TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy. PORTLAND. JANUARY 15. 1911. BRITISH PARTIES FOR STRIFE Final Battle Over Lords Is Near; Radicals Say Cripple Them. TORIES ARE BADLY DIVIDED While Coalition Closes Ranks. Thejr Wrangle 0er Kefrndun and Tariff .oiin Seek Surmtor to Balfour, bnt Fall. BT T. P. O'CONNOR.' (parlat. b'o 'he Chlraae Trnn. CopjnaSt. 1911. by the Tribune Company. I.OXDON. Jan. 14. Already all signs are pointing to tha moat momentous session of Parliament In many years. Moat ft the mlnlatera are already In London and the cabinet councils will come soon. The newspapers are. fight 1ns: the preliminary skirmishes and tha leaders of all parties will receive i cellent. though menacing, couniela from these organs. The Uberal Sllntsters already hare got notice that the Laborites and Radi cals will have no tinkering- with trie question of the reform of tha Housa of Lords, and that that question could not be taken out of the programme without splitting no the ranks of the coalition The Laborltea and Radicals ara dead against the proposal even of a purely elective House of Tears as calculated to increase the strength of that body. The whole conception Is that the House of Commons should be the supreme ir biter of all legislation and adminis tration. Liberals Hope Lords Will Fight. Tha members of tha Ministry ara rather handicapped by the unfortunate preamble of their veto bill, setting forth the necessity and Intention to re form tr.t House of Lords. Thla pream ble waa Inserted by Premier Asqulth rather than force tha resignation of Grey and Haldane. but. If persisted In. It may produce disastrous results. All sections of the coalition are so Intent on the common, supreme purpose of crippling the Lords by the veto bill that difficulty probably will surround the question. It atlll la debated hotly whether the Tories and Lords should adopt an Irreconcilable attitude and force on the Liberals tha creation of new peers. The Liberals now have coma to the conclusion that such an extreme tep would be welcome, as ending all of the prestige of tha Lords and enab ling the ministry with a majority In the House of Lords aa In tha House of Commons to push through home rule and the other reforms without tha long ielay of the contemplated veto bill. Tha Tories are divided on this aa on everything else. The hotheads still shriek for a fight to the bitter end. and for forcing the creation of new peers, relying on the imaginary unwilling ness of tha King to consent to such a violent measure. Their hopes ara false, ss the King certainly will follow the advice of tha Ministers and tha Minis ters will certainly create the peers without hesitation. If forced to do so. Tories In Bitter Iud. For the moment the internal bitter divisions of the Tories occupy more arare In the papers than the Intentions of the mi iila try. A. J. Balfour, feeling the strong break among his supporters, wrote a letter of explanation, but tha situation Is rather made worse. Balfour's letter waa Ingenious. It avoided all mention of a referendum for tariff reform, which la the real rock of Irreconcilable difference between, him and tha tariff reformers. On the other hand Its antiquated sophistry exposed him to the merciless cr It Idem of the Liberals, and at this moment his prei ' tlge Is lower than at almost any mo ment of tils career. The dispute over his leadership ranges the Tories organs In opposite ramps, and tliey are righting each oth er with bitterness. The Pally Tele grain and Times and Garvin In the Ob server all proclaim him the only pos sible leader, and contend that the pledge of a referendum must hold ground. The Morning Post emphatically denouncea the referendum. Balfour, in his own Inimitable man ner, calmly goea to play golf In tha Riviera, while the thunder storm Is rag ing around his head. Free Trade and Protection Row On. The dispute also spreads to two rival sections the free traders and the pro tectionists In the Unionist party. Tha protectionists maintain that the refer endum ruined the Unionists in the gen eral election and the free trade Union ists as emphatically declare that, the referendum won many otherwlae Impos sible fights. The recriminations weaken tha Unionists for the right, but Balfour stilt l regarded by Impartial observers as unassailable for want of any man who cm succeed htm. The Anal outcome probably will be a patched up truce on tariff reform, the silent dropping of the referendum ami Balfour's retention of the leadership. All of this will lead. I believe, to a final conference of the Unionists on tha Home Rule fight and will enable Bat four to satisfy his followers with his sham fight on the House of Lords. Redmond's course In the coming ses sion Is clear. All of the Nationalists are satisfied that everything should ba subordinated to home rule. Ten Injured In Wreck. SALT LAKK CITT. Jan. 14. Tha American Express, east-bound on tha Kn Pedro, Los Angeles at Salt Lake Railroad, struck a broken rail at Ther r.v. Utah, today. Ten persons were slightly Injured. The baggage car t imed over and the mail and tourist cars left the trark. Amonj the In jured were Mrs. Cordelia Stain, Den ver: Mrs. Charles Offer, Salt Lake: I. Burgner. Kansas City; J. Eastland. Kansas City: K- R. Field. Kansas City; F-. Fraaler. I-os Angeles: M. D. Beach. Los Angeles and 11. A. Gallach er. Loa Angeles. All except the three first named ara train employes. ARM NEW BATTLESHIP LAUNCHED AT CAMDEN EXCELS LN t BROADSIDE FIRE. t i V" v IMTED STATES WARSHIP IS AFLOAT Arkansas Launched: Miss Macon Breaking Bottle. ALL BATTLESHIPS OUTDONE Latest Addition to Xatjt Can Fire Greater Broadside Than Any Ship on Sea, Besides Rapid-FIre Guns and Torpedo Tubes. PHfUtDEUHTA. Jan. U. SDlashed with tha traditional bottle of champagne, the battleship Arkansas, the largest warahlo ever constructed in this coun try, was launched this ' afternoon from the yards of the New fork Shipbuilding Company at Camden. N. J. Miss Mary XBwin itinrhlar of RnrMntltlv Ul con. of Helena. Ark., was the sponsor. There was one unusual leaiure. me ...... A an nffjnlal dill a f i i in T.niTIPIlt- n (k. .1. t. inrarnmmil of jtrktDMI. rt, f.lh.M t flmrprnAr Dilll U 17 he V or other official representatives to attend was due to a controversy netween me Governor and the Navy Department over ih rim of tha taunrhini. the Governor wanting-to have the affair postponed so the state could mane aaequaie inwjo menta to send an official party. State Well Represented. There was. however, quite a large dele gation of Arkansans present. It Included Renresentntiva and Mrs. Macon and other members of the Amansaa Con gressional delegation. The Navy De partment waa ottlciany representee djt ileekman Wlnthrop. Assistant Secretary. nd a long line of Kear-Adm:rais anu other officers. There waa doubt in the minds of some of the spectators as to the contents of the berlbboned bottle Jllss iiacon neio. Soma people in Arkansas urged her to uae water from her native state, but she said she would use whatever tha ship building company gave her. When the workmen had ceased ham mering and sawing away the keel blocks and the great nun quivereu anu lowly began to move. Miss aiacon crashed the bottle against the receding prow and exclaimed: "I christen inee Araansas. Following the launching the officials the company entertained the guests . a luncheon In one of the big build- ngs of the plant. Ship Has Greatest Gun-Power. The dlmenalons of tha latest and largest addition to the navy are: Length over all 662 feet: beam over rmor. J feet. S 6-8 Inches: draft, Jg feet. ( inches; displacement. 28.000 tons. Th contract for the ship calls for a speed of 20 1-2 knots an hour. When completed, the Arkansas will ave the greatest broadside gun power f any ship afloat. Tha main arma ment will consist of twelve 11-inch uns. mounted in heavy armor pro tected turrets. For defense against torpedo boat attacks, there will Da a attery of 21 6-Inch rapid fire guns. There also will be two submerged tor pedo tubes and 10 small guns. The RIVAL DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR SENATOR FROM NEW YORK. Li? .in. ir ,..,.., W. F. Skeeaaa. of Baffala. i n ail mjmmjmmm riH . -ml It Sk SHIP ARKANSAS. total weight of broadside fire will be about 11.000 pounds. The Arkansas will, be turbine-driven and will have IS, 000 horsepower. The vessel' will bo fitted for a flag-ship and her complement will consist of Si offl cers and 1,030 men. The keel of the Arkansas was laid last January and at present the vessel is about 60 per cent. complete. TOBACCO-GROWERS VOTING Hurley Districts Almost I'nanlmons Against Raising: Crop. LEXINGTON. Ky., Jan. 14. Mass meet ings are being held today In 40 counties of Kentucky In which white burley to bacco Is produced to vote on the ques tion as to whether the 1011 crop shall bo eliminated, as provided for In reeolu tions adopted by the Hurley Tobacco Union at the time of its organization here last week. It is expected that the vote will be practically unanimous for the abandon ment of this year's crcp. A mild sensation was canned among tobacco-growers here, when It became known that the Burley Tobacco Society, which has controlled the cron for the last three years; has joined the Burley Tobacco 1'nion In Its effort to have no crop raised this year. It was thought that the old society would oppose the plans of the newer organisation. GIRL SAYS NO 21 TIMES Insistent Suitor Makes Ills Last Proposal In Court. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. General Rlondi Is waiting In Jail here for an oppor tunity to make his 22d proposal of mar riage to Nunzlata Cesarana. lie made his 21st proposal yesterday and did it in open court. It waa tho only question Rlondi asked after listening to the girl's recital of the 20th proposal. She said Rlondi at tempted' to cut her throat when she re fused. The magistrate Informed the prisoner that he might ask any question of the witness he pleased. ' "I want to ask her to be my wife," said Rlondi hopefully. The girl shook her head. Rlondi was held In $2000 ball for trial on a charge of attempted murder. . Alleged Gold Thieves Plead. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 14. Separate pleas of not guilty were entered In the Superior Court today by K. L. Smith, alias Orvllle Cevennes, Margaret Henry, alias Margaret Smith, the two Wood son brothers, accused of complicity in the Alaska gold bullion robbery, be lieved to have been committed on the steamer Humboldt. The cases will be set for trial on next Saturday. llah Plans Fair F.xhiblt. SALT LAKE CITT, Jan. 14.-A bill was Introduced In the lower house of the State Legislature today providing for an appropriation of K.Do.GGO for a state ex hibit at the Panama Exposition to be held In Sen Francisco In 1915. The bill also provides for a commission of seven members with the Governor of Utah as chairman. A similar bill will be intro duced in the Senate Monday. Aufrnst Van Loo Burled. FOREST GROVE, Or., Jan. 14. (Spe cial.) The funeral of August Van Loo, for many yeara a prominent member of the Verboort community, north of Forest Grove, was held today from his late home. He was 53 years of age and leaves a wife and several children. err I .. : -. vt v-r vi r v4vV l 4-1 Copyright by Geo. G. Bain. Ed war M. Skevard. f Braoklya. BOMB FIHED INTO S Cram, Murphy's Best Friend. Declares. He Would Rep resent Interests. -. MURPHY AFRAID OF RIVAL Declaration of Tammany Boss's Confidant Means Sheehan May Be Dropped as Likely to As sume Sta.te Leadership. NEW YORK, Jan.. 14 (Special.) Politicians were astonished today by an Interview credited to J. Sergeant Cram, social member and nearest friend of Charles F. Murphy, leader of Tam many Hall. "If Sheehan Is elected United States Senator. I will quit politics," Cram Is reported as saying. "The Interests have'one Senator now and should not have two. Tha people are up In arms and will resent the election of another representative of the interests." He went on to praise Edward M. Shep- ard, of Brooklyn, tho candidate for whom Murphy reported no', sentiment in the "organization." Importance Is attached to the inter view because It is believed Cram spoke with thg full authority and consent of Murphy. Cram himself -is declared a completely negligible quantity in poli tics. Although he was made chairman of the general committee of Tammany Hall by Murphy, this position Is not one of great weight- In Tammany circles.' Cram's place -In Tammany politics is merely that of best friend to Murphy. He is supposed to have aided In grind ing the rough edges off the Tammany boss and Instructed him in oertain so cial mysteries. , .Murphy to Drop Sheehan. A statement from Cram alone would not attract a second's Interest n Tam many, but, if Cram speaks with the voice of Murphy as Tammany followers believe, the meaning attached to the Interview is that Murphy has decided to drop Sheehan. He has found it Im practicable to force through his elec tion. "If Cram speaks for Murphy in 'this atter, It seems they have the rollers under Sheehan." declared ; a prominent member of Tammany Halh "In that event. Murphy will likely favor the election of Justice James Gerard as United States Senator. Justice Gerard would not meet with the sort of oppo sition that Murphy' has found- lined up against Sheehan." - s Boss Fears for Supremacy It Is pointed out that Sheehan .is re garded as the mojt astute politician in the atate. Murphy's friends have warned him of the danger to his own Interests In permlUIng the election of as clever manipulator as Sheehan. In a little time, they have declared, Sheehan. given the nomination,' would ba boss of the New York state Democracy organization; al though recently be won the practical leadership of the state organization when he compelled the retirement of "Flngey" Conner as chairman of the state Com mittee. The situation Is complicated, however. by the statement made by Governor Dix on his arrival In the city today that the name of J. Sergeant Cram would be pre sented to tha Democrats as a candidate for Senator and by the admission of Cram that he would like to be a can didate. Senator John Godfrey 9axe and As semblyman Harold J. Friedman, both members of the Tammany organization. declared today that they would not vote for Mr. Sheehan for Senator and would work and vote for Mr. Shepard. . Support Flocks to Cram. " One Tammany Senator and one Tam many Assemblyman came out In the open against Sheeban. A third man. Stats Senator Burt, of Erie, Sheehan's home county, sent out word that he might re fuse to enter a party caucus If he had reason to believe Its determinations were cut and dried in advance. 1 Tonight Cram, after watching the efr feet of his statement, began to speculate on how many votes the opposition needed to defeat Sheehan. He put the count at 14 Democratic votes. In quirk response to his declaration. Cram said tonight he had received more than GO telegrams and loiters from lead- ng Democrats pledging support in the fight for what he termed the "people's candidate." .- - . WILSON- FOR POPULAR , CHOICE Issue Between Government for Public and Private Interests. -" NEWARK. N. J., Jan. 14. Goverrfor- elect Woodrow Wilson tonight deliv ered his second speech in support of the candidacy of James E. Martins, who was nominated at the last pri mary election as - tha Democratic can didate for .United States Senator and. In opposition to the aspirations of ex- Senator James Smith, Jr., who is seek ing the toga. Mr.. Wilson said in part: The issue Is perfectly plain. It Is between two systems of government. Under the.-one, party managers pri vately arrange both elections to of fl ce and the course or legislation. Un der the other, the system we are try ing to restore, everything Is done In public snd through the action ot the people themselves. The present controversy w-lth regard to the Senatorshlp began ss a contro versy with regard . to the significance and binding authority of the- vote of preference ca stt at the September pri- Surgical Operations Tbey Failed to Core Palatal I leers. II. E. Boardman, Yonkers, N. Y.; wrltes: . ; ' ., . "I suffered from severe pnlns in my eyes, caused by ulcers.- afid doctored a great deal and underwent three opera tions, but failed to get permanent re lief . till I tried Hood's Sarsap&rilla. I can not too highly praise thla remedy. I recommend it heartily to all who are troubled with impure blood." . .'- Hood's Sarsaparllla .effects Its won derful cures, not only because It con tains sarsaparllla; but because It com. blnea the - utmost remedial values of more than twenty' different ingredi ents. There is do real substitute for It. If urged to buy any preparation said to be "Just as good" you jnay be sure it Is inferior, costs less to make, and ylejds the dealer a larger profit. ; Get Hood's Sarsaparllla today In liquid or tablets called Sarsataba. SHEEHi maries. At them, 70.000 Democrat spoke their preference. "I am not presumin to suggest man for Senator. I am supporting th popular choice, and the popular choice has fallen upon a genuine man ot th people.' v PARKER ' CHAMPION'S SHEEHAX Candidate's Partner Says Impossible for Him to Servo. ''Interests." ESOLUS. N. Y., Jan. 14. Word of J. Sergeant Cram's attack In New York today on William F. Sheehan as a rep resentatlve of the "Interests" drew an Immediate reply tonight from Judge Al ton B. Parker.' Mr. Sheehan's law part ner. Judge Parker sold over his elgna ture: "My attention has been cnlled to the V. . 1 . TT'1 1 n civ.aI.9 W put forward as candidate for the United States Senatorshlp by the Interests. There have been many statements, both unkind and untruthful, made concerning him in his brief campaign, but the charge In effect that he would. In the Senate of the united States, serve not the people, but the beneficiaries of -prlvl. lege, is so Impossible with a man of his ideals and character, so contrary to his highest hopes and aspirations, that I can not let it pasa "I know whereof 1 speak. In the last few years we have much discussed the conditions which now confront us as a p?op!e. And I know that when Mr. Sheehan at last decided to be a candi date (which was several days after the election), he saw stralgiit before him, in the event of election, the hour when, as the outcome of movements advocated and perhaps originated with him, he would see the burdens lessened of which now the people complain, and would hear the pub lic acclaim, 'Well done. . "That was and is his dream." MOXTAXA DEADLOCK UNBROKEN First Week Sees No Change in Sena tori a 1 Situation. HELENA. - Mont.. Jan. 14. The first week of the' Senatorial deadlock ended today with' a general distribution of com plimentary votes; and an election as re mote as it was the day before the first ballot was taken. In all 18 men were voted for the Senatorshlp today, the vote being: T. J. Walsh (Dem.), 20: T. H. Carter (Rep.) 28: W. C. Conrad (Dem.). 12: Secretary of State A. N. Yoder (Rep.), 8; Lieutenant- Governor W. R. Allen (Rep.). 6: R. S. Ford (Dem.), 3: T. M. Swindleburst (Dem.), United Statea Judge Carl Rasch, District Attorney J. W. Freeman, Repre sentative C. N. Pray. H. B. Drum, w II- Ham Lindsay, all Republicans, and State Cockrell. Sate Senator Whiteside. Repre sentative Li. W. Urd ana rcepreseniaiive John Hayes, all Democrats, one each. Necessary to a choice 51. ELECTION MAT BE BLOCKED Colorado Democrats Want Progressive Iiaws Before Senator. DENVER, lan. 14. The Post today says: Democratic Legislators with progres sive ideas are prganlztng a flying wedge for the purpose of blocking tne election of a United States Senator to succeed the late Charles J. Hughes un til certain platform pledges of the party have been enacted Into law recall. headless ballot, guaranty ot bank de posits, public service, registration, anti- pass and rate-making bills. "Sixteen members of the Democratic majority holding out can turn the trick, and U is claimed that more than hair the number required nave oeen mustered, says the Post. FLAGSHIP GOES HOME California Will Be Placed Under Command of Thomas. SANTA BARBARA. Cal., Jan. 14. The flagship California, of the Pacific fleet. left here at 9 o'clock tonight, about 400 "men short of Its usual complement. This was due t the fact that the sailing or ders came suddenly and were entirely un expected and the men were on 48-hfur leave. The ship was ordered to proceed to San Francisco, where command is to be transferred from Admiral Barry, who was placed on the retired list today. Rear-Admiral Chauncey M. Thomas, of the second division, is now In command of the fleet. ' Washday Made Easy A UNIVERSAL GEARLESS Wa ter Motor Washer would be In the home of every family if they knew how valuable they are. How they do all tha hard part. How clean they wash the clothes. How much longer the clothes last when washed with a UNI VERSAL tEARLKSS. They run perfectly on low or high pressure water. The best Virginia White -Cedar Tub. and Water Motor Washer that money can buv. Fully Guaranteed. Let a I'M'VERSAI, UKARLESS do your KBIT WASHING. Sold tor cash or easy payment. UNIVERSAL SUPPLY CO. - SOB MORRISOX ST. I'hone Marshall 7K5. A Physician's Report on Tuberculosis Medicine "Hats used Eckman'i Alternative in sev eral cases of tubercular glands of the 'neck, with excellent results every time. In one case It cost me $50, for the girl was put on It. only until she oould arrange to be oper ated, and In a short time an operation waa not needed. I suppose your records are Just aji fine as of old. Tou know my fulth In it." Eckman's Alternative is effective in other forms. Read what Mrs. Garvin says: " lei ma. Montana. ' Gentlemen: "I have rained twenty-two pounds since lam February and my baby Is in perfect health. She is now four months old. I have been waiting since she was born 'to ee how I would get along. I am now doing all my work, have b?en ever since she was four weks old. and I am steadily gain ing. 1 do not cough or raise anythlngat all. I believe my lung trouble cured." i Signed Affidavit) Mrs. M. H. Uarvln. , Note Airs. Garvin Is the mother of seven children. Eckman's Alternative cures Bronchitis, Asthma. Hay fever. Throat and Lung Af fotlona. For sale by The Owl Drug Co. and other leading druggists. Ask for booklet of cured ca&ee and write to Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia. Fa., for additional evidence. ABSOLUTELY FREE AN ENGLISH RAINCOAT MAXWELL, THE TAILOR, commences the year with a sen sational offer also all Made-to-Order Suits and Over coats at greatly reduced prices. READ CAREFULLY: I When I was In England last Summer purchasing my woolens I was also able to secure several hundred choice Eng lish Silk Raincoats. At the outset I was able to get them at a reduced f'g ure, but when they found the shipment did not reach me until the 29th of De cember still further price concessions were made me In order tor me to ac cept the coats. Here Is what I will do during this sale for one week; I will give abso lutely free one of these English Silk Raincoats with, every Suit or Overcoat made to order. Tou can select a coat DEATH IS BAFFLING Ferryboat Tragedy Continues to Mystify Experts. WIDOW DENIES SUICIDE Mrs. Norton Declares Husband Was Victim of Assassin Who Had Mis taken Him for Another Man. Affairs in Good Shape. OAKLAND. Cal.. Jan. 1. Dr. Harry Eaatmiller. the noted explosive expert, who examined the body of Norbom and the ferryboat Berkeley this morn ing at the request of the Southern Pa cific authorities, says that a high ex plosive caused the tragedy. By high explosive, ne expiainea, ne meant a high grade of dynamite, fulmi nate of mercury or nitroglycerine. His theory Is that Norbom had the ex plosive in his overcoat pocket and ex against the side of the waiting-room. Mrs. Norbom. widow or the dead man. Nothing Cheap But the Price ABOUT THE JEWELRY WE'RE SACRIFICING When we first announced our removal sale prior to taking possession of our beautiful large store In the Yeon building, we hardly expected such a hum in business so soon after the holiday rush. But every day scores of old customers, bringing new ones with them, attend the sale to pick out some long-desired Jewelry, table sliver, or to Invest that nest egg In diamonds where It will grow In value. We're not offering a depleted stork, but high-class goods smartly - designed JEWELRY, GUARANTEED TIMEKEEPERS. CUT GLASS. LODGE EMBLEMS, TRO PHIES and STERLING conceits to beautify DESK, DRESSING or dining tables. We're glad we have never had fake sales, derailed shipments or been overstocked by misguided buyers or other calamities that require ouch voluminous advertising space to bring before the public. When we announced a real removal sale for the purpose of enlarging our busi ness we've been taken at our word. For the new customers who have not grown apace with us we again say, our commercial honor is back of every below-cost tag In thla store. & Instantaneous Hollow f for yourseff. your wife or any member of the family. With one big shipment of Woolens direct from Huddersfleld. England, that went astray and was sent to Portland, Maine, now on hand, and a second ship ment of Spring and Summer Cloths ar riving unusually early, I am obliged to adopt some such plan of diminishing my line of Fall and Winter Woolens. Much of this cloth is in staple colors and of such weight that It will do finely for a Spring and Summer suit. Grays and Blues predominate. I anticipated a mild Winter, so I bought only such materials as could be worn the whole year round. .42.50 Suits or Overcoats now $27.50. $45.00 Suits or Overcoats now $30.00 Special reductions on Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits. I do not have to brag on my reputa tion for making clothes. The years I have been in business in Portland and the thousands of suits that I have made is enough to testify to my integrity in doing business. Bear in mind that my store is one of the largest tailoring establishments In Portland and carries the largest stock of Imported woolens in the city. All garments are cut by me personally, and every detail Is care fully watched and all our goods are made on the premises under my per sonal supervision. MAXWELL THE TAILOR, Importer of Foreign Woolens. 246 Washington St.. Bet. Second and Third. Opposite Merchants National Bank. is prostrated, but Insists that her hus band was the victim or an assassin who had mistaken him for some one else. She bases this theory on the fact that three vears ago, while in Europe, he was constantly shadowed and that only a few days ago he told her he had a presentiment that he was being hunted down in mistake for another man. The family Indignantly denies the story that ho committed suicide and says that the rumor of his carrying a suitcase containing explosives is in correct, as he always had a horror of powder and explosives. Hoffschnelder, on of the injured men, is a lithographer and resides at 78 Seventy-ninth avenue. Elmhurst. So far as the police investigation has progressed, nothing haB been discover ed to Indicate that Norbom had any reason to commit suicide. His finan cial affairs are In good shape and his home life was perfect. NORBOM GOT RICH IX MIXING Returned From Norway Recently. Used to Handling Explosives. SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. 14. (Special.) John O. Norbom's brother is Dr. C. Norbom. of Seattle. He said tonight: "My brother made a fortune in mines of America and South Africa, then went to his home In Norway for three years, but felt the lure of active Western life and came to Seattle with his family 16 months ago. After remaining here a month he returned to California. "He was used to handling high explo sives." Singapore Is now free from plag-ue and smallpox Is decreasing owing to health office activity. - PRESENT ADDRESS ea as- . y-m zob Morrison Street WIRE LAMPS From 10 to 1000 candle-power, always ready for use, by pulling the chain. ADAPTED TO ANY HOLLOW. WIRE SYSTEM. A plant for lighting your home or business house consists of a reservoir or storage tank three quarters full of ordinary gasoline, the remaining space being for air pressure, which s put in by means of an air pump. By the agency of that pressure the gasoline is forced from the tank (wnen the valve is opened) through a small brass tube to the lamps. Any number of lamps can be used on a system. Special prices to Country Mert?nants. Write for catalogue. H.W. Manning LSS. Co. 22.8 Washington St., Portland Or. When Kung Up Before You the skirt, waist or coat, or any othej garment that we have Cleaned and Pressed for you will remind you of a brand new article. We give it a freeh ness and benuty that it used to possess when you first bought it. We give it shapeliness and lustre, and all at a very slight cost. We call for and deliver orders at your home without extra charge. THE VIENNA STEAM CLEAN.NG AND DYEING WORKS Mall Orders Receive Prompt Attention, Phone Main 145(1, A 3r0. 224-226 THIRD ST, PORTLAND. OR