The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 01, 1911, Image 1

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; 76 Pages (WiVWVVM JSS' XJJrvv
- . --TT . tt: " price five cents.
VOL.. A.V.x w. - . .
" I
prr 5V nnnn Hill
an Ji
.Year 190 Remarkable
for rhievements.
Deccmfcv Crowns Whole With
NevMonthly Record.
ins, Exports and rtealty
tiding riace tuj
of Ul Municipal
proveinrnU t asl.
isiatnnrt CRRAT UEVELOP-
I n1 ' development
was h.-i la IJ'O. as Indicated by
tla wlng
e c'-aartegs era I51T.1T1.SST.BT.
i ill .1;.OS.!0.1 in IB"9-
lataie t musters are IIO0.0SA-
an r.-. I! tf..Kl In 1B0-
1 at p.-nits are IIO.6O4.0S7.
i -,, ,i.l..L3'0 la 1BOB.
4 .'fle. r.lpka are .034.MT.U.
",. TJ in 10.
. nnroad toMtmetlon work aad
i Vttrm.nta. the total aapandlture ef
,h varteoa reads In the state
bed SW.BTT.SOO. elaasined "
Irrlmaa system, im.fjt.wjm;
far I11.SOO.0O0.
I noun. i.ow.uot; pm. --Bit.
Imaad Railway. Light Power
paay. is.000.000; proposed er
l"-onnt Hood Railway rower
tcaar. U.000.000; propose lor
ll 11.000.000.
Sl.tW1fie Poarae A Light Company.
0O0OO; proposed for lslt. SLSO
f 1 M-ort.nd Gas Coke Company.
-(X: propose for 1911. $100,000.
th vu m $1,000,000,000 year. Such Is
11 le.laronla history of Portland for
B1 jcewipletlrg a decade of sustained
4 roulo3Sttent progress the year 1910
"rM"rht for Portland a series of
,b ' vements of such a scope as to put
r,clty easily at the top of the list of
cJtylc Coast commercial centers. The
rcur triumphal march by months was
Frd,ded out with unprecedented rec
nt In December, when every lmport
T,0'";t)rarrb of business eclipsed all pre
s monthly showings.
T, Record Is Sustained.
thrSperlty was with Portland
''ughout tha year. The November
tor tloa proved to be no deterrent fac
the sum total of business. Crops
,nea good, prices were satisfactory and
commercial. Industrial and building
vlttes broadened and thrived.
,ot,arke4 advances were made In the
,ns:s of building permits, bank clear
,rh1t postofflce receipls. lumber and
':at shipments. Millions of dollars
llc expended la betterments by pub
icrvlce corporations and 'n the de-
B".pment and Improvement of resl-
v"re districts, both by Individuals ana
reat strldos were made In the
ullding aetlvlty. Many large business
ructures and residences were built,
seceding In number and valuation the
cord of all previous years. .Miles of
ard-aurface paving were Installed anl
as and water mains laid aggregating
n axpvndltnre of more than SS.000.000.
n addition to the big things accom
plished many large projects were
tanned and started that will be car-
tied to completion the present year.
Bank Clearings Enormous.
One of the most gratifying achieve
ments of the year was the great record
trade In bank clearings, which reached
tnore than S51T.000.00O. or i;6.ouu.e'.
a exss of the high ma k attained la
ISO In passing the nnii-Dinion mar
Portland rightfully places Itself In the
How lie relt ts ttmr He lllasa
Oa Ike Water V.sges.
tank t-
nd I
i r-i,-
4 rLL
t 17
i II
Old Scliooner's Officers and
tafe on Board Ship Now
Tow for Astoria.
et.-1-lnir hottom while crossing
the Columbia River at o'clock yester
day afternoon, the steam schooner
Sluia Yak. laden with lumber and bound
for San Fancisro, was disabled. Later
she was picked up outside and Is now
in tow of the Standard Oil tank steam
er Ascunclon. and will probably reach
Astoria by noon today.
Captain George E. Bridgett. of the
Standard Oil ateamer. who has render
ed prompt aid In similar mishaps la
the past, reported by wireless to the
Merchant's Exchange and the Assoc
iated Press at 11:40 o'clock last night,
the message also stating that Captain
Olson and wife were safe on board.
The Shna Yak. which Is owned by
George E. Billings, of San Francisco,
cleared at Astoria and sailed from
Wesfport today, carrying a crew of
about SO. besides two maids and a cook.
The vessel Is an old coastwise trader,
of 83 gross tonnage. 1S feet long, and
was built at Wlnslow. Wash.
Youth nobbed of 2000 Is Slerelj
Curious About Thief.
PASAI'EXA. Cal, Dec Jl. (Special.)
I,ate laat night a young man named
T. V. Thomas, a stock and bond broker
and member of a prominent family,
went to Los Angeles for a New Year's
celebration. lie carried a wallet con
taining bills of large denomination to
the amount of about $2000.
This morning he asked the police de
tectives' to find his money, stating that
he got on a spree, remained out all night
and was robbed in some questionable re
sort In the city. He did not care for the
money particularly, he told the officers,
but bad a desire to know who took It
from lilm. After putting the detectives
on the trail he went to San Diego to
avoid notoriety.
Toung Thomns, who was a conspicuous
figure In college life at the University
of Wisconsin for several years and came
here two years ago, 1 a dashing charac
ter and his d'splay of coin has frequent
ly been a sensation.
The police say he visited so many
doubtful resorts last night that there Is
co chance of discovering who robbed him.
Wife Asks Divorce, Holding IIus
fcand To Partial to Family Pet.
That her husband preferred tha
family pet dog to his year-old baby
and was enraged when the Infant
lisped Tapa" Instead of "Bill." was
part of the testimony given by Mrs. W.
E. Dixon yesterday morning in her suit
against Dixon for nonsupport. County
Judge Cleeton decided that the hus
band and father had not treated his
family properly and ordered him to pay
bis wife 130 a month or be sent to the
rock pile. "
Dixon was arrested Friday night by
Deputy Sheriff Salisbury on the East
Side as he was preparing to go to
Hutchinson. Kansas. Mrs. Dixon com
plained that ha was cruel constantly to
her, even putting out the light when
she needed It "Just for meanness." On
one occasion, she said, she decided to
get the better of him and to subdue
him selxed a. piece of stovewood with
which she battered his hat. The Dlx
ons live at 165 East Ninth street. Dix
on is an electrician employed at First
and Jefferson streets.
President Hopes for Nation's Pros
perity and Happiness.
"WASHINGTON. Dec. Jl. "I :inerely
hope the next year will be full of pros
perity and as much happiness as can
come to us all in this country." Is the
New Yesr greeting sent to the people
of the United States by President Taft
through the members of the National
Press Club of Washington.
He was welcomed by them at an In
formal New Tear's reception In the
rltihhonse this afternoon.
How He Kelt the Day He Fell 0.
Borah or Beveridge to
Lead Onslaught.
Regulars and Insurgents Are
Divided on Issue.
Committee Believed Xot to Have
Read All Kvidence Public
Opinion May Drive Majority
to Unseat Lorlmer.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 31. (Special.)
"Resolved. That William Lorlmer was
not duly and legally elected as Senator
of the United States -rom the State of
A resolution phrased as above will be
presented to the Senate within a few
days after Congress reconvenes next
week. If a report accompanied by such
a resolution Is not submitted by Sena
tor Beveridge, who has the natural
right to take .the initiative by reason
of his place on the committee on privi
leges and election, the duty of formally
challenging the title of Lorlmer to his
eat will be assumed by Senator Wil
liam E. Borah, of Idaho.
Borah. It was learned today, has
reached a conclusion on the Lorlmer
case and has determined upon his
course of action.
The position of Borah was made
known after conferences held between
several Senators who, like himself,
have been studying the nearly 800
printed pages of testimony.
Factional Lines Wiped Out. "
The alignment that Is beln,. devel
oped for the fight on the floor of the
Senate obliterates the old standpat and
Insurgent mark of cleavage. Along
with Borah. Cummins. La Follette and
Beveridge assuming the latter will op
pose the majority report, although he
has not yet taken any one into his
confidence and has not. so far as
known, participated in the recent con
ferences are likely to be found Bur
ton, of Ohio, and Warner, of Missouri.
It Is not possible to speak with au
thority for all the Individuals as yet.
but enough is known of sentiments ex
pressed with reference to the case, so
far as It has been digested, to Indicate
some of the possibilities.
Root's Position in Doubt.
At this writing word Is awaited with
Interest from Senator Ellhu Root, of
New York, who has been expected to
devote considerable time during the re
cess to a perusal of the evidence on
which the majority of the election
committee gave Mr. Lorlmer a vindi
cation. It Is not known whether he
has completed the study as contem
plated. Senators who have gone through the
whole mass declare it to be a task cal
culated to stagger anyone after getting
started. The testimony has not been
indexed which of itself has aroused
criticism and to get an adequate un
derstanding of the case it is declared
necessary to start with the first word
and read to the last. It Is scarcely
possible that all the members of the
election committee who signed the ma
jority report did this, and It Is be
lieved that most of them merely took
the brief report of. the investigators,
aside from Senator Frazier, for their
Antls Will Force Issue.
As the matter has turned out. It now
seems probable that the Lorlmer case
will be the overwhelmingly Important
feature of the present session of Con
gress. It is planned to call it up on
Monday and Tuesday following the re
assembling of the Senate, which will be
on Thursday next, and long and care
fully prepared speeches will be made
following the presentation of the reso
lution already tentatively drawn.
The antl-Lorlmer speeches undoubt-
(Concluded on Page T.
Reaolvedt To the t adverse Ria
Ilaelf for m While.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature.
4. riesrees: minimum. 40 degrees.
Airship Dinaster.
Arch Hoxsev falls from helsht of 563 feet
at Ixi Angeles and is instantly killed.
Section 1. page 1.
Mo(ant Ja Ditched out of machine at New
Orleans and breaks Ms neck. Section 1.
8T legislatures of 37 states to elect Sena
tors In January. Section 1, page 6.
California athlete rescues woman from
drowning In San Francisco Bay. Section
1. page 1.
Foreign commerce of 101O will luroan all
records. Section 1, pnge 7.
Motion to unseat Senator Lorimer to be
made and may carry, section 1. page 1.
Secretary Knox reports treaty agreement
with Canada, proposing to create Inter
national Commerce commission. Section
1, page 6.
Navarro tells of victory over Mexican reb
els at Mai Paso. Section 1. page 4.
Editor of Paris Liberator denies knowledge
of London anarchists. Section 1, page 7.
Andrew Carnegie gives Sl.230.000 to estab
lish fund for German heroes. Section 1.
page 3.
British-German war scare revived by British
Intervention In Persia. Section 1. page 4.
Blue Funnel steamers will circle globe when
canal is opened. Section 1, page 13.
Year's End Statistics.
Portland sets billion dollar pace in 1010.
Section 1. page 1.
Portland's $20,604,957 building record for
1010 places city in front rank: increase
Is 53 per cent. Section 1. page 12.
Portland busines men teeufy to past year's
prosperity. Section 1. pare 14.
Merchants Exchange issuee summary show
ing unexampled maritime prosperity. Sec
tion 2. page 12.
1550. kK to be spent In schools In 1911. Sec
tion 3. page 1.
East Side to pay millions In paving in 1911
Section 3. page
City makes great progress In municipal im
provements In year. Section 4. page 10.
Tear 1910 unequalled In record of publlo
service developments in Oregon. Section
4. page 10.
Rill system to expend $13,000,000 In 1911.
Section 1. page 12.
Harriman lines spend 114,977,000 In 1910.
Section 1. page 12.
Livestock prices of year are high. Section
1. uaae IX '
Street railway company spend $5,000,000 In
year. Section 1. page 13.
Lumber exports gain Immensely In year.
Section 2. page 12.
Year's events In Portland told in chrono
logical order. Section 1. page 15.
Pacific Nortbwest. 1
Boise man wins speakership of coming lda-
hoIgislature. Section 1. pug'- o.
Shna Yak disabled crossing Columbia River
bar. Section 1. page 1.
Ralph Dunlway and Frank Klernan fall to
secure rehearing of Broadway bridge
bond case. Section 1. page 10.
Eugene's typhoid cpldemlo on decline and
university work will resume Tuesday.
Section 1. page 11.
Oregon Supremo Court decides !n Woon
must bang: Yee Oeung is granted rehear
' Ing. Section 1. page 10.
Gill recall election In Seattle results In
scramble. Section 1 page 10.
Washington toees intcrchotastlc champion
ship of America to Oak Park by S-3
aoore. Section tt. page 3.
James J. Corbett renews old friendships as
old year leavea and new year arrives.
Section 2. page
Multnomah Club recovers from effects of
. Are. Section -4. page 6.
Auto corporations deal in vast figures. Sec
tion 4. page 7.
Northwest Conference colleges make sched
ules for 1911 footbaL Section 4. page 7.
Portland to have great Summer swimming
carnival. Section 4, page 8.
Year In baseball Is unqualified success In
Portland. section 4. page 8. -Olldden
tour of 191 1 may be on Pacific
Slope. Section 4, page 4.
California plana to restrict boxing. Sec
tion 2, page 2.
Many harness records made In year. Sec
tion 2. page 3.
Real Estate and Building.
Sale at Park and Morrison sets new high
record for front footage In Portland. Sec
tion 3. page 8.
Lease sale at Fourth and Washington brings
big profit. Section 3. page 8.
Tualatin Plains fruit district now being
planted. Section 3. page 9.
Kenton shows remarkable advance. Section
3. page 10.
Permits for last week of year run high.
Section 3. page 11.
Commercial and Marine. ,.
Unsold stork of hops smallest In over 20
yeara. Section 2. page 13.
Buying by bulls supports wheat at Chicago.
Section 2, page 13.
Dullest day of year in stock market. Sec
tion 2. page 13.
New York banks do not show expected cash
gain. Section 2, page 13.
Local livestock supply less than demand.
Section 2, page 13.
Portland and Vicinity.
Secretary Bellinger promises to help Ore
goo In West Umatilla project. Section 2.
page 4.
Judge John B. Clelajid given mark of es
teem on retirement by Portland attor
neys. Section 2, page 14.
American Association for the Advancement
of Science to convene here next June.
Section L page 13.
Mayor ordera Chief Cox to arrest specta
tors and promotera if Jeffries-Johnson
picture are shown. Section 1. page 10.
Many thousands coming fo attend Wool
growera' convention. Section 2, page 4.
plans now being made for Rose Festival of
1911. Section 3. page 12.
Four recent deaths declared caused by eat
ing diseased meat. Section 1, page 13.
New Year's eve revel ends in suicide of la
borer who quarrels with affinity. Section
1. page 13.
Dr. Osman Royal dies of heart failure at
football game. Section 1. page 11.
Portland grills scene of revelry as new year
la ushered -In. Section 1, page 1.
Fifty year lease taken on Seventh and Mor
rison corner as site for 12-story building.
Section 1. page 3.
Portland-Tenlno line to be double-tracked
by August. Section 1. page 12.
Plans being made for new ward division of
Portland. Section 1. page lrt.
Resolved t To Help the People All I
Can To Get a Parcels Post.
MilC 111
50,000 People Throng
Xity's Streets.
Women Drink Much Wine and
Kiss Strange Men.
Din at 3Iidnig!it Deafening Police
Out in Force, but Crowds Are
Cood-Xaturcd and Few Ar
rests Are Necessary.
Nineteen hundred and eleven flashed
Into existence with the stroke of mid
night, greeted by a' noisy demonstra
tion In which tens of thousands of peo
ple participated on the streets of Port
land. Welcome more noisy or more
pretentious never greeted an Incoming
year or sped the departing on its way.
Fifty thousand people, a turbulent,
merry, clamorous Jam of humanity,
flooded the principal thoroughfares at
the midnight hour. Every conceivable
device for the production of ether dls-
r turbance was brought to Dear,
when the sixtieth second of the last
hour of the old year passed there was
released a deafening volume of sound.
Joy Is Unrestrained.
The street scenes were animated In
the extreme and tens of thousands seemed
seized of some odd infection of unre
straint throughout the evening. Men and
women, entire strangers, greeted one
another effusively. Jostling, shoving,
hilarious badinage, and conduct that or
dinarily would pass as crude rowdyism
was everywhere in evic r.ce. but no one
minded. Lack of restraint was accepted
everywhere as the essential part of the
In the grills every table was occupied
by parties of men and women and here
the hosts of Bacchus held forth in bold
revelry. In these grills the popping of
corks mingled with the shrill laughter of
overwrought men and women. Persons
usually decorous of deportment gave
4 themselves over to absurd performances.
. Hundreds Watch in Prayer.
But in consoling contrast with these
vivid scenes were the quiet watch mee -Ings
in homes and churches where the
sober-minded and unfrlvolous awaited
and met the new year In prayer. Hun
dreds of people attended these meetings
probably more than disported th:m
selves in the public grills and drinking
Host of the city, however, was neither
at church nor in the restaurants. They
were on the streets. The estimate of
50,000 is taken as conservative. The
sidewalks of the principal streets be
came inadequate to hold the merry
throngs long before 10 o'clock and at
midnight walking space In the streets
t a premium. Streetcars were
compelled to inch their way through
the densely packed-ln masses.
Scowls Are Few.
Notwithstanding the spirit of revelry
and the capricious pranks of rowdies
and those who had lost their balance
In drink, unpleasant clashes were e
ceptlonal. Now and then an Indignant
woman turned to scowl at some flippant
roisterer who had slapped her famll.
larlv on the back, or some sedate per
son, astir out of curiosity or insomnia,
muttered strange imprecations at hav
ing his hearing threatened by some
monstrous horn. But the weird Nw
Tear spirit of revelry prevailed for the
most part and incidents were accepted
as unusual that ordinarily would have
incited a street riot or a call for alien
Liquor Reserves Ample.
The a-rills, so far as could be noted
ceased the sale of liquor at midnight,
In accordance with the law. but It was
only a technical observance, for those
who we're sober enough at 12 to want
(Concluded on Page 4.)
Knd Yet Some Folks) Klclc About
the High Coat of Paving Material."
Machine Rolls Into San Francisco
Bay With Her Seaborn, Student,
Drags Woman to Safety.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 31. Shot oft the
rear end of a ferryboat while seated in
an automobile. Mrs. Herbert Stockton, of
San Jose, was nearly drowned In tne
bay off the local pier this aiternoon.
Walter J. Seaborn, a law student ac me
University of California and City Clerk
of Berkeley, was the hero of her thrill
ing, rescue after her husband had all dui
sacrificed hlr. life to save her.
Miss Edna Bushnell, a student at tne
San Jose Normal, was in the automobile
with Mrs. Stockton, but escaped the
plunge into the water by vaulting over
the tonneau to the edge or tne oodi a
Mr. Stockton, who is a wealthy auto
mobile dealer of San Jose, was bringing
his wife and Miss Bushnell to San Fran
cisco, As the ferryboat Piedmont was
warping into her slip. Mr. Stockton
climbed down from the car to crank it.
The reverse lever had been thrown, so
when the engine started the big touring
car leaped backward into the water.
Mr. Stockton sprang into the bay alter
his wife, but his automobile trappings
weighed him down and he was on the
point of losing his own life when he
seized a preserver, to which he clung
until rescued.
Meantime a current was sweeping Mrs.
Stockton under the boat and she had
sunk twice ind was going under for the
third time when Seaborn, shouldering his
way through the crowd that lined the
edge of the boat, dived after her. He,
like Mr. Stockton, was wearing a heavy
overcoat, but he is strong and a crack
Grasping Mrs. Stockton's fur coat, he
clung to her until a hawser was thrown
to him by the boat crew. Ho clutched
the rope with both hands and. with his
knees clasping her body, supported Mrs.
Stockton until they could be dragged
aboard the ferry.
Both Mrs. Stockton and her husband
will recover. Seaborn was fearfully ex
hausted, but Is not expected to experience
any ill effects.
Spokane Widow Gets $500 for Man's
.Two Caresses.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Dec. ll.
(Special.) Archibald Tiderlngton to
day paid to Mrs. Elsie Van Zante of
Spokane, the $500 awarded for the two
kisses he took from her last May. At
this rate, the two kisses cost Tlgering
ton a little more than $250 each, for
he had $47.80 costs to pay, in addition
to t! ) damages.
Mrs. Van Zante. a Spokane widow,
answered Tlderington"s advertisement
for a governess. He is a harness-maker
and got her Into a back room of his
shop, where, despite her resistance, he
forced two kisses from her. She valued
these at $2500 each and sued for $5000,
but only obtained $500. Affidavits have
been filed in the court reflecting on
her character in an effort for a new
trial, but this was denied..
In the meantime, Tiderlngton has
found a cheaper method of obtaining
kisses, having married Ethel McMannis,
of this city.
Board Decides School Shall Be in
Session Tomorrow.
The Board of Education will' not rec
ognize tomorrow as a legal holiday.
At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning the
school children of the district are ex
pected to be at their desks.
The Board has decided. In view of
the fact that It costs $10,000 a day to
run the schools, that the children
should receive the benefit of the day's
Baritone Confirms Rumor of En
gagement to Emma Fames.
L'milio de Gogorza, the Italian bari
tone, who is In the city, registered at
the Portland Hotel last night, confirmed
the report of his engagement to Emma
Eames. operatic singer and divorced
wife of Julian Story, the sculptor.
"It s perfectly true." said Gogorza,
when questioned. Further than that he
refused to discuss the subject.
Turning Over a New I -caff.
Pages 1 to 16
Hoxsey and Moissant
Die in Accidents.
From Height of 563 Feet He Is
Pitched Through Space.
All Is Silent for Moment, Then
Sobs Are Heard From Women
Who but Short Time Before
Joined In Plaudits.
John B. Moissant and Arch Hox
sey, America's foremost aviators,
were killed yesterday.
Moissant met his death while at
tempting to land in a field several
miles from New Orleans.
Hoxsey, displaying his skill before
another crowd of thousands in Los
Angeles, lost control of his "Wright
biplane shortly after 2 P. M., and,
failing several hundred feet, was
dashed to death.
a. The winds, whose treacheries Arch
Hoxsey so often defied and conquered,
killed the noted aviator today. As if
jealous of his intrepidity, they seized
hlra and his fragile flying machine, flung
them down out of the sky and crushed
out his life.
He fell dead upon the field from which
he had risen but a short time before,
with a laughing promise to thousands of
cheering spectators to pierce the zenith
of the heavens, surpass his own phenom
enal altitude records and soar higher
than any . other man dared go.
Cross-currents, whirled off by a vagrant
storm that floated In from the sea, caught
his biplane and shot him downward 563
feet to earth. Catching his frail ma
chine is one of the spectacular spiral
glides that are dangerous even in the
calmest weather, the warring winds
sported with it a moment. Juggled it.
and then, as if suddenly maddened and
frenzied, hurled It to the ground.
Face Unrecognizable, Body Mangled
When field attendants reached the spot
where the tangled pile of wreckage lay.
Hoxsey was dead. One side of the face,
whose engaging smile had won the re
gard of thousands of spectators each day
during the meet, had been crushed into
an unrecognizable mass. His body was
twisted out of all semblance to a human
All of the spectators in the grandstand
witnessed the tragedy, as it occurred di
rectly facing them on the far side of the
course. They sat in awe-stricken silence
for almost Interminable minutes, until the
announcer gave the news through the
"Hoxsey has been killed."
Then from every part of the great
stand came the sobbing of women, who
but a short time before had clapped their
gloved hands to the daring aviator as
he arose from the field for his fatal
Returning the compliments showered
upon him by his feminine admirers, Hox
sey in gallant manner had promised to
soar higher than he or any other man
had ever flown before.
"Of course, the success of this attempt
is contingent upon the kind of weather
I find up there." said Hoxsey, Just be
fore he left the ground. "Some of the
temperatures one encounters In the high
altitudes are simply beyond human en
durance. But If I can stand it and my
motor works as well as it has been work
ing, I'll come down with a record of
12,000 feet or more."
Even at that moment the wind had at
tained a velocity that kept more cautious
aviators on the ground. After he had
ascended. It gained rapidly in violence.
Moreover, it created a "Swiss cheese"
atmosphere, a treacherous meteorologl
i Concluded on Page 2.)
Resolved! That the New Year Will
Have to Try to Get Rnasr la
Without Sly Aaalatanee Hereafter.
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