The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 15, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 27

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i i for rknt. ' f " rent. fobke
va-m- v-.--!--. rrvi III I u-sv-ra-rt ir.TVTI 1 HAMll-1U I - I
' 1 I ...... .... L' . , : : 1 KooVnC ' I lornl.hed Boom, to Prlvat Family.
ADIF desiring flrst-class work don et homes la enamouring, facial and
gnrel nun, hampoolng. fealrdrss
ing. tc. with th noit modern electrical
appliances, pleas cail or writ M In Elet
Roland, formerly at th Waldorf-Astoria,
New York. Room 42. T. W. C. A. Resl-
dsnc phon A 84T6.
FIHST-CLaSS drecsmaklng. resonabl.
Phon Main 800 or A 1070. Call .No. 71.
EXPERIENCED a'.l.rmtlon fitter would Ilk
position In store: would consider out of
Jowa. K 674. Oregonlaa,
EXPERIENCED- tnnmtkor. tailoring and
alteration, want, work by day. Phono Ta-
bor 146.
IHFSMAKER. first class, wants sawing by
day. East 613.
FKAOTICAL 16 years' experience rurM,
wishes mat. rnl! r. aged. Invalid, Infant;
ran go California. Call Sunday. Monday.
Marshall 274U.
SV two nurses; ono "practical" experienced
and willing: mora cases;
f.var. etc. Marshall ?4o.
Nl'RSINO by mlddlsex-ed'lady. aged Inva
lid or maternity preferred- rhono Main
83 8.
NCRMNG by practical nurse having had
hupttl xperlenc. phon Main 6763.
EXPERIENCED, practical nurw: beat refer,
trft Phone c 277?-
PRACTICAL nurs. Invalid, and elderly peo-
plo a specialty. Phono Marahall 1561.
Hoc fcpw.
A LADT of xprlenr want, position aa
housekeeper In rooming or arartment
IrauH, or would position In bach
lor or wldower'a bom. AC MI. or
vontan. REFINED woman wlsh. a position In a small
family or elderly oouplo a home, aa house
keeper or to asalst with light housework
and tha maalne; and renuvaunc of dress,
etc AD 670. Oregonlan.
W ANTE I In flrst-class ar-artment-houee
or rooming-house, a position aa superin
tendent, housekeeper, by a renned. com
petent woman; experienced. W 61. Or -
. gonlan.
ailDDLK.-AGED lady d!re upervlslng
housekeeper's position, eltr or country;
tske full charge: thoroughly competent.
Addrosa SS Yamhill st. phon Marshall
REPINES mlddle-aiej widow rleslree po
sition as housekeeper for widower or
bachelor or ana rtni.nt. All 67ir. Orego-
WANTFD -Position: light housework; good
plain ook and nest home-Ilk plac pre-rirr-d
to blah erases; West Sid oo.j.
M 67l. Oreeonian.
SITUATION aa working, houaekeeper In
roomlng-bous or apartment and small
was-ee; best references. Address S-4 Lost
!rh st. X.
WIDOW with small bor would Ilk pine as
housekeeper In rooming-house, rnul M
winnower's bom, prefer city. P 6,3. Ore
gonlan. WANTF r Two renned women, of inM.ll
aire, wish car of fumlahrd house on West
S!d for nominal rent. A V. Ore (on lan.
TOUNG married woman who bnsbmnd I
away for th Winter, dealre home and
light mploymnt In prtvat family In i
cnanpi for accomroolatlona. Olv street
number and dutlea expected la first lttr.
Rfrnea.N tWI. uraconlan.
EXPERIENCED mlddl-ad chambermaid
dealres position, city or countrv. wlllln
to tske full chirrs. Address 803 Taninlll
st. phons Msrshall 17li
A L.VDT yould llks poelllon as dishwasher:
wll make herseir generally useful. Ad
67 i (reg;on1snu
OIRl. wants to cook snd do keneral house
work; reference. r Raletrn. North.
H-ANTrn Br S ladle, aa keeper of a mill
boarding-house, camp or railroad section;
ran glv the best of reference aa to their
abllltT. Address IL M. O.. box 1I. St.
Jhns. Or.
a. Tt"lN' lady, esperlenced chambermaid,
wishes work wher she can have husband
mad child 1 years ld with her. phon
A to IS.
tWO young ladle would Ilk a position,
urine full eharg of roomlnc-housa; hav
iad xp.rlnc. rbon. Marshall S-'XA
room til.
toI'NO IsJt wishes to like car of chll
dr.n v.nlns- or b companion to lady In
axe hang for room and board. phone
R 157 J.
COMPETENT experienced business woman
desire position In rel eetste ofTIr. of
rlrs or outslds work. Would consider prt
norshlp. H 7S.Oregonlan.
WANTED Situation by responsible womsn.
to assist with housework or will tske
eharg of roouilng-bou. O 7o. Orago
nlsn. AtT pUnlst and -oeallst At. al sar
sperlen-e In show business, wsnts posi
tion. Ilest ref ersnces. A 33. Or.gonlaa
TROTCrj young German. 1 years old. wants
work of inr kind In town or In th ceun
try. AK Ursgonlan-
JHOREIGNER-I delrlng to leara English
quickly call tV47 1st St.. room 1. Japan
es or Chines not desired.
VOl'.N'il lady collector would ilk accounts
for collecloa: refcrenc. A-I 71. Orego
nian. TOI'NO lady pianist would like position)
experienced. Pboos Marsoall 2 -DO. room
ail. .
1.ADT cook would like cooking by th day
for dinners and parties. Phon East 171.
room 21 r oW. Oregonlan.
XlTn1 German woman anta work by th
hour; can help at dinners, elo.
Phon Vabor -"Jex
KXrEIilENCED German girl wania position
a nursery governess; best of rafsrsnceav
I. s-tT. orcgon-an.
OERUAN' English-speaking lady wishes a
p-naiooa la doctors office. J C70. Ore
gon ISA.
l" MAKR a Sle-Ilty of Laundsrlng fin I-.-
curtains, work done at bo; references.
Phone Msrshsll 1'X.l.
Cooks, housekeepers, chamt-srmalde. wait
resses. St. l-ouis Agency. SOS Waenlngtoo,
Msln :. A S7T1.
WOMAN" wants work, br tn day.
Kast S444.
WOMAN would Hk. work hy day or hour.
Phon. Kaal M44. room 12.
MtNTINO and darninr by hour or dax.
your boms. East toa.
WANTED Sweeping and dusting by
hour. Phon. Tabor 133.
LADT want work by tbs day.
Marshall 179S.
P hoao
CHINA anj oil painting taught at your
homo If desired Tabor m
tVAlTREs wan: work la grill or ta-
room. D U. orsgonian.
1)T woman printer, few hours' work during
day. K 70. Or.gonlan.
TOIXO wemsa warns washing and Ironing
by hour, riellwood 177.
TOt'NO woman w.-vnts rty work;
ao vim.
Ing; ref-rnre. H - "
HVEEPIN and rleanlnc by tt.oroueh.v re
liable woman. Call for M- lt.. Tabor 1U.2.
WOMAN wants day work. Call IS Alblna
... 1 ' . - l. -A IIS We. I'lna Ksrl.
WANTKl) liouseaork by day. 2e hour,
fall .v 3-1. et.. npetalr.
HjtVE youur washing don In my bond
lennrtr-r. Mitlo r1
OEKAN ls!is work; v.sninc
clenlng. Ironing. I'hon Eest 4T4U
WOMAN "wants-work by the day. Phons
Wood.awa 14T.
LADT fromlndon and Taxis gKesea
sti In musi-? an.l Vreneh. Main 4T4.
HITUATION wantrd L r.flnetl youu i'iy
as goeomess. C M. Oregonlan.
LADT wanta day work. Phon Esse ftrtl.
Vt ANTV n AO r. vrs.
ArTO.VI"HU.K nerssslljr. c-vn mak tZi a
rTay; repairs puncture In one minute, trend
for brokleL. Aotomobll. Tlr. Il.palr Co.,
He 4.4. I.ancs:-r. Pa.
KHCE sample. No-plsh water strainers are
winners. laiv profit !. upward. Let us
prv It. rnd tmalltng cot. seed
miter Co, New York.
At'UVK canvasser can roak S-0 weekly
siting tree for lb Oregon Nursery Com
panv. liberal preposition; good territory.
Address tireneo. Or.
M FStn. agents sotlsfie.1. profits on new
gss.esvlng tip and appliance, sample,
ratal.-rue. net price list, in cents. Kellsr
Co.. 214 So. tTsrk St.. filcsgo.
CIARANTEFtl safety rasor frse with h"K
soap. etc. Enormous sales, amsstng profits.
outsel'lne everything. Particulars fre.
Parker Chemlcel Co Chicago.
A'SEXT for portralta. frame and art noe
:tte; sample, and ratalogle fre. Ad
dress N. l I'rledT sn A CO., Hffl. box
Msrtlrsn-r. Mo.
WR py a weex and flHiurt to mea
with rigs to tntroduc poultry compound.
Isor' contract. Imperial Mfg. Co, Depu
Ts. parsons. Kan.
ll A DAY selling new srtlcle; -rery Orra
nesds quantity, ales pleasant buslnes;
big dmnd everywhere; samples free.
l-tal!o Mfc. 4.17 N. Clark. Chicago.
l,rvilTIM ATE subetttut for slot msrMne;
patented. Sells oa sisht for tl. ParticulAra.
teisha Company. Anderson, ind.
til "TARTS you In business: S a d.y
front If a hustler: agents wanted.
rletenar. 1:1 Ablsgtoa bldg.
RKt.lAnt.F. bAl.KsiMAN
PVPtHIOR In many ways to Hood
River, only 40 miles to Portland msrket.
on mil from new railroad now being
actually under construction; owners In
vite most critical Investigation.
proposition la th cream of the Willamette
FOR Ut'SINESi Liberal commission and
special contract to "hustler" with flrjt
class references. Address owner. R 8"L
STOP right her. Something new. 148 to
$0 week. Sell on sight. 100 per cent
profit. No-chary for territory. Nw au
tomatic rasor sharpener, absolutely guar
anteed for life. On agent, without expe
rience, took 27 orders Brst day out (sworn
statement); -o ordera next day. Profit
for two days. S7ff0: 40O.00O sold four
months, phenomenal money maker. Man
everywhere are excited over mysterious ac
curacy and perfection of little) machine.
Writ today for full details free. W
want a thousand agents In exclusive terri
tory, at one. Address The Nevcrfall Com-
pany. 33 Colton bldg.. Toledo. Ohio.
AGENTS for a'vacuum cleaner that weighs
only 0v. pound., sella for So. yet does the
work of the more expensive machines: big
profile, liveliest proposition ever offered to
aa agent; many sgents msklng fioo week
ly: others S7.1 to SV weekly: demonstra
tion means sale: you can sell ten of our
machines to ons of any other make, w rite
at once. P. A W. Vacuum Clsaner Co- Bl
West 43th at.. New York.
YVANTED Agents sod street men. factory
Just starting: greatest 10c seller; no talk
ing necessary; sella on sight: can carry
a hundred In the pocket; whole Tjnlced
State open; prompt ohipmenta: we pay
express: send sddress and lOo for samples
wlih prices and get the cream of th
buainess; proms Immsnse. F. J. Dean se
S;o 1-2 West 8d. Los Angelos. CaL
WANTED Capable salesman to hand!
manufacturer llns advertising signs, bul
letins, novelties, calendars; beat jrsar
around lln In th country; non but
capabl men need apply. Send refer
ence with application. L'p-tO-Dats Adver
tlslnr Co.. Canisteo. N. Y.
NEW Inrentlon; revolving rubber heels:
anyons can put en Instantly; heels never
run over, never slip: half tha price; thre
times th wear of any other: sell for 2Sa
pair. I0 per cent profit, sell like wild
er; every on wants them, ljimbert Rub
ber Co., 11TJ0 Washington blvd. Chicago,
BECL'RE an agency for th Alsddln. th
latest Improved and modern Incandescent
korosen lamp on the market, beat seller,
gives the best satisfaction. Sample free.
Kxrlustve territory to hustlers. Th Mantl
Iittmp company of America. Portland. Or.
S3 to Slu daily introducing brand new
aluminum 4-piece Combination Cooker at
half price- New proposition. Pocket eam
plea. No experience nestled. Outfit fre to
workers. M. Jones. 5U8 Finch bldg., Lay
.ton. Ohio. .
MAN cleared $lli. lady 1720 last six
months selling liollada's Marvel Shoe
Polish. self staining, waterproof. t hy
not you? Write for demonstration ssm-
?!. I tx Iloiladay. 126 W. 51st. New
WANTED Men snd women for Imported
French toilet article, territory protected,
i-jur seller bis croflt. We absolutely
guarante monthly salary to responsible
srtlea Plening-iasy vo., cwv at araee sw
en Frsmclsc.
AGENTS You can mak Slo day aelling
our new high-grade original air bruhtt
tl-elgn show cards to storekeepers: 3 0
vsneiles: catalogue, sample fr. Peoples
Show Card Concern. 7.6 W. Madison.
Chl..n til
LADIES anxloua to earn big money aelling
ths Klosrll" tins of ready-made patented
pettleiats that fit any woman like a glove,
should address me for territory privilege.
JAMEa A. MEAKti. 88 Warren sl New
BT'NLIOHT at night; our Incandescent ker-
...i. o, a lamna burn
With or without mantle; appeal to all us
ing lamps. Prices defy competition. Psr
tlrulars free, simplex Gaslight Co., 23
Park Row. New York.
BEND for fre catalogus of Thomas" guar
anteed nosiery ror men, wum.u nu
rn. Agents make fl.83 per hour. Ire
samples. Thomas Co.. 10S atala st-. Iksy
ton, Ohio. .
OENERAL. special, by large. old-lln.
health ana aoeiunt comoany. sw. no -rsJ.
essy selling policies; cholc terri
tory. Hit pay. Royal Casualty Co.. St.
100 PER CENT profit. New combination
tool, 18 In one. For farmers, electricians,
machinists, plumbers, auto owners, sam
ple fr to workers. J I. Thomas Co., 208
ci..h kU tl.vifin C,h1o-
UOTS and girls, sell 24 perfum stick pins
at loc each and receive oar telescoping
a v en evelnntn OM t t fr. WrltS
today. liarkcom-Nelsoa tiales Co., out
Sykes block. Minneapolis. Minn,
Ll VK men wanted, every locality; big
money-making proposition: 83 per day
easily made: something new; enclose dims
to cover cost of full particulars. H.
Burrts. SJ1 Weet 81st St.. Pest lie. Wash,
ToU ran make SS8 as our genersl or local
agent; nousenoia necessity; sves oo r
csnt: permanent business: exclusive terri
tory; salary or commission. Fre ssmpls.
credit. Pllkln. Newark. N. J.
AOENTS Improved specialty for automo
bile owners: quick seller, big protlts: Il
lustrated booklets: writs today. Sulli
van' s Specialty Co., 646 Wall st, leoa
Aneles. Cai.
AOENTS to handl blggsat money-making
fire extinguisher: special starting oSsr;
exclusive terrltc.ry: 87.1 to iiX) per
month. Psrtger Chemical Mfg. CO Mll
wsukee. Wis.
CHEWING OUM Sell our new brands to
dealers In your town: ws slso make spe
cial prlvat brnda: also premium and ma
chine gums, iislmet Gum Factory. Cin
cinnati. 7eRT VirNRPE want mors aganta;
their repressntstlves ar making big
-none-, you can do ths mint Writ them.
1219 nilmoT St.. San Frsnclico. Cat.
AOENTS Finest keroeen mantl lampa.
82 2a. Federal Sales Co.. SOS Lumber Ex
change. Aut.VTi You can know about the prohia
made supplying perfumes to famlllea. Ad
dress Leljler A Co., St. Louis. Mo.
AGENT wanted, either sex. for ths new
t slthsm hose supporters for womsn ana
children. 40 Park St. A "21S.
A IS TO 14-room house: must b la good
locality: strictly modern, with good yard,
by respooslbls party; will lease for term
rr years If aeceesary; near carltne. C 668.
A ft, a OH 7-roomed. neatly furnished
bous for a reflnsd coupl snd domestio
wanted for Immediate occupancy; best
references furnished. Addrees 8. J. C
room 4AJt. Nortonta ITotaL
WANTKIr By 81 st. furnlsbssd boufs se
j art bouse, about rooms, witb yard, near
aoud carllne; full psrtloular. M 64 J,
WANT to rent nicely furnished modern
home tn good location, for family of tbre
adulta; want garag In connection. Ad
dress .N 4H. Oregonlsn.
WANT?n To rent or lease, with privilege
of b. Ing. small bungalow In or near
Irvlngton. Adflreaa 41 E. 11th St.
WANTED to rent, a S to "-room flat, wr IV
tng distanc. ard and Washington. T 666,
HOL'KE of 10 to 12 rooms. Waal Sid, for
trms of years; best refer en oss furnish eU.
O l. Orsgonlaw.
To rent unfurnished flat or bua
B 6o. Crgonlan
Apart meats.
WANTED S or 6-room steam-heated, un
furnished apartment, by thre adults, per.
mannt tenant, with good recommenda
tion. West Side, north of Wsshlngton.
;iv looauon and prtr. Addrass A 60S,
BUSINESS wosnn would Ilk to snara apart
ment or rooms In good, clean, up-to-dats
place, with ons lady: no children, walk
ing dlstanc. AK 670. Or oalan.
A TOI'NO bvsines man desire elegantly
furnlshsd large room with home-llks sur
roundings In a prlvat family or widows
bom or prtment: must be strictly mod
ern snd nigb-clsss; West Sid only. P. O.
Hog 4:14
TfANTFTr Two housekeeping rooms In prl
vat family: walking dlstanc, reasonanj,
by young couple; no children. C 678,
Oreg nian.
WANTED ley young lady, nicely furnished in modem bouse, wll h prtvat fam
ily, good location, Wet Sid preferred.
o 7.t. Oregonia
WANT E D Cm lanr or two small rooms
for light housekeeping la privals fam
lle. near Kaat Morrison, by a refined
working girl. E ft4. Oregonlan.
WANTED A furnished room, by a moder
ate Jepanear. within walking diatanr
frrn t'nion depot: rent rot acedlng 88
a month. C v. Oregonlan.
TWO connecting rooms for two gentlemen,
furnished; must be within walking dis
tance, prlvat family desired, AN 612.
1WANT $J3.O0O for thre years st 6 per
cent, on very fins Improved Portland
propery; will pay small brok.rsgu. All
673. Oregonlsn.
WANTED Z or 3 unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, near Iloiladay School, no children.
Htnte particulars. H lo5, Oregonlan.
BT employed young ladv. modern light
beuskeptna room. O M, Oregon Isn.
TOl'Ntl couple want two or thre unrur
nlshed rooms, suitable for houaskeeplng:
roust be cloe In and modern; glv full
particulars first lettet. K P3. Oregonlan.
Booms With Board.
WANTED by" business womsn. room and
breakfast tn quiet home: would asalst
morning and oventngs light work, or
companion to elderly lady. Clos In; ref
ersncos. AJ 674. Oregonlsn.
WANTED 2 well-furnished rooms villi
board In private family by mother and
adult son. Must be In good locality, well
heated and within walking dlstanc of
business csnter. B 800. Oregonlan.
YOL'Nil man would like board (2 meala
dally). In Christian family or small board-Ing-houss
with strictly home cooking;
must b close In on West Side. Address If
631. Oregonlan.
WANTED Room, two meals a day and a
home with family of adults sociably In
clined In desirabis location. Address a
670. Oregoiilan.
WANTED Kt.lutd family of three wsnt
well-furnished rooms, with board. In good
residence section. Phone A 7tt!i
COMMERCIAL man wishes room and board
In private family. Will bo out of tha city
part of the time. B 61. Oregonlan.
TWO young-men wish board and room In
private family; preferably among young
people. AC Orcgonlun.
LADY dei-lrci pleasant room, boated, with
board. West Side. D 607. Orego-
n 1.111. .
TOI'NO man wants room or room and board
on Portland Heights. In vicinity of 2tth
and Clifton sis. Phons Maln D363. p
TOI'NO man wants room and board In pri
vate family: atat terms snd particulars.
X 671. Oregonlan.
NICE furnished room with Jewish family;
must be close In; will furnish references.
f 00. VIUOMi.I.
' Business Places.
I havs a wsll-qutpped livery which I
would like to move to Oregon or Southern
Washington; prefer to rent barn for th
present: glv full particulars. Address O
60S. Oregonlan.
SPACE In stors for new millinery stock by
experienced milliner; accustomed to best
trade; references exchanged: Oregon or
Wsshlngton preferred, AE 680. Oregonlan.
WANT deskroom in offlc with attorney or
architect, with use of phones and dark
service. rs oio. unn..
WANTED Cemeut basement well lighted
for storage use with access from sldewslk.
X 66i, Oregonlsn.
)R rent.
Rooms. Hats, apartm.nts. furnished and
unfurnished; table boarding, all part of
the city; we save you money, time and
trouble. Let us locate you. 3o2 Buchanan
bldg." Marshall 21113. A 5243.
....... t. nvruiiiiiif TWlM TODAY.
FtJrniSHED. also unfurnished rooms, very
suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st
and pine.
Furnished Rooms.
Residential. 8i0 Taylor. Transient.
Bet. Tth and Parle Sts.
Opposite new Helllg Theater, one block
from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just
completed; handsomely furnlshsd; svery
modern convenience. elevator ssrvloe,
steam heat, telephone and hot and com
water In vry room: single rooms aaa
suites with or without private baths, eta. :
centrally located, near postofflce; Just off
sll canines; vary quiet; low rates by Gay,
week or month. Phons Marshall 22U0;
Permanent and Transient.
Ws ar devoting seversl of our choicest
rooms to permanent guests for the Winter-
will make special low rates by lbs
week or month; transient guests given ths
best of service and shown every courtesy;
located In center of shopping district, con
venient for out-of-town people; rates by
ths wssk.
Permanent and transient. Just opened;
brick building. beautlfuly furnished;
everything new; steam heat, hot and cold
running water and telephones in all
rooms; line lobby snd ladles' Parlor
Suites and single rooms with and without
private baths; very reasonable rates by
dav wsek or month. Phone Marshall 198U.
SARGENT HOTEL, cor. Grand ava. and
Hawthorne: extra large and beautifully
furnished rooms, single or en suite, with
prlvat bath, steam heat, hot and cold
water and private phons in svary room;
flrst-c:aaa grill la connection. special
rates by week or month to permansni peo-
pi; usiwivu, , ... .
120 Eleventh u
K,w. modern brlok building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished. coy and
comfortable. Rata, ysry reasonable. Call
and see us. Regular and transient trad
jeOR RENT Nlcsly furnished room In prl
Tat bom; best resldonc section on bast
Sid; hot and cold water, furnace heat,
electric and gas lights; 20 minutes rid
from bustnes center; a splendid room for
a refined man who wants quiet place and
good accommodations In fins horns. Call
at 722 Multnoman su
. . . v.-melon. HnTPt.
Start ths New Year right; move to tn
East Sid and save money on rant; 120
modern rooms, hot and cold running wa
ter 10 public baths, also rooms with pri
vet's bathe; rates 82.60 to I a wselc
Phon Esst 6 IMP or H 12T8.
Transient and permanent rooms : all
modern convnlnc. phon, prlvat bath,
running water.
17th. cor. Washington, first -clsss fur
nished rooms, slngls and en suit-, run
ning wster. steam heat, rates by month,
translsnts solicited: prices reasonabla.
224 11th St.
Furnished rooms lor rent, running water.
S to 88 per wk. .
URNISHED rooms, with board it desired;
heft, light, bath and phon. free; very
reasonable. Apply befor 11 A, si. 7-4
Cnlon av. N..cornrlyy.ast 6803.
MOIEL 8U.UUAHK. Washington and lllb.
nrst-class furnisned rooms, alngle of ea
suits- all modern conveniences; weekly
up. A 2047. Main 6847.
124 14th St.. cor. Wash.
STsxralshed and unfurnished rooms; prt
eats baths, free phonse In all rooms
WELL-furnished room, suitable for two
gentlemen; phone, heat electrlo lights,
bath; reasonable. Also slngls room. 281
ROOMS, doubls. (IS monthly; will boara;
sew place tluoughouu SuKVi Market or
Y. M. C A.
ROOMS Two double rooms, with grill. 848
monthly, for club of four; will bosrd; new
throughout, i oeiM arket or Y. M. C A.
l u tat St.. new houas and new fur
allure; steam beat. 81.78 per week and up.
OOOD. clean sleeping room, olo.e In. ta
per week. 86 Union ave.. bet. Wash
In gton and Stark.
6T"w. P. ROOMINO-UOCHE. 2i) Aider, nlcs
clean outslds rooms f-.OO psr week and
up; uansisiit. Mrs. Etta Keys.
THE MOLLY HOI EL. lo4 1-lh New and
modern In every way; elegantly furnished;
rat reasonable; transient soUcUsd.
THB BEAVER, ltth and Marshall sts- wall
furnished sleeping rooms. 82.80 psg week;
electric lights, hot baths free,
llODiKN outalde rooma 88 to 88 per weak.
Including bstlis: also noukping iwaaaa,
648 w Wsshlngton St.
THE II AZEL Nicely furnished, s'sam-heat.
ed rooms; running watsr. Cor. 8d and
Montgomery sta
VR, a warm, comfortable room for th
Winter, com to th Calumet Annex, 148 4s
Tth st. Ms managmnt.
rt'RNISUED flat. 4 rooms, clos In: horn
like. 273H i th St.. corner Jefferson,
fT, SALMON ST. Reoma clan snd com
fort.thle; rate moderate. Main 8,13.
JiEWI.Y furnlahed rooms. 17H Ula ac, cor.
Washington. Phone Main 6228.
NEATLY furnished rooms; steam heat; (3
and up per week. Sis 4th at.
BTarnhcd Isooms tn Prtvae Family.
LARGE woU-furnlshed front room, light,
phone, heat and bath; cheap. 803 8d sr.
IaAROR front room, nicely furnished, bath,
phone. heat.at8H. Fourth st.
TWO newly fnrnlshsd connecting rooms,
with porch. W12 B. Yamhill.
FIRST-CLASS furnished room; new. horn
nrlvllcgea 454 Taylor.
DESIRABLE, well-furnished room, reason
abla. 481 10th st. -
PXIR RENT Nice front room, very cb.ap;
bath, etc 70 Esst 8th st. North.
TW'O largs front rooms, suitable for two;
bath and phone. "SO 7th st.
licwLT furnished rooms, modem conven
iences; board 4f desired. 3-4 Jackson.
IT Si 4 LARGE, light rpomi,' " furnace,
phons, bath; clos In. 10 11 th st.
FOR RENT Gentlemen only. References
required. a well-furnlshed front sleep
ing rooms. TJse of bath and phone. Ex
cellent neighborhood. East Side, only Z in
family. Phons E 5244.
FINELY furnished front rooms, gentlemen
or married couple; 310 to $16 per month.
Modem home, furnace, bath, phone, few
step East Morrison at carllne; easy walk
ing distance. 6.2 Belmont St., cor. E. 18th,
Phone East G004.
NEWLY furnished modern rooms for gen
tlemen. Oas. electricity, bath, furnace
beat. We prld ourselves on our pleasant,
clean rooms. 86 North 15th st. About
two blocks from Washington.
I CR 2 gentlemen" will find a very large
room, nicely furnished, large closet, bath,
stationary wash stand, hot and cold water,
furnace heat, phone; reasonable. 828 Mor
rison. LIGHT, cheorful room, modern house, all
conveniences; private family, Uasl Sldo;
good neighborhood, close to two carllnes;
reisonablc. o'.iu E. Burnsldu St., cor. 80th.
DESIRABLE furnished rooms in private
family, furnace heat, walking distance,
breakfast If desired; gentlemen preferred.
J2 E. 12th sc South. ;
LARGE front room, suitable for a lady or
gentleman: breakfast and dinner If de
sired. Call after 1 P. M. or phone C 2S93.
253 L'nlon ave. North.
NICELY furnished pallor room, suitable for
2 voung men. with bath and furnace heat,
with or without board. Call 1904 17th
at., near Yamhill, phone A 1U46.
NICELY furnished extra warm room, well
heated, hot and cold water, suitable for
two young men, 316 a month. 647 Yam
hill. LARGE, attractive room, superior residence;
homelike accommodations and wholesome
meals; moderate rate; walking distance.
615 Morrison. Phone A 3828.
iEACTIPULLT furnished room with alcove
and dressing-room; ideal bachelor's qusr
ters; breakfast and dinner If desired.
Phone Main 6104. .
PLEASANT large front room, suitable for
two, also one single room, heat, electrlo
light, bath, breakfast if desired. 468
Johnson st. Tel. A 4681
1 FURNISHED rooms for rent in modern
Piedmont home, prices SO and S8 per
month; breakfast could bs arranged.
PhonejC 1003.
NEWLT furnished room suitable for one or
two, in modern flat; good neighborhood;
walking distance. Phone A 7493. 432
Mill st,
NICELY furnished rooms, bsth. phone, heat,
single and suitable for two or three; walk
Ing distance. 440 Jefferson, cornerth
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In pri
vate family; bath and phone. T14 East
Ankeny at.
MODERN, clean room: gentlemen; all con
veniences. B 3080. C54 East Yamhill, cor.,
13th. .
NICELY furnished rooms. h block of Wash
ington; breakfast If desired. 62 N. l8d
street. .
FOR-RENT Nicely furnished front room In
private home: suitable for one or two
gentlemen. 1122 East Yamhill.
LARGE front room, facing east. modern
dwelling: walking distance; modern con
venlencea 69 N. 21st st,
NICELY furnished room In modern steam
heated flat; every convenience. Phons A
TWO fine front rooms in a cottage In pri
vate family, will rent cheap to steady
roomers. 298 Clay st.
8-ROOM furnished suite. $11; walking dis
tance, free phone, bath, eta; fine neigh
borhood. 204 Williams ava.
LARGE front room with alcove: furnace
beat, 2 beds; suitable for 3 or 8 gentlemen.
893 11th st,
FOR RENT Comfortable front room, suit
able for two gentlemen, rent 812. 448
East Burnside st.
NICELY furnished single room, good heat,
modern conveniences, reasonable. 213
lJth st,
VERY comfortably furnished outside room
In nice modern home. 1 or 8 gentlemen.
Main B210.
NICELY furnished front room, beat, light,
walking distance; 110 month. 020 Kear
ney. MODERN room, suitable for a gentlemen.
Reasonable. 208ft North 22d st. Call after
3 P. M.
ONE well-furnlshed front room for gentle
man; hot and cold water. 683 Irving st.
Phone Main 1092.
ROOMMATE) to share nice front room; rea
sonable price. Call 261 Tth. bet. 8 and
P. M.
661 TAYLOR ST. Room for rent with pri
vate family; suitable for two or three
young man. '
NICELT furnished rooms; private fam
ily; walking dlstanoe; steam heat. bath.
829 West Park. Phone Marshall 2891.
2 FURNISHED rooms for rent. S2 per week,
white house Just west of 6th station,
I-nts. Mt, Scott line.
ONE well-furnlshed large front room, suit
able for one - or two people, close In,
Main 8774. 191H 4th St.
8 UNFURNISHED rooms. light, heat, bath,
phone free. 241 E. 61st su Phone Tabor
NICELY furnished front room for one or two
gentlemen. Board It desired. 011 Mor
rlson st.
FRONT bedroom for two gentlemen, heat,
etc., 83. Three-room modern housekeep
ing apartment. 88 weak. 169 E. 8th.
CLEAN, modern room suitable for 2 young
men; 891 Harrison, near 10th. Phone A
ROOM furnished, host, modern. 81.50 per
week and up. 2U3V. Weldler st; phone
C 1903.
arAROE front rooms, elegantly furnished,
modern, reasonable. Phone M 7818. 624
FURNISHED room in steam-heated apt.,
walking distance, use of kitchen, bath
and phone. 862 3d st-. Apt. 1. Main 7714.
NICE furnished front room In modern home
,of private family. 443 11th, second house
soutn ot t-eiiege st.
NICE warm room and bath, modern apart
ment, walking distance. Call A 4077.
44 NwTe warm room suitable for 2; hot
water. 866 H 7th st. .Phone A 6048.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, bath, phons.
heat; excellent car ssrvloe. 1S8N. 23d.
NICELY furnished room In private family.
West Side, close In. 846 Madison st,
NICELT foi-nlshed rooms! furnace heat,
walking distance, reasonable. 211 12th St.
NICELT furnished rooms, suitable for 1 or
2. furnace heat, bath. 604 Davis St.
COMFORTABLE attlo room for gentleman,
83 per month. Oil Morrison at,
RENT to lady, room in apartment. Bom
phone A 11KI. ma Lovejoy at.
FOR rent, nicely furnished room, vsry rea-
sonable. 673 East Salmon su
SMALlr room; reasonable.
. 263 nth et.
FRONT attic room. 81.00 per week; back
room, 8125 per week. 188 14th St.
LI;UT. modern furnished room, reasonable,
4-'o Mill, bet. 11th and 12th.
691 DAVIS, furnished room In new, modern
flat; furnace, also gas heater: 83.60 week.
FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms.
The Bungalow. 307 West Park st.
FURNISHED room; furnace heat, adjoining
bath; phone, walking dlstanc. 410ft Park.
NEATLY furnished room, gentlemen only.
414 Salmon st.
TWO large sunny rooms, modern, SO EC
10th St. .
FURNISHED room for rent, bath and gas.
6 Couch St.. near 17th.
NICK furnished room, walking distance, prl-
vate family. 328 West Park st,
LARGE front room, suitable for 2. furnace,
heat, bath, telephone. F 673. Oregonlan.
NICELY furnished room, gentleman pro-
ferred. 141 18th.
NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis-
tanre; 8175 per week. 431 6th st.
TO TWO gentlemen, newly furnished room.
modern, reasonable. 885 ft 6th st.
NEVATLT furnished front room; small pri
vate family: close In. 72 East 7th St. N.
FRONT Toom. first floor. 2G8 12th St.
Unfurnished Rooms.
8 CONNECTING rooms, heat, light, bath,
phone, lower floor. 724 H. Bnrnslds;
mornings. '
Imw Willi Be a .
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year;
rooms with bosrd. uss of sewmg-room, 11-
brary. 510 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt.
CHOICE rooms, single or en euite. suitable
for 2 or 8; excellent table, everything
flrst-clssa 33 N. 17th st-
WEST 8IDE. good location, 8-room house
for rent; furniture in 4 rooms for sale.
t8 13th St.
NICELT furnlshsd. room, facing park, for
two; nrst-clsss table board. 34 Par
THEi LAMBEJRSON. 654 Couch, desirable
outsMe room for gentlemen.
THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison st,, cor. 13th,
rooms, with board: modern conveniences.
Rooms With Board In Prlvat e Family.
NICELT furnished room for 1 or 2 ladle
with home privileges; board If desired.
Call 424 ft Hall st.
Koums With Board la Private Family.
ELEGANTLY furnished front room "'th
board in a new, modern flat: open fire
place, also hot-air; suitable for one or
two; 15 minutes walk from P. O. 232 H
Narttlla St., 1 block west of 19th and
salmon. rnono luarauau lit
LADY employed during day offers room and
partial board with housekeeping privileges
to man and wife. In return for care of
two glrla of 5 and 8. Within walking
distance. West Side. C 681. Oregonlan.
FOR-RENT Two nicely furnished front
rooms with alcoves; furnace heat, running
hot water in rooms; with or without
board. 215 INortn g-ltn St. aiaranan ooow.
LARGE, well-furnlshed room snd board in
private family, modern conveniences, suit
able for one or two: reasonable. 607
Taylor. Phons Marshall 101'J. .
LARGE bay window room with board for
two people. West Side, in walking distance,
nice location; terms moderate: home cook
in ir. modern conveniences. Main 3230.
PLEASANT room, excellent board, coxy
home conveniences; strictly private; mod
ern: nice location; reasonable; central. 5-1
NICE front room, modern flat; electrlo
light, bath, phone; good location; with
or without board; borne cooking; suitable
for two: reasonable. Phone East 5430
A VERY nice large front room for two gen
tlemen, with tlrst-class board in private
family, with all home privileges. 300 xu.
1st. sc. N. Phone K 2UUS.
SELECT family hotel. 415 Yamhill St., cor.
11th St.; suites and single rooms, with
bath, every modern convenience; rates
reasonable. Phono Exchange 48.
FRONT room, with board, to 2 young la
dles employed. Ji week; home privileges;
walking distance. S3 E. 12th at.
CLEAN, well-furnlshed front rooms, suit
able for two or four; good home cook
lng. 432 3d et
WELL furnished room, good board, em
ployed people, reasonable rates. 1-0 North
18th st.
I. A ror front bodroom for two gentlemen
gas. bath, phone, furnace heat, with or
without board. 393 Eugene et. x at. .o-x.
ROOM, breakfast and dinner, two ladles. In
private home, for S5 per week. 728 Clin
ton, near 21st; W W or W R carllne.
LARGS) front rooms, with board for two, 820
each, single 825; heat, bath and phone.
Main 3304, 005 0th st.
FURNISHED rooms with board, S5 per
week; 15 minutes- wont rrom Dusiness
center. East 722. 59 iast stn st. riortn. -NEATLY
furnished room suitable for two;
breakfast and dinner, with all home com
forts. Phone A 3038.
SUNNY room for man and wlfo or two gen
tlemen; furnace heat, good home cook
ing, reasonable. B 2207.
FURNISHED rooms with or without board
within walking distance. 04 East 11th, cor.
Wash. Phone East 3095.
FOR two, you want a clean, comfortable,
large, light, modern room; no carfare;
board considered. Marshall 3015.
r-oftv room for two. furta&ce heat, modern
and homelike; two meals; 850. Phons Main
BOARD, with rooms for 3 or 4 gentlemen
In private family; modern conveniences.
448 Union ave., N.
COMFORTABLE home for man and wife or
man; West Side; every convenience; quieu
Phone Mam o3t.
ROOM with board; running water, furnace
heat; good meals; home cooking. 310
Crosby st,, near Steel bridge.
LARGE suite, private bath, for three or four
people; with Doara. irasnionaoio loca
tion. 617 Kearney.
A OOOD room for 2 children: reliable peo
ple. 230 Lincoln st. Phone A 10 02.. Call
NICELT furnished front suite for 2 gentle-
men; West stde Phone Main
ROOMS with board; home cooking. 42 Ella
st. Marahall 2128.
854 Salmon, two lovely rooms furnlshsd for
housekeeping; no children.
ROOM and board, reasonable; modern house.
71 IS. lltn. near stark.
FRONT room and board, suitable for two
gentlemen, oos jnornaon st.
LARGE, furnished room, with board, 83
weea lor two runiigiupu. iey iimi,.
NEVVLY furnished rooms, with board: price
reasonable. 5113 East Oak. B Z819.
rl.5l it A RT.FI room and board. fireDlace. fur-
nace. home cooking. 644 E. Alder. B 203L
FIRST-CLASS room and board, 12 minutes
from P. O. ; lady preferred, 3i lutn at.
WANTED Two gentlemen to room and
board at 305 Holladay ave. Phone C 1411.
MOTHERLY woman with nloe home desires
the care of small children. Tabor lso.
FIR8T-CLASS room with board for 2 gen
tlemen. 849 6th st-
FURNISHED rooms with board. 885 lltn
St. A 1834.
BOARD and room for two gentlemen, good
home cooking, mi lltn. near xamniii.
WILL board a child, mother's care. 1328
East 3Uth st.. Alberta car.
WILL board and room twq ladles, 14.60 pes
week. 489 West psrk st. Mrs. Britten,
THE CEDAR HILL" (nicest apartments In
city). 17 Green ave.. bet Park ave. and
Washington St.. near City park, overlook
ing city; now house, new furniture; three
rooms and bath, steam heat, hot water,
private phone. If looking for a quiet and
cosy pises, see tnese apartments. loo-s.
THE PARK-HARRIS, corner Park and Har-ri-nn.
has a few very desirable unfur
nished suites, fireplaces, hardwood floors
and all modern conveniences; best location
and accommatlon. Call mgr., at Marshall
3070, A 4425.
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark st-
New fireproof brick building beautifully
furnished. Two ana tnree-room apart
ments; private bath, hot and cold water,
steam heat. Phono, East 300.
all light outside rooms, hve In suite:
heat, hot and cold water, gas range, lino
leum, fireplace: everything flrst-class;
walking distance. Corner 13th and East
Ash sts. Phone Kast zbh.
and Columbia sta, 2 and 3-room apart
ments, with all modern conveniences, fur
nished or unfurnished. See manager, on
RE-TJKAN, Marshall, between 19th and 20th
nlcelv furnished 8-room apartments: prl
vate bath, private phone, steam heat, big
yard; all outside light; sou up. ain ouos,
A 8191.
ANGELA APTS., 8T Trinity Place, bet. 19th
and 20th. off Wash. One 2 -room apt..
beautifully furnished; one 4-room base
ment apt., iurnisneu; strictly moaorn.
LILLIAN apartments, cor. 6th and Mont
gomery sts.; new, modern, furnished, 8
room apartment; light outside kitchen
private telephone. Phone Marshall 1378.
8-HOOM furnished; steam heat, hot and cold
water, private bath and toilet; all out
side rooms; both pnones; line location, 44s
THE STANLEY APT., cor. Washington and
King, 8 and 4-room apts., furnished and
unfurnished; sll modern conveniences, rea
sonable rent. Cape scnneiuer. prop.
DEL MAR, 409'. E. Burnslda St., near
Grand ave.; 4 rooms; pnoue, steam neat.
hot water; adults.
IRIS. APARTMENTS. Third and Mill sta
b-room uiiLuriiteiKTu . . , e-w uiom
era Improvements; adults only.
NEW" building, new furniture, everything
swell, up-to-date rooms ana apartments.
The Healy. cor. East Morrison. Grand ave.
LEONCE Newly furnished 8-room apart
ment. private phone, modern conveniences.
186 22d St. N.
THE MORDAUNT. 18th and Everett sta,
completely rurnlsnea apartment xor rent.
Inquire Janitor.
OK RENT I -room, steam-he&ted flat, ac
corner of 35th and East Morrison, 835.
Phons Tabor 131.
APARTMENT 43. 5 large rooms and bath.
The "Rose-Friend." Tth and Jefferson.
Main 4927.
. , ,-K .. - Vamhlll
Furnished apartments, tte am -b sated.
NEW YORK Apartments. 2 and 8 rooms fur
nished and unfurnished, steam heat, free
phone. East 7th and Belmont.
BOZANTA Newly furnished 8 and 4-room
apta; prtvat phones and strictly mod
ern; 23d. near Johnson St.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments.
21st and Flanders.
CECELIA Apartments, 22d and GUsan; 8
room apartment with all modern conv
n lences; rent reasonable.
KEELER Apartments. 14th and Clay sta.
Just vacated, one of our finest apartments.
TWO and 3-room furnished apartment
1162ft Union ave. Woodlawn 2879.
WANTED Lady to ahare 3-room furnished
apartment- Call M 802O or A 1134.
THE KINO DAVIS Corner King and Davis
sta; one 8-room; reference.
UNFURNISHED apartment: t rooms and
bath. The "Rose-Friend. " Main 4927.
THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders.
Nob Hill dlst. : 6-room apt. Main 7516.
CHOICE 4-room apartment, unfurnished, at
Lucretia Court- Phone Marshall 1501.
TH E JTJANIT E. 323 11th St.: nicely fur
nished apartments.
UEW, modern 3-room furnished apartment,
228 E. 20th St. Tel. East 1430.
THE BARKER, corner 21st and Irving sts.
1 nis new luui-Biury w .. .
uary 1. 11)11. Two. three and four-room
suites with reception hall. Pacific phone
In each apartment, electric elevator.
Holmes disappearing beds, built-in bur
fet and writing1 desk, gas ranges, Ice box.
plenty of closet room. If you want some
thing extra nice, come to the Barker.
iaKe reservations now.
PENINSULA Apartments, new building. East
Blue, 1 0.) . Aiuiua ava.: lAtv -' -- r r -
L or St. Johns car. 15 minutes' ride from
Washington St.; 2, 3, 4 and 5 rooms, com
pletely furnished, 815 to 810 per month;
all modern conveniences; unfurnished
apartments, also nicely furnished bed
rooms. Phone Woodlawn 2259.
825 TO 833 Fine West Side steam-heated
apartments; private oatn ana pnone, nam
wood floors, small outside porch, fine new
brick building; these are the best and
cheapest apartments In the city: they are
furnished with bedsteads, springs, dresser,
dining-room table, icebox; do look them
up. Call 414 11th St.. Dammeler-Hall.
HEINZ APAKTMKNTS. Hth ana Columol.
4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new
brick building, completely flrst-class: fur
nished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan
itor service; rent very reasonable.
West Side, 4S9 Clay St., near 14th; all
2-room completely furnished apartments;
new house and furniture; steam heat,
electric light, hot and cold water, free
phone, laundry; 821 to 29. Including light.
f none jnaiaimn mn,
Institute apartments, o. 001
and Jefferson sts.: llrst-elass In every de
tail; will be ready for occupancy by
March 1, 1911. Make reservations now
at 426 Ablneton bldg., or phone Main
WE have 2 apartments for rent and fur
niture tor aaie at your uu v ; . "
leaving the city, must sell at once, ask
about them.
616 Board of Trade Bldg.
Marshall 488. A low.
UNFURNISHED, handsome, large 8-room
. I.-.,.. e . ne nrl.
vate front and back entrances; furnace
heated, can mornings oniy. or
Newly furnished 6-room flat, hard
e-,,i e .. ,V,,1c.,vit nil OUtSld
iiuiaiicu uui, .... w.. -,
...... - h,lr eoll In
rooms, gas mujo, .. ...... -
furnace, fireplace, large yard. 610 East
jiaaisun St.
4-ROOM flat, cor. 11th and Columbia; gas
and electricity, hot-water heating plant,
bath. J27 per month. H. P. Palmer-Jones
Co., 212-2113 Commercial Club Bldg. phones
aiain aouu; a
ncsTrrrirV-T. hranil new flat, four rooms,
den and sleeping porch, $25, including
phone ana garbage; reitreuto icqui ,
t. kt,. 'lA't Unnrn, Ht. East 0417:
or will furnish.
vir.w it-room fist, larce. modern basement
furnace, gas range, heater, plate glass
windows, shades, large wardrobe, elegant
china closet, easy wanting wusun,
people only; location E. Tth and Couch.
. . n , . - r ), ,tu,i ennfra cement
cri-,u.x. o-tvoi" - -
basement, window shades, 820 per month.
200 ft riaisey, near oteei uiiubp.
,-T,nr r . ,l,t ,lranlnA lmrdwOOd flOOr.
sen-ants' room, partial Janitor service. 02d
XOtn St.. roniftuQ ncujiuc
, .-. -,-, . n m C,,laheA fl.-rt. nil mod
nun ii:-. i - .
ern conveniences. Rent. S-iO per month.
449ft beventn st. main low
...... Dt.vT TlnfiirnUh S oe l-rOOIS flat.
,o,-n renao nabla. to adults only. 1043
Belmont st-
4-ROOM flat, bathroom, large basement and
furnace. Call 5S7 East Pino. Tel. .East
NOB HILL, 7-room flat, 842 50: modern in
... . . - . rl.l Trthnenn St..
every respect, iv-ey evt '
between 23d ana zstn,
f Ort xtEiiN i. rtew, iuwuciu , -, -' -
ner East Burnside and East 12th sta.
Phone East zsoi
TWO flats. Just finished, 5 ana 11 rooms,
624 Northrup St., near 20th; eleotrlo light
fixtures, gas range, nmuirn nci ,
XT titi.T. modern unfurnished upper
six-room flat, adults only. Phons Main
. . . , - ..if. i., v-o... m.iri.rn newlv furnished
flat 5 room's, close In. rent 830. Phone
UPPER flat. 6 large rooms, modern, east
and soutn rront. x.iir xiuwiwo'"-?
i ti rim muuciu u ..... . "
room flat, adults only. Phone Main 8898.
VERT desirable 6-room modern flat. Nob
Hill district. 83260. Phone A 6627.
FOR RENT Modern lower 6-reom flat. 763
Marshall st. 1 none marsuaii
S AND 6-room flats; rent, 82T to $30. Phone
iaoor tan.
NEW. modern 6-room flat. East 18th and
Ash. Phono am
8-ROOM furnished modern lower flat, 814
NEWLY furnished five-room flat, bath and
phone. ovl rioiiauayavw.
NICELY furnished 8-room flat: furnace heat,
,,r wuii tubs. 14T Grand ave. N.
NEW 4-room flat on Sandy boulevard; gas
raug3 mm. ..-, v .
twioW modern flat. 8 blocks from Steol
bridge, pnone wooo-iawn iqju.
MODERN furnished flat, walking distance;
rent moaeraie. ria iiuuw. ........
FOR RENT -Six-room flat. Inquire 813ft
Front st.. soutn.
FOUR-ROOM furnished flat, large u,nnr
rooms. Drivate bath, central. 233 ft Hall.
NEWLY tinted 6-room flat with linoleum.
reasonable, r.. uu
Housekeeping Rooms.
THB BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, aa
free- 816 per month up; a clean plac:
. .'.-7 .,-,-, , - nnav. ,hnrt olStanCS
pest in in cnj " " . , .: v , j, r
from Union Depot. Take "8" car, or 16to
It. cara north, get oft at Marshall st. No
xtnr.T.TTTTTR.NIKTTED 4-room lower flat.
117 50 month; two well-f unilshed house
7. o . . .1 tin mnnlh An
Keeping rounia, 90 ..7
ply 304 North 26th. "W" car from depot.
Bth or Morrison to 26tn, diock norm.
li.50 TO 82.50 WEEK; clean. furnished
, i -. . . fiw IntinrirV- bat
xihone. clean linen, 'heat. 406 Vanoouver
ave.. and 208ftStantonjtake U car.
MODERN, tbi.MHAb, KE,AOU.rAOi.a.
FOR RENT 2 newly furnished house
keeping rooms, steel range, S3-50 per
week. 40S 1st. Phone Main W3l
HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS, phone and bath;
walking distance. 117 18th st. North, cor.
FUR.NISHKD housskeeping rooms; also
single rooms. 6S2 Williams ave. Phone
C j.iSJ.
WELL -FUR.MSIii'U. steam-neaieu House
keeping rooms, bath, phone and laundry
658 GUsan st.
THRJiE nico housekeeping rooms for rent.
422ft Jefferson St.
UOLKEKEEPINU rooms In new coaireia
bldg. Phon woooiawn xwvt or gam.
189 E. 7TH 2 and 8-room unfurnished
housekeeping rooms; iO. e-o; steam neat,
CENTRALLY located, completely furnished.
429 Main St., near lun.
FOUR newly-f urnlshed rooms and bath,
modern, new Punning, osuft jveroy st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent at the
Rose, 189 ft aa st. a.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
the: MAYIN'K 421 Second: furnlBhed house
keeping rooms, all conveniences, walking
distance, sia per monm up.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close
in. SU2 4th St.
1 HOUSEKEEPING room; rent reasonable.
49U xayior st.
240ft 5TH ST.. aulte of furnished house
keeping rooms.
sTo and 814a month; also housekeeping
rooms. 22 14th St.
805 TAYLOR, cor. Park St., furnished or
unfurnished housekeeping rooms, gas.
AT 810 Main St.. a nicely furnished suite of
housekeeping rooms, close In; adults.
ONE housekeeping room, 810 a month. 721
First St.. corner Baker.
313 14TH. oorner of Clay; large, one and
three-room housekeeping suites.
TWO rooms for housekeeping; gas, bath and
phone; no children. 840 College.
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, prices
moderate. 171 West Park. Phon A 2378.
TWO desirable housekeeping rooms; no chil
dren. 847 Market.
TWO large housekeeping suites; free bath;
S8 month. 542 Karl st. Sellwood car.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, gas,
yard. 815 month. Inquire 692 Front.
TWO desirable rooms. large, airy, warm and
well-furnlshed, central. 534 Morrison.
LARGE room with breakfast for working
woman. S15. Phone A 4S65. Monday.
A SUITE of housekeeping rooms, nicely fur
nished; furnace heat, 193 West Park.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep
ing, reasonable closeln: 307 3d st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping; rooms,
strictly modern. 194 N. 17th st.
S12 LIGHT, large housekeeping room. 124 ft
14th St.
FURNISHED housekeeping room for two
ladies or room and board. 437 Hall St.
LARGE, finely furnished front room, kitch
en, gas stove, furnace, waiaiur. i"ii
f. w steps East Morrison St. carllne; ele
gant location. 820 per month; no chil
dren. 02 Bcimont St.. cor. East 18th.
TWO newly furnished rooms, housekeeping
suites. 1M per montn: gas ior vuua.u.
include bath and phono: 12 minutes walk
from postofflce, 410 Hall St., bet. 10th
and 11th.
NICELT "f urnished housekeeping roont, vUU
part use kitchen, batn, Dasemeni. x.r..
entrance. No children, 11.50. S26 Kear
ney. . .
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeplntt
rooms, suite of two or tnree rooms,
location on S carllne. Phone Main 6.)1.
902 Corbett st.
THREE large, nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms. In prlwile lamuy oi h-"
celaln bath, gas stove, phone, fine lawn,
reasonable. 431 Third st.
TWO nicely furnished connecting or sep
arate rooms, can be rcntea xor sii',
or light housekeeping; furnace heat; light.
phone, bath. 347 nan st.
FOR rent to young couple, two nicely fur
nished rooms tor Housekeeping, m
Clean. Call 381 Bth St., Sunday after
noon. Phone Main 6040.
TWO larpre, newly furnished housekeeping
rooms, lirst floor; nrepiace. gas.
phone; furnished rooms also: walking dis
tance. 374 Williams ave. Phone C 2i.81.
445 6TH ST. $16 monthly, furnished house
keeping suite; deslraoie. Clean, tuu,
gas, bath. Main 4469.
IF you want four, two or ono iurnisneu
nousekeeping-rcom in. i,, . v .... .
up Sellwood 1853 or East 0210. .
2 ROOMS furnished for housekeeping; gas,
sink, pantry, walking distance, 211 Sher
THREE connecting unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms; patn, sina. van
DESIRABLE 4-room flat, oompletely fur--it
, . , v. ,.i,unir, hot and cola.
uisneu mi - - - ljo&
water, saa mm t.iw.p. ,
8 NEATLY furnished housekeeping roamt.
luruace nocvv, ....... .. j
f lm W a , , V
TWO new. modern, furnished housekeeping
J.o . , ha AlhaAts. St. L
rooms, 41- pe vi -
NICE, light. 8-room housekeeping e.'"
walking distance. Phone Marshall 448. bis
YOUNG lady, employed, wanting a nloely
furnished room, with use of kitchen, In
private family, phone Marshall 2487.
NEWLY furnished front rooms, housekeep
ing moderate prices. 203 6th, opposite
City Hall.
2 CLEAN, well-furnlshed housekeeping
rooms; walking dlstanoe. West Side. 450
Hall it.
THREE furnished housekeeping room,
bath, first floor, modern. Phone Main
FOUR housekeeping rooms for rent, heat
and water free. S55. 174 Grand ave., cor.
TWO lovely furnished housekeeping rooms,
sink, water, bath, phone; lower floor.
Call 586 Pettygrove.
TWO housekeeping rooms at 407 E. Pine
St.. $17 a month, that Includes light,
phone and water. t
T W O unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
bright, clean, oentraL 229 Hall St., after
noons. TWO connecting furnished rooms. light
housekeeping If desired; $4 week. ,21 Mis
sissippi ave.. corner Fremont.
THREE fine" housekeeping rooms; gas and
water Included. $20; furniture for sal
cheap. 547 Johnson st.
TWO furnished housokeeping-rooms, 815:
also one single room for housekeeping, 80,
3r.4 7th st.
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms,
with alcove; light and bath. 481 West
415 Wygant St., 2 newly-furnished rooms for
light housekeeping; bath and gas fur
lshedall for $13 monthly.
FOUR rooms furnished complete, private res
idence, close in. Hawthorne Park district.
Phene East 1442.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, clean and Usht. 679 Union ave.
FINE front housekeeping suite, water. Pnne
and lights free; very reasonable to right
party. 420 Burnslda st.. near 10th.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms:
walking distance. Call 099 Everett St., or
phone Main 5908.
PLEASANT room, rsasonable. Address 268
Grand ave. N., near Multnomah. Phono c
NICE single housekeeping room. Phone,
bath, oulet place; no children, 183 A.
10th st. ;
$500 DOWN, balance 820 per month; built
for home; owner obliged to sell; 6-room
strictly modern bungalow; cement base
ment; 20 minutes' ride, close to carllne;
large bathroom, full porch overlooking en
tire city; cement curbs and walks; abso
lutely best buy In Portland for the mcsney.
Call 702 Spalding bldg.
FOR RENT 6-room 2-story frame resi,
dence. on the corner 12th and Hancock!
the house Is up to date, with hardwood
floors, full cement basement, furnace
heat, electrlo light and gas; a beautiful
home for someone; references required.
Apply Architect. 322 Mohawk bldg.
Phones: Main 1902: A 7235.
LARGE 7-room house on corner 18th and
Market sts.; 3 larue bedrooms, 1 with
fireplace, and bathroom upstairs. Wnn
be leased for one year. Rent. $45 pet
month. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co., 212-J1J
Commercial Club Bldg., Phones. Main
S'.i!t9; A 2053. .
FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, furnace
heat and open fireplace: 10 minutes from
business center. n Hawthorne ave car-line-
choicest location on fcast bide.
V. Toeker. 80 Fourth at. m
NEARLY 8 acres, 4-room house, chicken
house, bearing orchard, good place for cow,
chickens, garden. East Sine suburb, Mon
tavllla district, $10 month: snap. Apply
364 North 26th, "W" car to 26th, blk north
At a -"eat saving. Get our prtossvi
Lookers shown every courtesy.
OSTROW ft CO.. 84-06 North Sd Bt,
Reasonably prices; Easy terms.
8-ROOM modern house, on 87th street near
Montavllla carllne: rent $15 per month.
102 Fourth St. -Main
35. A850l)
7 ROOMS, modern and convenient ; house lo.
caied on two good carllnes. Price $25.0t
Per mo J. H. TIPTON CO.. 110S-10. Spald-
lng bldg. -
8-ROOM modern colonial home. East Side;
833 per month: responsible party mors
than money. Owner 422 Chamber of Coin
m erco
MODERN S-room bungalow on Waverly
Woodstock carllne, 60xlO0 corner lot 41 M
ana Pardee; rent lfl.50. David Lewis,
"om 2. Lumbermen. Bldg- 6th and Stark.
FOR RENT $10 a month. 2-room houso.
completely furnished. 1400 Kerby st.;
take loth-st. car to Portland boulevard.
Call Junday.
jeso 2 ROOMS and woodshed, cor. 39th
and East Lincoln. Telephone Tabor 888,
B 2020. .
ON 15th St., bet. Belmont snd Taylor; walk
ing distance; a modern six-room house, in
quire 108 E. 14th.
sTY.nnOM house for rent. $15, at 806 Man
hattan St.. near Union and Kllllngsworth
FIVE-ROOM cottage In Irvlngton; 19th et..
between Wcldlor and Broadway. Call 86j
Weldler st.
NICE li-room house, newly papered ; hat tt
and gas. 148 East 13tb St., near Last
Morrison. $23. m
C-ROOM modern house. 1 block from Sell
wood carllne. for rent. Apply 742 Last
13th st. .
PARTLY furnished cottage on half acre. 10
"minutes' walk from Portland Heights car;
rent very cheap. AD 003, Oregonlam
FOR rent, lovely modern C-room cottage;
fireplace. 20th and Tlbbetta sts, Phons
East 5; B 1401-
6-ROOM. "walklMB distance, near Washing
ton High School and car; 823. Woodlawu
6-ROOM house, modern, walking distance,
$22.riO; ivionay- n&m.. - j"
5-ROOM house
for rent. Apply 433 E.
Morrison st.
FOR RENT New six-room house, 680 B.
Burnside St. Phone East 2301.
7ROOM house for rent. 24 East 15th at.
South. '
4-ROOM flat, furnished or unfurnished;
close in. InO Grand ave. N.
tWtOOM, modern house. 1330 Hancock St.,
corner 4Hthr st.. Rose City Park. $20.
GOOD 7-room house, in desirable locality,
reasonable to good tenant. East 3S1VL
FORRENT 5-room cottage; bath and gas,
thoroughly clean, 060 East Main.
MODERN 6-room house for rant. 174 East
15th. Apply 172 East 15th.
MODERN 5-room cottage at Woodmere, $10
month. Inquire, 267 Ankeny st.
7-ROOM house. College, near 12th: renl
$25. Smith's Agency, 105 Sherlock bldg.
MODERN 6-room houso, Kast 27th. 1 block
from Sandy boulevard; $20. East 5028.
j-0 7-ROOM house, porcelain plumbinffi
trays, gas, electricity. Phone Sellwood 89 T.
3-ROOM bungalow, new, Btrictly modern,
Call 1067 Clinton St. Phono Tabor 2852.