The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 04, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 8, Image 42

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Thurch on the afternoon and eenlna;
f December 7. In the parish house.
East Seventeenth mnd Weldler streets.
number of useful and attractive ar
ticles will be on sale and a Japanese
lea garden will be a special feature.
The women of St. David's Guild will
hold their annual baxaar at the parish
house at Hast Twelfth and Morrison
r..t Tuu1at afternoon and eve'
Bin, and Wednesday afternoon. te-
r ember and I. They hope to have
a large attendance. -
Mrs. James Robinson will entertain
the women In lrvlnitton of the First
CnibrtrrlaD Church at her home. 8
Rroadaav. Wednesday. December 7,
from 2 to S o'clock.
The members of the -OoodfMow-fthip''
rampaiicn committee of the Worn.
rn of Wood- raft will give a dance ana
amateur theatricals at the East Fide
Vodmrn of the World hall on Tuesday
t renin.
The St. f-awTenoe Social Club will
arlve m whist and "St0" party, to be
followed by a dance, at tha bt. Law
rence Hall. Third and Sherman streets,
Wednesday nleht. A musical pro
eramme has been prepared by the
club's Choral Solely.
The Warren B:ble Class will hold Its
annual ihrl'tmaa sale In the parlors of
he Klrai Presbyterian Church next
Tuesday afternoon and evenlne-. Dainty
and sork. useful articles. hand-painted
- ln and home-mad candles will be
rrred for sale. Afternoon tea from
to S o'clock and music In the evening by
the Warren Mandolin Club wlU be ad
dltlonal features.
The CnrlnthUn SVx-icty Club. compnsr
ef the members of the 0rlnthln Chapter
of the Oiti.r of the bastern Star, wl
alve a soclaole In the Masonic Temple
Jiext TnesUay erenlna. The entertain
ment will consist of cards ami dancln.
Members of the O. E. 8. and their feral-
Ill's have been tnvtied-
The meetlnc of the first division of
the Portland Shakespeare Club will be
lield tomorrow at - o clock with Mr
J. O. Jones at East Salmon street.
Mlsa Louise ll.Knr was married to
Stuart James Harder at the home of
her mother. Mrs. Anna Hacner. Thurs
day erenlne-. The Rev. William lllram
Foulkes performed the ceremony after
which reception was held- The bride,
who was riven away by her itodfather.
wore a (town of embroidered white chlf
fon over satin and carried English vio
lets, while oranire blossoms held her veil
In place. Mrs. Harder was attended by
her sister. Mlsa Ann Harner. who was
attired In a dainty icown of pale pink
aUn with white lace. She wore a coral
necklace, the a-lft of the bride and car-
Tied bridesmaid roes. The brother of
tha brides-room. W. W. Harder, of Se
attle, was best man. Barbara Blossom,
a wee maid of five years from Spokane.
was rtna- bearer. The decorations of
the room where the ceremony occured
were of Oregon jtrape and chrysanthe
mums. The dining; table, centered by
tha weddlnc rake, was attractively ar
ranged with holly and stnllax tied with
red ribbon and tiny bells. Prior to the
ceremony. Mrs. Kdrar Densmore. accom
panied by Miss MahW Starblrd. sans; sev
eral selections. Mr. and Mrs. Harder
have left tha city for Southern California
and after their return will be at home
at T Marshal! I sweet, where they will
reside until their home on Portland
Heights la completed. Mrs. Harder was
extensively entertained before her mar
riage and among tha number of affairs
In her honor was a party, given by
Mrs. C. U. Burhank and her daughter.
Miss Florence Burbank. Mrs. Charles
HcCullotigh also gae an affair for her.
rntertiilnlng IS former classmates of
Mrs. Harder at luncheon. Another card
rartv was the afternoon at 5 which
developed Into a linen shower at the
home of Mrs. William Harder.
Marguerite Leflore O'Heron and
leonard Joseph Zanr wera married
November I J. at o'clock, at tha Pro-
Cathedrat. The bride was attired In
rlotb-of-gold broadcloth suit with
large black hat trimmed with mink
and roses, and carried an arm bouquet
of yellow chrysanthemums. She was
attended by her sister. Mrs. John Stan-
lev Ma.?lnnls. as matron of honor, who
wore a tailored suit of tan with a
black hat and ostrich leathers, and car
ried violets. Mr. Maglnnts was best
man. following the ceremony an.,
prior to their departure for Pitget
Sound, from whence they will return
about December li. Mr. and Mrs. Zanga
were the guests of hr-i'ir at breakfast
at the apartment of the bride s mother.
Mrs. Joe Cor O'Heron. when covers
were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Zones. Mr.
and Mrs. Maslnnls. Mrs. O'Heron. Mr.
and Mrs. Knhert , Farrell. Miss May
O'Heron. Mls Helen O ll-rou and Hob
ert O'Heron.
Vhallon-lralu(. '
Tje wedding of Paul Whallon. of
Battle Creek. Iowa. anJ Mlas Alma
Leuts Messing, of Portland, waa sol
emnised at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. K M -Conn. tn i s Addition.
Thanksetving day Tha ceremony waa
performed by the Rev. J. Allen Leas, of
Ht. James Lutheran Church. Tha bride
was gowned la white chiffon over Irish
embroidery and carried brides' rosea.
She was attended by Miss Edith Karr.
whose gown waa of soft silk In a deli
cate tone of pink, and who carried
ptak bridesmaid roses. Arthur HaXTtna
ton was best man. Following; the serv
ice a reception waa held, and immedi
ately upon Its close tha young; persons
left the cltv for a short stay in I .os
Angeirs. epe.-tlrg to return about De
cember IS. when tliey will reside at
East Thirty-second street.
A wedding of more than local Inter
est ii that of Burke O. Beemaa of
San Francisco, and Miss Gladys MfSloy.
which took pia.-e at the home of tha
brides parent!-. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mc-Sl-y.
tn Lents at noon last Thursday.
The aervl-e was conducted by tt.e Rev.
J. A. Good and was witnessed only by
the Immediate families. The attend
ants were Mlsa Nina Runkel and
Henry Moren.-y. The bride (own waa
of daintv white silk with duchess point
lace. Following the ceremony a lunch
eon was served. The house decorations
consisted of white carnations and Ore
gon grapes, together with ferns. Mr.
and Mr Beeman left Thursday night
on the Shasta I4mlted for thctr home
in San Francls.-o.
Conrad r. Oisen and Miss Nellie
Frost wera married Thursday evening.
December I. at the residence of Will
iam Mnlvey. 9'i Corbet! street, by the
l;cv. D. A Mackenate. pastor of the
Kourta Presbyterian Churrh. Mr.
ilcn I an attorney, associated with
Ualph Duntwav. The bride is the
daughter of Mrs. Ella Frost, of Al
mond. Win., and a descendant of an old
New England family. Mr. and Mrs.
ln,were classmates at the Cnlver
sltv of "Wisconsin. The recently near-
rtaw ceHWia will reside) after January 1 Is
In their new bungalow, 85 East Fifty
second street.
Adelia Tethrow and Clarence, Deetj
were married at the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Tethrow,
Thursday evening.
The parlors were decorated with ferni
and white carnations and the dining
room was attractive with pink cosmos
and La Franca roses. The bride wore a
dainty gown of pale blue and carried an
arm bouquet of white carnations. She
wag attended by her sister. Oirs, and
Mis Luke. Lee Rodlon was best man.
Miss Nancy Katherlne Burney. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burney. wa
married to Waiter Glenn Cox at tha
Unitarian Chapel last Wednesday even
ing by tie Rev. T. U Eliot. The bride
la the granddaughter of General Ben
jamin Simpson and a niece of tha Ore
gon poet. Samuel Simpson. Mr. Cox Is
a real estate dealer here and the grand
son of Dr. J. G. Glenn, also an Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Cox hav gone to Cali
fornia for their wedding trlp.
A quiet home wedding took place at
the residence of Mr. C C. Hutchinson,
when her daughter. Helen S. Hutchin
son, was married to Fred M. Cummlnga.
of Med ford. Or Sunday afternoon. No
vember IT. Tha Rev. Luther R. Dyott
performed tha ceremony.
Miss Hutchinson has for some time
been the secretary of the Eat Side Y.
W. C. A.
Alfred U Harrlman and Miss Ethel
J. Tease, both of Portland, were mar
rled In San Francisco. November 2
bv the Rev. Mr. Benson, of that city.
The wedding was quiet and took place
at the home of the bride's uncle, joh
Johnston. The young persons will re
main several weeks In Cnlifornla be.
for returning to Portland.
Voodsidr-J)a I.
L. D. WoodMde and Mary A. Davl
were married Saturday. .November
at the home of C A. Bartell. at Fifth
and College streets, by the Rev. Luther
R. Dvott. Mr. and Mrs. Woodslde are
both residents of The Dalles, Or.
The wedding of F. N. Barnes and
Mlsa F. Laura Jone took place Thnrs
day. November 14. at noon; at the First
Congregational Church. The Rer,
I.uther R. Dyott performed the cere
Faul Smith and Miss Jessie E. Bender
were married at the parsonage of the
Sunnyslde Congregational Church Wed,
nesdar evening. November 30, by the
Itcv. J. J. 6taub.
Mtss Florence Busby became the bride
of Harry L. Anderson at the home of
Mrs. E. H. Bennett, at It East Fortieth
street- The Rev. J. J. Staub performed
the wedding ceremony. ,
Whlte-Kot alcskv.
A. F. White, of Billings. Montana.
and Adeline E. Kovalesky. of Van
couver. B. C. wera married Thursday
at 3 o'clock at the home of the Rev.
Benjamin Toung. til Eleventh street.
Herbert Robert Kelso and Misw May
Diana Dumkee were married at the
White Temple Friday, November 2a. by
the Rev. W. B. Hlnson.
II ndson-Jordan.
Omer Franklin Hudson ami Miss Helen
Hilda Jordan were married Friday, No
vember S. at 11 Chapman street, by tha
Rev. W. B. Hlnson.
John II. Barrett and Mrs. Lucy 6tout
were married at the White Temple Fri
day. November 28. by the Rev. W. B.
Smith-Bard ick.
Hugh E. Smith and Mis Nellie B. Bur-
dick wera married at tha White Tempi
Wednesday evening. November 30, by the
Rev. W. B. Hlnson.
Mr. and Mrs. 5. B. Davis, of New.
port. Or are receiving congratulation
upon the iirth of a son December 1. In
thl city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuson announce the
engagement of their daughter. Catherine
Susan, to Charles Duncan, of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Jacobsen announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Charlotte, to Marcu Allan Peel. The
wedding ha been set for December 14.
societv rrnsoxALs.
Mis) Sexton,
recent guest
of San FVanclsco, was a
tt Hotel Gearhart-by-the-
Mra James D. Corby, of Broadway,
la tha guest of relatives In Spokane,
Mr. and Mrs. I C Schafer have re
turned from a three weeks' trip to Cali
fornia. Mlsa Janet Gray, of Seattle, la tha
house guest of her slater. Mrs. How
ard Stricklar.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L Campbell and fam
ily has moved Into their new home on
Portland Heights.
Mrs. A, O. Ogllvle and her daughter.
Mlsa Bemlce Ayers, will live at Elton
Court this Winter.
Mrs. Frederick Mason and Mire Susan
Mason, of Spokane, are guests In Port
land for the week.
Mr. TV. W. Harder, of Seattle. I the
guest of her mother, Mrs. A. B. Cross
man, in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. H. U Hamblet and
children have returned to the city after
a week at Gearhart.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Vmberstock. of
Chicago, and three small daughters are
at Alexandra Court.
Mrs. A. G. Ogllile and daughter. Miss
Bemlce Avers, have returned fom their
ranch at White Salmon.
Jack R. Proehetel was the nie-t of Dr.
George Prescott Wright at Hotel Moore,
Seaside, recently for a week.
Mise Bess Allen left Portland recently
for Oskland. Cal.. accompanied by her
aunt. Mra N. Lane, of Seattle. ,
W. p. La Roche retuma to Portland
Monday from a two weeks' sojourn In
San Francisco and Monterey, Col.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Darling, of Nome,
were guests in Portland a few days re
cently, on their way to California.
Mlsa Jessie Elvers returned on Tues
day from a trip through California,
where she has passed the lost three
Mr. Nathan Harris returned recently
from New York and the East, where she
has spent three months studying and
Mlsa Juliet Cooper, of Pendleton, la
the guest of Mra Lambert Dunbar, who
gave a handkerchief shower in her
honor last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. R. L, Durham and Mr.
Wllard H. Chopin are back from the
beach, where they passed several days
st the Hotel Gearhart.
Mlas Genevieve Penstacker. who ha
been the guest of Mise Helen Doble Hnce
the first part of the month, left Port
land Tuesday- for her home In Marsh
field. Mr. and: Mrs. Frank C. Tllley and their
daughter, Mabel, have returned to Port
land after a half year's stay abroad.
They are occupying their home at 641
Etjlatt avenue.
Dr. and Mrs. C. V. Littler, of Albany,
entertained the following guests from
Portland over Thanksgiving. Mr. and
Mrs. J. F Robinson. Ralph Robinson and
Dr. and Mra Harry M. Hendershott.
Mr. C. M. Hoeber and family have
Just returned from a three-months' so
journ through Southern California.
where Miss Gertrude Hoeber. the
capable young musician, has played
several engagements.
Mr. and Mra C. E. Stone have returned
from Seattle, where they passed the
Thanksgiving week-end as the guests of
Mr. Stone's mother, Mra Frednh Stone,
and also Mrs. Stone's mother, Mrs. Julia
Mrs. Bernard O'Hara end Miss Kath
erlne O'Hara will leave the city tomor
row for California, where they will pass ,
a month before going abroad early In !
January. On their return to Portland in
May or June Miss O'Hara will become i
the bride of Joseph Maura, of Seattle. I
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Patterson and Miss :
Edna Church left Portland Wednes- ,
day for San Francisco, en route to
Honolulu, the former home of Mra Pat
terson. They expect to Winter on the
Island, returning to Portland In the
Among the Portland persons leav
ing for the South are Mr. and Mra
E. G. Crawford and children, who de
parted last week for San Francisco.
They sailed Wednesday for Honolulu,
where they will Winter, returning to
California In the Spring and Portland
In the early Summer.
Thanksgiving guest from Portland
at Hotel Gearhart-by-the-Sea were:
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hamblet. Miss Laura
Hamblet. Mra Mary Hamblet and Ed
win Hamblet; also Mr. and Mra George
H. Cecil. Rev. 'and Mrs. J. V. Mllll
gan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ehrman, Miss
Emily Ehrman. Mrs. S. R. Devereaux,
Miss Lincoln. Miss Sarah Harris, Clyde
McDuffee and Raymond Slngletary.
Ssiimtai s
THE VALUES offered by a store that has enjoyed uninterrupted success for over 45 years must be
about right You need many things just now that we carry Let us show our goods to you and
uote prices Our stocks are larger than ever before and more carefully selected. See for yourself.
Mme. Tracy and Miss Copeland. for
merly designers of gowns for 11. B.
Lltt, announre the opening of their
new dressmaking establishment In the
Columbia building. West Park and
Wsshington streets, end are now In a
position to execute orders of the high
est class with the remainder of the
H. B. Lltt stock of Imported materials
and trimmings.
To Introduce his work, C. W. Young,
recently from the East, now located at
161 East Seventeenth, corner Belmont,
will, until January 1, make handsome
evening gowns, furnish materia) and
trim with exclusive styles of imported
novelties for S30. Take Sunnyslde or
Mount Tabor cars.
The Musical Courier, the big weekly.
Is represented by John R. Oatman, law
yer. 445 Sherlock building. Subscrip
tion $6. Subscription accepted; also
news from subscribers. Send It to your
friend Christmas.
e e
Oregon Conservatory of Music. All
branches taught by staff of teachers,
Swiss Watch Repairing. C. Christen-
sen, 3d fl. Corbett bldg. Take elevator.
r' Iftc- in T ootlioi. Croes English Gloves and Leath
(ilIlS 111 I4?ailiei er Novelties, In all leather.
shapes and prices.
C1..... i.. r Come In and get the order,
TOSS GlOVe OrClCl send It to your friend, they
pick out the gloves later.. Good in any Cross Store.
Cross's Stationery with 3Ionbgrain ad'".'
tlon to Cross lines. We are exclusive agents.
Austrian, German and French Leathers
nnd Noveltlee selected by our buyer on a recent trip abroad.
A new line in Portland.
TT.nwl Don't. The "np8t 8n,J latest line of every style,
Jltllltl shape, leather and color now ready for
your inspection.
I, T . ..4 .1 Novelties from FrSnce,' Ger
eWelrj, Imported many. Austria, England.
Egypt, no two alike. Also Hair Combs. Barrettes, Pendants,
Brooches. Pine, Chains, Neck Bands, Hat Pins.
I ....!. TM1, 1 !!, Electric? Irons. Electric
'OCKet FlaSll Lights, Toasters. Curling Iron
Heaters, Water Heaters in the sundry section.
I41, Tnii-nlo Sponges. Mats. Brushee. Soap Holders,
111I1 lOW fin, Mitts, Towel Bars. Tooth Brushes and
Glass Holders, inU Bathroom Fittings.
I- 4i T 1 - 1 Wheel Chairs, Electric Batteries.
'Or I lie invalid Vapor Bath Cabinets. Crutches,
Electric Blankets. Chamois Vests. Fever Thermometers, Hot
Water Bottles, Medicine Cases.
Aneroids, Barometers, mentsToVcc-'rVrn";
temperature, humidity, altitude. Small Pocket Aneroids
register helphts of hills and mountains. Barometer tell the
weather twenty-four hours in advance.
s""1offf Spectacles, Fine Eye Glass Cues, Com
'j C illSSf S, passes. Magnifying Glasses, Reading
Glosses, Lorgnettes. ,
Tloinfl' f"i1rknc in our perfume section, tho largest
-LFailllJ UUUI!) perfume department In the North-(
west. Special Xmas boxes of Perfumes, Soape, Toilet
Articles put up to order.
Tirictln flfntJ Every grade and price
-ISriSllC iTOOflS ard, Kent. Kyoto, Loo
-Adams. How-
Loonens and other
makes. Combs, Cloth Brushes, Hut Brushes, Sets in Turtle
Back Ebony, Rosewood, Foxwood, etc.
T", : T Ti .i4 .,. With Monogram.
IClWdU XUl,y lUUCl f?Cl a r e the n e w e s t '
thing out. Look clean and elegant on the dressing table.
Ci. -.!,.,, cn,.. and Silver - Plated Toilet Seta in
IICXIIIJJ, IIUCI. artistic and pleasing patterns.
In a variety of mountings, pocket
sets, traveling sets, and attractive
styles for the dressing table.
Manicure Sets
lmitniii Tnritt plain, with gold or silver bands.
X mililallll X tJlt elaborately mounted in chased
gold tir silver. Sterling Silver Pencil, and Pen Holders in
goia ana stiver.
r; .. ,i s w.j Goods. See our Art Section-
X JA llll cllltl xVl I 500 square feet floor space
filled with oria-inal Otis. Water Colors. Sepias. F.tchinfrs. Old
Prints. Mottoes, Facsimiles. Carbqne, Hand-Colored PhotoB,
Photogravures and other pictures.
AfAmn T?rrkl-c- Calling and Engagement Lists, Ad
iVieillO lOUKS, dress Books, Bridge Sets. Hand
Painted Place Cards, all kinds of Games and Game Counters.
Playing Cards, Dominoes, Chess, Checkers, Fancy Calendars
for 1911, Hand-Colored Photo Calendars, DrluKing cups.
jrt--. pica A magnificent showing of everything m
lll IXldSS at lowest prices. See this department
third floor.
4 ..4- m,:-. Amphora, Teplets,
.111 Vllllltl, Bonn and other makes
shapes and colorings.
Stellamacher, Royal
in all designs,
new im-
See the
'ri....n.n 744 A large ehlp
AllCllilun UUlllcn proved styles now
many useful and beautiful tilings In this line.
tl.. V.nmno " powdered gold and green ef-
UIHIUV llillliia fects, and French Mirrors in
Russian Brasses,
artistic shapes.
Compare goods and prices.
Corbett bid-.
C Chrlstensen. Sd floor.
Take elevator.
As Rewult, Husband Causes Arrest
of His Brother.
SEDALIA. Mo.. Nov. JS. After his
wife had died from worry caused by
fear that they would lose their home,
which had been mortgaged to provide
bond for his brother, p. e. Husted
caused the arrest of the brother. Har
vey Husted. who I wanted In Osawa-
tomle. Kan., to answer a charge of
when Harvey waa arrested he ap
pealed to hla brother to supply the
ISO bond required to give him his
liberty. The bond waa forthcoming at
once, although his brother bad no
means of raising that aura of money
except by mortgaging his home.
Husted disappeared, and when tha
date for the trial came he did not appear.
During his absence Mra P. E. Hus
ted became convinced that he would
ot return, worried until she became
ill and finally died.
P. E. Husted did not less his home.
1. j l n .1 by our experts. Over 10PO styles
MCtlireS rallied In frames and mouldings, with
trained men and women to assist in selecting what you prefer.
1..14.. Chafing Dishes, Coffee and Teapots
eiCOiaiOrS, make suitable gifts. We have the low
priced Manning-Bowman line; also Traye, Spoons, Forks, etc.
k.... r'locraci Tourists', Military, Fi el d-and Ma
(jpeia llllSSeS, rlne Glasses, the largest line, the
lowest prices. Kaeh pair sold under .our guarautee, complete
with case, a fine gift and not expensive.
A box nicely engraved with monogram or
MatlOnery crest makes an ideal gift. .
A complete line of fine Xmas
Mineral Waters and Pure Ground Spices. Order now.
- j c i A COl
llieS HIMl t5llCCf Wines and Liquors. Cordials,
Trays, Ferns, Jardinieres,
Chimes, Baskets, Smoking Sets,
Reading Lamps, umbrella btanas.
T A1lk, "Vir Pncbnrc Beautiful willowy handmade
JUOUIS -V V ISilSKClS effects, in dull and bright
gold with hand-laid ornaments.
ynfnHr IqTnrc and Shaver's Supplies. Gillette's,
HiUrlJ XWtlAUI r Durham Duplex, Ward. Ever Ready,
Auto Strop and all the other makes; Strops, 'Hones, Brushes,
Soaps, Cups, Mirrors, Stroppers. Old Style Razors, everything
for the man who shaves himself.
irr.j i t and outfits
vVOOll III JUlllll Panels, Trays. Mirrors. Pine Racks,
Tie Holders. Boxes, alt shapes and sizes; Nut Bowls, Frames,
and a hundred other things at lowest prices. Outfits, all
sixes, guaranteed.
m-ru European. Toys, Dolls in native costumes; Bears,
1 O S, Dogs, Apes, etc, imparted from Germany cute,
fuzzy, furry things made to last. Rubber Toys they float,
colors will not come off. Fob the little one's bath.
For Doctor and Nurse sumenJ nceasCeas:esca":
ical Thermometers, Nurses Chatelaines, Fountain Pens,
Memo Books. Any purchase in this section exchanged.
Prescriptions Called for and Delivered
Canadian Money
at Face Value
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Free Delivery
City and
Suburban Points
America's Largest Popular-Priced Drugstore
the court, taking cognisance of the
circumstances, postponed the hearing
several Jays.
Da-ton High School Team to Play.
DAYTON. Wash., Dec 3. (Special.)
Twelve games, in which Oregon, Idaho
nd Washington teams will meet the
local -nigh School basketball quintet.
comprise th schedule for Dayton this
seaeon. according to Coatch Atwood,
who completed hla schedule yesterday,
with the exception of two dates. The
(To QTht UnMit
ShcplJarlg xniht Bag
Ami Assist (EHtr
Unttumttl Scrtrirt?
Preserves Natural
Color of the Hair
tProm Woman's National Macaalat.)
"Any woman can poatpone for years
the time when her hair becomes thin
and array. It Is a mistake to shampoo
frequently with soap and water, aa
that tends to make the scalp scaly
and hard and the hair dull and faded.
"Tha hair .will respond quickly to
the proper home treatment. Put In a
fruit Jar four ounces ef orris root and
four ounrea of therox. Shake until
well mixed. Once or twice a week
sprinkle a little of this powder on the
bead and brush It thoroughly through
the hair. V
"This dry shampoo removes dirt,
duat and dandruff from the scalp and
leaves the hair fresh, sweet and clean.
The there helpa to grow beautiful
hair and preserves let natural color."
It's Kilham's that engrave for
highest society
Most beautiful things in
strictest propriety!
Ladles' and Gentlemen's Society Monogram and Address Stationery
most elegant Xmas gifts. Visiting cards, invitations, programs, an
nouncement etc.
We employ our own artists, do our own copper-plate aid steel-die
embossing and can please the most fastidious. Come and see our sam
ples. It takes time to execute these orders properly, and from now on they
coma In very fast. Every day you save on your order is an advantage
both to you and to us.
W77 H A TVt' stationery &
SjLam&aJ.IVJL printing co
Commercial Stationers. Office Outfitters, Printers,
Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders f lrTH
lineup of the local lnterscholastlc team
was decided on today as follows: Harold
Iatherman, Paul Clancy, centers; C.
Broughton, C. Donahue, C Burnham,
forwards: Walter Morgan, Charles Ic
Quary, Clarence Hammer, guards. The
schedule is completed a follows: Pen
dleton. Athena, La Grande, Walla
Walla. Pearson's Academy, Lewiston,
Asotin, Waltsburg (two). Milton. The
opening game will be here two weeks
from tonight.
Phones: Ham 1236
and A 1236
Columbia Hardware Co.
Fourth Street
Special Prices Holiday and Seasonable Goods
A TKree - Piece Carving Set
put up in a white-lined leather
ette box, a regular $4.00 value,
Special $1.75
Other Carvers ranging in prices,
$3.50 to $25.00
For Monday and Tuesday Specials
We have a few of the Wilson Toasters left, in
20c value......... 1VC
Perfection Oil Heater
Tnm is Tia timft when fhpi moraine's feel tfhillv
" o - rri
when getting up. You can warm up your bed- lOSSter
i . i r : . i i. .. T)a
n room or Dauiroom in a.itw mmuis wim jtci- -rV.o"
fection bil Heater, Monday and Tues-.flQ -CO . at lUC
dav. special,
' flAR-EYEE"
T.A.C UCo!
We give you a splendid opportunity to 'save money on most reliable wares. For the holidays we are showing
many new things in silver, nickel and eopper ware, at prices the holiday shopper cannot afford to overlook.
The attractiveness of our store is increased by
Our Display of Community Silver
Admired by all who see it. It would be still more admired on your table. Handsomest patterns on the mar
ket. Guaranteed for 23 years, lasts a lifetime and costs no more than ordinary plate.