THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLxYXD. DECEMBER 4, 1910. 1 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF I oncoM w Tttiwom - rvcine sit V"Zk M.naatas E4IIOT Vale foro A J3 C room T.TJ A kiM. aultdiaaa ..........Mala ! A AJtctEMENTl. HCILIn THITATER Svnth Hd Talor Hasrr w. mxsi pttwnii M.Um X. Toolaal al Bf.XOALOW THEATER ITw!flt aa Morrison Th Tlm. th Plara and ttia tiirL- Malta at li and tonlsht at a:ll. SAKCK THEATER (EIBlh and nf rtna Tn Hakr flock Compaa la "Tha Harryr- alalia al S-li and toalsat at a. IV OKPHEVW THKATER fafofrtaoa. Wiw Uta and Saraaih) Vo.1Ttll, Tala aI M al 1:14 and loan at at Srla. ORAND THEATER fParfc aad Washlaa lB Vaudavllia. Thla artaraooa at S.iX taoiaht u IJa aa4 a. LYRIC THEATER "-rth aad Aid" Lyric Musical Corner Companr. la "Tr.a Klr cf Bine San- Thl afternoon at, tonisBt al I.w and . TAR THEATER Park aad TVaahlB(" Motion pictures. Continuous. Iron l. t 100 P. at. Eomux Art to III Topic Mia Kit Cameron fcimmona a ill lctur on "KcyptUa Art." this afternoon t J o'clock, at tha Museum of Art. Fifth and Taylor atret Admlwion 1 free and tha public la Invited. In addition to opening- Ita collection to vlHtors on Sun day afternoon, tlie Portland Art Asso ciailon plans, a occasion offera to pre sent free lect'irea. durlna those hour on Art aubjects. I Kxt-uordixart Sai. of Oriental run this week: Dairhewtana. SMrvai. Kiuka and IlMouchlrtan. average aixe Uxi. values up to . reduced to t'S: lot of i liars. CablJlanp. Hokl:oraJ Kinks and Mosul-, slses lo 4x;.. values to II reduced o S. Bubint'al reduction throughout our entire larite slock of ruc- and carpel e. This la certainly your op portunity to lect a beautiful and latlns; holiday ajlfr. Vou enjoy the advantaae of a larse collation representing the pick of me Orient, and our positive mtaranie of the quality and brand. Open evrnlnaa until 1irl-mae. Cartoilun Bros.. Import era. -ITS Wash., near 13th st. V.'OODMEX TO ltLi:BRATt-T in- nlverewry of Wtbfnol Camp. No. -. Woalmrn of I he World. Ill be cele brated rruiay rvenlr.R. December . at 1J Weventh alreet. by Its members, a musical and literary programme, under the direction of Mr. Svlvla W. McOuIr and John Claire Montleih haa been ar ranged. Dancing srlll follow. Every wo man visitor will be preeemeo. souvenir bo of candy. Xonit-The next pharmaceutical ex amination will be held at the Wood man of the World Temple. Portland. Iecrmber 13 and 14. IM. laboratory work will be given at tha North Pa cific College of Pharmacy. Applicants are required to file tnelr appllcatlona with the arcretary of th board, lion. . il. Huntley. Oregon City. Or, at their earliest convenience. Co.vti'CTO'a Assailaxt Fikbd. For assaulting H. Tinker, a conductor on a St. Johns streetcar, several week ago. Hlchard I -amnio, a bartender, waa fined l.'S In Municipal Court yester day morning, following hla conviction by a Jury the day before. An appeal probably will be taken. MorsT Tabor CLcr lltm-The Mount V.1 bor Improvement Association will meet Monday night In the assembly hall of the Mount Tabor Sanitarium. Kast sixtieth and Belmont st reels, to consider street Improvements, achool hnuw construction and other matters Ox Rraxd AvKXt-s. No. North, solid ground: lot 3ox. fares east; price. .. one-half cash. This k close In and will soon b god biailressi property; lot ad Joining will be Improved In the Spring, with a fine three-story brick building. F. 8. Akin. d Chamber of Cwnmerce. W a Scu. hair mattresses retail at wholesale prU-e. for .poutid beds from ITS and up. We renovate mattresses and return th-m tha aama day. Portland Curled Hair "aclory. II. Metzger. pro prietor. Sa-rx Front St.. Main 47. A lltt. Ar-roMoan.B Owcks Hsv your car repaired, adjusted or over hauled, at Y. M. C. A. garage; minimum rial; careful work assured. Phone educa tional director, private Ex. ti. A Y. M. C. A. bldg. Tub Iapib" Cnt-O of St. Matthew' Church Invite you to their annual ha xaar to be held In th Guild Hall. First and Camthers. Tuesday evening. De cember a. and Wednesday afternoon. lecember 7. PgAC-cai Colours Meets The Peacemakera Congresa meets at 41 Alder street every Sunday at S P. M. Topic. "Freedom from Slavery In all !t Varied Forms." Strangers are wel come. Kxichts op Ptthia not affiliated with any lodge In the city will learn of some thing lu their advantage If they will mail their bu-ines and ratfdrnt address to box AM 4t. Oregon lan. Ftmin to DiTsa Tolstoi. A Tolstoi meeting of the People's Forum will be held tonight, in Selllng-liirsch Hall, on Washington street, below Tenth. The public la ln--lt-d. "DgSTISJT. OB TH. IJFB THAT MfST B-" Dr. it. Martlne will lecture at the New Thoucut Center, room . Slling-Hlrvh Mils.. Hh Wash., at S P. M. Sun day, nth. All welcome 9rcAER lAi.t.r Citt for The Dnlles 'and wav points, keaves Alder-st. lock at T A. !.. Mondny. Wednesday and Frl- rlav. for freight and passenger. Phone Main 14. A Jlli n'o.i'i Chii Class Tr Meet. Th current events department of the Wo. man a Club will meet this evening. Tl r-vt meeting a ill be held Saturday. De cember li. 9.klaT of fine, old Japanese prints, also MttaU consignment of holiday curios and fani-yaork. at very reasonable prir. . W. C. A.. Ttli and Ti-ylor sts.. Tuesday. CRBPCEitEo PLatnora for one-half regular prices. Old Jewelry exchanged for d amondrx watches and Jewelry. I'ncle Mrrs. 71 Sixth at., bet. Oak and Pine. Ijtnir. Neo - Plastiqi-b brings back youth, r-moves wrinkle and sagging fai e:ld nr.der guarantee. Su t . S-lllrg-Jlirs. h bl.lg. Phone Main S.T1. l"iwmi.L I Now ox. The best tarkie rnsile was when on of the star players tackled the tVlllns Hot Springs to cure h;a rheumatism. Florida URAPrrRfiT from Dade Coun ty est no more ttian common stock. ;et the best from Pearson-Page Company. Carkad Juse In. Calcxda Notice. Tl e Manhattan Ife calendar fr 111 have arrived bet ter ever. Call and get one 2V Otv ginUn bUg. "EngL Erac." The family health beer. Phone Mam 7W. A t Portland Breatng Company. Posrni rn-E Site. Have you noticed? Oaneru offer for a ahort time. ieiKiX corner on Burred st. O isi. Oregonlan. Smitsi bought a home frimt Purse on eaav term, he s happy; do likewise. Puree. : Chamber of Commerce. Cheap por Cash. Taemy-even acres fine gsrdea land; cle In, at station; owner fl Hamilton bldg.. city. A- R. DtAot O. auccessor to Ilountree V tHamond. hsv removed to room ilo Railway Uxchange bldg. For Sal. Two F-nglWi bulldog pedigree puppies male brindlea. lrW iraeoraMe. SfTT Iroyt St. HimiM Brosl. Jewler and s. ienlltlc optician, removed to JU Vastifngton a:. ee oiir w Indow. W. 8. Warp. itomev. w tli r-ium Id ll ofrve reaily for bvslnes aSout lie cember 11 Beaver Hill, a Mch-grade. melium t r e coal. PbvD at sua - i w . t AtMira e DIAMOND RINGS U kat wM y iklak of a diamond ring a R Chrlstma giftT Would you refuse one? Of all gift, what Is more appreciated than R beau tiful .liamomi ring, be it ever ao small? The larwe Mae mt Itlnaa we enrrr make It easy for vou lo select a beautiful one and atlll not expensive, if , waal aoBaeihlwg extra flwe and large in a dia mond we can surely please you. as we haveeome extra fine ones at S 1 00. $:.'."., $740. Iiooth f 1JS0 and S1S00. tf er r rv for a beautiful 20th Century J 3U Cut Diamond. Nothing; like It In the city. One Bloe aseertnaeat f Dla- Mtd Hlga are certainly the best val ues ever offered in thla city. The dia monds are extra fine In cut and color. S10.00 for a beautiful little Diamond King for a young lady Iheae are big values and worth from $15 to 918. Dlawaoad C'lwater Hlaaa in all of the very latest designs. Including the large dinner rings two. three and five atones, set with emeralds, ruble, pearls, opals, emeralds, etc.. mounted In platinum 18 and 14-karat gold. Ahirtwalat Blag. Including all of tha different atones, such aa coral. tun.i ametrlce. auiethvat. tonaz. ooala. nearlei. 'uK'aP' an manv others. C JL7 fceal Hlaaa, aet with one. two or three I VM CPX ill lillin.l n -d- eMm IT (u 1n to f 1 00. RIG OP ALL KID. JAEGER BROTHERS TIIK I.IIIUi: TORK. SO MORRIIO ST, JEWELER) Af OPTICIANS Bet. 3d aad dtk. DEA that riVT . ANSWERED ieole perpetuate the beautiful spirit of Christmas time by bestow ing gift. They shoulil be the best they can afford. If they love some one well enough to offer gifts that impose personal sacrifice that's their own private businos. A postal card to a non-appreciative per son could be an extravagance. But do trumpery, perishable gifts carry out the iilc.ii Select gifts either of utility or adornment, that will last forever. . Diamonds for investment, jewelry for adornment; cut glass, silverware for utility. Anticipating the happy rush of gift-givers, we've filled our stock with the latest of all things beautiful in our line, and at appreciable low prices. Whether you want an exclusive jeweled pendant for milady's neck, or just a teething ring for baby the same delightful service is always yours at tfficUkcmPCr& morrison6street Rev. D. A. Thompsok to Spbak. Rev. 1. A. Thompson, pastor of the Spokane-Avenue Presbyterian Church, will deliver his lecture on the Rrtnd Canyon Tuesday night In the Kast Stile Branch Library, Kast Kleventh and Kast Alder street. The lecture Is an account of his personal experience while visiting the itrand Canyon 18 months ago. and Is Illustrated with atereopilcon views. thb pfbltc school 9tstsm akd thb Moral Developmkxt op the Pi-pil" Is Ihe subject tonight at the Church of our Father (I'nltarlan). 7th and Yam hill. Rev. W. U. lillol. Jr.. minister. Well known educators will apeak uion the same theme on succeeding Sunday evenings. The music of the service la directed by Mr. John Claire Montelth. All welcome. l9?cT Foroet the annual auction of Imported woolena of ladles' suit patterns, from kJmund tSurney. tlie ladies' tailor, tomorrow at 10 A. M., at the George Baker ft Co. auction roomev IS? Park near Morrison. Mr. Gumey doe not carry woolens over from season to season. So here la an opportunity to buy high-grade Imported woolen at your own price. SgATER as Martix. formerly tlie Haw thorne Furniture Company, have bougl.t the bankrupt stock of furniture and hard ware cf the L'nion Furniture Company. at X on the fl. and will sell the same at great sacrifice, at their store. 3IS-1 Hawthorne avenue. The Board op Director of the Baby Home wish to express thanks and ap preciation to all those sending dona tions to the Baby Home. Kast 37th and FJisworth anreet. Mrs- D. C. Bum. president. Ijottrs ox- Hasdwritixo to Bg Gives. "Handwriting as an Index- to Char acter" will be the subject of a free lecture by Professor G. Morris, at 491 Alder street. Wednesday, at P. M. FOR reliable watches; see A. Vullleumler. SO AHdrr et. All grades of American watches. Saddle Horse por Salx. Inquire Tonr.'lli & Boye, 30th and K. Morrison. Ixcome. 14140; price. CT.juO: cash needed. I1S.S04. Purse. 18 Chamber of Commerce. Fir Wood por Sale on Portland Heights. Phones: Main iarfX A 1550. Wanted. To adopt baby girl, not over 4 yearp old. C o&. On-gonlan. Richards Sunday table d'hote dinner 1 per cover; 4 to : P. M. ' RnsLTX Coal. Direct from car to con sumer. Phone Main 348. SVxxtside building lot. i'.'Jk East 4033. Woohter. the baker. Wash. Stile' Orchestra. Marshall TUK. , BEAUTIFUL XMAS GIFTS Genuine Oriental rugs, a limited num ber only, choen for Christmas present, selling at from 8:0 to 143. They are gifts of value, well worth having, and carry that charm and worth that makes them appreciated. Also a wide eholc of elegant lace Point de Venice. Filet. Irish. Duchess Florentine and Cluny and embroideries, auch aa Madeira and Klchelleu waists, collar, kerchief, and dollies Imported and hand-made, of the most delicate patterns, and at very moderate price. tome to tne largest and moat exclusive rug house in the entire West. Atlyeh Bos.. cor ner Tenth and Washington. JIMMIE DUNNCELEBRATING In order to show my appreciation of the support accorded my store In th air. I am celebrating my anniversary opening with a sale. Remember, my rent Is only $30 a month and my econ omy Is your gain. I can aell you men's Priestley Cravenettes for 19 Si. regu lar S-0 values. Take elevator to' Hi Oregonlan building. PLANT SIBSON'S ROSES Just received shipment of . Europe finest novelties, including Miss Alice da Rothschild. Mary Countess) of Ilehester, Mra. holey-Hobbs, Lady HUllngdon. Lady Alice Stanley and many other rare and beautiful roses. Now Is the time to order. Xo agenta. THE SIBSOX ROSE NURSERIES. Rose Growers and -fmportwr. WHERE TO DINE. All th delicacies of th season at ts Portland RestauranL Fin private apart sent for ladies. 106 Waah.. near 4 La et Chicken dinner: Peerless Caf'.rl, 1st Fifth, near Washington. IRVINGTON. We will build your home and fur nish money. If desired, on your lot or on any lot you mav slect In Irvlngton." F. E. BOWMAN at CO.. Corner IM and Brax?e. Phone E. 9JS. CHRISTMAS PHOTOS. Picture taken at Aune, Columbia bldg., between now and Christmas, will be finished promptly regardless of weather. CARD OF THAK. I wish to express my sincere thanks to my many friends, especially the Elks and Woodmen and Eagles, for their many kindnesses shown in my, recent bereavement. MRS. LENA CALDWELL. 631 Alberta St. Welsh Anthracite heat, hut no soot; over 600 use it. Phone E. 303. C 1'303. PLANT SIBSON'S ROSES Amonir th many testimonials on file In our ofTir la Ih following from tha prtdent of a Northern rose society: "Our show waa a success. There were about 3H entries. Many of the Wsi rosfs uliown were frown on plants from the Slhson Rose Nurseries." Now la the time to order. No rents. TIIK .1B"N KOSE M'KSKKIKH, J 1 9 Milwaukla are.. Portland. Or. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT. East Second and East Waahlngton s.. U feet irackug on O. R. N. Co. Main !u. psgc i oa. VO Front Establish IS7. If your Christmas giving la to be along; the line or Diamond J ewe 1 r y We can moat certainly Interest you. Not only Is there a "style" but you can place confidence In our (juallttes and values Ail our 4)lamonds are of tlje first quality. Xo yellow or Im perfect atowe tw war stock. The assortment I all that can be desired. We would like to Interest you. The L C. Henrichsen Co., 4 ewe I era aarf Opticians, ZSA Waahlnefoa t. 18 Shopping Days to Christmas Forcmott aothiera Since 1863 Do Your Christmas Shopping Tomorrow its For Men and Boys Expressive of the highest character and refinement is the assurance of all who make their Christmas selections here Men's Overcoats $15.00 Men's Suits. . '.$15.00 Eath Robes .".$ 5.00 House Coats $ 5.G0 Fancy Vests $ 2.50 Gloves $ 1.50 Umbrellas . $ 1.50 Pajamas $ 2.50 Night Robes $ 1.00 to $40.00 to $50.00 to $15.00 to $15.00 to.$ 5.00 to $ 5.00 to $ 7.50 to $ 5.00 to $ 5.00 Full Dress Shirts $1.50 to $ 3.50 Full Dress Scarfs $2.00 to $ 5.00 Leather Collar and Cuff ' Bags $1.50 to $ 2.50 Leather Toilet Cases. . .$2.50 to $10.00 Leather Suit Cases $5.00 to $30.00 Persian Neckwear. ... . 50c to $ 2.50 Brook Hats . . $3.00 Youman Opera Hats. . .$6.50 to $ 8.50 Stetson Hats. $4.00 to $10.00 Handsome Christmas boxes of Holeproof Hose for Men, Women and Children -guaranteed to wear 6 months. Men's $1.50 and $3 box. Women's $2 and $3 box. Chil dren's $2 box. Pure silk for Men and Women. Mail and phone orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Both phones. We advise early shopping. Goods bought now will be laid aside and delivered when wanted If you don't know what to' get him for Christmas one of our Merchandise Coupons will solve the question. We issue them for any amount. ARTISTS AND MECHANICS In their line. Walter A. Lord Co., Jewelers, 111 th street. Woman MI--.lonary Dies. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Dec. 3. Miss Mary Holbrook. many years a mission ary for the American Board In China and Japan, died yesterday at the home of her brother In East Haven. - , Rock Springs Coal. . The best house coal. Liberty Coal & Ice Co., exclusive agents. JJ North Fourteenth street. Main 16S2; A SI 36. We!h Anthracite Is Ideal for furnace; over 500 use It. Phone E. 303, C. 2303. A 6231 Order Olds, Wortman & Ring Groceries MACARONI, importei!, made 4vora Russian wheat ; all si Ips O and shapes: two pounds nt"-' MUSHROOMS T. Le Court, very choice, in small tins; spe- i Q. cial at low price of. each tF CHRISTMAS TEA, fancy Spi.ler lep;, in Japanese boxe. with lock. A splendid Chiistt-ms oift, $1.00 CLAM BOUILLON, Burnham's the best, in bottles, on spe- OQ cial sale at low price, ea. "'t SPICE S Crosse & Blackwell's Sage, Thyme and Savory, Of), at low price of only, tin -"t RAISINS Fancy Cluster, in one pound, cartons,' rej"ular 30c pO quality, special for only, lb. -' ' JNr The Town Is Talk iE About Her THE GIRLl I IN RED i SWETIANDS M K Ewt Window JZr 25Q Boxes Ben Davis Apples 69c B'x SOAP, O. W. K. Xaptha and 0. W. II RAISINS Muscatel, new stock, K. White Laundry Soap; OC. not on stems;, on special OCp rep. "c a bar, sp'l., six for Ji 1 1 sale at four pounds for only -- 0. W. K. FLOUR has no equal; makes lighter and better bread and pastry than any other flour. Your money back if not satis- j1 A" fied. 4fl-ponnd sack on sale at the low price of only, each P "- 24-Ib. sack on sale for only 75$ 10-lb.1 sack on sale for only 38 Log Cabin Syrup quarts 37 e pints -3c H-arallon . ,a."e gallon. . . la Eagle Lye, the best of all, on sale at this price, tin 8? Extra Picnic Shoulder Hams, on sale at, pound lA? Coffee, our regular 30c Staple Blend, the pound 23 French Peas, Moyen's regular 25c tins, 2 for only 38 Dates, fancy new 20c grade, sell here for, pound 16 Oranges, fancy Washington Navel, at, the dozen 33 O. W. Kj Ceylon Tea, regular 75c pound tin, for 59 Queen Olives, fancy imported, now selling at, qt. 50 Ewdards' Little Pig Sausage, made at Yamhill, mm especially for us, something very fine, the box o5C Imported Smyrna Figs, on sale here atj the pound 19 Cantell is Cochran's Ginger Ale and Sarsa- Qg parilla, 3 bottles for 5QS or the doz. bottles -"O SHOP EARLY? SELECT YOUR XMAS GIFTS NOW! SEE OUR SUPERIOR LINE OF HOLIDAY STATIONERY Strikingly novel tints and patterns in fancy boxes. THE BEST STANDARD MAKES OF FOUNTAIN FENS Waterman's Ideal Swan Safety Conklin's Self -Filling FANCY, SERVICEABLE, GENUINE LEATHER GOODS Lawyers' Brief Cases - . ...... Writing Portfolios Card and Pass Cases Pocketbooks, Wallets, etc. A MOST ELEGANT LINE OF DESK FURNISHINGS Fancy Brass Desk Sets ' Desk Pads, Calendars Letter Openers, Inkstands, etc. Loose Leaf and Fancy Memorandums Journals, Line-a-Day Diaries, etc. FINE, LOW-PRICED FOLDING CARD TABLES Pokfer, Bridge, Bridge Whist, Pinochle, Solitaire, Cribbage Sets, Chess, Checkers, Dominoes, etc. VIKING INCOMPARABLE SECTIONAL BOOKCASES In all finishes for home or office. Brass Book Racks and Novelties. "HAPPENINGS IN OUR HOME," "ADDRESS BOOKS" "Calling Lists," 'Engagements," "Guests," "My Trip," "Motor Trips," "My Trip Abroad," "Chap Book,", etc. DENNISON'S GIFT DRESSINGS Tags, Seals, Tinsel, Tape, "Odds and Ends Boxes," etc. Drawing Instruments and Scientific Books "Everything for the Office" KILHAM STATIONERY AND PRINTING COMPANY Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers Engravers. Booklet Makers and Bookbinf ers Xqak COAL The French ship " Button " Is In port with 2000 TONS OF FAMOUS WELSH ANTHRACITE HARD COAL Over 600 consumers find this beet and cheapest furnace fuel. See samples at Meffer & Frank's, or call B. 303, or C 2303. Ediefsen Fuel Co., Inc. Larccat aad Beat .Equipped Coal ieal- a Kut slda. LEAM TO RIDE Joi n our classes. Music every af ternoon and evening. Parson's Or chestra. Popular prices. Kramer's New Rifo School 16th and Jefferson Sta. "Roth PnnnM