THE SUNDAY' OREGOXIAX.. PORTLAND, DECE3JBEK 4. 1910. 6 ABBOTT COMPANY POPULAS PORTLAND ROWING CLUB CAPTAIN IS RE-ELECTED FOR 1911. Always Satis TO OPEN AGENCY TO LUCAS' Proposed Union Leagire in In ter-Mountain Country Gets Little Enthusiasm. Detroit Firm Chooses Port land as Location of Its Northwest Office. FANS LUKEWARM factory PLAN h j ' "l1" v CARS POPULAR ON COAST Modcratr-I rlrrd Automobile De tljrnfd to ITU IVminJ by Men of Moderate Means Racing Car to He Exhibited. F. R. French. dls-irlrt sales-msnsasr of th Abbott Motor Company, or Detroit, illcb, fei now In Portland seeking to NUbllili grncy fcr the Abbott-Detroit motorcar. Tlil will be the flrst arney of the Abbott Motor Company to be Installed In te Northwest and from Portland, no doubt, the a nolo Northwest territory will be controlled, although aa yet that ha not bren arttlod. The Abbott la a new car to the Pa nic Coast, havlnr been Introduced out I re Irsw than two years ago. an agency being established In San Francisco, here the car met with considerable farvor. Being of moderate prU-e it has a certain popularity with the mnn of moderate means. A It la tl;e man of moderate meana who la now buying aut.wnohllrs the Abbott. In the belief of Mr. French, will t accepted In the N'Tthwo-t with aU'-rtty. The Abbott llotor rvn:f jny nia'nta'r. a rai-ing team U at Is s- ml to noi.e In tte country. M'i'3ue l:oSerl. drove the Thomas car In the Nw lork to Pari race, romlrg out vlrtoi ..ur. HI brother. Mortimer Kt'rt. and Vlmrnt Hailula. of 7'M!au'l;i;a. are the :nrr ff tlie speed cans. They have cunt. In many of tl traca and roal event the par-t ear and made a creditable record. Two of theee cars will soon be shipped to tha- a-lflc Coast to be used for racing ao-i advertising purposes. It being the belief of the Abbott company officers that thai a one of the mwt profitable methods of advertising. In the'r tour of the IVast these car will be exilllte4 In Portland. tVa-tpr-setl In ti;e territory presided over by lr. r"riu-i- In behalf of his firm lei all that wret of Iowa and from tlw Mextran border to tt-e Canadian border. In htm travels about this territory Mr. en-h baa come to the conclusion that the Taclnc Coast l on of the best auto mobile neids In the I nited Ftates and that the Northwest offers Jura a large Inducementa aa any other section of the country. Aa soon aa be can complete arrange- wierts f'r the opening of hie agency In Portland Mr. French, who as at the Hotel ForMand. will leare for Seattle, later vieltlng Tacoma. Spokane. Vancouver and Vh-toria. B. C Mr. French waa In Phoe Boa. Alia, at the conclusion of the Ixa Angeles-Phoenix long-distance race. He sstabllehed agencies In Artxona and In many parts of California before coming to Portland. Tha car 1 made In three style-, the ava-paaaenger ftre-l,nr touring car. the fore-door roadster and the fore-door de tachable miniature tonr.eau touring car. This latter machine has proved popular with tha farmere because when the ton neaa la removed a small, light delivery car ta had. The engine la one of four c llndera capable of developing JO horsepower. It la a ahaft drive car. Electric head, aide and tall light are feature of tha car's construction. Breaking all records for cars of Ita (lass. "Old Bullet." the flying K-M-F car. showed her fighting colors at a recent speed meet In Columbia. S. C. The ear took three firsts and one aec ond out of three races, defeating; a Chalmers and Maxwell. In the Han I eandro endurance run a Carter car. equipped with ltamond tires, completed the run of lloo miles after having been run I00 miles pre viously without any trouble. To be gone for several months tour ing California and the Hawaiian Islands Mr. and Mrs. K. U. Crawford, of Port land, left for San Francisco recently, whence they will embark for the Islands of the Pacific. They are going to make the trip with their. Cbalmers -SI." If their Itinerary Is followed Ihey will not return to Portland until next fprtng. Ity that time they expect lo have driven more than sou miles In their Portland-bought car. They will tour Fouthrrn California after comlnr home from the Islands. Mr. Crawford Is president of the First National Bank, of Vancouver. Wash., and la also Identi fied with the management of the Lum bermen's National Itank. of Portland. I It la probable that no quicker aale of automobiles has ever been made than l hoe recorded by F. ". Hnnett. of London. Kngland. representative of the Cadillac car. As soon as his 1911 car waa unpacked he beean making demon strations and sold five ears to the first five persons getting demonstratlona. 1. U Winters, of the A. J. Winter Company, has Just returned from a two months' trip to the varloua fac to r 1 e in the Ka.t, and reporta a very promising outlook of business for the cofntng year. He closed a number of exclusive agencies for hla firm for tha coming year, and rxpecta to make an announcement eoon. He visited a number of manufac turers. Including the Mamond Kubber Companv. of Akron, Ohio, the Pennsyl vania I'.ubber minr of Jranetle, Pa. aad the Packard and Cadillac fac tories at Wtrolt. and he reports that the factories are working night and day on their orders, and that 111 will show the best automobiles evsr placed In the market. Automobile accessories, too, are more finely manufactured this year than formerly. The prices of ac cessorise will be reduced somewhat, especially glaa. fronts. tlrrs. spark piuge and other sundries. This, he be lieves, will eventually prove a benefit to the manufacturer as well aa the ronsumer. -m ' ' - --ititb iyy -e-y av... .je-,'.,.-- . - j,. . .;;..,,.- . r-e ARTHIR A. AUEX. Arthur A. Allen, orte of the best single scullers In the North west, was elected captain of the Portland Club crew for J 91 1 to suc ceed himself, lust Wednesday night. Under the leadership of Captain Allen last year the Portland Rowing Club oarsmen won all but two of the events In tha annual regatta of the North PaciHc Association of Amateur Oarsmen. With all the members of last year's junior-senior crew available for lsll. Captain Allen la optimistic of the cluh'a chances In the re gatta, which will be Weld In tha Portland harbor next June or July. Mr. Allen. Is a Portland product, having learned the rudiments of row ing at the local club under the tutelage of the late Dan It. Murphy, tha famous Stanford coach, w.-o .lied this Fall at New London, Conn, the scene of many famous rowing races. ' He Is one of the most popular captalna the club has ever had. His popularity among his fellow c.'.rsmen was evidenced at the conclu alon of the rovrlnc season on I-abor day, when the members of 111 various crews presented him with a handsome testimonial .vatc:t fob, bearing an engraved sold charm. OOADS ARE VIEWED California's Do Not Surpass Oregon's, Wemme Declares., AUTO RACES ENJOYABLE IH-al enthusiast Declares Even's Just as Good Have Item Held Here. However Few Idea Are Garnered In South. BILLIARDS ABSORB FRENCH Total of .: Table Is Deviant! lo Exls In France. PARI". Dec. S. Spe.-Ul. etatntica of the b.lllard tables In France et.ow that sxcliutve cf ihnee In private house are no fewer than billiard tableex Parai and the Se ne department accounting for 10X4 of t:-t total. It rasr seem strange on the face of It that there are more billiard tables In the north than In the south of FrstC9. Thia ta exp'.amed by the better weather condition prevailing In the south that temp: people to lounge in the open air. Illessednesa of Work. Exchange. No parent la doing hla duty by his children who leaves any child without duties. California has nothing on Oregon In roads." This Is the sweeping statement brought back to Portland by E. Henry Wemme. ex-president of the Portland Automobile Club, who returned from California last week. He spent two weeks in the South. During this Interim he made two vis- i lis lo ine lamina rtin"muwi"f 1 Association show at Idora Park. Oak land, and saw the Santa Monica road races on Thanksgiving day. He waa fa vorably Impressed by both events, al though he said that, with the exception of maintaining better speed, the racea were no better than have been held In Portland, and that shows held In Port land In the past compare favorably with the Oakland ahow. But the road question Involved moat of the time of the Portland good roads and automobile enthustaeta. He made a trip to Loa Angeles especially to sea the much-talked-of boulevards around the Southern California counties. "Some roads are better, some are Just as good, while others are much Inferior to the Oregon highway. sal a air. Wemme. "All In all. I can't see where Oregon should take off Ita hat to Cali fornia In any respect. Considering tha fart that Multnomah County, until aix enra ago. didn't own a steam road roller and good roada were an unknown factor. Multnomah County can boast of Just as good roads aa any place In Cal ifornia. flood and Bad Roads Found. In California I found, where thero were good roads, they were good In the true sense of the word. But also where found poor roada they were poor In every aense or the word. i traveiea n Southern" California particularly to see If I could get any ideas about good roads that I might adopt for the Mount II. mm! and Hood Itlver roads, but I found very few. "Almost aa fast as they build road he automobtlca tear them un. Why, In many places I saw ruts as large as they find In Washington County ti as sure you the roads are much superior to the Washington County roada. In which the wheel of an automobile would alnk to the hub. Just out of Vom Angeles, at a cost of approximate' ly 194.0'M). right miles of road were t.ullt. This waa only a few years ago. Already they have been rendered ob solete by the wear and tear of automo blllng. The whole trouble Is that the road builders fall to real lie that they need a hard foundation for the roads In tha first place. This they have apparently overlooked. They eeem to think that all that It renulres for a good road la to mix a substantial quantity of oil with their rock and dirt. nd that a fine road will reault. And so It will for the time being, hut It cannot last. This baa been evidenced thoroughly down there. In obtaining rock for the roada It Is necessary to haul It In some cases more than So miles. Jast as Good Rork In Oregon. "Then the rock Is no better than that which can be obtained along the aides of any road In Oregon. We will not have to haul our rock more than five or six miles at any time. While down South. I fully awakened to the possi bilities of good roads In Oregon with Ita unlimited natural resources., Hera we hsve basaltic rock, cement rock, gravel, and If necessary, concrete rock. which could be used to make a solid I roadbed for the topping. "Within the next twe years. I expect to sea Multnomah County have the finest roada In the country, excepting no place In the Union. With the start we already have and the aaaurance that baa been given that tha good work will continue. I predict that roadmak rra throughout the country will be looking to Multnomah County or th atate of Oregon Sot examples In road making. "Automoblllng down In California la all the rage: everybody and every body'a cousin baa a car. All day long you can see automobllea In every direc tion, still they are not motor mad. People are aenatbla about automoblllng and there are very few violations of tha speed laws. I am told, especially In the cities, each motor car owner taking It upon himself to keep within the law without the threatening club df the traffic Dollcemen. "I enjoyed the races at "Santa Monica very much. Those machines fairly flew around that course. Just think of a car going at the apeed of 7S and tn miles an hour. That Is what they did right along coming down that stretch in front of the grandstand. where 60.000 people saw the races. One thing the races lacked, and that la a systematic method of patrollng. The California militia waa not on hand. Still there were no accidents a,nd thecrowd waa orderly. It waa a very successful meet" Q. F. McLaln. Pacific Coast manager or the Franklin Motor Cqmpany. waa In Portland last week on his way to Seattle and Tacoma. He called upon the Menzlea-Du Bols Automobile Com pany. Portland distributors of the Franklin and announced that he would pas through Portland shortly on his way home. Venx Bauer, a Central Oregon repre sentative of the Molina. Knox and Pre mier cars, was In Portland last week concluding arrangements for his 1911 cars. Mr. Bauer reporta his cars mak ing excellent records, one of them go ing 10.000 miles In the Interior and never being In the repair shop. P. R. Whitman, - manager of J. W. Iavttt Co.. has heard that a three-ton Kissel Kar truck carrying a capacity load made a record In the re cent Chicago .to Milwaukee reliability run. It left Chicago at i. In the morning and arrived at Milwaukee at 4:30 In the afternoon, stopping one and 're-half hours r.t Kenosha for lunch. The distance was ml miles and tha running time was t hours and IS min utes, or an average of 11 miles an hour. The gasoline consumption was 74 nations. The return trip was be gun at (:2f In the morning, arriving at Chicago at 1:50 la the afternoon, stopping 45 minutes for lunch at Ken osha. The running time was 6 hours and 3 minutes, or an average of 17 miles an hour. Charles 8. Howard, head of the How. ard Automobile Company. Pacific Coast distributors for the Bulck line of au tomobiles, haa gone to the factory at Flint. Mich., on a short business trip. Mr. Howard resides In San Francisco, but went to Los Angeles to witness the Santa Monica road race and tha recent speed contests on the Los An geles Motordrome at Playa del Ray. Mr. Howard haa advised Mel O. John son. Bulck manager for the Pacific Northwest, that he will visit Fortland on hla return trip. The Howard . Automobile Company received this week from the Bulck fac tory at Jackson. Mich., a carload of Bulck light delivery trucks. Included In this carload waa an. entirely new model In thla truck, being one In which there is a flat decked body with stakes. The regular express body model was also Included in this shipment. PROMOTERS NOT DISMAYED McCloekey Proceeds With Organiza tlon f. Butte Club Marshall to i Manage Butte, Blankenshlp Takes Vp Salt Lake. BOISE, Idaho.. Dec. 3. (Special.) W. H. Lucas and his associates ; re not meeting with the success they ex pected. in their effort for the organixa tlon of a new baseball league in the Intermountaln country to be Known aa the Union to which National proteC' tlon has been granted, for not only are Boise. Twin Falls. Focatello and Helena opposed to It. but fans generally are Inclined to take a skeptical view of the success of such a league. Regardless of this tact, however. Mr. Lucas Is gradually perfecting arrange ments for the launching of the new circuit and has even gone so far as to place the franchises In the hands of responsible parties and called a meeting to be held In Butte for the purpose of perfecting the league. McCloskey Is Busy Since returning to Butte several days age from the East, where the National conference was held. In company with W. H. Lucas and L. L. Thlel. two of the main promoters. John J. McCloskey, who Is to manage the Butte club, haa been quietly proceeding with his plans, ac cording to reporta' from Butte, and the Indications are favorable that when the season opens next May Butte will be represented by one of the strongest clubs In the Northwest and will be playing ball on one of the neatest In side parks In the country. ' Although aa yet the park site In that city has not been aelected it la understood op tions have been aecured on several de sirable places. The Incorporation of the Butte Base ball Club recently haa given Mr. Mc Closkey an opportunity to raise con siderable money to aid him In getting things started in the right way. Many fans have already-subscribed for stock nd there appeara to be all kinds of confidence In the new venture. The fans of Butte have always relied on Honest John's" honesty and Integrity and also hla ability to furnish the city In which he Is located with good base ball. McCloskey waa former manager of the Milwaukee team. Marshall to Manage Boise. Home-run Joe" Marshal, will man age the Boise team. Marshall haa- al ready wired his acceptance of the of fer and will get busy signing players for his team Immediately. There is opposition to the league. however. In Boise, owtna; to the fact hat two years ago tlie Intermountaln League, composed of Boise. Butte, Salt I.ake and Helena, of which .Lucas was also president, went to the wall through poor management and with it went the good money of the local fans. Be fore the league was forced to aban don the schedule a meeting- was he'd In Butte at which It was voted to drop Boise from, the league on the grounds, that the Jump to this city was too long and In face of the fact this city was known as the best paying city In the league at that time, aupportlng a team that held a cellar position and only seeing average baseball. Fana do not want a repetition of the experien e of two years ago. Blankenshlp Takes Salt Lake. Cliff Blankenshlp has signed a con tract to manage the Salt Lake team, and Is now said to be In- California looking for players. The league Is fortunate In securing the services of Blankenshlp for he has an Intimate knowledge of baseball and his knowl edge Is backed up many years of ex perience. Thlel and Kelly, two well known players of Salt Lake, are In Ogden. where they are looking over the field with a. view of sizing up how that city looks upon a franchise In the new league. Kelly la an old Spokane player, having pitched and played outfield with the club there in 1901. In 1902 he -was with Seattle. A year later found him With Warren-Detroit "30's" II ....'. . ' . '-'"." Warren - Detroit Roadster $1 200 Bosch Magneto Thirty Gallon Tank 500 Miles on One Filling We have received a shipment of WARREN-DETROIT GARS, the first to arrive in Portland and the biggest val ue in the automobile market. Several models on exhibi tion. Demonstration by appointments - Agents wanted for outside territory, in Oregon and Southern Washington PORTLAND-DETROIT AUTO CO., Inc. Office 526 Alder St. Phones Main 2583, A 4944 1 . New Garage Under Construstlon a 14th and Couch he pitched and played center field for Salt. Lake. He waa in the California league In 1905 and 190$ and had a team In the Oregon State League In 1907 and 1908. Last year he managed .the Chehalls team of the Washington State Lea-cue. He Is a brother of the famoua "King" Kelly, last year with Dubuque. Helena Dropped Out Early. Helena was promptly dropped from consideration for a franchise In the new league owing to the attitude as sumed there by the fans. In Southern Idaho where It is planned to secure several cities there is little enthusiasm shown. Twin Falls fans do not think they can stand the expense. Boise hss to be "shown" before sinking any money In the new venture. Pocatello favors a state league and Idaho Falls does not want to be seriously considered in the class "C" organization. Washington Carries Millionaires. When the steamer Washington swung away from Inman-Poulsen's dock yester day afternoon, headed for San Fran cisco, with her hold full of lumber and her deck piled high with the same ma terial, there lounsred in her cabin Mr. and Mrs. George McLeod, millionaires, who selected the smaller vessel In pref erence to the Dalatlal Bear, which sailed an hour later, solely because the former was a lumber carrier. The fact that a friend was saved from the steamer Co lumbia three rears alto and hauled aboard with Butte, and during: the year 1904 the lumberladen steamer San Pedro is said to have actuated electing to travel on a steamer. the McLeods in lees commodious Killing Pugilist Not Crime. - - LIMA, .Or.', Dec. . 3. Jack McHenry, local pugilist, charged with man-slaug-hter In the death of his op- ponent. Leo Gerhardt, of Detroit, iraa dismissed from custody Friday by Mayor Dyer. McHenry was held blame less for the death. Five patents upon safety razors have beea in-anted to English women In the last year, his engine for ten years without accident gets a government reward. Schacht 40, Model A A 120-inch wheel base, Bosch magneto, Schcbler carburetor, 34x4 Q. D. tires, gas and oil lamps. $1435.00 Cincinnati, Ohio. Other models same motor and equipment Four -door Touring, Baby Tanneau detachable and Two-passenger Roadster. Schacht "3 in 1" Two-cylinder, 22-24 II. P., Four-passenger Touring and Light Delivery, $850.00; -ton Delivery, $1000 Cincinnati, Ohio. Equipment Bosch magneto, gas and oil lamps, generator, 32x3V Q. D. tires, also equipped with 36x2 cushioned tires $50.00 less. Good Open Territory for Live Agents in Washington, Oregon and California. Schacht Motor Car Co. Cor. Fifth and Hoyt. Portland, Oregon. When it is uiiii i iii. i,i imsuj) h.msis ' at W - 'ft Mill VVct sj iii .-"' - -" ni in ii r 'a i n ami We Can Save You Money A reduction in price from ten to twenty per cent on the highest grade automobile tires made. -, Only new, fresh-made casings in stock. All cas ings over six months old have been put into second stock and are sold as such. . Now IS THE TIME TO BUY Give FISK QUALITY TIRES a trial, and you will use no other. FISK QUALITY TIRES for sale by all re sponsible dealers. , . " .The Fisk Rubber Co. Archer, Combs & Co. Agents for Oregon. " 306 Oak St.j Portland, Or.