The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 25, 1910, SECTION THREE, Image 25

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Vutrif Editor Mela TOTO A
Smear traitor Mta TOT A
Coatedai-IMB ........Hat A
, b-iUrtfrg Mai T70
Out C M .ft .- In musical plaT.
fn. Birr3iutu Matin at '
MUBI at a. Id.
Wir.ovr THtTr Twft
Vammt Ben Holms la -cne -
Matisse at t 14 end toslcht M S.l.
BikFK TVEATrn irinlh ei. at
rM.) TW n- "i"" - . - - - -
"The Dollar Vsr - Matms at 1
loait at Sli.
Dn i..ik THiATCK iMnfrlloa, rwTT
SJsth and Bvitai u -.. -- -
CS4X3 THBaTER 'Per and .Waahras-
ICB tSIVITItlti I I'W " - -
tocliht at I o aad a.
t,Tf TBIATtl iSevstirh and Alesrv.
Ima Cera4 Compear tfi "TSa Towruts.
Tr.ia afieraooo at I H toalfht at
ST A ft THEATER Para aad Waahfiito
afotioa pleturee. Continue, from 1 -t
t IO 10 p. M-
Ma. R p. Minn, of th firm of
Kupp A Mac key. who hav rooma In
trie Board of Trade Building, returned
from Newnort en Friday VfO!ni lait.
whara ha closed a deal for 30 acre of
Ian Just a little north of Jy creeK
wltb three acd one-half miles of ahora
frontage. Thla land will ba deeded to
the Agst Beach Laxd Company, of
which Mr. HacBey na oeen icteu
rs1dnt. 8. O. Irvin. of Newport, vice-
president, and F. A. Knapp. aecretary
and treasurer. Tna new company aa
raadT have surveyors In tna field lay-
ins out streets and platting about
150 acres Into lota and tracts which
will be put on the market In the near
future. Thera are two recent raiiroaa
mmvi the entire length of the prop-
rty and tha company feel sura work
wtl ba started very soon on one or tna
other of them.
ELicrmcAt. Worse Piaw Novax,
Baio. Nearly everything 1 In readlnes
for the c,rand Illuminated ball or tna
International uroincrnooct oi ciefluiw
Workers'. Local No. SIT, ball at tha
Armory for tha night of Sunday, Jan-
nary 1. It will be the first ball of It
kind aver held In Portland and one or
tha most remarkable ever held In the
I'nlted States. Set pieces, moving; ef
fects aad other novel electrical deco
rations will be presented. Tha princi
pal decorative scheme will be purple
an 4 gold, the official color of tha elec
trical workers.
CsrtntCH Csxzsratiox EStca. Celebra
tion of tha 2Stb annlveraary of the Spokane-avenue
Preebyterlan Church
closed Friday night. Rev. V. S. Holt,
who assisted In tha organization of tha
church 35 years ago. delivered tha prin
cipal address. Six of the charter mem
Iters were preaent at this meeting. Rev.
D. A. Thompson, the pastor, said that
tha present church will meet require
ments for 10 or 1J years, but that pro
visions will then have to ba made for
a S2S.0A0 or modern building
In Sell wood.
Xajc Aoccskd or Dissolct Wats.
Through the violent death of F. lv ea
rn an. who fell from a second-story door
In tha Oak Hotel, at Sixth and Oak
treats, Ira L. Phelps found himself
accused of accepting tha earnlnge of
a dissolute woman and waa bound over
to tha grand Jury In Municipal Court
yesterday mornlnir. Investigation of
Leesman's death revealed the relations
between Phelps and Alice Dalrymple.
Phelps admitted that ha had taken tha
woman's money.
Judob appointed a receiver
for Morgan's department store last Mon
day. Many people thought thla store
belonged to or was backed by V. L. Mor
gan, or connected with tha Morsan
Atehley Furniture Com pa nr. However
auch waa not the case. It waa a corpor
ation organised last Spring by three
young California buslneaa men. and took
tha nam "Morgan's" because It occu
pied the former quarters of tha Morran
Atchley Furniture Company la tha Mor
gan building.
HArm-BaBAXgna Get Frrsj Ckxts.
Purg'ara entered the office of the Trua
cott Fuel Company, at Thirteenth and
Overton streets. Friday night, forced the
safe and stole flva cent, which waa all
that It contained. Entrance was gained
by breaking the gin's In the door. N.
P. Peterson and iiUnund Stevens, driv
er for tha company, happening to pass
the ofTce. observed that It was open and
raid Patrolman Mackey.
Puxum Cavetxria Co.. 14 5th st
have tiouitht the standard Cafeteria,
-S Firth st.. which hereafter will ba
known as Peerless Cafeteria No. X.
Will be open all day Sundays and holi
days, where the best of everything will
ba served. Including Christmas turkey
1 inner. A most delightful place to
dine: first-class orchestra.
CiiiRca or Ot a Father iVsnrAmiAjO.
fevrnta ar.1 YamhllU Kev. T. U &lot,
D. D minister emeritus: Rev. W. O.
Eliot. Jr minister. Children's carols In
Sunday school at 45 A. M. Christmas
service at 1L Evening services omitted
December 14 and January 1. The Christ
mas music Is under direction of John
Claire Montleth. chorister.
East Side Nexot FAMii.rc Rxcrrva
Hxr Several needy famulea on tha
at S;de received aid yesterday after
noon from a committee from the East
fide Baptist Church as the result of an
entertainment FTtday right. Many
necessarv articles were taken to tha
church by children of the Sunday school
and i:S cash was subscribed. '
M- WttD to Lacrtrag Twrcm. The
committee from the Lot Owner Asso
ciation of Lone Fir Cemetery la arrang
ing for two lectures by Howard Evart
Weed, of Chicago, on Improvements to
be made In Lena Fir Cemetery. On
will be given in a church on tha Eaat
rtlda January f and one on tha Weat
Sid January IS.
Bouxts Evaxokust Conixv Th
Onion Holtneaa Association will hold
an evangeilstlo campaign from January
t to la. at the 'Baptist Church, at Eaat
Ankeny and Seventh streets, with Rev.
Bud Robinson, of PenleL Tex and Seta
C Re a. of paaadena. CaL. la charge.
Wg Scu. hair mattresms retail at
wholesale prices, for Jo-pound beds from
f.M acd up. W'a renovate mattresses
and return them the ama CAy. W also
ranovat feather. Portland Curlrd Hair
Factory. H. Metxger. proprietor, i--X-J
Front t- Main :. A u:.
T Oagoox Guru will serve an labor
ate a la cart Chrlstrras dinner Sunday.
Pecmbr 3 and also Monday. Decem
ber Mjsic by the Royal Hawaiian
Orcrseagra. Mak reservation today.
Wixt Gocp Auto. Modern A-l home,
large fTuniii; hlh-ciass residence dis
trict. WUI tak good auto and SJOO cash,
balance SJ5 muntb: no ageata. Se m
Monday, room T. Third street.
Stowkix to Taijc ok Sociaijsm. An
address on "SociA.lsm rl Capitallam"
will be delivered at Drew Hall. Second
and Morrisoa streets, tonight by C S
Mcsrrv or ART Close runt Tues
day. The Museum of Art will b closed
today and a. so tomorrow, but -will re
open w f.a ta usual hours Tuesday.
Moore's Ritaura-vt will- serve a
TSc Cnristma dinner. Pec- 14th and
2th 14 tin St.. near Morrlsoa,
-Ecax, BaAO."
Th family bealta bear. Phone Mala W.
A sis. Por-.:and Brewing Campaiy.
Eri.Dt.xa Bao.. Jeweler sod scleouao
op:iciar removed to 145 Wastu. t-; be
fore baying se our windows,
rtAKMrrjA. C Chnsteneen. seoocd floor
OM-bett building. Taka elevator.
Xxai Cuniu at Richard? Sunday and
Honday. C par cover ; I to I JO,
Buclm I Lnnnu Elxct OmcxBA. Th
Swedish Society Llnnaa baa elected tha
following officer for tha ix month
beginning- January 1: Samuel Holm,
president; Mrs. Hellea Kakanaon. vica
preeldent: L V. Roaenberg. recording
eeratary: C J. Fobecn. financial sec
retary; Erik Helmer, treasurer; John
E. Johnson, master of ceremonies;
Mis Anna Berg, librarian: W. M
Johnson, vica-llbrarlaa: Mlaa Carrie
Frost, trustee for 1 month, and E. J.
Grab, trustee for on year. Th so
ciety meet every Wednesday night at
Linn Hail.
Rtrssu.vTtA Gravuh Elect. Rna
srUvllie Grange. No. JM. has elected
th following officers: W. H. Addis,
master: Chester Lewis, overseer; John
Mlckelsoa. lecturer: Mrs. H. A. Lewis,
chaplain: Henry Matsen. steward; W.
E. Lwla. treaaurer; Mabel Mlckelson.
secretary; Allc Mlckelson. steward;
Ward Walker, gate-keeper; Mrs. T. D.
Pollock, ceres; Mr. O. Pitman. Flora;
Mr. W. E- Lewla. Pomona: Julia Mlck
elson. musician; Earl Brown, assistant
lecturer; Arthur Hager. assistant stew
ard. Mm CBAiumx Sofia Dies Mrs.
Charlotte A- Soper died at her home.
(01 East Twenty-sixth street, Friday at
the aga of year. She had been a
resident of Portland th past five years,
having coma bar from Newberg. Or.
She had been an Invalid four years.
Sh 1 survived by her husband. E. A.
Soper. and th following children: Guy
Soper, James T. Soper. Mrs. W. A.
Cbesley. Portland: Charles Soper, Spo
kane: Mr. 8- C Jackson. Seattle. The
funeral waa held yesterday afternoon.
Special Chetbtma Dixxeh Todat at
th Louvre. 11.60. from 4 until
o'clock; music by Dobronyl's Hungar
ian Orchestra and Ai. Wallace Mai
S100.004 to loax on Improved real es
tate; no commission charge Paciflo
States Fire Insurance Co., room 200,
Chamber of Commerce.
Thousands of Acres In Eastern Ore
son Will He Benefited by W. C.
ParrUh'g Proposition.
BAKER. Or Dec U. (Special.) W.
C Parrlah. superintendent for the East
ern Oregon Light 4 Power Company
ha Just returned, from Burn and
Harney County, where he has been
making Investigation preparatory to
establishing one of th biggest Irriga
tion propositions In th state.
In an Interview Mr. Parrtsh said:
"Th future of the great Inland
Oregon depends largely upon the suc
cess along Irrigation line. There are
great stretches of fertile land lying
adjacent to Burns which can be mad
to produce almost anything that grows
In the ground by the application of
water. Contlglous to Burns lies one of
th largest tracts of arid land In the
State of Oregon and it 1 of the most
vital Importance to the future of Cen
tral Oregon that this land be watered
as cheaply as possible.
"With railroad facilities practically
asaured to open up this hitherto un
developed territory It Is essential that
the land be made more productive In
as short a time as possible."
It 1 the Intention of Mr. parrian to
construct large pumping planta to be
operated by electricity, the water to
ba taken from the SUvles River and
pumped to the land requiring It. Mr.
Parrlab'a plan was most favorably re
ceived by th resident of Harney
County and It 1 the Intention to com
mence work on the power plants eariy
In the Spring. If the proposition goes
through, it will place some of th fln-
Jaeak B. Ilepsw
Jacob B. Hepp. a pioneer mill
man of Portland, died Saturday,
December 10. at his bom. 140J
Division street, after a short Ill
ness. The funeral was held last
Mr. Hepp waa a native of New
Tork. bora November 11, 1S34.
He cam Wt la 1841. remaining
at Ean Francisco until 1(65. whan
he went to Chicago. He engaged
la mill work there until laS. He
owned and operated one of th
largest planing mill In Chicago,
employing from 100 to 300 men.
Returning to California, he
pent four years at Los Angeles,
and In 1890 came to Portland,
where be had lived since. Ia
earlier years he was a member
of both the Oddfellows and Ma
sonic orders.
He Is survived by a widow and
even children. Th children are:
Daniel Hepp, of Chicago: Mrs.
Robert Holman. of Ores ham;
Mrs. Charles Wilson, of Trout
dale; Mr. Arthur Coomb, of
Berkeley. CaL; Mr. Frank Culln.
of Oak dale. Cal.; Walter W.
Hepp, of British Columbia, and
Mrs. Harry Holbrook. of San
est land la Central Oregon under Ir
rigation, which include thousands of
acres adjoining Burns.
We have for sale the finest (-room
house In Irvlngton. which tha owner will
aacrtdce this week.
Twenty -aecond and Bras. Bi tSS.
CaS and examte our diamonds, at RS
ner carat. Walter A. Lord CD., Ill
Eixta at. "
ksrk Sanaa CaeJ.
The beat boas coat Liberty Coal
fc Co axclusiv agents. It arm
Seacoast Railway Receiver's
Claim Declared False.
Alleged Scheme to Prevent Building
From Astoria to Xehaiem Is De
clared Unrighteous Road's
Transaction Reviewed.
Absolute denial of the statement that
he Is Indebted to the receiver of the
Portland. Oregon. Seacoast Railway Com
pany, was made yesterday by William
Reld, the accredited builder of an ag
gregate of 193 miles of railway on both
sides of the Willamette River, wbo
declares that the report of the receiver
made 10 days ago evidently Is false
and that the facts prove It.
"It was a surprise to me," he said,
"to learn, October 27, 1908. that after
all the debt In th company had been
paid in full except those due to me for
cash disbursements, the United States
courts, without notice to any of the
company's directors, appointed a re
ceiver, but It was a greater surprise to
see In th paper last week that the
receiver reported that 'William Reld.
of Portland,' Is Indebted to that com
pany, when I have evidence to show
that I never owned more than one
share of stock and this only to qualify
me as secretary..
Stock Held as Trustee.
Mr. Reld then exhibited a contract
entered into with W. H. and W. A.
Montgomery, who now appear to be
the only creditors of the company, of
which contract the following Is a copy.
LOS ANGELES, cal. To W. H. A W. A-
Montromery. Los Angeles Referring to the
contract entertj Into and executed at Los
Angelas tnis amy oetwean you ana tne fore
land. Oregon. Bra Coast Railway Company,
wherein it la agreed that the 60 per cent
of the stock of that company, which stands
in my name ana wnicn i noia ae trustee,
le to be at your demand transferred to you
' or to any person you may designate. I beg
to say that 1 consent to this agreement, and
shall hold that stock as your trustee as se
curity to you for rarayment of the Indebt
edness which said railway company has
contracted to you. and should you desire
me at any time hereafter to transfer to you
or a'y person you may designate auch stock.
I s'isl!, on demand, make such transfer,
conditioned only that such transfer, when
demanded by you. Is made only a a col
lateral security and to enable you to obtain
rrpayroant of the Indebtedness of 10.000.
and 6 per cent Interest due by aaid railway
company to you.
"In view of this document," he con
tinued, "It Is plain that I never owned
60 per cent of the stock, as the courts
of Oregon heretofore have decreed.
Hence tbe receiver never demanded a
dollar from me."
Further reviewing the history of the
company. Mr. Reld declared the al
leged scheme to prevent tbe building
of the road from Astoria to Nehalem a
most unrighteous one, saylntr that H.
Hawgood, who In 1307 was elected
president of the company, had gone
over the route In person and declared
the practicability of carrying out this
Slonev Spent by Hanrgood.
"When Mr. Hawgood was . elected
president." Mr. Reld added. "I was
made secretary. He secured authority
to borrow $60,000 from the Montgom
ery, who are multl-milllonalres in
Lo Angeles, and who were to receive
0 per cent of the stock aa security. 1
wa to bold this stock as trustee for
them. The directors consented and the
contracts were drawn up. The stock
was placed in my name as trustee and
Mr. Hawgood received the 850.000. He
alone had charge of the expenditures.
-He paid (36.000 of It to H, Melville
Walker., of New Tork, for obtaining
83.6U0.O0O of first mortgage bonds sold
on account of the railway, and within
It months thereafter President Haw
good alone spent the remaining $16,000
In purchasing 80 acres of terminal
land at Clatsop near Oearhart, upon
th Astoria k Coluribla River Railroad
and he also paid 'with part of thla
$16,000 all of the dobts of the Portland,
Oregon. Sea, Cot Railway In full In
oash. except my salary and $637 of
cash, which I paid out of my own
pocket, and repayment of which I had
not asked.
"So there was no occasion for a re
ceiver on the 36th or 27th of October,
los. when he applied for one In per
son at Portland. Or. Suddenly, In the
face- of these tacts, which I am pre
pared to swear to, on President Haw
good's application and arrival in Port
land, he obtained a receiver and he
appointed C H. Warner as that receiv
er, with consent of the United States
court, and from that day till now I
have never met Mr. Warner except
once, and aside from the railway com
pany's papers, which I gave him, be
has never demanded from me any
moneys. He could not, for I never had
a dollar of the company's money In my
possession. Yet. In bis report to ine
United States court last week. I am
told he says that William Reld. of
Portland, and the Lewis ft Clark Con
struction Company, a Portland firm,
are Indebted to his railway company
in large sums, yet he admits that the
only debt of that railway company Is
$52,000, due to W. H. and W. A. Mont
gomery, who advanced $60,000. and In
Holiday Hour (or Library and
Branches Are Announced.
The Central Library will be open for
reading only from 1 until t P. M. today
and tomorrow. Th Alblna branch li
brary will be closed today, but will
open tomorrow, from 1 until P. M.,
for reading only. The East Side and
Sellwood branch libraries and also the
reading rooms will be closed entirely
on those days
Professor Howe, of the University of
Oregon, will deliver a course of four
lectures upon "Shakespeare- Criticism."
These lectures will be delivered week
ly, beginning about the middle of Janu
ary, the dates to be announced later.
Admission will be free, but by tickets,
which may be obtained In the reference
department. Those Interested In the
course are requested to register as
early as possible, either In the refer
ence department of the Central Library
or at the Alblna. East Side or Sellwood
branch libraries.
Business Men Throughout Country
Remembered by Douglas County.
EUGENE. Or., Dec 24. (Special.) One
hundred and fifty prominent business
men throughout tbe United States will
have two famous Oregon product Im
precated upon their minds In connection
with the happy Yuletitie, through the en
ergies of A. C Dtxon. manaer of the
Booth-Kelly Company. The product are
Oregon-grown English walnut anLj
J.' if. sum w wv
unique methods of Introducing the won
derful walnut laac season that th pro
cedure ha bean followed again thla
About SOD pounds of local-grown wal
nuts of the finest type were procured by
Mr. Dixon, and these were put Into ap
proximate five-pound sacks for "Santa
Clausing1' people la nearly every state in
the Union. That the nuts are appreciated
lei evidenced by the autograph notes, in
longhand, from busy men. Th Booth
Kelly Company . remember their big
patron with this token, snd the follow
ing very patriotic suggestion printed In
red and blue on the Santa Clau sack of
"We are pleased to send yon camples
of Oregon-grown English walnuts, and
we will be more than pleased to continue
filling your Tepeaf orders for that more
famous Oregon product, Douglas fir."
Lawyers Would Stop Issuance of Di
vorces of Convenience.,
BOISE, Idaho. Dec. 24. (SpeclaW
Idaho loses Its reputation as a divorce
center, Boise ceases to be the Mecca for
Reno's overflow of matrimonial bond
breakers. If a resolution recently of the
Ada County Bar Association goes Into
effect, providing for one year's residence
Instead of six months, as is now the
case, before application oan be made for
With less notoriety than Reno. Boise
Is a rendesvoua of society men and
women of many states who seek separa
tion. One recent notable case was that of
Valentine Winters, president of the Day
ton Traction Company. Dayton. O.. a
roan of wealth and social prominence.
Winters lived In fashionable quarters
In Boise for six months, snd then ap
plied for a divorce from his wife, who
bitterly contested th petition on th
grounds of religious scruples.
Judge Fremont Wood refused th de
cree snd scored Winters for coming to
Idaho to "purchase" a divorce from his
was unsuccessful: others of
equal prornlnenoe were more fortunate.
Many migrated to Idaho from New York
and kept their Identity secret, and the
divorce mills work overtime.
While the Ada County Bar Association
did not adopt the two following resolu
tions dealing with the same subject. It
placed the stamp of approval on them
after deliberation: .
"First That all marriages within six
months' time sfter a decree has been
obtained in Idaho be held absolutely yold.
whether the offender be married in Idaho
or In another state.
"Second That divorces be granted from
bed and board without the right to either
party to remariT. for the same caure
for which absolute divorce can now be
obtained." . .
One In every five marriages In Ada
County is a failure, according to the rec
ords. About 10 per cent of the divorces
Is attributed to non-residents who come
for the express purpose of obtaining a
decree and who afterwards return home.
Pictures Representing 10 Years of
Effort to Illustrate Lecture.
Indorsed by press and public In
every city In which he has appeared.
B. B. Dobbs ha arrived In Portland
with hi famous picture of Alaska,
pictures showing the Eskimo In his
native state, gold dredging operations,
whaling scenes, polar-bear hunts,
schools of walruae and mountain
scenes and depicting faithfully all the
wild and weird beauty of the mystic
Nortland They will be shown at the
Hellig Theater on the nights of Wed
nesday and Thursday, December 28
nl 2- w
..-(-. tltas. ntiAtnmnhll Mr.
Dobbs has spent almost 10 year In the
North, penetrating often to places
- t V '.v '.
B. B. Dobba, Wis Will Show
Picture of Alaska at Hetllar
oa Wednesday aad Tharaday
rarely touched by the foot of a white
man. He has undergone great perils,
but In return has secured pictures
really worth while. Mr. Dobba ac
companies the showing of his pictures
with a lecture In which he tells of his
experience in Alaska in th gold
cam pa, among th Eskimos and oa
snow-capped mountain peaks.
Th old expression of th whalers.
There Is no law of God or man runs
north of ti' no longer holds good,"
said Mr. Dobbs yesterday In dleousslng
bls pictures. "There are no more law
abiding, brighter or more loyal Ameri
can found any place In the world
than In Northwestern Alaska. It
would mak you here la Portland bet
ter men If you could be thrown upon
your own resource in that great gold
and fur-producing region, if you could1
tor a time inhabit a miner's cabin far
I - V- . 1 1-1 I I
W1LU am fdaiuua.
All th delicacies or th sea so at taa.
Portia d Reatauranu Fin private aaan
cula lor ladiaa. 10 Waa a., near eia at.
Watson's two Restaurant Perkins
Hotel. 101 Fifth, aad SSI Washing-ton
IU Imperial Hotel, will serve Christ
mas dinner Sunday aod Monday at 7 So
a plate. .
Christmas dinner raests will b mu
sically entertained at Juston's, 445
Alplno Restaurant will serve a special
Xinu dinner. 60c g3 Stark sU near ito.
Chidtea dinner. Peer lea CaXatarla, las
Fifth, Bear WasMnatoa. .
An After-Marriage Surprise.
In all th current fiction of the late
Fall there ha not been any other well
written short story with such a genuine
note of surprise In It aa the after-mar-rlag
tale of Frencl Perry Elliott's "A
Traewiy Deferred." In the Smart Set
magazine for January. "The Diary of
a Duckling. by Free) Jackson, haa a
nrMty love-Christmas and New Tear a.t-
xnsuihere. Th tons axorx Pre-J
To Our Thousand
f Customer aad
to the friends who, by good
words and constant "boosting'
have been the means of making
this, our ninth year In business,
the greatest of alL
When, on September L 190L
we opened our little Jewelry
store to a generous public we
were loas; oa enthusiasm but
hort oa slock. By careful
manipulation, however, we were
able to make a fairly good
showing In the one window we
called our own, and we soon
learned that a large stock of
Honest and Palnautkina; Effort
made up for what we lacked In
assortment. Our trade grew ac
cordingly each week, each
month, each year a growth in
nine years from the amalleat to
the Largest Jewelry Store la
To those who have so kindly
sent ti:ir fritnrts to we are
more than grateful. These new
customers will always receive
the best treatment In our power.
If we fail to please them it will
be because we don't know how
-not because we haven't triad.
Jaeger Bros.
268 Morrison St, Bet. 8 aad th
voaa." by Helen Talbot Kummer, and Its
24 pages have quickening Interest, cul
minating in a stage tragedy. Other
Smart Set fiction is all well selected.
A Salesman's Sew Year's Resolution
I will connect myself with the best
permanent selling proposition with
merit in Portland. I will devote my en
tire time to conscientious intelligent
effort to make good in my undertak
ing. I will ask favor of no man but
will stand qn my own worth, and by
persistent effort I will win.
For such a man we can supply the
opportunity beginning January L 1911.
See Beckwith. 610 Spalding bids
city. '
Baker Ships More Cattle.
BAKER, Or.. Dec 24. (Special.)
Five more cars of fine beof cattle were
shipped from here to the Portland Stock
Yards yesterday. The shipment waa
made up from the fine herd belonging
to Charles Fleetwood.
Have enriched our National literature
and woven a crown of glory for Ore
gon. Tbe cultured East clamors for
them: the Nation pays homage to the
genius of our lmntortal bard.
"Onward ever, immortal genius.
Welcomed now from sea to sa
Time, that scars us.
Maims and mars us.
Leaves no track or trench on thee."
A. J. Martin, sole agent, 42S Hamil
ton bldg-. Main 3252.
The family of the late Mr. I J.
Mauptn wish to express their appre
ciation of the sympathy of their friends
during their recent bereavement: also
for beautiful floral tributes. .
Order Coal Now
Do not wait for a
time when deliveries
are impossible.
Mala 353. A 3363.
The largest assortment of Mechan
ical Toy on th Coast. We are crowded
for room; must cioa out th atlr
stock at
14 eeos1 St. Bet. Alder aad Morrison.
Loose Leaf
We are prepared to furnish Ledgers, Transfers and
Special Rulings for any purpose on short notice.
Tm..ii. -r a - K - r
VHclHcr yuu 1U 11 a. xn hjl
q j ViVJL-ij vl'X XvU ciaL. c ojwiv- v.. j - -7 y
Our long and varied experience, our samples of forms and rulings, covering almost'
every line of business, our special facilities for making your Special Ruled Blanks,
Loose Leaves, Cards, Blank Books, etc., enable us to assist you in devising your new;
forms and get up a system suited to your business.
We may have the particular form or book you need in stock, and thus save yon
some money, as our stock of Bound Blank Books is the largest and most complete in
this city.
IU4J Uti
Conimercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and
Wish You a
"Merry Christmas
"Peace and
That's the true Christmas spirit Peace which
comes only to the mind that is free from business
worries Good Will that is the iust reward of work
well done, correctly done, quickly done
The satisfaction with one's self, with everybody
and everything, that is realized only by the man
who closes each day with the day's work dime the
systematic man who avoids all unnecessary wor
ry, confusion, and labor by utilizing the modern
They'll bring "peace and good win" to any man mn to you.
If you can't feel the true Christmas spirit because of business
worries, because of work unfinished, because things continually
go wrong try the tonic of a right system, a simpler system, a
EY and E" system.
Ask for catalog or RTt our representative to oner suggestions
that fit into your plans of doing business. J list write or phone.
Glass &
Geary Street, above Union Square
Just opposite Hotel St. Francis
European Plan $1.50 a day np
American Plan $3.00 a day np
Hew rteel and brick structure. Furnished at
cost of $200,000. Every comfort and con
venience. On certifies transferrin all over
city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers.
Sena for Booklet with map of San Francisco
t .AIISW 11A S5TV r jLi.- wC'
- c -oArvpAT,v T.TTrRT?T?
i. o.uiuxi'ii xiwiu... -ww- . .. ,
wfi ran flatisfv vour reauirementSw
Architects' ana .Engineers
V4 ?Xi'
Good Will
"171 1 1 n rr fivefoma
TTint SirnnlilV
AS.MV -- - "
Pru&homme Co.
seven-La oweei ,u--s .jj-.-r-
Ensrlneer. lr-onDder,
Kaektalats and Boilermaker,
Ballaina aad Structural Wark.
Fir Hydrant, Lob Banla, Cast
Gears, Hysu-anlie Giants, Wata
Gates, Lumber Truck, Bt.
Because of its
construction, its
practical utility,
its quality, its
durability, the
should be higher;
priced than anyj
other ledger. ,
But we do not ask
more than others
ask for
Leaves in Special Sizes and
Celluloid Tab Index Cards
and L. L. Indexes.
- " supplies,, -
Li, 'Si ail r ill I
Tv.j rt.--j rtvvewr e 4j wuc "