E SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 4, 1910. .BETIREMENT ONLY LESTER NEW STAR? BAD ROADS ARE DARED BY FAIR AUTO DRIVER Un, William Bahlmder li Kt Only Expert at Wheel, but Repair Own WAY FOR NELSON Tommy Burns Picks Him as Motor After Miahapi en Roujh Highway. Coming Champion. Battler's Denial That Moran Knocked Him Out Is Re-' FIGHTER IS A BIG POLE garded as Foolish. s 6EFEREE COUNTED TO 12 I'k-Ior An lion lo Meet Wolgast, , Who Mould Walt I'mll Mar He Want 9 1 S.St t Gvarantce. Fight Again Oppoacd. HT HARRY B SMITH. Uky FRANCISCO. caL. Lec- I. rspa- rial. Owen Moran demonstrated last wark what manr of th fight rrltlra bar been unwilling to admit. when tha little Englishman kaorkrd oat Battling Kelson In the eleventh round of their bout at Mota arena. In spit of tha "llif that Nelson la putting up. . Moran won hla fight all. tha war and bfr ha had finished with tha Durable I'ane. airs proof also of hla punch. The knockout ni a clean-rut affair. A hard right to tha chin, tumbled Nel oa over, ao that he fell on bla hark with hla feet high In tha air. Four limes more he waa knocked down be. fora Referee ft II ir finally countad him out. Kelson now iajti ha waa not counted out and that he .till had a rhanra. Anr aurh assertion la nothing but a sub terfuge to ear what little reputation be has left. "The flr.t time that I waa knocked down.- said Nelson. "It waa a hard punch and everything want bls-a ba fora me. just aa blark as that hat. Afterward. I waa recovering myself and only stalling to last tha round out. Moran waa tiring and tiring fast and I think that I would he bad him In tha next round. I waa listening to t-slla and he didn't count me out. Ererr newspaper man who waa at the light, however. Is a witness to tha rount. If anvthina- fella want over tha rount than under It- ila was keep- In; lime with tha official timekeeper, and If my memory serves me right, ha counted 13 before he called the Hauler put. As Sella; himself says, with anr other fighter In the ring than Nelson, tha bout would have been stopped. Aware, nowever. of Nelson a wonderful re cuperative powera In the past, he want ed to give the lane every chance that waa romtng to him. Tha talk that Nelson might have won In the next round la also foolish, lie could not lave recovered In one minute and Moran waa In good shape. Moran' "Showing Fine. aioran Is not to be robbed of any rart of the credit for beating Nelson. The Englishman, looking In aa good hapa aa be baa been alnca be appeared here, fought a cool, heady battle. Un questionably the body punches weak ened Nelson and tired him. Tbe Bat tler waa but an excuse of his former self. He did not have the punch or tha -vitality and In addition lacked tha ability to atand punishment. Take that last asset away from Nelson and yon ao not leave mm verr much. In spite of the advice of all of hla friends, backed up by the sporting writers, iveieon wants to continue tha ting. lie appears to feel that he Is Just as good a drawing card aa ever. "I want to flcht Wolgast.- Me said. I can beat that stiff. 1 suppose If Wolgast will not fight me that I will have to take Moran on for a return match. I don't know whether I will go Into theatrical work. They will have to give me Just aa much money as I ever received. If I am to go on the stage. Tbat la a fair aample of the kind of laia that kelson Is putting up. It proves that ha doesn't reallxe the changed conditional forgeta that he Is a twice-defeated man. His friends have urged him to retire, lie haa plenty of money to keep him going and they have aavisen mm that to enter the ring again will only mean to face another aereac. xae Fattier will not listen to audi talk. In fact. It makes him angry be cause ne is so aiiviaed. Ha aavs bit- lerly that he will ahow the wise ones that be Is not a dead one and that he ran come hack. a - -." Aia.a.,M. w ea-s'i m-mmm"vmmtHJ$f J Ws I - -. .; -rr, .-L- ... ' if J, . ' . i - J l-rZZ'r; ' -r-rT.'. L;X:'- ' fa3-' MRS. WILLIAM BOHLAOCK ttIOI.U II til lu-iA!MC.NtWKH FORD MONCI Portland'a most expert omen motorl-ts Is Mrs. William Bohlander. who handles her neat little five-passenger Ford with a skill nd grace that few of her sex excel. Mra. Bohlander resides at the Hotel Lenox., and every morning, rain or shine, her little car leaves Third and Main for a swift spin out Sixth, or some other smoothly paved street. This morning airing by motor haa come to be a regular part of Mrs. Bohlander's dally life. While she haa been driving only a few months, there la little Mrs. Boh lander doea not know about running or repairing her automobile. Since late "Spring she haa covered more than 400 miles, and haa taken many long trips into the country, such as the run to Hood River, and touring tha n 11- lamette Valley. She has traversed many difficult roads, and haa never yet had to call for masculine help, alwaja coming out of seemingly hopeless mudholes and rain-washed gutter with flying col ors. Hut the ba roads she has encoun tered have made of Mrs. Bohlander an ardent supporter of K. Henry Werarae, the good roads enthusiast. "1 am with Mr. Wemme heart and soul for good roads." said Mrs. Boh lander. "Ore iron la such a beautiful state, so Interesting In every direc tion, that It Is a pity we haven't fine, graded roads leading toward all points of the compass. Even with our very few even fair roads, motoring In tha country is the most enjoyable thing I know, and when wa do get tha good roads. I am sure Oregon will be better appreciated, even by people who hay lived here all their lives." ICcllrrmrnt His Saalor. The public has a world of respect for Nelson as a fighter, chiefly because he baa alwaya been aggressive and always on the square. That sentiment will die away If the Dane Insists on lighting. II ran t help but lose and win only go the way of other men who bav In sisted on boxing long after they should have retired. Owen Moran la anxious to get a bout with Ad Wulgust. once upon a time he bested Wolgast In six rounds In the Cast and he thinks that he can win tha lightweight championship. Wolgast. however. doesn't appear anxious to go Into action. He prefers not to light until next Msy and wanta X 13. t. an Impossible guarantee, for lua end. Charley Harvey has tak.-n Moran Vast with htm and the Englishman will show In New York and then take up such other work as oftera. After that, the chancra are that he will do a tour if the English music halls. Personally. Moran would much prefer fighting to theatrical business, but Harvey want to wait for Wolgast. If there la any chance. Jeff Perry, a lo.-al boy. who waa for a. lung time sparring partner to Nelson nd this time haa been In the Moran vamp, will spar with Moran on the New York stage and then pl.-k up whatever lie can by getting matches In New i'rl- Perry has the slam hang rush-In a'jle of Nelson and he ought to make a Antl-Mclit War Itrvlvcd. T.e Nelson-Moran bout haa brought reneaej agnation on the part of the Church Federation to stop the game, but so far nothing has reralird. It looks as. If the a:u:Hn would succeed In Oakiund and AUmeda bounty, aa the grand Jury rroug.'it the-sU.)e,-t t the attention of tha Mavor ar.d. Chief of Police. St and ten-round bouts have been permitted in Oakland and although It was at first an nounced that there would be no more boxing, the rani scheduled for lae Wed nesday night took place with the ar proval of the city authorises. The only result baa been an ordinance cutting dawn matchee In Oakland from ten to sig rounder la San Francisco. J. K. White, at torney for the Federation, has been writing letters to District Attorney Ftckert. ralltr.g li at tent Inn to the match. T.e I'lstrlot Attorney replied in an open lotter to White In which. lw suggested that White swear out rnm . rlalnts against Nelson and Moran. that the. boairg law of California might be tested. It I doubtful whether any mora will are that the Church Federation will have an anti-boxing law for submission at the next session of the Legislature. Blot Arranges Match. Louis Blot w!U essay to give a Xe round match Baturday afternoon. Decem ber 17. If tha authorltlea and the weather do not Interfere. Johnny Frayne and One Round" Jack Hogan are the pair of lightweights be haa matched and It ill be a fair card, although nothing In comparison to the two boys who met laex. Saturday. Hogan la the chap who bad a chance at Nelson first of all and refused because he didn't want to fight 39 rounds. Portland la to be congratulated upon securing Nick Williams to handle the Portland Northwestern League team. Nick Is a remarkably steady chap and ought to make good. A lack of ginger has been rcaponsible In part for his failure to do more of the catching on the local tram, coupled to the fact that Claud Berry la a rattling good backstop. How ever. Williams has for tne past two yeans, been the buMnes representative of the team when on the road and Long thinks be te decidedly capable. He haa released WW lama to McCredle because be want to give the blond-haired catcher a chance to better himself. Nick does not know what steps will be tsken toward getting a club together and snra that he will wait until Walter MrOedle la here for the adjourned an nual meeting of the league the second Saturday In January. Tip O'Neill, president or tne western League, baa been sccurea oy jonu era v lor. of the Boston Americana, arrange the details of the trip the Red Sox will make to the Pacific Coast next Spring. Tip bandied both trips mane Dy the Chicago White Sox to California and at tha be one that could be secured for the work. ae he Is familiar not only with the transportation end but w trie scheduling of games aa well. The Red Sox will reach here about tne first of next March and with all tne rluhe that propose to do their training In California, there will be more th enough xamf for them. LARGE AUTO SEEN HERE OLDS MOBILE LIMITED IS BIG GEST CAR IX PORTLAND. Xew Models Put on Display Show Modern Appliances and Fine Speed Equipment. PRIXb BY WOMEN APPLU6ED Gymnastic Excrclcs at Turn Vcroin Quarter Well Executed. The Women's Annex of the Portland Social Turn Vereln held Its annual drill and gymnastic exercises at the gymnasium of the organisation, Fourth and Tamhtll streets, last Mon day night, and ,a large crowd wa on hand to see the maneuvers. I'nder tha direction of Professor Richard Genserowskl, the women of the various classes went through the gymnastic exercises with precision and skill that elicited the wonder of the spectators. The exhibition drills -and class work of the women caused all' to admire the prowess of the fair sex In their performances on the rings, borl sontal bars and other gymnasium ap paratus. One v( the features of the entertain ment Which probably created the greatest of Interest waa tha drilling ef the women In the Gilbert system of fancy dancing under the direction of Professor Ucnsrrowski. The dances were eo gracefully and precisely exe cuted as to cause all present to marvel at the time and attention required to perfect suoh organlxed movement. The systematic thoroughness of the old German methods of physical cul ture was well demonstrated by a unique callsthenic drill, and other march formations common to gymna sium exercises. At the conclusion of the athletic programme a social dance was held which was enjoyed by the young folks. Old and Now Life. Chicago Tribune. Ton cannot nut on new Ufa without come vt the fusa, although tie c haute j putting off th old. Holding the distinction of being the largest pleasure automobile ever seen In Portland the Crowe Automobile Company haa received the 111 Oldsmoblle Lim ited, as well as an Oldsmoblle Special and Oldsmoblle Autocrat, the three 1911 styles Issued by the Oldsmoblle factory. . The cars arrived Thursday. The Limited car. In addition to be ing the largest car ever seen In Port land, is one of the handsomest. The power plants of the three new cars are unique In that they are so accessible to the mechanic from the hood side. Everything about the englnea Is neat. Rated at 60-horse power in a block test at the factory before being shipped to the Pacific Coast tbe six-cylinder engine of the Limited attained more than 90-horse power. The Autocrat and the Special cars are equipped with four-cylinder engines rated as 40-horae power. However, they are capable of developing more power than their rat ing calls for. All the car are new In almost every feature. The engine 1 new, the type of body Is new end tha hood are new. The cars are equipped with extra large wnreis. the Limited having wheels 43 Inches In diameter.- The other cars have 38-Inch wheels. There are many distinguishing features about the new cars, one of which Is the arrangement of the tool boxes on either side of the car running the full length of the run ning board. Tbe gas tank for tbe headlight Is Inclosed In the toolbox On the right side of the car. The apaclousness of the car la feature, particularly In tho Limited. space enough for seven passengers be ing had without crowding. The fold ing seata In the tonneau are new, be ing equipped witn a back and arms. They fold downward against the side of the tonneau. All three models are seven-passengers cars. All are up- bolstered in sort black leather. The cars are all speed machines, with direct drive on the third. The gear are sliding transmission. The wheel base of . the Limited Is 13S lnche. Al though the cars were not put on dis play until Friday they attracted un usual attention. F. W. Vogler. manager of the North west Automobile Company, agents for the Reo and Apperson cars, was a vlsttor up the valley last week, calling upon his ascnts In Albany. Eugene, Salem and other valley cities. fcarl Klmmel. in a. Reo "4-3D, won a strenuous reliability run st Harris burg. Pa., last week. flnlshlng'Wlth a perfect score, beating all other cars of ita class by a good margin. The car la the forty- second turned out by the Reo factory and has already traveled more than u.OOA miles. The distance of the raca ras 404 miles ovsr the roughest and rockiest road that could be found In Pennsylvania. At the road races held at Santa Mon ica. CaL. on Thanksgiving Day. five cars equipped with Flsk tires finished the rare without changing tires. They on first and third in the lSl-mlle I race and took third In the 302-mlle event The Krlt Motor Sales Company has allotted the agency for Its csr st Rugene to Ksy Kldwell. The Eugene dealers expect to have cars com direct from be Xactory to Eugene. Former Champion Takes Him Under Wing- After He Hag Made Good i Showing by Defending a Seattle Policeman. Ha Tommy Burns unearthed the coming champion of the world? -That 1 the question which la now agitating the fight fan of Puget Sound and the adjacent cities across the British Co lumbia line. On the night that Jack Lester, whose real name is Jubeck. who Is of Polish extraction, beat Ed Hagen. the big Se attle policeman. Burns took him In charge and announced that he would commence training htm for the cliam plonshlp of the world. Burns Is en thuslastic over his "find" and says he will make a champion out ot th youngster Or know the reason why. Lester, like Stanley Ketchel, is of Polish parentage and wks born In Wis consln 1 years ago. Having youth and strength in his favor It Is Just possible that the tutorship of Burns may develop the lad Into a real champion. Burn 1 known as one of the cleverest box ers who ever stepped into the arena. and be knows enough of the game to prove a good tutor to the aspiring youngster. LcMcr of Good Build. - Lester I five feet 10 inches tall three Inches taller than Tommy Burns. and weighs nearly ISO pounds. He- was working In the coal mines near Seattle when .he commenced using the boxing gloves, and showed more or less ability In that line and has figured In a num ber of short-round affairs at Seattle, Tacoma, Beillngham and other places. However, his first real chance to show his ability occurred about 10 days ago when be was matched with Hagen and so decisively defeated the Seattle cop" that Burns took immediate notice of the youngster's ability. Always looking for the main chance and anxious to get back at Jack John son, Burns Immediately took Lester un der hla wing and calmly announced that he Intended to make a new cham pion. Following is boost of Lester hlch E. R. Hughes gives out: "Tommy never had the natural strength that tnls young Jubeck, or Lester, has. In the first place, Lester la three Inches taller than Tommy, and he Is built from the ground up. Lester Is 5 feet 10 Inches tall and weighs about ISO pounds. As he Is only 19 years old. he has not yet acquired his full growth. ne promises to be quite a nrotn or boy by the time he fill out. Lester can take a horseshoe and with his hare 'hands twist It to pieces. He can put a spike nail In his teeth and bend It dou ble by tho strength of his Jaw. Lester glories In his strength, and la always willing to put It to the test, but Tommy win get him away from that rough tuff, for he la always reminding him that that sort of taring does not get him anything. "Denver Ed Martin wants a crack at -ester. Here Is a try-out of the real nd for Lester. Martin Is a giant in size, and he 1 also one of the cleverest boxers who ever pulled on a glove. Jim Corbet t say Martin outclasses Jack Johnson as a boxer. Ed also carries a stiff punch in that left hand. He would make a monkey out of Lester In a spar ring match, so It would be a real try out for Lester to pit him against a man as clever a Martin Just to see what he would do to a man who kept a glove In hi face all th time. If Lester could beat down Martin's defense and get to him In Jig time it would be a tremen dous boost for h'm. for all ring follow er know how clever Martin la, and they would have to take notice of the rugged young fellow who beat him down." Jaok Johnson ha been In the fight- lng game for over 10 years, and like 11 the rest of them, he Is soon due to wind up his career, and some of these days he will follow th footsteps of 3ul- 1 Always At Your Service A good motor car asks no favors of the weather. The day has passed when owners of automobiles pack their cars in moth balls with the first descent of Jack Frost. With the arrival of the bracing cold and snowy days, ninety-two per cent of Chalmers owners, put on windshields, tops, chains, caps, gloves, warm coats and robes, and "go to it." It's great! With top and side curtains, warm robes and a "hot iron," any car is comfortable all winter long for all members of the family. People don't "wait till spring" any more to buy cars. An automobile is a twelve-month proposition and as serviceable in saving time in one season as another. In fact, in winter, when street cars are so often tied up, when they 'are always crowded and filled with bad air, is when many city dwellers appreciate their cars the most. Who's afraid of a ride in the stinging winter air? Or who's afraid of a little battle .with a snowstorm? Modern men are not molly-coddles because they refuse to wear iron clothes and carry a sword and insist on a bath every day. A drive to business with the thermometer below freezing is the part of an experience that makes you feel like whip ping the stuffing out of your day's work and taking a fall ' out of your biggest problems. The wisest buyers purchase cars in the fall and winter. Then they are ready for use when the warm days come to tantalize you into the country. Besides, these buyers get a full year's use of their cars before the car becomes a year old. Leaving our own interests out of the question, we want to tell you frankly that if you are going to buy a 1911 car at all, now is the best time to place your order. So far as Chalmers cars are concerned, they are built on a quality, not a quantity basis. A good many people who wanted Chalmers cars last year were disappointed, because they waited too long to place their orders. We are ready to show you the new models at your convenience. Nona Better at the Price Few Better at Any Price. - Tbst is ths way we feel about the Chalmers "30." This is the car that woa the igio Olidden Tour, the longest, .hardest touring contest ever held. This Is the car that hss never bsen defeated in a road race or touring con test by a car of its own price and power dass.- This is the car that has woa more motoring events In proportion to tha number entered than any other car In the world. This is the car that has made good in the hands of thousands of owners. This is the car whoss auality has lifted it above the class wheVe its price might seem to plsce It. This is tbe csr thst sppeals as strongly to those who wsnt the best csr regardless of price as to those who want the best csr for the least money. There are many good cars 'made nowadays snd any good car is s good investment. Yet we believe Chalmers cars offer the best value for the money. Compare them with others. If you can possibly afford a car, buy one, for there Is no tetter Investment. We hope it will be a Chalmers. But whether it is or not, do not deprive yourself and your fsmily sny longer of the pleasure thst by right is yours snd theirs. When you are making the rounds, drop in snd see the Chalmers cars. They talk for them selves s great deal better than we cab talk for them. H. L. KEATS AUTO CO. BURNSIOE AND SEVENTH STREETS I 1 1 i I 1 VLiceneei under SeUett Patent) livan, Corbett, Fitzslmmons and Jef fries and enter the ring once too often. Perhaps Tommy Burns' find may be the younger man to put the champion out. With the elimination of Battling Nel son from ajl possible chance of "com- ng back," the lightweight champion- hip situation la not favored by pros pects of a first-class mill in the near future. Owen Moran eliminated Nel son, and now wants to do likewise with Champion Wolgast Wolgast, the poorest excuse for a champion the lightweight game has ever known. however, successfully stalled out of a return match with Bat tling Nelson long enough to permit of his elimination from the scene of ac tivities, and is quite likely to perform similarly toward Moran. Since defeating Battling Nelson last February Wolgast has not entered the ring in a regular fight, and has suc cessfully avoided signing up for matches with any of the possible can didates for the title he has held for nearly a year. Wolgast probably fig ures on retiring as the undefeated lightweight champion of the world, but lightweight champions are not entitled to much consideration who fight but One battle for the title during their ring careers. Jack McAuliffe retired as the undefeated lightweight cham pion many years ago, but before retir ing he fought all comers until he had eliminated all of those entitled to con sideration. For a champion Wolgast can invent more excuses for not entering the ring than any actress in accounting for her failure to retire after her last "fare well tour." FISST APPEARANCE IN OREGON OF THE 1911 HIGH DUTY ELMORE (THE CAR THAT HAS NO VALVES) The Simplest and Most Economical Car In the World. .. 30-35 $1250 r. 0. b. FACTORY Fifteen Thousand Owners In the United States Will Say to Ton BUY AN ELMORE The Elmore four-cylinder.entrine furnishes more continuous power, because it is a valveless two-cyole and gives yon more power impulses and much smoother action than you get in your six or in a four-cycle eipht. You get more power in an Elmore at low speed than you get with your four-eycle six at high speed. The Elmore four-cylinder valveless engine has less parts than any engine built in America. 50 HORSEPOWER The First Cost Is The Ultimate Cost of , a Locomobile ieftcamo&ilen Hp Neate & McCarthy INC 694 Washington Corner King Phones: Main 6374; A 7577 31750 F. 0. B. FACTORY No engine trouble from one end of the year to the other. No ignition trouble from one end of the year to the other. A lower cost of upkeep than any other ear in the world. Come to our salesroom, corner of Seventh and Ankeny streets, and let -us show you this wonderful car. DULMAGE and SMITH DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON 335 Ankeny, Corner Seventh. 15 Reduction on Tires In addition to a reduction of 15 per cent on tires, we announce a 25 Reduction on Raincoats 25 Reduction on Auto Robes 30 Reduction on Glass Fronts 33V3 Reduction on Auto Metal Polish Now Is the Time to Buy Send your old tires and tubes to us to have them repaired right; we have the best equipped vulcanizing plant and the best workmen on the Cast. . A. J. WINTERS CO. 67 Sixth Street, Reliable Hardware and Auto Supply Dealers, p. S- Every snag in the road knows that Diamond Tires are the best. A