr leaaa and low
rent: wo bav outgrown thla and are In
larger quarters. Call Sunday and Mon
day. 6Z3 Wash st.
This Is ths best offer we ever had; half
Interest In a buatnesa that will pay over
4-oi0 thla year; equity In new S-room
modem hous. famished, large 70x810
lot; thla cao all be bandied for fiiOUO,
and long time on th balanc.
HALL A H1CKL-, SHI Lumbermen bldg.
Old-established buslneaa. clearing ovrr
1300 per month: owner compelled to sen
on accoant of health; very little money
will handle It; will trade for good prop
arty. Cail room 415. Lumber Exchange
FOR SALE Old-eatablUhed millinery butt.
naa In atata of Washington. Olty OT lit'
404 people; owner wishes to retire, or
will trade for Portland property. Phone
A I4. ' Address 44 Montgomery s,
floor O.
LADY Just opening first-class Turkish bath
and massage rooms in dusiooss center
wishes lady or gentleman aa partner who
can Invoet $300; splendid opening; no gen.
dnL letter answered. 1 reference, r esa.
I HAVlf a fine business proposition and I
Bd addltlooal capital, wouio. uaw to
Interest some one to Invest I10.0O0. This
Is a strictly bona fide proposition and
well worth Investigating. Will pay 15 par
eont. V 872, Oregon lan.
FOR SALE Chp; fixture for homo
bakery and restaurant; everything com
plete to opon up: portabl oven, nearly
new; rent 415: lease two year Apply
Waterman baj tery rtesiaurani. r-aur-wood.
on Mount Bcott line, funday, 11 to 4.
drocert ator dolnr rood cash business.
Involo about 11600, for l'J"l toaay; rent
21; beet bargain ever ofterod In Port
land; reason, other business, and can't
oonduot this. Bo owner at 41( Board of
UOVIN'O-PICTURB theater, city of ovr
000; only one other In city; thle is tne
best; On location: good lease.
41T Bord of Trad.
WILL eacriflc my etabllshd mannfantur-
ing plant wttn eieowio "lulu' m
and slock; god Inveatment to make
money : must sell on tccount of sickness
and old age; only iiiw. w union
04 V. ctn BU Asa tor jgiuwwu.
12250 Waah. at. l leas.
41150 Oak St.: leas.
4 O0 wh st. B. ; I
DRTOOOPS, ladles and gents' furnishings;
about 41WOO lump or wui sew
building: low rent.
417 Board of Trad.
Havh ths beat business proposition la
Portland for a Sare investment to Boiueouw
with 42500: can snow you a pront 01 w
ter tbaa 50 per cent; can give bank ref
renceA AM ". Oregonlan.
LOCAL manufacturer, filling big orders,
wants capabl salesman for city 1 work
who can maks moderst Investment: this
Is bustnsaa, not hot-air. Address W 470,
FINE location for motion-plctur " show,
aeed store or small factory. 60x70. oorner
Fecond and Salmon, brick building, big
door both streets. A 142, Main 1463.
Inqulr 210 ScoPdgt-
START nsw business. American rator hon
ing and ssfety blade sharpening i chlne;
make 15 to . 110 per day: no o erlence
required. B. 8. Green. 171 Washlngtoa
PARTNER WANTED 4100 Per month gnaT
anteed; best of references: money fully
secured and bandls It youreelf; 1 7 SO re
quired. Call room 814, Lumber Exchange
POOL hall for sale. S tables, central loca
tion, the best money-maker la th olty:
frtcs 1 2v0, terms and trial given. Call
04 Fourth st. Phon A 1455.
FEED and flour buslneaa In growing town,
near Portland; want hustling partner with
moderate capital required. AF 755, Ore
gonlan. --,
Wanted Retail mercantile bnslneas out
Bide Portlsnd In Oregon or CaJli ornia. Ad
dress T tf. Oregonlan.
BALUUtt '.. ' .
I months' llcene paid; furnished rooma
Say rent; 1 pool table; price 41800.
ALL A BICKXJS. 821 Lumbermen bldg.
ERCHAtbiS-brokrage business; owner
csn't handle buslneaa alone, wants partner;
open to fullest Investigation. Room 523.
Lumber Exchange.
Cieaa and good: will Involo $2100; will
all at liberal discount.
HALL A H ICR LB. 431 Ltrmban mens bldg.
WANTED by experienced dairy and poultry
man. partner who will put some capital
In the buslneaa; 75 -quart rout established.
AF do. Oregonlan.
FURNITURE stock for sals In gool loca
tlon on East Sid splsndld opportunity for
good man i low rnt; Inqulr 492 Wllllama
ava. Phon East 4457.
. . . pii v trrui vnriT
A privets Investor will build yon a horns
If you own a rot. Call and get my tarn.
604 Iekumbldg.
WANTED Partner to keep plain anaounta.
win pay you 450 weakly. Room 423, Lum
bar Exchang.
FOR SALES Small lunch counter, confec
tionary, cltrai cheap for caah. Apply 832 yt
K- Burnslde.
FOR SALE Orooary. confectionery sta
tionary business; slcknsss cause ot selling.
Inqulr 444 Oideon st-; taks Bellwood car.
pf(T';Erlto travel C tlfomlai small cap
ital required; tarstr quick. C 445. Orw
OOOU bualnsss opening for sal, small in
vestment required, worth lnvaallgatlg.
AL 073, oregonisn.
FOR 8AL Restaurant, A-l location and
oa good-paying basis. AH 0aV Orcgo
talan. BOMB bakery and delicatessen, good loca
tion, living-rooms; tra Owner, 22S N.
I WANT to buy from owner th best busl
neaa that 11009 will bandla. AC 474,
REAL EUTATS buslnsss; opening for enrr-
fetlo man to shew land, etc.; can clear
.ft) month. Particulars 243 V4 Stark St.
BToKEd In a new concrete building; splen
did location for drugs and meat market.
Phone sat 54)28. .
WANTED -Party with 42000 to 85000 for
business proportion that will bear Inves
tlgatloa, X 670. Oregonlan.
Ll'NCH COUNTER, stc: partner wanted:
experience not neresaary: requires vsry monsy. Call 2i Stark at.
11.44 STARTS you In business; 44
fro fit If a hustler; axaata
ietcbsr. 124 Ablngton bldg.
A GOOD business to b disposed of reason
ably: aultabl for Isdy or lady and gea
tleman. AC 871. Oregonlan.
UAVK 4."00 to Inveat with acrvlosa; good
sslesma C B71. Oregonlan.
rvH BALE Rooming-houaa. bo agent. 188
W. Park.
PLACER MIN"fully aqulppod. rich ground.
Apply o-wnar.JH RaUway Exohang bldg.
lrawaril to get Into the sawmill bual
m Portlsnd. writs D 810. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Restaurant fixture a cheap. In
quire) Kd Front, 1.4 1st at,
81404 RESTAtnULNT for l4: owner leav.
lag; au st saU. 144 Woroastr btdtv-
200 Iwls Bldg.
Will Buy:
loot) Almsda Consolldsted.
2000 Keller Indiana Smelting.
15 Port. Concrete Pile A atrip.
Boro Port. Home Tel. bonds.
AViOO Pacific Coal A Oil.
100 Roee City Mining.
2000- Alaska Pet ft Coal OJH
6iJ0 li. C. Amlg. Coal..... ........ .01
100 Campbell's Auto, a Gas. Br.. 2.0O
OiiO Commercial Mining Bid
1000 Calif. Con. Oil (Evans) 45
1QOO F-nt Ore. OH AV Oas .15
8 Oerman-Amerlcao Coffee ....20.00
m r..,,i. Pill A Ea 7.00
80 Rnvce 6usD. Hub Wheel Cheap
1")0 United Wireless ?2
100 Ventura Oil Dev ''
SP-CIAL bargains for this wttk:
2".0 buys cigar stand. Morrison St.
ur.A vlriir stand, sixth St.
4760 buys cigar And confectionery. East
Bide, no baiter in tne cuy ior u v
81500 buys grocery and delicatessen.
812O0 buys restsurant. Washington St.
$2uOO buys grocery. Washington sC
84OO0 buys grocsry on Sixth st.
8S0 buys cigar stand. Madison tt.
$o300 more or less buys best groor-y.
East Bide. vrything now.
Snloons from 58500 to 412.000.
Fin hotel In good country town.
General merchandise atores In rood
....- tnmm 4lnr a fine business.
It will pay you to see our list before
buying; we can aavo you oj.
Henry bldg.
WANTED Trustworthy. competent man
- with 4 5 000 oash for permanent local store,
both wholesale and rstail. In well-known
tapis Una; 1200 a month and all expenses
and liberal soars of profits; large, wsll
known house, established many years, of
fers excellent opening for sisady. capable
man; favorable Investment, high-class
business; right man should make 40000
a ysar or bettor; large luture prvap .-.,
references required. For particulars ad
dress Box 8. oar Nelson Chesman ft Co.,
fit Tula Tun
On of Portland's linest hotela will be
old this week for 816.0O0 on essy terma.
It Is a six-story, cre-proot ouuuma, mui
lease, established business and Is paying
$1000 par month. You have not been shown
X1V Dl C- .
W art reorganizing and would Ilk to
secure the service of a first-class man
of executive ability to Invest 425.000. Old
established manufacturing business; pays
pig returns on money ,i . . '
stand das Investigation. V 071. Orego-
I H 11.
HAVE a big proposition for small outlay;
will guarantee 4i:0) monthly Income; no
xporience necessary; only good references
and ability In an office way; open
' Sunday from 1 to 5. PULtSIKER S TliL-
ATKlUAl A-UrtAiNU lru.uA uue.
AM growln jTold "and would retire. Splendid
opportunity ror younger m.u a-
buslnsss woman. Established 23 years I
clearing $500 to 1750 per month: no com
petitor. Slock worth J20.OUU; will tak
U cash. ABU, ureinmau.
GOOD paying cash retail business, estab
lished about 4 years, good business cen
ter; will show references; this Is not a
wildcat business and Is open to Investi
gation; will Inydlo about $4750. Call
wner, Sunday. H 1443.
Partner wanted In Orst-class market
business, doing 4100 dally: owner will
take cash or good trade for Interest; lJ
besr closost Investigation. Call room 815.
Lumber Exchange
AT TILLAMOOK Restaurant and rooming-
house. In nsnas ox niotn.f...
bought at a snspt small sum will put a
qualified man In this proBtsbls buslneaa
Address Janice Walton. Jr.. Till moo. Or.
PaTPVT your Ideas and maks money. Send
for my nsw book. "How to Get Them.'
Best ssrvlc. Joshua R. K. Potu, lawyer,
Washington, D. C, Chlcag and Phila
WANTED Foreman In old-esta bllsbed plan
ing -mill and door factory! one with about
$.1000 preferred to take Interest In mill.
Addi ass West End Mfg. Co., Tacoma.
BIG MONEY In mall order business, anyone
can do It: smaii oapi . s"- "-
you elf; particular fro. Address Paclflo
Mall Order House. 4134 83lh ava. So.,
Seattle, Wash.
RESTAUR ANT for gal, with -grill license;
bargain li bought mis wees; uuiir-im."
between partners cause of sale. For par
ticular address 48 North Second at.
Deeoampe ft Maroo.
JiK0 NEEDED to pay for planting 200
acres truit ianu, eow,w .
Installments, $50,000 to b sold; 430,000
profit assured; Investigate. Al 064. Ora-
g oBlaa.
OROCEBI STORB with bullt-ln
oven; $25,000 ysar susinesa;
417 Board of Trade.
yOR SALE Geooral mdse. store In good
llv Wnington town; ewoa, wi ...
f7o00; yearly soles 440.000; good opening
or some ono. Address Holm Mar can tils
Co. Raymond, Wash.
Clean gr ooery atock. $1700; A-l fixture,
excellent location; doing fine business;
meat market tn rear ehara rent; owner
going East. Call 003 umoermene
FOR BALE Tea. coffee and crockery busi
ness; sstabiisnto is years, i ue
Spokane; net monthly profits $400: part
cosh, balano Seattle real estate. Owner,
Grn. 441 Peyton. Spoken. Wash.
Ob 4th at., oor.. rent only $80. long
laas. $1000 stock, guaranteed independent
license; nrei-ciase uiiitm, e -. v""-
113 Henry bldg.
A GOOD buslnsss opportunity to maks
raDiiDj u mi -- --a --- -
petition, will only taxs i.-fuu. win iri
cash, landa or lota In payment, be th
owner at oiv w 01 w . "'"a-
TOPLVITCl?-STORE, about 85000 will ban-
aie t ib; 4 1 a.
. .
ll rioara ot x raoq.
PARTNER wanted for a llv cash business
on wasninrioo e, -. - -sarr
and 4200 cosh will bandls It; pay
.- 1 1 q il ia C I. at
gooq pront .ati a I .r v ,M
FOR SALE Cheap for oash, half Interest
in coniecnouerr .!. -... , -
chance to learn oandy making. Address
luos union a, o".
STEAM cleaning and dy works wants parU
- . mni owner la resnonslble :
will arant you $25 weekly; $200 re
quired. Room 523, Lumber Exchange.
real estate partner wanted, ono of ths
- - 1 .1 I. Pnrll.nA- AAtntnla.
most re ii.uiu .iuie , -
lona laat month $1200; $400 requirad.
FOR SALE Bakery In oountry town, dough
. ? --i -1..I. mmnr- nrtcA tl.'ttjOt
54 ta otn.
mixer, oouw. .. - , t . . .
$800 cosh, balanc en Urn. D 009, Or-
w hav a list of business chanoes that
ar right. Be us about ths . 601 Couch
: nn w . v"-, nrtvrrOTiivrDV Ai.i . .. . . . . . -.
Clean, new atock. On Ext urea, good lo
cation; $375.
BALL ft HlCPCLB, $21 Lumbermens bldg.
FOR SALE Restaurant and delicatessen
store in nrsi-caae vwuu. "r
business; best of ressons; very reasonable.
Address for Information, n or 1. uruuman
irr.rj uiT.rZ A sood second-hand store; best
town In tha state; 7000 population; cheap
rent, gooa nice"- , , '
12, room oa .1 a.-
UTTCE little olesn hardware business; good
... itw tiiVtO will
location. Da J ' 3 ' " " " "
sacrifice for earn, nan, 000 f 00.
GOOD small restaurant.
iew placea, good
ell; $125 takes It.
location, low rnk. i1 '
Call 1S5 Madison, Monday.
OU can't beat this: make me an offer on
ol,x and ooofectlonery store; owner
must leave town. Call 809 Williams sve.
WILL purchase from owner, good paying
aoartment nouso, v. 1 -wow.
rooms: now sown
E 487, Oregonlan.'
FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch counter.
lolng gooa DUtineMi w.r."'"e ivw,
i-..hfn.t,n at- Phone Main 1633: lease.
FOR SALE A splendid article, ready for
..... -.4 ! IT H reason foe
iKraai; f"" " " , ' -
Ming. AB 462. Oregonlan.
FoR SALE Harness and shoe store; also
repair shop; noing soou j.u....-
for oartlcular. A K 61L Orogonion.
MEAT and cold storage plant: clearing over
40OOO year: will sell chesp on account of
ilcknesa 1 ii"o bij. -
JOB PRINTING oftlcs for sals; a snap; must
be sold at once: lams, mi.h i vau -ley.
M 882, Oregonlan.
NEW sho and men's goods store, corner.
suburb: saorincea to n.u. in.miiaaia
thla. Ownsr at 820 West Park mornings.
FOR BALE Wood yard and equipment.
cheap. t4. tst.
500 BUSlNEoS oarta, $1.00; you must br4
this sd Hose City primary lw'-'ty Third.
8 lOOO DOWN For sals, cigar store ana
confectionery. sol 3 ao .
rRICTLY cash grocery for tow: goo-
trade; no bono. Call 24 n 4 ptsrk St.
150 CIGAR stand? In heart of city; good
... 1 - . 1 ... ..a r Trfttia.
piaoe. .10 r w - -
H business, clearing $300 monthly;
la something good. g4H 8th.
CONF CTIONERT, lunoh. modern rooms;
lease for saie owner, 000 iu i -
RESTATJIIANT-for"" aale or Wade: paying
place, fan Aaaresa a . uMiniii,
Brsrsxss oppoBTcyrrn: s.
S1800 Confectionary, fruit and cigar
stand: none better In the city.
52000 tjplendid grocery stock, fin loca
tion. Grocery stock close In on East Sid
will Invoice between (2500 and 83000. Store
Thae a anleniitd nalrnnir
11230 Meat market ea prominent
atreit good patronage.
f'Vt Meat market tn eutrarb.
JjOO -Dlsndid litU grocery, wafl lo
loo is First st.
Buy cm of our nice acres oa tn nww
electric Un. all oleared ready for plant
ing and a homo easy terms, sasy life, nlc
warm cars every hour to tne city.
Room 617-518 Oregonlan bldg.
$2000 TO $10,000 TO INVEST (WITH
Tl'HEi riB- niTKlKnfl TO OET ATTEN
OWN Kit of proven placer property of 8
claims wishes assistance In equipping tn
same; ditch partially completed, giving
SvO feet fall; need elevator, pipe and
giants; will giv substantial Interest to
party supplying equipment and complet
ing ditchi $3000 necessary; Portland ref-
erencea j. u. uonners, narvsru.
In thriving county seat In famous Grays
Harbor oountry; centrally located, thor
oughly equipped, exclusive right of Edison
ft Victor goods; profitable business; will
give long Isass with reasonable rent; sell
at invoice, w coo, oregonlan.
SHiH KAl.k (".ontr.illin Interest In sood
f'aying steam laundry In one ot th best
owns In Oregon. Doing $400.00 and over
a week; manager wishes to retire; plant
modern and entirely new; established for
years; would tak $6000.00 to bandls oon-
troiing interest. Addrwas jr so, tvrsgv
FOR SALS! A well-established clothing and
genia' furnishing goods business In Port
land; party wants to retire; will enter
tain reasonable offer and secured notea
Answer AK. 605, Oregonlan, and your cor
respondence will roolv Immediate at
In good location, desirable lease, low
rent, doing nice business; ownsr must ssll
on account of other business; price $8000.
must have $1800 cash, balance out of re
ceipts or would consider good real esutt.
J oa c Gibson, 3u5 Gerlinger bldg.
Hav several swell locations In Portland
for moving-picture theaters. Must bavs
aoout g23vu to transact businesa rartio
uUtrt at New York Amusement Co. 625
vtaanlngton at., near 17th.
Man to take half Interest In light manu
facturing bustneas; good on market and In
oemana; money wanted to equip zaotory;
mall amount at cash required. N 67L
WE have position of clerk to superintendent
of large plant to fill. Want young man of
good charactsr: a chance to get a good
business education. Must Invest $1200
wnica win bs sourea ana rturna.
668, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Grocery, splendid location, do
ing good Dusiness; stock ana fixture in
voice about $2600; good reason for selling!
If you want a money-making proposition
it win pay you to investigate; no agent.
o oo. oregonlan.
WANT two or three men with $1000 to
join in taking lease on Washington st.
comer with option to buy; good specula
tion.; niy tnoee who mean business an
swer. Thos MoCuskr, 424 Lumbertons
FOR RENT Only hotel In town of 1000
innaoitants located on the southern Pa
ct c Railway, in the Kogue nivcr valley;
bath, hot and cold vtttr and slscuio
light Hi 870, Oregonlan.
AN established state agency for on of th
. Deat-eening ana oest-aavertisea automo
biles on th market, for tale; big list ot
prospects; everything ready for Spring
nusiaees. Aaaresa o i a. oregonlan.
YOUNG attorney, wide experience Federal
land law practice and procedure, desires
position witn progressive law arm ( part
nership considered W. S. Hint. 220
08th St., Chicago.
MAN or woman can mak good money by
Investing small capital In good buslnss
sxoluslvs territory glvn. B your own
salesman; good commission paid; expe
rience not necessary. Ahl two, oregonlan.
GKOCE SiY and confectionery. $t;5; will
Invoice; living rooms In rear; a business
man can double trade.
417 Board of Trade.
AN opportunity for active business man or
woman witn to 120.0001 strictly
meroantlle business in Portland; will pay
10 to 20 per cent aiviaenas; closest in
vestigation deal red. AL 6J4. Oregonlan-
INDUSTRIAL corporation owning valuable
patent, now being organise, otrera un
usual opportunity to man with 45OO0 cash
will stand closest Investigation. P MS,
HALF lutereat in an oid-stblished bual
Dsas. doing a good business, with a sal
arled position ol 8100 per month. For full
particulars call Kinney ft atampber. Lum
ber Excnange bldg.. rooms 531-582.
STOCK dry goods, notions, men's furnishings,
and gloves; Invoice $2600, at big reduc
tion; part cash, balance land. M 670i
WANTED A location for a general mer
chandise or shoe store; give full particu
lars In first isttor. Address C Krusa, 809
East 34th st.
MAIL a postal card to us and we will show
you how to get a Hood River commercial
apple orchard for $16 par month. Av
4.2. oregonlan.
WANTED To buy established men's and
ladles' furnishing or excluslv men's stors
in or out ot city. Answer - two, ore
gonlan. FOR SALE! One Standard brick maohlne,
pug mill orusher, sander, trucka molds,
wheelbarrows, 00 h. p. motor. McMahon
Bros, 1284 Division. Phone Bellwood 1 842.
FOR SALE All new stock of groceries at
Invoice, less 10 per cent ir taken at once.
ABC Grocery, 1440 , Gleason, M-V car.
No agent.
FOR SALE 3 -chair barber shop and fix
tures in live town ooing gooa business.
o65, Oregonlan;
saloon for sals to olose estate. Indenen-
dont license. Good corner loo clan. Call
116 N. id St.
wrTrRH theater, sood lease, low rent In
city. Consider unincumbered real estate
In trade. G 008. oregonlan.
WANTED 4 or 5-chaJr barber shop; must
be cheap; state cation, rent. leas. U
872, Oregon lan.
$11110 RESTAURANT; one for $2000; both
West Side, close tn, and making monsy.
418 Board of Trade.
PAYING hotel, value $1000; Investlgals and
make me an otter; cash or part real estate.
Add ress Box 103. St. Johns. Columbia 257.
$50 BUYS well established pressing parlor,
good business, good location, small rent.
Owner 822 Davis C
BARBER-wishes management of large shop,
references and cash bond It noce sary. H
871, Oregonlan. j
WANT staple line to sell to dealers In
farming communities of Eastern Oregon.
Address L 87 L Oregonlan.
Good ofTlc location and good buslnsss
for sal at one. Phon East 808.
BARBER wanted to buy barber shop and
cigar store; reasonable. 2dl Bussell St.,
near Williams av.
Telephone and other bonds bought aad
sold. Fletcher lnv. Co., Ablngtoa.
MILLINERY business In a live town of
Sfcot; good reasons for oiling, H 442,
OregonlarL '
GREAT opportunity In the Implement busl
ncss for a live manager. Address Phil
brick and Greenwood. Baker City. Or.
"WANTED Partnsr for inside buslnessi only
$250 cash: no experieno required, par
tltulars 800 Henry bldg.
$.oou GROCERY, East Side, sales aver
age $6 day: one for $1300; can't beat It,
418 Board of Trade.
HOTSL doing fine business; very fins loca
tion, good lease, rent reasonable. For
particulars call 208 Board of Trade,
FOR SALE A fin bakry and confection
ery business In a bustling town. Inquire
Grsy. McLssn ft Percy. 113-115 N. 4th.
EXPERIENCED man In timber and real
estate; will buy In paying oflio. Address
L 470, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Saloon, In good looatloni owner
has other business to attend to. Inqulr
54 N. 6th st.
FOR sal, saloon, scat looatl on. 16T N. 4 t
FOR BALE About $8000 stock of shoe la
good location. H 884, oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS halrdresslng parlors for sale
cheap If sold at onoe.Maln 6299.
WANTED To buy cigar and confectioner-
store or light grocery, o o'J". uregoni.
PLANING MILL for aaia) At invsntory. p.
871, u jreggn latv
There la only one laat new country on
this continent the richest and best.
British Columbia la being opened up by
three transcontinental and other lines of
Over thirty million seres of rich agri
cultural and futt land, fifty million of the
finest timber, coal and mineral landa that
have never been touched will be thrown
open to the publlo for development. This
la the famous Fort George country.
One hundred million dollora will be
pent In the next five yoara In railroad
building alone.
Do von want a sbar of the profits T
Let us send you a free copy of th
"British Columbia Bulletin or tnrorma
tlon," giving synopsis of mining, land.
mineral ana timber laws oosie you noia
lnir Write tndav.
412 Granville St.. Vancouver, ts. o.
Fine stock of general merchandise in
one of Portland's best suburbs; last
month's sales were $3000, mostly cash
business, 278 family customers on tha
list; expenses are very low, rent only
$37.64) Including barn, lease runs 4 1 years,
stock and fixtures will Invoice about $3500.
Soma terms. Owner's only reason for
selling Is sickness and must leave city.
We can highly recommend thla place to
any on wanting a gooa Dusiness.
81T Board ot Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oa
We want a good llv man to open a
restaurant In a booming new town on the
electrlo line dose to Portland. Hare Is
a chanoe tor man and wife to make a
wad of monsy. There are lots of hungry
people with money ana no gruD.
Wallace Investment CO,
Kocm 5I8. Oregonlan Bldg.
Wholesal and retail with good mall
order trade, all over the U. 8. and Cana
da. We want to retire, about $35,000. All
clean stock and no Indebtedness; will sell
with $0000 to $10,000 cssh and stay with
the blivee ml the hualnfma nsva the rest!
good real estate CONSLUEIULD. Address
a 838. Oregonlan.
WANT-TJ 10 OliO from nertles that are not
afraid to Investigate, or will divide the
investment between three or tour panic?
nronta ihne nv. i on ner ,.ni bank refer
ences given and requirsd: give name and
address for Interview. V 008. Oregonlan .
Th time to buy right Is when an owner
really wants to sell; such Is the case
with both of these; If you win inveau
arata It will on v von if vou want a gro
cery store; both places are In a good lo
cation and will run aDout fi.uu.
516 Board of Trade Bldg.
Marshall 458. A 1059.
WANTED Successful nerve specialist, ex
perienced In sanitarium work, wants party
to Invest about $4000 with his $10,000 and
" conduct private sanitarium; good oppor
tunity for Investment, also salary to right
party; am married; have Ideal location
seoured In Portland; doctor or common
sense woman 84 to 65 preferred; no agents.
Communications confidential. Address S
84. Oregonlan.
A flO-M ' ranacliv ftussell BOrtabl saw.
mill, complete with cut-oil saw. sawdust
conveyor, eto.j also a No. 1 Northwest
planer, with attachments, good as new;
has been used only a short time, For
particulars call at my s Ice. 22-228 From
au. roriiaaa. or.
FOR SALE Nlc grocery and confectionery
atore; nice big room; good front, nice
neighborhood; could be made a good point
for general store; big basement, rent
cheap; lease If wanted. 6t8 Union ave.
. North. Phone E. 1324. Owner.
WANTED Man to taks half Interest in real
estate business; made good money last
J ear: ready for work; farm land and
Ivlslon a specialty: consists of two autos,
farm A ivtsion ana office fixtures. 002
Bpaiaing bldg.
FOR RENT Modern apartment-house, 20
rooms, furnished, steam heat hot and cold
water, bath and eloctiio lights, centrally
located In town of 10,000 Inhabitants In
the Rogue River Valley. uov, orego
nlan. CONFECTIONERY and cigar store, well
established business. best location In
Vanoouver. Wash.; furnishings for restau
rant and furnished living apartments In
rear of store; long leas and raa sonabl
rent. N db. Oregonlan.
GOOD opening for man who understand
piano business; 5150 will secure the place;
cheap rent, tine building; chance open
only two weeks; field un worked. W 861,
LIGHT manufacturing: half Interest:
pusher required; such a man can make a
mail fortune.
417 Board ot Trade.
Am prepared to undertake financing;
of high-grade stock or bond offering;
terms moderate. UNDERWRITER, Suite
417-18-18. 80 Wall St., New York.
Genuine leather chair stand; lojhg
good rent: transfer point.
820 Wash- room 818;
SPECIAL Energetic- man, able to invest
$600 with services can draw 123 week
salary and share of profits In solid busi
ness; duties easily learned and money
fully seoured. Particulars 248 Vt Stark st.
Mska careful investigation at expense
ef seller bsfors you Invest money In any
proposition. Advisory iMparunant, Y. 14.
C A.
GROCER3, look here; up-to-date grocery
atore in A-l location tor rent ana nx
tures for sale, with or without stock; long
lease; this Is your chance. Answer AD
601. oregonlan.
Cheap rent; Is a snap.
820 k Wash., room 813.
FRESH stock dry goods, drugs and Jewelry.
In tamty town 7 mues fortiana, givuo!
Invoice $1400. Fietcner. 224 Ablngton
POOLROOM and lunchroom, making big
money; tnta piece is on tne west mae;
won't last long; price $1400; giveterms.
411 Board of Trade.
YOUNG man alone In real estats business
desires aotlve partner; good opening for
the right party: small amount of cash
required. A btw, oregonlan.
GIVEN away free, map of ail the California
on fields, also tnai subscription ot publica
tion "California Oil Fields." Sagar-Loomls
Co.. 701 oregonlan biag.. r'ortiqnq. or.
WILL Invest $8000 to $10,000 In good, estab
lished business, requiring services; must
stand close inspection; state lull particu
lar a- O 868. Oregonlan. i
SPLENDID store business; lease, low rent.
sales $35,O0O yar at good proms; price
$1700; open to your closest Investigation,
Particulars 248 H Stark st.
FOR BALE On Nob Hill, a well-paying
boarding-house; estaoiisnea 6 years, witn
22 boarders. See owner about terms. AD
865, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE 100 shares North Coast Co
operative Lumoer uompany stock at 800
per share. Address E- F. Wayland ft Co.
470 Monaanock piag. pan rranciaco.
WANTED Partner with $8000 to take half
UllOmi wuotl .un. una a." ,wc
or better; good security for money In
seated. Call between 10 and 2, 88 N. 8th st.
FOR SALE Meat market, fitted up first-
class; long, cneap lease; aave two maraets;
not able to attend both. Phone Sellwo.d
1186 or call 1614 S. I3th at.. Bellwood.
A good location for a 10-chair shop
with 8 bathrooms. Inquire 613 Railway
Exchange Bldg.
CASH grocery, with nice living-rooms: In
voices aoout iiiwv; u bwuu. un a
248 Vt Stark st
RELIABLE young man wanted for the
building easiness; tnis is a Kraut a opening
for the right party. 64 6th.
CIGAR, confectionery and fruit; best buy In
City; Ola estaoiisnea. oemua at t-nsp-rn
an. 826 H Washington St.. room 813.
A good location. Room for 12 to 14
tables. 515 Railway Exchange Bldg.
WANTED A location for oountry bank or
will buy Blocs in estao snea pan At uuu,
iOO PARTNER In building houses and
buying up lots, etc.; can give references.
See my agent, 418 Board of Trade.
FOR SAL Sawmill, good local trade, tim
ber close by; price siuvu: two-tntras casn,
rest on easy terms, p 600. Oregonlan.
FOR SALS: Delicatessen and lunch room;
a snap 11 in. 11 at aooa; i peor naa
Phone Tabor 1319.
MODERN 10-room flat, oentrally located.
low rant, gooa lease, nargam tt taken at
ones Phone Main 4682.
BILLIARD, pool hall and cigar atore tor
sal or win sen hair interest to ngnt
party. 488 Washington St.
FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch counter;
2-year lease; new, modern, boa I nm 711 11,
psai arabr a- a
All California Oil Stocks.
1.000 Alaska-Canadian C. O.. bid
1.650 Alaska Pet. ft Coal tress. . .special
12,750 Aimed Con. tress bid
2.250 Almeda Con. treas .55
1,000 Automatic Call ft Adv. Clock bid.
600 Bradshaw M. ft M 25
8,000 B. C. Amalgamated Coal. . .bargain
100 Calif. Con. Oil (Bob Evans) .46
8,000 Fidelity Copper bid
100 Gibson Mfg. Co. less than bait
1 Glencoe Land Co. bid
3,500 Gov. Standard Powders. . . . special
6,000 Grand Rondo
6.000 Hercules Mining Mach..
200 H. O. Peck Auto Wheel.
4.000 Morning Metallns
8.275 National Copper
1,000 Necarney Hydrocarbon...
2,500 Oregon Gold Hill
.best bid
. ..special
.07 t
1,31:5 Paciilc Coast Cranberry Co.
l.suu flckel con. Adv. siacn..
275 Portland Concrete Pile..
1.000 Potlcle
1,000 Poulaon's Wireless
1,00 0 Princess Panama ......
10 Royc Suspension Hub...
800 Seattle-Portland Coal ..
683 United Poc Tire Cover.
10 U. S. Cashier Co
LOOO WashouEal G. ft C
. .35
. bid
All other stocks and bonds. Ssa me bs
fors buying. May be able to do better.
Alaska Pet. & Ooal Port. Horn TeL fft ock
Gov. Stand. Powder StandardFender
Portland Home Tel. Bonds.
National Copper. Trevor, Calum 06-S.
for lots. Land and lots for Campoell'a
Aut. Safety G. B., Picket's Adv. Mac-.
and other stocks.
385 Ablngton Bldjf.
WANTED A man. firm or corporation wth
$5000 to $10,000 cosh to buy entire state
right oovsrlng a patented slot mschln
that sells lead pencils, ths only maohln
of the kind ever made In the world, and
Is being advertised In the leading mart'
glnes of the United States. (Any sale
made by the holding company in yoar re
spective state you will receive full credit
for same.) Profits are large and ma
chines In big dsmand. Address , W.
Pack Co., 183 Broadway, K0W York City.
A PARTNER I wont b partner whd Is ot
good, steady habits and a thorough busi
ness man: ons who has had some exper
ience dealing wish merchant and In mer
chandise; he must be a good hustler, a
man who can make and close up deals,
who Is willing to go out on the road and
travel some and can furnish as good ref
erence as will be given. To this kind of
a man I will sell a one-third Interest In
my business. As to what it will pay you,
you can better find that out by close In
vestigation. It will require $5000 In oash
or security, or properly, to that amount.
There Is a good lncoms to this proposition
tor you and Is with an old-eatubliahed
concern. Address Af 670. Oregonlan.
The fastest growing city In the world;
mlid climate, Summer days over 20 hour
daylight; Pacific terminus Grand Trunk
Paclno Railway; undeveloped British Co
lumbia ooal, gold, silver mines; timber,
fruit and farming lands. For full Informa
tion address Uncle Jerry P. O. Box 808,
Prince Rupert, B. C.
I WILL sell one-half Interest In sn Incor
porated trust company with assets of over
$18,000, to ths right man for $5000. This
Includes one-half Interest in the largest
realty company In the state outslds of
Portland. The business Is too large for
ons man to handle any longer, and 1 want
a partner that can take over a portion of
the work. This is no hot-air scheme, but
a straight business proposition, and It will
have to be a bualnest man that gets It.
My books are open to the fullest inspec
tion, and If you mean business write me.
AF 742, Orsgonlan.
MILLINERY ttore In a city of 25.000 pop
ulation, doing the best business and in
the best location to be found. This Is no
run-down stock, but Is strictly lirst-class
In every way. It does an annual busi
ness of more than $20,000: owner has
made sufficient profits on which to re
tire. There Is now about a $6000 stock
and good fixtures; will sell, and would ac
cept good Portland resldenoe property.
J. B. Smith, 518 Chamber of Conuneroe.
Portland, Or.
WANTED An up-to-dat stock, of shoes
and furnishing goods or kinarea luies,
well located, not Invoicing over $3000, in
exchange, with balance, cash : for a $5000
stock of dry goods, furnishings and shoes.
In Colorado, near Colorado Spring Town
of 800. Good buslneaa, low rent. Excel
lent country and climate. Stat full par
ticular AL, 651 Oregonlan.
In good location on ost moo. witn o
years lease, at $50 per month; monthly
receipts over $400; 6 head of horses, 4
wagons. 8 sets of harness and all nca
ary tools go with place; price $1800.
S20 Lumber Exchange.
MEXICO'S unequalled resources offer bound-
less opportunities to ins man witn imiii
means to combine his capital with other
for large profits. Particulars of splsndld
opening sent free by addressing West
Coast Cattle ft Lumber Co., 403 Mill
bldg.. San Francisco, CaX
Our rate book tens an aoout auvertie
Ing mediums, rates, circulation, closing
dates, etc.: 10c; worth dollars; folder free;
correspondence invited. Dearborn Adver
tising Agency; 425 Franklin bldg., Chi
cago; .
LOCATION wanted for a live up-to-date
businessman ana stock 01 snooe enu u.
nlshlng goods Must bs a good Industry
town of over 6000, with modera store
room, well located and reasonabls rent.
State full particulars. AL 632 Oregonlan.
$7000 CASH for H Interest In logging and
sawmill, tun equippea, ru o. u
timber and land Included; this Is less than
value; good tie contract and market
for ail lumber; immediate action neces
sary. AC 609. Oregonlan;
A WELL paying general store in an Oregon
growing industrial town 01 -.
60 miles from Portland, with a slock of
about $10,000; can be bought reasonable;
a good chance to step Into a paying busi
ness. Address Y 658, Oregonlan.
AGENCY wanted; a good salesman bavins
a irra Display iriuuun on nm ..-.
wants the agency of an article of merit,
somethln It will pay to talk and push.
v. b: r.r2 ttercen St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.
PATENT secured or fee returned; Illustrat
ed guide book ana list 01 invention
free to any address; patents ssoured for
us advertised free In World's Progress;
sample copy free. Victor J. Evans Co..
Washington, D. C.
. . . . . .. .. 1 i 1 vim etack e.
teams, '
I'" "o Lj. 'iii il
steam saws, stoca un io , - ...
whole or half Interest: Improved olty
property considered. Apply 404 Roth-
enna oiub-
PARTNER wanted, able to Invest $5000 In
an olu-esiaoiisuou uud... , -
show $4000 a year profit to purchaser.
Particulars 248 H Stark st .
ALL or half Interest In a nice llttl gro
cery store uuiiiK so- , -
lease, cheap rent, fa Fredenthal. room
1 Washington omg.
FOR SALE Halt Interest In an old-estab-
llshea real eeima mm.,, uv.n -business;
best of reasons for selling. R
673, Oregonlan
BprriAL Moving picture tneater must oa
Bold Monoay; inim.., ,..w -,vvv, y.---
$800 if sold before 2 P. M.; party called
Easl. 04 tti
PARTNER to Join me in commercial fertil
izer business; ofiiuriuimj o i
man: have s-eourod splendid agency. AT,
752, Oregonlan.
WANTED Partner with capital to Increas
stock and poultry food business; prortt-
able; chance tor snergeuu mau. '
ANYONE deslrlns a good lncoms on a com
paratively Bman -invcauuoui .. ... "-rooming-house
we have for sals to be
very desirable and the cash price attrac
tive, or will trade for good farm or olty
property; the equipment Is modern, house
newly furnished and full of desirable ten
ants; clears $200 a mo.; $25oo oash will
hrdle. Call 533 Morrison su
Tf you want to buy or sell, see aa
Oldest established business chance firm
In the city. Phone A 1321. Main 8774.
HAVE recently arrived from Mlnensota and
will buy irom owner : 11 11 1 1 rooiaiiia-uoui m,
give full particulars. Mrs. R. Bon. AF
678, Oregonlan
CLIENT will pay up to $5000 cash for first-
class room inat-nuuDC , wuiu iw -i
170 6th St.
WANTED Rooming-house, 10 to 14 rooms.
from owner; no ageniB; west blue, aouia
of Washington; must be bargain tor cash.
C 462, Oregonlan;
NEWLY furnished 8-room house In good
location; rent $40: a bargain. 010 twei-
landbldg; '
WILL rent, trade or sell at a bargain, 10-
room turniahed rooming-house, ccntrtu ax
located and Main SUA