TIIE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 4, 1910. Toll ( GlbbS, IOC, Morrison at Seventh Toll GflblbS, HoCo Morrison at Seventh Toll PORTLAND'S LEADING FURNITURE AND COMPLETE HOMEFURNISHING STORE. RIGHT IN THE HEART OF THE NEW RETAIL SECTION. PRIVATE PHONE EX CHANGES CONNECTING WITH ALL DEPARTMENTS. FREE SUBURBAN DELIVERY AND TO ADJACENT TOWNS. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION Forethoughtful People Are Clboosaog Their Holiday Qiffts Now And by so doing are avoiding the discomfort and inconvenience that one must suffer who endeavors to crowd their Christmas shopping into the last few days. It is being given more consideration every year, this matter of shopping earlier in the month and by so doing making more satisfactory selection and with comfort. And no matter what you may select whether large or small or at what price we'll be glad to hold same for delivery as you may direct. You'll find every section of the store full of suggestions in the way of practical and lasting Christmas gifts and prices the fairest. . 1 i To Every Woman Who Waots a JHIaodsom Two- Piece Three-Piece or Tailored Suit who known the distinctive beauty and exelusiveness of our models, with all the charm of quality and individuality of creations accepted as authoritative in Paris and other European style centers this then is her opportunity for choosing and effecting an important javing in its cost. And then she is point; to find splendid difference of models in the col lection no reason why her selection should not be most satisfactory. Giving a brief de scription of some of these beautiful models in what follows. Two Black Eolienne three-piece Suits, beautifully braided and trimmed with hand em broidery. One has beautiful gold Inee yoke combination. Dress suitable for evening or after noon wear. WERE $195.0) EACH ARE NOW $89.50 One lieht blue broadcloth three-piece Suit, beautifully trimmed with braid and hand embroidery. Hand-made lace yoke, appliqued with colored embroidery. WAS $165.00 IS NOW MARKED AT $87.50 One natier blue three-piece Suit, made of Eolienne, beautifully trimmed with haud em broidery and small dot of gold embroidery.. Blouse is detachable. WAS $160.00 IS NOW MARKED AT $85.00 One white English Corduroy, two-piece. Large shawl collar, cuffs and band around bottom of skirt of natural opposNiim fur. WAS S145-IS NOW MARKED AT $79.53 One gray, soft shade; one tan, almost gold shade; one beautiful soft shade of blue. Each one has a detach able blou.se, so it can be used as two or three-piece style, or as separate dress. WAS $135 IS NOW MARKED AT $79.50 Another small group of two-piece styles in the very newest fancy trimmed Tailored Suits. Also one or two Suits in plain delicate shades, handsomely braided and some fur trimmed. One brown broadcloth Suit, button, braid and fur trimmed, worth $89.50. One King Blue Broadcloth Suit, handsomely braided and fur trimmed, worth $$H.OO. One Tan Eolienne Suit, beautifully trimmed with braid. Black satin collar, worth 65.00. One Brown Imported Broadcloth Suit, very plainly made, with brown velvet bands, worth $85.00. CHOOSE ANY ONE OF THEM AT $49.50 One handsome Blue Bagdad Silk, two-piece. The very rough weave. Hand embroidery trimmed. Also has hand-made rope trimming. WAS $115-15 NOW MARKED AT $69.50 One Blue Gray Eolienne, worth $100.00. One Brown Stripe Velvet, worth $97.50. v One Canard Blue Broadcloth, worth $95.00. One Sulphnr Shade Broadcloth, worth $95.00. One Mauve Sacking and Broadcloth combination, worth $95.00. All of them two-piece models. Handsome is surely a mild expression, for they are among the new imported models. CHOOSE ANY ONE OF THEM AT $59.50 One Black Broadcloth Suit, shawl collar, worth $85.00. One Plum Bagdad Cloth, handsomely braided, three piece Suit, worth $35.00. One Royal Blue Broadcloth, 3-piece Suit, worth $30.00. One Black Broadcloth, two-piece Suit, worth $60.00. CHOOSE ANY ONE OF THEM AT $49.50 These Savings fin iBeddira: Timely news of lowered prices on "Wool Blankets, Comforters and Feather Pillows. In the completely stocked Bedfurnishing Department Sixth Floor. , . 4.65 Pair for $7 White Wool Blankets in the eleven-quarter .size. Pink or blue bordered. ' $8.35 Pair for $11.50 All-Wool Blankets of extra fine quality and full size weight 6 lbs. In white only. Pink or blue bordered. $1.05 Each for $1.75 Comforters with silkoline coverings and white cotton filling. Figured on one side only. $1.95 Each for heavier Comforters that are figured on both sides light and dark colors. Regular price $2.75. $3.65 Each, for Silkoline-covered Comforters of extra fine qual ity. Filled with best grade white cotton. Regular price $5. $6.35 Each for full-size Down Comforters, worth $7.50 and $8. $1.45 Pair for Feather Pillows that sell regularly for $2.25 pair. inches. Covered with fancy ticking. $6.35 Pair for extra fine grade Goose Feather Pillows, worth $8.50 pair, best quality heavy ticking. Are Going to Be Ap preciated Right Now Sathie covered. Size 1914 inches by 26 Covered with Another Remarkable Group, of Handsome Tailored Suits 339-5 Our Regular $77.50. $75.00, $69.50. $65. $60. $55 and $49.50 Models at Their Highest Endorsement Is That They Are Made by Deutsch and Max M Schwarcz &. Co. Ninety Suits comprise our entire showing at the above prices and not one is reserved from this special group plain and trimmed models from Deutsch and Max M. Schwarcz & Co. The woman who has put off choosing her fine Tailored Suit and considers this her opportunity, -should make selection early. Every kind of material that one finds only in the hijrher-prieetl garments, from the handsome imported broadcloths to the real Irish. Knlish and Scotch rough weaves, is in this collection. To go into detail and tell about this and that particular model would be a long story but the names of their makers is sufficient to impress that there's distinctiveness and superiority in the fashioning and tailoring. The line of sizes is still complete, so that those interested in this attrac tive offering are not going to be disappointed in making selection. Red CrossStamnq Can now be tecured at the l.A2l'r- i Red I row Booth. MelnpiiV www 1 uki j wii paw f e bear them. 82f! From the Carpet 6tore Comes These Sixth Floor $32.50 Instead of 37.50 For 9ftxl2ft Extra Quality Body Brussels Rugs For general utilit3'. wide range of color and design, there is no rug like our high-grade five-frame three-thread ' EXTRA QUALITY BODY BRUSSELS If it's a soft, harmonious blending of browns and tans that you have in mind for your living-room or dining-room, or the warmer Oriental shades for library or den, youH find them here. And then there are the dainty effects so much sought after in bedroom furnishings gems of the weaver's art, possessing a dainty decorative value found only in the highest grade floor coverings. Combinations of gray, pink, green, yellow and blue in appropriate chintz designs, are the strong features in our show ing of the latter rugs. $7.95 Instead of $11.00 For the 7 ft 6 in. x 10 ft 6 in. Hodges Fiber Rugs A dainty, sanitary bedroom rug in pleasing color combi nations a rug that is durable and sightly and meets the de mand for a low-priced artistic floor covering. $37.50 Instead of $60.00 For the 9 ft x 12 ft Size in Seamless Wilton Rugs Making room for new stock brings about this rare oppor tunity to secure the most up-to-date rug on the market at the price of an ordinary one. They're in plain colors and allover effects tan, blue, rose and green. You can pur chase one on ihe most CONVENIENT PAYMENT TERMS. To the Woman Who Has Yet to Choose Her Winter Coats THESE COAT BARGAINS SPELL OPPORTUNITY S' Fifty of Them in One Special Group at $19.50 $35.00. $32.50. $29.50 and $25.00 Are the Regular Values Coats of all black broadcloth the worombo quality it's the very best. Both semi and tight-fitting and all Skinner satin lined. Also full-lensrth Coats of cheviots and fancy mixtures, both medium and heavy weight and plaid finished inside. Some have fringe at bottom. Splendid variety of styles. "Women's and misses' sizes. Twenty-Five Coats in This Special Group M0.00 Coats noAv $2!).50 543.00 and .47J0 Coats, now $31.50 frfiO.OO and $69.50 Coats, now $45.00 575.00 and $79.50 Coats, now $49.50 All Coats regularly priced above those in the former group are also showing a marked reduction. Handsome coats indeed, and some of them have just recently come in. made of two-shade imported robes. Both styles of sleeves, either the direct shoulder or the slip-on or Kimono sleeve. fill TIbe Busiest and IBriglufcest Spot A in the Store Is the Toy 'Bazaar The Spirit of Christmas is evident everywhere in this wonderful Toyland with its great and varied gathering of fascinating playthings that are of interest to young and old alike an exposition of wonders from the world's greatest toymakers. And now we are ready splendidly ready, with the best variety for you to choose from the lowest prices for you to share in. Now is the time to select your toy gifts the con venience and comfort of early shopping means so much. A few of the many, many things in Toj-land : Steam Engines upright and horizontal types some with every contrivance. Carter Aeroplanes fly straight in the air any child can operate. 2oo. Dewey's Fleet. Complete Trains. Engines with tenders at 85. Mechanical Toys,. Acrobats. Walking Bears, Climbing Bears. Elephants, Swimming Ducks, etc. Swimming Dolls at 35. . Iron Toys Fire Engines, Hook and Ladder. Trucks, Trains, etc. Gaily decorated Drums, as low as 25. Trombones and Cornets. Doll Pianos as low as 40S Dolls in wonderful variety, dressed'and undressed those famous Kestner and Handwerck Dolls, some with real eye brows, hair and eyelashes. Flirting Dolls, too they're most interesting. Dressed Dolls as low as 25. Others as high as $14. Electric Cars, Electric Trains, Lift Bridges and Turn tables, Stations with semaphore systems, etc. the most wonderful mechanical toys yet produced. Toyland bids you welcome. y .-Cm The Tull & Gibb Store ji 'j l 63 - J j j . j . . V o rir MERCHANDISE 'g CERTIFICATES W HelfT solve the gift problem at Christmas time. . We are now issuing them. They're artistic and appropriate of the season. fgggprc'L" Holiday Neckwear Sale 100 Neck Pieces in This Special 31.05 Group, the former prices of which were $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $2.95 and $3.95. Most every style in New Neckwear is included in this collection. Another Group of 100 Neck Pieces at $2.95 This lot, too, includes almost every fancy in New Neckwear, among them some very handsome pieces. Former pricings were $3.75, $3.95, $4.50, $5.00 and $5.95. Fifty Odd Neckpieces in a Special $3.95 Groun Very exclusive styles in neckwear, these beautiful pieces of real Irish hand-crochet, hand-made Cluny and many hand-embroidered pieces with real lace edging and insertion. Im ported pieces of many different Rtyles. In this collection the former pricings were $5.95, $6.50, $6.95, $7.50, $7.95 and to $3.50. WATERPROOF VEILS AT $1.59 In chiffon and in all the fashionable colors. Veils that can be worn on any occasion. Two yards long and one yard wide. They 're specially priced at $1.59. The Neckwear Sec tion, Main Aisle. At Special Holiday Pricings A suggestion to holiday gift seekers and an incentive to buy is this special offering of undergarments that are properly made that fit perfectly and meet with the ap proval of particular women. Made in sani tary workshops and of the best materials, and all trimmings, whether lace or em broidery, are daintiest and best. Some of these garments may be slightly mussed from handling, but are not soiled. Both styles in Combination Undergarments in what we've grouped in this sale the Princess style, forming straight line from bust to-bottom of garment and the waist line style both skirt and drawer garment is shown. $1.95 Combination Garments now $1.39 $2.75 and $2.50 Combination Garments now $1.89 $3.95, $3.50 and $3 Combination Garments now. $2.65 $6.95, $5.95, $4.95 and $4.75 Comb'n. Garments. $3.95 $10.95, $8.75, $7.50 Combination Garments now $5s05 $15.00 and $12.75 Combination Garments now. .$7.95 Center Aisle Table. sses WORTH $85 TO $40 IN THIS SPECIAL GROUP at All the very newest of styles are included in this half -hundred collection of odd Dresses Velvet Dresses, Corduroy Dresses, velvet-trimmed Broadcloth Dresses and some of silk and serge. Almost every color in this assortment. There are really too many for printed description the values should be an incentive to you to look them over. . See the Mew Kflosf it Petticoats "Klosfit" Petticoats lie as close and smooth over the hips and around the waist as a corset. The elastic gusset makes this possible. This, with a strong elastic waistband, gives smooth, comfortable, clinging fit. We have "Klosfit" Petticoats in the best cotton and silk petticoat fabrics and fashionable shades. In cotton, from $1.25 to $3.50. In Messaline or Taffeta Silk $5.00 and $7.50.