TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAXl, JANUARY 15, 1911. HEAL UTATt. For fewle - Hone e. HARTMAN THOMPSON. REAL. ESTATE DEPT. fhambif of Commtrrt PMr. rbone ftinn Ex, 20, A 230. TTE HAVE AM VARIETT Or REAL. ESTATE. RESIDENCES. BIO AND LITTLE. BUSINE H L' I LD INOS AND nrt:.. water front properties. HUIBBAX HOMES. ETC WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. $000 A femutlfud horn on th Heights, nr cr. 7 room and BDlihi -tle and basement. An views. splendid fumac: ready fur Im- medint occupancy: nil Information I l office; A $73 kitchen rani In- eluded: two nreplaccs. fixture and curtains; out or too ordinary. WE HAVE A CHOtCE SELE"TION Or "VIEW IRorcitTIES" ON THE HEIGHTS. OVERLOOKING PORTLAND HOUSES AND BUILDING SITES. TOO. IRVINGTON HOMES. A splendid new 8 -room homo on East lth street. In vry select portion of beautiful Irvlngton: din In t-rmm finished In mahogany and Hie other rooms in equally nlc: Ihla la mm than an ordinarily nice nous; part rash, handsoma and extra large nreplace. book rases built In; seller wants som mon-y to ontor basin and la offering hi hom to st it. We have others In Irvingten; Informa tion cpon application. LNIM-A1. EASY-TERM BOMB. Tn chlre 4arl of Mt. Tabor residence section. 12-room motion house. Corner lot. &OxO0 I'rice $730. only $373 cash required. This Is an unquestioned opportunity for some one. Are l"a the fortunate onef Investigate; get detalla Wa have dona sur share bv notifying yea through this and other ads. MORE EAST-TERM HOMES. (3400 a new. two-story house In Rosa t'ltT Park; near far; nrar school and new school site; 6 rooms and bath, sleeping porch: terms f.".iKI cash or Uss to a buyer coming well recommended. OfR LIST Of "EAST-TERM HOMES" IS VERT COMPLETE 1WESTIQATB. BIT A HOME IN 11L ACREAGE. 0 arras of land (close In). $.113 par aTe; only $318 per acre. Located 2H rat'es north and east of the Montarllla rarllne; the ground Is soxxl. not rooky, and Us nearness to Portland makes tl a goad speculation. INVESTIGATE. BUSINESS PROPERTY". fllKK A Williams arenas corner. Im proved with stores and 0ats above: in Jnmi satisfactory and land values stead ily advancing: lot Wx 10O; offera of trading roposltlona solicited. MANUFACTURING SITE. BEST IN PORTLAND. $40. Ono, one-half cash. located In South Portland. lloO feet on the rier. running through to Macadam road; 4 acres 1,1 all; R. R. switch and deep-water landing also; this will be very valuable la a few sarm. not so many years, either. VNIMPROVED LOTS. We recommend the lota offered below. Peeause: 1- The values are steadily Increasing, t They are In charming residence sec tions. S Ton will alwaya be satisfied. 4 You will make money. ROSE CITT PARK. Beautiful Iota. Ungino. with cement side walks, curbs and gutters, streets graded, e.eetrl' light, etc.. etc. Prices $no and op. Terma very very easr. a new school bouse to i-oet from $'n.iiH) to $0.Ooo wlrl non take the place of the present school buildings there. To buy In Rose City Park is to make money In real estate. MORNI.N'USIDE. Morntngslds win b referred to aa often as Portland Heights in a few years; It la high-class In every particular, on high ground In Mt- Tiibor (no climb to roach It . near Mt. Tabor carllne; price low now, $700 and up and on eaay terms, but later the prices after the lots have passed out of our hands, will be higher. Buy now and enjoy the advance yourself, sttreet Im provements aa above In Rose City Park. HARTMAN si THOMPSON. REALTT DEPT. REAL ESTATE. bale Hon. IF WANTING A HOME. CALL AND INSPECT OCR LIST. $43ov Something beautiful In a new and modern O-room residence; tine arch itecture, porch two sides, on a comer lot. with sewer and street Improvements in. cement sidewalks, furnace and fireplace: $.VH) down. I4O0O This will buy you that line horn on the corner, near Hawthorne, on E. STth st.: a rooms, besutiful fix tures, leather finish In tllnlnn-rooni If vou axe looking for a home and close In with gd car service, on small payment down, let us euv- VA.. Oll- 8900 e-roora modern house; lust off 'of Belmont street. In sunnyaicm; streets Improved, sewer and gas. essy terms. $33O0 Something for you to call and sea If you are wanting a home In a high and sightly location, with sewer and sidewalks in snd paid for. New residence. 6 rooms with lurg alcove for sewing-room, large re ception hall, full wood panelod dining-room. Just ready to move to. 85uO down. . $3500 7-room house, walking distance of town, en E. Clay, four canines wltbln half block. $290O (loon plastered home, with one acre of ground, all In cultivation with poultry-houses, brooder-house snd parks, fruit trees, etc.: min utes" walk from 6c carllne and block and half of another car; j0 ' rash down will handle. flOOO New cottare. fine bam and out buildings, only half block to Mt Hood electric and 11 miles from Portland: on best of roads, either Section Line or lias Line, Just be tween th two; an Ideal suburban homeelt. THE LAWRENCE CO.. Successors to Duna-Lawrenc Co.. 24 Alder tit. $3730 A nesrly new cotttiM bupf-atow. spacious rooms, furnace, uroplia and all up-to-date conveniences: 2 blocks to car In funnysidc. floOo cash. 14330 Walking distance, n-ar East Tay lor and East 17th. A splendid u roora house with furnsre. full con crete baeement. Improvement all In. 1S0U cash. SYI2B0 Portland Helghta; a typical Heights bungalow, 6 rooms, fur hAce. flreplsce and all modern ton venlencea. llroad view of city and mountains: lots, ivo feet from rarllne. This will appeal to tba most critical. $8230. -u0 cash. 19780 Irvlngton: new, S rooms, mahogany and oak first floor, every new fi-sl-ure Installed, paved streets; very tine: et7.V. '.'t:'H cash. THE hPANTON CO.. 2tl Oak at. FOR SALE. Two slg-room bungalows. MM On cor. 6(-th aud Flanders; fl'OO. Th other. Slh and Everett; $2000. Very evsy terms. Take Montavllla car. Commission for selling. T. O. ANDERSON, XJullder. 401 Lewis Blflg. Buy Now. ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. T rooms. ioilOO lot: Improvements In and paid; Berlin buffet and book cases, solid osk floors, baths. furnace, fire places, laundry trays, mirror door, gas. etc.. xerms 300 down, balance -'3 per month. National Realty Trust Co.. SKdVs Washington St.. .room B1. "iRVINGTON. THAT-S WHAT WB SAID. And at the ridiculously low price of f4srMi; most elegant modern home, having every up-to-date feature, and beautiful grounda It's Just loely and you rouet see It. and th terroa ara th most at tracMa. j,TrH0ui a COSlP.ftiY. 70 ytarg at. EI.KI iANT 7-room modern house In Walnut I'ark. full basement, fireplace, paneled dining-room, hot water heating plant. Lot 50i 1 K. ITlce li.".o0; worth ; -jM0 rash, balanc mortgage. Better come In and let us tell you about this. C. F. Pfluger eV Co.. Sulla 6. Mulkey tlldg. Becond A Morrison. $900 HOl"SE $9"0. House and corner lot, txixK.1. thre blocks from car. He: lot all Imp. with fruit and roses, nlo lawn, fine chicken park and house, lot nicely fenced, a nice little home, and will sell on terms; -"'00 essh. See Nlmmo. Runey : Co.. Hamilton bids.; open Sundays, WB DEAL In honest properly only. If you are looking for a homo or for a good In vestment, see us. We have the bargains, and can give the beet of terms. WAGE-EARNERS" INVESTMENT CO.. 60S Commercial bldg.. Second and Washington. ft-ROOM bungalow, new and on SuvlOO cor ner lot: 2 blocks rrom iiawtnorno sm, on East 50th at.; prlr $2!.vi: $50 essh. Owner leaving citv and must sell. This la a anap and must be taken quick. CHAI'IN HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAIN. Modern home of 8 rooms, large cellar, hall, fixtures and shades: lot 7.".xl(X. on Broadway carllne In most exclusive part of thla raflned residence district; Improve ments In and paid. eUOO. G 6X1. Ore gon Inn. PORTLAND HEIUHTS SNAP. 17th and Elisabeth: beautiful modern ft-room house, level quarter blork. all Improvements In. cholceet neighborhood, grand unobstructed view of city, for little more than price of ground. Terms. Main 8.VM. A 3-l!. MODERN 3 -room house, corne lot SOxll.". close in, on Vancouver ave. An excep tionally good buy: will take lot up to l&OO. balanc one and two rears. PACIFIC COAST TRl"ST CO.. 170 6th St. 150 CASH BUYS S rooms, large lot. 7xllO, one block from aarllne; more ground next to this place. v If you prefer, at $3 per lot; price $.V down, IIS month. National Realty Trust Co.. SIri wa.'hlngton St., room B18. WOILDVT you like a fine 7H-acre coun try home with house, pientv or truit ann berries, right at electric station, only g.l.VXi. 1O00 rash, balance easy terms? Smith Wagoner Co.. U Lewis bldg. I2.VI cash. $?0 month: fine, modern. . room corner home: 1 block of car on East lth St. HOWARD LAND CO.. 420 Swet land bldg. NEW modern horns on Morris St.. close to 1 nlon ave. is up-to-date in every par ticular. Will take amall cottage or good vacant property In trade. price lil.VK). Call 414 Spalding Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow. X rooms, pretty, modern, furnace, fireplace. Im proved street, on carllne; splendid view: l.i.-iO; lo worth oo: terma Main Ziil. A BS0. BUNHALOW on Church St.. Just bevond Alblna car barns; uw oown. email monthly payment. Call owner. 414 Bpald Ing M.lg. FOR SALE. With or without furniture. 5-roora cottage- part cash. Phone C 26US; Sunday snd Mondsy. A 3.M. WE have several good bargalna In residence properties close in: aiso vacant tots at bargains: call and see our list before buying elsewhere. 828 Henry bldg. B EXCELLENT " Hnmee. 8 and B rooms: oak snd mahogany finish: very desirable locations: no agents. C lMa, East 273. W. H. Herdman. HoUsE AND LOT. 5-room bungalow, lot 70x310; modern; rlnee tn -city. HALL A HICKLE. S21 Lumbermen bldg. MODERN 3-room bungalow. East 37th and Sherman St.. -l.o: win ecu iiirniture: easy terma Call ??l Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 5B4-V ill ST be Bold thla week. New. modern and up-to-date a-room nouse; eesy terms. Phone owner. A 30."S: Main 3400. . I AM sacrificing my 7-room. modem home; new. on good carllne. can owner. Mar shall 2745. BEATTIFCT-home for less than house cost: terma. 384 Marguerite ave. Hawthorne 811. non MODERN 2-story residence on Mar shall, near 24th St. Karnopp A Kopf. 323 Railway Exchange bldg. x FOR SALE or rent, new. modern 3-roora cottage, fireplace, electric lights; reason ahle terms, by owner. P h on e Ta do r 1Q4 .1. 4-ROOM cottage for 81100 on rour own terms: I am the owner and want to sell. Call No. 414 Spalding bldg. S-ROOM modern home. City View Park, complete In every detail, 13300. O an4, Oregonlan. MODERN 4-roora cottage. 114 East 30th North. ELEGANT home worth 87.VW for 8ooo; v cash; hss to be seen to be sppreclated. r. FT'CHS. 221 H Morrison at. d-ROOM house, nearly new, modern, Wnl Side, near Thurman St.; S4-30; terms. Hatfield. ItHH 4th st. EQL'ITY In five six-room bungalows In Irv lngton: csnnot meet payments and must eel st once. A 71. Oregonlsn. a-ROOM bungalow. lateet Improvements, one block off Hawthorne ave: a bargain; by owner. 17 llth st. S. Hflns. fianol i-ROOM. modem house, near Wal nut Park and I'nlon ave, cara; terms. Call JJl Lumber Exchange. t-KOoM Irvlngton bargain: must b sold at once. Owner. A 72. Oregonlan. MODERN -room house. 842 Eugen st. Inquire at S; walking distance. REAL ESTATE. For bule Hooses. A STRICTLY MODERN HOME EVERY CONVENIENCE IN RESTRICTED DISTRICT MONTA VILLA ONLY t-i PER MONTH. Vev 1UUI n anH 1MO S month (which Includes interest) and I will you the best residence proposition In t-aat rortiana; only l.T.iu. , House modern In every way: big log fireplace, beam celling. sot-In bookcases, full basement, wash trays, etc, etc Full sized lot. Within two blocks of the Montavllla carllne. and within two blocks of the new Mt. Hood Electrlo Hallway, which puts this asToperty within 20 minute of the) I.'nlou Depot. A. N. Searle. Take M-V car: get off E. 7ih sl Office on the corner (open Snnd.iyst. Ayto to show property. e-ROOM HOL'SE. New and modern, only one block north Hawthorne ave. on comer lot; cement sldewalka and curbs In and paid, sewer as sessments all pnld. The house waa built for a homo and la double construction throughout. It has a fine fireplace, along side of which Is built-in bookcases, fine buffet, paneled dining-room, large kitchen with pass pantry with all modern conveni ences; folding doors between reception hall and living-room, full basement with ce ment floor, laundry trays, A No. 1 fur nace will be Installed. The rooms are very bright and sunny. Have been holding this place at 3SIH but will take (35H) for quick sale. $ji0 cash: balance f-0 per month and Interest. See SUTHERLAND A Hl'BBELL. uth and Hawthorne. Phone Tabor -017. READ THIS. A beautiful 2-story 8 -room residence, lo cated In Irvlngton. on one of the best streets; fine lawn and shade trees; all street Improvements In; large reception hull, living-room with fireplace, dining room and den; also pass paptry and kitchen on first floor; all hardwood floors: 4 bedrooms with large, closets in each, also bathroom and sleeping porch on second floor; large attic, full cement basement, furnace and laundry tubs: beautiful com bination fixtures, shades, screens and com bination range go with pVice; woodwork throughout exceptionally well finished. This waa built for a homo and owner has left city and place must be sold. Pclce and particulars can be had by calling Mr. Guthrie. Main bUOO or A 6271. FIN E LOT" PLENTY FRIIT. FLOWERS AND BERRIES. CONVENIENT COTTAGE, IN FIXE CONDITION. ONLY III). 120 PER MONTH. Pay 1100 down and S20 a month (which Includes Interest! and you can have a well-built cottage, four rooms, reception hall and bathroom. Property Is really worth 823ou. Owner wants responsible buver and will accept above payments If aold right away. A. N. Searle, Take M-V car; get off E. 70th St. Office on the comer (open Sundays). Auto to show property. IN TH htAKl or mvirtuiu.1. 8.V)0. terras: the most attractive little home In all Irvlngton Is offered vou at a positive low figure; beautiful large living-room, hardwood floor, fireplace, fur nace, hot water heater, cement basement; 8 bedrooms, front bedroom extends full width of house: house was built as a home for the owner and Is of unusually good ronstajuctlon: lot iCxlOO; one block from Hroadway car; Let us show you this home. F. E. TALTOR A CO.. 402-4'3-4f. Lewis Bldg. rhones A 4414. Marshall ti2. ROSE CITV PARK. Just, being finished, one of the prettiest l,-story bungalows In thla addition. You will like every feature of this plan. Has beautiful sun room, hardwood floors, ce ment floor In basement, furnace, gas, etc Best material and workmanship. Low price for quick sale In fact It would cost jou considerably more to buy the lot aud build for yourself. See thla at once at 4uth near Sandy Road. L. R. BAILEY CO., 3?l Ablnglon bldg. phone Marshall 64., No. 14 $-S0 down. $10 month; tt-room shack, near Kenton district. No. l.'i I JIM) down, $10 month: 5-room house, fruit. 50x100. fenced; near Penln sulur fnctorles. No, jo l."u down. 110 month; fine 43xllH) corner, not far from Bt Johns business center. This la a fine Invest- No. 17 $200 down. 10 monthly. This I an elegant Investment, 00x100, within 5 minutes7 walk of Kenton factories. Room 227 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Phone Marshall KH6, during buslneea hra. Phone Woodlawn 2t)74Sunda a and even'ga. HOME AT CASH PRICE. " New R-room bungalow block to Rose City Park car: all the latest modern con veniences, well built, fireplace, seats, buf fet, etc: full basement, full attic, laun dry tray, beautiful finish tinted walla, electric light, shades, etc; cement walks In and paid: must be sold at once; price 82700; 81000 cash, balance 3 yeara or all cash. Fee Jss. C. LOGAN. 820ii Wash ington St., room 404. nTcE-6"room modern house In high-class nolghborhood, on East Washington St., 3 blocks from S. S. cur line; has bullt-ln buffet. Dutch kitchen, piped for gas and furnace, wired lor electricity: has full ce ment basement. $1000 handles, balance $2i per month, or will take vacant lot toward first payment. For price and fur ther particulars call on C. F. Pfluger A Co.. Suite 3, Mulkey Bldg.. Second A Morrison. e-ROOM European cabinet, finished bunga lows, full attics, basements, wash trays, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, complete In de tail, full plumbing, all bullt-ln work glued and tilted: 40xl2S feet lots, near car. 22 minutes out. You can't duplicate thefe anywhere In Portland for "00 more per house: 82ooO to 8:iuo) on terms. We will build 73 of them, anything you want, same prices. 430 Worcester bldg. NICE new 6-room house, cor. lot; terms. GRUBER. 927 Bosrd Trade Bldg. Acreage 70 ACRES within 10 miles of Portland, on good public road, within Hi miles of rallwsy station; 63 screa cleared and In high state of cultivation, balance atump pasture, never-falling stream of water, all well-fenced, good young orchard with mixed fruit, new 6-room modern house, all thoroughly plumbed, with good cement basement, large new barn on cement foundutlon. two good wells, one with good windmill. Price $:;00 per acre. Will take H In good city rusldence, balance on three yenrir" time. AD 018. Oregonlan. 11 ACRES. .-. ACRES IN BEAVERDAM. All cleared and only 4 blocks front electric carllne. with 40-minute service; only H mile from t atorea and close to portlsnd; beaverdam will produce 400 sacks of onions to the acre; they are worth today 1.50 per sack; owner lives here and will trade for Portland prop erty. David Lewis, room S Lumber men bldg.. 5th and Stark sta 0 NEAR COUNCIL. CREST. 15 acres cultivated on fine auto road, about mile from Council Crest; has small stream, gentle slope; would subdivide; price 9373 per acre; adjacent acreage held at (700 and lip per acre. AJ& CS0, Ore gonlan. HAVE several single acre traota, all clear, fine soil, near Mllwaukle Heights and short distance from Oregon City car, which we can sell at $12SO per acre, easy terms. C F. Ptluger A Co.. room 3 Mul key bldg., 2d and Morrison. mTLwaukie. $10.000 Three acrea with 7-room home, water wheel and tower: fishing In atreatn running through the property: fruit trees, etc Karnopp A Kopf, 325 Railway Ei- change Bldg. t EIGHT acres deep sandy loam. In clover. Ilea high, almost level, close to church, school, store and electrlo railway; 20 trains dally. 80 minutes from Portland. $2uoo. small payment down, long time on balance 6 per cent. L 080, Oregonlan. 0U ACRES under high suite of cultivation, 5-room house, chicken-house and bam, 14 mile Beaverton. Or.; will take house and lot up to $2000. Hir.LET, BISHOP A MTT.APKEY. 132 S.l. SX acres near Mount Scolt carllne, at 81uu0 per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 83. A 83O0 A SNAP. A nice little acreage on electrlo line, close to depot and close to Portland. Kin ney Stampher. 531 Lumber Exchange bl.lg. H ACRES. 20 in eultlvatlbn, aU fenced : on the river, an ideal place. $2000, 7.".0 cash, easy terms on balance, 0 per cent, K 6S I. Oregonlan, 20 ACRES, 10 plowed, nearly level, black loam: new house and barn, one mile from railway, town and school. $2400. J &&3, Oregonlan. $0.100 10 acres. 9 miles east olty limits. , near Mount Hood Railway station and Base Line road; suitable for platting. Owner. AD600.Oregonlan. 40 ACRES logged-off land, cloae to good town and railroad: would take some trade and give easy terms; this la worth lnvestl gallng. 115 Henry bldg. $2.'00 BUYS a new 6-room houee. 1 acres, right on carllne; H mile city limits, barn and chicken-house. HIGLKY. BISHOP A M'CT.ASKEY. 182 3d. sb ACRES, creek bottom and rich loamy land, at a bargain and on eaay terms: It will pay you to Investigate this. Hi Henry bldg. , 10 ACR ES good farming land In Florida with Improvements for 83O0: terma T. Atkinson. 7S4 Roosevelt s.. city. IV ACRES on O. E. Ry. ; S-cent fare. !'. V.O. In Madison Villa tract. Owner, address box ll. F.starads. Or. 40 ACRES, all In timber: White Salmon dis trict, at $-13 per acre. HALL A HICKLE, 821 Lumbexmens bldg. REAX ESTATE. Acreage. KEEP THIS LIST FOR REFERENCE. 1-A Ryan Station. Oregon Electrlo R, R. : 5 -cent fare, house and bousetent, chicken-house; all fenced: good well, fine soil: a home ready to move Into. Price $2000, with terma to suit. B-A Multnomah Ptatlon: 7-cent fare, best car service out of Portland; all In young timber; board walk from atatlon to place, 4 blocks. Prlo $3300 for short time. T-A mile from Multnomah Station; young timber; good road to place. Price, $3300. 4-A All In cultivation; 10 acres logan berries, apples; fine soil; on good rosd, H mile from station by good walk. Price $4400. Beautiful suburban place of 6V4 acrea In high state of cultivation; -room house, modem: within one block of station and tores; 40-mlnute ride on car from Port land: an Ideal proposition. Price $;000. Terms. 84 acres, all clear; good soil; H mile from station In the midst of beautiful suburban home. If this property was adorned with a bungalow and planted to tree It would sell for $1000 per acre. Price only $3000. Come quick If you want It, AN" INCOME BTHT'RBAN BUILDING - - SITE. Located 14 miles from Portland post office and to mile from station and stores: plank walk from station to place. 10 acres, five acrea of same In 5-year-old commer cial apple trees: all cleared and good deep soil, will grow anything. If you are look ing for a home and an Income producer don't look any further but get busy on this. The price Is right and the terms easy. HERE IS A FORTUNE-MAKER. Onions are selling for more than apples In the Portland market. We have 21 acres 87 miles out; close to station: 11 acres beaverdam soil that will produce 400 sacks of onions per acre. Four acres In onions will pay for the land, the other seven will build you a home. Do you realize that opportunity Is knocking at your door? Oet busy. Don't forget that we have home acre age or Investments in small or large tracts. ILLINOIS REALTY COMPANY. (127 Corbett bldg. Phone Marshall 1048. 320 ACRES AT $10 AX ACRE. All or pert at this price, near new sur vey of R. R. being hullt. creek across cor ner of land, will be worth $25 an acre In two years. Land easily cleared and all tillable. Will consider a house and lot for this beautiful tract near Silver Lake In aectlon 16. township 29. 40 acrea 88 In high state of cultivation, 10 mllea above Vancouver, near Fisher's Landing, good house, barn, bearing trees. chicken-houses, beautiful slope, fine living well, deen soil free of gravel. Just enough sand to make It work freely, good fences and gates, for $123 an acre on terms. Three farms sold In neighborhood recent ly at $135 an acre and up. 4 acres on 3o csrllne. all In cultivation: 4-room bungalow, roomy bam, ft open-air Tallman chicken-houses. 2 Standard Incu bators. 00 two-year-old fruit trees, plenty of small fruit, place all well fenced: close to achool. churches, stores, etc., only $3400, on terms. WTNN JOHNSON CO., Suite 603, Gerllnger blflg., 2d and Alder. Phones Marshall 1948. A 2332. SNAPS. We have for sale on O. W. P. carllne acreage from S acres up at very low prices. 3 acres, unimproved, t mile from track, at $250. 3 acres, all cleared, new 0 large room house, barn and outbuildings; $2100. 4H acres, all cleared, new $2300 house, cash price $3625. 74 acres, at station, a beautiful place for a home: price $1700. 12 Vi acees. on carllne, good 0-room house, barn, chicken-house, price $2100. 20 acres. 4 acres cleared, running water, house, barn, all fenced, $.1100. 30 acres. 4 mile to carllne, 13 acres In cultivation, nice house, large barn, run ning water, lota of fruit. 4 horses. 3 cows, all tools, 943O0; good terms on all. RAND. READ OO.. 316 Board of Trade. NOTICE THIS. 480 acre of unimproved land, 400 acres of this la level land; all good, deep rich soli. Two fine creeks running through; over 6000 cord of wood on this property. This land la within 1-4 mile of the three trunk line, of railroad between Portland and Puget Sound points, and 2 miles from good town. Prlo $13.50 per acre; terms $1000 cash, balance 4 years at 0 per cent, HUNTER REALTY CO.. 223-3 Board of Trade. Marchall 1777. A 3.107; lT'-l ACRES, onlv 2 miles from city limits; all clear ana in nign eiate, x -m-tct hi young orchard snd 3 In old; stock and Implements go. This I" a first-class buy: takes only $0000 to s-aTob It. or will take part trade on rood city property. SEE HALL A ATCHISON. 213 Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder. LOOK HERE. We have to sell this 20-acre tract today. Brand new land, only 12 miles from town: new buildings and new soil: only 4 mile from depot: H cash. SEE my agents. HALL ATCHISON. 213 Gerllnger Bldg. AS IMPROVED ACRE. WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. An acre tract level, cleared and In fruit, with small Improvements. Water piped In house. This must be sold, price reduced to $1700. on easy terms. This Is a choice piece and a snap. LAMBERT-WHITMER CO.. 70 Fourth St. 404 East Alder St. FIVE or ten acres, best fruit or garden land close In, on west ssiae: no tock. gravel or canyons; all In native timber; will pay a profit on clearing; near pro posed new electric line, which will quad ruple value; $?00 per acre on terms or will make reduotlon for cash. H 808. Oregonlan. ; BEAUTIFUL ACRE HOME SITE. A one-acre tract near Mt, Scott carllne, all level, clenred. with water. You Want a large tract close In to live on this Spring, bny It NOW. Only $20.00 down and $10.00 nor month. LAMBERT-WHITMER CO.. 70 Fourth St. 404 East Alder St. RIGHT at Courtney, the most aristocratic suburb of Portland, ana only a snort ais tance to station: 0-4 acres, the best of sol!, all clear, 4-room house and barn. Price $0300: worth double; $3500 rash, balance terms. C. F. Pfluger A Co., Suite 5 Mulkey Bldg., Second Morrison. " SECTION LINE ROAD. 82 acres, only four miles from city; run through to Powell Valley road: may be had this week for $300 per acre. This I the best acreage buy on the market. STRONO A CO., 605 Concord bldg. ONE ACRE SACRIFICE on O. W. P. carllne. worth $300: will take $273; $125 cash, balance one year 6 per cent; must sell at once: fine garden land all In ' cultivation. Owner 225 Lumber Exchange bldg. 65 ACRES on Oregon Electrlo Line: all farm implements, stoca. ovprjiring in cluded : move on the place and go to work; a fine place cheap: come end see. H. M. CARLOCK A CO.. 417 Board of Trade. SPECIAT. 3 acres, all In cultivation, except 1 acre! O-rOOm noun, ciiiiiucb-hwubo, pit i, mile from electric line. 7Hc fare; price $2.".O0: easy terms. WESTERN LANJJ CO.. 248 Stark St. $800 ONE ACRE $SO0. One acre at Lenta, three blocks from car this Is a bargain at $-500; $400 cash, balance terms; see Nlmmo, Runey A Go., Hamnton bldg. Open Sundays. " 3-.ACRE TRACT. I must sell my close-in acreage before Jm 21" it's a dandy plcee. all cleared; $l."iO per acre, part terms: worth $300; no agents. AU Ul 1. uri-KOiuuii. FINE At-lttiAijI. $000 per acre- for a .14-acre tract fine garden soli, fronting Willamette: $3000 cash, balance .1 years. F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison st. 8 ACRES H mile from electric, close In. on main roaa; smaii nwupe, nuin-ju-iioui-i and creeks $400, all cash. CI4 Couch bldg. $70 CASH will put you In possession of acre tract; -ceni in re " tract" all clear and near school: only $700 and very easy terms. B'.4 Couch bldg. 1 a A ca 13 sores cleared, running water, .near Taverton: by owner. Tabor 1300. LOGGED-OFF or stump -land. 1200 to !5l)0- acre tracts on -imj ,cihW, ... -' ' -. on lower Columbia River. 215 Henry bldg. 1230 ACRES of fine logged-off land near the columnia ruver. A T I. A S LAND CO.. 420 Lumber Exchange. 40 ACRES, partially Improved, on United Ry only $o an acre, terms. ote woucn bldg. TWO BULL FROGS. See adv. Fruit lands for sal REAL ESTATE. Acreage. THE BEAUTIFUL SOUTH UMPQ.UA VAXr LEY TO BE IRRIGATED. A part of the .waters of the South Umpqua River will be diverted from its channel at Perdue and carried in a ca nal down through the Valley to Daysle Creek. Myrtle Creek. Canyonville and Riddle. There are 20.000 acres of rich bottom and first' bench lands that will come under the irrigating ditch. Tnl? already prosperous valley will thrive ana prosper more bountifully than ever. A limited number of farms near R'ddle have been purchased and can be Bold in 10 and 20-acre lots or more If desired at 1200 an acre. Onlv a limited acreage can be sold, at this price eo that anyone contemplating purchasing snouia vnn once. The lands are on a good road and one and a half and two miles from Rid dle. They are naturally drained and ready for the plow. Every bit of the 1 . .1 I. ki.-i, anH nri ennd loam. 0 bed rock and no adobe. The price 1 made low as compared with otner irri gated sections In hopes that some of the land may be sold quickly and to adver tise the valley. A few large ranches are under contract and can be sold at a price that will en able the purchasor to resell at a good profit. They are the cream of the val ley, well located and the fields are -n such condition that they can be subdi vided to good advantage. There are not many large ranches In the valley for sale and this is a splendid opportunity to sell a customer some land that will raise anything he wants to plant and without any extra expense in clearing or draining. The land Is all cleared and ready for a crop. It Is a proven fruit valley and all grains grow to perfection, even com Is a good crop here. Alfalfa, the richest paying crop will yield four crops of two and a half tons each per year. The most hlghlv colored Spitzenberg apples come from this valley and prunes have been and are bringing to the rancher $250 an acre. There is no ques tion about the exceeding fertility of this valley. Ask anyone who has seen it. Address all communications to John C. White. Rosehurg. Or. THE FINEST PIECE OF CLOSE-IN ACREAGE IN THE STATE. 14 ACRES. GOOD HOUSE AND BARN, PRUNE DRYER, GOOD OUTBUILDINGS, RUNNING WATER; ON A GOOD COUNTY ROAD: MILK AND MAIL ROUTE; PHONE IN HOUSE: NEAR FINE GRADED SCHOOL AND 2 CHURCHES; 1 MILE TO RAILROAD DEPOT. 28 MILES TO CITY. THE FOLLOWING STOCK AND TOOLS GO WITH THE PLACE: 1 SPAN MARES. 60 HENS. 2 ROOSTERS. PLOW. HARROW. 8 CUL TIVATORS. WAGON. 8 HAY FORKS. SHOVELS, SPADES, SAWS. IN FACT ALL NECESSARY FARMING TOOLS; ALSO SEVERAL TONS WHEAT AND OAT HAY, KALE AND SOME POTATOES. THE PRICE IS ONLY $4000 AND ON TERMS. SEE ME ABOUT THIS PLACE AT ONCE. AS AT THE ABOVE PRICE IT WON'T LAST LONG. W. W. ESPEY, 310 COMMERCIAL BLOCK, ACRE TRACTS. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. The greatest opportunity to the home seeker, unquestionably, offers the Grays Harbor district, where land can be bought from $15 to $20 per acre on very easiest terms, within S to 12 miles from Abordeen and Hoqulam, two of the most promising cities in the world. The soil is rich and free from gravel, never overflows, abund ance of water during Summer months. Over 80 families are now located on the land; still 3000 acres to select from: do not wait till Spring when the demand for land will be at its height; select your tract before ie rush. Buy NOW. while the price is low and the selection good. Local conditions are very favorable to the home seeker in every respect and exactly aa represented. Do not be under the impres sion that the land is poor because it Is cheap; convince yourself. For further in formation apply -or write at once to WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION CO., Aberdeen, Waahlngton! SUBURBAN HOMES. One acre, on carllne. at Courtney sta tion; fair house, 6 rooms, poultry-house, plenty fruit and berries, water piped in, a most attractive suburban home at re duced price. $3000. One acre, bearing fruit, same station; fine view, ideal spot; $1500; must have $2."0 cash quick, balance easy. Three acres, new buildings, mostly cul tivated, 6 minute to car, Courtney; easy terms. Beautiful acre tracts, on carllne near Garden Home; lowest prices, best terms. Thcpe are some cream from our list, CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch Bldg.. SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. 120 ACRES. 10 miles northwest of Port land, near the electrlo carllne, 5 acres cleared, balance good heavy timber, esti mated 12.00O cords of wood, never-failing stream of water, adjoining public school. Price only $150 per acre. Will tak- good city residence as part pay. D 6d2, Ore gonlan. . Business Property. CLOSE-IN FLAT SITE. 12th and Montgomery sts., near Portland Academy. 50x100. now has a 10-room house on. which is rented for enough to pay 6 per cent interest. Lot alone is worth more than price asked and house is substan tially built and will sell for good sum to move to another location. Price, $12,000; half cash: balance long time mortgage. Look this up quick It you want a good investment. J. P. FORD & CO.. 613 Board of Trade bldg. Phones: Main or A 2637. FOR SALE. To a business man, or woman who knows, & good proposition, a splendid piece of business property, that has been rented for five years at 11 per cent, and lease can be renewed In June at a higher rate of Interest. If sold right away. $7000 will take It. Phone Woodlawn, 074. S51 "Maryland ave. W. H. Payne & Co. APARTMENT OR BUSINESS SITE. This Is the cheapest quarter block of close-In property that Is on the market. Lot Is 100x100 with good 12-room house; this property can be bought for the sum of $10 000; $.1000 cash, balance to suit. WILEY-NICHOLSON CO.. 2S31 East Morrison St. INCOME property Two pieces, also 20 acres platting proposition, owner going South, will sell together or separate: $45.01)0; $20,000 cash will handle. This Is a competency now and a fortune later. Prefer private parties. Reply giving phone number. Reply, owner. P 682, Oregonlan. ' ""APARTMENT SITE. 30x30, on East llth and Ash sts., close In and in a good neighborhood. Price CwSoO. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 504 Concord bldg. FACTORYslte. 6-room cottage on lot 93x :3 feet, on Multnomah st. and Sullivan's Gulch, adjoining O. R. & N. right-of-way. This Is a gilt-edge Investment, Owner going into business and needs money. A. M. Berry, 433 Chamberof CommerceBIdg. APARTMENT PROPERTY. Jefferson-st. corner; Income $1GS0; lot 43x30; price $16,000; terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 504 concora niag. SPLENDID fiat or apartment site on East Salmon st.. near East 20th st. This lot Is exceptional, being 60x119. For price and terms. O'Brien Realty Co., Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. 20TH AND PETTYGROVE. 100x100. both streets hard -surfaced; price $15,000; reasonable terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 504 Concord bids. FOR SALE by owner, new business prop erty price $16,000; Income. $2000; $1000 win'nandle-. AL 063. Oregonlan. BARGAIN Business corner on Mllwaukle ave., 58x100: $121)0 for quick sale. 226 Lumber Exchange bldg. UNION AVE. business property, south of Alberta, Owner, Home phone A 32:iS. TWO BULL FROGS. See adv. Fruit lands for sale. Homesteads. 100-ACRE relinquishment, all fenced. 3 wires. One creek through place, good house, excellent hog or grain land; Joins large open -range; One for stock farm. Warrens, 22 Chamber of Commerce. A BIG BARGAIN. 10 acre. Bell Station, Estacada Elec tric Ideal chicken ranch: terms. 318 Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEADS, located on good soil, timber, wheat, alfalfa and fruit, near by Portland, all good value, fees reasonable Room 2-1, 2i!7 Oak st. Main 5353. RELINQUISHMENTS 40 acres In Yakima Valley, under proposed ditch, $200. Call Home phone A 4379. 820 ACRES, near Station Creek, will lrrl- rmta 1 W1 acres. HATCH A HOWARD, 402 Commercial blk- REAL ESTATE. Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of Government land open to homestead. In each county in the states of Oregon and Washington, and descrip tion of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon in colors, 21x23. showing R. R. tn operation, one showing all pro posed R. R. and electric lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon. 20c each, or the thre 50c Map of Washington in col ors, 21x28. 20c Nlmmo, Runey A Co., Hamilton bldg. $1200 BUYS 160-acre relinquishment: 24 miles from railroad station and sawmill: 40 acres cleared; house and barn; 8.000,000 good timber. Two 120-acre timber homesteads. 35 miles from Portland; 80 rods from rail road; cheap If taken this week. 813 Mar quam bldg. Phone Marshall 61)4. PLENTY of good FREE HOMESTEADS and Desert Land Locations here under our IR RIGATION SYSTEM. We "LOCATE YOU FREE." Write today. Good land. The Surprise Valley Land & Irrigation Co., Cedarvllle. California. . FINEST 820-acre Government homesteads in Oregon, on Hill and Harrlman located sur veys; reasonable and reliable locators. Jen nlngs & Meyer. Valley Falls. Or. ' For" Sale Fruit Lands. HERE are Just a few, we have more where these came from. AT ESTACADA. The section that 1 today receiving the highest Indorsement from the Oregon Ag ricultural College. 6 acres Good fruit land, adjoin ing town, quarter mile from railroad; price $ 1,030 T acres Part of large fruit ranch, all cleared, front- age main county road. heart of best section; price 10 acres Fine fruit land, 3 acres young orchard, on main county road, best section; terms easiest; price 10 acres All cleared fruit land, two miles from town on main road; terms easy; price 12 acres On edge of town limits. S acres cleared, convenient for garden or small fruit produce; price 12 acres In good section, stream 1,230 1.650 1,400 2,100 on land, half cleared, 3 mllea from town 1,000 15 acrea 2 miles from town on louuiy junu, mi muii cleared; this is best of red-shot clay soil; price.. 20 acres Part cleared land, best of red-shot soli and ad Joining highest improved section. $400 down: price 20 acres All cleared, improved, cultivated fruit land, part of fine old farm; price... 20 acres Part cleared, balance light clearing, adjoining improved section; $700 down, balance easy; price 31 acres About half land cleared, on county road, $700 cash down, balance easy; price 40 acres 3t) acres cleared ; this Is a fine corner piece; heart of best section; all wire fenced; price 4 acres All cleared and best of red-shot clay fruit soli; this Is an exceptionally cheap buy; price 40 acres Part of handsome old farm, best section; price. . 47 acres Best income - bringing fruit ranch In the Bection; 25 acres of fruit, highly 2,250 2,230 3.200 3,250 2.6O0 7,500 4,400 6,400 improved, frontage on two roads; terms very easy; pric .. . 40 acres s acres young orchard, 15,000 good house, barn, stream on land: sale Includes horses, wagons, imple ments, etc; on main coun ty road, heart of most im proved section; price 46 acres About half . cleared. 10 acres young commercial apple orchard, fine stream, price 60 acres 23 cleared, new 8-room house. Improvements are worth $1,500; price 00 acres 50 acres cleared, stream on land, 2 miles from Estacada; price 65 acres 22 acres under fruit and crops. $900 in improve ments. This is an income-bringing ranch; commands magnificent view; terms easy; price.. 60 acres Less than one-mile from shipping point, 25 acres cleared; price 86 aores About half cleared, IS acres young fruit, fine stream on land. good house, barn, including horses, wagon, imple ments; in heart of best 8,000 5,500 6,500 6,500 9.500 4,500 section; this won t be on the market long: nrice. . . 10,500 90 acres So acres cleared, 13 acres bearing fruit, within 2 miles of Estacada; fine road frontage on main road; price 90 acres 10 cleared, 0-rm. house, 5 mllea from town; price. 81 acres SO acres cleared, new 8-room house, other Im provements, worth $2S0O; 3 miles out on main coun ty road, family orchard, and balance of land under crops; price 134 acres 50 acres cleared, good Improvements, live stream, within a mile of shipping . point; price - ' 148 acres 1)0 acres cleared, good 12.000 4,500 12,800 11,000 stream; tnia is a goon subdivision piece: urice. . . 13.300 133 acres About half cleared, cul tivated land, aoout one mile of county road front- age; price 16,000 324 acres Part cleared; this Is fine fruit land, with good im provements, and this ranch . can be bought for the price of grazing land; pric W.000 CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. (Mr. Standish.) " HOOD RIVER INVESTORS. 80 40 acres, price $4500, with terms; all miles east of Hood River; house and br-rn. acre cleared, balance small oak; property worth $0000: go look at It; It's, the N. H of N. E. hi. Sec 21. T 2 N., R- H E.. then call or write me for terms. Owner needs money. C. W. Lamar. C18 (Swetland bldg. ' L FRUIT LANDS. Most productive fruit land In British Columbia, "Carlln Orchards." Upper Okan ogan Valley; requires no irrigation; mild climate, fertile soil; fruits of finest qual ity produced In abundance; railway sta tion on property: low prices, long terms of payment. Write for illustrated pamphlet "B 4." Rogers, Black & McAlplne. Van couver, British UOlumoia BRITISH COLUMBIA fruit land yields to $1000 per acre and upward, annually: choicest Edgewood orchard tracts. Arrow Lake District, West Kootenay, $S0 per acre: terms over 6 yesrs without interest; no irrigating, delightful climate, splendid market. Get Booklet "V." Investonr Trust A Mortgage Corporation. Ltd., 134 Hastings W.. Vancouver. B.C. HOOD RIVER. , 5 acres, set to Newtowna and Spltzen bergs, 5 and 8 yrs. old, 1 mile south of ton n, on a roik road. Will trade for good 6 or 7-room house; owner Will take care of orchard for you. RAND. READ & CO.. 316 Board or iraae 10 15 20-ACRE tracts near Portland; nnest fruit land and chicken ranches, close to railroad station; good roads; other farms near by; $17.50 to $50 per acre, part cosh, balance to suit at 0 per cent. MFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 810 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. A DEVELOPED apple orchard of 6 cr'' Sbee.r?nVr in Hood" RWer "or 15 month; answer this advertisement aud will shoy you how you can get this or chard. AM pm. uics"'""-" ... . r uDntiTrrvlTV 120 acres elegant fruit land: good county road: level land; shot soil and sandy loam: half acre waste: 60 acres plowed; $10 an acVe will clear and plow balance, a great bargain at $35 an acre. Address r n box 138. Mosler. Or. GOOD homestead relinquishment In East ern Klickitat, waen.. ov ou.e. """ fallow ready to sow to wheat, balance splendid bunchgrass pasture; small house. 1300 ft. new lumber, good well, all fenced. For particulars address G. N. Sager, Gresham. Or. , HOOD RIVER. 88 acres, trees 2 to 7 years old, S acres strawberries. Oak Grove district. $10,000; will sell part or exchange for Portland property. W. S. Farrls. JU5 King st. Phones Main 8320. A IIS. ROGUE RIVER ORCHARD. I am going to sell or trade my apple and pear orchard near Medford; this is strictly high-class property at a low price; $8500, $5000 cash or trade, balance terms. ,AD 672, Oregonlan. $13 A MONTH for Hood River orchard: have lana m nwu xviei vi men is ueius platted into scientific commercial 5-acre apple orchards: will sell for $15 a month. N 680. Oregonlan, MOSIER APPLE LAND. Buy now, 10 or more acres finest apple land, near town and creek, nothing better offered. Thos. McCusker, 329 Lumbermens bldg. CELEBRATED Rogue River Valley. 280 acres: buildings; next to linear orcnaru in valley; $123 per acre: terms. Moor, Khnl Co.. 504 Fenton bldg. Main 2270. FOR SALP3 20 or 40 acre In I.yle district. directly on county roaa. ah. di, oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Fruit UL TWO BULL FROGS. Started from their little pond to view the world they wanted to find out what the other hall of the world was doing. They came to a hill tthe pond was in a hollow and they stood up on their hind legs to see what was before them. They saw their own little pond. "Well.' they said, " if that's ail the world is, we're go ing back home." Eut don't forget a bull frog's eyes are in the back of it's head. We mortals are not built that way you're on the hill, with a net profit of $0000 guaranteed to you In 3 years, if you In vest $1SOO cash in Mount Hood apple land. Will you stay with the pond, or take the elevator? NIMMO. RUNEY & CO.. T h e Hamilton bldg. Open Sunday. $00 PER ACRE. 868 acres at Crowley, on the Southern Pacific, within the 50-mtle circle of port land; 275 acres in crop, oats and vetch, one-third of which goes with the place: best orchard platting proposition In the Willamette Valley; 1-8 cash, balance 0 years, 6 per cent. THE DENNIS-JONES CO.. 601-602 Lumbermens Bldg. Marshall 2164. BEARING APPLE ORCHARD CLOSE TO PORTLAND, on Electric and Steam Transportation. Recommended by EXPERT HORTICULTURISTS. An opportunity to get into the besb. paying Industry, and at the same tlml continue your present occupation until your orchard has been developed by ex perts; a small down payment and balance . to suit will handle proposition. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 40j Couch bldg. YOU man who wants to raise apples. Buy a bearing orchard and get rid of eight years of total worry. and speculation: con sider this property, cIobo in, no buildings, income 1010 37 'A per cent of purchase price; first rayment the only one you will have to make from your pile, not quite as much as receipts in 1U10. Th orchard will do the rest and your living; a good crop coming up for 1011: pasture for the cow, hay for the horses and room for 250 more trees. Address W. L. Nichols, R. 8. Hood River. Or. $U0 MT. HOOD. ROSE GARDEN $90 APPLE ORCHARD TRACT. Planted and cared for 4 years, with a guarantee of $.100 per acre In three years, this Is yours for $i)0 per acre, not over 20 acres to one party, located on the Mt. Hood electric now building, and the auto road parses it. This is less than oth ers are asking for raw land. For further Information call on Nlmmo, Runey A Co., Hamilton bldg. . CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN ORCHARD TRACT T Do yon want the best? Close to Portland, R. R. station on place. Don't fall to call on THE CROS3LEY COMPANY, 708-709 Corbett bldg. It sorely will be to your advantage as Be us before buying. Seeing is believing. Jr'or Sale ram). THINK OF IT. FINEST OF IRRIGATED LAND. $40 TO $75 PER ACRE. 81 li YEARS TO PAY FOR IT. The State of Victoria, Australia, invites you and offera bona fide settlers ready made irrigated farms in the fertile Bone bum Valley. Finest of climate (like that of California). Owned by the state and sold direct to settlers $40 to $75 per acre payable in 31 M years. Water cheap and abundant- State owns the railways. Fine markets. Fullest information can be ob tained by addressing THE PECK-JUDAH CO.. S01 Oak St.," Portland, Or. Agents for the Land Dept., Stat of VICTORIA. FRUIT AND STOCK RANCH. We have one of the biggest money-maki lng propositions in the Willamette Valley) 80 aens, 110 miles South of Portland; 150 acres in cultivation: 400 acres slashed several years ago and the stumps nearly rotted out; 60 acres of tine bottom land, with a stream for irrigation if desired; 2 fine springs and 2 never-failing streams; 2S0 acres of timber and thousands of acres of outside lange: improved with a good six-room house, barn, granary, was on shed and sheep shed; price Includes all machinery on the place, which is enougn to handle it easily; this can be bought for a short time for $20 an acre, one-half cash and the balance in four years at 8 per cent; this place is ripe for immediate de velopment and there is a fortune In It for someone. GO WEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY. 425 LUMBERMEN BUILDING. SPLENDID FARM. The owner of this farm wants money badly; It Is located 20 miles from Port land and contains over 400 acres; 150 acres in high state of cultivation; fine buildings, elegant location; several thou sand cords of wood; only three miles from a railway station; land within three mllea is selling in ten-acre tracts at $.100 to $400 an acre, exactly the same kind of land; this place can be bought for $57 an acre: this is over $20 an acre less than the present owner paid for It a year ago, but it requires $20,000 cash to handle. If you have the money and want the best buy in the state, see this. B 672. Oregonlan. BY OWNER An ideal farm, 74 acres. 4.". in high state of cultivation, no rock or gravel, 85 acres bottom land, balance fine fruit land: running water through farm, 3 fino springs, water pumped by ram to house and barn: farm well fenced. This farm is 12 miles from Vancouver, Clark County, Washington, on the branch of the Yacolt railroad. Joins small village, stores and school; would make a fine dairy ranch on account of water, soli and loca tion. Price $150 per acre, $6000 cash, balance 5 years, tt'i per cent. Direct 814 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 108 J. 61 ACRES. 18 miles from Portland, on good county road, 2 miles from railroad; fine soil, no rock or gravel; 4ti acres in high state of cultivation, balance timber; good spring and well water, also creek; good 7-rooin house with pantry and porches, new. large barn and other outbuildings; good family orchard, principally apples; ail Imple ments, 3 horses and 3 cows go with the place; price $10,000. half cash, balance per cent; will accept Portland property as part pavment: a very fine place. KAI FFMANN At MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. 200 ACRES of good soil. i, mile to railroad. 1 mile from Marcola. 20 miles from Eugene, on Mohawk River bottom. 35 acres under cultivation; about 72 acres bottom land, balance first bench; land is fenced and "here are 2 good wells and several serines; good graveled county road. I mile to high school at Marcola 4-room box house. 2 good barns and other out buildings; about a acres of young trees about 5 years old; price only $5 per acre; terms. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 323 Lumbermens bldg. "20 ACRES $300 DOWN Six acres in bearing prunes, 11 acres ready for plowing WW, 8 acres In fir grove. A beautifu location for a home. Best of soil and good neighborhood; 1V4 miles inindee in Yamhill Co., stores, graded school and postofflce, B. i. 1). and telephone. About four acres in cultivation, fine large springs. Best of fruit and berry land: would make an ideal fru't .and poultry farm. THE LAWRENCE CO.. Successors to Dunn-Lawrence Co., 248 Alder St. 200 ACRES, 160 plow, all can easily be pu In cultivation; nice rolling land, no stom or white land; good house and barn. nlc orchard, plenty of good water: two mile from atation; horses, cows, goats, farming Implements: house furnished; hay and grain in barn; everything goes; Immediate possession given; $o per acre, terms. J. H. Moran. Monmouth, Or. "NEAR EAGiXpOINT, JACKSON CO 1"0 acres of good fruit land, on county road 2 miles from railroad station; 1010 cords 'of wood; price. If taken at once. $20 per acre. , , house, barn, etc.: can be irri gated by running stream: railroad station; fine land. Price $20 per acre. , The aboye are real bargains. ZIMMERMAN, S10 Board of Trade Bldg. aTIOME AMONG THE ENGLISH WALNUTS. No finer climate in California, and only 40 minutes' ride from San Francisco. Re member the date. February 1, 1811, and not a foot of land sold before. Send for our walnut folder and map. R. N. Burgess Company, 907 First Natl. Bank bldg., San Francisco. EIGHTY ncres. 40 has been In cultivation. 20 Is fine oottom iana, me Daiance, 4i acres, fine saw timber; stream and county road through place: new house and big new barn. S.ir00, 1-3 down, five or more vears on balanoe; might consider part In trade, either city property or auto. J 6-82. Oregonlan "KLICKITAT COUNTY. WASHINGTON, FRUIT. GRAIN. STOCK FARM. 1800 acres. $12 acre, eaay terms; about 300 acres plowed: Joining land, planted to fruit, sells for $350 acre; no timber, bee of fruit soli; will consider trade; plat this and make a fortune. Near R. R, and river. Hanalmalr. 826 to Washington. .