. i. - I ,r I For Sale Firnu. I THE SPRINO RUSH IS CO-UNO. NO acres, near Wspato station. Tamhlll Cv. rolling land. in cultivation. 7 cr errnara. gooa creek ana htm fine iimotr, $ per acre, halt ca, ADJOINtxri WOOnni'RV. 15 trrw adjoining city of Woodbum. lift ktm In cultivation, running water and food bulldlnga. $114 p-r acre, halt caaa. SOX Mlt.F." f ROM rOSTLAND. 14.43 acre. 13 acrea clear. baU second growth umhr. n- r laroen Home; two rallroade- living spring watrr. land paratlvely level; prb per acre a w f: at'xi F-f-r. nmra front. 4ft acre, an Willamette River, at Xtw- berg Fart. 1 S mllea from Newborg. 90 im cultivation, nuut. wn ana mnmni -!. worth $130 per acre, our prlca 93UU4, naif casn. mj. a yeara. PI.iT TBI araa. all la oulttvatioa, $77.50: H mil from Oregon Electric; adjoins S. . K- H-. will' sooth of Oerraie: eaay tans a. R. A. KIRK rO, SIT Law la bid. ORtOON FAJtM AND FRCIT IvNDS. la tha SmcIiiin Valley. Central Oregon, are some of tha moat fertile lands la tha Slat. Many thousand acres of these lands ar now -under Irritation an.l producing large rrup. other thousands of irrrl are rapid ly Ivelog put under Irrtgatlcn. Tour -CAREY ACT" K1GHT en tltlaa ye to 1HO err- of thia land free If yow wlK, within three run Improve part of It. live on It hrea norths, and pay tin easy rnstsil mentst yoor shara of the c-'st of t"i Irrigation system. Central lirrn lr rigatlon Co.. 415 Railway Ex. Bldg.. Portland. Orrgon. CS PER ACRE buya fine dairy ranch In Urn County, partly Improved. $4" par acre for Tamhlll County ranch, partly Improved . a anap. 0 par acre burs tins 1m proved dairy farm In Tamhlll County. $lo par acra takra flna farm near Wft'rlen. river bottom soil. T.'.a acrea In southern Oregon, part Im proved, for quirk sale. $35 per acre. Raw land, acreage properties and 5 reloped orchards in Rogue River alley from $.V to $lioo par acre. $10,500 tak-a 18 acrea Joining Ashland. ln a- ras beano orchard. acres lacing Rogue nirar. jono trees. $125 per acre. , :" aerea Joining Funereal orchard, ror quick sale. $lio per acre. Vi per acra buya 1V0 arrea near Oak land. 9"0 In cultivation. Call 32 Henry bide iCAD THIS ADVERTISEMENT CARE FULLT. lo?0 arrea all fenced, (oat-tight. miles to town and R. R. on ood county road. i mllea auth of Portland: ISO a-rea rultlvated land. :V acres can be cul. tivatad with but little eearinc ta do. balance timber iood. water by creek and sprints; has -room house. etor barn: foo.1 family orchard; former price 2J per acre, price for quick aala. 7i per acre: t cash, balance $1000 per year. .1 per cent Interest. The best Investment In reCon today. Chester H. Starr. 1021 RmH of Trade bids'- A GOOD UL Y. sA-srra farm, south of comelloe, has 3 acrea In cultivation, 1 acrea la timber, eood room house, barn 54T feet. S acres In orcharvl plenty of oulbulldlnira. ra.1-shot soil, beat of fruit land: with the place you will set 4 borsea. 2 Jersey cows. noire. sheep. 0 chickens. J waona. burtr. t aeta of bsrneaa. 1 mower. cul tivators, rakaa. plows, hcrrowa. disc, all ready to ro to work: (ood lle stream runs through place; price IIW per acre; oed terms. ltSD. RKAI V-O.. aid Hoard of Trade. $45 PER ACRE. lieXVACRR FARM. In Klnae Valley. Po:k County: noterrm In roltivatton; good buildings; $10,000 cash will handle. IHt prXNlft-JONES CO Marshall i'164. OC Uumbermens Hldg. ith and Stark Bta. ARM. n-'ree acres, two one bearing orchards, n r Sandy River: owner has made money enough to retire; no com parison In Multnomah County. 10 acres, owaer sold $1XK worth of strawberries last year: all cultivated; Una bulldlnaa. Sea thla before you buy. 16 acrea. Rase Line road, bouse, barn, art acres cleared, bal ance pasture: hare 40 farma from 10 to oO acrea. In Troutdale. Ureenara and Ea tacada district, call and see about these. J Haas a Co. phone Marshall SOI Falling bid. WASCO COUNTY FARMS. 4 OA arrea. miles from railroad, )0O la cultivation. $no. 3e aires, a miles from railroad. SO0 In cultivation. si . A acres, T mile from Railroad. 5"0 In cultivation. $t: will take $Tono In Income-paying Portland property; $i000t per cent, balance cash. i0 acres. X miles from railroad, all til lable apiendld farm bulldlncs. o0X. J a. IXH'THIT. The Kallee. Or. FARM FOR r-A I.E. TIE KB ! A PARCJAtV. acrea of redshut soil cl.se to Tlgard vllle. two and one-half mllea from the station "O acrea under cultivation, bal ance covered with &o0 cords ot wood. Look thla np as It la yery cheap, rrtra tl-i per acre: half cash, balance per cent Lorl." "AI.OMO.V CO- I:U Btark bt A MO HAKliAlN. 1S acres 1 v mllea south of rornellna. TM acrea In cultivation. 50 acrea nearly cleared, houee. barn and eutbolldlngs; some frnlt. soil rej shot: with the place la a binder mower, wagon, rake, etc.: If vo want a good place and bay It cheap, let ue show ou this; price $40 per acre; $l0 will handle It. RAN t. PEAt "0-. aid lioard of Trade! FEE THIH. Ill seres of tine land 40 acres cleared. SI slashed. 3 timber. 30 pasture: n-room house, goool barn, spring snd well: grain and cattle go. All for 1to per acre. HALL ATCHISON. 213 Gerllnger Hldg. ;io Ai.'RE. 44 mll bordering on North fmpqua River; lioe acres One alfalfa land. eoTote prxvof fence: airnoet unlimited outside range: fine climate, etrellent soil for any purpoee: this Is one of the beet buya in oree-on at price of 14 per acre: 10 yeara to par for It: blue prime and description at of'. 7. 1 M MKRMAX. 1 Hoard of Trade Fide. I II AVE M acrea located In tha Ketarad fruit bait: flneet aoll. elevation, drainage, 2 mllea from railroad, new building. 40 cleared. 30 In cultivation. 6 In orchard, good well, spring, creek, good bam. small house. $.wt worth of good fenolng. worth $4vwtf: will sell at $4uo: -H'0 cash, bal ance 3 yeara Phone Marshall naO. or A a.M. or write. Addresa C 673. Ora gonlan. IU-ACBE farm on R. P. R. R-. Tamhlll County; thla la absolutely the flneat and most up-to-date farm of Its site In the Valley. Every Improvement that anyone rould desLre Is already made: very best of soil. Call or write and ask about thla. WEEK BTRNE. Ewotland Hldg. 12 ACRE Hood rich toll. 4 miles to rail road. 30l acres can be cultivated, balance eii-elle-it pasture with plenty of outrange: creek rune through land: would make an Meal stock farm: can sell either one or ten sections for $12 per acre; $t per acre ravh. Chester fl. Starr. 1022 Hoard of Trade hide. THIS IS A SACRIFICE, ion-acre farm. 4 miles outside of Port land: good car service, highly Improved, fine house, barn, extra good land, all klnda of fruit, crushed rock road. $OoO cash will handle. U V. Sundburg. SIT Chamber of Commerce. ! ACRES rich, deep soil, oeirly all cleared: has new o-room house: located close to electric carllne end within 14 miles of Portland: price $-1J": $1000 down, balance Ivr-gTBRX LAND CO.. S18H giark at FARMS. jlee oar list of farm bargains: we ran sell you any slae near Port.and or further away: can make very esey term a WOOD RE ACH REST. 3J Railway Exchange TO CLO.SE ESTATE. will sell fine farm of over no scree, mostly river botion. with enourh timber to use on tne pla e for years: $15,000; some terms. Ad.lreea 561 E. Hurnslde. FOR SALE 10 scree of the choicest apple land la all irrrnn, partly Improved. WIIJM MTERS. Knd of Hawthorne carllne. TWO PULL FHOGB. lew sir. Frnlt lands for sale. TAKE A RIDE OV CNITED RAILWAYS TO UROV ELAND ACRE". Train leaves in front of Chamber ot Commerce on Stark at V.1J A. M. liny a round trip ticket. CROV ELAND ACRE ATTRACTIONS, one to ten-acre tracta. Station on ground. E.ectrlc lights, phone, free mall delivery. llcst of soil, absolutely no rock or gravcu Openlr prices. L'o per cent discount on first lOO seres sold. Keautlful country, fine scenery. You will be sure to like Oroveland. Prices below surrounding property. Easy terma Just tha Flare for a desirable country home, the groalng of small fruits, gsrden Ing and eiilcken-ralslng. Anyone buying now cannot help receive the benefit ol raise In price. CHAPIN If ERLOW- 3.VQ-3:: Chamber ot Commerce, 20 ACRES. . Thla fine little farm, consisting of 20 arrea of good land, all level and 16 arr.-s under cultivation, good 6-room house with Or-plsce. nicely painted and pan-red. goo-1 orchard of assort -d fruits, applca. cher ries, berries and other fruits, good well with abundance of water. One garden, fenced with picket fjnclng. . fat ul :.l. fenced with good fcnclug. barn SOx'-M. with sheds, woodshed, apple house and other buildings. tn main county road. M ro Is from graded achool. 1 H mllea from elec tric line and small town. 2 mil from river and railroad. In good nelKhbor'iood. only mllea frjm Vane -ver. ttun. This la a One little farm and la cheap at :ne price, $33H: te- mi THOMPSON SWAN, 206 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland. Or., bet. 4th snd 5th, ot Wash i ii ton st. anil bth and Main sta. Vsncouver. Wash. NO OrKEIt EQUALS THIS. $.VV) rash and $I75o at end of S years, with Interest at 7 per cent, payable annu ally, buva 40-acre farm. 3V mllea Wood land. Waah., which la 20 north of Van couver on N. V. Ry. With farm goea two choice Jersey cows and their caivea. year lings, two 4-yeor-old ruaree. sbout 50 chl kena aad H tons hay In barn: cowa freeh soon. Ten acres cleared. 20 more nearly cleared: SO Winter Hanana and Ilaldwln apple trees pet out year ago; barn and shack of house: timber for boo cords wood: good land, watered by creek and springs: 2 miles boat Isndtng and N. P. Ity. station: can see Portland and every boat going down Columbia River. The per sonal property la worth first payment. Fare Portland. $1. Quick action necessary to secure thla bargain. S. O. Lane, Wood land. Wash. 7J-ACRE FARM. 1 mile W. of Dallas. Or.: 45 acrea In cultivation; wire fences. 7 acrea bear ing orchard, 8-room house, large new barn. 2 grsnarles. 3 root. 2 horses, all farming Implements: 1 mile to S. p. It. R.I. 1 mile to school and P. O. ; best buy In Willamette Valley: f'j5oO ennh will handle. TUG DENNIS-JONES CO, Marshall 31114. 02 Lumbermen! Bldg. 6th and stark- Sta. A SNAP AT NEWBERO. (to ACRES HIOHLY IMPROVED. Here la a rare opportunity. I.ook It up. 50 acres under cultivation. 10 acrea In pastnre and oak timber. Verr best of deep rich soil. No waste land. The farm Is all fenoed and cross-fenced. Large new barn; new 8-room house which cost $1200. This farm Is located In the famous Che halera Valley at New berg, only 26 mllaa .from Portland. ITIee for short time only $5500: terma It dr sired. HILL MTER. 419 Henry H 1 d S. STOP HERE. 310 acres. 2J5 acrea In cultivation, bal ance timber, creek runs through place, ralr house, good, barn, 1 1 2Tt 1 three atorlea. 7 mllea from Vancouver. 16 mllea from Portland: 3Uj miles to electrio line, with 40-mluut service. Thla farm pro duced S.-.0 toes hay selling at $20 per ton last year. Adjoining land held $'.00 to $-,- per acre: will aell for $150 per acre and take (10.oio to $20000 Improved Portland property. Look this np. It will pay you. Chester H. Starr, 1022 Board of Trade bldg. SACRIFICE SALE. 600 arree of land In Klickitat County. Washington, three miles from railway and Columbia Itlver: absolutely the best buy In the State of Washington for the money; price 910.50 per acre, easy terma: 6 per cent: would consider Portland property for part. 10 acrea on main line of 8. P.. SO miles from Frisco. Cel.. adjoining good town of 850O. all set to fruit and In bearing; best of land: price $2500; would consider Port land property for all or part. Call or write Smith Powell. 2-6 Fsllmg bids.. Port lund. Or. 140-ACRE FARM. All fence.!. 35 acres In cultivation. 6 room house, new barn, red loam aoll. spring water. 2 acrea family orchard. 1 tulles from Dallas. Or.; $-3 per acre, terms. THE DENNIS-JONES CO, Marshall 2164. 002 Lurabermena Hldg. 6th and Stark Ca- HOW IS THIS? . 1 acres within driving distance of Portland. 6 miles from Illilsboro. 30 acres In cultivation. 34 acrea pasture land, easily cleared; 13 acres beaverdam; X atreams running water that can ba used for Irri gation; some fruit trees; $.$ English walnut trees- good new frame bam. 1 roora house, fine spring $0 feet from house, no rock or gravel: gentle slope to aoutbf $$ per acre If taken soon; terms. K. J. Hufford. PL Johns. Or. A DANDY LITTLE FARM. 110 acres. 4 miles from town and rail road, good road. H acrea could be oulll vated when cleared. 10 acres now fenced and In cultivation. 40 acrea more easy to clsar; fair bouse and bant, yet comfortable, watered by a creek and springs; will make a splendid little stock or dairy farm. Price for short time only. $15 per acre. Terma Cheater H. Starr, 1022 Board ot Trade bldg. $15 1iOU AT THIS $15. 160 acrea of good aoll: no etone or grav el: lO acrea well cleared. 10 acrea nearly cleared. 80 acres of good fruit and farm land. oO acrea for stock; rolling land; fair house, well, some fence: 1 S miles from railroad station. SO miles from Portland: If you want land at the right price, $13 an acre. Investigate. Dl'liolS AND CROCKETT. Room 3 Wtishlnston Hldg. A FINE BAROAIN IP TAKEN AT ONCB. 114 acrea. 11 miles from Oregon City. In the Willamette Valley; $4 to 70 acres cleared, balance fine fir timber. All machinery goes wltlt the place. Three fine springs of water. You will tnivi It If you don't bur thla. Apply to T. J. Wlrta. Oregon City. Or. R. F. D. No. 4. or Trswer 1. Aberdeen. Wash. FOR SALE $1251) buys 27 acres fine or chard, dairy ana cnicaen lana 1 vt ronea from Toledo County ecat; new bouse, large chicken-house, wood and workshop: 40 thoroughbred White Plymourli Rocks (Fishers strain), cow and calf, mare, bug gy, harness. 2 stands beea, 2 pigs, furni ture, tools, apples and potatoes: Immediate possession; terms. Owner. I- w. Sanford, Toledo, or. ORKOON SHEEP RANCH. 8400 acres. 104 acrea alfalfa land, on John Day River: good outside range; 40 head of cattle. SO borsea. good buildings. Implements to run place. In fact every, thing Included (except shsep. which will be sold at market price) In price of $4 per acre. 1-8 cash, balnnce 10 yeara. ZIMMERMAN. $10 Board of Trade BMg. WE have fine frull land nearby on very at tractive terma Wa can aell you a snap In 130-acra farm: one of the beet In the valley. We have a small farm, partly set to fruit: price will please you. Call and see us about these. WOOD A F EACH REST. H.'O Railway Exchange. A SNAP. 48 acrea undivided i of 06 acres. 13 miles from Portland, near Oregon City: 5 acres In cultivation, balance can be easily cleared; $75 per acre: $1250 will handle. RAND. READ CO, .116 Poerd of Trade. 1$ ACRES. tj mile .Vewberg. all under high cultivation. 400 fruit trees, modern house, tine barns. 2 wells and mill; can Irrigate: i acre ash timber: take part trade Portland home. Benson A Chap man. Washington st.. room 111 141-ACRR FARM All under plow, except few acrea timber; 40 acrea of onion land; 40 acrea of clover; close to good valley town: good buildings, windmill, etc; price $5 an acre with terma WESTERN LAND CO.. 24S"i Stark at. LiNN County ranch. 864 acrea of grain and fruit land for sale st $23 per acre. If taken at once. Addresa owaer. B, M. Payne. Albany, Or. 1RVINOTOX district, corner Weldler and loth: build whatever you want; flats, apartments, garaget bargain; be quick. T 43. Oregonlan. to ACHES, nvar Portland, about 23 acrea Improved, farm Implementa, stock, etc; will sacrifice if sold at once; I mean busl-n-s- Address owner. AN 666. Oregonlsn. FARM LA N D 50.000 acres of first-class Isnd at $4.25 per acre; write for particu lars. Star Realty Co, 4s8 Granville St.. Vancouver. B. C VTOE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, rOKTLAXD, JANUARY 1911. . i T - T-n wraAVCiL I FOR THR BEST OF FARMS. 166 acres, nearly all In a very fine state of cultivation, very nne orchard, good buildings, place Is well equipped with stock and Implements, right close to rail road staton and not far from Portland; This Is an exceptionally One place. The orchard alone will bring In wore than S'j.Too per year. Price Is only $100 per acre, everything Included: would accept house and lot In Portland for part and will give time on part. 2S acres, well Improved, right close to Portland. $-0u per acre, ?20-acra flue dairy ranch, right on the j river and boat landing on the place; big ; herd of nne cattle goea with It; $40 per acre. 47 acres, very finest kind of orchard land. 30 acres being In young orchard. iust beginning to bear; most excellent ulldlngs: price $225 per acre; will ac cept good Portland property. Thla la aoinethlnr choice. 2o acres, fine orchard, excellent resi dence, good windmill, fine barn, closo to electric line, not far from Portland; $6000. terms. If you are Interested In buying a farm. I will be pleased to have you call. I keep experienced men Investigating farms In the Willamette Valley and I well know mat I have the best that can be found. i0 acres, all in cultivation and excel lent buildings of every kind, right at electric light station, close to Portland. This Is fully equipped with stock and Implements; price only $U0V0. time on part. J. E. SMITH, 813 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. """ "l$00 ACRES. 3 mllea from Columbia River and North Bank It. R. station: $00 acres can be put In crop; good buildings, fenced and eross fericed; line fruit and grape proposition. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Hoard of Trade Blrlg. JN lecei irKeoua. SAFES Eight second-hand standard mHkes at actual cost on account of alterations In our salesroom; must have room. Port land Safe Co, S3 Fifth su CAN'T maJta your payment? Drop a line and let me know If you have a bargain to offer. AN 673. Oregonlan, FOR SALE T1MBEB LAND. "ARE YOU LOOKING FOR TIMBER ? 1. 000.000. OOH ft. of pine. $1 per M. loo.ooo.ouu ft. of redwood. $2 per M. Several tracta of spruce near railroad. $1.50 per M. 18 Ooo acres of ptna (sugar, yellow and fir), guaranteed to cruise 23.000 per acre; $C5 per acre; good terma. duo acres Mr, good quality, $:$ per acre. 400.000. 000. $1 per M. Many nne tracts of timber; will be pleaaed to show you. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. SAWMILL. Jl'JS.UW. 3AOO acrea: rruie 5o.000.0O0 feet. 74 per cent pine: mill capacity 35.000 feel. Two traction engines, two donkey englnea, 6 horses, wagons, trucks, etc Southern Ore gon on S. P. CHARLES RINOLER COMPANY, 211 Lewis Bldg. 20.oo0.0O0 FEET. Columbia Co.. Or., at $1 per el. 6.000.000 feet, east of Portland, with mill; a bargain. 80 acres, Klickitat Co., Wash.; $5H. 160 acres. Grant Co.. Or.: S3500. A few good claims to locate In Central Oregon, fee $250. 500 Henry bldg.. Portland. Or. HAVE ICO acres 24 miles west of Eugene, cruises about 10.ooo.OoO yellow fir and cedar; railroad eurvey through property; no reasonable offer refused; by owner. Address O 078. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 180 arrea with 20.f"OoTSb ft. merchantable timber: about 5oc per M or $22.50 per acre. 226 Lumber Exchange bide. FOR SALE at bargain. 160 acres timber oh Tillamook Bay. near Bay City and Bay Ocean; will cruise over 4.000.000. AF 74s, Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M CRACKEX. 304 McKay Bldg. TIMRER CLAIMS, homesteads, relinquish ments. 21 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 10 acres of beaverdam land. 7-room house, large barn and other out houses. 18 miles from Portland on the Vnlted Railway, adapted to chickens, dairy or truck gardening. 80O feet from station. 2 mllea east of North Plains: two wells on place: all cultivated. Kent $200 per year. See owner. 22.1 Lumber Exchange. 140-ACHE dairy farm, fully equipped for business: will give responsible man long time Icaso and Immediate possession; a money-maker for right party. See me Monday at 211 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. SUBURBAN home for rent or lease. 0 acres of land, fine for chicken ranch at Gilbert Station. Buckley ave.. 30 minutes' ride on Kstacada carline: also 40 acres at same station. Cnll or address .11i Front st. FOR KENT U-scre tract at Courtney and near Oregon City car. All clear, house and barn: $13 per month. C. K. Pfluger Co., Room 6, Mulksy Bldg., 2d and Morrison. ORCHARD of 4000 trees, tenant must show financial ability to handle IL Apply R. ChlIcott. 205 McKay bldg. STOCK and feed and Implements for sale; a good place for dslry or truck garden; close In. on good road. N 6W. Oreiconlan. FOR RENT An orchard of 50 acrea Apply H. Chticett. ZOft McKay hldg. WANTED To rent a small farm neat a river. W 608. Oregonlan. FARMS W ANTED. FARM OWNERS We can rent-your farm. 1.1st them with ul We have a hundred good farmers waiting ti take them. H. M. CARLOCK A CO, 417 Board of Trade. FARM Property wanted; only exclusive contract for quick sale considered: w have the buyer. If you want to srlt sea or write ul Hall A Atchison, 313 Oer lln ger bldg.. 2d and Alder. . WANTED About 40-acre ranch near ta tlon. Few Improvements necessary. Cash I for bargain. Address Box 20. Harrliburg. Oregon. FA It M E li S We have buyers for farms; "if you want to sell, call or write UL West ern Land Co.. 248 VJ Stark st. WANT 6 to 40 acrea partly Improved. Ad dress AM 674. Oregonlan. WANTKO TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent for cash, one to live acres of firat-class beaverdam land with privilege of buying same; full particulars In flmt letter. Addren B 67 L ( iregonian. WANTED to rent A small dairy ranch of 13 rows or more. In good condition: south or west of Portland. John Halblamb. care Y. A S. Lumber Co.. Stevenson, Wash. WANTED T1MBEB LANDS. T1V.BER lands wanted. iKj McKay bldg. C J. McCraehea. PINE or fir. Call or address C. A. Young. 420 Bwetlsnd bldg. WANTS!) REAL ESTATE. WANT equity In Portland lot for clear lot. good town; will consider delinquent eon tracta. Wood. 310 Spalding bldg. WANT to leaae site for office building near Seventh and Alder. Give location of your property in letter. D 681. Oregonlan. 1 WANT to buy a house and lot close In, Stephens Addition. Will not pay over $J500. owe Attorney, 414 Spalding Bldg. WANT a bungalow on terms, about $2K00, near some carllne. Main 11140. 430 Wor ceeter Bldg. WANTED Small cottage, on easy termsi must have atdewalks In. Howard Laud Company. 420 Swetlahd Mdg. WANTED Vacant lots In any good dis trict; will give contracts and marrf : y payment mortgages. A 4S2, Oregonlan. WANTED A lot on West side, suitable for flat, reasonable: give full particulars. Y 63. Oregonlan. NEW, modern six or seven-room bungalow, best section Holladay or lrvlngton; state price and location. Y 670. Oregonlan. WANTED A 4- to 8-r-xm house: stock in a good company given In exchange. A 443. Oregoulari. WANT contracts and mon gages; will ex charge lrvlngton and other city lota for same. AB 661. Oregonlsn. WANTED Good lota In lrvlngton Park. Vernon and vicinity. Howard Land Com. pany. 42o Swctland Mrty. A FEW acrea of land close In and close to electric line; would prefer place with houee on; no agents. L 660, Oregonlan. WOL'LD like to buy small country home near electric line. C. De Young, 432 Chamber of Commerce. " WANT a small houfe and lot, price $1000 to $1200. Atlas Land Co., 420 Lumber Exchange. WANTED From owner, 5 or more acres on Salem Electric line, near Tlgard ata tlon preferred. D 673. Oregonlan. WANTED Lot In lrvlngton, north of Tilla mook st-: near carllne. C 672. Orcgo- nlan. V .NT lot In Rose City Park district or lrv lngton. W 074. Oregonlan. WANT one or twoTlots In Kosamere or Ross) City Park. D 661. Oregonlan. TWO BULL FROGS. Pee adv. Fruit lands for sale. WANTED A lot la lrvlngton. Y. 67, Oregonlan, WE WANT a good, modern 7-room house, near school and carline for a waiting buyer Price within $4500 and on beet terms possible REAL ESTATE DEPT.. HART MAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. WANTED TO BUY. Resident lot In suburb of Portland, or E-acre tract, well-located, near Portland, with car service. Want lo pay for same pa.-t payments and part In labor, carpen ter work preferred: give exact location and best terms of payment, with price of lot or acreage. Will contract for season's work reasonable. L 674. Oregonlan. WANTED For client; roomlnghouse north of Washington St.. East 5th; 50 to 78 rooms; price not over $4000. M. BUNNELL. 232 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT to buy a home with 50x100 lot; would like bungalow shape house, but must be modern In every way; not over two blocks from car; want good resi dent district: not to exceed $4000 In price; about $500 cash and good mommy payments. A 603. Oregonlan. OUR client wants a good lot or quarter block In SUNNYSIDE or HAWTHORNE ' ADDITION, between E. 30th and L. j-d streets: must be a good buy: wanted us an Investment. We mean business. Sea H. A. Chandler Real Estate Co., 010 Lumbermcns bids Main 8706. NEWCOMER In Portland will boy quarter block In South Portland between Market and Sheridan sts.; prefer something with some Income; price must be right:, give full particulars In letter. F 602, Orego nlan. COUNTRY residence property: will buy place up the Willamette along the river or something on the Oregon City line. Kindly describe your property, as MO M want to waate any time. Address AB OiA oregoninn. AM looking for the best down-town invest ment to be had; will do business thla week: I am a stranger here and will he here but a few days. Addresa AB 6ii, oregonlan. WANTED A fractional lot. not less than $.10x100. close In. on West Side, suitable for a two-flat building; state price and exact location when answering. Address L 613. Oregonlan. IF YOU want to dispose of your property quickly, list It with us; we have a large list of buyers for all clasres of property. cuiniv A. V1KRI.OW. S32 Chamber of Commerce WANT to buy a cood improved farm close to a good town: would like a place with Implements and stock. Address C. Do Young. 4U2 Chamber ot Commerce, Port land. Or. , WE have Inquiries for new and modern resi dences from $5000 to JS000 In lrvlngton and Holladay Addition. If you have prop erty for sale, see us. SlcCaxger. Bates A Lively, uio railing duik. WANTED 500 to 1O00 acres cleared land aultnblo for applo growing: unincumbered. In Rogue River Valley; accessible by raM road; full particulars In replying. W ofo, uregonian. WE have clients waiting for houses, all sizes and prices. If you want to sell, see use 1vjjFJC roAST TRUST CO.. no rin WANTED 0 to 20 acres, close-in. near electric line. Improved or unimproved, from owner; price must bo reasonable Tj 664. oregonlan I HAVE sold my ranch in Eastern Oregon and am looking for Income property In Portland. What have you to offer? Ad dress AB OTP, oregonlan. WANTED A bona fide eacrlflce in bunga low or lot. Don't answer unless you have It; no agents. Addresa F. Mathlas, 114T East TaylorsL WANTED To purchase for cash, about 2 acrea of land on the Oregon City carllne; well improved with a good, modern house M. I.AINO JO.. uma"" HAVE a few clients seeking Investments from $10,000 to $15,000; vacant or Im proved. Goldachmldfs Agency, 203 w aanington, corner ou. WANTED Five or six-room modern house In Hawthorne district or Irvlnuton. Own ers only; state location and price A 6i0, oregonlan. WE have a few clients looking for Improved and unimproved property In North Port- land- If your price la rleht let me submit It. Smith's Agency, JUL nnerioca 1 WILL pay spot cash for investment prop erty up to $50,000, and prefer to deal di rect with owners. Kindly give full lnfor- -. AAmmm V AT? Oreironlan. BUNGALOW wanted; must be In a good dis trict and close In and a bargain: no agents; rive full particulars In answer. AB 674. Oregonlan. WILL HI ll.u l-un loc. A private Investor will build you a home if you own a lot. Call and get my terma ro, t. -1. . . ... Kid., WANTED About one acre with small house suitable for chickens: some cash: rest like rent- must be near carllne A 067. Ore- gOIllMIl WANTED 10 to 100 acres within 20 miles of PprlInF,jc COAST TRUST CO, 170 Dtn ot WANTED Tract of land In Mosler district, WK) or more seres: give price and full par ticulars; apple land preferable. K. 671, Oregonlan. THAT equity that you have paid Is worth something; don't lose It. Let me know Just what you have: If Its good. I can use It AN 67. oregomsn. WANTED I,ot In lrvlngton. Holladay or Laurelhurst from owner; no agents. J 872. oregonlan. WANTED 8 to 10-room modern home In vicinity of Washington High School; full 1 escriotion. if hi i. cq WANTED 10 to 30 acres psrtly Improved In the 7-mlle circle east or south. C. J. Haggorty. Boaverton, Or. WANTED Equltylnbungalow for equity in 8 suburban Iota H 601. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. AN EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, Modem, full basement: lot SOxlOO. cor ner: new; laundry trays, furnace, as- ? halted street, cement sidewalks, all paid or; cheap, will let balance (If any) run a long time. Will trade for a farm that la partly readv for cultivation and has a house on it. "AG 681. Oregonlan. WANTED A good typewriter: will accept It as part of first payment on a line buslines lot SOxlOO on E. Glisan. The neighbors all want a store on this lot. Price $6."0. terms $150 cash and $10 a month, 6 per cent Interest. AM 681. Oregonlan. 11 ACRES 0 mllea from Spokane. V mile from electric nation, fenced. 4 -room plas tered house, barn. Apple house, 3 acres bearing orcharel : will trade for Portland property. Address P. D. W., 23 Ore gonian. $1000 CASH and 13 acres on electrio line to exohange for Portland home; will assume rome. PACIFIC COAST TRUST CO.. 170 5th St. WILL trade 8 acres at Beaverton for a good house in Portland and will assume or let the difference run a long time at 0 per cent Interest. AM 6S3. Oregonlan. FOP- SALE or exchange for Orepen property, 10 acres In fruit and alfalfa, adjoining city. A. Robinson. Rlvsrslde Orchard. Old Albuquerque, New Mexico. WILL exchange Jo acres fine wheat land In Athena. Canada, for house and lot In Portland. Call 2lbtt stark at. FOR SALBI R-acre tract near city, or wlil exchange for city r.eildence property. Ad dress W . It., .11 luiuiw. $2ooo 5-rooin modern bungalow; take lot as cash balance terma. 230 Lumber Exchange Tildg. WE exebsnge your property regardioas t location for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. S21-9 Henry bldg. DIAMONDS, two lots and new automobile supplies to trade for horses or what have you? Phone Kastl 13. , WILL trade grocery store for Sellwood resi dence, or will sell; address 2001 E. Gllaan st. Phone Tabor 18113 FOR SALE or trade for Oregon propel ty, fine 0-room house In Minneapolis. R. F. Walters, ins 'j First st. ltjo ACRES, ranch In Washington, worth $3000, for house and lot In Portland. B 2577. EQUITT of one-third In choice. East Side lot, for carpets, curtains, etc. F 604, Ore gonlan. CHOICE 10-acre commercial orchard, near La Grande, for Portland or suburban prop erty. J 0'Q. Oregonlan. 10O ACRES, house, barn, orchard, farming Implementa 0 per acre, for city prop erty. 402 Commercial block. 20 ACRES, near Roseburg. $3200, for city property. 4QJ Commercial block. WE will trade for anything of value and give some cash. Wood. S10 Spalding hldg. cTTEAlrnoMnWahington to trade for type writer.Boxi82. Portland. CITY lots to trade for auto. Box 122. Can- by. Oregon. FOR EXCHANGE, 44 lota In Oregon City; farm of 40 or SO acres. B 062. Oregonlan. 80-acre farm. 50 acres In fine state of cultivation. excellent buildings. fully equipped with stock and implements; price $7500; will accept good Portland residence up to $4000. Quarter block, close in, on East s'"i fine for apartments or fiats; price $7000; will exchange for flats or small apartment house. . 7-room modern residence, new. nne East Sldo location: cash price on same Is $4500: I will put this, and some cash, on . . .....1 rnrm or would buv a. lEOOd Wheit ranch of $S00O value, but must be good; owners only will please call or write. S-room. new. modern residence, best I East Side location; price 4ooo: morigas" against same of $2400; will exchange my equity for good lots, or close-In acreage. For good exchanges, and if your prop erty is good, and worth the price, call or write J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of Com morce. Portland. Or. TO EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND . PROPERTY. 45 acres, highly Improved, on school and ferry road; excellent buildings, stock and Implements: price $10,000. 01 acres, highly Improved, 18 miles from Portland. 2 miles from K. R-; stock and implements; price $10,000. 275 acres, 1 mllea from R. Tt.. in Lin coln County; good stock ranch, all fenced. 50 acres In cultivation, good buildings, about $2000 worth of stock and Imple ments; price $10,000: will take house and lot up to $3000. balance $2500 cash and rest 5 years at 6 per cent. 4S0 acres In Linn County, 100 acres m cultivation, balance pasture and timber: good fruit or stock ranch, fair buildings; and some cash, balance mortgage. KAUFFMANN & MOORE. 323 Lumbermens bld!l. I Want to Buy or Trade for a PORTLAND HOUSE, i I have 20 acres of the best Improved land within 5 miles of Portland: 5 acres of beaverdam land, balance In orchard; modern 6-room bungalow, 'built for a city man." Will sell cheap or trade for a Portland home at my cash price. A 684, Oregonlan. I Want a HOUSEBOAT, Will accept It as first payment on my houee of 5 roome lot SoxlOO and then make the balance payable in easy month ly pavments to suit you. May take o. launch If It la In good order. AM 68-, Oregonlan. , GOOD-buslness In Ellensburg. Wash.. Im proved with good theater building, now being used as movlng-plcture show at $100 per month rental; price $0000; will exchange for Portland property and some cas.i. Kauffmann & Moore, 825 Lumber Exchange. .- FOR SALE Fine bungalow home in South ern Oregon, best of soil; 60 acres, most all in fruit; 11 acres bearing Spltzs and New tons; water rights: good roads; will trade Moor Ehnl Co., 504 Fenton bldg. Main 2 -TO. : . WILL trade my equity In beautiful Rose City Park corner lot, close to carllne, for two unincumbered lots In unrestricted dis trict to equal value; no agents. Owner, room 615, Merchants Trust bldg., tomor row. WILL exchange my equity of $1500 In 4 splendid lots for equity in 6-room bunga low; lots are well located on East Side and In heart of verv active district. Can build six houses on them and sell fast as com pleted. D 659. Oregonlan. WE have 10-acre tracts and up In the Tua latin. Willamette. Hood River and 'vicin ity of "Vancouver for exchange from $i0 per acre up. If Interested, see the C.lenart Realty Co. (Inc.). 421-422 Cham ber of Commerce. ONE house". "6" rooms. West Side, price $3500: one house. East Side, price $li60: will take uncleared land close to Portlana or Vancouver up to $4000. Glenart Realty Co. (Inc.), 421-422 Chamber of Com merce I HAVE calls all the time for Portland homes, for farms. Let's get together and make a trade We have what you want. H. A. CHANDLER. 610 Lumbermens bldg. 320-ACRE farm. Willamette Valley; all un der cultivation: station on place; exchanRe nil or half: assume or pay difference up to $75,000. Goldschmldt's Agency, -o-Vi Washington, cor 3d. . 8 LEVEL lots near ML Scott. Be car, city water, street graded and paid: will tako rooming-house, cigar store or land up to HIGLETBISHOP" A M'CLASKET.1323d. BEAUTIFUL, new, modern. 10-room resi dence, cash value $15,000: mortgage $'!o0 6 per cent: for farm, unincumbered, value about $10,000; balance cash. G 6i9, Oregonlan. - T HAVE a new Overland auto, valued at $1200. that I will turn In as first pay ment on a good lot. H. A. CHANDLER. 610 Lumbermens blag. TO EXCHANGE An equity of 2C0 in a fine corner lot. Rose City Park, for a good delivery wagon and horse Phone Sellwood 425 or call at 815 Clinton St. BUSINESS WANTED Some small hardware stock or delicatessen stock in exchange for 15 acres good fur timber near Wend llng, Oregon. Address AN 683. Oregonlan. GENERAL CASfi STORE Unincumbered, suburb, fine location; exchange for real es tate $2000. Write owner, 600 . An keny: WILL trade modern 5-room bungalow cot tage for cheap unimproved land or for acreage near to Portland. Call 414 Spald ing Bldg. WILL trade my equity In new modern 5 room bungalow. Hawthorne district, for $2800 acreage within 20 mllea of Port land. A 661. Oregonlan. WANTED To trade for Portland property or acreage. 4 fine view lots on Lake Wash ington. Seattle; also 1 In the city limits, Koattle. AH 872. Oregonlan. I WISH to trade some good Portland prop erty. Improved or acreage, for first-class in to 1 vi room rooming-house A-l. AH 671. oregonian. EXCHANGE $9000 equity in $1B.OOO store and apartment building (Income $1800). in Seattle, for vacant lots In Portland. Address owner. A480,Oregonlan. FINE retail cash business. Invoice about $17 000. to exchange for city property. PVCIFIC COAST TRUST CO., 170 6th St. WILL exchange diamonds for lot or equity or what have you? PACIFIC COAST TRUST CO., 170 5h St. A $1000 EQUITY in a 50x100 lot on Pine and E. 2Dth, to trade for a o-paasenger auto. Call S41 Hamilton pwg. 00 J OTS on good beach near Tillamook will trade for cottage or auto. 232, Wor. cester bldg. WILL exchange $"75 equity on a $1250 lot In Laurelhurst for a diamond. E 680, Oregonlan. 1. 1 r:'S In growing Southern California town to exchange for Portland residence room-ing-home or acreage.' H 609. -Oregonlan. WTLt. exchange flue house and cash for acreage within ten miles oi ronmnu. v 674. Oregonlan WILL exchange equity of $so0 Ln fine new 6-room house ln W.-R. district for cheap lots, unincumbered, ts ooo. oregonian. EXCHANGE For acreage, fine unincum bered lots, also several fine equities. O tl"4. Oregonlan. LOT In restricted distrlot. $1000 for small house, not over $1500; will assume or pay difference. O 671. Oregonlan. - EXCHANGE 40 acrea fine fruit land near Buxton, Washington County; some Umber; ' for city property. M 683, Oregonian. WILL exchange a business clearing $3000 yearly, and invoices jww tor city prop erty or farm. Call 248H Stark st. WILL exchange 100-acre wheat ranch for a house and lot ln Portland. F 682, Ore gonlan AN automobile and some cash aa part pay ment for roomlnghouse of about 30 rooms: no agrenta. AM 685, Oregonian; BEAUTIFUL home for Southern Oregon or California property. 884 Marguerette ave, Hawthorne car. WILI.' "exchange two 10-acre tracts, apple land. Vi cash, balance trade. 401 Spalding ldg D A NDY beach lot 'at Ocean Park, Wash., to exchange for office furniture and type writer. l railing uiuk. HAVE some good lots In Seattle; will trade for anything of value. Walter MoGovern, 1020 Board of Trade bldg. BEAUTIFUL " Improved farm on railway, near Portland, to trade for rooming-house or apartment house. 480 Worcester Bldg. A TYPEWRITER wanted: will trade a beautiful hand-painted oil painting for It. Maln 8766. $T20.000 CONDON wheat farm to trade for rortianq property. uh-Mlci ui'js SEVERAL small farms to trade for good city property. 430 Worcester Bldg. WILL exchange almost new self-player piano for real estate. B 673. Oreeonian. AN exceptionally fine violin to trades value $100. AG 674. Oregonlan. WE will buy, sell or trade anything. Lawrence A Co., 609 Corbett bldg. J. A. WE can trade your property or business. Call 80S Board of Trads. , $S0O EQUITT In rooming-house to exchange for good lot AM 6S4. Oregonlan. WILL exchange good suburban lots for ladles' tailoring. Box H 631. Oregonlan. WE have some splendid tradee See ue Rogers A MoRay, 602 Swetland bids. FINE Kansas farm of 360 acres. SO miles south of Kansas City. 4Vi mllea from ood town; 10-room dwelling, good barn and other outbuildings. 120 acres ln timotny and clover. 45 acrea corn land, balance bluegrass pasture; all beat of land; never failing water, no stones; school J.i mile, church 2 miles; finest farm In Eastern Kansas; will trade for Portland property or Willamette Valley land. "BRONG-STEELE CO.. Ground Floor. Lewis Bldg. WANT $4500 worth of good Portland prop erty and $7500 cash for the $12,000 equity ln this choice residence property. Price $15,000. subject to mortgage of $30oo. Property consists of new lo-room house on a choice northwest corner on Killings worth ave, 100 feet frontage. Real Estate Dept. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce $l000 Cold storage and meat business to trade for real estate; this is a high-grade business, but owner must leave here. $5500 Orchard 5 years old, ln the great Southern. Oregon fruit belt, to trade for good real estate. $3000 livery and transfer business to trade for property. C. W. LA BARRE, 209 Commercial Blk.. 2d and Washington. I HAVE a nve-room bungalow one MoeK from car (no debts against It); alt modern in every way: gas and electric light, ce ment basement, lawn anti roses, which I wish to trade for a larger -house in good locality and not over two blocks from car; will pay cash difference; 6 rooms will do or five rooms with floored attic. Ask for Powell. 220 Falling bldg. 24 ACRES near Reedville, partially im proved, for house and lot. 11 acres right at Tlgard station, for city property. . 40 to 160 acres close ln at $30 an acre, for city property. lVj acres. West Side, 5-cent fare, for lot. BROWN A STAVE R. 614 Couch Blrlg. EQUITY In three line building lots ln lilsn ly restricted residence district on liast Side, where the improvements are all in. Including hard-surface streets. Will ex change for other property clear, or good securities. Cannot keep up present con tracts. Phone Main 1503. Ask for llr. Burlingame. THIS is a rare bargain and must be turned at once: SO acres, good house, barn, chicken-house, team and harness, cow, wagon and farm implements; 10 acres bearing orchard, 15 acres plowed, 30 acres slushed, balance second growth fir: jll.000; will take half in good city residence, balance easy terms. N 682, Oregonlan. WILL exchange my equity of $5000 ln Heights view lots for real estate or ne gotiable personal property: no payments due on lotto for 5 years. 6 per cent: kits adjoin and are especially desirable for large home sites, or will sell singly. R 674, Oregonian. FOR SALE or will exchange for close-In Portland property, 80 acres, near Portland, about 25 acres clear, about 10 acres bear ing apple orchard, house, barn, cow, farm implements, etc. Will sacrifice this farm. If sold at once will make terme Address owner, M 652, Oregonian. MEDFORD. VICINITY!" PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE. Wanted Portland city and ranch prop erty to exchange for property in the fa mous Rogue River Valley, up to $200,000; give full description snd detail aud ad- dress box 11 5. Medford, O r. 160-ACRE Kansas farm, $2000. 32 acres near Eugene, $1500. Equity in modern bungalow, $600. City lot as payment on acreage, $700. Lots. Grays Crossing, for equity, $300. What have you to exchange? H. E. JAMES JCO.. SS loth, near Stark st. EIGHT ACRES, excellent for berries or pjultry, right near Durham station; logs for bungalow; grand view. Owner very anxious to exchange for city lot as first payments We have number of good exchanges. CLODFELTER BROS. 414 Couch Bldg. THE chance for someone: 800 acres wheat range. In Sherman County, near R. R. : UO0 . in cultivation; good springs and well and all fenced; to exchange for Portland prop erty. DUBOIS A CROCKETT. Washington Bldg. WILL EXCHANGE for $1000. vacant Portland lots, $500 cash and the balance 3 or 6 years at 6 per cent Interest; 25 acres near Beaverton; fine fruit land. Price $150 per acre. J. STROUD A 80N, Beaverton. Oregon. HAVE a good 100-acre ranch in Southern Oregon; has 250,000 feet of fine saw oak tlmoer; will sell for cash or terms, or will trade for house with two lots on F.ast Sldo. (Positively no agents.) Price $Soi)0. Mrs. W. Bishop, Box 6, Vancouver, Wash. 100 ACRES, 12 miles from Spokane, on Ha zelwood road, 05 acres In Fall wheat, line apple orchard land, new 0-room house cement basement, new barn, coops, etc.; water In house: tools, Implements, etc Owner. Green. 441 Peyton, Spokane. Wash. $1630 EQUITY In eight lots, worth $3300; ln high-class restricted residence district, on Peninsula, two block3 from carllne: will sell all or part cheap for cash or will take United Wireless Telegraph Company a stock as part payment. W p9. Oregonlan. WILL trade $1200 equity in two beautiful residence lots in highly restricted resi dence district for cheaper lots or acreage; cannot keep up pres.nt payments. This will bear Investigation. Phone Main 1503. Ask for Mr. Burlingame. WE have a nice home In Kansas City which might exchange for a hotel without dining-room, well located ln city, or would take some income property here; If this Interests you, come and see ue Brong Steele Co., ground floor Lewis bldg. FIVE "acres, fine fruit land or chicken ranch, near electric line, free of encum brances, as flrst payment on house and lot for vacant lots. Smith-Wagoner, Co., 311 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE One lot, located In Cliffs, Wash.; cheap for cash; will trade for first-class cow; must be young and fresh. Address C. O. Curtis, Box 242, B. F. D. No. 2. Hillsdale, Or. AN equity of $1000 In a $2600 quarter block In lrvlngton on 31st and Tillamook streeta. with all Improvements in and paid to trade for mortgage, bonds or real estate. Owner 1127 Corbett street. EQUITY of $000 ln beautiful lot on East Side, building restrictions: will exchange for good diamonds or good securltiee Phone Main 1603. Ask for Mr. Burlin game. . t vi a v 10 1550 eauity In two well located lots that I will trade for acreage clear of Incumbrance Auaress v boo, ore gonlan. TWO or three Improved farms near Port land to exchange tor city property; own ers only. J. R. Horning & Co., 318 Allsky bldg. WANTS modern residence In exchange for 320 acres of Yamhill County fruit or gras lng land, value $15 per acre n 607. Ore gonlan. LOTS In Tillamook coast resort to exchange for Portland residence; railroad finished this Summer, when prices will advance. AG 661. Oregonlan. LOGGED-OFF land suitable for fruit or general farming, close to gooa town ami K. R. ; want something close to J'ortlantl, by owner. 213 Henry bldg. FIVE acres choice fruit land, planted, an nual Income will exceed $2500; connected by Portland Electric; will trade for house and lot. AG 667. Oregonlan. SOOOiOOO FEET-yellow" pine In Eastern Ore gon. Price $4500. Will exchange for acre age near Portland. J. G. Sanders. 425 Lumbermens tjkib. FOR EXCHANGE $150,000 worth fruit and stock ranches located in the Rogue River Valley for property of equal value In or near Portland. Address M 671. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and llarnesa. 7j3T arrived, a" carload of horses and mares from Eastern Oregon from 1200 to 11100 lbe. and from 4 to 6 years old. All guaranteed as represented. U. S. Stables. 248 Front st; FOR SALE! Span of horses, weight 2200 lbs., good workers, ages 7 and : will . sacrifice if taken at once. Inquire 128 K. 6th st. WANTED To buy ten head of horscsi mares preferred; prices must be reason able. Write and I will call. O 6S0, Orego nian. STUDEBAKER Full platform spring wag on, almost new. 12-foot bed, stakes, breast chains, removable tongue. 115 Union ave. Phone Sellwooa mi. WE have a carload of good work horses for sale, weighing from 1300 lbs. to 1700 lbs., must be sold at once 20 E. 80th su ... ..v.. HO-1 r-noii- mu' '-. NICE driving mare, gentle for lady to ride or drive, very stylish; $125 if sold quick. 334 Front fet. BAY horse, weight 1140. true and gentle, with harness and light top wagon, $110; will separate. 230 Jefferson. FOR HIRE. PORTLAND STABLES, 26 N. 15TH ST. MARSHAL!, 16S6 HORSES AND WAGONS BY DAT. WEEK OR MO.MTH. AT YOUR own price, 2200-lb. team, fat and In good condition. 520 59th St., end of Hawthorne carline. FOR SALE Five-year-old horse, 800 lbs., well broke, cheap for cash. Box 185, Van coluver. Wash. VERY pretty black pony, for sale cheap. Phone Woodlawn 134S. LIGHT but strong grocer's delivery wagon: price $160. Answer AC 6B3, Oregonlan. . Jl GOOD horseand buggy- for'sale Call at 6-'4 Front St. FOR SALE Team, weighing 24O0 pounds, harness aad wagon. Call 469 East Salmon. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. HORSES AND MARES. 50 HEAD CHEAP. 505 Alder St.. Cor. 15th St. The above horses have been used ny city contractor, teamsters and businesa houses; there are horses n( nil Kimis. suitable for business, family or Pleaf'' purposes: give us a call before buy ng. read a few of the many bargains it will give you an Idea of what we have, all horses warranted according to wnat they are and trial allowed. 51-5 Alder st. $3S5 TEAM AND HARNESS $385. 3000-pound team, sound and true, fat ana handsome, true and r-illable. single or double: a Winter bargain. 505 Alder St. $285 BROWN TEAM GELDINGS 2.s5.-, Ages U and S. been used by one ot trie leading department stores, who have ie placed them with an automobile delivery truck; warranted and trial allowed. 5o6 Alder St. S140 HANDSOME PLEASURE OUTFIT. Consisting of bay horse, age 5. weight 1100 pounds, can step a 2:4o gait: leaf" less of cars or auto.; also custom-made harness and rubber-tire buggy, as good as new. 503 Alder st. 2S0O-pound team sorrel horses, aces 8 and I), reliable work team; trial allowed, price $135. 505 Alder st. 2700-pound team, brown and bay. ages 7 and 9: a little thin in fiesli from over work; price $150. 505 Alder t. Pair dapple grays horse "d mare ages 5 and 6: a B""d ranch or basinesa team, with harness; price $26u. 505 Aldor street. $100 BUYS 2600-pound team, good work ers, single or double, warranted tp have good wind and true to work. uOj Alder su $5 buys, 1150-pound horse, age 5. Mil able for business or ranch purposes. oo Alder st. $(10 buys 10.-0-pound bay colt corning S years old; drives single or double and broke to ride. 5U5 Alder st. 1250-pound delivery or ranch horse, fat and handsome, age 7. true and reliable under all circumstances: warranted and trial allowed; price S'-'O. 50.. Alder st. $75 BLACK BEAUTY. 75. Coal black, age 8. weighs 12011 poiini.s, worth $150 to anyone who has use for him. 505 Alder si $123 TEAM and harness. we't 2300 pounds: will work anywhere and are extra free roadsters. 5Q5 Alder st. $35 buys thin bay horses, been " by Standard Grocery Co. and overworked the rast year. 5"r Alder st. 2 YOUNG, mules from 1000 to 1150 pounds each; suitable for orchard, farm or general team work; good 2'-Pu"'1 work team and harness; several genera -purpose horses; four-ton gooseneck furni ture wagon, with top; lil-passenger cam all. suitable for hotel, grocery and deliv ery wagons: also l',2-ton goseneck wagon with top. Hubert & Hall. 3S0 Front St.. cor. Montgomery. ' O70 EAST 7TH St., near Hawthorne aye. t " pair horses, weight 3150: 1 pa r (mare ami horse). 2050, price $250: 1 pair horses. .100, with harness, $150; 1 ffrof 0500 with harness, $12..; 1 pair of gelrt Tngs. 2200. general delivery team: i small horses. $30 apiece: 1 pair marea with wagon and harness. $3.o. FOTTI SALE 19 head o'f draft "d general purpose horses, best that can be found In Portland, guaranteed as represented; weigh from 1050 to 100. young and soun.L Can see owner at 227 Salmon st. or 1640 Macadam St.. at the barn. Phone Mr sha"l95. Main P13B. Quality Is the stuff. MUST sell line young, sound. l0-lb- wonc horse guaranteed true worker. last walker 1135; also 1300-lb. chunky work horse $100- trial guaranteed given; tiii. r'ubber-tVred' buggy and harness $40 : own er given up business. Call 348 d u North, near Broadway. HORSES FOR SALE. Porttand Stables, 26 N. loth - horses, all sl.es and prices: a writ en SSarat tee goes with every horse to refund your money If not as represented. Harness, all prices, delivery wagons, buggies at te actual value. R. L. Evans. WE have several heavy ' horses, will from 1350 to 1650. all sound and true to Du" sail as guaranteed; will make good Srices on this stock and will take cheaper horse, in exchange. S34 Front St. Open Sunday. tja RiiAIN Big team, 7 and 9 years old, Bgood true workers; will weigh 27O0 1 lb. with good set heavy harne.s. $ 1 75 . owner left town and has no use for them. Call at Todd's barn.334 Front. FOR SALE Two horses, weight about BOO pounds each and good travelers; "Rbt Sack with harness, all new. cludsd or sold separately. Address A. P. angou herg. Clackamas. Or. . . TEAM-and harness and 1 O-paasenger hotel bus tlr sale cheap at the Model Stables. 2!ir Davis st. Phone Main 94 1. Automobiles. PORTLAND AUTOMOBILES CLEARING HOUSE. Arthur H. Hertz. Manager. We are exclusive dealers ln used auto-mohllas- our annual clearance aale was a great Vucoes., but we still have a few bargains left. We have been fortunate In S, a few slightly-used commercial w-gVns that we can sell to responsible S, on term payment.. How are theae? "Ford." 4-cyl.. 1000-lb.. with extra touring body and top . . . . . , . . .. . . - "White," 1500-lb., open body. O-B chassis, very slightly used 1850 Don't fall to see us in reference to your nleasure car for the coming season. All Standard make. In stock varying in price tiorn $250 up to $3000: give us a call. Main 69. Phone. A 2234. Sixth and Madison Streets, Portland, Oregon. good inside properly. SZZXS with combination VlBakeaetedctr?c?ticVodrm. almost new. To horsepower Stud-baker. seven-passenger ca? repainted, new top. fine order. Packard touring ear. overhauled, guar anteed, seven-passenger. . T Packard 18. overhauled, guaranteed, T- P84ThB-p'' Chalmers runabout. PACKARD GARAGE. 63 N. 23d SU iron' SALE 1910 Carter car. 30-horsepower, 4 passengers, detachable rear seat, clo.o coupfed fop. glass front, speedometer and 5 chAln.? irWanteed In perfect cond I-tlon- cost $1450; will sell for $;n mis is a' real bargain. K. M. V.. Northwest Co.. Chapman and Alder sis. AUTOMOBILE AND GARAGE BUSINESS. On Iv -arage in c'ty of 10.000 population; new fare. Hreproof parage. UP to date in every respect: agency for several standard kes of cars. This is a well-established ad paying business; fullest Investigation solicited Address J Oregonlan. 19(18 7-PASSENGER Pierce for sale or will consider good city property: In A-l con dTtlon Treason for selling want .rnaller car - leaving for California about I-eb. 1. must sell quick. AL G8.i.Oregonian. " FOR SALE. Baboork Electric Runabout, In flrst rlass condition: new battery; guaranteed !k0 See Rose City Electric Garage. 54 N. 2uth sU I "WANT a 5-passenger car. for which I will pav cash. If you want to s-l cheap, write me. as price must be right: state age name of car and distance has been -..n x- e.70 Oregonian. PRACTICALLY new "Parry roadster, 4 onterm.: '"owner. 213 Commonwealth Bldg. WANTED Runabout In exchange for cash and horss and buggy: Hubmoblle pre ferred.L 6(ll).Oregonlan. FOR SALE Two-ton motor trucK, very cheap; excellent comniion, i c.,v,o lng want larger truck. F 684. Oregonlan. j-HAVE a good lot that I will accept an auto as part pavment on. Lot Is 50x100, h i.',t Ktrie AG 683. Oregonlan. WANTED Small runabout or 5-passenger auto: will give gtjod trade in acreage, or suouroan prujjenj. i v. j-u 5-PASSENGER tourist, fully equipped. In A-l order. lor e;uo. i none juain ooiw wi call 333 3d SU 12 to 2. A $2100 5-PASSENGER Stanley steamer to exchange for horses, DUggies or any ainu of livery stock. 801) East 28th sL PlnnM llrT.uni. and Mnsiral InRtramNlU. RESPONSIBLE parties are desirous of stor- l.iv niunn for nao of HHTTle! no children? guaranteed good care. B 060, Oregonlan.