THE SCSDAI OKHUUIAX, PORTTAXD, DECEMBER 4, 1910. MR. DOOLEY ON REVOLUTIONS , .I, , - ...... Philosophical and Historic! Comment on the Recent Uprising in the Republic of Mexico, fcy Finley Peter Dunne. .HERE seems to bo thing doln' Mexico." (aid Mr. Hennessy. Faith." Mid Mr. Dooley. "I don't know whether there Is or not. I nlver believe in a rtrolutlon till I arc rw facea la th' wlndowa at tV city hall. Mind jre. I wish thlra all well. Ira a rlvotuchlonist at heart. Whin a rlvo lutlon atarta In always willin to cry 'Forward an' whin It ends I'm as quick as anny wan to aay Splendid" or 'Too Had"; bat while they're oln" on I play thlro to loae. In what Hogan calls th' realm It apoort I always have a copper on rlvolutlons an' Harvard. If they win 1 loee an' I'm (lad. ain't often. "I hav hopes lv stein' that Kalian1 pathrtte whoa nam f r years has been on Irry lip that spoke lv freedom, what'a-hls-name. give ma th' pa-aper, oh. Frank I. Maduro. I bar hopes hr aeeln' Frank L Maduro stormln' th' hltes lv rhapooltyplrk an' makm' or Perforated XMaa tear away fr th' cactus. But I'm pretty sure that soon Til be greetln' Frank I. Maduro with a hearty: 'What, back so soenr A rlTolutlon. Hlnnlssy. Is nlver th' beginnln lv a rlvoluchton'ry movement. Its always th' end. It takes place whin th rlroluchlonlsts ar-re cn th' po!! foorce. "No, I can't make out what th throubl Is In Mexico onless It Is that th' counthry la overrun with Mertcans. It's a counthry that Iy nlrer wanted to lira In. I'oawn'a been down there a a' ha aara that all ye can set f'r a dollar la forty-nine clnta. Ta to to a bank, shore In a dollar an' ask fr change an' th' banker slips ya back trty-nlne clnts. Thin ye so to wurruk an' add fifty wan clnts to It an' change th' whole amount In fr a dollar which la worth forty nine clnta. Hence, th" nroaoerlty lr th" lower claeaea. Hogan says th' per caplty wealth l Mexico Is fourteen ehlldher. Th' arerage waxes lv a Mexican labrln man Is In th' neighborhood. tr two-an-a-balf clnU a year In goold. Half Ir thla amount b puts Into a fund to buy a hat an' th' rest Is deroted to taxes, fines an' th' support tr th' fam'ly. Th principal occypatlon Ir th' wurrukln" elaases Is aettln' down on the around an' lookln" at a ItttU fir. IJrln' Is rery cheap aa th" counthry abounda In pepper threes an" there la abundance Ir th" best bulldln' mateeryal afther irry hard rain. . All th' Mexican has to do to build a houa Is to shovel It out lr th' road. Whin a Mexican gets ena-aged to be man-Id he takes th choice Ir his heart out to pick out a Rood sthretch Ir mud to make a house out lr. To gether they more It back onto a bulldln' sit an' call It home. Wan Ir tV most remarkable facta that Hogan brought back frm Mexico waa that th' beer Ir th' counthry looks like but Ihermllk. II says th' Ide was very repugnant to him at first but he man aged to set orer his first disgust- Th' Important or flsbtln' naytlonal dhrlnk la more satlsfacthry In color an" will make an Amerlcaa rery earnest. It will also remor Ink stains fr'm th' clothing. "I don't know what a Mexican baa to kU k about. In a counthry where money ia ntvrr a burdhen to annywan an' where they have a gr-reat pathrtte fr a ruler. I need to think that th' Ideel head Ir a nation. lllnnlsey. waa Waah'nton or Lin coln, but since Tre been readln about Mrxlco In th' pev-apers I know I was wrong. Th" Idee! American statesman, acrordln' to Ivrybody that ought to know, la Gln'ral Perforated Dtas. Wud ye like to bare a brief account Ir th' life lv thla gr-reat an" Just ruler aa I pick It out Ir th' Journala Ir th day? Well thin: p'raps th jT-reatest an' moat blnyflcent ruler In th' wurruld today Is Perforated Mil. th' prl.ldJnt Ir Mexico. Arly n his life be took up th' cause Ir liberty an It la recalled Ir him that at th age Iv two he pureooed bis nurse with a bow an' arrow. In school his ardent nature cud not brook th' tyranny lv th' school mascher. so he packed op his book shot th" teacher In th" leg an" left th" academy. Throughout bla youth an' arly manhood he waa deroted to his counthry an' b dlsordberly conduck an' ace'rat ebootln' he rose to be prtstdtnt tr th republic, a Job which he baa held down Irer since through th' suffrages tr a grateful peo ple. Oln'raI Wax's methods lr gov.rn ln' th' people Is mild but firm. II submits all questions to thlm an' aares thlra th throuble tr thlnkln' about thlm be tellln thlm th' anawrra first. It coorta opposition aa he thlnka It Irnprovea th' marksmanship Ir hia so J.r. Whin a Mnknii feci like eritl rlxln' th' tlover'mlnt he'a perfeckty free to do so If he la in I'aria an' h.ia rlnt fr his fam'ly. Aren If he Is avowed tnlmy Ir th Gover'ralnt an' whin w tell him that In forty years th' gln'ral baa nlrer been ten rotes out lr th' way. H la always very ca'm wait In' fr th' returns. Wanst th Issu is before th' counthry be goes about his dally wurruck aa if nawthln' waa hap penln. On th' day befur th last Mic tion our corryspondlnt intherviewed him an' ast him if he thought ha wud be Dieted. II looked thoughtfully out Ir th' window lr th palace to a new bulldln' acrost th' sthreet where a sojer was shootln' at th feet lr a hod car ryer to make him go up th' ladder more quickly an' remarked ca'mly: 1 can not tell. Th' Isau la In th' hands lr th' people an' they must decide.' Th' nex month as wan mule afther another brought In Ita load lr far-rable re turns ha remarked that It was always sate to thruat th' people. In th' end their good aense wud assert ltsllf over th' ravlna lr dlmmygoguee. II re marked on th' exthraordhlnry mortality among orators durin' th campaign an' said ha aupposed it was Joo to th' ex posure Iv their lunga to th' bltin' mountain air. But he showed absolute ly no emotion beyant a slight wink at th' aicrety Ir th threasury who. had come in to bear th' returns. "'Mexico undher tlas la th' safest counthry in th' wurruld fr men with money to invest. It is thruly pollsed be a picked body tr Intllllgent polls men who regulate th' thrafflc with carblnea. Whin an offender again th' law is captured th' polls do not lam him orer th' head an' dhrag him to th' atatlon house, as they do In this on clvyllzed counthry. Wan lr th' cop pers Is Insthructed to let him escape. In return fr this sarrlc th' pollsman la airen th' first ahot at him. It he misses th' others ar-re permitted to I take a crack at th' fugytlre criminal. Thla method saraa th' exptnse Ir pa- throlmea an' la a merry to th' criminal who otherwise wud be forced to splnd th' night In th bad atmosphere ir Mexican Jails which ar-re always crowded with Americans with dellery- urn thremens. " 'In conclusion to show that this reemarkable man Is th' gr-reatest ruler anny counthry has irer known we will say that Gln'ral Dlas has accumylated about three hundherd mlllyon dollars, which is mora money thin all th' other statesmen In th' wurruld fr'm Epamy nondaa to Taft cud show.' -No. sir," Mr. Dooley went on, "I don't put anny bets down on a move ment again thla gr-rand old man who nlrer goes un-arraed. this .her com- bynatlon tr Jawn Hampden an' th' Apachy Kid. Annyhow whlnlver I see a rlvolutlon started th' first thing I ask is. what backln' haa it got? Who is th' banker? Th' capital lr Mexico, ms boy. Isn't Mexico City. It's Just south lr Canal sthreet In th' city lr New York. A rlvolutlon which Isn't a good Invest ment Is on'y dlsordherly conduck. I don't pay much attention to what Frank I. Maduro is doln' now. But som day If I read In th' pa-apers that th' pathrtotle Mexican firm of Rosen bloom. Elsensteln an Comp'ny were ao shocked be th tyranny Iv Levi an' Kohn over their beloved fatherland that they hud.detarmlned to sthrlke a blow at th' despots an restore freedom lv invest ment, I'd ask th' pollsman to direct me to a poolroom on th' beat where they make a book on rivolutlons an' I'd jro to th' cashier an' say: Glv me fire Frank I. Maduro to win.' T can get anny right-minded young fellow to shed his blood In a rlvolutlon, th' same as In a futball match. But till some body will shed his money th' rlvolu tlon don't ra-aly start." T don't think much lr this rlvolu tlon thin," said Mr. Hennessy. . "It's all right," said Mr. Dooley. "But it ain't so far a safe lnvlstmlnt. Wbln Hogan waa In Mexico he said there was two kinds Iv money.. There was rale money an there waa Mex money. A frind lv his wud say llnd me two dollars' an' tliln mud save Hogan fr'm falntin' be addln': 'Mex.' An' that's what I think lv this rlvolutlon. It's a gr-reat rlvolutlon Mex." (Copyright: 110. by F. P. Dunne.) MACEDONIAN CRY HEARD OTTOMAX OFFICIALS IXnCMAX- Ml TOIITUHE GREEKS. Patriarchate at Constantinople Receiving; Complaints of Ter rible Barbarities Inflicted. Is haa told his wife that he thlnka Gln'ral Dies' pants bags, at th knees, no harsh measures ar-re adopted to'rds him. Th prtatdtnt on'y asks him to put his bead again a wall, ahut his eye an listen to reaaoa. It la th' rule Iv th Govermlnt to carry th' laat wnrruda Iv aven th' most sever critic Iv th admlntMhratlrm to th fam'ly. valeaa they ar-re lr an lm-lndyary char ackter. " W talk In this counthry Ir our progress In Ilk-lion laws, but we are so far behind Mexico that we ought to be ashamed lr curatives. Th' Diss aystem Is simple in th' exthrem. Ivry four or five years he take th' on'y ropy Ir th' constitution In existence out Ir th' garret. It la In his own hand wTltln. He's readln' it an' admlrln' Ita Just and wise pro-vlslons whin prlslntly Mrs. Dlaa hears him exclaim: What day ia thlsT M'hy its th' thir tieth lr Xovlmber an' here th' con stitution saya I am bound to call th' lllrtlon lr mestlf on th' fourth or Oc tober. How cud I be so forgetful? Mother, y shud have reminded me. But, stllL what diffreuc dou. a few days mors or less mane? . I'll pi : on me coat iramejetly an go out an' Sum mon th lllctorate to declare their choice.' be says. An' on a certain day th citizens lr Mexico gather at th' polltn places seattherd at intbervala lr three hundherd mllea throughout th land an' reg'.sther their wtlL No Intlmydatloa Is practised. Th prlsl dlnt'a ordhers whin a man says he la goin to rot again th' Gorermlnt la not to shoot or Intherfer with hire In anny way ontll he baa exercised his suffrage. " Ivrythlng 1 left to th voter decide exetpt th result. Befure th' polls ar-re opened th' offlcera In charge go through th' nlcisary formality lv an nouBrln th' lllctlon Iv Gln-ral Dlas with his majority. Thin th' ballottn' beglna. Th' reader ran guesa what a eager yeas pollytirkal prophet Dtaa la I CONSTANTINOPLE. Dec. i 9pectal.) Not a day passes without evrious com- plaints arriving at the Greek Patriarchate liere of the lnnuman treatment the Greek element of Macedonia la receiving at the hands of the Turkish officials. It almost seems as If the latter are aiming at the entire extermination of all the Greeks In that unhappy Ottoman province. Not only are these being exiled In a most arbitral y manner, but they are every day submitted to cruel treatment. They are denounced. Imprisoned, flogged, tor tured. In many district1 th prisons are overfilled with Innocent Greeks, who are allowed to starve and rot under conditions almost lmpowtble to believe in. Yet th Information received by th Ecumenical Patriarch leaves not th slightest doubt that the complaints are JusUtied. Under the pretext that the Greeks of Macedonia are all either brtganda or reactionary revolutionaries. the Ottoman officials aelxe them at every turn and without giving them a chance of a fair trial, flog thein or throw tbem Into dungeon. Many are ewnt to th Military Court of Monastir. where inde scribable atrocities are perpetrated on them. In th diocese of Orevena a large num ber of orthodox Christians are dying of wound inflicted on them by a fanati cal Moslem mob or by officials;' others are tenured by placing hot eggs under their armplta and their arm being bound to their aides. Often, too they are forced to kneel upon Iron bars or gun-barrels and to remain In that position for hours, until they fslnt from psln and exhaus tion. Teacnera In Greek schools are being flogged mercilessly and openly. In a place named Tinta two Turkish officers with S soldiers tortured In a most Inhuman fashion several respect able members of the Greek community. Including an aged priest, and In the per petration of thra atrocities th Turks a re receiving the co-operation of th Koumanlana) In Macedonia. In the convent of Spelaion a brigand waa caught and waa forced under tor ture to accuse the old Greek ptipst Athanasloa who bad supplied htm with food and shelter. Atlie.naaioa was seised and submitted, without any examination of the rase, to moat barbaric ill-treatment. He was dragged from his church and beaten with slick until they broke. When he fainted he waa revived by pour ing cold water on him and then beaten again and again. 'The aaaembled Greek peasants and the poor family of th prire cried for mercy, but In vain. In th village of Arapl a whole Greek community waa Imprisoned under th mere suspicion that they gave shelter to a brigand. In sum place Greek priests are tortured until thry die or until a confession is extorted from them that they sympathise with the' anti Ottoman pan-hellenkeUo movement. After such a confession th whole Greek com munity suffers unspeakable tortures. Th Bishop of Orevena haa mad repre sentations to the Turkish Governor, but without any effect. He ws scoffed at and threatened that he would himself be submitted to severe 111 treatment If he did not keep silent. The Greek Patriarch at Constantinople is sending a memorandum to th authorities at the caplul as well aa to th representatives of th foreign powens drawing their earnest attention to th abov facta and begging that prompt, energetic measures may be taken to put a speedy end to such a deplorable stat of affairs. matrons and girls who wish to acquire the Gallic accent. Another fresh development in wom en's sphere has Just been Inaugurated Wy the Central Bureau for the Employ ment of Women. This Is the Students' Careers Association, which alma at starting girls leaving school or college on the right road to earn their living. To this end the employment bureau and the teaching faculty are now working together with the hope to prevent th overstocking of erally filled posts Ilk clerkships, by diverting properly quali fied students into higher spheres of work. ALPHONSO HELPS MAIPEN Spanish King Allow Picture to Bo Vscd as Wine Trademark. MADRID. Dec 1 (Ppeclal.) Troubled Spain, amid all its discords, still finds abiding Interest In the human sldo of the young monarch. Tho latest story of Alfonso concerns on of thosa incidents for which ha has long been famous. One morning recent ly, during th changing of the guard, Alfonso came out of the Royal Palace and crossed the square to the Armeria Real. In which is housed the finest col lection of weapons and armor In Europe Want of space prevents anything like Justi -e being done to the many treasures stored there and the Kings desire is to enlarge tho building and to make It an annex of the Palace. While chatting with th Lieutenant Colonel tn command of the troops, a rery pretty maiden approached Alfonso and asked h!m, "Please may we in your photograph a a mark for our Sherry?" at the same time holding out some speci men cards with the Royal likeness re produced on them. The girl's charming and timid bearing made the affable young Monarch smile and he asked If the wine were her own. "Th win belongs to my uncle, a vintner of Jerex." he replied indicating her respectable looking relative close at band, "and the wine la fit for a King." Sale of Used Pianos Fischer $150 An old style in good condition has been used for a number of yearsl Iverson $149 Large, full sized, beautiful mahogany case. Emerson $195 Standard make, taken in exchange on Pianola Piano. Kohler& Campbell $ 1 35 A used piano in splendid condition. Stark Piano $295 Au art piano with beautiful mahog any case. Kimball $195 A bargain such as you will rarely see. Hallet & Davis $309 Absolutely as good as new regular $750 style. Knabe $305 Has been slightly used. Founded 1850 To prove to the people of Portland' that our prices are at least one-quarter less than pianos have ever been sold for before in Portland, we make the following offer: We will put any piano in your home without your having to pay a cent down 312 Christmas That is, you can pick out the piano now, hare it sent home and begin paying for it the first of the year. "We know' there are a hundred uses to which you can put your money before ; Christmas. By taking advantage of this offer, you can make a Christmas gift of a piano without its being any drain on yourpurse. - We are selling good pianos 'for less money than they have ever been sold in- Portland before "We want to prove this to you in your own' home. That is why we arc making this offer to any responsible party. We will put a Weber piano, Steck, Fischer, Kohler & Chase piano, Kohler & Campbell, Kohler & Chase player pianos in your home until after Xew Year's absolutely without cost. Or, you can have a Stuyvesant Pianola Piano, Weber Pianola Piano, Wheelock Pianola Piano in your home abso lutely without cost. . Eighty New Pianos at special prices for Christmas selling Ten Weser Pianos at $225, worth $300 Twenty Hoffman Pianos at $215, Worth $325 Fifteen Winthrop Pianos at. $210, Worth $3Q0 Ten Kohler & Campbell Pianos $235, Worth 5350 Ten Auto Pianos $450, selling elsewhere at $750 Ten Standard Player Pianos at $475, Worth $600 Fischer Player Pianos $575; selling elsewhere at $850 KoMer & CSiase Washington and West Park Don Alfonso took the cards and looked through them ana smilinBly gave tha re quired permission to the enterprising; younr lady, who now, all blushes and confusion, hurried away to her uncle's protection. The larRiest crab In the world, a speci men of the giant spldef crab from Japan, says the St. Nicholas, la now at tha Museum of Natural History, New York. The spread of the two largest legs, of arms, having eawlike teeth, called "pin cers, Is nearly 12 feet, an'd the body portion Is over one foot In diameter and, ahout the ize of a large dinner plate.' OUR FIRST Y EAR-E ND C EARANCE SA iLi As Predicted Has Startled Portland Every Garment, Including Vaists and Petticoats, ReducedNothing Reserved BRITISH WOMEN HELPED fcchrnirs for Sox's Improvement Multiply In Loudon. LONDON. Dec. 1. (Special.) Much la be ins- done In a quiet way for wom en apart from the wall advertised erhemea of suffraglata. The latest thlna: In feminine culture Is tha t'ni verslte des Lattros Ir'rancalaes. now a Itolnir concern In London's West End. It Is run on the model of tha Universite dea Annates In Tarla, and Its object Is to g-lve English women and Kirla true French culture, which hitherto haa not been wtthin their reach. Tha arrangements at thla new ren ter comprise comfortable rooms fur nished In the French style and a lend Inir library. Young- Frenchwomen, habit ed la the rea-ulallon university (owns of bright blue, are in residence there, to advise the members what booka to read and study for the conferences that are held from time to time. They also talk their language to tha aspirins TAILORED SUITS $25.00 values now. . . .$10.75 30.00 values now. .-. .$13.65 S35.00 values now $16.35 S40.00 values now $18.65 $45.00 values now $21.75 $50.00 values now $26.75 KVKKY SUIT HAS BEEX REDUCED. NOTHING RESERVED EXPERT FITTERS Investigate These Values. COATS $20.00 values now $ 8.75 $22.50 values now $10.35 $25.00 values now. .. .$11.45 $27.50 values, now $12.95 $30.00 values now $14.45 $32.50 values now. . . .$16.75 $35.00 values now. . . .$18.65 ; $40.00 values now. . . .$21.95 Every Coat in the House Has Been Reduced $7.50 Silk Petti coats at $2.98 Made of Guaran teed Silk, black and eolors, regular $7.50 values. Year-End Sale J.9QR Price $L.uO $9.00 Dress Skirts at $3.65 Made of Fine Qual ity "Worsteds, in black, navy and brown, actual $9.00 values. Year - End Sale Price . . . DRESSES $20.00 values now....$ 8.45 $22.50 values now....$ 9.85 $30.00 values now. .. .'$13.95 $32.50 values now $14.65 $35.00 values now. .. .$16.55 $40.00 values now. ...$19.85 $45.00 values now, .$22.95 $60.00 values now: . . .$27.50 $70.00 values now. . . .$33.75 . $3.65 - f ''l f iT. .ifs iTi A if - " s -n s if : --r:-f x a xm&vm mmw mass -aJ-lil-ILiiVj risaWlssaa.1 H. " "' - rTL., T e, -'I . . ; WAISTS $ 1.00 values-now.:.:.;.M 39c $ 2.00 values now.-.r.. 83c $ 2.25 values now. 98c $ 3.00 values now.w.,$1.55 $ 4.50 values now. . .,$2.15 $ 7.50 values now. $3.98 $10.00 values now. w .$4.9S $12.50 values now. .-..$6.89 $15.00 values now .$7.9S GooYl Suggestions for Christ mas Gifts $10 Chiffon WaSsts at $3.98 1 Made of F i n e s t Quality Chiffon with braided yoke land Dutch neck, ac- 1 1 i th-i r 1 ip Jcuai ifiu.uu vatues. Sale Price.. O,V0 $1.50 Black Petti coats at 6Sc Made of Fine Qual ity Feather Silk, with b e a u t i f ul flounce, actual $1.50 values. Year - End Sale Price , 68c IF YOU DID NOT READ OUR DOUBLE-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT IN THURSDAY'S EVENING PAPERS ADVISE US AND WE WILL MAIL YOU A COPY