CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTINQ AND MARKET REPORTS SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 16 rOKTLAM).' )Ri:(.(i.N. SUNDAY 3IORXIXG. JANUARY 15, 1911. NO. VOL. XXX. OLD-FASHIONED CLEARANCE SALES Throughout Store CHENEY'S FOULARD SILKS FOR SPRING 1911 " . NOW ON VIEW AND SALE SILK AISLE 3f nti'mate abbcrtising We believe there are enough people interested in GOOD, RELIABLE THINGS that a store has to sell to form a clientele large enough for any one store to attract. No store can control conservative trade and at the same time appeal to that element of shoppers who revel in sensational announcements and continual sacrifice sales. What's the use of just being SMART? What ultimate benefit can result'from PUTTING ONE OVER ON THE PUBLIC: SLIPPING IN A BIG SALE THROUGH INTERPOLATING FALSE VALUES? BEWARE THE WORD "VALUE" it is a sharp, double edged tool often used in the hands of SMART, CRAFTY firms to hoodwink and fool the public A store's principles, methods, ideals and ambitions are re vealed in its daily talks to its customers and the public They are to a degree social chats that draw the firm and patron to closer and better terms. ; Why use big, bold, heavy, massive type? Why yell at your readers? Why not talk to them quietly, naturally, humanly? Why not just be ourselves? We are always OURSELVES among our friends; WHY NOT IN OUR ADVERTISING? flxtraorbtnarp bargains in linen. Table linens, table cloths, table napkins. The product of the best linen looms in the world, at prices, quality considered, at the lowest level. ' 1.25 72-in. wide Irish Satin Damask full bleached, extra weight, yard $1.05: .75c 66 inches wide Irish Damask, yard 63c Clearance of Odd Bordered Cloths $3.25 2V by 2 yds. Irish Linen Cloths $2.50 $5 21 by 2 yds. Irish Linen Cloths $3.49 $6 3 by 2 yards German Linen Cloths $3.95 $5 3 by 2 yards Scotch Linen Cloths $3.75 $4 21 by 2 yards German Linen Cloths scalloped edge each $2.95. Linen Napkins Clearance $3. 75 24 inch Irish Linen Napkins $2j95dozi $3.50 22 in. German Linen Napkins $2.69 doz. $5.00 25 in. Scotch Linen Napkins $4.19 doz. $ 1 .25 72 in. bleached linen table damask, extra Q 6 heavy wt. in a large variety of patterns, per yard $2.50 68 inch bleached linen .pattern table cloths. Border on four sides. Absolutely pure linen."" f 1 Q C ( . Large assortment and patterns . . . . P $3.00 64x88 inch bleached linen pattern I0 AQ tablecloths. Same as the above . . . .P"yJ $1.25 dozen 20x20 inch bleached mercerized damask napkins. Exceptional wearing qualities. A large QO assortment of neat patterns , U C 1 7x32 inch towels, bleached linen huck. Your choice of solid white or red stripe, border hemmed 1 0 1 ends. Firmly made . 2C 20x40 inch bleached linen huck towels. Fancy O 1 stripe border. All -white, Extra heavy and firm ' C 40x22 inch bleached Turkish bath towels. Made of two-ply cotton yarn. Have heavy "hap, hem- J O med ends 18 inch crash toweling, all linen bleached crash. Spe- Substantially cially adapted for roller towels, woven and have red border c. "j T - i. -J t.. i....'Tf ...... 4- 7TTIJ15 ijm sale lumuiiuui uuu ituuuuv be a great opportunity at $1.00 Millinery buyers and trimmers leave shortly for New Ycrk. Sleek taking is rapidly approach nj. The easiest way to lake stock is to have NO STOCK. So we have de cidea to offer about 350 hats, normally selling fiom $3.00 to $6 CO each, at one price, ONE DOLLAR There "are satin and tell shapes, trimmed with scarfs of silk, leather pompons, braided bands, in styles that ate coriect The Clearance price mat sound mislead. ng, but when you see the hats and exemme them, both in qual.ty and style, yu will teal zz INSTANTLY that it is a sale out of the common. A Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Sale, and you knew what that means. CHENEY'S FOULARD SILKS FOR SPRING 191 1 NOW ON VIEW AND SALE SILK AISLE TflTLWjite" buyers tfjrong tlje Store VMS Jnbermusltn bargains magnet The white sale grows more popular each day. Generally in such events there are more sales the first day, a few less the second day, still a few less the third day and so on. This year the Lipman, Wolfe & Co. sale served more people the second week than the first. Tomorrow we open the third week of our sale 'with a stock as fresh as when it started, sizes intact and 'styles in abun dance. We might fill this entire page with items at special reductions and yet not exhaust the list. To properly 'appreciate this sale you should shop around, first, in all the other stores, examine their offerings, then come to our store. We will be glad to show you what we consider the best bargains in the city. We are satisfied to sell them to you on a comparative basis. In this store you will find no sweat shop undermuslins. All our underwear is made amid sanitary surroundings and in well ventilated, clean, factories. Stroll through the Department. Here are a few convincing specials you will find: On a table piled high- with white snowy gowns you find a sign "SAMPLE GOWNS, HALF PRICE." The sale price ranges from 38c upwards. On another table a sign bears these words: "$3.00 COM BINATION CORSET COVER AND DRAWERS, CLEAR ANCE, $1.59." Another table holds a sign, "75c CORSET COVERS, CLEARANCE, 59c." In the French Underwear section you see-displayed $3.50 FRENCH COMBINATION CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS, CLEARANCE, $2.98. Close by French "$1.00 and $1.50 CHEMISE, CLEAR ANCE, 98c." i-In another aisle a big display of $1.25 GOWNS, CLEAR ANCE, 95c. Near by another sign "75c DRAWERS, CLEARANCE, 59c" . So on all through the department you find worthy, reliable, authentic clearances. rfrtfligfjtp inbisputable bargains our 2flVl appeal to fjousefurm'sjjers Lowest Level Prices on Blankets Superior quality and finish, full weight and size. Come with attractive fancy borders of pink or blue. Also all white, gray, tan, scarlet and plaid blankets. Regular $ 4.50 Wool Blankets, Clearance $ 2.98 Regular $ 6.50 Wool Blanket, Clearance $ 4 75. Regu'ar $ 7 0 Wool Blankets, Clearance $ 5.65 Regular $ 8.50 Wool Blankets, Clearance $ 6.25 Regular$ 10.00 Wool B ankets, Clearance $ 7.35 Regular $12.50 Wool Blankets, Clearance $ 8.45 Regular $15.00 Wool Blankets, Clearance $10.95 Heavy Cotton Fleeced B'ankets In white, gray or tan, with pretty fancy borders. Regular 75c 10-4 Cotton Fleeced, Clearance 59 Regular $1.00 10-4 Cotton Fleeced, Clearance 79 Regular $1.50 10-4 Cotton Fleeced, Clearance $1.19 75c for $1 Fancy Art Blankets Teddy Bear style, Little Bo Peep style, Santa Claus style in pink or blue grounds, 36 by 54 inch size. Lo west Level Prices on Beds The country is overrun with brass and enameled beds, until this heading means but little when prices are quoted for QUALITY. Many stores selling these on the instalment plan, illustrate highly ornamental and fancy beds in both styles. In this store you'll find only the simplest, plainest Colonial styles, stripped of every vestige of gaudy showiness. It is an accepted fact that people of better taste are furnish- ' ing their homes, using simplicity as their theme. These brass and enameled beds that we offer fulfill this requirement. The QUALITY we guarantee, also THE LOWEST OF THE PRICES. $ 4 00 Enameled Beds $ 2.75 $ 6.50 Fnameled Beds $ 3.95 $ 7.50 Enameled Bids $ 4.25 8 8.50 Enameled Beds $ 4 95 $10 00 Ename'ed Beds $ 5.75 $12.50 Enameled Beds $ 8 25 $15.00 Enameled Beds $ 9.75 $22.50 Enameled Beds $13.95 $20 Brass Beds $11.45 $30 B ass Beds $16 85 $40 Brass Beds $23 45 $45 Brass Beds $25.85 $50 Brass Beds $27.85 $60 Brass.Beds $34.85 $65 Brass Beds $36.45 $75 Brass Beds $42.45 Lowest Level Prices on Mattresses Sanitary mattresses and bur guarantee back of every mat tress. All mattresses can be had in fancy art or A. C. A. ticking. Regular $6 50 Cotton Combination Matresses $ 3.89 . Regular $10.00 401 o. Wool Mittresses now $ 7.39 Regular $12 50 301b. Silk Floss Mattresses $ 9.45 Regular $16 50 351b. Silk Floss Mattresses $11.65 Reg. $25 351b. Siiver Gray Hair Mattresses $16.45 98c for $1.50 Mattress Pads Mattress pads filled with good quality of cotton and covered with excellent quality of cheese cloth. 72 by 72 inch size. Will make your bed soft and comfortable. "Let Go" Day in Clearance of Fine Suits You have our assurance that not a suit sold lor less than $25 and many lor $35 ana even more. All new Fall styles ""V learance iHonbap $15.00 While 'we admit that the majority of these suits are sold at a great deal less than cost, WE QUESTION IF IT REALLY IS A LOSS. We know that every woman . securing one of these suits will remember the sale and the long service and wear of the suit bought AT THIS SALE. It is another customer made f That in itsel is a profit There is no better advertisement for a store than a satisfied customer. In this sale on Monday we offer 150 man-tailored suits of cloth and velvet. In black, navy, brown, gray and fancy mixed materials. The jackets are made in the most approved 27 and 28 inch lengths and all lined with finest quality Skinner's Satin. Single-breasted, with semi-fitting back. The skirts are made in all the new and most desirable flare and pleated shapes. pring tailored toatsts unberpriceb at $1.68 New tailored waists of extra quality silk striped madras in white grounds with black, blue or heliotrope stripes. This waist is made with one wide box plait" down the center and two graduating plaits on each side. New . tailored style of sleeves, with soft cuffs and crushed stock collar. ' New Fur Sets Tomorrow at Half Price The remainder of our fur sets and scarfs selling regularly to $20.00 each are offered tomorrow at HALF PRICE. The assortment comprises Isabelle opossum sels, scarfs and shawls; black hare sets and shawl; black lynx sets. Marmot sets. Also separate muffs and neckpieces. 0-. ' '.life fjm '; lis wWwm ' If: m mm learanee gales Room-Size Rugs Drapery Materials IV. B. Corsets C.B. Corsets Nadia Corsets Art Needlework Pyrography Metalography Children's Coats Children's Dresses All Millinery Women's Sweaters Misses' Sweaters . Girls' Sweaters Men's Sweaters Boys' Sweaters Wool Underwear Wool Hosiery Knitted Slippers Umbrellas Jewelry Rich Cut Glass Silv-r Toilet Ware Women's Neckwe'r Embroideries Laces and Ribbons All Dress Goods Dress Silks Hair Goods Combs, Switches Qfn offering in f rameb pictured tofjtdj toill 1 make tfje art lober rejoiceon!j 95c Etchings, 19 by 30 inches. A large picture suitable for living rooms, dining-rooms, den or hall. Framed in rich two-inch hard wood frames, with a deep two-inch rich brown mat. The subjects include both marines and landscapes in an immense assortment. In specialty shops these pictures would readily bring from $2.50 to $3.50 each. In our Clearance Sale they are marked regardless of cost. g clearance of toeMnoton corsets $i.00 and $3.50 Corsets, Clearance at $1.39 Made of batiste and coutil, with low, medium and high bust, and short, medium long and extreme length hips and back. Two or three pairs of hose supporters attached. $4.00 to $8.50 Corsets, Clearance at $2.98 La Vida, Smart Set, Nemo and C. B. a la Spirite corsets in odd and broken lines. Made of plain and fancy materials, with low, medium and high bust and long hips and back. With two or three pairs of hose supporters attached. $1.75 Nadia Corsets, Clearance at 9 8c Nadia corsets, made of good quality batiste and coutil, with lace trimmings and two pairs of hose supporters attached. With low or medium bust and long hips and back. 1 oob toarm Wiinttv golf globes for toomen anb mii Women's fine quality woo' en Go f Gloves in all sizes. Tightly woven, regular storm set vice G.oves, in black and colors. AH -Cleaiance . . . . T C A fine lot of Gloves for Children. The kind that keeps the hands warm and con't easily rip end uear out. Strong Glove?, made in b.ack, brown and gr y, m plain and lancu i fleets, oc Immense aisorlment to make selections irom Clearance - ( VICTOR TALKING 50c Down, 50c a MACHINES Week J