THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 4. 1910. SANTA GLAUS HAS the stores were well crowded and the streets thronged with heavily-laden ENDORSED BY ONE of the MO jT eminent euro- FEAN AUTHORITIES purchasers. Great excitement was caused In the waiting room of one of the stores, when REIGN IN STORES a mother was so occupied making pur chases with which to remember friends at Christmas that she overlooked her baby she had left in the nurse's care with the explanation that she would "be back In a minute." The woman left at 11:30 o'clock A. M. and did not return until t o'clock In the afternoon. Shortly after the mother left the youngsters Clasp His Hand little one began to cry. When the child and Lisp Their Christmas Requests to Him. had sobbed Itself into a stupor, and the sympathy of several mothers bad been aroused, and the matron wss ready to deliver the child Into the hands of the police, the mother appeared apparently calm, and wondered what the excite I t IS It RAMI'S t -i . r ' r f ment was about. The hospital departments of the stores have not been much in de SATURDAY BUSIEST DAY mand since the shopping season opened, there having been very few cases of illness and fewer accidents. Mechanical Tor Department Thrill Children and Grown-l'p HoIIs Attract Ado It as Well as Tot Mother Forget Babe. Every day In tha tor departments of the lars. stores la Portland. Kns XrlBfle Is boat for many a youngster. and with every ltrtla soft hand put lata hie on, comes, la a faltering voice, a Hat of what the email visitor "wants for Christmas" A visit to this Jolly. old vhlte-bearded man aad a view of the large exhibition of tore is a eele- b ratios for the tots. At one of the stores Pant a Is satd la a sled, to which le hitched an almost "sure enonrh" reindeer. Each visitor le aocoMed the pleasure of "takina- rtde" with the old fellow, durlra which "nfldnees are exchanged. Then the delighted youngster leaves with the be lief that all bis requests will be granted. Evea to the grown-ups a visit to the tny department is a source of pleasure. Who are they that do not feel th thrill of delight these days when toys and Santa Claue re I en supreme. Many who do not have any little ones for whom to buy. are seen wending their ways through the aisles paualng bow and then before the mechanical toy a or the alluring array of dolls. Ailing Polls Made Well. The doll hoepltala are playing aa im portant part. Many a small mlse will discover "tfaJtr." who wea discarded some time ago, gazing at her from the storking Christmas morning, with a broken limb replaced or with a new eorfy or new hair, or new attire. The small boy never had a wider range from which to choose tnaa this year. The department of mechanical toys la constantly crowded with Juve niles, who stand gaxlng with ecstatic delight at the "enjln" or miniature streetcar speeding over the small rails, aad the aeroplanes with their small propellers working Just Ilk real "fly ing" machlnea. Dolla Attract CJro Tps. Many a novelty is seen among the dolls. These not only thrill the small girl, but apropos of the latest decree of fashion, women are attracted to this department. There may be seen the rhantecler doll.' hllliklns and "snook timn" with his grin showing his single tooth. ' Yesterday was tha heaviest, shopping nf the seasnn. Tep!te the rain. GRAND AVENUE SALE MADE IxH 50x100 Is Bought by J. G. Ed wards for $18,000. E. J. Daly reports the sals of a lot M by 100 feet on the west side of Graad anoe. between East Burnslds and Ernst Ankeny streets, for 118.000. to J. O. Edwards, formerly of Hay Creek. Or. There are two old frame dwellings on the property, air. Daly has sold Mr. Edwards 1100.000 worth of Portland real estate within the last two yeses. Mr. Edwards is now erecting for the Covey Automobile Company a four- story garags at the southwest corner of Twenty-first and Washington streets. The building will cost In the neighbor. hood of $90,000 whea completed, and will be one of the finest garages in the West. Mr. Ialy also reports the sa's of I lot 60 by 100 feet on the east slrt. of Cnlon svenue. betwoen East Burn side and East Ankeny streets Con sideration. 110.000. The propel was owned by ths Misses Kingsley. AUCTION ALLEGED THEFT Sleuth Reaches McMinnvllle In Time to Seise SO Sewing Machines. Timely arrival of Hetectlve Carpen ter at Mrillnnvllle Friday night with a warrant for the arrest of James w. Carson, probsbly saved a sewing ma- hlne company hundreds of dollars, by frustrating an auction sals Carson had advertised. About 10 sewing machines were In Carson's possession. Carpenter found that he had the town papered with posters announcing their sale to the highest bidder. A team of horses was Included in the offer. Tha local manager of the company says that Carson had no title to the property. Carson la wanted In South Dakota for alleged grand larceny, said to have been committed under circumstances similar to his attempted McMinnvllle action. He will return without extra dition papers. Iog Owners Face Arrest. Thirty or more residents will be ar rested today or tomorrow upon com plaints made by Poundmaster Welch, accusing them of failure to obtain dog lloensea The number of licenses Is sued to date Is about (00 short of last year's record, while the number of r le believed to have Increased. Direction 1 Ru,e de IVEveque II Bruxellea PROF. A. RICHARD Brnxelles. Le T Kovembre, 1110. kfr. R. A. Thompson. Portland. Oregon, U. S. A. Dear Sir: I have heen practic lng aa an eye specialist for many rears, have kept well posted on new methods, etc.. but never nave I seen anything to equal the Instantaneous method per fected by you while In Berlin. Having seen this system dem nstrated upon several of the worst cases of eye strain in my practice, I am convinced that this is the simplest, easiest and jiost accurate method of eye testing discovered. With this new method you are master' of tlie situation. Tt ts Act only new. but a century iliead of the profession. I wish rou would mall me a copy of rour lecture on "Kye and erve tleasurenient." snd I will remit n receipt of same. Yours truly. PROF. A. RICHARD. By John Bruce. Coisunesdattoa from each a d W nasralshed specialist ts most strartlfylagt particularly so be cause t cornea aasetlrlted. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST THOMPSON sad Floor Corbert Bldg. Fifth aad Morrison. Shoptarltj in the Dmj Ant Assist G)nr Bnhurricd Smnre mi nfetr ' Just as good in every way as those you pay $20 and $25 for in other stores. WE HAVE FIVE STORES WE BUY MORE, CLOTHING WE SELL MORE CLOTHING Than any other store and are satisfied with smaller profits These are some of the reasons why we give BETTER values than any other store. 3d and OAK 1st and YAMHILL 1st and MORRISON 2d and MORRISON 89 THIRD See Additional Announcements on Last Page, Section 1, Page 5 of Society Section and Grocery Advertisement on Page 15, Section 1 Order Your Picture Framing Now if You Want Work Done for Christmas We Carry the Largest Stock of Pictures m the Northwest f SI?PS Deliveries of Toys Mtml Any toy or doU bought now will 1 tT be laid aside or stored until yon ''"V:'il'?'7VjF wish It delivered any time before f'f lUI'lvAt vt Xmas. MaKe your selections now. A M III I stM " Wm W 14-Inch Dressed Dolls ffJll 60c Values Spec'l 43c 7 il &V 'l Dressed dolls, 14 Inches high, with 'wXiF a-'Mieij eyelashes, large assortment ip to choose from. Reg. 60c val. tOC ii n i. n t mi Toy Presents Unequaled Savings -for This Week Let Little Girls Who Want Lovable Dollies Be Here Tomorrow The Greatest Floor Space and the Greatest Number of Salespeople of Any Toy Store on the Pacific Coast We Will Welcome the Shoppers of Portland and Vicinity to the Jolliest, Busiest and Brightest Toy and Doll Section of All Do Shopping Now 16-Inch Dressed Dolls 75c Values Spec'l 49c Very pretty dressed dolls, with eyelashes, large assortment A A wig's and eyes, 75c values at 1 3'2-In.Undresseri Doll 35c Values Spec'l 23c Kid dolls, 3l2 inches high, with sleeping eyes, jointed Knee OO. and arms, 35c values, at, ea. sdJl 18-Inch Dressed Dolls $1 Values Special. 73c Come with sleeping' eyes, finely dressed, 18 inches high, reg. SLOP values. Special 73c CFth Body Dolls r5cVals.at49c Cloth body dolls, 18 inches high, with indestructible head and arms, 75c val ues. Special at, each 49c Kid Body Dolls $ I Vals. at 73c These dolls are 18 inches long with sleeping eyes and joint ed hip and Knee. $1.00 values. Special at only 73c 23-fo. Kid Body Dolls $1.?5 Values $1.23 These dolls are made with jointed hips and Knees, full parted wig, bisque head and sleeping (Tm no eyes. Regular $1.75 values. Special at ylssCfJ Billiken Dolls $ 1 Vals. at 79c The cute little BilliKen dolls, in plush dress, 12 inch. 7Q high. $1.00 vals. Special l"C Visit Our Toy Dept. 5th Floor Character Dolls $3.50 at $2.23 Character face dolls, II in. high, with indestructible and washable head. $3.50 values, at $2.23 Kid Body Dolls Special at 69c Each These dolls have sleeping eyes and jointed hip and Knee, bisque head and arms, n( 16 Inches high. Special 0tC 17-In DRESSED Dolls $1.25 Values at 98c Full-wood jointed dolls, with sleeping eyes and lashes. are finely dressed. Reg ular $1.25 values, only 98c 20' 2-In. Kid Body Dolls $1.25 Values, Special 98c These have sleeping eyes, jointed hip and Knee, bisque head and arms, etc; 204 inches long. Regular $1.25 values. Special at only 98c 16 -In. Rag Dolls $1.25 Values at 89c A large assortment to select from.16 inches high, gQ Reg. $1.25 vals. Special wC VISIT TOY DEPT. 5th Floor Character Dolls $5.00 Values $3.39 13 inches high, with sleeping eyes, jointed shoulders and hips. $5.00 values, Special at only $3.39 A