7 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 15, 1911. , . ... 1 BEAL ESTATE. 1 REAL ESTATE. I REAL ESIATR VTW TVD AT. KEW TODAY. I SEAL KBTATE. . I . ESTATE. ,,.,,,.. For Sale -Houses. For Sale Honses. . VACANT LOTS T1BBETTS ADDITIOX. W. hv. lots in block 31. which U bounded by E. 18th. Brooklyn. E. lth and Tlbbetta sts.. that can ba bounht cheap. Two Insld. lota. $750 each; four corner lot. $00 each. OVERT05 STREET. South front. 50x 100-foot lot. between N. 25th and N. 2ilh ata. Beatrloted real donee district SORTHRCP STREET. Idenl apartment alte. between N. list and N. 22d ata. ELEVENTH STREET. Beautiful apartment site, corner Jackson and 11th ata.; 65 feet front on 11th atreet; $5500. Cottages and Houses E. ELEVENTH STREET. Near E. Washington at., elg-ht-room houae. lot 17x50 feet; $2600. E. M AI STREET. Near E. 24th et.. rood six-room bun iraiow. lot 60x70 feet; $3500. WEIDLER STnEET. Near E- 8th N- beautiful seven-room house, with lot 60x700; 15500. IVV STREET. Near Union are. N. modern alx-room house, lot 60x100; 84000. SORTnHVP STREET. Near N. 24th at., rood, T-room house, lot 65xlt-0 feet; $7000. Flats EAST SIXTEENTH STREET. Near E. Stark, fine two-flat build ing: 885CO. TIITRMAX STREET. Near N. I9th at., new modem four fist bulldln. renting- for $100 per month; $12.6oO. Apartment House Near Washington and IZd sta.; rent $:o per month. Close-In Acreage 1 V, acres. 6 Mocks eaat of Irrlnsjton. nr Brazee street: worth twice the price; $3000. Business Property TESTII STREET. Full lot. near Stark street; $38,800. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. . Fourth St. APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP ! 5 -Year. Lease 9.1 rooms, select district, the finest of furniture. New, just opened one week. TTill clear $400 per month. Price, $9000; $4500 cash, balance cast terms. Call and see ns. The Gowan-More Co. 315 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Phone Main 184, A 4298. Open Sunday. Spring Will Soon Be Here And you will get the fever, and wish you had a nice farm. Never knew it to fail. We have the cure buy some of our nice acreage on the new United Electric Railway cars are running to our lands today. VTe can sell you from one to ten acres, all ready for cultivation, on easy terms and low prices. Wallace Investment Co. Rooms 517-51S Oregonian Bldg. Wager $1000 to $500 Union Ave. Corner If It be lawful. I will waiter as above nd leave It to four disinterested real rstate men. that I have a better 100x100 strictly business corner for 813.600. all Improvements In and paid, than can be had for $18,000 on the earn, street or anywhere else In th. city. Who will take It up? Come and ae. It for your elf. J. D. Kennedy S3 Vmtam Aveaa Jfortk. Apple Land Id aerea of choicest appl. land In White Filmoti Valley. 1$ acres cleared. IT acres partially cleared and re.t In ltfrht timber, new 7-room bungalow, only V mile from Husum. same climate, lame oil and same price for fruit aa Hood River. Telephones, rural free de livery, electric lights and power anl ether modern conveniences, strong spplearrowrrs' union. This Is a propo sition to Interest those desiring only the best. Buy while prices are at their lowest. $15 per acre, very reasonable terms. CRIUM IADOW, 117 B rd of Trade 8 Oak. $10,000 fash will handle 0xln0 feet on Ksst Washington, r'lve years" time ! bal ance, iirst buy on Kast bide. Come n and talk It over. HOIMXGTOX-COMTE CO, 525-27 Fard of Trade. Phone Main 8718 Before baying, selling or renting any Seaside property, be sure to call on A. GILBERT & SON Seaside. Or. $7000 Tin. lot. S"xl0. VVeat PMe. In fin. location for apartment-nous, nuliaina. Preeenl Improvements will pay 4 per cent net on price asked. A. II. BIBRE1.I. ro. I0J McKay Bid.. TUrd and Stark St - I SfawaassjasBBBBBBBBBBBBssBBBBBBBBSBsa i I Z . . I uaU I xta I w a- - I i i t or aie - ijovm. i v w - - i $15 PER MONTH Th. cheapeat 84-foot lota. Right on St. Johns Carllne. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 100x100, beautiful unobstructed view, near Alnawortb School. $5000; terms. $4750 -room house on 60x100 lot. Eaat 8th, South of Broadway. A snap. Term. UNION AVENUE The cheapest bualness lot on th. street. OVERTON ST, NEAR 23rd Fine apartment or flat site. Very cheap. $1250, 5-ROOM COTTAGE This Is a bargain. Very easy terms. On Mount Scott carllna. $400 UNDER VALUE Full lot on E. 15th. near Braree. HOLLADAY HOMES 8 rooms, corner lot. E. 11th and Halsey, Including- carpets, fixtures, eteel range, hot water heat. Price $6000. 8 rooms, 60x100 corner lot. on Broad way. Price $8300. , CELLARS-MURTON CO. Phone Main 111. 308 Spalding; Bids;. Place your Insurance with us. 10 Acres Adjoining City Limits on Section Line Road Land all in cultivation, 2 acres in raspberries, '4 acre strawberries, V2 acre asparagus, grapes, loganberries and other fruits; good barn. An ideal home or platting proposition. The Lawrence Co. Successors to Dunn-Lawrence Co., 248 Alder Street. . SPECIAL Nob Hill Apartment House LOT SIZ 100x130 ft. One of the best-paying propositions in the city. Is placed in our hnnds for quick sale. 22 strictly modern apartments. Income $770 per month, and can be increased; over 13 per cent net on investment. Any one in terested in a good piece of income bearing property will make no mis take in investigating this exceptional ly good buy. Positively no phone in formation. F. E. TAYLOR & CO., 402-3-4-5 Lewis Building, Fourth and Oak Sts. 26 Acres Heart of E. Portland This is the finest investment or subdivision proposition that has ever been -offered in Fort land. This property has never been on the market before, and will not be on long. Hard sur face pavements and all improve ments right to property. Owner, 500 Oregonian. Union Avenue 100x100, with 3-story brick, 350,000 E. Morrison St. Corner East First. 100x100, $65,000 GODDA&D & WIEDBICK, 604 Concord Building. AN IDEAL DAIRT FARM. 13$ aerea In hlsh cultivation, n.w $ room bungalow and bath, two barns $2x60. silo ltxHO. concrete floor; milk hous. 14x10. JOOO-sallon water tank concrete lined, machine ahed 12x34, two wells, water piped to house, barns and milk house: eome fruit. Juet slope enough to drain nicely. About 60 acres In crop now; H mil. from P. O.. H4 mllea from depot. 1 ml lea from Port land on S. P. Ky. It Interested will (to with you and pay all expenses. Prtoe $ IT. 000. T.rma on part. BLOCH RKALTT CO., 131 Laaaherasena BldaT. Portland Trusl Company of Oregon dlvidend-pavlnir stock. Some sharea for sa'e. Address Y 7. Oregonian. it r.Ai. rmrs naai-gita. . n t ratlin t, M 1441 W. V. . . . -- Blrr.IL A. H. Ce SOI-S MeKar fclda. Real lata, losuraaee. mortsegM. loaaa. ete llrabaker A Benedict. Jul McKay bids. X. Ms. Chapla A Herlew. SSI Chamber Comas Ceek. B. a A Co so Corttt bid. JdoIb(s A Co.. uala IM 10 Oresoslaa. PALMER-JUNKS CO, H. Z1S Coawaer- ctal Club bids, chalk, use. L. Stark at. ataia SA A UX The trB Real Batata Ce.. Grand are. aa. Vll'Tiomili at. (Holladsr Addltloa. M. K. TiluUPIION CO cor. 4tb and Oak sta REAL ESTATE Fee Sale I. KICK lot. luO fe from KIIHnswortb v- - . k-ma 1AA.1 f W ri.TI Hin-ld. 1WH 4lh t. H-lhl. tor t0. worth $10vOi answer quick. AN elH. orvffonlan- ENAT ISioi lot eor. 4-d and Hroadway: to cjury It : one block sarllne. Phone n 14S4: B. Ward. IK sold before Jan. 2ri. one of the bst lota In LAdde Addlttoo. $2uOU; email pejrmenu Ur, A 1SM6. KOSB CITY PARK I.OT. lOOxluo, cine to car; a bargain at $100. II A I I. A HICK LB. a-1 l.umbfrmens bids". jfsT boy In Hee city Park. lOOxlOO. Ben son a fhapman. SJt'j Wash. St.. R .111 CHEAP lot neaf carllne. Mt Tabor; ownor leaving elty. Aa 70, Oregonian. BARGAINS IN LADD'S ADDITION. 40x128. 14th St.. 1 block to car. $2700; easy monthly payments. 701IIS Same locality, $3050: owner will take Just what paid In and transfer title. Another one. 40x128, further up the hill, commanding beautiful view, pnrchaaed by ownur oe year aso. will Bull without profit now. In order to raise small amount of cash. Paed streets, cerscnt sidewalks, as and all Improvements paid for; al leys In rear of all lota WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 372 tolark aL LJTTLE MONEY-MAKER8. jd-,0 Mount Tabor. S. 8:ld St.. BOxlOO. fitoo Alberta district, corner 60x85. $'J50 BOx 101. with -room house, ood location. $750 Near Hawthorne and BJ. 4tb, .ISxlOO. . S-OO BOxlOO. E. 48th St.. Rose City Park. Idoo Oood Ron City Park lot. SOxlOO. $13.-.o 60x17.1. 41st. near GlndMonn. A. 11. BIKRELL, CO.. 203 McKay bids., 3d snd Stark ta $700 LOTS $200. Hlsh, cleared, level lots, short ear ride; food car service: built up with many homes: In Portland's beet residence dis trict. Call at Greirory Heights oftlce. end of Rose City Park carllne. OREQOBY INVESTMENT CO.. O. R. A N. trackage. Sullivan's Gulch Have two parcels oi lanu luwiit - small manufacturing business or for ware house purposes. O. K. AN. rlirht of war on one side, street on other: 100 feet from Handy boulevard, a paved thoroughfare, s-joo rash will handle. A chance for the speculator to double his money In tu days. Phone Main 1503. Ask for Mr. l Burling ame. LET ME SHOW TOTT THE CHEAPEST lot In Irvlngton. It Is located on streetcar line, the Improve ments sre all In and a non-resident own er Is offering It cheap to effect a quicK sale. 41S Chamber of Commerce. LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! 12 line lots In Rose City Park. 7 nne lots In Vnlverelty Park. 2 fine lots In Irvlngton Park. 2 fine lots on Kllllngsworth avenue. 1 tine lot S'Jl and E. Gllsan. All worth the price n.'ked. BLOCH REALTY CO 221 Lumbermens Blrig. SUITABLE FOR STORES OR FLATS. noxion. Wllllnms svc. near Freemont, $30i. $1000 cash. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark at. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. $1500 buys West Hide lot BOxlOO near new ball park, on carllne: only $35 cash to handle: balanoe long time 8 per cent, suitable building here will pay $100 month ly st cost of $4000: big payroll adjoining to back It up. Call Monday If you want to make a quick profit. Jus. C. Logan, 826 H Washington St.. room 404. BARGAIN lot. East Side, best restricted resi dence addition In Portland: best of rea sons for sacrifice price; can't keep up pay ments; lot Is 71x155 and two feet above grade; $87.50 will handle this for few days only. Price $S76. This is a genuine bargain. Investigate. Phone Main 130t Ask for Mr. Bur lln game. $!O0. Business lots In Hose City Park on the carllne. Stores of all kinds needed In this fast-growing district. Only seven lots un sold. Eosv terms. Pee us quick. HOSINGTOS-COMTE CO.. 65-27 Board of Trade. Phone Main 678A. C-.X140 FEET. Flrland Station. STREETS GRADED AND WATER PIPES I.AIO. ' CHEAP EAST TERMS. KNAPP A MACKEY. f12"-SlS BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. bXcRIFICE-SALE Lot located In beautiful residence district, building restrictions. In the two-mile circle. 53x102 ; S will handle, balance easy: lots It miles fur ther out sell for more: Investigate and be convinced that this la s real bargain. Main I5ns. Ask for Mr. Burllngame. 1RV1NGTON double corner bargain, located In very best section of this beautiful resi dence district, where the Improvements are all completed: one block to Broadway car; X4000 takes It; adjoining corners are sell ing for $4500 and up. Phone Main 151)3. Ask for Mr. Burllngame. EAST FURNSIDE ST. Near East 17th St.. 5xlOO: hard-surfaced streets snd paid for: between two flue residences. Price $41.""0: terms. QODDARD A WIETRICK. - Rot Concord bldg. 1RV7NGTON SNAP. 3 lots on high, sightly corner, choice location: If you do not buy these, you lose a chance to make $750 before Summer- $100; small amount of cash. Tabor 2376. Kast 123. BEAUTIFUL CORNER. East 2th and Tlbbetts sta; streets grad ed and cement eldewalka In snd paid for; lot 70x100: price $2000: reasonable terms. GODDAP.D A WIEDR1CK- 604 Concord Bldg. CONTRACTOR'S LOTS. See me for 10 good lots, close to good car system, for building low-priced homes: exceptional terms will be made; I am In a position to s-ll houses aa fast as ready to occupy. AF 74.1. Oregonian. A SNAP Two choice lots 85x100. racing east, between Tillamook and Hancock: on East 27th: In a choir restricted district; price, for both. $-'2jO; one-third cash: balance six per cent. McCarger. Bates A Lively. 81K Falling bldg IRVING TON" SN'AP. " 100x100, one block to car and a north east Conor for 1410O. with hard-surface pavement, sewers, water and gas all In and paltl for. r. B. LENT. 417 Corbett bldg. 17110 Corner near new streetcar hrns. Pow ell and E. 27th.. about 21 lou: ample rtom tat 4 cottages for rent: -in show a 20 per cajit net Investment. Tho Spanton Co.. 200 Oak St. BUY BEFORE THE RAISE. Goodhue Park lots. 1430 to oO0; easy payments. Lots VixlOO. R. A. KIRK A CO Room S17. Lewis bldg. FOR SALE Apartment site. OxlOO. on Overton St.; price $0200: all Improvements, streets, stc: easy terms; must have money. Address Jg 007. JDregonlan. 310 DOWN and $5 per month; nice level lot near Mount Scott Bo ear. city water, atreet .4 A 4 natrt HIGLEY. BISHOP A VCLAPKET. 182 8d. BEAUTIFUL reeldence site In Alameda Park: comer 100x100: cheap and easy terms McCarger. Batea A Lively, 815 Falling bldg " PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage: all parts of heights, all vlewa and prices; some bargains. Ualn JB1U A33. A"flNAp"ln Newberg: 40-ft corner In heart of city, paying 12 per cent Interest on $4000, for $3500. .J. C. Gregory, Newberg, Or. WEST 8IDE bargain Owner leaving town wlU sacrifice choice residence lot. close In walking distance, at $1300. worth 2QOO: terms. AJ 673. pregonlan. V ACRE. $10 down and $10 per month, near 5c car. city water, street graded - snd paid. HIULET. BISHOP A M'CLASKET. 132 as TWO lota, good residence district, Moiua vllla car. non-resident owner, wilt ae" for 1550 each; terms. O 082. Oregonian. PENINSULA, choicest business snd reel dence lots In this growing district. O S3. Oregopian. TWO lots, good residence district. Monta vllla car: non-resident owner will sell for t.VV each, terms. O 8X2. Orcgonlen. ONE lot. Piedmont. t00; terms 2 lota. Tillamook street. Il'loO: terms ATLAS LAND CO.. 42 l.umlier Exchange. A NICE lot In Rose City Park, close to car. on verv easy terms C. rE YOl'NO. :I2 Chamber f.f Commerce. ROe'SMEKE LOT. one block from car; ce ment walks, water and graded street; all paid. Pr'ce 130: terms. Muln Mli. WILL sacrifice my equity of I7HO In two well located lots for 1200. Address V V1. Oregonian. IRV1NOTOS 2 fine lots to be rserlfleed: must sell by Tuesday, phons East 3M; no sgent. OOOD building lots In Rosamere snd Rose City Park at bargains C. DE YOl'NO, 432 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Desirable lot In good residence section: close to two rarllnes: snap If taken at once. Inquire 1 40 East Main. IKVIV'iTON. corner 110x100. . J2d and Klickitat. 12500. Owner. ii E. Burn side st. LOTS In Vancouver. Wash., for sale, cash or terms, or will consider good trade. Ida Fredenthal. room 1 Waahlngton bldg. A I OT on Main St.. SO by 0l; will lease to parties wishing to build. Box 01. Rsy roond. With. IRVINGION lot on 2'l. near Stsnton, $1400. Kshle. 3H Posrd of Trade. " ioo. Esst 27th snd Going. Owner BUSINESS LOTS AND APARTMENT HOUSE SITES. Union ave.. near Russell. 50x120. $6500: terms. Corner Union, near Broadway. BOxlOO corner, $7500; half cash; cheapest buy be tween Burnslde and Alberta st.; Just the location for store building with apartments above. 100x100 corner. East 17th. near Morri son. Ideal apartment-house site, high and sightly; the price Is more than right; see us; we have others In this locality. In cluding 62x100 at $5500. WE8TERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark St. J7OO0 LAURELHURST 17000. Portland's highest class resident district. New -room home. strictly modern, double constructed, well finished, 4 bed rooms. 'Sleeping porch, two toilets. 5 rooms first floor, den. fine buffet. JOO ft. to car; lot 50x100; IMPROVEMENTS all In and PAID. Nearly finished. Buy now and have It tinted to your own taste. Salesman on the ground Sunday. Get off at Hazclfern and Gllsan. HIATT A S1VWRIGHT. 504 Dekum BIUgJ Main 2032. SANDY BOULEVARD business lot Have one lot located close to 2!lth street, full COxinil feet, south frontnge; cheapest lot on this coming business thoroughfare. The only lot that can be bought at this price within a radius of six Mocks. 3150 cash will handle this, balance on easy pay ments. One week ago I had seven lots sdjolnlng this one. This Is the last one left, a bargain for someone. Phone Main 1503. Ask for Mr. Burlinga me. 1RVINGTON LOTS. $200 cheaper than any others !n same locality: $1050 and upwards- macadamized street, cement walks aud curbs In ana Included In the price; we will build you a house on one of these lots It you de sire. See us quick. HOISINGTON-COMTE CO. Main 573S. 527 Board of Trade. SUNNYSIDE LOT 30x100. East 41st and Madison. IJ50. $250 cash, balance any reasonable terms. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark st. ROSE CITY PARK Two lots. 50x100 each, lying together on E. 48th St., Just south of carllne: upon Inspection you will agree that It Is as choice a building site as the section has. Lies two feet above grade and has several fine shade trees; $1000 for cash. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts. FINE BUSINESS CORNER. 75x100 on corner of Mississippi and Pres eott; ery prominent business location; has two houses In good condition: Inoome 130 per month; price $6000; very easy terms QODDARD A WIEDRICK. 04 Concord Bldg. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. Muy now. Lots $50. West Stark and B2d streets, west of City Park, only 15 minutes from Washington st. Beautiful view lots. Money-makers. Terms $2 per month. , National Realty A Trust Co., 326H Wssh Ington st.. room 518- NEW MAPS. 1. Latest map of Portland. Or., giving ew additions, electric lines, eta 2. 35-mlle circle of Portland's surround ing, giving townships, ranges and section number, new electric lines and railroads etc Price 50 cents eactu Send stamps The Crossley Co., 70s Corbe.lt bldg. RESIDENCE SITE? Cedar Hill. Cactus drive, near Green ave.; extra large lot; beautiful view; price 17100, which is $2500 below the market. GODDAED A WIBDRICK. 604 Concord bldg CHEAP LOT. On East 28th St., 50x100. 254 feet from carllne; faces west; price $475, $50 down, balance easy; a chance to get a lot close In en easy terms. GOODArftJ A WIEDRICK. 504 Concord Building. BEAUTIFUL CORNER. (0x90. on East 22d st. and Frankfort, one block to carllne: both streets Improved and. paid for; terms: 10 per cent down, balance easy; price $850: this Is a snap. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 504 Concord Building. ' 100 FEET From the Alberta carllne, 75x100. with alley In rear, on corner of East 29th and Jarrett ata: price (850; terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 504 Concord Building. DELAWARE AVENUE. Nesr Kllllngsworth avenue; 13 choice fruit trees on lot 50x100; price $750, terms; faces east. GODDAKD A WIEDRICK. 504 Concord Building. THREE LOTS. On the corner of East 37th and Ray mond ave.; 50x100 each; price $475 each; nice location and He well; terms very easy. OODDARD A WIEDRICK. B04 Concord Building. 60x100 IN TJNIVERSITY Perk, on corner at $t,30. $80 cash and $10 and Interest per month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Maln85. A 3500 ROSSMERE lots, corner. 100x100. on Tilla mook St.. block to car; also corner. 50x 100, on Tillamook St.; Improvements are all In and paid. I will sell this property below syndicate prices and make rmoii able terms, phone owner, Marshall 1720, A 1783 BEST two lots on the W-W carllne. lOOx 125; overlook the river and Reed In stitute, whole city In siBht; $700 each, worth $9I0: cash 4500. balance to suit you. Bookkeeper, 101 Second st. Main 7G3S. A 5G3S. Sunday afternoon a tost. S1200 3LOTS, corner. Ixmbard and Foster streets, at Peninsular" Station, between new concrete block and the school. Lom bard street Is being hard-surfaced aud widened. This 1s business property riTTENGER, 119 Kllllngsworth ave. 10oTlO. NEAR Woodlawn carllne; price $110O $-0O cash; 4 choice lots on Oxford St.. cor.. .VxKMi, East 30th St., $1250; 70x 100, East Gllsan, $r,00. DUBOIS A CROCKETT, Washington Bldg. "MISSISSIPPI AVENUE. Corner Beech. 50x100; old buildings; In come per month; price 14000; terms; right In the business center. QODDARD A WIEDRICK. 50 4 Concord Bldg. " ALBINA LOT. $1250. 50xl00-ft. lot on Borthwkk st.,' 1 block from Russell St.: price $1250, terms. H. I'. PALMER-JONES CO.. 812-213 Commercial Club Rldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2H53. A FINE view lot, a block from carllne. east front, cement walk and curb, graded streets. Bull Run water In and paid for, $00; terms. R ABB A PATTON. 322 Lumbermens bldg.,fith A Stark. " NEAR ITNION AVE. Lot 402 i feet, en new street: nice surroundings. good location. close to schools, churches, etc.; price $715; terms. OODDARD A WIEDRICK. 04 Concord Bldg WB have a bunch of fine, level lots wltbjn two blocka of good car service. Bull Run water already in and paid for. Your choice for $300. on easy terms. RABB A PATTON. 823 Lumbermens bldg., Bth and Stark. " NAPOLEON. For snle Seven lots in business center, b'jusht on contract at $100 euch. $75 paid on each. lot. Will sell for exactly amount paid In. namely $75 a lot. Address Box 2171. Spokane. Wssh. WEBSTER-STREET LOT. Fine lot. H block from car; for quick sale. S10O0 cash. BENSON A CHAPMAN. 320 4 Wash, st. Room 31.1. TWO splendid lots. Rose City Park, near Alameda, east front. $70 each, worth fim. Bookkeeper. 191 Second St. Main 703S. A 663S. Sunday afternoon B 2.3i. QUARTER block, close in on East Side, fine for I'jartmoMI or give terms on part, chamber of Commerce. J. E. smitn, 513 14.-.0 CASH will buy u 50X1O0 lot M East 27th at near Jarrett St.; nice building lot. GOPDARi A WIEDRICK, 504 Concord Building. this" is a'snap. For sale 100 feet on Alberta at., corner of 11th st.: price $270. easy terms. Ad dress H 000, Oregonian. Twnrr lots small house. near Kenton. $1000: snsp. Investigate. Owner, L 072, Oregonian, riEDMONT Two lots. 42000 north snd east front, half cash, or Inside lot, $1000 cash. 2"2 Qerlinger bldg. ' FOR SALE. ll suburban lots. Address O. 3. Glllett. 1241 East 30th St. N. "DWATTT-Ttri-T. PIEDMONT. lOOxloo' corner In this tine district. C. ill TOCNO. 432 Chamber of Commerce. LADD'S ADDITION. Will sell my 50x118 in most desirable part of tract for 241Q. J 673. Oregon! in. IRVINGTON bargain. lOOxloo. corner 25tli and Klickitat, block from car. Frlc $2000. n H72. Oregonian. TWO erv desirable lots Gearhart Park: worth 700 next Spring, but I need money now; make offer. F 070. Oregonian. A SOLID block of 8 full lots; sewers snd street Improvements In: on two carllnes, ten minutes from the city; splendid prop osition for a builder; price low 25 lots, highly Improved, with bearing Orchard; all kinds of berries and small fruit good seven-room house, chicken house and shed: Improved street; only 20 minutes' ride; lies high, fine view; only $000 per lot; one of the cheapest buys in 1 Quarter block, Woodstock. 4 blocks from the car; lies line: other quarter blocks In this vicinity selling for $1000: we offer this for quick sale at $800. and It la a bargain. ' . . 2 fine lots on Francis ave., near 29tn St., 100 feet from carllne: high and sightly: lots level: $2000, easy terms; splendid place to build a home. 83 lots, 2.1 minutes' ride; one block from the car; Improved with all kinds of ber ries snd between 800 and 400 young fruit trees, partly In bearing; new 7-room strict ly modern house, which makes a beauti ful home, good barn and chicken-house; only $0ot) per lot, Including all Improve ments: this Is a great snap. GO WEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY. 425 LUMBERMEN BUILDING. LOOK WHAT'S HERE: Fix rood, level, up-to-grade lots, total slxe 120x250. on O.-W. R. A N. R- R-! no gulch, no grades, no holes, no stumps, splendid site for a factory or warehouse, an excellent Investment: Investors speak quickly. Take It all for $5500; It is a shame to do It, but owner needs money; terms on this. See H. A. CHANDLER. 610 Lumber mens bldg., 6th and Stark sts. Main 818O. $250 CASH . . balance mortgage, will buy 50 by 100-foot lot. 20 minutes' ride from West Side on East 37th st. Price $450. or will sell 100 bv 100 corner, same location, for oo, $500 cash. The cheapest lots In that neighborhood. KAUFFMANN A MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. IRVINGTON. $4300. Thompson street; choice 100x100 cor ner; hard-surface street: all Improve ments In and Included at this price; facos south nnd east; best buy in I"' ''Eton. CHARLES RINGLER & COMPA.NY, 211 Lewis Bldg. AN opportunity to secure a beautiful home site In a hish-class district that Is close in on the West Side. In a district where all Improvements are going in at once lot full slied, two blocka to carllne with pavement, sidewalks, sewer, eas and water mains all Included In the purchase price of fir.00; terms, n. o-. FUTURE business buy If. you are desirous of securing a future Business " clone In on the West Side, on a strictly business street at a ridiculously low price of 43000, Investigate; terms. K etfJ. ore gonlan. . ' WEST SIDE PROPERTIES. J5000 Fine residence lot on Overton St.. near 20th. -.rlv $15.000 Head of Lovejoy st. nearly quarter block: high and sichtly. KARNOPP & KOPF. 325 Railway Exchange bldg. UNION AVE. Lot BOxlOO. Near E. Pine. $11,000. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. ' 1225 8 LOTS 8 $225 In Hyde Park. $223 each; will sell on pas-ments. cement walks. Improved streets. Bull Run water, four blocks to car. join ing Rose City Park. See Nimrao. Rn rTey & Co.. Hamilton bldg. ;open Sundays. CHOICE corner and Inside lots n lrv'n ton and Laurel hurst at less then sur rounding property. Also , 1 lot SOxlOO on Skldmore between E. 28th and E i -Jth sts.. at a bargain. A. M. Berry, -o Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' LAURELHURST. Choice BOxlOO-foot lot; 13.3; also one 'cAarLesVinSler A COMPANY. 211 Lewis Bldg; . 1100 CASH and $15 monthly buys 50x100, east front, on Glenn ave.. near K'l'lni" worth: prl-e JR.".". Howard Land Com pany. 420 Swetland bldg. , PORTLAND Heights. Sacrifice sal of two lots close to carllne: lots full sized, slope gently to eouth and have good view, $000 each; terms. K 680, t Oregonian. LOT 40x100. walking distance. East Side. Price $1100. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. LOT-that Is cloee in on the West Side, walking distance, with a gorgeous view and beautiful foliage; only 41800; terms. Ad dress J 664. Oregonian. ,-foo-WeTTwo'rth $1000; best lot 1'yi"'lh Heights: high, sightly, beautiful. Edwards. ' 221 Morrlsoru - . 70x100 COR., on Hawthorne. $2100 50x100 cor., on - J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce. $"500 CASH buys the best lot In Laurel- hurst. 303GerIlnBerbldr. LOTsTone block "w-W carllne, $450 each. terms, u on. a For Sale llonses. BUILD NOW. WF CAV SAVE YOU MONEY. THERE IS REASON LET US TELL YOU WH Y. OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEAL ING AND GIVING ALL WE AGREE BDtvii l' MUCH BUSINESS. PLANS FFE IF WE BUILD. IF YOU OWN LOT WEF WILL FINANCE IT FOR YOU. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. 324 ABINGTON BLTX. A modern 5-room house lot 50x100, $100 DOWN $30 PER MONTH. This house is "rand new and situated In Terrace Park, a restricted district and fine neighbor hood. Price $2650. Call Sunday (Monta vllla car. . TT,Ev East SOth and Pearl st MODERN bungalow, tret-s. fine buy: . 12-sear-old, fruit 750; nothing down; Mryrm'mmodern bungalow. Laurelwood; "omtmSriow. cabinet pantry. 40x 120 lot; llioo; terms. 50 houses under 4500 down, all parts of city. 4:10 w ptomciui : . . r . WTiTl a a n V T 1 1 $!00 CASH J.l- - 1 in. Will buy a swell B-room bungalow, with every modern convenience: lireplace. full basement, laundry trays, etc.; corner lot c.ment walks, curbs and graded streets. blocks to car; line location. Price $-10O0. Be sire to see this. Call Mr. Ward at Main 8900. or A 6271. ; SIX-ROOM modern house on East 11th St., m mghland Add. Lot 100x100 short . a.s tance from Union avenue and Aerta car lines; full cement basement. C.as iewer and electric light. Price 3(,00. Si Better see C. F. Pfluger A Co. "bout this at once. Suite 5, Mulkey Bldg.. Second & Morrison. . $700 WILL BUY A 31400 house halt built aud 50x100 lot. fruit trees and rose bushes: Improvements pTid for; 8 block, from car; $100 down bianco $7.50 per month; no Interest; S? ?ome unless you bring a small de posit; I must soli today. See owner. 218 East 64th St. North. Take MV car. 9-room oak f hushed house on Broadway; 9-room oak finished house on E 18th St., B-room oak finished house on E. 8-room nicely finished house on E. 18tb Bt. These are nil bargains. A M. Berry. 435 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $050 BUYS COTTAGE. " Near Richmond car. on a real good lot Vliloo cottage 4 rooms. For sale on very iasv terms T for $1000 or JO.'O. half cash. T H B1RRE7LL CO.. 203 McKay bldg. ' Tblrd and Stark sts. BUILDING plans, drawings and cost of con strectiou and a beautiful l""""" XI of bunsnlows and modern homes and flats free to hoirie-buyers anil builders. pJbURBAN HOME CONSTRUCTION CO.. 329 Henry bldg. FOR SALE bv owner. West Sine modern R room house, within one and one-half bloeks of "3d-st. car: 15 minutes from business center- slect neighborhood: price reason aWertermat. suit. Phones Main 2808 or A 4133. . FOR SALE bv the ownir. a modern Queen Anno cottage, six rooms, large, beautiful ,? on Atlantic street, near Killingsrth ave. one block from carllne. A bargain, "anon, cash or terms to suit. See owner. 5 1 ;i Worcester bldg. r SNAP. $3500 for a U block with fine fruit trees. 5-room house and barn, near Hawthorne ave. J10OO cash; balance 5 years. This is a genuine bargain. p Fl'CHS. 221 H Morrison St. I M owner of 3-room bungalow, near car. 25 minutes' out: took deposit on $2500, buver never returned; now must "en; $2100. my price; liberal terms. 430 Wor cgter bldg. 1000 CASH and $15 per month, new. 6-room modern house, beautiful lot. 100x100. four blocks Mount Scott 5c car: only S2100 HIGLEY. BISHOP fc M'ft.ASKEr. 132 3d WHY PAY RE NT? '. $S30 buys a shingle bungalow In South Portland; easy terms. Call at 300 Ham ilton ave. Owner. ON East-Rnrnslde. 424. bet. 6th and 7th; good propertv for S500;.the lot Is 40x61 : lnoulre In house for terms Isaac Morton. 6-KOOM cottage, bath and electric lights, corner lot. growing part of city; $2000. Hitfield. 15't 4th st. ; WEST SIDE SNAP. $6500: 15 minutes' walk to center of town: 9-room residence, furnace, gas. etc. sacrifice sale. 480 College. Main 4740. HAVE Harry W. Sweeting figure your new stone block or apartment house: refer ence. 435 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL EAST SIDE HOME. rooms, strictly modern In every re spect, corner lot 100x100, 1! blocks to car; $7500, $3500 cash. HAWTHORNE-AVE. CARLINB. Large 6-room cottage, just completed, all built-in conveniences. 80x100 lot, 1 block to car; $3700, $1000 cash, balance monthly payments. NEW 8-ROOM COTTAGE. Fireplace, bookcase, Dutch kitchen and stationary tubs. E. 08th St.. restricted dis trict. 2 blocks from car; $2600, $500 cash, balance $20 per month. 8-ROOM COTTAGE ROSE CITY PARK. Built 1 year, thoroughly modern In ev ery respect, elegant fixtures and beautiful woodwork: lawn, roses and shade tries; 50x100. east face; $3400, $1200 cash will handle. THIS MUST BE SOLD QUICKLY. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Modern 6-room 2-story house, 4 rooms downstairs. Including one bedroom, two bedrooms and bath upstairs, 2 toilets, elcc trlct and gas fixtures, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement. 8-ft. In clear; now occupied by owner who Is soon going abroad; $4000. $1000 caah. balance easy monthly payments; will sacrifice all the furniture, including piano, for $i)00; worth more than double. MODERN 4-ROOM CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. Completo In every detail: must be seen to be appreciated; close to good car, east face:. $500 cash and $25 per month; genu ine bargain. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark St. $500 DOWN and $25 per month will place you In this new home; will be finished ready to move In in a few days. Every room Is tinted, all floors are fin ished, electric fixtures In every room, fire place, furnace, sleeping porch, dining porch. 3 other porches; pantry and Dutch kitchen! full basement, with fruit closet and coal bin. laundry tubs; fine finished closets and porches set on concrete foun dations: window shades go with the house: less than three blocks to car; ; price J4800 and on the very easy terms of $500 down. Ask us more about this; there Is more to tell; location Is good. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Room 4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phones A 2050 and Priv. Ex. 20. STOP! RIGHT HERE. CUT OUT THIS AD. $4300 $.-,00 cash, baL $35 monthly. In cludes Interest. Brand new, rooms, full concrete base ment, steel furnace. 1uar1 oak floor, fireplace, mantel, huilt-ln book cases ana siaeooam, " 11 1,. DOWS Dutch kitchen, cooling closets, gas . . . .... . . 1 .. ... t.inn B,tr, Inree and electricity. di piuiui..Bt - bedrooms and closets with w-lndow-s. sleep In? porch, all double constructed WITH TIDING PAPER BETWEEN SIDES east iront. wmi street improvements in : one block from Car Two un.i.n s .iui.1 - .... will stake our reputation as to the value you are getting for your money. PORTLAND LAND CO.. r. .-1-1 W7 iuiiiiiich'"' Cor. 2d and-Washington sts. IF you are In the market for a home. In spect No. 104 East 24th t.. near Flan ders st.: has 7 rooms, reception hall living-room with fireplace paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen as light as day: two bedrooms and large bath on flret floor, large hall, two bedrooms, storeroom and fine sleeping porch on second floor, sheened S.aJk. porch, cement basement can t aupiicaia nun . . . JOS. C. GIBSON. 805 Qerlinger bldg. $200 CASH. New 2-story house of 5 rooms and bath; goo; Tcement basement, furnace .fixture. shades ana tinting mti "1," .11 im graded, curbed and a!d.lk. all ! provemeni oms i"1"-1 . , Rose City Park car. Buy this home on terms like rent. The price Is only $3400. PosTofflce box 311 or AJ 634. Oregonian. NOB HILL HOME. 8 rooms modern, on Everett St.. 50x100, $12,500; $7500 cash will handle this: if you want a bargain In this exclusive district. '"WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark St. NEW 6-room Queen Anne, $2800; one block from car. with fine lot; hot and cold water, oatn ana louei. Dutch kitchen, large closets, full basement. china closets ana wnn. fine reception hall, closet to hang outer wnraps?CtEi-s0l. a bargain, only $500 cash. nal. easy. wn.. a," ,V Blanchara t-iwow", " --1 BE A.UTIFI7L and artistic bungalow on East side on East 21st. In choice Irvlngton dis trict; on 75x100 lot: new and modern, four sleeping rooms, large living 1 -lng room. den. kitchen and pantry; hard wood floors, fireplace, cement basement and furnace; price $8000. McCarger, Bates & Lively. 815 Falling bldg. - TT "ST" O T7" On a corner lot, 57x100. East 11th and Shaver: good house with full cement base ment, modern plumbing: streets Improved and sewer in ana an , " easy terms WIEDR1CK. b 0 4 toncoru 6 ROOMS, MAKUHuuu "S.irri Every built-in feature. SLEEPING porth. full cement oasc ni, ""i.h7,'i grand new. double constructed . .IrJUj location: 1 dii'i; iv, - . - i . . . . ennn .mh Aitk in fortiHno. i" " 7. with 1007 Clinton St.. corner Marguerite. Take Richmond car over Madison bridge. Phone laoor FIXE home on'wlllamette Heights, practl cailv new and every modern convenience: seven rooms, attractively arranged; two fireplace, four sleeping rooms; two large porches with magnificent view: cement basement: half block from car. A bargain at $7500: easy terms. McCarger, Bates A Llvelv. 315 Falling bldg. PIFDMONT 6-roora house and 5-room bun galow. 1321 -1325 Rodney ave.: modern, east facing, full basements, cement floors, fironlnces. tinted walls, finished floors. combination fixtures, dining-rooms beamed and paneled, shades, first-class plumbing: easy terms. r. u. yyaruer, owner. Phone Woodlawn 1339. BUSINESS CORNER. 4Gx46, corner East 10th and Beacon mtm hoth streets Improved and graveled and paid for; close to three carllnes; price xyoo casn; nun toiiiiuii iu, u -. .. . ''""'""oODDARD A WIEDRICK, 504 Concord Building; MODERN 5-room bungalow, close to carllne In good locality, lot 30x100. SNAP. THOMPSON A SWAN. 2O0 Rothchtld bldg., Portland. Or., bet. 4th and 5th on Washington sts., and 6th and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE by owner. 7-room modern house, attic and basement: close In on carllne: fine view: good neighborhood: bearing fruit trees, climbing roses, grape vines, etc Phone Sellwood 1529 or call 471 E. 12th. ; 1 $500 WILL handle a new 6-room modern bungalow, full cement basement. block Hawthorne, bal. $25 per month. - HIGLEY. BISHOP A M'CLASKET. 132 8d. FINE, modern, 8-room house, partly fur nisneu; lot 57x100; nice lawn ana some fruit trees; a beautiful home. East 20th, near Stark; $7500; will take some vacant property as part pay. Fine, modern bungalow, well located and mostly furnished; $3000. easy terms. Good 8-room house, lto acre of land, small barn; a real home; only $2750. This place lies about 7 miles from Courthouse on carllne, good service, easy terms. Fine 10-acre tract, near carllne, good 6-room house, barn, well and chicken house. 2 acres cleared; a real snap; $3500. $500 cash; will take a good lot as pari pay. Fine 8-acre tract on carllne, right at station; 6 acres cleared; lies fine; no stons or gravel; $300 per acre; $300 cash: will take some trade; 2 fine acres at Oak Grove $3000. CHAR LP; SON A CO.. 411 Commercial bldg. CHOICE HOMES WAITING FOR YOU. New, modern 7-room bungalow, lot 50x 100: 3 blocka Union ave.; graded streot, concrete walks, electricity and gas: pries $3300, $1000 cash; this one Is also new, has 6 rooms, modern, lireplace, corner lot, concrete walks; price $3500. $SO0 cash. For $2500 we have a new bungalow. 1H blocks from Union ave., it is a dandy. A Piedmont homo of 7 large rootns, furnace, hardwood floors, cove ceiling, built-in china closet; lot 75x100. Call and see it. Very largo 6-room cottage on Rodney ave.; hardwond lloors, lireplace, lot 100X 127; a good buy. DUBOIS & CROCKETT, Washington Bldg. FOR SALE by owner Swell 5-room bunga low: double construction, elegant imieu walls, panel dining-room, fireplace, built in bookcases, buffet, full Dutch kitchen, laundrv chute, best plumbing, full attic, cement walk and basement, sewer; boau tlful gas and electric fixtures. 4 fruit trees. Tho best material and workmanship used In this house; not the cheap kind, but the best. This house Is on the market at $3250. I need the money for building and lor a few days will make price 3100. Car service every 7 minutes, 10 minutes to 2d and Morrison sts., over new bridse. Close to 37th and Hawthorne ave.; $500 down, balance small monthly payments, phone B 2343. 6-ROOM 2-storv, new. modern, well-built home: p.tnelrd walls. beamed celling. Dutch kitchen, tiled and enameled cement base ment and furnace. modern plumbinit throughout; good view, lot 50x100 feet. Price $3300; terms. Coll at Gregory Heights office, end of Rose City I'arW '"'"GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. THIS IS IT Six-room colonial house, full cement basement, laundry trays, piped for furnace. Dutch kitchen, dlnlng-room has beam celling and built-in china closet; living room with fireplace and reception hall; house beautifully tinted throughout; gas and electric fixtures cost $lo0; beau tiful lir trees in lawn; can't be beat ror X4500; $1300 cash, balance like rent. Feo It. No. 430 Marguerite ave., near Grant St., and see JOS. C. GIBSON. 305 Gerlinger Bids. RUSSELL ST., NEAR WILLIAMS AVE. 50x145. Improved with 2-story brick, paving nice Income, $12,000; half cash; look this up Mr. Investor. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark st. MODERN cottage, 5 rooms, on .10x100 lot. at 1827 E. Evjrett St., Jm.-smore Add. Three rooms and large pantry downstairs, two bodrooms, sleeping porch and bath- room up stairs, built-in china closet, lire place and tine electric light fixtures; full cement basement, luundry trays, wood lift etc.: a fine place, built for a home and a bargain If sold before February 1. M-V car to 70th St., 2 blocks south. Oc cupied by owner. COUNTRY HOME PLACE CLOSE IN ST en-room houso on ground. ltttmlOO. at East 64th St. Practically new. and modern, ce ment basement, hot water heat. Dutch kitchen, bath, electricity, large barn, fruit trees, berries, etc. A bargain at ICVJOO. See McCarger, Butes & Lively, 315 Failing bldg. MODERN and attractive six-room dwelling on Clackamas, near East 2llth: lot 50x123; fine location, house practically new ana verv attractively arrangod; price, with street Improvements all paid, $4700; good terma McCarger. Bates & Lively. 315 railing piqg- utAUliruu Now 8 rooms, modern. Ilnlshed In oac and white enamel, 2 toilets. 2 fireplaces, handsoma fixtures, duplex shades, elegant , location near Irvlngton Club; Improve ments in and paid. Price $7800. Owner. 072, Oregonlan. FOR SALE New 7-room house. East 23th and Ankeny, No. S02, luxurloua finish, up-to-date kitchen, cement basement. No. t 1 plumbing, furnace, electric lights and fix tures, from owner. .1. A. Zeller. 15 East 9th st. Phone B 1130. Open Sunday after--noon. ' NEW and modern eight-room house In Irv lngton. on East 21st St.; four sleep ngr rooms, large dlnlng-room and living rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement and furnace: garage: price $0000. McCarger. Bates & Lively, 318 Filling bldg. . . BEAUTIFUL eight-room houso In best dis trict in Irvlngton; new and modern In every detail; handsome living room, hard wood floors, mahogany finish dining-room, fireplace, cement basement and furnace; four sleeping rooms. Prlee $i2.0. Mc Carger. Bates A Lively. 815 Falling bldg. IRVINGTON Nice 6-room house, lot 50xloO, in elegant neighborhood on East 10th st., walking distance, nice lnwn, fruit trees Xnd shrubbery: price $3300 $1000 cash, balance easy terms. C. r . Pfluger A Co.. room 5 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. " Fox Investments r.r homes. SEE DETSCH & WITWER. Specialists In Ileal Estate For the man of moderate means BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. BFVUTIFUL modern bungalow; chicken houses, etc.; on Oregon City carllne, at station- excellent suburban homo and only 80 minutes out; $3150; $2000 may run 4 years 6 per cent. 014 Couch bldg. Phone Sunday. East 1S3S. . 6-ROOM house, lot 45x115, on W-W car. line near 41st and Holgace. at $1230, $.00 cash balance easy monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPAN1, 102 Fourth St. Main 35. 3"90 B-ROOM bungalow. all conveniences; flre nlace beam ceilings, range, shades, lino leum, chicken-house and run; tt acre; 31150 cash, balance long terms. Rainsford. Rlsley Station. Oregon Cltyline. WFST SIDE lot 54x100 with two good 6 room houses; 10 minutes from business center New cement walks: concrete base ments Price $7000; half cash. Owner, roomj 7. J65 V44th St. iltfODERN home In every respect, 14 large rooms grounds 100x100. fine location. West Ride near 2 carllnes; must be seen to be appreciated; sacrifice price terma lib eral IT Owner;AFJ3rcgonlan. tit.- AiTTTFUL 6-room bungalow, near Fir land stallon. fine lot 50x100. electric fix--lures, basement and everything first-class; HIGLEY, BISHOP & M'CLASKET. 132 3d. x- iiio TAKES a good -room house on Eu ene St.: 100 feet from Union; SG00 cash, balance 6 per cent In two years. Phone ' C 2429 or call at 930 E. 9th St. N. "Vtve-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished complete, oak and mission furniture, range and heater; $3o00. 4000 cash, balance $15 month. X6ti4. Oregonian. TRVIN'(lTOv Attractive, modern home. 4S3 p 'lth at only $7350, Including shades, fixtures, pa'ved streets. Phone East 394 If interested. I HOUSE for sale, close price; will tako niortcage ns payment or small payment down and 25 a month. Call Tabor 975, 11 2312. WE WILL build and help finance a bunga low flat or apartment for you. PIONEE H CONSTRUCTION CO. M aln f3M9. 503 Oregonian bldg. 150 CSH and $10 per month, plastered house- 4 blocks good school. bloeks car; nice lot. 60x100; good view; only f50. HIGLEY. BISHOP & M'CLASKEY. 132 3d. IF you are looking for a good home In Itoe City Park or near the Union ave. cars 1 can show you a few barg is. C. DE YOUNG, 432 Chamber of Commerce. .,-,1, Strictly modern 5-room bungalow m Richmond; fireplace, attic and full cement basement. 220 Lumber Exchange bldg. BIG bargain. 7 rooms, modern bungalow. In restricted district; must sell; price $2500, $.-,"u0 down. Phone Tabor 2351. Owner. BY OWNER 7-room modern home. East 3d and Multnomah sts., best residence dis trict in city. Apply Main 11232. fi ROOM modern house, 3 blocks from car, corner lot: $200 down, balance like rent, phone me at once. Tabor 2351, owner. TEN-ROOM cottage, at Gearhart Park, faces the ocean, barn nnd largo grounds; terms liberal. Owner, AF 764,Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest 8 room house in Irvlngton. 406 E. 20th St. N. Call and see It. 6-ROOM modern house, close In, lot 50x12 fruit, berries, roses, price $3200. PhonV C 2429 mornings. FLAT, close In. on Union ave.; Income of $70 per month; will sell cheap. C. DE YOUNG. 4.13 Chamber of Commerce. GOING away, must sell my 5-room strii-t; modern new bungalow. Owner, AN 071, Oregonian . ..mtntn lorrwf.Tnv rrriMRl V