THE SUNDAY OREGOyiAX. POTITXATD. JJECmT&PR 4, 1910. SOCIAL EVENTS OF PAST WEEK CONTINUED ROM PAGE 3. BacSoo with thla association la tha pro posed "Froebel Pt:rlmae" In 1911. when Mia Xaltbewa wlU diaperon a party of oncf persons about the Coast cities. In the course of the Thanksglvlne; holidays the Kappa Alpha Tbcla fir I from the university were hostesses at . a formal tea at the Portland Hotel. Those members of tha sorority who were pres ent were Mlsa Cecils Wilcox. Mi Lucia tampbell. Miss Wary De Barr. Mtsss Mar rarrt McNalr. Mlsa Cornelia Plnkham. Us Jessie Blbee. Miss Marjory Hol romb. Mis France Oberteuffer. Mlsa Jane Knox. Mlsa Merle McKelvey. Mlsa Ula SciiRStake. Miss Geneva Wilcox. Mlsa liaxel Kader and Jlisa Maurlno McAdara. e e Mr. and Mrs. Frederick It Hopkins hare returned from the East and are st the Seward Hotel for a month. The weddlnr of Mlse Nina Guthrie and Uoyd F. Wearer, which took place la Boston last week, la of much Inter est to Portland folk, aa Mlsa Guthrie fcas alwaya lived In thla city and Mr. -Weaver baa for some time been reneral manager of the Studebaker Company here. He haa also held similar posi tions vim the Arm In South Bend. JnA, and In San Francisco. The wedding waa quiet affair and was witnessed by the fnllowln persons: Miss V'lona r.uthrt wl-- !' rfLT.ding- school at rana Hall. Welleslry. near Boston: Mr. ir. Chester X. Weaver, of San VnnHKo: Mr. and Mrs. Clement Stude- baker Jr.. of South Bend. Ind; Benja min Walters and William Innla. of New Trk Mr. and Mrs. Weaver are ei peeled to return to thla city In the near future to occupy iptrunciiu andra Court. e Mrs. J. X. rearcy waa "at home" tv,.,.h v afternoon when she enter tained at cards. Her house decorations were cartlcularly attractive of holly and Oregon (-rape. e Tk. ramlm of the University of Ore i gi lee and mandolin eluha to Port land Is always an ioipitn -erous theater and dinner parties, and the presence of so many Portland boys ro the varsity clubs thla year promises that an even a-reeter Interest la to ,.ir..t latelf. The collea-lana will appear at the new Helllg. I December 14. on their annual tour. Amonpr the Portland boys will be , Melvin Ofden. a graduate of Lincoln High 8-hooL president and accompan ist of the plee club, who is to give an imnersanailon of Schumaa-Hemae. An other feature la the appearance of Wil liam 11 and Henry Dlnr. Chinese stu dents, who received their preparatory training at the Lincoln High School. 11 possesses a splendid baas vole and will Senear In solo wora. Other local boya are Lloyd Barsee. Homer Marts and Delbert Stannard. former students of the Washington H'gh School: Alfred Clark, of Port land Academy: Francis Curtis. Raphael Oelsler. Walter Doble and Harold Cjutstey. of the Lincoln High School: R. Burns Powell and Kenneth raxier. who did so well In solo work last sea son. Theodore Williams and William Mevena are also members of the man' dolln club. The university alumni and the pre paratory school friends of the club boys are planning to give the col legtana a reception Saturday evening;. Mm. Oscar Overbeck waa hostess Monday at bridge In honor of her roualn. Grace lavls, of Leavenworth, retary of the club, at 1S Oregonlan building. It Is the Intention to hold regular meetings on the second Satur day evening of each month at some place to be announced later. e A pleasant evening yaa passed at the home of Mrs. Apperson. Kose City Park. Friday evening, when the fol lowing guests assembled: Miss Lou Meyers. Miss Elms Smith and Miss Pearl Van Bebher; George Fischer. Roy Shepard. Harold Davidson. Vern Apperson. Louis Apperson. and Mr. and Mrs. L. Van Bebber. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Swlrsky ennoum-e the engagement of their daughter. Hose, to Solomon Swire. Both young persons are residents of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Johnson were surprised last Monday evening, the oc- an Interesting feature was tha fact that four great-grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Krupke and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Friese. and four grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Krupke and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith wera present at the service. Others attending were Miss Nellie Smith. Miss Frieda Tanner. Her mann Johnson and Kenneth Krupke. as ; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Douty were given a surprise party last Saturday evening at their new home on Kelly street by members of the Wednesday 600 Club. Cards formed the amusement of the even ing and the prises were won by Mrs. F. A. Douty and J. N. Brown. . s The Camera Club of the Washing-ton High School was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jewel, at $9 East Everett street, last Wednes day evening. Those present were Dsle WEDDDTO BELLS CHIME FOR POPULAR TOUNO COUPLE. t .... ... . , . . 1 j . ,v .' I- " eV . , - . - V aT - ' 4. '. v -V--"" " " - ? X l i ' L ROSEBCRG. Or- Dec. S- (Special.) Charles Morton Hadley. son of Mr. and Mrs. C L. Hadley. of Roseburg. and Miss Edna Mary Lamson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Lamson. of West Roseburg. were united In marriage Thurs day evening. November 10, at the Lamson home. Rev. C. M. Morton, of Port land officiated. The wedding was quiet, being witnessed only by members of both fami lies. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley are well known and popular young people of this city. Mr. Hadley la an evangelistic singer of more than local prominence a -sweet gospel singer.' having finished his music course In Chicago. Much of his circuit work has heeo done with Rev. Mr. Von Morter. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley are now attending great meetings at Mvrtle Point. Coos County. Their many friends wish them success and happiness. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Alexander, who recently returned from Europe, have gone to Los Angeles for the Winter. where Mr. Alexander will play the organ Jn the Christ Church. It Is probahle Aat the Alexanders will return to -u- Tope early In th" Sprint"- Mrs. George N. Davis was hostrss at Iter apartments at the Rose Fern last Frfclay afternoon. She entertained the following guests at cards: Mrs. John A. Keating. Mrs. Sherman O'Gorman. Mrs. Wl t-ur Sample. Mlsa Bertha Sample, Mrs Wllllim Crawford. Mrs. John T. Forryih. Mrs. John Claire Montvlth, Miss May K-atlng. Mr. Sampson Ber. Mrs. V 11. Stow. Mrs Albert Andrews; Mra. Fward Rt. Mrs. Ralph Nlrkum. Mrs. ttiward Hatch. Mrs. Arthur Ketteabach and Mrs. Alexander MrCIaren. Mrs O'Gorman and Mrs. Beer woo the nrt honors. While and yellow chrysanthemums formed the decorations of the card. and tea rooms. Among those who have announced their Intention of going to Gearhart , next Saturday for the we. k end "swim." which has been Instigated by (he mem- Trers of the Multnomah Club, are Mrs. . Kadderly. Mra Frank E. Watktns. Mra Wagner. Mra. Walter Holman. Mra. Ifopsnn. Miss Frances Jeffery. Miss No na Lawler. Mlaa Grare O'Neill. Miss tlladys Howard and Arthur Cavil L Mrs. E. L. Fraley entertained the '"Je Fais Tous" bridge club at her home. Hi Wish street, last Friday afternoon. Four tatdra were played and Mra C. A. MllllmAn won hlichest honors. Mrs. Fralry's house decorations consisted of shassry lavendrr chrysanthemums and loiets with smtlax and asparagus. The guests who enjoyed Mrs. Fraley's hos pitality were Mrs. S. S. LaMont. Mrs. J. H. Stanley. Mrs. C. N. Nolan. Mrs. C. R. Say. Mrv Jack Tate. Mrs. II. A. McAllister. Mra. F O- Morrow. Mra. Ar- jtur "uders. Mrs. Walter Helmhach. ,JI:t C A. MlUlman. Mrs. William I nyrne. Mrs. Seneca Fonts. Mrs. Anna- Wile EarL Mrs. Otto Boss and Mrs. jl-rry &.oavf. In line with the coming concert of the 1 niversity of Oregon Glee and Mando- 11a clubs at the Hrlllg Theater Satur day evening, is the snppvr given for the roys In a.ur?ne hy ITofessor and Mrs. lrarhorn following the glee concert lirt on Thursday. The guests were Mlsa I.lia Sengstake. Mlsa Ceneva VII ' eox. Miss KUxabcth Cowden. Miss Mau- rlne MrAdama. Howard Rigler. Harry ats.ica. Raipk Cake and Homer I. Jaml Friends In this city of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wood (nee Word) are con gratulating them upon the birth of daughter. Harrtette Katherine. In Se attle. November 1. Mrs. J It Cook will entertain week with an 'at home." this EVENTS OP T1IF. WEEK. The Sacred Heart Dramatic Club met (Monday. November J, and elected th following officers: peter Hahn. presi dent; A illlam McCullotigb. vice-president: Madeleine Angell. second vice. president: Mrs. William Clastic, treas urer; Frank Kegner. secretary. The club has decided to stage a se fries of plays this Winter. At a meeting of former students of the rmversity of Nebraska at the boms f Miss Blanche Mickey last Saturday evening; a club was organized to be known aa the Nebraska I'nlversity it tub. Any one wno la or baa been student or faculty member of the L'nl iverslty or faculty Is eligible to mem. bership la the club. The objects of the club ara to promote good fellowship among former students of the I nlver I aity of Nebraska and to keep up loy talty for their Alma Mater. All persons I eligible to aoembersa! are reoeeeted a cumoiuaJcate with L. P. Hewufksee- caslon being their Sith wedding anni versary. The evening was passed with music and games, after which a dainty buffet luncheon was served. Thoee who entertained in the event were: Mr. and Mra N. P. Johnson. Mr. and Mra Peter Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hanlach. Mr. and Mrs. A. Flck. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jacob son. Mr. and Mra. J. Gustafson. Mr. and Mrs. .barles Da hi. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berens, Mr. and Mrs. O. Bergman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fredeen. Mr. snd Mrs. Theodora Anderson. Mr. snd Mrs. Koscoe Dan- ford. Mr. and Mra R- Klrkham. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ollphant. Mr. and Mra. O. K. Backle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Borgeson, Mrs. M, West. Mrs. H. K. Backle. Mra. Nelson. Mrs. David McDonald. Mrs. E. Ber- qjlst, Mrs. Hanna Hule. Mra. J. H. Nelson. Mrs. C. Peckman. Anna Erlck son. Hanna Anderson. Lilly Fredden. era McDonald, Mabel Peterson, verd Ollphant. Ethel Hule. Edith Beck man. Juliet Johnson. Matilda Nelson. Ethel Beckman. Eva Klrkham. Huldah Nel son.. Oscar Gustafson, Curtis Johnson, Ernest Jacobsen. George Fredeen. Stew. art Johnson. Charles Danford. Helmer Hagstrom. Edwin Hule and Emll Nel aon. e The Misses Harris entertained at din ner Friday evening In honor of Mlsa Edna May and Adolph Cohen, of 8a- ittle. who are to be married in th early part of January. Miss May and Mr. Cohen were also honor guests at a theater party Thanksgiving evening, it which Arthur Senders was host. e s Miss Rose Savan was hostess Thanks rlvtng eve In honor of It guests. s Miss Bertha Alexander, of Pendleton, who has been the guest of Miss Lillian Rourke. was honored Monday with complimentary bridge party by Mrs. Thomas IL West, at which Mrs. James Welch captured first honors. s Mrs. J. C Hare also entertained In honor of Miss Alexander recently with a matinee party at the Helllg Theater. The Rev. D. A. Thompson, of tha Spokane-street Presbyterian Church, delivered his lecture 'on "The Grand Canyon of Colorado." before a large audience In the Sellwood Branch LI brary. Tuesday night. He prefaced his lecture with historical facts as to the discovery and exploration of the Grand Canyon by the Spaniards, and by Major Powell at a later date. Then with numerous stereoptlcon pictures, he told the story of his visit In company with the Rev. J. R. Lansburrough. of Ore gon city, two years ago. It was a rare treat enjoyed by alL The lec ture will be given next Tuesday at the East Side Library, on East Alder and East Eleventh streets, at a later date the Alblna Library, Russell street and Rodney avenue. e e The ynung women of Mrs. R. K. War ren's Bible rlaas wera hostesses at a large party given In the parlors of the Urst rTeyterlan Church Tuesday even ing, in honor of the young men's class and friends of both. The Warren Mando lin Club furnished the music snd the tlma was paased with songs and games. e e Mrs. I. L." Cohen entertained at her home on Lovejoy street last Friday with eight tables of . In honor of her aunt. Mrs. Charles Cohen, of Ashland. Wis. s The Rosamere 61 Club was entertained st the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Marx, on Flrty-thlrd street, recently. An other Koesmere entertainment was the meeting of the Thimble Club, at the home of Mra K. E. GehrU last Tuesday. e Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blssell were hosts at a party Monday evening. Mrs. Charles Frernughty was awarded the prise for the high score. s The American Woman's League held a meeting anl luncheon at the Woodman of the World Hall last Tuesday. e A rarty was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Klrts last Thursday evening by the Jolly Eight Club. The par lors and dining-room were arranged with yellow chrysanthemums snd fern. Cards, musie and dancing were features of the enter talnmer-1. The Reverend J. E. Smith christened his granddaughter at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mra H. W. Krupke Sunday. November IT. The name chosen Is Marjorle Maverne. The Infant's tw grandmotuera were sponsors aad , Jewel, president; Dorothy Densmors. Margaret Carr. Emma Zeng, Emogene Jewel, Mr. Wilson, Freeman , McNary. Lloyd Gllnes, Lloyd Densmore and Dean Peterson. e e Mrs. J. A. Dunn entertained the Sunnysido "500" Club Tuesday evening. Chrysanthemums and ferns were used for the decorations. s e The Tuesday afternoon club held Its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. O. M. Gllnes last week. The following programme on Darwin was given: Life sketch, by Mrs. Frank M. Miles; synop sis of his work. "A Naturalist's Voyage Around the World." by Mrs. E. L. San born: a talk on his literary style.-bv Mra A. J. Stiles; a paper on his life and letters, by Mrs. A. A. Bailey. During the social hour. Mrs. w. L. Marshall played Shumann's "Auf Schwund" and one of Hellers Etudes. Opus it. Mrs. O. W. Taylor will entertain the mem bers of the club at luncheon Tuesday at 1 o'clock at her home. 440 East Sev enth street north. see On of tha enjoyable events of the week In church circles was the per formance of "The Matrimonial Club. presented at Hassalo Congregational Church on Friday night. The women of tha churcli had the production In charge and 30 of the members par ticipated. The auditorium was crowd ed. Those participating received many compliments on the success of the performance. Miss Susie R. Fleck ner directed the rehearsals. see The "hard times" dancing party given by the P. 8. T. V. girla at their gymnasium last Thursday evening waa a great success. Eccentricity of dress was tha order of the evening. The prizes awarded for unique costumes fell to Mrs. Elwood Wiles. Miss Lillian Mankretz, C. V. MInar and A. Plelrech. The patronesses were Mrs. A. H. Maegly, Mrs. F. A. Mallln. and Mrs. H. Hanno. Thla Is the second of a to be given by younger set of Turners. see The Astra Circle of the Women of Woodcraft gave a whist and "COO" party recently. It was then announced that the election of officers will take clace Thursday. December 8. WATTES and Jewelry pay a small payment at the time of purchase and balance in easy weekly or monthly payments to suit your income or xonveme.nce. Eastern Outfitting Co. Washington It Tenth .1 Becker, M'Loughlin & Sweeney's Dry Goods Store, 441 Wash ington, Phone Marshall 2213. Remarkable bargains in use ful Christmas presents for men, women and children. Fine Silk Skirts, $5.00 val ues, for, each $2.65 Ladies' Wool Sweaters in all colors, $3 values for $1.98 Children's all-wool Sweaters from 98 UP Men 's all-wool Sweaters from. $2.47 UP Agents for Thomson's Glove Fitting, Warner's Rustproof and Redfern Corsets. FUR AUTO ROBES, CAPS AND GLOVES J. E 'HJtGEMANN. I J ,jh V :' ' -1-1 "'M?'? ,!ft :,V- '.5; 4 - - ' nr. : f 'HVf-i f . V? 'WSJ f I Wt' W:h ifT-: - 3 Children's and Misses' FUR SETS $2 UP COLD WEATHER AND FURS ARE IN VOGUE INTERESTING PRICES ON ys"rj UK it Your Girl Appreciates your company, especially when you take or send her a box of our Fine Cot Flowers ClarkeBros. 387 Morrtsom St. COMIXG EVENTS. The O. E. S. Club has Issued invita tions (or a Christmas party to be a-lven Monday evening-, December 12. at the Masonic Temple. "West Park and Yam hill streets. The danclns; will begin at half past elsrht. The patronesses are Mrs. J. T. Donovan. Mra R. Schmeer. Mrs. Elwood Wiles. Mrs. Georsre Stapleton, Mrs. C. L. Van Meter. and Mra J. W. Cook. The members of the club Include Miss Margaret Howatson, Miss Eleanor Menefee, Miss Josephine Stapleton. Miss Edith Schmeer, Miss Louise Phllpott. Miss Mable Backett, Radford Shawcross. John H. Mac Grearor. Howard Phllpott. Frank Gucrln. Thomas Colyer and Alexander W. Hartraan. e The third annual party of the Nam- yenot Club will take place at Chris tensen's Hall, Friday, December 16. The lub members are Miss Nellie Ban- field. W. K. Slater, Harold Wilson, Carl Rosengren. George Barr, George E. Denholm and Nelson Llghtner. Jr. The patronesses will be Mrs. T. B. Mont gomery, Mrs. Herbert W. Bartholo mew, Mrs. C H. Johnson, and Mrs. Wil fred R- Slater. s The annual bazaar of the First United Presbyterian Church, Sixth and Mont gomery streets, will be held on the aft ernoon and evening of December 7, Wednesday. Character songs will be heard. Among those who have charge of booths sre the following women: Mrs. F. D. Findley, Mrs. J. Hannaford, Mrs. F. Akers, Mrs. C C. Trlppe, Mrs. R. G. Hamilton, Mrs. J. A. Dunn and Mra. P. H. Stevenson- There will be, a special meeting: of the Forestry Association Monday. December 5, st 2 o'clock at the home of the presi dent. Mrs. A. H. Breymtn, on Portland Heights. see The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet with Mrs. (J. J. Anarew, Consisting of liberal size shawl or animal effect collar and rug, pillow or barrel muff to match BLACK FRENCH CONEY Sets Complete Special .$11.50, $18.75 BLACK LYNX HAKE Sets Complete. m Special $7.25, $11.25, $18.50 SABLE FOX Seta Complete. Special $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 GRAY AND SABLE SQUIRREL Seta Complete Special $13.50, $14.50, $17.50 JAPANESE MINK Seta Complete. Special $25.00, $40.00, $52.50 BROOK MINK Seta Complete. Special $14.50, $17.50, $22.50 NO FICTITIOUS NAMING OF FURS EVERY FUR TRUE TO NAME ., BLACK AND BLUE WOLF Sets Complete. Special $29.50, $35.00, $42.50 SABLE AND BLUE OPOSSUM Seta Complete. Special $12.50, $17.00, $19.75 WHITE FOXELINE Sets Complete. Special $10.50, $18.50, $26.50 BLACK FOX Sets Complete. Special $30.00, $37.50, $47.50 Genuine Russian Pony Coats (52-in. length) Special $65 Value that positively cannot be duplicated. SELECT EARLY WHILE THE ASSORTMENT IS AT ITS BEST DEPOSIT WILL HOLD UNTIL NEEDED Corbett Building 288 Morrison Street , Store Open Saturday Evenings Until Xmas. Thursday afternoon, December. 8, at half past two o clock, at her nome, ibv East Burnside street. rt,... wHll K hMiflr ffivftn bv the Woman's Guild of the Grace Episcopal (Concluded on Pass & LOUIS W. BRUNS COMPANY 293 Morrison, Near Fifth. Jewelers Diamond Merchants Silversmiths We beg to announce to the jewelry-seeking public, our valued patrons and strangers within our gates that our Holiday Stock of Jewelry, Watches, Dia monds and Sterling Silverware is now complete in every detail, which we respectfully submit to your early inspection. ' Courteous attention to your 'wishes is guaranteed, whether you purchase or not. The small purchaser receives the same attention as the large buyer. Quality the best. Price the lowest. Diamond Rings' from .., $10 to $100O Diamond Pendants from... ....$20 to S 500 Diamond La Valliers from ....$50 to $100O Watches, in solid gold case, from. . .$23 to 5j 250 The recognized best patterns in Sterling Silverware. Mesh Bags, in sterling silver, $20.00 and upward. Open Evenings Until Christmas. LOUIS. YT. BRUNS COMPANY 293 MORRISON ST., NEAR FIFTH ST. . : : fJ MAIN 98 $2.50 per Hour Shopping Rate From 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. DAILY PortlandTaxicabCo. A 1231 IP iiiwiii Hotel Moore SEASIDE, OR. Open All Tear. Hot Salt Baths In Hotel. special naies oy wuuic DAJT J. MOORE. PROPRIETOR-. 1! ft 1! 11 THE BUSH & LANE PIANO OF 1910 IS THE RESULT OF YEARS OF 1 EXPERIENCE IN THE PIANO BUSINESS Probably no otter first-class piano has shown such marked improvements in recent years as the "Bush & Lane." M, II It appeals to the most. critical and satisfies USlCmly . the highest artistic requirements. C. rhe Bush & Lane Piano should ap OmmerCiaily eal especially to the people, being a product sold direct from the factory. It is sold by the MAKERS DIEECT without intermediate profits and expenses consequently at a lower price than other pianos of strictly the best graie. We cordially invite inspection of our Holiday Stock the finest and most varied we have ever shown. EASY PAYMENTS NO INTEREST ' iitli A?ntip Btufiit $5t. f TVy r3HyrJ WN wwmr- hr4a