0 13 niE SUNDAY OREGOMAS, rOI.TI.AXD. DECEMBER 4, 1910. BoowiMO-Borsn. DIETZ-HUELLr.R "-Slft-317 Ahmrton H-jilUlBir. ROOMING-HOUSE HKAUIJLAKTEKS. If sou r-m th nurn't I"' J nat.l. rum or apa.un.-nt h""'- "'J on a fir r..lbl luf M-tu.uon. Pr low tea ptruil list ef k -- o2r VERT ATTRACTIVE Prr. Old-Ml-nscrd Hi-fi o" "n,:,lrrr. nrd 6uWI on MBili" wat.r la .11 room". jttc l-s- at low rnt ""J": Tut Vrr finely ''"""IT? At ana o.a btrt. cod lot: month. w l lu t look ar Id th. mara.t It will pr you to look thia up- Vtr prir pw-as ca.1 UD- J,;..M1.l:Llj:n CO.. 31.-. 17 Atom. ton itulldlng. BEST BUT IN THE CXTT JOOAT. OS room, now m-xiorn -rick on - lacioa su; bn op.- only on. ana v.rv room l.n at 1 ,Pr, bath, hot and cold m.ir In 'J?; a .-artr Iras-, at mod.rat rnt: "': ly rurnUhad; nica lars. rl".--ts In Ji oana Tv- ran buy tula u"f"' J,.nJ," lor llOO""- i'XX rash. oa.a-v. montniy. DIET-.-MVKLUER C X. 3HJ-JI. Abln.lon BuI.uIti.. APAHTHEXTHOISS. BS rooma. n.tr ovori.r. wn.r brirk. nnl pnad on. -.. aU m thr.e-r.rn ''.' with prlvat. bath. an4 rtrc-ptlm, lu-J-rotnpi.t.ljr furnl.ti.d with '' !.ha.a, and It la crta'n.y a littl. hu,f' Now 11 you want a anap. h.ra It J. ..111 rar abov. all "Pn" -.,. iir. month. PTH. .SOi: "lL.t -luo oar ranth. VT rent Intelsat. DiETZ-MUtl.UEl-- CO.. 31 J .T Ablntoo Hulldln- HOO PER MOSTII PROFIT. room., n.w brick apArfn-nr rTT tow rant. Includes; brat and hot n' prrrat. baths it " suit. Can , ba han-ltr. on 1OTM. Kor paxUculara p.aaa "" IwrTZ-M' EtJ.ER CO. lltv.17 Abutou Uulidins- Kf.METiiiNfi fxtra risr tt room.. n.w corner brl. k .on ton at.. T.ry rlcly turniri.l. h-t anJ mid w.t.r in all room., prlv.l. "j yrr !.. at to. r.nt "' 5U(!5 ibov. all xtm ll Pr ,on,V.d. f" t har.d,4 on t.rn or will r" 1r city prop-rty. r "i i' " u 1-J1T AbUnion ilui.dlu. 8WEUE5T IV THB riTT. m . .w pn.rrr bricA: tn II othtn in th. city t.t can r"mr w"j thla little bautr; pnf't iwr. Pr ih r.nt s '.kj pr month, wlta lea... ft'ru-a 4-'''1. t're. H.KTJ! M' EI.t.ER t Ahlngton l:ui:1ttir. I EVI.IN KtKKItAVOirS pinj.tiw FOMETIIINO l'l'i--T A.. TJ-room brt.-k. 'lr furnlltl " Ion. m.hoa.rv. bml. ".' .,,.; waaod oak: Atnln"tr and r.Ict tarp.1. km. ba-la: prlvat. bath.: h.art or rtTyT ejTar; I.VV) m.mthtr: -v-ar !.-. If too w.nt a rwtl flr-cl.a propo altloa cl.arma b'.a raw" a tnla. APARTMENT-HOI SK SNAP. M-roora brick In I 3 nd ro-.m .r-art- r.rtlc ft.r:rd In AtmlMtT rt. fttnied and wajn-d oak. mli. etc. FUth and pnM In every apartment, a ' i --i Ricrrat Incom. on l..m..t' In cltvi orlc. Thla la -. ..tw in Kt il(caton In tb ..t. mml.hrl wlt Ullt'loW Af min.r and .v.t carr.ta; mnhrrny .w trniitrr: atrtctly ITtrKi.rn: hi m.t.-y-m.k-r: !- Thla jl wonld Pla Ilia moat fa.tldloua and tha .k-,- l - ror.t I1-..V clear l- -r month; ... c.h put you In p- NMlOB. 1TPT VI(P ptita mg to an attrmrtlv- hnni whim up nxli't'l ll.,f 1 roorrra. "n-jw Ptcr.ow. Am!ntr Tlt e-arpla. bru an-I Iron lMt: milK -i K..r wtr hetvL. hot Btlil eM water In a number of rom; r-nt . Iit mon. r-mk-r. Thia pia ! tn a cUir dv itaf.r ana win n-n 1H rmiih; trm i;OD TH'YS. RA rnnrn. 1 1 cjinh. T4 r-Tn. $ c.Wi 11 roon. rrtcw 7 1 : t tit l.KVLIV KIRKRAI'iiH. M 5t1-M2 Swctlan-I ttMil-ltny. FMILK r. K A 1 .T Y CO. tl'a mak a irchT of nl tradtnc iwmlnf -hnusr ani Aotcl. Sc u bfor locaitnx; w win money. i-ipfl lnl VONTHI.T. Ti wrwroa ftiortcrri. corner brick, with i Afi.- ararr rnnrrillMirf : P t"1 if hi.vf i.'-'WX cash an-1 om rl it,t' to trn-1". don't mill thta rhanc t r-t In hptn- A 0-H)I MONEV-MAKF.R. 40 roomii. mt-irrn. hrlrk. '! leai bvtrt buy In ritv; ?".". irrmf. d i-sT lift IV ITY. 34 roou.n. rnt fin location, new furniture; frt dm on tr.rk' A OKVUINE PK3AIV. Id T-ooni. rent 4."i. firt time l-ffrwl elara monthly; alwaa full; a unap 14 ro-m. reat $.V. leu... rtmnlnC ler In rom: axnuUit furnlhinr; nicetu plac In rttv; Ji". Icrtni. th 1 rMmn, rent $ lease; clear - tihtaO t I l r-M wh 1 We hara 'others all fr nlck ntt. Llt wllh U- Hmni ot t ra-ir Leaaa tnd furnttur of Crt-rnom brlclf hotel. looti incacioo, p) - 47 -.wv. a aaay ttrm. Hrlck buiMtnc. 4 roomr, all nw. Prica IV.'vw. on ay tcrrna. room In brick butlt!ln. Prlc 5SC0, Urm"" M. PT-NNT.I4. 331 Chamber of Commerce. IT rmtni-. troo-1 furniture. PaT o rv r- . ----- icw.n..it In tha nuameaa 'n' rarn-r bnlulin-T. r 1 r per tuon'.rV Th ia a rp HMWk 10 n-n. wil furnlahe!. clean lr ao-l cen.lltlon. h-t watwr n w r... .1 wat-f in moat of .m. mnt Income I Kk Th. ta a cot hftun1. sn-M r-Mna all f'i-nlhe4 how In. ooi lo--at..o. rnt I " a arrrt 1. If OT V iDComt .11 an.ina r'fcrr.t r" ptrniinr, m i,t ob Mil how: rn rtt tncm flU Thut M aomethUi firat-cUaa l.tliul. 'RnrKKTT. f-T.rR3 VOX XII. . rrvs) Vet SM locatl mt1vr. with ninriflt hot and coM water iZ -c..m. ir :aw-Ia ai d TV R car- . ..' fIf mat tr , heddln .nd -T"-th,n et- t corrwroert; re- c.it t.-t-l r 1 rnia 1. tn-iunr rant whi- h la ONI.T i a rvm with I iTyVara. II L banrata at IXhi. uma nA?her ef 44 BOOV in Mm 1as a Tta.tuncli'n St. r.vm. l H.MS. rtrtil IT." Jf -.- rnie. Ml 1'. prh. .-vv. IT room, transient. pr:c. t ' -OV. ID room, rent $. rrl.-w room., r.nt I . prlc .! 10 room.. rnt I prlca . S ruvrna. rent '. pric. ,'", 10 rooma rrnt . prtc. a . n- ruoma tran!-r. pr-.ca .. II. U. KPMP I'". 4TC0 thatibr f t'orn-nercw. rw-- V.rta'l IjT4. S N A P tl mnraa. kkpl:n. clo m. r.o u: nvtrj all ft :-d and claarln .. .1 nmK . . all nwnit: aood fnmttnr. and carpata: Km' brand n.w: ruraac. a bargain at .i0: aaay "ruRTUX" unnviMVHWJS CO.. 31J llrnrt b'rtr A IiARliAlN t-Ty r'lnt 1 a:i! acit 14-piotn itMi. rloaa In: l".M at an pc montn. ai-?ki oil :) caah: thl. place mi and cleat ar.I la a money-maker. Th'f ta too aood t Inm roRTLAM' P-cwM: NO-HOUSE CO.. Sit Henry bid. m.-o u r l li-room romlra bouae. mlnat.- walk Imro Poto(:ic.: all ful lu .n.r bl".n '-' and 4 o clock toda at KUth. or M onday at 211 Altaay bids w . vrrtwTn trad, room I n - h ou p. beat to. on Eat r'd for ft Johna real tat. AK Oreaon'.n . risH h.i.nc. r.r. acurea .1-VnHid me-vir furwsel. c'.an. money-maker: U1 Blaaaa. Sa 14tb U BOO!irXO-HOrE. IV A CLAS3 FT TTf EI.F. 11 rooma. fin. hou.e nar W at : WILTON VK1.VBT ANI AXMl. carpeta: QUAR. OAK AN M AHOit. fur nlture. PR.S FKPS; the Jf BJ B.T 7f MATTRF.S3M and BKDU l.Nu nA. " ci.ara abore aipena..; aryihlnB n.w s month, aao: If "".WJ1. 1SI homa that brlnna In a Itood Income, aea thla bef..r you bur: i-year leaae. KLI.IS. SMITH t O. 3CH Wa.hlnlton St, rooma 5t)l-ao t.ot axii rorwp .-v- itw van can buy renume hair mattreaea - II m. day: noVrr f.ath Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. M'"- Front. Phonea Jiain LOST-OB 8. B. car. 10:30 A. JX. Saturday. hand baa contain. n x, , tiabla aitlrlv.; irttrr addra-J to Miaa Kir Hutrhln.: return to BrownnUW Woolrnmlll Store and recelra reward. STRAYED or atol.n. rd Irian aetter. ""-" m tha city aa n. .1. nmtwm w.. -, -llcanaa Nuf U72. lieward If returned to Northrup. Phone Main 443W. LOST On E loth and A.n. a p- with lor.aa caraa. on "-.' money: finder plca roturn to Oregonlan orrice ana recatve rgwi.i- LoST December 3. on Oreaoo City car. roll of lea-al papra. .ny-otua " 1 -, " with dark blue- ribbon. Under pleaaa phon. (ak firove. Iteq LOST Lady'a black purao rontainina . V. M. .. A. earn; r-;ma n.n Ilb.rJ reward. 1SS Eaat ISth at. Phona llvood b'rj. LOST Notambrr old and poarlhandla umbrella on Altwrta or 23d t. car: finder mum 1041 Et lotn at. ""' Lc.ST Lh-k for 1 la fa.or OI Banner. I.lfa Ae-n: payment ptopp. 11 Oregonlan bl.ia. for ultW reward. LcT Saturda afternoon, a lona. oia-raan uined. hay olJ watch chain. Ketura to 3P3 Wet park at. K-ard. LOST Zeta, p.l Phraternlty pin: nam. r. p. :tott on back. iteiura .v wealth bM. Beward. LOST Roll of currency on tha finder plea, auaraaa ' v. !the-l reward. L.sr Whlta bull terrier pup. bnnoie .ont at tali, .luuue.1 collar. Vttr.no Vain f.'TJ. two Patton Road LOST in WedneiKlay about rtoon. near ith and nrnn. n ... If reltirned lo "3 fimch bMlt. Li'ST t-oral cameo rink -at 2d performance Pantaaea. Thuntrtay evenlnr. Tec. 1 : 'nd-r p I e a.e c:ilT A or Mrtln LOST Nurt't braoel.t with two 2W oid j.'.ece. ttlAcorti: rr j j . i " " - nvllua Hotel, room 414. LOST On November 2 littl chlld a whlta Fire, and aairt- i-n'tr.w . - LitT Reward for cmn book, dlar and ra- ceipta. iion . r .iw wi j.' ' FPKC1 L NOTICES. propoala juvtled. PltOPOAt-8 will ba iclved by tha state 14... r.t nr citntroi at u. nam in ftate Capitol until 10 A. M.. December lo lul". for th. foliowin materlala for ttrat penitentiary: Structural ateel. reln- f.irclca mai.nkl. lumber, mill work, root le .kvli.hta. plumbina mat.rlal. .I:- trical material, f'.or. wall and partition tn. h.nl.ar.. I'rle.'i mull ba t. o. b. tv.ll. n'alla. rarlonda d.llvered at th Institution. Plana and apoclflcatlona may h ao and material llata obtaloed at tha following placea: State Board of Control. Olvmola: John K. Dow. architect, paul- aen bldl.. "pokane; C S. Read, roperln tendent Dtata p.nlt.ntlary; Vacuum Sn .merrtng at Spaclalty Co., Lumber h.x i . . n . s.ttlM: l.i.ter Conatructlon v 9.. I'icrlln tld.. Tarun-.a: Secretary Chamber of commerce. Portland. mate Hoard of Central. Olympia. Wild, November 2i, 1D10. 6KAl.l:n bid. will ba recelred until 4 P. M. of the Port of Portland, Oty Hall, for one feed water heater to ba operated In connection wllh a Son b. p. condanln ..,n. and to wlth.tand a woratnk pre. aura of 2H Iba per aquare Inclu Oltera may be made for varloua typea of heatcra and bidder, are reu.ue.ted to furnlah lllua tratlona and all detail.. The Port of Portland rcaervea the arikht to. reject any or all blda. John P. Doyle. Clerk of tha lioard. bii.-it'VIV 1 HON WORKS The annual mccinic or to. .... - ... I... U'Ark, mill be held at til. office of tha company. E. 3d at. and Hawthorn at a. Portland. Or.. Monday. December i) 110. at T.UO P- for the purpoae .i...tinv directora and for the tran. action of .urn othor bunlne.a aa may b btouaht before aald meetlna. November 12. lili. 1. MflnhiuM. aecretary and treaa urer. and Karo Morrow, president. cl-ai c-t v.t.l. mill l.e received until 4 P. M Thurauay. I ifcpmn-r . ii.-. tl.. rort of Portland. City Hall. f v...i.r .nrl ..e. that iut be required by the Port of Portland during the month. of Dccmljr. January ana r.oruar priu Hlank form, f r propoaala may ba had ....or, ai,i .l. a:l..n. The Port of Portland - - ,h. eii-v, to relmct any. or M.!.. Johu P. Uorle. Clerk of the Board. NOTICE OP SPECIAL MEEl ..' vr STlH'k tLULKti Of 1IIA V'IV " mil iVIl NAVIGATION COM 1'ANV- A .rjmclal tiwiililf of the atock- holdera of Th. Oregon Railroad and Navl ..n..n i-umt..n will ba held at room liu., Vell.-Faro building. Portland. Ore.on. on December 22, litio. at aw o vio. ....... ... .... n.irn,.. af aUtllOrlimK. roxuntl... tn .norovln. and rtllyltlm tha it r aiii. a.tle. couveanca and cranafcr ... .... lle.e..n.V.Otn.tOn RulltV.ad Navi-atton Company ta of all tha rali roadi and tele.raph llnea of Tha Orcajol t. . ........ . . v.L...iii,in .'oinoanv. toaetn m-itK .ii . . - riuhta. Dowcn. Immunl lie. ..rlv.le.es. irsnchltea. and oilier rtronmrtv .no.rt.lntn. thereto: tbl of n.i Mi.u of a-id coin- pan In. under, or to any and ail leaaea of any ral.roada or ielrapB llnea or other property. Inriudlna the leaaa to "ia company of the property of Tha Norl.iern A'aciiic tertuiuui louij ... . .ii ,i,hi of The Ore- aon Rallraad and Navlaatlon company to purrha.. the properly of aald termln. . . . . . v. .... .id. of thl l ii;.n.if. ttivee .1 Portland. Oregon, and . . ... . i ...... nt Tn. Or. on Railroad and Navigation Company In and to aald properly. lh. legal title to which la In .aid Tha .vormrt" ra..v... mlnal Company of Oregon; r of ai atocka and bon.la of any ateam.hlp com pany, or or any railroad or r.i.-.r v . . . ...i.i . . o-k. ...... on Kailroad a Navlaation comp.ny. Inriudlna 114.ooO tar vain, of th. bond, of The Northern i....r.c -r.rn.in. I t umb.nv of Oregon, and . d. . . .., ik. atock of th , - . t..iri. 1 . 1 1 r . .. i Company: (ill ol : " . . , . .. j -rh. oro- a . i aiura. aoo " " v " ' - . , .... .... nj tvaviaatlon Compauy and . ... . - .... v . . . Trust Company. trustee, under tha consolidated mortgage of Mid Tha Oregon Railroad ,sVJ,i' tlon Company, dated August IT. 1'. to-wlt. tu.""0 par valu. of th. ato. . -in creek Viuma alanuf aoturtng Company. Isou.OoO -ir valu. of tl.. atoc of tn. Caxrad Railroad -ompany. J.ov' .'j.'"" .... . k. ..f in. 1VH. . .,i., ..,. Knee Railroad Com e.cv at.ooo.iivro par value of tha atotk if tnaColun.Ma and Paloum. Railroad com pany and .2..-'.lroO par alu. ot m Vonda of the Columbia and l aloua Ra.l . . ... nt I appropriation of rmal aetata and other property made by Th. Oregon Railroad and Navigation com . .. .... ..ib.nl ii r ri.hta of F?..T-. ...r b. aald company for tha condemnation of property for ut In connection with any rnnroaa 01 ;- . .n. branch or extenatou thereof and f of all other property of Tb- Or ..n Railroad and Navigation company real, personal ana mi. - ' , . . ... ,,.ni.i,im to La a corporation. and .ae.pt cab on hand, monev. due or to becom. due. bllla rec.lraot.. acvouo. - . . duo. and bon.la ant aureement. t.k.n by aald com Pauy f rn firni. corporuliooa auu ........ ... I. " . ,?Te.nifv mi.i.l company axalns . ii.ki 1 1. In eonnartlon with, or on account of. anything oona or omltd to b. dona by aai.l company tn the tranaae tlon of Ita buimtu. and for tha purpoM of ratifying and arproylng any n0 action and preceding, taken or to be taken by the board of directors of Tha i.regon Railroad and Navigation Company, or any of ta officer, or ag.nta. ra.aling to th. granu aale. conveyanc and fer of iuch property m in. v Ir.aton R.ilroad at Navigation company. and of taking any action with ".pec. to eucn grant, aaie. conveyance and trana- fer. aa m-v pa aeemeu yr --- , . . M..,ln.. ImrOnil for th purtK.' ot authoring tha dlsaolutlon of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Com pany, aettung ita ou.iaa-. wj' f." ...i .lor.- .nd i third! for tb transaction of any and nil other bualneaa re.es.rr or appropriate to tu. pv iT.. ..r in. transfer of atock will . ... . ... k. ........... . ,f an 'H .oocla I ve.-emi.er. 1910. and will ba re-opened a tb 23rd day oC 10 o clock A. at. D-ember. llo- lated. November 10. 1910. ti. order f the board of director. ' a LUX XI 11.1. A R. Socretary. NOTICE la hereby given that W Iow-lt !.,,. wiih the Oran.l Rarlda fur t-ira Worka. J E. CVHtlen will contlnu h bu.tneas ana mini' ' .e...,.. hllltle. from Pf tmrer 1. I!'li. 1 WII.I. not 1- re.-M-..lble for any de cont t rci ! or mi - " - . ; --- pow.r. lut r. Ift berl ana rjosra. .ouo Dec . 1.1) ITN ANC1AL. INVESTMENT. Th. Winkle Bur Minin. At Development Co., whose mlnea ar located on Rogue River, curry county. Oregon. ' - - -few shares to tha public at It. par value. 110. The mln will be on llv!dend-pay-Irig basis la 10 daya. then no mora atock m.il tv. mnl.l Thl. I. a nl.oer orODoaltlon and will .tand a thorough Inveallgation. For Information addren Hunen -w. ..oumm, 714 Lowman bldg., Seattle. V aah.. or Karle N. Young. 174 Eaat tth at.. Port lii'id. Or. I'hone Tabor 20-. LAW1LH of lb year ptrlenc. eia.nlninB tltlea and maklna loana lor parucuiw iw pla baa nuratjroua choice appllcaliaaai oo band, beat of refcrencea. Call at Wl Mo- Kay blu. Main 4T1U. FOR RENT Strictly modern 9-rooin houaa. mlth una yara. isw a.ao K -d N. per month. Apply vv ak- field. rioa 4 Co.. hi Fourth t- OR SALE HSU) Iirat. mortitaire JTini 8 per cent, afcured Dy Dunsui" I3rt0; time. 2 yeare. Call 41 Rotli chlld blda. llOKTGAGLe. contracta, Donda. atocka. wax- ranta and note, oouani mu mvi-. ncautlatrd. Henry Teal. 410 Ablnaton blo.. ltltlVt 3d ILL, aell at par lo0 to $;..liK) of bonds earning over l per cent; tne i ; m Ity: Inveatlgate. Addrcea V oi0. Orego- nlan. MONEY TO LOAN. H. M. C arlock X Co., Hoard of 1 raue. Money to Loan Real K.tate. REAL. ESTATE loana, prompt aarvlc. no annoying delaya II accurny i. - '0ry HARTMAN ft THOMPSON, liaiil E.tute Dept. Cnaiubar of Commerce. 6AGE3 ON IMPROVED FARMS AND CITY REAL ESTATE. K. L DEVEREAVX. 201-S Fenton bldg.. 4 ttth st.. Main tl::. MONEY to loan on improve- or unim proved real ttitsto. .oi.ii uu. ...... inatallmrnt loans a apoclalty; real eatata contract, anu oonu. r v -f W. H. N'utin. 44 t-herlock Xlk. Main SUB. ON IMPROVE! city proptrty or tor bulid Uig purpom... to S year.' Urn.; liberal rrtu) nirnt prlvllecea; money nuv.uc.u . building progreaa-a Th Equitable Bav in g.ftLjojAajtocjaj at- MoNF.Y to loan on real nitit. tivw w gr.O.OOO. Application. .m.r .... dlaielv. fee Loan Department. Uartman at Thompson. Real Estat Dept.. Cham par of commerce. WE have money to loan in IO"o-" amount." inooii, soi.ro, .'iahi iri.M. .yiHl, liiou. and building loan up to 2."J'0. ilcKenx. l Co 011 Oer- llnger bldg. vTaXTEU TO BUY KlKoT-CLAba liutvi- .'.o ovo TO loan as a wnoi. or ... not less than $20.00t. at 6 per cent on Brst-ciaas Portland real estate, AD 0i-, Oregonlan. . CAoH paid for morlg.gea or aellera Intareat , contr.ctsi on real estate anywhor. In Otegon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on improt.u iit...j. -- NiTble. Lumbermena bldg.. Othaud Btark. Tt) LOAN"" several amount, at 8 per cent Intareat. on good city real 'ate. C. h. 1-f lugc-r at c o., room o, .umtj :;. Alorrlnon ata. WE llAVti picnty of money to loan on city property in sums irum .i., w fe.,v at lowest current ratee. Morgan, r .l-dnr J Boyce. &u;i-ono AQingioo onia- Jj-IRST and awcond mortgages and contracta purcnaeeu ou 1 . , ' " anywhere In Oregon or Washington. Aw 1m Lh.virc.ux, Kenton bldg.. o4 tfth at. PLENTY of money to loan at tt and 7 par cent on reai it ED. P. MALL. 104 Second bu toO 000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or .mall loana at loweat price; l.r.. loana a apeciaiir. . i-. Co.. 614-lo-Ul Gerllnger bldg. REAL ESTATE .ale contracta and mori- a. srsaja 141 r MalC . ! a. a.-. ar- auppiy any amount up to $iu.000; iiar antccd. AK OrcgODian. WAXTKU $:iuou on KO-atro farm, near Gresham; vaiue ewv, cont. AK 577. Oregoninn. tiOHi TO l'an on improvaa reai wuiie, riOM id. it k i'' - T .V.7. Tregnnlun. t.iNKV to Joan on improved ral estata, firat niortsaga- K. lluetlitofer, 1M5 Sfcl mn. i'ht'ne M. 64jo. TO 1. OA N fsV'OO on Inside pr-.perty at 6 or per ccni mi j"--. K. Fl't-'HS. 2-1 V. Morrison at. IJiK.0UU TO 1AJAN. lare loans a paclaltr. DUIIUIHI, ixraum, 312 Falling bldg. MOBTOAC1E ionna on cltjr property : lovruat ratea. A. - - - Ed and StHrk. UONEV to loan at reasonable rates In sum from i00 up. Tha Lareuc Co.. 24 Ai ms- . m -t i- i . i ' .Ml rtn grnnH raaldenra prOD criv p nl 111. Vtuuv iwwi ... -jt per cent Interest. AF 571. Oregonlan. liouo TO $10,000 to loan at 8 pnr cent on cipuls only, hub Henry bids. I AKii loana from -!.. to JJj'nmi; n'tui ouy buo mortgagea Attorney, 414 Spalding bldg. ioKY at 1 per cont Interest on improved city property. ... -"". $ifljo"oN well sltuatvMl Improved realty for three )r. WILIa. lan $:n-0" In one or two loans; lm- WANTKU 70H on good income cny pr-.p- value r -. v .- 13s-mi TO loan on cloae-in raJ estate T 61, iregoniaii. WIL.L. loan .'XK) or lesa on real eata Hitcbcota. tilO KothchUd b'dg. IlSOrt TO loan" on 1st mortgage, real estate, Call H'-l liawthuruo or phone Tar -10. PKl VAVJi money loaned on real estate mort gagea. H. Mtloy.room;tH Oerllnger bldg. $'l(H0 TO loan on good real estate. S. vv . I O-. alI--'-- Atw- " i.iA.sa un ral. personal, chattel or collat--JcurltV. CVW. Pallett, u8-t Ftnion- -iw)0 TO lend on income pr'i"- -j- -uui. . , . j vi r.r i irtuninian. or Ui - m- M to 000 IN one or more iua,iia u va-jiac . w . i kTm rWtrnnl.n. real es.-ntr. v w- bt.t. fund, loaneo, . h- ... ------ - . , . ... v- tr -fs,m aa, staie t-ifjtu. . . - - MOHTOAGE LOA.NS AT KtASUaNABLa. V" m. L'IFI. 1 1 . V.'IV. UI I 111 KAIts. r . An. nt. - wui loun S10.-HM) or l-aa. real estate soc.u-.ty. FaTringtoat- 1 ttCommercil Club bldg. WOKTOAUE LOAaNri. B AND 7 PER CNT. 5 IS LO Ml N. 1:33 aTARK ST. VJ t C. Y saT ajnuunt. o i . ii. w -iough Salts. .10iipaldln bklg. l.vANsTiS'lSSIDIS rKOl'EHTT AT o"t I l:k fBST. ' l.mVia HUILDIXU. Muaey to Low" Chattels and tvalariea. " 1 t ARE TOi; LOOKINO FOR MONEY? If you knew how .y our terms ar you would not b abort of money. b bothered with a lot of amall dabts. let ua rurtuah money to aettl tnem. WE LOAN ON .,,. Furnltur .nd piano, alorag Terelpta. ltv..tock. rooming-house., life 'nuIn?i po;ic.a. all kind of uriU-s: term to uit: ala.. a.y weekly or month ly In ataiim.nta w buy and loan on flr.t and stioo-d mortgagos and qulty IB con- r.Cli"RKAL ESTATE FROKRAOB CO 12 Hamilton JUUg.. 131 3d- Main .0.4. UCTTON CREDIT COMPANI. SOT bpaiaing r-mf.. Sd and Washington Sta, Money. Money. Money. Mon'r. riM"ne' We loan money that a our bualneaa. VA bav money for thow who nd it. W. aU niid money. Ther-for. com. vv loan on pianos, furniture, ate. Why let your .mall bills worry youT W can advance you any aaiount from lWhyWgo to oth.r companies? 8 a. WUv'peopl DEAL witn ua. Whan other fail, conauil th oia r- lb'?-. r.. r-...,T.. w MONEY loaned In amounts from 110 up on all kind, of scurliiee. furniture, planog or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly paymenta. Low rales. ""dn: uaL liray 4 Cunningham. 2l Rothchild Bidg.1nrwestjrrnerln"aahlngtoo. MONEY advanced aalarled people, houa k.pcra and othera upon their own namea without aecurlty; cheape.t ratee. easiest payment.; office In 8tf principal ciu..; aav. yourself by getting my terms nrsu TOLMAN. SIT Lumber Exchange. LOV!j on diajtionds. Jewelry, furs, sult-c-aea, trunk, overcoata and mus.cal in strumenta. I'ncie Myers. 71 6th. between Oak and Pine. Main i10. LOWEST RATES Loana on all klnc" of tm eurlty. chattels or real e.taie. Union Loan co S3 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash. sts. . . - . . loan monev on dlitmouda kfd Jew.l'ry. Marx t. Bloch. 74 3d at. ilVEY to loan on diamonds ana jewoiry, rates of Interest. 3114 Washington. l H.EKAL loans on furnitur and diamonds. J S. Nichols. 6.-0 Haard of Trade bug. ALOAN for th asking, aalary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. LOAN3 on dlamunaa and oth.r aecurluaa. V SD. AAOil. wwu m. ' ' . to Loam Chattels and t-alricm. ' SALARY LOAN BANK. Anyone fttemdlly employed can borrow 10. 20. J30. $30. 7S. S100 On your personal not. No mart ft aye No Inilorsar. Easiest payments Lowest rate. Bualneaa acridly conndentlaL. 6TATE SECURITY CO. 08 Falling Bldg.. M and Washington. Loan anted. WE have a mortgage of 12.5fi for sale. KEASET. HUMASON JEFFERY. 233 Chamber of Commerce. WE have for sal a mortgaga lor $13,000; good security. ,,. KEASEY. HUMASON & JEFFERY. 32 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A loan of $15,000 on property KEA1?F:t: HUMASON JEFFERY, 231 Chamber of Commerce. PARTT wants $5MH for two yeara; will pay 7 per cent; witn new " L , ' : -V. house, on quarter block. In hlgh-clasa dis trict, as security. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 620 Railway Exchange bldg. WE ran Invest your money at i- Intereau Oltl-eage kcuhk PROVIDENT INV. TRUSTEE CO. bJ-oiu noara ot i r-" WANT 4M)0. :0o0 and $1W on "" homes in resiriuxea " 8 per cent quarterly and expense, full in surance. I oi. uregoniBii. w.- . in,vn --uvi hum npffa. cnnn'i. 9vry rent come per raonm; m ' V- V ,. r.r.ri., c- iii inner tn of loan. 17a, Oregonlan. z. n. . .-n.Tr. a 4 mf nn li-vlnffiill hOITl. at 7 rr-r cent. i.fou on flmum --- r - cent. W. L. Grn, 406 Lumbermens omg. Main 87R7. FOR SAI.E M40O land contract l ' cent, aecurea oy oo atrei . ri-r. near city. v.111 sii a, er, 3-H Lumbermen s Building. WANTED $"(M0 on East Sld-s bus tn efts nninartv! revenue aiow, Will pay 7 per cent. Address AD 670, C'rcgonian. WANTED !0.00O. 3 years, on Grand ave. proprty; will pay 7 per cent. AD feu, Or-'icon!an. ... . ..r-.mr. a- v . .. a -Ant nil lniUrO ,V.-.,.,..nrnrr.rurtv: Drlnclwilfc B t.6S. Orr-yontan. WANTED 0fl0. 8 pr c.nt, on nil acre good wh.at land In UmaUll. County. Ore gon A Pit., Uiru m FRO car ROM private party, building loan. P" cnt; land valu 4000. lv ,."n but no commlstlon. L. 8BT. Oregorian. but no commlarlon. vv.vrVn m knrro. from prlvat party :.') tor on year; will pay 18 per cent plenty of .ecurlty. AD iou. Oregonlan. ., . ir. ..nt for loan of $1000. se cured by improved real estate valued at ir.ftrt- no commission. v 91.. tatwo WANTED, security looxxoo corner. close In and 2 kooo nouses, iiivoro. per cent. AF 67'J, Oregonlan. WANTED J00O loan at'TH per iit oj flr.t-claa residence property. Call -l Lumbermen blag. 1000 TO 12500 wanted lor one year . r.t innl. collateral security. Prln- rinals nulv. 211 Board of Trade bids. v ...... wanted, first mortgage, on gooa v- ' . ur.rti.nn. David Lewis, IH r ill. '-. vj . " ' " . --- . . o..r. Lultinennen a m 1.-. inh WANTED on West Side Income-bear- ng property at per cent; the land value alSne I. over 40.0(K. AD B73. Oregonlan. LOANS wanl-d. tui00 nrst mortgage not. a for sale. urHwuiK i" count, u 'i4l. Oregonlan. tT-I V.-i- pVCTtnnriTi for vears. 7 per cent, c cioe-in Improved Union ave. property. Call 31T Board of Trade bldg. WANTED To borrow glJO" on close In: tract la worth 5000. 40 acrei AF &o4. Oregonlan. WANTED 1000 for on year; real eslRt t ir tv reasonaui. mtcc... . Oregonlan. $3u0 WANTED on U0n0 farm near cur. all cultivated. 8 per cent. AB 6il. Ore gonlan. .vcTii.i.MRXT contract for stile. will discount to net 20 per cent first year. S, W. Co.. 311-31.: Lewis pmic WANTED Loan of 4i00 for two years, on on. or irvington . uuw iu.. --- - Oregonlan. ."- ... . ..-rt-n HMiirl . homa in Holla- day Park; have lot worth 18000. AE 674, Oregonlan. I TVAVT to borrow J10.600 for S years, at cent interest. Immediately; first-class security. X 573. Oregonlan. FIRST mortgage. 7;0; will pay 10 per cent. Call S18 Henry Diog. Ti- x-Tvii aa - i rrai cMavC qiv-m-j 2 years at 8 per cent. J 576. Oregonlan. Illir.o AT 8 per cent on .nnro iiuwo, Mm. comer. ai. 1 w. ..-. --. WANT to borrow .win on my nome tn - Scntt nistrict. . .'i". -" cr...... I31H1O ON ,7000 quarter oioca, m bom. A Oi. uregouHMi 1160 ON "furniture worth 300: will pay 10 per etui. rv. iv, . WANTED $1000. flrst-class real estate se r,Htv:rincIpa!s only. W 548. Oregonlan. LET us plac your money, good mortgage. references, r. xx. i".. v . PERSONAX. r.... mm- . r. avimr Tir. Jefferson cures troubles QuicKiy, jciic...... r place turret knowledge and power in jour own hands, to remove the cause of any trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by anvone or anything and open up a quick . . ... ... the contentment, hap- pinea. and good Influence for success that you desire. Call and consult him dally or Sunday. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M.. at 492 W aah- Ington at. (abov 14th at.). MatV CURED QUICUCLT. Modern Electrlo Treatment for nervous debility, enlarged gianure. . . . . .. . rv.nmilL.tlon Tree. w 1 Howard. M. D.. 104-IO Rothchlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. REFINED, unincumbered widow, J8, P''af; Ing personality, lonely, some """ wn'a meet busmen, man n. "";" strictly Ht-t-clasa, matrimony sunecu 671. oregonlan. MARKIKD couple. Presbyterians, desire to adopt orchan girl four to five years old. borr. in Western Oregon. Salem. Mhary, Eugene preferred: no otner cniiunm, fldentlaL fct oil. ir-e-uii."- 1 POSSESS Information which cost me far- . i - .... IH i.t every con sumptive know about my '"Z'kI'. J. M. Reynolds. Central National Bank. Columbus. O; PROFKSSIONAL advertising and writing, follow up system and promotion literature. nest local reiere.. . result Address A 557. Oregonlan. WANTED to meet mlddle-asTod lady with soma mean, for buslnea partner: no trlflers or general delivery need answer, will marry If aulted. JB BT. Oregonlan. MRS. A. M. PARK, graduat nurse, mas sag and scalp treatments I guarantee treatment to cur baldness. x.i a lith St.. corner Alder. r.. -,. , X-1.-C J mrnn.Br, ttrsnSBT. WOUld meet unincumbered gentleman agout 60 years of age: comfortably aituateo. E 67T, Oregonlan. MADAME ESTELLE. magnetio healer, men. ..i .nd snirttual scientist. Wallowa Ar.artrn.nts. Suit 7. 193 W. P-r- PERSONAL Will sell 122 check on Graves' piano Mouse oir or. lawn r.5. . TV. . . TI v . 1 meet aent wit home or means: matrimony.' Mis May Dig, Sn. r1- cltv- T TTlTDnDVttQTYa PARLOR. 5 F.v-rett: open Sunday; teach th trade for $3. A i0.'.2: Main 7D7Z. vctr heamv narlor. East Side; reliable. scientific work done. 2SS Holladay ave. SWITCHES, puffs, curls, made from comb ings, for 1. S.Mt Salmon St.. cor. r-srK MEDICAL baths. Battle Creek nurse. CI ropoenst. 1-21 Drev.el Hotel. Wain 19-i". MEDICAL r-aths. Battl. Creek nurses, ct ropodUU 121 LIT ex.1 HoteL Main 13S. no it trr A. RR1FP. Dlaeasea of women and children, errr aery chronic and nervous dlseaaea treated according to the latest methods : private hospital accommodation: confinement cared for: consultation free. Boom 11 Grand Theater bldg. Main 392S. A SHOT. FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading vclg and toupee makers, nneat Ifock of human hair good In tha city: up-to-date parlor, for halrdresslng. mani curing fece and acalp treatment. 147 Itn Jt " bet. ilSrriwn and Aider. Phon. Main Bin. GENTLEMAN of Z"" gentleman ttrat-cla.. mechanic ana draf u inan. commands good salary: sober even temperament, healthy and money-make., lady must be healthy In all respects. V.11- liam H. Rule, r torency. i.imi MARRY rich; thousanas want to m many rlcn ana Deaumui, -- r; JcripUon. and photo. 'e sealed elthsr sex. Write today, one may be your af-InT,- .end no money. Standard Cor. Club, box 7. Graya Lake. 111. GET MARRIEI Matrimonial paper contain ing advertisement, mm. . - -from all secUons of the Un ted Canada: rich. poor, young, old. Protest am. Catholics" mailed sealed free, c Gunnels. Toledo. O. SWEDISH TRAINED N L Its-l!r - graduate; rheumatism. Ich aliments, under physlclan-a a'"""' baths masseuse. No. T East 11th .t.. aec ond. door aouth from East Ankeny car- line. Phone rjast aw. j iw A OENTLEMAX, cement Inspector from Montana, wno ia speuume . Portland, would like to meet a pleasant lady. 30 or S5 years of age; object mat rimony if suited. Address Cal Blair, 60 24 Washington st- lUL.iu , .h temnerate r...r. ... na . lh .nme mean. on-. position, witn inuueo v J""" r,V, .oirie Gablts. wishes to meet lady with some means and a pianist or mu..-. del object matrimony; no sports or gen. del., must be a lady. AM 88. Oregonlan. DK. D. L. LEWIS. . .- rtm.m h n.i children, electric treatment of nervous allmenta, prlvat hos pital. Rooms ouv-ovo . . .-r .fc, 1 1 J-.h and Ankeny. Phones Main 4Q4T. A241L uica V PRADLKT. Manicuring, vibration and magnetio treatments: respectable patrons solicited. The Breslln Hotel. 422 Washington. R. n-m: hours lO A. M. to Ayr. m...ln.M man fit .OOO ntllllt Sires to meet resiictwuin ... young widow; enclose photo when an- swerlng; object matrimony. R 5T0. Ore- gonlan v.,t-t? mitiTrTNK TOLD Aatonlshlng rev latlons; let mo guiue j., .... j . cessful future. Send birth date and 4 2 cent stamps. Prof. Allen, 8 No. Wood at.. Chicago. WE have for sale any part of J20.OO0, per cent ten-year gold bonus, in imio.. . ...... ...h tilMtl Vfr nil rk Sale nffA. i-prV .rtrivctive bonus: terms. S 612, oregonlan. A TALL gentleman. 39. some means and a splendid position, wouio unv : an educated lady with some means and or .ii. hi. ee. Object matrimony. J 568, Oregonlan. LL those Interested In the study ? c and dancing for opera work or maV' art call at the Boston Culture Club, 418 Stearns blng. Tr.it, uAT.tr A handsome wnite .ami m.. : .... lace evenlnff aress. never m.u - bargain. Suitable for home or stage. Ad dress AN 579. Oregonlan .TT. f-rc.ri.-v-c ic v.nr. Portland's leading palmist and ciairvovani, n. --r r'I'almistry Made Easy." on sale at 34Ji Yamhill, .corner itn bu VHS. MAYME WALLACE. Electric and vibratory treatments; bath: masseuse. 3264 Stark at. Port- land. Or. Phones Marshall 2402. A 2S9&, DR. A. HAMOT. Tri....At..rmm re.. t men t . for rheuma- tlsm, lagrippe, nervous-iess and uric acid. Hotel Elwell, suite nu, itn auu mc. YOUNG man, stranger in portiana, ire to meet a nice normni, ,."'," w. I would appreciate a good pal ; object matrimony. N 570, Oregonlan. DRESS suits for rent, $1.5U month keeps your ciotnes cieanea, p.ku, ,, eewed on, rips repaired, prompt calls ana deliveries, unique 'tailoring i-o.. aw o.m. DR. WALKER, specialist for men quickly mth. hinrtn nnn .Kin tiimenii. miuucr mu bladder troubles and pllea. Consultation free. 181 1st St., rortiauu. FORTUNE Tell your fortune with Gypsy book 25c Martin. P. O. Box 2119. Fort- land, Or. A GENTLEMAN with good home would like to meet a ladv between 28 and 3.i with r.m. means- ohiect matrimony; state par- ticulars in Cist letter. J iVlT, Oregonian. ,t, vi . n.Tho larirpt stocK ot pure u; wholesale prices. Fine halrdress given Aza II. Ribbecke. Granlaaer. aiii aiiuiuc. MARRIAGE pftper. highest character, incor porated. i.i n vetn. u.-'.v seeled; send 10c. R. E. Love. Box 161)0, Denver, Colo. ctrATrrn TiV DEC FIRS Sanitary Beauty College. 400-412 Dekum b'ag.. evening class; man., wituscuiou.. we teach practical facts. LADIES No danger with ixirenz jvunaep- tlr Cones: are boouiiub. f..' l box. 3 for $2.50. Stipe, Taylor Drug Co., 280 Morrison st. tvt.t. k. ir.r....nine: ioln the only reliable marriage oureau in a r.,r Decemuer pmuci.. i-.. Wash. 7T. ... m Tm t ovrsnvt:: loin the only rella- D" .""- r.-.T',; Vi.. r.rlrt Rnr1 bio marriHge uui . v... 1 1 ir ior iiettiuMci ii. - - , Wash. ... . i.. mnnninrni.H or sketches to or- VV-1.U mi.ic . der; guarantee to ii.t.1.0 ."- - - Oregonlan. REAITTT narlor now open; worn guaran teed. 175 Madison BU SUmj. . A. M. to 5 P. M. ...t. r-.....-ri.ht .kin and acalp treat- . ...1.1 .rnrmltie. COITeCted. pla- tic surgery. 453 Morrison st. Main 5042. CHRONIC CONSTIPATION positively cured by our r.weui.n u.ub... -rri-V Nlsbeth. 4:i3 Market St.. cor. 12th. M. 7033. WRINKLES removea. sagging """-J .V 15 minutes: tree ubuiu"..'."- " . In.-lkirsch bldg. Neo Plastlque Agency. r.VTLEMAN. 26. wishes correspondence with laay. y--.... ""-"'"",;" . , nn An with mi-ima mean. mrrl. mony. not oi-o. on r.m...P. Q.gtjvjpTibN, Bright's disease, running sores: gooa " V.Ti.li n, child, 17Z r,ast iai .i. w. ...i.Da m-.nt.rl In vour home, seal ' treatment or unu w.v . 7072, A awo-fi- cpiritUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson helps you " . . .t,.J w,'fchtncrtoTi . out ot an L "uw,v- above 14tn st. tcs WALLACE gives magnetic electric tremtment.7 menta spiritual scientist. 100 11th st. ...wr .. i.hor.r. wishes to meet youn iuu,. --".-. --'.. .-J nil: oh lect matrimony. Y 57o. Oregonlan. . t ...... . Tc.turni sanatorium, lie n. rXiih Apoplexy, appendicitis, tubercular STands. etc.. a specialty. Tabor 2008, B2818 "iiu.ir-.nrt. room 15. formrly 12 6th st. Miss WALLACE gives magnetic electric ".rLunenls: mental .plritual KtenUst. 1110 11th St. FULL information o -lf"f laws of STJ" ana other "state, free. Address box 677, UQ''"' SUFFERERS rom pujs: towhn .urec DR. SAWYERS Squaw Root id Korono. 145.-, i ninn avf.. N. TVoodlawn -llTo. AGNKS O. If wiit to your mother MRS. LADD FINNICAN M at 24 East 14th, rDTTnY Trtt baby gUI; full BUX- rrnder. AK G70. Oreeonian. 6AN1TART Beauty Parlors; learn man-cur ing. 4WU-4I-. l-CAUia iiui Jus SOPHIE B. SEIP mental and Bpirlt Ln--.-N the bualneaa at Sanitary Beauty Cov lege, -uu SWITCH made, 5c Banitary Beauty Col lege. 4vv-tl-i t,'"-'" VR. KETCHUM treate women" maladie. 179 V -o mi., cur. iuu"t DrTrOSA HOWARD, electric massage and to a fi-i)R complete course. Sanitary Beauty . ..... jut nairi.m Mlor. coueg-i. -vv-ii- n-"" - vr. ,.t-Mtin ah rm ti ii m a t .atm nd blood POL ,on; price $X- Ir. pierce, 31 Alisky bldg 6A1S1TART Beauty College 4O0-41i Icum DlQg. . nt-' n cmr m tgi"p' POSITIONS guaranteed; Sanitary Beauty College, 400 to 412 Dckum blQg- wrinkles. supt-fluous hair removed. M.-a M. D- Hill. 42H Fliedner bldg. M PUFFS and curia 75c, out ot comou-i-- itary Parlors, 4O0 Dekum biag. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases ot women. 532 Davis st. Main yxia- BUSINESS Pi RECTORY. Accountants. E. H. COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. f.rr.re.i.i r-t-inn t v and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and Systematislnff. 824 Worcester piocx. Accoun tant s. T..Ktln a..r.r.iinranfa unit nnHitfirS. wtr-L-pY'iv a tb n bkmrIDQE. 224" Worcester' Block. Main 7360, A 1449. Office systems. Periodic audits. Investigations. Factory systems. . E. COOPER, attorney at law; practice m all courts; abstracts examined. 716 Cnam- 4 VT "71 A IT1. M. BE N'SON', general practice or Jaw. collations made. P02 Spalding bldg. Amayer and Analyst. Wells Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 204 wasnington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana ore-testing work. io jaorn.i. ... Chiropractic Physician. CHI-EO-PRAC-TIC TICK-NER" ; Bay It fast and remember Columbia bldg.. i- to oo. DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chiro. Dr. in Oregon. 223 Fleldner. nours v m . Chiropody. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists in tne t-n.-Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main lam. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. .or. tt . v.i. Dhnn. Xf.ln S4.3. drcnlatins; itlbrry. LATE fiction. 3c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg.. 1S8 5th St.. bet. Taylor ana ramnin. Coal and Wood. WE have dry slab wood and dry fir wood. green slab wood ana oest coau L-einwi tn Pn.A i ' i i-v.- va t-v T.aurflhurat. Rossmere, Irvlngton. Mt. Tabor, Sunnyaide and ad jacent sections. Tabor 26.17, or C llw. Rose City Coal ft Supply Co.. E. 43d and i?anay Koaa. OREGON LUMBER A FUEL CO . Halsey and E. 39th sts. Tabor 2811. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sheriocic diuk. Collections and Law. NETH & CO. COLLECTIONS COLLW-T EVERYWHERE: NO COLLECTION, CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg.. Portland Baths and Bwtmmln Portland Swimming Baths. 167 4th Elegant Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting w,n.i,i t. trta v Kth M a n 3 1 02. Consulting Engineers. cm nnpcn j. Toi-vnn rmnsu Ulnar gineers. 312 Couch bldg. jraxen. .j.- worked out. power plants, general en' glneering. Telephone. . HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 109 Second St.. hf-ttropn Wa.V. ntiil Kt.ft.r1c Sta ! Stage dancing taucht: waltz and two-step guar anteed in four lessons; class and "ocja. dance Monday 8 to 12. iessons uanj. 25c LESSON, four lessons SI; waltz, two- step, three-step, stage dancinir -auS"-daily. Prof. Wal Willson's, Portland largest and leading dancing school, -.flois wash, st.. bet. w. Parle ana iu-n Dog -Q-1 Horse HospttaL DR. BROWN", D. V. S. Office 324 Flanders st.. aiam 40s. Hospital l-itn -. Drugless physicians. n. HOI.MKTROM. Rwcdish graduate: digest ive, nerve and chronic aisoraers. avf-& u-o gonian bldg. Phone Marsnauzwo. EducatlonaL ENGIXEERING Civil, electrical, meehanlc- ii mrvT. titmsv. cvanme: efftaoiifcnea ion Van der Naillon School. 6lst and Tele- gniph. Oakland. Cal. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO.- Motors for rent or saie. via -.a su Englnca Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agta, Seabury steam engines ana boners. gaoinw glneL 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison St. Phone E 515. Feed Store. ZIGLER & Misner, hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. m. -.gat. Furs. N. M. UNGAR & CO.. INC.. formerly of 406 Merchants Trust bldg., nave removea to 109 Seventh st. Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marihall 7o3- Hat Factory- HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Works. 21'3 1st st. ai. e., Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leather or every aescription, taps, mira. uduiuhh. J. A. STKOWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tabiisnea J.htf i? roni Machinery. 1-. mT,TrVr."JiM A. 1 fl Tlvrlrfl Illln Qnrl BTH clal pipes, screens, oagging, m.nius, m.' chlnerr. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Manicurist. km ivin-RTW.. fate and scale treatment. Miss Jidna Kunwarm, r neuuw. jt uuuo Main 020 fl. Musical. GENTLEMAN would give .lessons In French or Italian in excnani? iur muaatii. or instrumental. Ju ono, uresunmn. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevlck. WU Marquam. -n---. yeorologlsts. Eye Bpeciallsts. QUICK relief for eye and nervous troubles. Drs. Freeze & Rice. 82 Washington st. Osteopathic Physiclans. DR LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksvllle. Mo rii-a. nf mfjfi. nost-graduate 1907. under A. T. Sill, the iounaer. ai i -oio-oxi ow.uiu.- bldg. Main iuj. a. xoo. nw. R. B. NORTHUF. a i Fi-416-417 Dekum bldg. Phone. Office M 349; Res. East or B 1023. Faints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sasii aim uv.-r.s-. w.. -v ji- o a TfVT viat t.rntct and nay: books free of inventions wanted. Patents advertised free. Send sKetcn or mouei iur likc ocan,!!. Watson K. (Joieman, raieu. juttv jrt., v- F St., vvasnington. u. n.TPVT Bjriirix, or fee returned: lllustrat' free to any address; patents secured for us advertisea iree j rr uuu- sample copy -r-e . i-i-i Washington, v. patexT your ideas and make money. Send Rest service. Joshua R- H. Potts, lawyer, Washington, I. C, Chicago ana nii- adeipnia. patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J- K- Mock, attorney at laW. late Ol U. O. i- atruv viulc. A-fuwa.- let free. 1 1 jgoaru m. f-mo umg. U. S. AND foreign patents that protect are i--iirn inruuKu jrtn--a-- vw-- vv . Agency. Inc.. Dept. A. Stockton, Cal. R, C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat entS. lninngen-e-ii ca-ea. vw iJc-um Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605- cOo Hiieciric v1--- 4 v.-4.-. . . r ttv-kt fvr.n.ri-tir-tirvn r!tf. Rt rtP t navlne' sld e walks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years . ,7lTT a tl Ath mt Main filO. Plumbing. JOB plumbing, pipe fitting colls In stoves & furnaoe; stove work. Phone East 6659. J. -.aW-.lt, ClIUUH-. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and olncs near --tm -nm j. Printers. book makers, legal blanks, loose leaf de- v 1 I n . 4 r; y f "h a. v mt t- oaK ana 'cuji- Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc. , . n.ii O . r. ..!.., I ail? Cunningnam a, --x p."v- juau. j.--vs. Rug, Weaver, NORTHWEST RUG WORKNeugs from old, carpe-a, tuiuuia, i - -.-., yu ' B 1280. 153 Union ave. nr. E. Morrison. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safes . jin,nrv .v-ii-M Second-hand saies. Showcases. Bank and St-jre Fixtnres. THE LU Th.- -liu- ui-'-u ids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke, v,,,Qtt.o in atock: nromDt delivery. Sales Wlntor Lumber Co. agc-J-u M- v ' MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch, n.w -nd 1 2d-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Shingles. BEcT lnV city; car lots or less. Tiiihert. Washington st. S. &. Stores. STOVES connected and repaired. Main Ilia -tit. 'Crs.tr.11 af. lpewrit-n PORTLAND MAILING UU. aumgrnpumB, un 1 ,.i mrr n.iKlln fttADuirranher. lyXZZ:i twritten" circular letters. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 5166. r.a.u v -j -J-.v..-..r - mm.., TYPEWRITERS, ail makes, i'0 to sou, muy guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, 3 !"rmnn,h Pacific Stationery ft Printing on? tA at. WE are the exchange for th largest type writer concerns on m is uoasi; m - all makes, all prices. The Typewriter change. 287 .Washington U EW, rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates- . i. (j. Lo.. ill s ta r it- js. 1 - - . Storage and Transier. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO., corner 13th and Everett sts. Just opened to wee, and most modern storaice warehouse in city; every convenience ir safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rata tn Northwest; free trackage; vans tor iuov. lug. Main or a m MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men, no booze-nghters; mill move you qukiker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us for aa estimate; storage rate the very lowes;. Van Horn Transier Co. Both phones. C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., office ana commodious 4-story orici. warenouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and p-LcVed for shipping. Main oitt. A 1V.96. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer! n g and storage; safes, ? ianos and furniture moved and packed r shipment. 200 Oak st , bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 5.7 or A 3247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870v. lransxer and forwarding agents Storage. Office 310 Hoyt st.. between 5th and 01 tu Phones Main 69, A 1169. Veterinarians. I Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarian. 831 Ankeny st. A 3993, Main 3403. Wall Taper. ERNEST MILLER CO., 172 1st St.. whole sale ana retail, samples mailed free. GRAXD CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. Lea.V.ncr Dnrtlnw.l A dVi Is i-i v-scicilj.or' Roseburg Passenger Shasta Limited 8:30 4:15 6:00 7:45 1:30 7:10 4:00 8:60 5:40 7 -so m. m. uu m. m m. m. California ExDrcss . San Francisco Express ..... 1V".-J. t-iSlml Corvalis Passenger Sheridan Passenger sorest Grove Pussenger ... Fon-st Grove Passenger ... Arriving Portland Oreaon h'TTirc. Ashland Passenger l" Rosebure PasspnePr 10 :00 R;30 Portland Express . 11:10 iasta Limited WMt Cirla 2:30 6:20 10:20 8:00 4:40 Corvalis Passeneer m rxu m. Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger .... Forest Grove Pa-ssenger Northern Pacific. LeaviTlC Pm-rlnrl . North Coast Limited via Puget Nort-h Coast LimUed" "via Korth Bahk :00 p. m. 1:15 a. m. :00 a. no :30 p. m. :00 p. :10 a. m-, ;00 p. nx. Atlantic Express "via PugeV Sound Atlantic Express via North Bank I win City Fxnress via Pueetl Twin city Express via North j-aiiK. . Missouri River Express via Puget Sound Missouri River Express, via North Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Ex jji ess, uraya Harbor, Olympia and South Rpnd hranrhfji ;45 a. nu :10 a. m. Portland-Puget Sound Special... rugci Bound Limited, Grays Har bor and Smith Ronil hp.nrhp. 30 p. m. ;30 p. m., Tacolt Passenger Amvmg Portland North Coast Limited via North juanic I 8 :15p. mv North Coast Limited via Puget' Duund 7:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 7:30 p. m 8:15 p.m. 7:20 a. m. 8:00 a. m, 4:00 p. im 4:00 p. m-i Northern Pacific Express via North Bank Northern Pacific Express, vial Puget Sound Pacific Coast Express via North, Bank Pacific Coast Express via Puget Sound Missouri River Express via North Bank Missouri River Express via Pugetj Sound Port land -Tacoma -Seattle Express ana irom uiympia, tooutn sena. Grays Harbor and Yacolt branches Puget Sound Limited, and frorai Olympia and Grays Harbor branch :10 p. mi Pupet Sound-Portland Special and irom south Bend branch. 10 30 p. to. Oregon Railroad & yavigation Co. T oavfrir. TJA.flar.r1 renaieton passenger s:ju a. m. Oregon-Washington Limited 10:00 a. m. xne uaiies ivocai . t . w 1. . Spokane Flyer 6:00 p.m. Krto-Snnli-inPnrtlHn. 111:00 D. ITU Oregon Express .. .1 8:00 p. nu Arriving lJortiana i The naiio. t i-vrv j i fl:KS s m. Spokane Flyer I 8:00 a.m. Oregon Express 10:30 a. ra. Soo-Spokane-Portland 11:30 a. m. Pendleton Local Passenger .5:45 p. rn. uregon-wasningion iiimneq . . . ) Astoria & Columbia River. Leavlnir Portland Astoria and Seaside Express... Astoria and Seaside Express... 00 a nu 30 p. rru 15 p. m. 4d p. m. 20 p. m. 00 p. m. 40 a. tn, 00 p. nu Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Arriving portiana--Seaslde and Astoria Express... Seaside and Astoria Express.. Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Canadian 1'aclQc Railway Co. T aavlnrr Pi.rtlni.il Soo-Spokane-Portland . , 00 p. m. 45 p. m. Via Seattle a l.-lr.. TMrflanrl-. Soo-Spokane-Portland . SO a. rru AT a. m. Via Seattle Oregon & Washington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland- Seattle Passenger .... Shasta Limited :30 a. m. :00 p. ra. :45 a. nx. :45 a, m. :20 p. rru :15 p. m. Owl ' Arriving poruana Owl - Shasta Limitea Portland Passenger JEFFERSON-STREET STATION. Southern Faclflo. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger 7:40 a. m. 4:05 p. m 1:00 p.m. Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passanger . . - Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger ,. .. 110:15 a. m, f 5:55 p. m. . '. . . 12:00 noon Forest Grove jaaaenger NORTH BANK STATION. Eleventh and Hoyt Sts. finokane. Portland & Seattle Railway Co. t eovinp Portland Lyle Passenger . . . 7:30a. m. r Vancouver, w boh., oic v. ouu, - hh.. Salmon, Lyle. Goldendale and iutermediata Inland Empire Express...... 9:00a.m. For omcago, ol. i-ttu.. City St- Louis, Spokane, Washtucna. Kah lo tus. Pasco. Roosevelt, Graud(?alles. " Lyle White Salmon and Vancouver. Wash. Columbia ii ver . . . . . . . - Cliffs and intermediate points. North JrfanK uiiu'i. .............. ... .... T, QI" UQlCi-KU. 4-.ua uuiaiio, -v. rv ueja- -i.. ttt T.ouis. Btllines. Spokane. Wash tucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, . Van couver, w asn. Arriving Portland iWth Bank Limited 8:00 a. m. From UniCagU. -n- r vuiaiio. nriUM. Cltv St. Louis, Teilowstone Park, Spokane, Washtucna, Kahlotua, Pasco. Roosevelt, and Vancouver. " - Columbia River Local .10:30 a. m. . From OIUKH, uu.uciiu-iD, jjji . inm cmi- mon. Stevenson. Vancouver, Wash., and in- termeaiaie pu'iB- Inland Empire Express. ......... .8:15 p. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City St. Louis, Billings. Spokane. Wash tucna. Kahlotus. Pasco. Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendale. Lyle, White Salmon, Vancouver, Wash. Lyle Passenger 8.40p.m. From Lyle. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. Wash., and Intermediate points. --t Northern Railway Company. ""Leaving Portland 11th and Hoyt Sta 4 nrintal Limited, via Seattle 10:00a.m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7:00 p. m, international Limited. Seattle. Ta- coma and Vancouver. B. C 10:00 a. xn. n-hJ i owl l'' coma. Seattle and ?couveV; B. C... 5:00p.nu . . T in. Express, Tacoma, Se attle and Vancouver. B. C... .11:S0 p. m. irrlvlng Portland 11th and Hoyt Sts rvrtal Limited, via Seattla. ... 6:45 a.m. SrienS Tjmited. via North Bank 8:15 s. m. Th. Cl. Vancouver. B. C Seat- . tla and Tacoma 6:45 . m. via a-"" xoress, Vancouver. Shor Eipres Tacoma . . . 2:15 . , Infernatloiial Limited. Vancouver. "4 rr Seattle ana Tacoma 9:50 p.m. rarrl Oretron Electrlo Rnllvrsar Cow raTsenser tatto-TilojraTenersojt.. -jj.n.s.Um and Int. Points Local iITJ." Portland 6:30, 7:50. 11:00 A. M.. 2:00. ie-X S0 8 40 P. M. Local for Tualatin onr?' Salem, 9:15 A. M. Local for Wllson aT,d. .ndlnt Stations. 5:10 P. M. T,Hillmbor?For-t Grove and Intermedlat. T.rJr,tlSeav Portland 7:05, 8:30. 13:20 A. M 12!Ta 210, 3:30, 6:30, 8:25 P. M.. Sat- ur--rlv?e Portland Voni Salem and Int. Sta-SI8-40 11:00 A. M.. 1:15. 4:0U. 4:50. i?nn 8';0 10:50 P. M. Local from V.'llson lin. and Int. points. :40 A. M. dally (I Xi? Sunday and 7:35 A. M. dally. ce.Jlvt? Portland from Forest Orov and fr.t Stations 8 :00. 8:00. 11:40 A. M.. 1:30. 25b. ""o 8:10. 10:60 P. M. Bunday only. 4:Dept,MFrnt and Jefferson. Portland. On, 1 B 108.0