The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 04, 1910, SECTION FOUR, Page 11, Image 57

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Belief Is General That Em
ploy'ers' Liability Act May
Fail of Purpose.
Matter I C"oosldcrI of Sufficient
Importaore to J nrtte Cotcth
meat's Aid Seal of Damages
. atacgested a Remedy.
That tha nature of tba smplorsrs' H
ability act. passed at tha November
isctfon. la ao radical and ons-alded
tliat tha worklncs of tba law will ra
an it In slf-lfea and will ba super
eded ultimately by a safer and mora
qultabla law. la tba belief of many
lKdnc and lumbar men who have ba
giving tba mattar consideration.
This rlaw la bains' generally enter.
talned by thoea Interested In tha tlm
bar Industry, bat they ar taking tha
Ituatlon philosophically, believing that
tha leral adjustment of the probabla
damaaa sulfa will bo worked out to tha
mutual satisfaction of all concerned.
"The law haa bean passed and we
must abide by the wishes of the peo
pie, said J. A. Gorman, of tba WIs
cnnsln Timber Company, a concern
which haa large holdings In Oregon
and Washington. I believe that It will
aeon be found that tha law will fall
of Its purpose and when that fact be
romea established, the people, particu
larly tha employed, will be ready to
adnpt a measure that will Hire the
laboring class ample protection and at
tba same time not work a hardship on
operators and owners of manufactur
ing plants.
"This Is an Important matter. Wi
need wlae Isalslatlun on the subject. It
would appear to ma that It Is a auffl
rlently Important matter to engage tha
attention of tha Federal Cnvernment. It
haa been suggested that tha matter of
employers' liabilities ba adjusted along
lines of specific damagea for specific
rases, regulated, of course, by th
nature of the employment. If a Federal
law were passed, specifying amounts
that may ba awarded for damagea
arising from Injurlea received In par
ticular klnda of employment, I think
the situation would be largely mitigat
ed, riurh a law would permit an In
Jured employe to receive a Just amount
for damages and It would also bare a
tendency to equalise liabilities."
When the Columbia Valley lumber
Company haa Its new sawmill plant
completed on the Columbia Rlrer. near
Westporu Wauna. the headquarters of
the ronrern. will be one of the few
model lumbering towns In tha state.
The company haa constructed a number
of neat cottagea for Ita employes and
aaa completed a large building, whlcn
will be occupied by a general mer
rhandlsa store operated by tha com
Work la well under way on the saw
mill, the framework of tha mill being
completed. The plant will have a dally
rapacity of ISS.Oo feet of lumber. In
addition, a woodworking plant will ba
operated. The entire plant will In
volve an expenditure of about $150, SOft.
A. W. Clark and J. B. Robinson are
the principals In tha project.
e e e
Moat of the logging campa in Oregon
and Washington have closed down for
the Winter, as loggers find It Is Im
practicable to operate during tha rainy
season. One of the results of the clos
ing of operations will bo to give tha
mills a chance to have repaira made.
With the logging supply In the Lower
Columbia Klver district abnormally
low and the present output curtailed
to a large extent. It la believed that tba
activity In tha Spring Hi tha logging
and lumbering Industries will ba very
On account of a serious landslide
along the logging railroad on thrir
holdings. Jennings McRae bava closed
their ramps for tha Winter. Their
property la located near atarshland.
below Rainier.
During tha past week, from six to
eight Inches of snow fell at most of
the camps In the higher elevations. An
unusually heavy snow fall la reported
la the vicinity of Yacolt. Wash. ,
C If. Davis, of the firm of Davis
Davis, returned last week from tha
ft! lets district, where ha was engaged
with others In cruising a large timber
tract. On account of the stormy weather
It waa found necessary to suspend tba
work Indefinitely.
One of tha large mill companies that
baa been- recently Incorporated waa or
ganised at Fnreat J rove Ust waak with
a capitalisation of $1.,0. The con
ram will be known as tlM Lovegrea
I timber Company and will bava its head
qttartera at Cherry Urore, In Washington
County. A large sawmill, with dry kilns,
ssah and door factories will be operated,
The West Oregon I -umber Company at
IJnnton la enlarging Ita plant with the
addition of a big band saw. When tha
Improvements are completed, the plant
will have a dally capacity of Uo.w feet,
One of the important foreign shipments
of lumber la the cargo of Z,0a)t.iuo feet
of Oregon fir which the Omega la load
ing for consignment to Hamburg. Tlie
shipment la valued at $7Xa. The lum
ber will he u-d in tha construction tI
the (Hyrapla. which wi:i be used on tin
line The lumber i
North Pacific mill.
waa supplied by tha North Pacific mill.
uvrnixurRST avouk .cnt:
Improvrmentf In Residence Tract
Near In; Completion..
Notwithstanding the month of No
vember was the wettest of record, the
Improvement work In the addition of
Laurelhurst continued at almost normal
rate for the month and only a few
workdays were lost on account of too
much rain. The Winter forces number
about 9 men and trams, besides the
asphalt pa,vinr steam rollers.
Next to the bis; northwest quarter. In
which virtually all Improvements are
completed, the work Is farthest alons;
In the southwest quarter. This Is the
quarter in which Is located the park
recently purchased by the city and
named "Ladd Park." In this section all
aewers amounting; to approximately 18.
) feet, and all water p. pew approximat
ing; 30. WO feet, have been laid, andi about
one-third of the J&4.G00 square feet of side
walks have been put down, is hade trees
are betne; planted now In this quarter.
In the northeast quarter, the total
mount of sewers to be laid Is 1J.500 feet
and 1J0O feet have been put In. The total
amount of water pipes will be 1 feet,
and 13 feet have been laid. Tha en-
ire work will be complete! in Xh aelj.
six weeks, with due allowance for rain.
Tha trenches in this part of Laurelhurst
nave to ba dug very deep, being an
average of more, than 16 feet In depth.
The new houses of C K- Henry and '
Dr. H. L Kreney, both of which are ex
ceedingly fine and artistic, and which
are building, under the direction of the ,
Spencer-McCain Company, side by side
on Block J. one of the commanding ele
vations In Laurelhorst. are nearly com
pleted and soon will ba ready to receive
their occupants. Both tha Henry and
Keener f am 11 lea have been living all
Summer In tha old Ladd Mansion on tha
not block. Just behind their new houses.
As soon as they have moved Into their
new homes, the old mansion, which has
been sold, will ba moved on rollers off
tha addition of Laurelhurst. to a location
on tha north side of the O. K. N.
tracks. It probably will be remodeled
Into an apartment house. This will re
move tha last relic Identifying Laurel
hurst with Its past as tha old Husel Fern
Farm, of the famous Lauld aetata.
Laurelhurst sales during November
wera good, being considerably In excess
of tbe salea for October, and tha Laurel
hurst sales agents. Messrs. Mead and
Murphy, report all indications such that
they are sure of an active real estate I
market with the passing of tba bolidaya
daly mopatrv holds ket
Oprnlng of Ixt to Traffic Would
Aid I'pper Alder Street.
That tha three-cornered lot owned
by Mrs. Catherine Daly, at the Inter
section of Washington and Alder
streets, la mora valuable as a street
dedication or a parking than a building
site Is tha opinion of many persons
who owa property in tba Immediate
Thla view has become mora widely
shared In slnca the old wooden build
ing, which was partially destroyed by
the Exposition building fire, haa been
torn down. By the removal of tha
building a clear and unobstructed view
ran ba bad of Alder street from Upper
Washington street, and It is apparent
that with a direct outlet for Aider
street Into Washington street the
opening of thla property fur street
purposes Is of great value. It la main
tained that with the district rapidly
being transformed Into a business sec-
tlon a free and easy outlet from Wash
ington Is essential and that the only
feasible way to gain such an end
would be to open up the Intersection
through the Daly property.
An assessment district has been
formed for tha purpose of taking over
the property. The board of viewers,
which haa passed on the property, has
placed Its valuation at $45,000. The
report of the viewers will be submit
ted to the street committee of the City
Council and If adopted the subject will
be placed In the hands of tha City
Council for final action.
The property Is beld by the owner aa
valued at $70,000.
Council Crest Will Also Have 00-
Foot Steel Obacrvatory.
According to articles of Incorporation
of Council Crest Exposition company.
filed with the Secretary of State at
Salem this week, a large building 100
feet sausre at Council Crest ia to ba
used hereafter for the purpose of aa
agricultural and Industrial exposition.
It Is the Intention to nil this buuaing
with exhibits of products and Industrie
from the varloua counties and commu-
nltles of Oregon snd tha Northwest gen- I
erally. There will be a writing and I
loun King-room In the center of the I
bulldlng. The exhibits will be In Una I
with tha style of advertising now being I
conducted by various transcontinental l
roads In the Kast.
Mr. DuChamp, the leasee of Council
Crest, states that thla la but the first
of a series of Improvements now In con
templation. The next will be the erec-
tlon by tha Spring of 1812 of a steel ob- I
servatory. $00 feet In height with fast I
elevator service and equipped with sev- I
eral Dowerful prismatic telescopes or six- I
inch objectives. Tbe top of tha structure I
will be approximately 1500 feet above the I
liver. It Is estimated that tbe cost of
this enterprise will ba about $40,000.
It is also tbe Intention to Install
rink 120 feet In diameter for Ice skating.
Should these features meet with suc
cess. Mr. DuChamp - has assurances of
practically unlimited financial backing
and further Improvements are to be then
undertaken which will Involve the ex
penditure of probably $-0,OVO within the
next five years.
Contractors In Portland Keep Busy
Throughout Winter.
In Tortland and Western Oregon tha
weather during the Winter months la
usuajly favorable for building, tha ther
mometer seldom falling to a point that
maitrs the work Inconvenient. Heavy
rains, of coarse. Interfere mora or less.
but not enough to tie up work for any
considerable time.
From a business standpoint, property
ownera can really have their placea im
proved to better advantage at this time
of the year.
Tha dealers or supplies and
building material are inclined to sell at
reduced prices. Furthermore, wages are I
naiuraliy lower ana a oeuer class oi i
workmen are seeking employment.
"The Winter weather does not seem
to affect the people of Portland when
It comes to wanting a building con
structed." said a contractor. "This is
shown by the number of buildings and
dwellings now going up throughout the
city. Wa are usually able to secure ma
terial cheaper and the workmen also
are satisfied to accept less wages In or
der to be kept busy where otherwise
they would be Idle. For these reasons
wa can give more attractive contracts.
There appears to be an unusual build
ing activity in Portland at present.
UlrartnM Will Re) Ready for T'se br I dwelling. Twenty-seventh street between Go
trurtaro vein xm Jicauy lor .s aj I nd Prescott: builder, same; HiO.
First Part of April.
The Multnomah County Courthouse will
probably ba completed tbe first part of
ApriU ccord,n" Archltact Leake.
h "P0" wt" "ith
inO mrtUUsat 6VDlI.ia rrJ IU alio avu-
et rue tlon Is attributed largely to the non
arrival of building material. During- the
peaf-t month, however, materia has been
received more regularly and accordingly
the pub-contractors have been kept busy.
The placing of the limestone and granite
walls will be completed on the six stories
by next Tuesday.' when the United En
gineering tfc Construction Company will
Immediately begin erection of the steel
for the two additional s tori em. Thla com
pany also haa the contract to Install the
terra cotta cornices, exterior walls of
the main building and the concrete work
of the jail. The company expects to have
Ita contracts completed by the first part
of February.
With the exterior of the building
finished at that rime, work will be rushed
on the interior, and efforts will be made
to have tbe building ready for use before
April L If possible.
Philomath eans to Give Party.
Or.. Dec 1. (Special.) Tha Phllo
matheaa Literary Society's annual
party next Friday will be noteworthy In
university social annals. This Is the
oldest girls' literary society In the
state. The party will be held in the
new and spacious gymnasium, which
already has been the scene of several
social events w
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Half - Million Mark Nearly
Reached Last Week.
Largest Im .Is for County Conrt-
houe. Amounting to $225,000
Apnrlnicnls to Cost $75,000.
w Stores Planned.
Business. In the building inspector's
office last week showed an appreciable
Increase over that of any previous week
since September. Ninety-four permits.
aggregating H7S.775. were issued.
The important permit of the week
-as for the erection of the Multnomah
County Courthouse. The permit spec!
fles a six-story steel structure costing
$2i5.O0O. The permit does not include
the entire cost of the building, aa Sep
arate permits have - been Issued for
other parts of the construction.
Morgan. Fleldner A Boyce took out a
Mrai, or the construction of a four-
,tory brick apartment-house at tha
southeast corner of Twenty-first-and
Hoyt streets to cost $75,000.
Other permits included a two-story
store building for R. Christina n, on
Hawthorne avenue, between Thirty
sixth and Thirty-seventh streets, cost
ing $10,000: one and one-half-story
frame building for O. A. Eastman on
East Twenty-fourth street near Brazee,
costing $10,000; four-story brick store
for Beno & Ballis, on Stark, between
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, costing
The dally permits issued tor the week
Mondar ...
. ... 17
Tunr-day ...
Friday ....
1 4.u:,i
1,1 lio
In detail the permits are as
Base Line Lumber Co. Erect one-slory
frame dwelllnc. .base Lino road between
Elshty-nrst and Elshty-aecona atreela
hulldr. T C rurroll: SI 000.
J. 1- Wrltrht Creel one-storr frame sar-
tr, Hancock street between Twenty-second
and Twenty-Iourtn; ouuaar, lu u
a Co.; ;uw.
i ii t ...Hu n.nai, ,M.iiArv mm ,rnrr
10 Alberta street between Fifteenth and
Vcraon; builder, same; flow.
R. Mason Erect one-story inune aweiurs.
southwest corner Burrsse snd iarrasut
streets; builder, same: Uooo.
Mrs. C. W. Knowlea itepalr two-story
frame store, S70 East Morruion street be
tween Third and L'nloa avenue; builder, 1
Heller, llooo.
H. H. loop Kepair one-eiory rrame aweu-
ine cut Twrntv-fourth street between Ga
ins and Prescott: builder, same; $-o0o.
C F. Clapp Krect one-story frame plxeon
shed. Forty-nfttt avenuo eouthvaat between
ixtr-nlnth and Seventieth atreeta; builder.
me: ajouo.
Multnomah rountv Erect six-story steel
,nd Hals,; builder. Wblddea A Lewis; -26-
Courthouse. Fourth street between galmna
J. Donnelly Erect one-story frame dwell
ing. 7ol Klxty-flrst avenue southeast be
tween Hlxty-nlnth and Seven ur-second
streets: builder, same: $1200.
cteors-e Thompson Kreci one-imry rrwme
dwelling. Ksat Twenty-eighth street between
Francla and Rhone; buUder. H. Tberkelaen;
tuy a Miller r.recx one-piory immi oweii-
n. IMvlelon erreet between iweniy-nima
and Thirtieth: builder. ienve A Lccle; $2oOO.
Mrs. Alice venaoie r.reci one-siory irume
dwelllns. tst Klgtity-elxth street between
Utark and (k: builder. C. W. Ko: sHi.
8. W. Anderson Krect two-story frame
dwelling-. Schuyler street between Thirtieth
and Thirty-first; builder, same: $3."io.
K. J. Hlcnarnaon nepair one-siory rrame
dwelling. 13o East Twenty-ninth street be
tween lioyt and Ottaan: builder, same; X3ou0.
airs. M. Sargent brect one-story I rim.
building. 8lxly-nlnth street southeast, be
tween Metsger and Woodbine; builder, same;
R. T. oeboms) Kepair one-story rrame
V. W. Sinclair Krect one-story rrame
dwrlllns. Kt Sixty-sixth $itrt between
Work is progressing on the lwo-story pressed brick building for Williams A Webster, owners of the
Fashion stables, at the corner of Bast Eleventh and East Flanders streets. H. L. Camp A Son drew the plans
and sr. tha contractors for the building. It will cost $20,000, and the equipment will cost about $15,000
more. The structure covers a quarter block, and will be modern throughout. The stalls will be located in
Uia basement. In general the building conforms to the requirements of safety and sanitation.
a a 9 a e a a a. a . . a e.saa aaa ss.s . ... s . ii.i.u.n
SUklyoa and Ftanton; bollder. am me; $?O00.
H. P. Palmer Erect two-tory frame
dwelling, Knott street between Twenty-third
and Twenty-fourth; bulldera. Tranche.! 4k
Fareliua; $7(HXX
H. P. Palmer Erect one-tory frame ita
raite, Knott etreet between Twenty-third
and Twenty-fourth; bulldera, Tranchall A
Parellua;, 9iHM.
John Anderson Repair one-story frame
dm filing. East Elrhty-nrst street between
Ankeoy and Purnalde; builder, same; $'i.0.
- J. C. Jameson Erect one-story frame
barn. Kusell street between Rodney and
Union avenues; builder, same; $3000..
C. W. Davts and B. J. Howland Erect
one-story frame dwelling;. East Eighty-seventh
street between Burni and Gltsan;
builder. F B. Fremont; 2tXH.
W. . ravjs Erect one-story frame
dwelling. East Elghty-foorth and Davis;
builder, r. K. Fremont; SJIM)'!.
rl. ri. teiiwooa i-jreci one-story xrame
rfilckenshed, (ui Umatilla avenu. oetween
Fifteenth ana beventeenth; ouiiaer. same,
Morgan, FHedner 9c. Boyce Erect four
storr brick apartment-house, southeast cor
ner Twonty-flrst and Hoyt streets; builder,
aamer t7.t.tMM.
F. I. Blake Repair one-story frame
dwelling. 7 Ho East Thirty-second street, be
tween Francos, snd. rowel, valley itoaa;
builder, same: S600.
C. W. Uavls aud B. J. Howland Erect
one-story frame dwelling. East Eighty-
fourth street between Davis ami ousan
builder. F. E. Fremont: I2UOO.
O. . W. Davis Erect one-tory frame
dwelling. Eat Eighty-fifth street between
Davis and UiUan; builder, H. Aa bcnermer-
horn: S'JUOO.
O. Vr'. Davis and B. J. Howland Ereot
one-story frame dwelling. East Elghty-sev
enth street between Burnslde and GUsan
. . Taeaday.
Clara L. Saunders Erect one-story frsma
dwelling. East Filty-elghth street between
bandy road ana biantun; Duiiuer u.
Jrsme! SOuO.
J. O. M arrs Erect two-story fraxna flats.
Albtna avenue between Shaver and aung
Kiit I tier, uune: S41HMJ.
W. E. Elliott Erect one-story frame
dwelling, Denver avenue between Willamette
ana Emerson; buiiaer. same; siw.
E. R. Lseedy Erect one-alorr frame dwell
ing. East Forty-fourth street between
Thompson and Brazee; builder, same; fuuO.
W'elnhard state Repair nve-tory brick
store. Fourth street between Alder and Mor
rison: builder. J. W. Thurman: s-ooo.
Rudolph Chrlstman Erect two-story
frame store, southwest corner Hawthorne
atenue between Thirty-sixth and Thirty-
seventh streets: builder, same; XlU.vw.
Rudolph Chrisiman Erect ono-atory
brkk building, southwest corner Hawthorne
averue between Thirty-sixth and 'imrty
seventh streets: builder, same: SliuOO.
A. W. Dering Erect two-story frame
dwelling. East GUsan street between Eigh
ty-third and Elgnty-rounn; Duuaer, uuu
villa Lumber ac Fuel Company: I1U0U.
C. P. Fennock Erect 1 V4 -story frame
dwelling, northeast corner East Sixth and
Lombard streets; builder. Miller & Kelson,
Andrews & Cook Erect one-story frame
dwelling. Eaxt seventy -second street oe
tween Burnslde and Thorbum; builder.
same; -iKKi.
c. Steward Repair two-storr frame eta
ble. East Eightieth street between Oak
and Stark: builder, same; 93000.
Charles Tritker Repair two-story frame
building. 28o Yamhill street between Fo.irth
and Fifth; builder, K v. Fonner; sum.
F. Garrison Erect one-story frame dwell
ing. East Eightieth street between Fremont
and Klickitat; builder, same;, aiuuu.
F. F. Brawer Erect two-story frame
dwelling. East Twelfth street between Han
cock and Schuyler; builder. Beaux Bull dins
Co.; Ioov.
Association Business Pronertr Ownei
Repair two-story frame buildings, "Washing
ton street between xnira ana touno; ouiia
er A. F. Elerath: SlbUU.
Mrs. Montgomery Repair one-story frame
dwelling, 013 ieo street oetween jjirteentn
and beventeentb; builder, w. a. Mooay;
f. r.. Kcea treci one-storr rrame aweu-
Ing, East Forty-second between Hawthorne
nd Clay; ouiiaer, same; suuu.
P. L. Reed Erect one-story frame dwell
Ing, East Forty-second between Hawthorne
ana Clay; tiuiiaer. same; auuu. .
McFariand 4k fsinitn irect one-story
frame dwelling. East Thirty-seventh street
between iniepnens ana stancei; ouiiaer.
same; aJaKMK).
Ij. and x. Nicoiai tteoair xour-story nnca
store building. Third street, southeast cor
ner Davis: builder. H. T. Kurata; lUO0.
Rose w hite Kepair three-story brick
build Inf. Stark street between Second and
Third; builders, H. t.. wooa &. co.;
fipauiding i rust co. Kepair tnree-story
brlrk building, northwest corner Fecond and
Alder streets; builder. J. A. Melton; $2i(M.
p. H. twtmin Erect one-and-a-hair-
Story dwelling. East Thirty-second street
between Francis and Powell; builder, same;
Mr tn firr ir.ret:i onB-iiory rrame
dwelling, Houghton street between Mo-
Kenna ana win; ouiiaer, j. nana;
i. pirunvi rareri i wo-story rrame
dwelling, Kant Thirty-eighth street between
Market and Stephens; builder, same; $500.
Thursday. -
A. W. Thornton Erect one-story frame
dwelling. East Twenty-first street, between
Going and Prescott; builder, same; $1500.
J. .Butts tteoair two-story irame store.
654 Sixth street, between Lincoln and Grant;
builder. C Renders; $100.
R. o. Hail fcrect one-storr frame dwell
ing. Chautauqua street. hMween Augnes and
Willis Boulevard; ouiiner, same; moo.
Eastman Company Erect two-story frame
dwelling. East Twenty-sixth street, between
&raxee and Thompson; builder, same; $6500.
Eastman company Erect two-tory frame
dwelling, southeast corner Twenty-sixth and
Brazee: builder, same: SS5O0.
George A. Eastman Erect lH-tory frame
dwelling, southeast corner xwenty-xourtn
and Brazee streets; builder. Lutmaa torn
oanv: tlo.000.
George A. Eastman Erect one-story frame
garage, sourness, corner caji iweni'-iourm
ana iiraxtte streets; ouiiaer, iiuunui lAim-
Eastman Company Erect two-story frame
dwelling. East Twenty-sixin street, oetween
Brazee and Thompson; builder, same; $7200.
Mrs. E. R horn berg Erect two-story frame
hotel, Russell street, between remnsuia ave
nue and Burrajre street; builder, same; $3f00.
R. Reepp Erect one-story frame shop.
East Sixth street, between Failing and
Beech : builder, same: 4260.
A. Knutson Repair two-story brick build
Ing. northeast corner East Thirty-ninth an
Belmont streets; . builder, W. F. Shumway
C. H. McKlnley Repair one-story frame
dwelMnff. IOuJ East Alder street, between
rnirty-tmra ana lniriy-iounn; ouiioor,
lam: 1100.
Northwest Brewing -Company Repair
three-story rrame store, 264 Davis street.
between Third and Fourth; builder, M. Max
sushtma; $500.
Oeorse h. Smith Erect one-storr fram
dwelling;, Weldler street, between Ninth and
Tenth; builder, Velguth & Puree; $375.
David McMillan Repair two-story frame
store, 192 East mark street, oetween oev
enty-flflh and Seventy-sixth; builder, same
22 00.
George . Sawyer Repair ' one-story frame
barn, &o$ Falling street, betwean Tenth and
Eleventh; builder, same; $100.
George E. Story Erect m-story frame
dwelling. East Tw snty-rour;n street, oetweei
Sherman and Caruthers; builcer, J. B. .Ed
gar; fZOQO,
Crescent Paper Co. Erect one-story frame
garage, 442 East Htartc street, southeast
comer Seventh: builder, same: SIOO.
Beno A Ballis Erect four-story brick
store. Stark street, between Twelfth and
Thirteenth: builder. P. JePDesen: 110.000.
I. F. Broure Erect one-story frame
barn. Fifty-ninth avenue. Southeast, between
Ray burn and Wooden: builder, same; $loo.
William Dahlke Erect two-story frame
dwelling, Linn avenue, between Eighteenth
ana ivineteentn: Duuaer, same; iuuu.
G. Carlson Erect one-story frame shop.
04 East Thirty-fourth and Washington
streets; builder, same; $100.
A. Linden Repair one-story frame
dwelling. Broadway street, between Forty
in 1 rd and Forty-fourth ; builder, same
R. H. Durfee Erect one-story frame
dwelling. East Fifty-first street, between
Blxty-tblrd and Sixty-fourth avenues,
builder, same: loOO.
Charles L. Foster Erect one-story frame
temporary dwelling. Marietta avenue, be
tween Lombard and county road; builder,
same; $.'.00.
Merchants' Investment Co. Reoalr four-
story brick building, southwest corner Wash
ington, oetween bixtn ana seventh; build'
er. E. A. Lvndrt: llOOO.
A- Swanion Erect one-story frame dwell
ing. Klickitat street. between Seventy-
si xtn ana seventy- seven in ; ouiiaer, H.
Vieth: $1!00.
A. J. v an wassenhali Renalr twn-stnrv
frame store, 8t5 Gladstone street, between
jLenuwortn avenue ana xwenty-nintn street;
ouiiaer, same; tidv,
M. Frank Reoalr two-storv frame store.
lhH Morrison street, between Front and
Aiauison-street oriage; ouiiaer, (jscar Luas
tran; 2.-.0.
Elks Repair four-storv brick building.
Seventh street, between Starlc and Oak:
builder. K- Angell; $15o0l
A. M. Clements Erect one-stnrv fram
dwelling. Seventy-sixth street, southeast, be
tween Forty-seventh and Forty-eighth ave
nues; builder, same; $200.
William Geddefl Erect two-storv frame
uweuiDg, oaiawin street, oetween Mlxsissip
lii uu jniuuflsuia; ouiiaer. same: iuuu.
IT. S. A. Kepair three-story stone Post
office, Morrison street, between Fifth and
sixth builder. H. M. Hall: Si&oo.
A. A. Selander Erect one-storv frame
owelllng. Detroit avenue, between Alnsworth
ana jessup; builder, same: $looo.
S. C. Judd Erect one-story frame
chicken -house, Fifty-Ninth avenue, south
east, between Sixtieth and Sixty-second
streets; builder, same; $100.
Charles Love Erect one-storr frame gar
age, siaryjana street, De tween Simpson and
Jarrett: builder, same: SoO.
W. H. Mallett Erect one and one-half
story rrame dwelling, Emerson street, be
tween uenver ana uonoora; ouiiaer, Keis
ner A Hubbel: tlKOO.
S. Natschei Erect one and one-half ntnrv
rrame dwelling, Missouri avenue, between
rrescott ana Bianaena; builder, same
railing estate Kepair tnree-story brick
store, northeast corner Front and Stark:
builder. It. J. Steward; $2000.
tl. a. Kleins irect one-story rrame dwell
ing. East Twentv-elghth street. between
Francis ana 10 wen; builder, same; $100
Grand Army Post Sleets. .
J. L Misenhelmer waa elected com
mander of George Wrleht Post of the
Grand Army of the Republic Friday
night, and other officers were elected
an follows: Senior vice-commander,
F. M. Johnson; junior vice-command
er, IL B. Ballard ; surgeon, Martin
Riley; chaplain, M. J. Morse; quarter
master, W. N. Morse; outer guard,
C. A. Lamar; trustee, G. -E. Caukin
representatives to department en
campment, T. A. Jordan, D. "W. Bebrlng,
W. Griffith, Lv C. Shorn o, H. B. Bal
lard, W. H. H. Blaney; alternates, V
B. Pe Lashmutt, C. A, Lamar, C. T.
Gouldlng, Conrad Stark. Casper Koh
ler, T. Kelly.
Area Between Mt. Tabor and
Barr Road Growing.
Palldingr Restrictions, Street Im
provements and High Elevations "
Make District Attractive New
Additions Needed Is Said.
During the last year no section has
built up more rapidly than that part
of tbe East Slda lying between Mount
Tabor aud Barr road, where. It appears,
special advantages are offered home
builders and Investors.
As an Illustration of the1 rapid
growth of that section, one need only
to go to the additions In the -vicinity
of the north slope of Mount Tabor and
there will be found more than S00
homes which have been . built during
the last 10 months.
Value of property In that vicinity has
increased more than 0 per cent. It is
declared, during the past year and be
cause of the great influx of Eastern peo
ple to Portland the past Summer, It is
expected that values will show a greater
advance next year. Lota in that section
appear to be In demand. -
One of the greatest movements in the
line of Improvement work In that portion
of the East S'do is that of making Ollsan
street an 80-foot boulevard and hard-sur
facing this thoroughfare from Twenty
eighth street to the city limits. With
the completion of this and other improve
ment work in that direction, it ia ex
pected that the value of home sites will
be materially enhanced in the eastern
part of the Central East Side, especially
on the higher elevations and view points.
The population of Portland continues
to increase at the rate of over 1000 per
sona a month. Wth the rapid growth
in population tha city lawmaking and the
neaicny ouying or ouiioing sites; the sit
uation makes it necessary to add more
land andi to open up new tracts. Real
estate sales show that less than a year
ago $500 and $600 lots could be bought on
tiie East Side less than three miles from
the Bumside bridge. It is now neces
sary .to go another mile further out to
finds lots that can be bought around $300
or WOO.
Since putting Jonesmore Addition on
the market a tew months ago, Umbden
sto:k A Larson report that sales have
been brlrti and that the movement has
open strong in that part .of the East
'In buying real estate in local subdi
visions it has often been remarked by
prospective homeseekers that the reason
they delayed buying lots when first of
fered was the fear that an undesirable
class might be permitted! to live in the
district where they desire to locate,'
said Mr. Larson, of the Umdenstock &
Larson Company. "Having that matter
in mind, we have insisted on a nrst-clasa
clientele and1 In placing the building re
strictions we have had it arranged so
that only desirable persons could reside
in the subdivision. Our clients seem to
be well pleased with this plan."
Sandy Road Place, a new subdivision
opened by George D. Schalk and W. H
Orindstaff. Is being operated along the
same lines as Jonesmore Addition. The
ground is being highely Improved. Since
tha addition was opened a few weeks
ago a large number of sales hare been
Claussen & Claussen. are preparing
plans lor a $3000 bungalow for S. Nat
scber, to be built on Missouri avenue,
near Prescott street. The dwelling will
contain six rooms, with basement.
The contract for excavation for the
Dezendorf Apartments, on North Six
teenth street, has been let and the archi
tects, Claussen & Claussen, announce
that the four-story building will be
rushed to completion. The apartment
house will be modern In every respect.
Work on remodeling the business prop
erty of the Macleay estate, located at
Frist and Alder streets, will be started
this week. The contract has been award
ed to Wlnaland A Co. The improve
ments will cost albout $7000.
COST $2,19o, 894.
rilling of Streets on East Side, to
Begin . Soon, Will Cost Nearly
Forty-two Thousand.
According to figures furnished by City
Auditor Barbur improvements in the year
costing $US6,S94 have been made and are
projected in the Seventh Ward, south of
Division. The improvements Include work
on streets', sewers and water mains. The
streets Improved cost $1,357,001; sewers,
$741,107; water mains, $98,781. There are
64 streets under way and 21 sewer dis
tricts and 43 water mains have been
laid. The principal 'street improvements
are those on Hawthorne avenue, be
tween East Third and East Fifty-fourth
streets, costing $233,069; Division street,
between Grand avenue and East Forty-
first, costing $126,875; East Eleventh and
Milwaukie, between Hawthorne avenue
and Holgate street, $100,000. Notice to
improve Milwaukie street, between
Holgate to Nehalem ' streets has been
given. Hawthorne avenue has also been
extended to East Sixtieth street, and
will be paved to East Sixtieth street
next year. Grand avenue has been paved
to the Southern Pacific Railroad, and
will be improved to Ellsworth street next
Through tha etrorts oi w. j. 1,'iemens,
Grand avenue will be extended south
from Ellsworth street along the bluff
overlooking the Willamette River to a
connection with Milwaukie street, form
ing a boulevard above the river.
A large number or streets nave been
extended and opened. The total given
for Sewers In the Seventh Ward la about
one-half of what the cost will be finally
when all sewers under construction are
The Pacifio Bridge Company Is pre
paring to fill East Eighth street be
tween the Southern Pacific railroad and
East Caruthers street, the cost of which
will be $27,303. The company will alao
fill Division street from Grand avenue
to East Tenth street at a cost of $17,923.
Track is now being laid to East Eighth
street from Grand avenue and material
for these fills will be hauled by dump
The Portland Railway, Light A Power
Company has purchased ten acres on
Powell, between East Twenty-flrat and
East Twenty-sixth streets. It is an
nounced that the deeds have been pre
pared for the property and are now ready
to be delivered It is also announced that
the tract will bo the site for the whops
to b. erected toy the street railway com-
ijiany. lor the--repair, and manufacture of
but orice a year; hepce
forth buy yonr lighting;
fixtures here, as more
lights bring welcome and
cheer. Let us offer sug
gestions; we know how.
See our nice line of
Christmas gifts in Dining
room Domes, Stand
Lamps, Andirons and
Spark Folding Screens.
M. J. Walsh Co.
311 Stark, Near Sixth.
Both Phones. .
cars. Narrow and wide-gauge lines will
be laid to the tract.
C H. Nelson and John Dodge have pur
chased a lot In Rose City Park, 283x344
feet, from Hartman & Thompson, and
will build an apartment-house there. It
will be of brick construction and will
contain four flats. The tract Is on the
south side of the Sandy boulevard adjoin
ing the Metcalf gravel pit and extends
almost to East Fifty-sixth street. The
high bank on the Sandy boulevard will
be cut down and the grading of the site
for the building will be started at once.
C W. Davis has started construction of
six dwellings on Villa avenue and East
!ignty-iourtn street eacn to cost JUW.
Mr. Davis recently purchased a tract in
this vicinity and has already built many
nouses on tne iana. ii;. f xemoni nas
the contract for the houses.
There is a considerable building move
ment on Villa avenue now that it Is rea
sonably sure that it will be made an 80
foot boulevard. James Conway, of the
United. States Forestry Bureau, pur
chased a home of Mr. Davis for $3000.
C. F. Ehrman,. has purchased a half
block on East Eightieth street and Villa
avenue for $1200.
Increased interest is manifested in the ,
project for a theater on tbe East Side. ,
The committee from the East Side Busi
ness Men's Club has been enlarged to
five active business men and property
owners. It is now proposed to take hold
of the project with vigor. John F. .
Cordray and other theater managers say
they will lease the theater when erected.
The committee will consider the guaranty
nlan bv which the nrooerty owners and .
business men will form a corporation to
Insure the payment of the rent of the ,
theater for five or six yeans. The com-
nanv will ue iiilui uvi tvtuu itir exv.uuu ui
A. H. Harding has sold a lot 60x100 feet
on East Seventy-first and East Wash
ington streets, near the end of the Mount
Tabor carline, to George West for $3000. r
The property is improved with a seven- .
room frame cottage.
Roseburg Man Father of 2C
ROSEBURG, Or., Dec. S. The birth
of a daughter to the wife of Levi
White, In this city, yesterday, maks
Mr. White a father for the 22d time.
This Is the 12th child of the couple.
Mr. White's first wife bore him ten
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