SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 EDITORIAL- AND SOCIETY vol.. XXIX. PORTLAND. OKK;t- SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4. 1910. NO. 49: The Home of High-Class Merchandise Libbey Cut Glass, Richardson Linens, Arnold's Infants' Wear, Nemo Corsets Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets D erby, Monarch, Alexandre Gloves Stetson Hats for Men Knox Hats for Women Tfile Grireafter Olds. Wopftm&jnt tore aim IrC-'V Nail tv niT I J3s. FotirtH kiv3l Floor WonderfulCKris1lmasSalesm AllDepfts. Shop Early Fancy Neckwear $2.QO Values for 98c Tomorrow, in the neckwear department, on the main floor, we offer a very unusual sale of women's fancy Neckwear novelties, desig-ncd to please the most, discriminating judges. A very advantageous purchase enables us .to make this special offer to tomorrow's shoppers. The best regular val ues up to .$2.00 included in the sale.. Buy all you Q want for nresent needs and Christmas rifts at. each wOv 400 SilK Petticoats Buy your Christmas presents early early in the day, early in the month. Don't wait until the storks are broken. Don't wait until the crowds are so' great you. can't be waited on properly. Make out your list of Christmas presents today. Lace Curtain Sale $3Q Values at $16.45 A Christmas offering of rare values in fine Arabian Cur tains, imported real Arabian laces, the best curtains of our entire stock. The most beautiful Christmas gifts d 1 f y g one could wish; 10 patterns; $25-$30 values, at P " SILK DEAPEEY Our entire stock of figured Drapery Silks, Values to $15 at $7.49 In the beautiful Garment Salon, 2d floor, "Women's High-Grade Petticoats of the richest and best taffeta silk. Black and all colors; deep flounce and silk drop, ruffled and tucked. Our best $15.00 values $7.49 85c Novelty Ribb 6 n 37c 2 O c Ta ff e t a R i b b 6 xv 14c 10,000 yards of high-grade Novelty Ribbon for Christmas fancy work. Dresden Warp Prints, French and Scotch Plaids, etc.; regular 0 7 values to 8.1c, on special sale at, the yard All pure silk Taffeta Ribbons in every imag inable shade, ribbons suitable for holiday fancy work. Full 4 inches wide; regularly worth 1 A 20c a yard, on special sale at only, yard comprising needs ising many attractive patterns for Christmas QQ. ; regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, at, the yard OOC Red Gross Stamps Don't send your Christmas pack ages out without Red Cross stamps. At a time when all thoughts are to give, don't forget .the great impor tance xf this charitable work. It will be your biggest gift: the cost will not be noticeable. Main floor. 15000 Fes. Jewelry Values to S2 oo at 69c 15,000 pieces of up-to-date Belt Pins, Buckles, Brooches, Hat Pins, Beauty Pins, etc., plain and etched effects, every popular stone set style. q Rhinestone designs in green and rose gold; values to $2.00 each; sp'l Q7C $2.00 Music Roll for 98c $4.00 Auto Veils $2.37 A large assortment of Music Rolls and Cases, in II Best quality Chiffon Auto Veils for present use seal, &eai guai, huiiivi aiiu uuvclj jjiesscu ivaiu- n uiiu vuiiima: gixis. XjA ua large bun. uiju sanu ers; black, tan and brown colors. Regular QQ. II stripe borders; come in all shades; our TJT 2.00. values, on special sale at only, each regular $4.00 values, special at only pi ' DEFT Fourth 2QO Fancy Waists $10 Values $4.35 Here are charming styles at quite remairKable" prices values such as would warrant your early inspection Holiday Waists in velvets, Persians, taffeta silKs and nets All wanted colors Beautiful lace trimmed effects, plain to 44 Values to $1Q. special tailored styles, etc. Sizes 34 C A QLT ,1 qjy.cjr Toys-Dolls 35c Chimes 23c $5.50 Dolls $4-38 Roller Cliimes, for the smaller on make music while thev roll; iu nickel- plated and blue enamel; regular OQ 3oc values, on special sale, onl DOLLS An imported line, made espe cially for Olds, Wort man & Kinp. Real hair, sleeping eves with lone lashes, full jointed; has nice shoes and stockings; . - o : 1 .-11. m regular $5.50 values, special $1 Dressed Doll 69c Child's $1.75 CHair $1 Xmas ILiimeinis $21.5Q Tablecloths $17.00 Hardly anything that maKes a more appropriate and acceptable gift than a nice piece of linen "We offer enticing values in the high-grade Richardson product yards, regular $21.50 value, special for $17.00 yards, regular $o0.00 value, special for $39.00 Real Cluny Tablecloth, size 2 x2 Real Cluny Tablecloth, site 2 x2 Real ClunyTablecloth, size 2y22'2 yards, regular $66.00 value, special for $49.50 All Linen Tea Cloths, Cluny lace-trimmed, very fine value at $3.50, special, ea. $2.9S Richardson's all-linen Table Sets, rich pattern cloths, with napkins to match. Prices: Cloth, size 2 s2 yards, napkins to match, regular $ 8.50 sets, special price, $7.50 Cloth, size 2 i2'2 yards, napkins to match, regular $ 9.25 sets, special price, $3. IS Cloth, size 2 z3 yards, napkins to match, regular $10.25 sets, special price, $9.00 Regular 60c Huck Towels for only 50 Regular 75c Huck Towels for only 63 Regular 65c Huck Towels for only 55 Regular $1.00 Huck Towels for only 85 M era's Rain c oats $20 Values $10.50 If you'll figure on us, we'll figure for you and guarantee to save you money on every purchase You will readily recognize tHese as $2Q values Very latest styles in popular light tan, drab and olive shades Cut full SO inches long, full sKirt and military collar $2 O values $10.50 Special for tomorrow Girls' Dresses Now Half Price Dressed Doll, with' closing eyes, light. or dark hair, dressed in white chiffon with Urge black picture hat; regular fZQf fl.tH) value, special price, each U7l CHILD'S CHAIE, with polished seat and heavy wire legs and back like the ones you see in the jce cream CI f 1 1 parlors; regular $1.75 Talues " Regular $J.OO Table to match for $l.DO Deskand CHair $3.5QVal.$2.25 Child's Mission Dk -and Chair-to-match; made of oak; nice, smooth fin ish and good size. This is the best value and one of the moot useful things vou could buy; our regular $A50 flJO OP value, on special sale, only V"- 4.5Q Velocipede 3.49 Velocipede, suitable for child 6wr 8 years old; mbber-tired, with adjustable "seat; a regular $4.50 value, (PO 4Q on special sale at only, each V'T BOYS' HANDCAR, steel frame, with chain gear; a health-improver: will de velop the arras and chest; QQ our regular ?.00 seller for YwO $2.5Q SilK Mufflers $1.49 Men's Pure Silk Mufflers, in black, white and gray, plain colors or figured and striped; full length, corded or hem- h -m q stitched borders; our regular $2.50 values, special at P Men's Christmas Hose in Christmas boxes, 6 pairs for only 75 Men's Handkerchiefs in Christmas boxes, 6 in a box, for $1.10 Women's Dresses S42.5Q Values $22:95 We take it as a part of progress. iveness to have something to at tract you to our store every day. THese dresses possess unusual merit in style and workmanship. Materials, French and English serge, chiffon over P e r s i a'n . serges with chiffon waists, great variety of styles trimmed with satin bands, lace yokes and sleeves or moire silK sleeves; somehave leather belts All sizes Values to S42.50- $22.95 ( Our entire stock of dark serpe, luster and fancy plaid dresses for girls from 6 to 12 years of age. Sailor 1 styles and fancy dresses; $675 to $20.00 values at . 2 $48.50 Coats Now $26.95 ft55 I ..: VI v . I f'l f Y M W.f'JTllM'l II 1 11 'Aim m w V Women's. s .OO Values $29.75 Our big store is crowded all the time and you never saw so many people ThinR of buying the very latest style Suits in such good, dependable materials as basket cloths, boucles, serges, broadcloths, fancy mixtures, etc. Semifitting jackets with velvet or plain collars The very latest $29.75 style skirts, values ranging up to S55 ea. Women's $42.5Q Suits at $22.95 Broadcloths, serges, fancy tweeds, diagonal cheviots, mannish mixtures, stripes and checks comprise this splendid assortment. Plain and fancy trimmed styles. Our best models. A large selection to choose from. Values to $42.50 for only, each $22.95 The very nrw and popular style Rut: Coats and Polo Coats; broadcloth, kerseys, plain, plaid and silk lininirs; double-fared Steamer (.'oats.' Velvet Coats, etc.. A (JOC GCZ reat primp of values up to $4S..0 each, on ticcial sale at only, each $35.00 Coats Now $13.95 Flushes, broadcloths, mixed tweeds, basket cloth and mixtures; plain colors, checks and stripes, with plain self collars or velvet collars. A splendid group O QSJ of values up to .? 3.3.00 values. Xuf Sed see 'era. On special sale for f Our Entire Stock of Christmas Umbrellas on Sale at Low Prices It's needless to go into detail about these umbrellas. Suffice to say our entire stock of women's and men's reduced as follows: $ 3.00 Umbrellas now at $2.43 $3.75 Umbrellas now at $2.98 $ 4.00 Umbrellas now at $3.25 $7.50 Umbrellas now at $4-69 $12.50 Umbrellas now at $7.50 Entire stock at like reductions Children's Coats and Bonnets At Tomorrow, in the infants' and children '.s department, second floor, ,we offer all our Felt and Velvet Bonnets, values 1 . from $1.29 to $12, at half reg. price f t 00ATS-A special lot of Coats, sizes 2 to 14 years, made of popular, plain and fancy materials; values $4.25 up- to-lfo $16.50, at half regular selling price w Git Olasis For Xmas Gifts Visit the beautiful cut glass room on; the .third floor. " Nothing in the West to equal it for beauty and quality. Prices: $5.75 9-inch Diaheg, special for $4.55 ' $6 brilliant pattern Berry Bowl, $4.23 $6.00 Fern Dish and Lining, for $4.25 $15.00 Water Tumblers, dozen, $11.50 $12 Lemonade Tumblers, dozen, $8.45 Christmas Silverware It's reliable, it's attractive, it's' just what we say it is. No disappointments will come to the giver or the receiver. $1.75 Silver Tern Dish and lining $1.25 $1.00 Silver Hat Pin Holders only 69 $1.50 Silver Handle Whisk Broom, spe cial at low price of only, each, $1.05 $1.50 Silver Bread Trays for, ea. $1.05 $2.00 Sngar and Cream, special, $1.39 $725 3-piece Tea Set, special at $495 $3.50 Silver Jewel Cases, special. $2.40 $7.75 Silver Jewel Cases, special 5.40 Women's $1.75 Gowns 79c An extra special purchase of Xmas Gowns, made of fine nainsook, trimmed in dainty linen lace, embroidered in pretty medallions, with initials in center. We' have never seen their equal. tq Excellent $1.75 values; during this sale are marked at only ' Another lot dainty $3.00 values are marked at special price $1.98 ET1 1 04.0