THE SUNDAY OREGONIAtf, POItTLATTD, JANUARY 15, 1911. ' ... 7j ! ranxo .noticI ! tw today. 1 w today. raw today, f raw too ay. GERMAN NOBLEMAN ACCEPTS POSITION AS CHIEF INSTRUC TOR AT KEAEIEER'S RIDING SCHOOL. t r :t- ... . - , . v. -J ! ' -,: I "Lear- J.. - if V - ':v- i BAROX O. C. VOX WOELLWARTH. guaaal E. Krttraer, proprietor of Krwrntr-! Rldlny Academy, hM Indacad Baroo O. C too Woellwarth. formarlr officer In the Oar man cavalry eerrlce, to take the poatUon of chief ridlnr lnatruotor at that Institution. Baroo tod Woellwarth was lnf a XJentenant ta the mounted Hnaaara, and chief Instructor at the German riding echool for offl eera at Haaover. During- thla time hla system became ao widely known throuah Europe that, on receipt of a flatteries; offer to take charre of the claaeea of fashionable academy at Parte, he resigned his commission In the Oermaa eerrlce and went to Parta. where he re malned for soreral rears, after which he went to London and assumed charre of Smith's Academy, one of the most famous riding schools of En r I and. Three years ago the Baron came to America and taught riding at CleTeland. O.. for a ahort time before accepting the position of chief Instructor at the Central Park Riding Academy, of New York City. While In New York recently Mr. Kraemer vlsltfd the Central park Academy and was so Impressed with yon Woellwarth's system that he Immediately entered Into negotiations with the German noble man with a view of eecurlng blm to open the new academy In Portland. Von Woellwarth waa onable to accept the Portland offer last Fall, but promised he would give the Portland man first call on his serv ices as soon aa he decided to leave New York City, and on receiving word that von Woellwarth waa ready to come West. Kraemer Immedi ately closed with him. The new Instructor will commence his new system at the Kraemer School Immediately, and some of the figures in the class drills and exercises are said to be decidedly novel and attractive. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL BErORT. PORTLAND. Jaa. 14. Ifsxtmara temper ature, S3 degrees, minimum. 2S degrees. Rjver readme. S A. el.. 4.1 feet; chense lit leet 14 hours. 0.5 foot. Total rainfall IS P. M. to 5 P. M.. none; total sine Septem ber 1. 1lo. IT 41 Inches; normal. 23.44 Inrhes: denrlertry. 4.97 Inches. Total aun shlne Jsnuary IX hour. S mlnmee; possi ble. S hours, riarometer (reduced to sea leveU. at P. M SOOT tnrbes. TH1 WEATHER. Wtnd II o a "State ef weather. TATJOXeJ. Kola. .......... Toetoa. raisary V hlcaso... H.l.oa JackaoDvtne...., XaAsa City.... l on treat ........ Nev Orteana... New York N'.irth Taklma.. I'hoenls , 1'ocaiello. ... 1'ortlAnd . fan rraadsoe.., f-isklrou. ....... F poa u 'aconnm Talooaa lelsad.. Walla.... Vaemnstoa. .. . Winnipeg tro. eu 0. 4 0 u o 4 0 T O. :. o. IX o T 0 4.' 0 2. o 0 . o : o t..- i HO r o 4 0 So 0 1 O. - o ISO. f XVf .V sw NW SB N W SB W 9 NW fel E r;v tiW Cloady Rain Clear Cloudy Cloudy lOloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Rain Snow Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy m: e 10 0 4 SO 0 1 tx 4 OOl 4 ri eiouoy N W ,-i w N'B Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy (Cloudy .V 8 ft. cloudy 0O.1O Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Cansdiaa hlsh-pr assure area has sep arated Into two parts, one of vhlch la cen tral this evening over Minnesota and the tber ever aloaiaaa. The California low pressure area Is slowly moving northward and the barometer Is falling over Western Oregon and Weetera Waaatngton. Heavy rata has fallen la Northern and Ceatral California and light precipitation, mostly la the lorna of snow, has occurred In Southern Oregon and Southern Idaho. Moderately heavy raine have fallen In the Upper Ohio Valley and. as high temperatures prevail la that district, me rtver at Pittsburg la rising at the rate of a tenth ef a foot aa hour. The temperatures OS the PaclOc Mops have generally risen slightly store yes terday evening, except la Western Oregon, where there bss been a slight fall. Tha conditions are favorable for rmia or saow Bandar la Soot hern Oregon and South ern Idaho and for rala along the Washing ton asd Oregon coasts. Elsewhere fair weather will continue for another 34 hours. It will be slightly warmer Sunday afternoon and the temperatnre will rise slowly Mon day, except la clout hern Idaho, rO RECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; Sfoadar In creasing a lead low sad not ee eeld; east to southeast winds. Oregon Halo or anew sonth. fan north portion, except rain near the coast; sot so cold Monday; southeasterly wtnoa. Washington Kslr. except reia near the coast, not so cold Monday: easterly winds. Idaho Rata or saow south, fair north portion, colder southeast portion. FDWARK A. UKAI .. pierrlrt rorcater. BORX. SHANK To the wife ef D. J. preecott St.. Jan. 7. a boy. 480 prax SHARP In this city. January 14. Byron J. enarp. aged SI ysare. sob of Mrs. Jose phine Sharp and brother of Howard A-. Lari C. snd V.r. Laura F Cbllsco, of this city, and Herbert E Sharp, of Spokane. Wash. Remains at Punning A McEntcea pariora. Funeral notice later. rCNEBAL NOTICES. EM ITU la this city. January IS. st Oeod fismsntaa Hospital, William J. Smith, of Create Fans, aged U years, who leaves a soo. Willie Smith; mother. Mrs Levlna Kml-b: sistsrv, Mrs. J. H. Beyer. Mrs. Otto J. Hlrerh; brothers. Stephen A. Emlth, of this city, snd E. B. fmlth. of McMlnn vino. Or. Frioado Invited te attend fu neral set 1 1 uee. which will be held at the Portland Crematorium at 2:20 P. M to day tSuaday), January 15. Take Ball wood car for srematorium, DB SO EC ROE ta this city. Jsnuary 14. Mrs. Josle Desseorge, aged IS years months S days. Funeral from her home, 13-45 East Eighth street North, at 1 P. M. to morrow (Monday). January la. Thence to tbe Holy Redeemer Chureh. Portland Boulevard snd Vancouver ave. Services at 1.10 P. M. Friends melted. Inter ment Orssawood Cemetery. JfPOWELL In thai city, Jsnuary 11. at the family residence. 44 North 20th street. Thyra McOowell. sged 54 years I months 15 days beloved wife of George M. Mc TXrwelL Friends Invited te attend funeral aerrloea. which will bo beld at the Port land Crematorium at S P. M.. tomorrow (Monday). Jaaui . tV V., ..." - ; : . v . . V- rVNKUAI. NOTICES. WETTLER In this city. Jan nary 1J, Harry W. Wotslor. aged S8 years. Funeral ser vloea. will be held at Dunning A McEntee'e Sarlora. eleventh and Ankeny strsets. Mon ey. January IS, at S P. M. Friends snd acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend- Services to bo concluded at Crematorium. Please omit flowers. IRVLNO January 12. at the home of his son, oa ths lloone's Ferry road. Hobort Irving, sged 7s rears months 25 dsrs. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which win be held at Holman'a ChaDeL Third and 6slmon at 1 P. M. today Sunday), January 10. Interment River- view Cemetery. MACKENZIE In this city, January 13, at the residence of Mrs. B. J. beely. 14S Eaat 1 wanty-eeventn st. Ktta carter Mackenxio, aged 28 years, beloved wire or James Mac kenslo. Funorsi services will be held li Corvallls. Or st 2 P. M. today (Sunday) January 10. Interment at Corvallls. PEAHSCJ.V la this city. January 18. at ttood Ba ma rttan Hospital. Adeline Pear son, sged 67 years. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be beld at Kolmao'a C be pel, at 2 P. M., today riundar. Jaouary 10, Interment Loae Fir Cemetery. DA VOREN Friends and acquaintances are reepoutiuuy invitod to attend the funeral services of Michael Francis Davoran, sged be yeara at IMinnlng A Mctbotoe's par lors, today (Sunday). H I R II. lalar- ment Lone Fir Cemetery. HUFF January 14. at ItZi Knolls ave., Da vid 8. Hull, sgs 74 years e months 8 dsya Friends are respectfully Invited to attend ths funeral servlcse, which will be beld from me above rostdencs tomorrow (Moa- dsy. Jsnuary 14, at 12 o'clock M CURTIS Puasral services of Anthony Cur tis will ba hold today at 2 r. M. rrom 11. me lock Funeral Parlors, cor. East Thirteen lb and Umatilla ave. jmanda Invited, Mllwsukle Cemetery. XO.NSC.1H. ILUHAL CO MAkMlliAJd ULAKi. ILvnAL Ut-IUMl. rbonso:. Main A 110. aantag McUMa Funeral utreebsra. Tth sad line, i'bsaw b tniice' of Lenaty t,ssoass. EDWAjtU BOUUX CO., raaevnl Dtreoe. ere, lie d st. Lady asststnaL pbeae sL Ml J. P. UNLET SON, Sd mad Mediae aAdy stteadaau Pboao Maus S. A IMS, BAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to r. t). Dunning, Inc. B. at, B tAXA. LaUllON I O. L adertakrf-e. Lady seelM est. 4UM Alder.. M. Slss. A 224A. UI.Ll.H-BVHNLS CO., Faaoral Direct era, 4 HUUaaae ave-1 both phones i lady asst. LAJttct. ladsrtaker. ear. East Alder aad Sib. Eaat 1SI. s ISSS. LaeVr aeeletaaa. MXETINO NOTICES. OEOROB WASHINGTON CAMP. NO. Ml, and Portlsnd Circle. No. 65, W. O. W will 5tvo a whlnt and roo party Tuesday evening, anuary 17. in W. O. W. Hall. 12& 11th street. Prtxea. refrvshraents and good musts for dancing. Admission 200. OMEGA REBECCA LOPOE. No. BT, L O. O. F., will giro a "500" card party at their hall. East 8th aad East Alder streets. Tues day svealng. Jan. 17. Splendid prises, good refreshments Admission. 10c All are wsl coma WEBPOOT COMPANY NO. 45. W. O. W. Military whist party and dance, Friday svenlag. Jsnuary SO, Woodman Hall, lit 11th at. Cards, 1:14: dancing 10. Union muale. aad rotrsshments. ALBINA LODOE, NO. 47, r. U. OP A. will gtvs a whist 500 and dance Monday evening. Jan. 14. N. W. corner of Williams avenue and Rueeell st. Prises, refreshments. Admission 18 cents. Corns and have a good time. THB CALEDONIAN CLUB will give a Puma concert snd tlance In the auditorium, 201. Third street. Faturdny. January 21. at 8 P. M. Stirring Rcotcb music . national dsncea Many old favorites will be heard te advantage la the auld Scotch songs." PORTLAND. WINONA. ROSE LEAP. Ssrsjswea snd Montavllla Circle will hold a iolnt lastsllatlon with Portland camp and toyal Circle. Wednesday night. January IS. In the Woodman Temple. 129 11th at. Refreshments and dancing. A II friends In vited.. COMMITTEE!. EUREKA COCTs-CIL. NO. 204. XNIOHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY Whist and ft 00 Monday evening. January 16, East Elds W. O. W. Hall East 8th and Alder. Refreshments and dancing. Admission 18 cents. Oeod music ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Ths good fellowship committee. Women of Woodcrsft, will give n dance next Friday evening. Jan uary 20. la Women of Woodcraft Hail 10th and Taylor streets. Everybody welcome. Good music. Admission 24 cents. CIRCLE NO. 6M will giro a 22-hand Ave hundred party January fr, corner East Thirty-fourth and Yamhill. Publle Invited. Lunch served- Admission 15c THB L. A. TJ. meets every Wednesday night at SilS sharp In PelHng-Htrecb. bleevj all vtsltlag mem bars eorsiaiiy Invited. MEETING NOTICES. ATTEND the Grand Mask Ball to be given by Mount Hood Cu-ele. No. 181. Wom an of Woodcraft. January IT. 1B1L W. O. W. Hall. Ill S, Sixth street. Admission! Gents. 00 cents: ladles. 35 cents. Union music Eight prises. A. O. V. W. members take notice Orand biaiter Workman Baldwin will hold a grand Joint Installation of officers of all the city A, O. U. W. lodges In the Hall of Industry Lodge, No. 8. W. O. W. building. Eleventh streetbetween Washington and Alder streets. Tueaday evening. January 17, ltilL at 8 o'clock. Oat out of the rut long enough to attend. M F. A. BROWN, Recorder. Industry, No. 8. PORTLAND CAMP. NO. 107. W. O. W. will hold publio Installation of offi cers nsxt Wednesday evening. January IS. 1811. at their hall. 128 Eleventh street. Neighbors bring your family and fiienda COMMITTEE. THB WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT The goodfsllowshlp committee will give a dance Friday evening. January 20. st ths auditorium of W. of W. building. 84 Taylor street. Good music, excellent floor; dancing begins at 9. Admission 25c CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or BoMXea-. One time j.. ....... t .a eww 1 imeimllis times ar line. ....tse ....Sue rMaa add three consecutive times. Uve . .Me town Remittance mast accompany rf" 1. Anwnta aa ens line oa cash ad- vmrtlsenarats aad a ad eotinted foe Use than two lines. When an advertisement Is not in ooaaee Uvo limes the ono-tlroe rate applies. Oa charge sff book advorUeemeate the Btuerg wtU be based ea the actual Bombs f lines appearing In the paper rogardlass af tbe aarabev of words In each Una. Ia Nw Today all advortlaemonte are charged by mtunry only. 14 Uaee ! the taThe nbove rates apply te advertleomratu andor ".New Today" and all etfcc olasslfloa Uons excepting the folloalnsjl rltuaUooe anted. Made. hltnstlona Wnnted. Ketnale. If or Kent, Kooma, Prlvato FamUlre. Hoomo and Hoard. PHvate Families. lousekoeplag Kooma. Prliate KamlUes. Tbe rate on the above class Lftcslions Is T ewnls a line eatob Insertion, I11 eae box office address Is required. coast tuje & . ... v 1 - advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided e If -addressed eavalopea are In- cloeeo. , OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICB CITT HALL Main 5B8. A 1588L HVMANB OFFICER. BA8T4TT4 NEW TODAY. S.L.N.GILMAN AUCTIONEER Awctloa Sales of osjsehold Foraiture EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at salesroom. No. 128 8cond street, near Washington. Main 2478. Honae kod faraitare and merchandise at pri vate sale at all times at very low prices. N. B. Cash paid for furniture. Realty We have 100x185 feet. Tabor Heights, at a bargain, 9. lm Jt. G1LMAN, Auctioneer. . At Oilman's On sale at private sale BOO fine assort ed woolen and mixed blankets, also 200 specially line era rorawmni ai ciuo lnr Drlces one-third off regular prices. (tomorrow) Monday. Davie wvkuuivuvw 8, L N. GILMAV. DOrvwPUU- TUESDAY AND THURSDAY we shall eoadwrt a Orand Two Days' Asnloa Sale af some very choice pieces af faraitare, Blgelow, Wilton, Ax mlsstrr and velvet rates, ItU alxea. The list of furniture comprises In part Turkish easy rockers, leather couchea, davenports, sollil oak library tables, mission and other rockers, dining-room furniture In sjolden and early English finishes, carved chairs to match, up holstered parlor furniture, center ta bles, heater, several choice Iron beds, springs, mattresses, pillows, dressers and chiffoniers, ladles desks, linoleum, teel range, etc. The above le anly a partial list of the goods for tble two stays' anctlon. Von are Invited te In spect the farnltnre, rugs, etc., tomor row. Male to start at 10 o'clock, on Tneeday next at oar aalearoonsse 132 Parks Street. W. C Baker ot C. A. Croweil, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. NOW COME ON TO OUR AUCTION SALES At 211 First Street We are all ready and prepared for you careful buyers. We have more selling space and mora goods. We can how you lots of fine furniture, car pets, draperies, ranges, linoleum, rugs, eta We can furnish your home com plete and save you one-half all the time at private sale or auction. Come and Join the Money-Saving; t lnb. No matter what you wish to buy. If we can save and make money for other dealers, why not for you? WEDNESDAY and FRI DAY at 2 P. M. are our auction days, at til First sL Main 8S1. A 2445. FORD AUCTION CO. FRUIT F. Sixty acres in all; 12 acres of 10-year-old apple trees, 18 acre a good cultivated grain land, 10 acres of tim ber, balance open land; all deep, rich soil. Large 8-room new house, large barn; one mile from Falls City, Or. Spring and well water, two cows and all farming tools go with place. $4000, terms. Inquire 401 Wells-Fargo Bldg. Second St. CQflfin Lot 60x109 feet for apart tDaUUU mant-house. some Income now. streets hard surfaced, location be tween Morrison and Mill eta. Half cash. Clohessy 8c McGuire Bid Ablnsrton Bldg. Phones Mala 1Q88, A 1148. Exceptional Snap v and miiftt realize an m v . . u.l.kt. U-r i- - property aa mo i " ... w. " ? chance to make big profit, aa I will Full block between 10th and 11th ats.. West Side.: 14500 will handle It- No agents. Phono Main 2930 or AC 83, Oregonlan. KEW 1000 bans-aHw In Vernon, oa 28th st, sidewalks In and paid for, t-room and BleeptDS porcn. nrepiaoe; o eacnense i small raaea near olty. A 7e. Ore sob Ian, r6r mil AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill , REGULAR BALES DAYS. Konday, VVednesnay, Friday Each Dav at 10 A. M. Our salesrooms are full with the choicest selection of high-grade furni ture, etc- that we have had the pleas ure of offering to the public for some time, and we respectfully invite buyers to call and Inspect the same, compris ing decant solid brass bedsteads, full size and three-quarters (cost in the East $126), geaalae mahogany bedroom suites, Napoleoa beds, odd dressers in mahosrany and quartered oak, mahog aay wardrobes with plate glass panel doors, gents' wardrobes in golden oak and mahogany, costly dnvenporta one In golden oak, wax finish, with nix leather cushions, one In mahogany, up holstered In green verona: genuine leather couch with mahogany frame, costly rockers, library and parlor tables, hand-carved solid mahogany chairs, pedestals, statuary and brlc-a-brao, costly pictures, bookcases, choice collection or books, massive " dialog tables, buffers and china closets of the highest grade, dining chairs, serving tables, Wilton, Azmlnater and body Brussels ruga, good carpets, steel ranges, linoleum and other lots. Ooodu sold private sale at all times. MERCHANDISE -in onr ' Store. 171 Second adjoining Auction Room. Wa sell Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Shoes, Hats, eta, at Wholesale Cost. RESIDENCE SALE THURSDAY NEXT, 10 A. M." 395 E. 13 th Street, North corner Hancock street (take Broadway or Irvlngton car). Wo are Instructed by Mr. Barr, who Is leaving for Chi cago, to sell the furnishings, etc., of his residence, comprising three-piece par lor suite In mahogany frames and green plueh upholstering, mahogany rockers, desk chair, center tnblea, pedeatala, six window cushions, child's wicker chairs, vases and bric-a-brac and irons, fire guard mission dining suit, viz. buffet, extension table, set dining chains with leather seats, china closets with full mirror back, sewing table, mission clock, first-class Wlltou and Axmlnster rugs, three good brass bedstends, springs, hair and floss mattresses, oak dressers and chiffoniers, medicine cab inet, bedroom chairs and rockers, coetly fhreless cooker and other effects. Sals Thursday, next, at 10 A, M. J. T. WILSOX, Auctioneer. Cash paid for furniture, stocks of merchandise, eto. Call Main 1S2S, A 4143. Buy Business Property ftO T ton 100x100 corner on Fifth street, close In. Excel lent apartment site. ttffi fff 100x100 corner on 15th urtwiuuw r treet. Che&Dest Quarter diock in the warehouse district. v $225,000 100x100 corner on Sev enth street; stone's throw from Morrison street. Splendid loca tion for a first - class hotel. This quarter block Is worth $250, 000, and will bo ad vanced to that pries February 1. Walker & Reed did Railway Exchange Building. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY Corner 80x100, ' with tracks laid, close In on the WEST SIDE Price 127. BOO 17500 cash. Absolutely nothing better In Portland SAMX It-- NORTON, Room 3, Chamber of Commerco. A GOOD INVESTMENT 20 acres cleared and In cultivation. 10 acres In S-rear-old Spltzenburg and Newtown apples. Peach trees for fill ers will bear this year. New 6-room bungalow, barn, chicken house, two horses, wagon, runabout and farm lm elements. Fenced with woven wire; J "4 miles from Mosler, on The Dalles wagon roaa. .trice iiu.uuu, casn. BLOCH REALTY CO., 221 Lumbennena Hi elf. ACT AT ONCE. Now Is tbe time to buy a lot In ARDENWALD S400 to S60O EAST TERM 3. KNAPP at MACKET, X12-Z13 Board of Trade Bids;. Broadway St. fc fit? "." Du" an Idal modern home OOOUvl right on Broadway st-. an excellent location for a doc tor. Terms reasonable. M. E. THOMPSON CO. FOR SALE Electric Light Plant (Water Power) Paying good interest on Investment Postofflce box 207. Portland. Or. Clackamas St. each, two extra fine build- eAs 1UU ing 22d. lots on Clackamas, near Good terms. M. E. THOMPSON" CO. Corner 50x100 WEST SIDE BUSINESS. CAN BE HAD NOW FOR 810.000 LESS than anybody can get it for after March 1. If you know Portland's advantages, then you know that here Is SIO.OOO PROFIT AT ONCE. I 666, Oregonlan. LEASE Will consider ground lease or build on East First and E. Oak street to suit. Opposite new East Side freight depot. EDW. pT MALL 104 Second St. $200.00 UNDER ORIGINAL PRICE Until February 15. a beautiful lot in a handsome East Side addition. Com plete Improvements g-olngr in NOW. Highly restricted. Save $260.00 on your homeslte oontractors. Hero is your chance. P 673. Oregonlan. cciccinm Avp A HJUSUS'' sa w -ws , rnn fine lot, 60x100, east I PlOUU facing, future business lot, I M. E. THOMPSON CO, V ashington Street Corner, 50x100, near 6th St. $225,000 Fourth St. Near Yamhill, nearly quar ter block, corner; easy terms. $125,000 13th Street Near Main fine apartment site; faces east; 5-minutes' walking distance from Post office. $21,500 13th Street Corner, near Mill. Fine apartment site; rents $65; $4800 cash required. $14,800 Apartment House Nob Hill Situated in the most select part of Portland; modern and new; delightful sur roundings. Pays 12 per cent NET, $30,000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Six Fine Corners 40x140 with S stores and fine 6-room bungalow, all leased at $60 per month. rm Mount tscott car. "Price $6650. $3650 cash, balance to suit. corner south of Morri 50x65 100x100 100x106 100x135 100x100 son, dandy site for apartments. A snap, corner, grood house, ready for stores and flats, on Williams ave. Price $3750. corner. 9-room house. on South Third. A big- snap at $13,000. Alblna corner with four flats, three cottages. navlner 7V4 Der cent now, corner vacant and ready for stores: iiz&o casn, balance 5ft years, 6 per cent- corner with conorets block store building and flats. East Side, paying over 10 per cent. Price $16,000. cniTCCI A 71DOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th aid Oak. VERY CLOSE IN looxioo at a close price for quick sale. Have party ready to lease ground. Price, only $135,000 See owner at NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 270 Stark Street. CORBETT STREET HOME East frontage and overlooking almost the entire city, fine view or an moun tain ranges and peaks; good 8-room house, hot water heating system: more than full lots; iruit ana snruDDery. Can be bought, if taken this week, FOR 00O0. Room 330 Sherlock Bnlldlns;. Telephone Main 8319. APABTSIENT-HOrSE SITES. Bed-Rock Prices. Wa offer 100x100 in the Nob Hill district on Johnson street. In ths ssat of activities, at $'20,000: easy terms. 100x100 en corner of Tillamook and Flint streets, fine view of harbor and oloss to Timaiivi brieve. This contains handsome residence and la cheap st $12,000: $5000 cash. 00x100 corner cioss in on urana ave. Mod ern residence that will rent for $80 per month and room for flats or apartments; $7000 on very easy terms. THE VAN DERSAL COMPANT, 403 Corbet! Bldg. Marshall 170; A 1783. CORNER Four Blocks From Postoffice $25,000 will handle It. Is paying 10 per oent net on Investment. WOOD & SBACHREST, 820 Railway Exchange Thompson St. ttOOfSn dandy corner on Thompson, 9ae)OU a fine location for home. All improvements in ana paid for. M. E. THOMPSON CO. EAST BURNSIDE nnu.i anriAr. loOvloo. elsrht-room house: good apartment site, also fine residence on East Ash, beautlfull lot tcrinn with all kinds of shrubbery. This is an elegant home, only $S000, worth. $10,000. Iniujuuii iuvi ... - - . 13 Third St. "CORNER" ON CORNERS llth-street corner, with Hats, $10,000 12th-street corner, $13,000 12th-street corner, 8 per cent in come, $22,500 ISth-street corner, 100x100, $25,000 14th-street corner, near Morrison, $26,500 22d-stret corner, near Washing ton, $14,000 Everett-st. corner, 100-ft.. front - age, $25,000 6th-street corner, 100x100, $11,000 GOLDSCKMIDT'S AGENCY 253Va Washington, Corner Third. FOR SALE AT CASCADES OF COLUMBIA RIVER. 00 acres of . ohoice land in ezoellent location on the S. P. & 8. Ry.. 59 miles from Portland. Rail . way station on property. It Joins the famous Moffett Springs, now called Table Rock. It haa health-giving warm and cold mineral springs. A most excellent location for hotel and Summer cottages. Beautiful lakes containing trout and bass and suitable for rowing. 15,000,000 feet red fir, 75 per cent being saw timber and 25 per cent piling, accessible to railroad, worth $2 per M stumpage. Property can be subdivided. This Is a rare opportunity to acquire a m o u n t a in resort proposition, either for speculation or per manent investment. Price and favorable terms upon appli cation. Positively no phone information. R. H. BLOSSOM 816 Chamber of Commerce. CHARLES RIXGLEIt A COMPANY", S25.000 BUSINESS PROPERTY down town, 60x90. 2-story brick, leased for four years. Pays 9 per cent net; $16,000 oaah, balance long time. 811,000 APARTMENT SITE, 60x100 feet on Fourteenth street, FACTORY SITE. ? 4500100x185 feet with trackage, lose-In on East Side. Fine location for manufacturing plant. Easy terms. This will double in value. DOWN TOWN LEASE. 50 YEARS' LEASE can be had on choice quarter block, close In, on favorable terms. Only a few of these opportunities left. CHARLES RINGLER et COMPANY, 211 Lewis Bids;. TAYLOR'S SPECIAL BARGAINS Irvington Corner $1250; terms. F. E. TAYLOR & CO., 402-03-05 Lewis Building. Phones Marshall 892, A 4414. Fifth Street We have the following; corners, be tween Morrison and Jefferson, at the right price and very attractive terms, 60x 70 75x100 100x100 GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 604 Concord Building. SNAPS $ 3,000 $ 4,750 $11,000 $20,000 IN ACREAGE One acre Just west of the City Park, unparal leled view. Over three acres west of the cltv near new elec trio line. Fine for small chicken ranch. Over 4 acres ia southern part of the city. This is a splendid piece of land for very little money. 26 acres 7 miles east of the Courtho use, near Mount Hood electric line. WALKER et REED, 416 Railway Exchange Building. EAST SIDE 100x100, corner East 6th and Irving, SIO.OOO 100x100, corner East 9th and Alder, . MA n A T-l Hr - only J.UU ieet irom n,. jMomaon, S12.000 GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 504 Concord Building. " INVESTORS LOOK HERE! Fine 60x100 with about $2000 build ing material thrown In, on Union ave nue, between Burnside and Morrison streets, far only $12,000. Good terms. Dubois & Crockett Room X Washington Bids;. Apartment Site A fine anartment site' (100 X 100 ft.), the N. W. cor. of 10th and Harri son sts., with S houses, 6 minutes walk to P. O and Olds. Wortman & King- department store. This property has been placed In our hands to sell. The one who buys this property will make no mistake. For price and terms see J. L. WELLS CO 88 Caambu at Conuneret Blajc, Beaverton- Reedville Acreage See the development on this land in past two years. Only 40 minutes out on Fourth street line or Ore gon Electric. Good schools, stores and churches convenient. Graded roads along each tract. No rock, gravel or hill ' sides, but a deep, dark soil that is very fertile and ex cellent water in unlimited supply at 21 feet. Any sized tract you may desire at $125 to $300 per acre and with terms to suit. Call and arrange to see this property, without ex pense to you. The Shaw-Fear Company 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 3500. 1 nomes 70x100 on East 21st, near Thomp son. All improvements in. Modern 6 room house, hardwood floors, 2 fire places. Is $1000 below market price. 7500 60x100 on 26th and Northrup. Oooi view. East facing, 8-room moderfi house. . New. $13,000 ' jnUMASQHJEFFERY s3 IZ2 Chamber of Commerce. APARTMENT HOUSE SITE ELEVENTH STREET. 100x100, $30,000; $12,000 cash, bal ance term of years at 4, 6 and 7 per cent. Income on this property now $100 per month, which will pay to carry it until improved. Western Oregon Trust Co. 272 Stark Street. GRAND AVENUE Within one block of East Morrison St., a single Inside lot. This is the choice part of this rapidly Improving street. Price aad terms, tee A. H. Birrell Co. 202 McKay Bldg., 8d and Stark sts. Special $is,ooo Will buy a quarter block, finest lo cation for up-to-date apartments; has some improvement. It is close in on Grand avenue. Half cash will handle it. OTTO & HAKKSON REALTY 00, 133 First St. HERE IT IS! ROSE CITY PARK "We are Just completing two of the most-up-to-date and desirable houses in this beautiful addition, six and seven rooms each. Our prices are right for quick sale. They will cost you less than If you built for yourself. Do not con fuse them with houses ordinarily "built for sale." They are built with the best material and workmanship possible. Bee them at 46th and 47th near Sandy boulevard. You may have any little chang-e made at this time without cost. L R. BAILEY CO. Phone Marshall 646. MORTGAGE LOANS tiOwevt rate mn& terms to aoltt p- rlal rates and favorable terma a lares loans on bnsliirao properties. . Funds Lroaned for Prlvats Iavatrs A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKar Bids, Sd Dtark. Business Corner SOxlOO. West Side, close in. Do you want to make from 6000 to $20,000 quick? I'll show you. Owner. T- e4 Oregonian. i