TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. POItTTiAXD. DECEMBER 4, 1910. CI ' . . fc, A v. 1 f ? . - , CONTRA MY t- :i expectation. last week u far1 from the quirt time prophesied by the pessimist who ays that It la Impossible to have two week full of delightful pleasure In succession. . A week so taken up with the teaa and card parties tas not been experi enced In Portland for some time, and ' this only noes to prove that the Winter ' season la here In earnest and that It la one of the most successful In years. Mrs. T. R. Wilcox's recital and tea was the first Important event of the ' week, and In turn It waa quickly fol lowed by the elaborate reception at the . home of Mrs Charles Joseph SehnabeL . the "com Ins: out tea given by Mrs. J. . W. Cook In honor of ber daughter. Miss ! Cully Cook: the afternoon at bridge ' when sirs. E. C. fhevlln waa hostess. and the entertainment of the Auction Bridge Club at the Woman's Exchange : cardroom yesterday by Mrs. Frank Hart, all of which were exceedingly Interesting social events. The recital given at the home of Mrs. Theodore B. Wlicoi Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mr. Wilcox's sister. Miss Clara Stevens. f Massachusetts, waa the first of a series of formal affairs given this wrrk. Miss Towslee. a clever student of elocution from Bos ton, who Is residing at Uucretla Court. gave a number of readings. Tea fol lowed the entertainment. Mrs. Wtlrox was assisted at the table by Mr. Walter Burns. Mra. Charles Hcaddlng. Mrs. Edward It. Brooke and Mra L. Alien Lewis. Other who aided their hostess were Mrs. Charles Y. Bebe. Mrs. Richard Koehler. Mra. Don ald Munro. Mra Ersktne Wood. Mlsa Mary Livingstone. Mies Use Koehler. Miss Mary Kobertson. Miss Anita Burns and Mlsa Kan Kobertson. The guests of the afternoon were Mrs. John Kollock. Mrs. Thomas Kerr. Miss Mary palling. Mrs. H'nry Russell Talbot. Mrs. Ernest Tucker. Mrs. Flor ence Mlnott. Mra Walter Rurrell. Mrs. Edward Cooklnsham, Mrs. J. Frank Watson. Mrs. Wliltam Muir. Mrs. Solo mon Illrsch. Mrs. Elliott Corbet t. Mrs. Charles F. Beebe. Mrs. R. U Gllsan. Mrs. C. H. Lewis. Mrs. C- E. S. Wood. Mrs. David Honeyman. Mra. Benage Josselyn. Mrs. John E- Young. Mrs. Richard Sunn. Mrs. W. II. Nunn. Mrs. 7-era Snow. Mrs. H. W. Orbett. Mr. Henry K. Jones. Mrs. Hannah Robert son. Mrs. Gordon Voorhles. Mrs. E. H. Brook-. Mrs. William Load. Mrs. Rich ard Koehler. Mrs. Hawley Hoffman. Mra K. A. J. Mackenzie. Mrs. W. B. Ayer. Mra L. Allen Lewis. Mra. Peter Kerr. Mrs. Ko'.crt Lewis. Mra George Ooode, Y.rs. c J. l:ee.l. Mra. A. A. Mor rison. M:. Jofin J. Kdwards. of Hood Klvi-r: Mr. cur..- i.ary. Mrs. J. tl. C.auM. Mrs. tti:Uc McCamant. Mrs. IHtnald .Mi-Kay, Mra. Charles F. Adams. Mrs. rv-naM Munro. Mrs. Ersklne Woo.1. llr w. J. Burns. Mr. Charles ? rJ.ni M.u Msrgretta Brooke. Miss Anita lijrns. Miss Mary Robertson. Mine Xa Robertson. Miss lis Koehler. Miss i: rj IJvlngstone. Miss Dorothy Morrison. y,is Louise Carey, Miss Kathlr.n Burns. M: Jean Mackenzie. Miss Virginia Wilson. Miss Evelyn Wilson. Miss Usa Wood. Miss Sally Lewla. Miss tillMn. Mlsa Isabella Gauld, Mlsa Dorothy Josselyn and Mia Faaa. e Mr Charles' Jneeph Schnabel waa hoeteas at tea Thursday at her borne on Park avenue. Mra C. E. nlth and Miss Helen SmUh alJed Mrs. at-hnabel In reorlvlng and others who aastAed were: Mrs. C. C. Smith. Mrs. Ralph Hoyt. Miss Tlct von Bolton. Mrs. A. M. Elswortli. Mrs. Kobert Marsh and Mrsi H. A. Sargent. The house was artistically dec orated with holly and Oregon grape In tte hall) and library, whit and flesh- I 2 Ill . .X.. l! Is. 1 V- . r 1 J- f f . - i I: J ,,1'- :; b X ; B I -sngfr toned chrysanthemum with palms In the drawing room and pink carnations and ssparagus fern in the dainty Dresden toned chatting room above stairs. The centerpiece of the tea table waa of paper white narcissus) and asparagus fern and wall baskets of violets added to tha dec orations of the dining-room. A large num ber of gueexa called in the course of the afternoon. e e e Recent arrival In Portland are Mr. and Mra. T. Scott Brooke. The;- came to the city last Wednesday after their wedding trip In Mexico and are resid ing In the I. N. Llpman home on King' Height, where they will remain until Spring. Mra Brooke and Mrs. Henry Fairbanks l Miss Frances Lewis . of New York City, who Is the house guest of her mother. Mrs C H- Lewis, for two weeks, will be the honor grueeta at a luncheon given by Mrs. L. Allen Lewis next Thursday. see Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Augustine enter tained at a lanre dinner Thank.-aglvlng at their Capitol Hill home. In Seat tie, wtae.i they announced the engagement of their daughter, Alice Augustine Kyer, of Port land, to Herbert Kirtland Selby, of San Francisco. Both are members of fami lies socially prominent In Seattle and San Francisco. The wedding will take plaos next Spring. Mr. 8elny entertained at luncheon at the Rainier Club In Seattle Friday. Sat urday Mrs. Kyer returned to Portland. . President and Mrsi P. L. Campbell and Miss Lucia Campbell, of the ITnlversty of Oregon, spent the Thanksgiving week end In Portland. see Mr. and Mra Martin Winch left Port land last Wednesday for Santa Barbara, CaU where they will remain during the Winter months. e e e Other persons of social note in Port land are Mr. and Mra. John Edwards, of Hay Creek, who will paaa the Win ter at the Portland Hotel. They will be the recipient of many social favors, among which are several arranged for YOUR MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION PATEK 1 PHILIPPE! WATCHES SOLE AGENTS FOR OREGON Artistic Art ware Gifts TIFFANY GLASS IVORY PIECES UNIQUE CHINA SETS JAPANESE SILVER VASES BRONZE SMOKING SETS BOHEMIAN WARE DUTCH SILVER PIECES FINE DRESDEN VASES MINIATURE FRAMES Herewith wo offer valuable suggestions in art ware, such aa will appeal to the recipient for odditv and usefulness as well. All the latest American and European novelties are to be seen and at prices tha.t will at once attract for their good value. Early selection will get the cream of our refined stock. MINIATURE JEWEL BOXES R00KW00D POTTERY MARBLE PIECES BRONZE FIGURES SARAVEJO PITCHERS TAPESTRY TRAYS BRONZE BASKETS IVORY FINISHED CHINA BRONZE DISHES HES Enameled Locket WATCl with chains to match. In all the latest colors and shades. Fully "guaran teed. A gift for the fu ture. Very Thin Watches in- gold filled or solid gold and with the most reliable American or Swiss movements. CHELSEA CLOCKS LEMALRE' America's foremost Clock. OPERA GLASSES In all sizes. Plain and sub- An ideal gift. In smoked, stantial-looking. white and golden mother FRENCH CRYSTAL of PearL CLOCKS FIELD GLASSES In a variety of styles. Ee- Qnly those of the most re liable movements. ' , . liable makes. SHEFFIELD WARE HANDSOME Patterns of the oldest re- T , UMBRELLAS ... . , ,., In sterling silver, iron and productions A splendid se- natural &Qd lection of Trays, Platters, 0f the most modern styles. Vegetable Dishes. A useful Made especially for our and much appreciated gift. trade, therefore the best. 283-285 Washington St, Between 4th and 5th Diamond Importers, Silversmith Manufacturing Jewelers The FAIRFAX A New Flatware Pattern A design on the plain order which is certainly a beauty and must be seen to be appreciated. A full line for your in spection, including all the fancy pieces and cutlery. this week. These Include an evening at bridge Tuesday, when Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Rurrell will entertain, and dinner Thursday evening: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William MacMaster. Friday the E. C. Shevllns are planning; an entertainment In their honor. Not only are Mr. and Mrs. Edwards belnar feted, but they are also extend lngr compliments. Last Friday they were dinner hosts at the hotel, when covers were laid for 10. Including: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. 8. Wood. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Tucker, Captain and Mrs. W. S. Riddle and Mr. and Mrs. William Brewater. They also will entertain to morrow evening- at the Helllg with a theater party for the performance of "Madame X." This will be followed by supper at the Portland. The iruesta will be Mrs. Henry Fairbanks, Roder ick Macleay, Mr. and Mrs.- David Honey- man. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Burrell, Miss Lisa Wood. Maxwell Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Burrell. Mr. and Mrs. William MacMaster, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Burns, Mrs. Richard Koehler and Mr. Procter were recent dinner aruests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwards at the Portland Hotel. Mrs. David Shlndler was hostess last Monday when she entertained Inform ally at fcrldire tea. This affair, con sisting of four tables, was the first of a aeries which Mrs. enindier win give this Winter. At tea the hostess waa assisted by Mrs. W. 8. Biddle and Mrs. John Bhepard. who were mistresses of the samovars. see Tha wedding- of Antolne J. Labbe and Miss Wlnnlfred Loomla, of Tacoma, which took place In that city last Wed nesday evening;. Is the most Important wedding of the week. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F. T. Webb In Trinity Church at 8 o'clock and was attended by many of Tacoma s most prominent people, the bride, who Is the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Lyman Up shur Loomls, having- long- been a so cial favorite. The church decorations were artlstlo and beautiful In a simple arrangement of bridal green and white Walter Ournsey Renyolds played the Lohen grin bridal hymn announcing the en trance of the wedding party. The bride entered on the arm of her father and was attended by her sister. Miss Beulah Loomls, as maid of honor, and Miss Elizabeth Balllle and Miss Bertha Potter aa bridesmaids. Mr. Labbe'a attendant was Kurt Koehler and the ushers Included Haw ley Hoffman and Jacob Dolson Cox, of aVncouver. B. C. A. reception for the Immediate fam ilies and Intimate friends was held at the Cranston Potter residence follow ing the service at the church. m w m Mrs. H. A. Kelson and Miss Frances Nelaon, who were recent guests at the borne of Mrs. Dora Zan, returned to Albany the early part of the week. The second of the series of dances given this Winter by the Monday Night Dancing Club was held last -week In Christensen's Hall. Following the dance supper was served at the Nortonla. White chrysanthemums and palms formed the drawing-room decorations at he home of Mrs. J. W. Cook when she. Miss Cornelia Cook and Miss Cully Cook welcomed their guests last Fri day afternoon at the large reception of which they were hostesses. The hall was In yellow chrysanthemums and the dining-room, where Mrs. Henry Russell Talbot, Mra. Walter V. Smith. Mra James D. Hart and Mrs. David Shlndler poured tea, waa attractive with yellow roses arranged in a large i MOW For the Newest Visit the Style Store EL' CHEAT In long coats, bearing the last and smartest touches of high-class designing and tailoring,' have just arrived and already have found favor with all who have seen them. ADMIRABLE EVENING COATS, equally well adapt ed for practical every-day wear, made of Beatrice broadcloth and chiffon, designed in semi-fitting effects, 54 inches long, Distinctive broad shawl or Dutch sailor collars, wide revers, handsomely trimmed with wide, flat silk braid; others with jnlaid velvet, large turn-back cuffs trimmed in like manner; 3 front but tons covered with silk or velvet to match collars and lined throughout with Skinner satin. Come in a range of prices, $40.00, $35.00 p30e00 IXLCL ., ,. s:r'ts9 $25 OLIBAY If M Of real good every-day service and satisfaction is the motto at our Jewelry Section. Ladies' and gentlemen's Watches, newest styles, Elgin, Waltham and Howard . movements, fitted in dustproof 14K gold or gold filled cases, guaranteed for 25 and 20 years, in handsomely engraved designs or in plain, refined effects; range K I 9 .r jl in prices as high as $150.00 and as low as only. 24K Gold Plated Clocks, guar-, anteed not to tarnish; many handsome designs to select from; works warranted to keep sjood time ; would make a splen did Christmas gift;, Grange in prices from is high as $15 to low as - - .j $1.45 A limited number of Diamonds in 1-4K sizes, the most beauti ful stones shown, white blue in -color, perfect in shape and cut. Investigation will prove them a great offer at the price of, only. . . . ... . $39 CHARGE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED You can pay fox your purchases, in weekly or monthly payments to suit your own convenience. EASTEEM OUTFITTING .CO. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. The Store Where Your Credit Is Good A